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Filed for divorce, starting over at age 35 - Printable Version

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Filed for divorce, starting over at age 35 - worldwidetraveler - 03-18-2015

Quote: (03-18-2015 10:22 PM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

Soon-to-be-ex signed the final divorce papers. I was worried that she would find a way to divorce-rape me at the last minute, but once the papers were signed, the danger of that was greatly reduced. All we need to do now is get the judge to sign it in court, and I'm completely FREE! Haven't gotten a court date yet, but it should be in about two weeks.

Congrats man. You will find food tastes better, the air is more fresh, the sun warmer... haha

Filed for divorce, starting over at age 35 - vinman - 03-19-2015

Quote: (03-18-2015 10:22 PM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

Soon-to-be-ex signed the final divorce papers. I was worried that she would find a way to divorce-rape me at the last minute, but once the papers were signed, the danger of that was greatly reduced. All we need to do now is get the judge to sign it in court, and I'm completely FREE! Haven't gotten a court date yet, but it should be in about two weeks.

[Image: highfive.gif]

Filed for divorce, starting over at age 35 - CleanSlate - 03-23-2015

Just got a message from the step kid's email address:

"I love you please come back"

Looked at these words for a good minute. Then I started to wonder who really wrote this. The kid, or the ex wife? I checked my google calendar which still has her's shared on mine... she does have the kid tonight. The message was sent at close to 10 pm, which is almost an hour past his bedtime.

Hmmm. [Image: dodgy.gif]

Any wagers? And in the off chance that it is indeed from the kid, what do I say?

Filed for divorce, starting over at age 35 - Gringuito - 03-23-2015

Quote: (03-23-2015 10:34 PM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

Just got a message from the step kid's email address:

"I love you please come back"

Looked at these words for a good minute. Then I started to wonder who really wrote this. The kid, or the ex wife? I checked my google calendar which still has her's shared on mine... she does have the kid tonight. The message was sent at close to 10 pm, which is almost an hour past his bedtime.

Hmmm. [Image: dodgy.gif]

Any wagers? And in the off chance that it is indeed from the kid, what do I say?

You don't need anyone to answer that, you know the mom was involved one way or the other. First, finish the divorce and get the judges signature. Then you can decide how you want to be in your step child's life. You can make the ex a plate if you want. Do not derail the signed orders.

edit: I personally wouldn't answer until the judge signs. Then I would contact your ex and say you'd like to talk about how to continue your relationship with your stepchild/children. Just don't let your ex use them to get to you.

Filed for divorce, starting over at age 35 - samsamsam - 03-23-2015

Gringuito is right. Stay the course. You are so close to the end goal.

If asked about it later, you could say you didn't see the email.

Filed for divorce, starting over at age 35 - CleanSlate - 03-23-2015

^ You're right. I'm not going to answer at all. It could be a trick to sway the judge into doing something that I don't want. And yes she's involved one way or another.

Manipulative bitch.

Filed for divorce, starting over at age 35 - Gringuito - 03-23-2015

Quote: (03-23-2015 10:59 PM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

^ You're right. I'm not going to answer at all. It could be a trick to sway the judge into doing something that I don't want. And yes she's involved one way or another.

Manipulative bitch.

Dont be surprised if you get a call from the stepchild. Prepare yourself for that. Does your STBX have a beta bucks already lined up? That makes the process much easier for you

Filed for divorce, starting over at age 35 - CleanSlate - 03-23-2015

Quote: (03-23-2015 11:06 PM)Gringuito Wrote:  

Dont be surprised if you get a call from the stepchild. Prepare yourself for that. Does your STBX have a beta bucks already lined up? That makes the process much easier for you

My phone doesn't have a voice plan and therefore can't pick up voice calls (I'm deaf) so no problem there.

I don't know if she has a BB lined up (and I don't really care), but she shares joint custody with the boy's father.

Filed for divorce, starting over at age 35 - Gringuito - 03-23-2015

At this point in the process you shouldn't be having any contact with your ex, except through your lawyer.

A false domestic violence claim is something that you need to be aware of. Some women use this when things aren't going their way. Don't let yourself be put into a situation where she could do that.

Filed for divorce, starting over at age 35 - Simeon_Strangelight - 03-24-2015

Quote: (03-23-2015 10:34 PM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

Just got a message from the step kid's email address:

"I love you please come back"

Looked at these words for a good minute. Then I started to wonder who really wrote this. The kid, or the ex wife? I checked my google calendar which still has her's shared on mine... she does have the kid tonight. The message was sent at close to 10 pm, which is almost an hour past his bedtime.

Hmmm. [Image: dodgy.gif]

Any wagers? And in the off chance that it is indeed from the kid, what do I say?

Don't fall for that. Women are using their kids for manipulation regularly during divorce.

A buddy of mine is considering divorce and the only thing that hurts him is the kid, that he will start seeing less. He can afford a divorce easily, but he knows that his ex will use his son against him big-time.

I agree with the other comments here on what to do.

Filed for divorce, starting over at age 35 - Parlay44 - 03-24-2015

You need to smash through some quantity the next few years and get this one-itis bug out of your system.

Filed for divorce, starting over at age 35 - vinman - 03-24-2015

That CUNT is at the root of this. It's like the demon in The Exorcist, she will use your love, and protective instincts as weaknesses against you. Stay strong.

Filed for divorce, starting over at age 35 - Parlay44 - 03-24-2015

It only goes to show how bad women have gotten. A single mom with a kid still has options for cock. You'd think she'd be considered undesirable by male standards and that she'd be appreciative to have a decent guy like yourself. And you'd think she'd snap out of the slutty mentality all that you offer would be enough for her and her kid's future. Guess not.

That's what happens when society white knights for women and creates unlimited welfare resources. They never fully commit to a man because society is there waiting with a paycheck for them.

Filed for divorce, starting over at age 35 - CleanSlate - 03-26-2015

The nerve of that bitch.

Here's the latest in my little divorce saga:

She emails me today and asks if I could help her out with buying a house for her and her son. Basically she's asking for a little "extra money to round up her down payment for a new house in order to live in a good neighborhood." She also says "it would be good for my son, and he'll thank you for it when he grows up."

It's a much longer email than I'm posting on here, but you don't want to read the whole thing... basically it's her Hamster on STEROIDS running in overdrive.

Now, let's see here:

A) She cheated on me.
B) She treated me like shit.
C) And I FILED for fucking divorce!
D) I moved my shit out SO FAST she didn't know what hit her.
E) I've already banged 2 chicks and made out with 3 since I moved out.
F) I'm going to the fucking Philippines as a Man on a Mission, the mission being to bang a dozen tight Pinays!

Given all THAT, what in the hell makes her think that I'm going to give her some extra money to help get her in a nice cushy home where she could hop back on a part-time cock carousel while still having the ability to spoil the fuck out of her son????

[Image: laugh3.gif]

She may be a female, but THIS is her JACKED UP Hamster right here!!!!!

[Image: malehamster.gif]


Filed for divorce, starting over at age 35 - iamdegaussed - 03-26-2015

Radio fucking silence man. If asked "what e-mails? Sorry my internet has been weird lately."

Stay the course and get that cunt out of your life for good.

Filed for divorce, starting over at age 35 - worldwidetraveler - 03-26-2015

Quote: (03-26-2015 11:12 PM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

The nerve of that bitch.

Here's the latest in my little divorce saga:

She emails me today and asks if I could help her out with buying a house for her and her son. Basically she's asking for a little "extra money to round up her down payment for a new house in order to live in a good neighborhood." She also says "it would be good for my son, and he'll thank you for it when he grows up."

It's a much longer email than I'm posting on here, but you don't want to read the whole thing... basically it's her Hamster on STEROIDS running in overdrive.


Since the divorce isn't final, send everything to your lawyer and have him contact her lawyer asking to stop all communications while the divorce is still in progress. It obviously isn't a coincidence her son sent you that text and now this. Use your lawyer as the bad guy here and let him/her stop all communications. The last thing you want to do is piss her off to where she decides to drag this out longer.

Filed for divorce, starting over at age 35 - CleanSlate - 03-26-2015

She doesn't have a lawyer, but I notified mine of her request and asked for advice.

Filed for divorce, starting over at age 35 - samsamsam - 03-26-2015

CS, I don't mean this in any negative way, but that son is a step son for you? I am trying to recall what I have read on this thread. Do you have biological children with her?

Hang tough and work with your lawyer as you are. That is what he (I assume you have a male lawyer) is there for.

You are almost free brother.

[Image: shawshank_redemption_tim_robbins_andy_dufresne_r.jpg]

I dare anyone to find a more appropriate pic than that one. A great friggin movie. I double dog dare you.

Filed for divorce, starting over at age 35 - CleanSlate - 03-26-2015

Stepson, yes. We don't have any biological kids nor any adopted children.

Filed for divorce, starting over at age 35 - worldwidetraveler - 03-26-2015

Quote: (03-26-2015 11:28 PM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

She doesn't have a lawyer, but I notified mine of her request and asked for advice.

That's ok, your lawyer may still contact her to inform her all communications go through them. You don't want to communicate directly with her until after everything is finalized. I imagine you won't want to even after that. hah

Filed for divorce, starting over at age 35 - Gringuito - 03-27-2015

CleanSlate, you'll notice a repeated pattern from all of us that have gone through this process: Radio silence, don't engage, don't respond. These attempts to pull you into her frame will only increase as the date for the judge gets closer. You need to be strong and resolute or the process could still be derailed and prolonged. You'd be surprised how much a judge will bend over backward to help a poor damsel in distress if she shows the tears.

You mentioned that she's pro-se (i.e. she isn't represented by an attorney)? I'm surprised you're not required to pay for her attorney. If she's not represented the judge will normally be even more lenient to her. It's not over to he signs the documents.

Filed for divorce, starting over at age 35 - CleanSlate - 03-27-2015

She did not seek an attorney, and she already signed the divorce papers. All there's left is the prove-up, which, according to my lawyer, is just a formality. Only I need to attend, and her attendance isn't required. Still, I will wait to hear from my lawyer about these requests (and I'm continuing radio silence as well). Rest assured I have my eyes on the ball here.

Filed for divorce, starting over at age 35 - Gringuito - 03-27-2015

Quote: (03-27-2015 12:09 AM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

She did not seek an attorney, and she already signed the divorce papers. All there's left is the prove-up, which, according to my lawyer, is just a formality. Only I need to attend, and her attendance isn't required. Still, I will wait to hear from my lawyer about these requests (and I'm continuing radio silence as well). Rest assured I have my eyes on the ball here.

You're miles ahead of many guys that just fall on their nice-guy sword and give everything the ex wants to avoid a fight. I'm confident that your lawyer will tell you that if a judge doesn't order you to do something, you simply don't have to do it. Any requests/demands/threats by your STBX will make excellent toilet paper. If she puts them in front of your judge and he rules on them then take that seriously.

Filed for divorce, starting over at age 35 - Simeon_Strangelight - 03-27-2015

I would refer from answering that request now.
You might consider a non-commital "I'll think about it." But it's wise to wait for the divorce to go through completely as the law gives them ample opportunity to derail a divorce at the last second.

With divorce law going the way it does - even a final divorce is not final enough as women have started suing their exes for money some 20 years after having split up - especially if the man has become extremely successful.

But I don't want to worry you here - you can bet your ass that if your assets were in the 100+ mio. $ range, then you would not be going off so easily. Apart from that you have no child support and the child is not officially yours - leaving love aside, children are a woman's first weapon in divorce.

Filed for divorce, starting over at age 35 - Socrates - 03-27-2015

Quote: (03-26-2015 11:12 PM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

he'll thank you for it when he grows up."

HE will thank you for it, but she won't. Nice. At least she isn't making any false promises for herself.