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Post game analysis.., - Riker - 10-17-2009

Gaming girls is getting tiring. I got two girls pissed off at me today and I felt bad. I want to go out there and meet people and try and get laid and I end up pissing two girls off. I did say a few retarded things but it grosses me out how nasty girls can get. I'm tired as hell, going to pass out now.

Post game analysis.., - CJ - 10-18-2009

Got to use the old go fuck yourself line again Thursday. I was drinking too much, and sometimes I end up talking to girls that are just... not as attractive as I'd talk to sober. Well, I was talking with this girl when her friend sits down at the table and very rudely says to the girl I was talking to, "Why are you talking to this douchebag?" And I politely asked why I'm a douchebag, she starts stuttering to come up with an answer, I mocked that and told her to go fuck herself. This was great for two reasons, #1 I never should've been talking to this girl in the first place, #2 I got a great laugh watching the expression on the friend's face change.

Still, not an effective manuever for continuing the conversation, but I'd wager that little bitch doesn't try her "douchebag" move again real soon, at least not without remembering me.

Post game analysis.., - Riker - 10-21-2009


This is the girl from the "not hurting a girl" and "3rd date and its her birthday" posts. I picked her up from the train station a couple blocks from my house and brought her home to my apartment. We had some dessert but I didn't open the champagne bottle cause she said she would drink half a glass and I'd be wasting it. I played her the song "I'm Yours" (I saw on her facebook that she loves it) on the guitar (learning guitar is awesome for game!) and then put on a movie. We kissed lightly throughout the movie and when it finished she faked seeming like she should leave but didn't mean it. We kept cuddling on the coach and we kept escalating slightly with her or I pulling back. She got so turned on it was awesome! My mindset was that I wasn't expecting sex or even wanting it cause I thought the sex would just be hotter the longer I had to wait, but of course I'd escalate as far as possible.

She would say sorry for being an "histerica" cause alot of times she would get really turned on and lose control and then pull back or put her hand on her forehead not believing what she was doing. I would just chill and smile. I breathed deep and tried to flood my body with the energy from my two sexual poles, my junk and my brain (cause you fantasize with your brain). I had read it in the book "The Way of the Superior Man: A spiritual guide to Sex, Work, and Women." And I imaged channeling my energy from my south pole and up my spine throughout my body with deep breaths.

She was really amazed how calm I was and even said "I can't believe how patient you are." I just smiled knowingly. I really did not care about having sex, I wanted to, but I didn't need to and I didn't pressure her at all and she felt that. Needless to say at some point I went to get a condom and when I came back she was under a blanket with her pants off. The sex was incredible.

I feel really good right now.

Post game analysis.., - CJ - 10-21-2009

Nice. Definitely enforces taking that laid back "so what/who cares" approach can be very effective. However, in future posts I'd really prefer not to read how you're channeling your sexual energy from your genitals!

Post game analysis.., - Riker - 10-21-2009

Haha, there I changed the wording to "junk" and "south pole"!

Post game analysis.., - Trotter - 10-22-2009

Straight from the lips today of a chick I've banged recently:

"I love that you won't take shit from me. They (other guys) always let me run em down."

There you have it fellas and that's word-for-word. Even if chicks don't say it the majority of them feel and think the same way. Although, I have to admit that I'm not sure what to make of it being that she actually said it.

Post game analysis.., - Kona - 10-23-2009

Quote: (10-21-2009 07:01 AM)Riker Wrote:  

I feel really good right now.

Nice job brah. I'm happy for you and feeling good myself.

You utilized some information recommended to you by the G. I also recently used his Vino Move. Lets send a big Mahalo his way!

Even though I'm not happy about the Jason Marz, you keep playing that guitar. I've been at it for years and credit a tremendous amount of the sex I've had to my Gibson. Maybe you should watch the video for that song Mr. Riker, they filmed it in my neighborhood. That damn skatepark in it cost 30 million taxpayer dollars. Nobody wanted it and he glorifies it in his gay ass little way. Its below sea fucking level and is flooded half the year. He had to get it pumped out for his bullshit. Tell your girl to love another song.

But hey, check the Aloha coming your way yet again!

I landed a blond in Phoenix at the Phoenix grocery store named Vanessa. Only on the mainland can you grab a girl like her out of the grocery line, to the bar, then the hotel room. The next night she came back and I wanted to see if I could add a third young lady to the equation. We headed to a Gentleman's Club but Vanessa seemed to be a little protective of me, and couldn't get into it. Funny thing was, the dancer I was most interested was also named Vanessa aka Cherry. It got me thinking, I land a lot of Vanessas. Is it me, or are Vanessas' attitudes more casual morally than other women?


Post game analysis.., - Basil Ransom - 10-24-2009

I fucked some gross chick last night, purely to even the score with my friend, 'cause I was down a notch (the others were pretty cute, plus an asian...). The whole hello-fuck-goodbye process took about an hour and a half. She offered to finish me off, I politely declined. When I asked for her number, out of politeness I think, she asked "So are you going to call me, or is this a matter of etiquette*?" To which I replied, "uh, I don't understand."

She insisted on pitch black room for sex. As I soon as I got out of there, I texted my friend "I fucked an ugly girl, you happy?"

Absolutely no fatties from now on. If I'm desperate to even the score again, I'll take a skinny ugly bitch. I feel disgusting right now.

*The sex columnist at my school wrote about it "one night standiquette," saying you should ask for the number for a one night stand regardless.


Definitely enforces taking that laid back "so what/who cares" approach can be very effective.
I've had a lot of success with the opposite approach too. Based off my experience, for slutty girls you want to be physically relentless - one girl I banged this semester had sworn to herself not to fuck guys any more the first night she met them. She had fucked 8 dudes before me. She told me all this (and is a little crazy to boot). So I knew it would just be a "battle of attrition." She told me I was the most "forceful" guy she'd been with.

The less slutty girls want to feel that you're going to stick around, and that you actually like them a little. At least if they're sober. Aggressiveness is helpful with them too, but you also have to pay much more attention to their emotions, eg build rapport, fake a connection, etc.

Post game analysis.., - CJ - 10-25-2009

You know when a football team loses, something like 44-13? After opening the game with a 10-0 lead? They get cocky, and know they should be able to easily win the game, and then blow it? That's essentially what happened on my date tonight. After opening strong, having the girl laughing and getting re-acquainted, and even smoking her stash, everything just fell apart. I mean, it was amazing, maybe more like a 17-0 lead to start, it was like how could this get messed up? But she really wanted to bounce and go see Paranormal, and I don't know why I'd be so cocky as to think, what can go wrong, it's a scary movie she'll be in my lap half-way through it, plus we're isolating from this group. That damn movie was so bad, it literally cock-blocked me! The girl was apologizing cuz the movie sucked so bad, and there was literally no recovery after that. The movie rattled off about 44 points, and at the end it was like I kicked a field goal just for practice. She claims she wants to hang out again, even after I flat out said that movie fucked up our night, it literally sucked all the energy out, and she agreed. Earlier in the night when things were going good she said she was glad she didn't blow me off like she normally does guys. I don't even know if I want to go through the trouble again though, I just want to remember all the missed opportunities, interceptions in the end zone and lost fumbles that could've been so easily prevented and study the tape so it doesn't happen again. Just glad to get this awful game out of the way before Vegas, kind of like a play-off bound team is glad to get popped real bad in week 16 or 17, rather than get annihilated in their opening play-off game.

Post game analysis.., - Kona - 10-28-2009

Quote: (10-28-2009 06:30 PM)BaltimoreBachelor Wrote:  

Been offline for a while, real life has been busy. Making final prep for my 3 weeker in argentina. I've approached 249 women since August 23 when I started on this kick. I have 7 numbers, a couple of makeouts, a notch, and two girls that I'm seeing right now.

Based on the available data, I manage to fuck 0.4% of the women I approach. Brutal.

I look forward to improving on that.

That's outstanding. That's like 5 approaches a day.

Are you keep as good of track of what you are doing/saying in these approaches as you are with the numbers?

Keep your head up.


Post game analysis.., - CJ - 10-28-2009

Ya, 5 approaches a day is awesome. Only 7 numbers is kind of perplexing as girls at the bar give out their numbers like candy on Halloween. I need to up my approaches per day, I know this, and I've got a plan to put into action when I get back from Vegas. Hopefully get some quality notches out there!

Post game analysis.., - Trotter - 10-29-2009

Quote: (10-28-2009 06:30 PM)BaltimoreBachelor Wrote:  

Been offline for a while, real life has been busy. Making final prep for my 3 weeker in argentina. I've approached 249 women since August 23 when I started on this kick. I have 7 numbers, a couple of makeouts, a notch, and two girls that I'm seeing right now.

Based on the available data, I manage to fuck 0.4% of the women I approach. Brutal.

I look forward to improving on that.

Or you could have done no approaches and basically be left with sitting around home with blue balls and masturbating to Miley Cyrus in your underwear while smearing peanut butter all over yourself.

Don't focus too much on the percentage. Getting laid period is the important battle. Good job.

Post game analysis.., - Riker - 10-31-2009

Another night in Buenos Aires, I went to a club called Asia de Cuba. It was really nice with lots of foreigners.

My wing is this really social older good looking Argentinian dude. He has trouble opening but after I open and I bring him in he spits great game and is very funny. Trouble is this is the 3rd time he comes in and gets the hottest girl from the group of 2 or 3 girls depending on the set. He has better game and is better looking than me so unless I especially hit it off with my target I'm fucked. This time it was 2 Chilean girls, the target an 8 and the friend a 6.5.

I'm a lot more social thanks to the dude and his humor has rubbed off on me so indirectly he's gotten me some lays but it still sucks to have this happen. It usually pisses me off cause we game the girls for a while and then I don't even want to go for the less attractive girl and I get in a bad mood so I lose my game to get other sets. Its weird I get like "mini-crushes" on girls and then when my wing is making out with them it bothers me.

Damn it I want to be a funnier dude... you guys have any tips for that?

Post game analysis.., - College Game - 11-01-2009

Halloween is the best day of the year to get laid, without a doubt.

Had the threesome, and then again in the morning.

What is great about the threesome, among many things, is there is no rush, you can just sit back for a few and let them go at it for a while, and then get back into the action. Plus, you can avoid all the foreplay and just be johhny on the spot with the cock.


Was at a party and going pretty good with this Hungarian broad, we made out, did an upskirt, and she tried to get me to leave with her but I knew the threesome was coming.

Going to Central America in two days,

life is f*cking good.

Post game analysis.., - Kona - 11-03-2009

Quote: (11-01-2009 04:36 PM)College Game Wrote:  

Had the threesome


My first threesome was a major turning point in my life.

Please share some details. Let us know how you set it up.


Post game analysis.., - College Game - 11-04-2009

Quote: (11-03-2009 06:10 PM)Kona Wrote:  

Quote: (11-01-2009 04:36 PM)College Game Wrote:  

Had the threesome


My first threesome was a major turning point in my life.

Please share some details. Let us know how you set it up.


I felt like it was a big turning point as well, as if it has substantially raised my expectations of women, sex, and of life in general.

As for technique I think it was just that the stars were aligned. I have been banging this girl, we will call her Suzy, for a few months and she is pretty into me. There was a time, and still is, that she wants a relationship. I think the threesome factors into that to a degree. She has slept with girl B, we will call her Lucy, a few times, and suggested to me a few weeks ago. I told her I would be down, but was generally aloof to the idea, and showed no tangible interest in it.

On Halloween we met up and went to a party. I ran moderate game on her but she just got pretty drunk so it was pretty easy. I treated it as if it was going to happen, so I didn't really need to game. Throughout the night Suzy kept whispering into Lucy's ear that they should go home and sleep with me. In the meantime I was gaming a Hungarian broad, and made out for a bit. They pulled me off her and we left.

From there it was downhill, and then again of course in the morning. I could have statyed around and had sex all afternoon but, hey, threesome or not, I have things to do.

So the only thing I can think of in terms of technique were a general aloofness, I wasn't acting like a 16 year old boy overly excited for the idea. Also, jealousy factor, as I was working up to close with the Hungarian.

They had their own thing going, Suzy and I had our own thing going, and the two just crossed paths.

Post game analysis.., - Riker - 11-05-2009


Today is exactly 4 weeks after I ended a 6 month dry spell and last night I had my 3rd notch since then! It was my first night in Miami and I went to this Milonga to dance tango. When I come in this girl is filming people and I thought I might know her so I sneak up behind her and grab her shoulders going for a slight scare and a hug. She looks back and I realize I don't know her but we started talking. She was like a 6... allright I'm going to keep it real she was a 5.5 but she was really sexual which was a plus. She's Ecuadorian and she has lots of money, after kissing her outside her car I told her we should go drink some wine at her apartment and she in an attempt to not be so easy suggested a bar. I appreciated the "histeriqueo" and after we went to the bar for a beer I led her to her Benz, went in and heated up the petting until she was telling me "lets go to my place." I talk like an Argentinian and use alot of their slang now, I think that really helped. Plus having a 8 as a regular back in baires really helped me not give a shit.

Anyways that's the most girls Ive ever been with in less than 30 days, I feel like girls can just smell the testosterone on me! [Image: smile.gif]

Post game analysis.., - Kona - 11-05-2009

Quote: (11-05-2009 08:05 AM)Riker Wrote:  


I feel like girls can just smell the testosterone on me!

I can smell it all the way out here Riker.

Keep up the good work.


Post game analysis.., - Roosh - 11-08-2009

I gotta drop in on this thread more often.

[Image: hump.gif]

Post game analysis.., - Tama - 11-08-2009

Yeah Riker! Laying pipe in exotic soil! That´s the only way to live!

Mad props man, I look forward to getting a play-by-play when you´re back.

Post game analysis.., - deadgabacho - 11-08-2009

Quote: (10-31-2009 03:09 AM)Riker Wrote:  

Damn it I want to be a funnier dude... you guys have any tips for that?

If I have one natural talent its charisma and the ability to speak. That aside, one day around age ~16 my Dad told me I really have to work on telling a coherent story. I used to say a lot of stupid "had to be there" stuff. He said to start paying closer attention to stories told on Howard Stern. So I've copied elements that I've found in really funny stories you hear. And it's not funny content, it's all about how you say it and play off your audience.

Being rude/sweet is a good way to be funny too. Silly/rude, along the vibe of "breaking up" with a girl because she gasps when you tell her you like star trek or david bowie.

But really, learn to tell a good story. Short and sweet, paint the picture, introduce the actors and make allusions, people suck at story-telling cause they cant differentiate between what is worth saying and what they dont need to know. dont overdo the details, never back up. You can talk about being nervous in line at circle K because the weird people in line, depending on how you say this you'll sound like a hypersensititve weirdo or you'll convey the seinfeld it was awkward and i'm dumping it on you vibe.

Or if you're telling a story and she drifts or you lose your train of thought just kiss her cause shes looking in your eyes and it stops an awkward moment.. "oops sry, lost my train of thought" [Image: banana.gif]

Post game analysis.., - Riker - 11-08-2009

Thanks I'm going to try that! I've never listened to Howard Stern either. My story telling needs a lot of work.

Post game analysis.., - Trotter - 11-09-2009

There's a book that David D'angelo recommends about learning how to tell jokes more effectively. I actually bought it and read it though I can't remember the name of it off the top of my head. I'll have to go home and find it again. Maybe Roosh knows because he mentioned he followed David D for a bit.

Post game analysis.., - Riker - 11-15-2009

I went out on Friday and met this girl who was really cool and we talked for while on the couch of a club one on one. Her friends were nearby though and I didn't want to go for the kiss. I wanted to create a lot of attraction but make her work to keep me interested as well and I wanted to make sure to get a date with her cause she seemed like possible relationship or at least friends with benefits material and not just a bang and forget.

I'm not really trying to approach everything I think is bangable anymore and only want to get with girls that are hotter than my regular. Kind of think I'm losing out on a lot of practice cause I'm not trying as hard to get as many dates and not approaching as much unless a girl really stands out.

Having feelings and being emotional seems like its kind of slowing me down and having some betaness creep in. But I can't just be a cold dude and not give a shit. My regular is getting really attached and she told me "te quiero" for the first time which is the soft version of "i love you" ("te amo" means I'm in love with you) I told her I did too, it kind of came out. I like her alot but I know I want to experience so many other girls and probably won't want a girlfriend for a while. I think I should tell her this next time I see her cause she might be getting her hopes up that it will only take a couple more months for me to commit. Its going to suck though cause she'll probably stop seeing me after a few months pass and I don't commit and its going to be painful. I just want to decide what I want to do and forget about it, recently I've been spending a decent amount of time brooding over it.

Post game analysis.., - Tama - 11-16-2009

Riker... I know exactly what you mean. It´s tough to shake the inner romantic, and maybe you don´t really want to, y´know? But I think you got the right idea. Maybe the trick isn´t to give up on love, but to just stop actively searching for it.

My thinking is this: Your job is to score poon, and it´s the poon´s job to convince you that, no, you got it all wrong, this poon is actually your dream girl and you should commit to her. Not that I actually know what I´m talking about, but that´s more or less my operating philosophy these days.