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Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - Hannibal - 04-15-2013

Quote: (04-15-2013 08:41 PM)slubu Wrote:  

Man I really wish I didn't click on that link with the pictures.

Yeah, I think I saw enough gore for the day.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - MidniteSpecial - 04-15-2013

Quote: (04-15-2013 06:54 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

War on foreign land is just television.

War in your front yard is war.

No one cares until they see blood on their own clothes.

Well said.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - kosko - 04-15-2013

Quote: (04-15-2013 06:42 PM)kosko Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 06:40 PM)Firestorm Wrote:  

Bombs go off every day across the middle east: No one gives a shit.
One bomb goes off in the US: The world stops turning in shock.

I feel bad for those who got killed, but not any more than anyone else out there.

Today was a bad day over there too:

Bombings in Iraq kill more than 30 people

This also happened today:

US bomb kills 30 at Afghan wedding

Why are they are letting these gore-ish images parade around the internet.

They don't even let that stuff creep up from Iraq or Libya yet they will display America gore for all to see.

This tragedy rots like a dead fish, they are getting Americans ready to see their own blood. I have never seen so much American gore so freely on display before, they usually put the clamp down on that stuff even... in the digital age.

We may have crossed a Rubicon with digital and social media but still there is always report button on those hosting sites.

I am not saying its some boogie man in the bushes or Obama making secret phone calls. I am simply just saying they are acclimating Americans to the idea of seeing their own blood in the streets. Because I have said as a person whom has followed American policy and conflict for most my life I have never seen so much American blood and guts so openly on display in my life... ever.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - A War You Cannot Win - 04-15-2013

Quote: (04-15-2013 06:54 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

War on foreign land is just television.

War in your front yard is war.

No one cares until they see blood on their own clothes.

I love working on US soil.

Let's step away from the cops = bad, conspiracy theory bullshit for now and have a moment for the casualties. I know what it's like to experience something like this first hand and I honestly wouldn't wish it on the fattest, loudest, femnazi or the slimiest, cock blocking beta male.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - Kingsley Davis - 04-15-2013


Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - Joga Bonito - 04-15-2013

Quote: (04-15-2013 08:24 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Someone trolled the governor during a press conference about the bombings

Although it seems obnoxious, it's actually a legitimate question. Alot of people don't know that people that the US has historically used the false flag strategy to create enemies and justify attacks on foreign countries. One example is the Gulf of Tonkin incident that preceded the Vietnam War after the US used it as a basis to invade Vietnam. Another great example is Operation Northwoods, which saw US agents plan to commit assasinations and terrorist attacks in Miami on innocent civilians and blame it on the Cuban government to generate consent for the Bay of Pigs invasion.


Operation Northwoods was a series of false flag proposals that originated within the United States government in 1962, but were rejected by the Kennedy administration.[2] The proposals called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), or other operatives, to commit perceived acts of terrorism in U.S. cities and elsewhere. These acts of terrorism were to be blamed on Cuba in order to create public support for a war against that nation, which had recently become communist under Fidel Castro.[3] One part of Operation Northwoods was to "develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington".

Operation Northwoods proposals included hijackings and bombings followed by the introduction of phony evidence that would implicate the Cuban government. It stated:

The desired resultant from the execution of this plan would be to place the United States in the apparent position of suffering defensible grievances from a rash and irresponsible government of Cuba and to develop an international image of a Cuban threat to peace in the Western Hemisphere.

Several other proposals were included within Operation Northwoods, including real or simulated actions against various U.S. military and civilian targets. The plan was drafted by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, signed by Chairman Lyman Lemnitzer and sent to the Secretary of Defense. Although part of the U.S. government's Cuban Project anti-communist initiative,

While Operation Northwoods never actually went through the false flagging has definitely been used in Northern Africa, which is a major cause of the power vacuum going on there at the moment.


The first US-Algerian “false flag” terrorist operation in the Sahara-Sahel was undertaken in 2003 when a group led by an “infiltrated” DRS agent, Amari Saifi (aka Abderrazak Lamari and “El Para’), took 32 European tourists hostage in the Algerian Sahara. The Bush administration immediately branded El Para as “Osama bin Laden’s man in the Sahara”.

The US government has a long history of using false flag incidents to justify military intervention. The thinking behind the El Para operation in 2003 can actually be traced directly to a similar plan conceived by the US Joint Chiefs of Staff 40 years earlier.

A few people have already called it in this thread, what happens remains to be seen, but one certainly shouldn't be surprised if a) we lose certain rights and liberties under the guise of protection b) we attack another country based off of contrived and doctored evidence.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - Vacancier Permanent - 04-15-2013

Very sad day. Just saw those pics posted and they are shocking.
My thoughts and prayers go to the victims of this coward act.

After this, the Feds will no doubt turn things up a few notches in terms of progressing and justifying their police state and totalitarian policies. I for one, wouldn't want to be living/traveling through the US at this time. And I certainly wouldn't be surprised one bit if this was indeed a false flag. The US government has shown endless times throughout history and around the world that they are perfectly capable of atrocities towards innocent civilians, first around the world and now on their own citizens.

Truly sad and tragic.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - Biz - 04-15-2013

Absolute chaos and pandemonium

I was literally 1/4 of a block away from one of the explosions

We were in a bar on the corner of exeter and newbury st and heard and felt the loudest explosion/noise of my life and the entire building shook, everyone stopped and was like WTF! Then the second one went off and we dashed out of the place and starting running toward comm ave.

People were running frantic with blood on their faces, cops were running.

It was a crazy scene, I thought it was going to be another 911...we were in complete shock and didn't know what to do.

Just glad we got out safe.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - Biz - 04-15-2013

have since heard that an old friend is in a coma right now...

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - NYJ - 04-15-2013

Quote: (04-15-2013 09:19 PM)kosko Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 06:42 PM)kosko Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 06:40 PM)Firestorm Wrote:  

Bombs go off every day across the middle east: No one gives a shit.
One bomb goes off in the US: The world stops turning in shock.

I feel bad for those who got killed, but not any more than anyone else out there.

Today was a bad day over there too:

Bombings in Iraq kill more than 30 people

This also happened today:

US bomb kills 30 at Afghan wedding

Why are they are letting these gore-ish images parade around the internet.

They don't even let that stuff creep up from Iraq or Libya yet they will display America gore for all to see.

This tragedy rots like a dead fish, they are getting Americans ready to see their own blood. I have never seen so much American gore so freely on display before, they usually put the clamp down on that stuff even... in the digital age.

We may have crossed a Rubicon with digital and social media but still there is always report button on those hosting sites.

I am not saying its some boogie man in the bushes or Obama making secret phone calls. I am simply just saying they are acclimating Americans to the idea of seeing their own blood in the streets. Because I have said as a person whom has followed American policy and conflict for most my life I have never seen so much American blood and guts so openly on display in my life... ever.

I'm in shock at the same thing man. It's right in the middle of newscasts on tv and what not. My heart goes out to the victims not only Boston but from other senseless attacks around the world. No one needs to be a victim of that shit.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - TheBMan - 04-15-2013

Quote: (04-15-2013 09:09 PM)MidniteSpecial Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 07:39 PM)reino341 Wrote:  


Id rather look at that than the kid from Louisville with his leg snapped.

that kid is going to be fine in a year. this dude just lost his legs forever.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - sucio44 - 04-15-2013

Mystery man on the roof near finish line.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - Kingsley Davis - 04-15-2013

Staged bombings?

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - MidniteSpecial - 04-15-2013

Quote: (04-15-2013 10:20 PM)TheBMan Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 09:09 PM)MidniteSpecial Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 07:39 PM)reino341 Wrote:  


Id rather look at that than the kid from Louisville with his leg snapped.

that kid is going to be fine in a year. this dude just lost his legs forever.

I know man. I know. Something is wrong with me. Dunno why I feel that way but I do.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - Deepdiver - 04-15-2013

Quote: (04-15-2013 10:20 PM)TheBMan Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 09:09 PM)MidniteSpecial Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 07:39 PM)reino341 Wrote:  


Id rather look at that than the kid from Louisville with his leg snapped.

that kid is going to be fine in a year. this dude just lost his legs forever.

Having walked this stretch of Boylston many many times in the 20+ years I worked in Boston the explosion residue leaves a forensics fingerprint and the culprits will be brought to justice. The concern now is the nearby major high end shopping mall that has emerged as a popular walk way from the Pru to Copley place and the many locations dirtbags can plant something along the way - unfortunately Boston's strength as an international center of knowledge and education is also a curse as it lets nefarious types like the Boston based 9-11 Al Qaeda hijackers hide out in plain sight. These dirtbags will be found and justice will be done.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - Pinch - 04-15-2013

I could have sworn I heard something when I was outside my house, but then again, I heard from a photographer on NPR that he was a mile away and he didn't even hear it.. Some fucked up shit..

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - MidniteSpecial - 04-15-2013

This is one of my favorite websites.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - sucio44 - 04-15-2013

Quote: (04-15-2013 10:49 PM)Kingsley Davis Wrote:  

Staged bombings?

Thats funny because I thought the two cops standing near the 1st blast didn't react the same as the others people in the area. Anyone else notice that? I love Alex Jones' war room situation--2 dudes watching tv.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - Pinch - 04-15-2013

An 8 year old boy was among the casualties... fuckin hell...

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - Blackhawk - 04-15-2013

Quote: (04-15-2013 09:19 PM)kosko Wrote:  

Why are they are letting these gore-ish images parade around the internet.

Because you can't suppress information in a free democracy.

The argument used to be to suppress all information about terrorist attacks because terrorists would study their results and use that information to improve their techniques and kill even more people in their next attack. Even at the cost of an uninformed public.

The 911 attack destroyed that response theory. The passengers of flight 93 found out about the other attacks through cell phones. And the attack was unsuccessful, even at the cost of sacrificing their own lives. As the public grew more informed, they, not the professionals, were instrumental in suppressing terrorists. Shoe bomber Richard Reid had his plan foiled (and his ass kicked) by fellow passengers, not the professionals. Although his security grilling and being denied entry to fly the previous day did help.

Today, the internet genie is out of the bottle. And everyone has a cell phone camera. Information can't be suppressed.

Want to believe the blood was photoshopped to an unnaturally bright red in those shots, or that the photographer had some weird setting like "vivid" that they didn't have time to turn off before taking those pictures. The blood almost matches the red solo cup in hue.

But some of the shots still have smoke in them, and it may be this is what it really looks like immediately after an attack. Anyone know?

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - TheRookie - 04-16-2013

All this speculation and paranoia. It's too bad people can't just say, "man that is fucked up that a sick person or people did that, I hope they are brought to justice and I feel bad for the people that lost their lives or got injured." Government and their servants in media have to use these events to grab more power, look strong and sensitive to boost their polls, and demonize some group that doesn't fit their political agenda. What's even worse is they are on record planning and staging false flags so you never really know the truth for many years, if it even does come out. They play the bomb blasts on loop on all the channels, even ESPN for Christ sake, and speculate about bullshit that isn't true for the whole day. The people, seeking something to distract them from their mundane paper-pushing existence, fall right into the mass-media hypnosis.

I will go about my normal business without fear rather than become a whiny, paranoid bitch speculating about, "gee, do you think that paper bag over there has a bomb in it? Will my train blow up?" No way to go through life. People will no doubt call for more security, more profiling, more police, and fewer freedoms over this, and it is a damn shame.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - WesternCancer - 04-16-2013

Man I've just been looking at all of the pictures. I admire the composure of the medical personnel.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - Vicious - 04-16-2013

This doesn't strike me as an Al-Qaeda plot. I'm going to call it as a domestic threat.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - EisenBarde - 04-16-2013

Let's wait and see who's prejudices carry the day.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - lavidaloca - 04-16-2013

My stomach has been queazy all day after coming across some of the gore pictures on a few forums. I suggest anyone who isn't highly tolerant of graphic material avoid looking despite how curious you are.