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The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014 - Helmutnl - 10-31-2014

Quote: (10-30-2014 01:07 PM)Blick Mang Wrote:  

- Not a ONS culture at all, but 2nd/3rd dates are guaranteed
- Social circle game prevails. If you want to meet girls, make friends with dudes first.
- Tinder/dating sites are a waste of time
- Most confident girls in Europe in bed

So German girls normally need about 2 or 3 dates to loosen up, thats cool.
They have cool dating sites in Germany with some excellent quality sometimes.
Are you saying German girls are confident in Bed out of experience or in general?
And would shy or beta and slender guys who have German dudes score well?

The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014 - HighSpeed_LowDrag - 11-01-2014

DAY 70 - 31/10/2014

Went to Halo with a wingman since they have free entry for students on Fridays, and my friend wants to be on the Kiez.

It was their Halloween party - place was packed to the rafters with chicks. Figure that'd be optimal, right? Nope - since most of them were focused on partying in their group rather than meeting new guys.

And my wing wasn't much help, either. Approach anxiety level over 9000. Well into my first approach (a two-set), I had to physically pull him over How-I-Met-Your-Mother style to get him to introduce himself. We hit the dance floor later and he refuses to dance with the other guys as I'm dancing with mine. I want to smack him, but I can't do anything about it and the girls end up running off without us. He left soon after making excuses about ... I don't even really know what.

After that, a flurry of blowouts and conversations that end up going nowhere. One of the approaches, I had to deal with not one, not two, but three German guys continually trying to cockblock me, one after the other after the other. Damn, these guys can be fucking relentless when they want to be.

Started to lose count of how many approaches I was making.

Ended by managing to grab at least one number - pretty cute girl at least. Was really excited to get to speak English with me. After her I basically called it a night (0300 by this point) since I was tired as hell and I'm trying to save money for Poznan in a week's time. I've officially hit the burnout stage with this city - at least for nightgame. I'm going out more out of a sense of noblesse oblige to the forum - and because it's still better than sitting at home with my dick in my hand.

D2 tonight with the chick I met at the bus station. We'll see how that goes.

The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014 - HighSpeed_LowDrag - 11-01-2014

DAY 71 - 01/11/2014

Met my chick I mentioned earlier tonight in front of the Apple Store near Jungfernstieg.

She had her phone out as we were walking to the first venue - I looked down at it. It was a photo of her hugging some other guy. I had a sinking feeling in my stomach cause I knew exactly what it meant.

I half-heartedly asked her "Wow, your brother looks really goofy" with a smirk, hoping against all chance that it was that.

Nope. It was her boyfriend. Of course.

So I decided to see if I could draw her out for potentially being willing to get some on the side. We went to the bar and got a couple beers - I led the conversation along from stories about us getting drunk to travelling to girls/dating culture. At some point, I mentioned how I had had a relationship that I had to end because the girl was really jealous and paranoid, and she ended up mentioning how her boyfriend was one of the pretty jealous types. I tried pressing to see if I could turn that against him - and she ended up saying that she kinda liked when he was jealous, cause it meant "that he cared."

We ended up talking for a pretty long while, but as it became clearer that I was interested in being more than just friends, she was emphatic in saying that it would just be that. Nice girl to talk to, on top of being pretty hot - but it was clear to me I wouldn't be able to turn her.

I've had it mentioned to me by a German history professor here at the University that Germany is a very "say what you mean, mean what you say" culture. They don't really do subtlety and implicit understanding here. Girls are more than willing to go have drinks with a guy without any implicit romantic subtext, and will not at all mention anything about a boyfriend or relationship status unless you explicitly ask.

Lesson learned, I guess.

The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014 - Brian Shima - 11-01-2014

I'm not understand these German girls meeting and going out with you if they have a boyfriend. Can someone explain?

The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014 - Branimir - 11-01-2014

It's hard to use game on german girls, as most of the time it's inapplicable to them.
To me gaming these girls is like seducing a big human sized bag of potatos that you have to tow everywhere with you as it won't move by itself or react to anything you say.

Compared to Germany Poland will be a cakewalk for you, girls there are like cute little dog puppies that , once you have their attention after you've done your first move, will stick to you and follow you without you needing to do anything.

The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014 - sheesh - 11-02-2014

It's not the norm that girls meet with other guys when in a relationship but it's not impossible either. There is no dating culture in Germany like in the US so going with a girl for a coffee/drink doesn't necessarily mean that there is sexual interest involved. Over here you really never know so you will have to make your intentions somewhat clear.

Regarding online dating in Germany, I think it's the same as with hooking up in a club - most people think that both options are for losers who don't have a social circle. Social circles though are tightly knit and Germans are very good at keeping others out of it, hence the omnipresent cockblocking, which is usually the only game German guys have.

On Badoo, the difference between EE/FSU talent and German "talent" is very noticeable, the latter being very low. I can only imagine what the quality must be on the streets in FSU when I see what is available online.

The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014 - Brian Shima - 11-02-2014

How do German guys game while in other countries if they are out of their social circle environment? It would seen one could easily get German girls if the guys are that passive

The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014 - HighSpeed_LowDrag - 11-02-2014

Quote: (11-02-2014 07:36 AM)Brian Shima Wrote:  

How do German guys game while in other countries if they are out of their social circle environment? It would seen one could easily get German girls if the guys are that passive

German guys gaming outside of their social circle is really rare, I think.

Gaming while in other countries? Pretty sure they wouldn't at all.

Like I've mentioned before - the only other people I see doing cold approaches are either tourists from North America/other European countries, or immigrants/ethnic minorities. German guys? Virtually zero.

Remember that Germany has probably the most liberal prostitution laws in the Western world. Guys don't need to do cold approaches to get laid - they can just go round the corner and look for any one of the huge number of prostitutes that you'll find. Here on the Kiez, if you go south of the Reeperbahn around the Herbertstrasse they absolutely litter the place. And more than enough of them (the guys) probably make enough money that they can do it on the semi-reg. No way that a prostitution industry could be this established in a country, have this much supply, if there wasn't at least an equivalent amount of demand.

The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014 - Helmutnl - 11-02-2014

I'd say dating sites like Finya or could have good results in cities like Hamburg or München..

The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014 - Flint - 11-02-2014

Hey rytech, I'm German, too, and I'm sorry to hear you're having such a hard time in Hamburg. I've only been to the city once and liked it very much.

I'm currently living abroad but I was recently in Germany for a few weeks and could secure three new bangs. Here are some of my, unorganized, thoughts on the current state of dating in Germany and on your experiences. But quite honestly: Even to me as a native the dating dynamics in this country remain a mystery.

1) Social circle game is king Like most others have already emphasized, you can bet that 90% of all Germans get laid and get into relationships via social circles. As I was abroad for a while, I missed out a lot and had to realize that almost all of my friends are now locked up in LTRs. A lot of guys end up with girls from their hometowns and regions.

Like others have said, it's hard to break into these established, closed social circles, even for Germans. I recommend to seek social circles, that are open or semi-open to strangers. Find a niche with good ratios: theatre, yoga groups, electronic music, arts, vernissages, foreign language clubs, dancing schools etc.

Especially, the formal dancing should not be underestimated. Last month I went to Swing dance event in Berlin and was flabberghasted by the talent. Granted, there were a lot of couples but also many sweet and well-dressed girls with gay or omega dance partners.

2) Online game sucks Granted, I got a couple of bangs from online game but in general the quality and the ROI are low, especially in the age group 18 to 28. (I succesfully gamed cougars online, though) Don't waste your time with that. It also has a social stigma. Most Germans would consider you a loser if you look for girls online. It doesn't have yet the same acceptance as in North America.

3) You can survive on night game only. In Berlin. You make it sound like Hamburg nightlife is tough, not just door-policy-wise. Do yourself a favor and check out Berlin more often. While the talent is definitely not as good as in Eastern Europe, it's the place to be for SNLs. The city has world class and affordable nightlife. Tons of tourists, foreign exchange students, locals and party sluts. Most guys don't approach, but you don't even need an opener. Confident body language and semi-decent dancing skills are usually enough to secure a makeout. Honestly, if you can't get laid here, you can't get laid anywhere else.

4) Looks If I understood you correctly, you're more the buff, military type. While that itself shouldn't deter you from approaching, it's my experience that this is in many cases not what most German girls prefer. Don't get me wrong: muscles are always good but a Ryan Gosling would always do better here than a Vin Diesel. At least, I don't see any of those gorillas having really hot girls on their side. As a rule of thumb: The more educated she is the more prejudices she will have against your muscles.

Apart from that, I wrote a post a couple of months ago that covers some of your issues.


As a German or an American who speaks the language you simply cannot use all the concepts of game like it is taught by Strauss or Roosh and expect it to work exactly like in the US. The way Germans socialize and forge friendships is quite different from what people usually do in America and many other countries.

The situation has improved over the years, I think, but in general it is safe to say that small talk is still widely unheard of and the concept is alien to most Germans. A few examples: while it is perfectly acceptable in Britain or the US to say "Beautiful weather, isn't it?" to a random stranger, many Germans would think you must be weird and have some mental issues in order to say that to someone you don't know. In Anglophone countries it's pretty common to ask "How is it going/How are you doing?" to greet people and to introduce yourself. You can reasonably expect that the other person says good, fine or great in 95% of the cases, even if they feel bad. The question simply serves a social function and for native speakers it is clear that it is just chitchat that has no meaning. In German, "How you doing" will always be understood as a literal question and as a native speaker I only ask this people whom I know and who I actually care about. In addition to that, Germans put things quite literally and are not very subtle when it comes to conversations, especially when they speak English. The playful, ironic banter you can enjoy with people of both sexes in the US and Britain is existent here to an extent but not very entrenched in the everyday life. Also, people in general do not use the term friend lightly. Americans call everyone they know and like a friend, in Germany you would more often just be a buddy or good acquaintance. It takes several months until people consider you a real friend but then they will be extremely loyal to you.

All of which, affects the way you need to game German girls. When I lived in the US, I could be sober, walk up to a girl at a party and say things like "Hey girl, how is it going?" I think I had the foreigner bonus at the campus I was studying at, so I felt that this was not exactly the greatest but a legitimate way to strike up a conversation with a girl. It never hurt me, at least.

The same sentence in German would be something like "Na Kleine, wie geht's? Alles klar bei dir?" but phrased like this you can't say it to the overwhelming majority of girls because it would come off as incongruent and unnatural to her ears. Also, despite all the rants about American feminism, I think when a man walks up to a woman in the US, it is clear to both parties what it's about it and I found it easier to create sexual tension with American girls as they also push for it when they like you and they accept their roles in the game. Not so your Fräuleins: first, German guys rarely approach and she is just not used to it. Many German girls sound extremely rational and robotic when you talk to them as if you are about to negotiate an insurance policy. It's like they never learned how to be sweet, seductive and feminine when they talk to a guy.

So, how to game here then? I agree that most German guys get laid and date through social circles. If you ask people how they met their girlfriends in 98% they will say through friends, study groups at university, work, common hobbies or a sports club. While this seems the usual way people find their partners around the world, at least among my British and American friends I hear WAY more often stories like "Well, I saw this chick in a book store and asked for her number" than from Germans.

If you come here, social circle game is certainly a safe bet but I daresay cold approaching works fine during the day and in clubs can get you laid just as well. SNLs in cities other than Munich, Berlin, Hamburg or Köln are rare but it's possible. Like BoiBoi said, Berlin is without a doubt the best place for it. Period. There are countless illegal open air raves and street festivals in the summer as well as great electronic music clubs, and if you have your shit together you can pull here with ease and even fuck in the venue. If you have an exotic bonus like TheDealCloser and greekkamaki, it will only help you and many chicks dig well-dressed "ethnic" guys (for the lack of a better word, since Germany is so white).

Another advice: Go direct.

I only started to cold approach abd to daygame last year, so my experience is sort of limited but I made the observation that you should not beat about bush when you walk up to girl. Like I said, people here don't get subtleties, so don't try Day Bang-style elderly chat but make your intentions clear from the very first moment on. Work on a sonorous voice, show a calm and confident demeanor, tell her what you think of her and go for the number close. No frills, no palm-reading bullshit, no negging. After I tried it a few times, I was surprised how powerful it is. In the last four months I only made about 20 approaches (result: 9 numbers, 5 dates, 1 bang, otherwise very polite and relatively pleasant rejections) but it convinced me enough to do rely more on daygame. Also, several girls, even 7s and 8s, told me that they were never approached by a guy during the day before which made me wonder.

The problem with indirect game is that you might get her into a conversation that feels good and she might even give her your number. But when you ask for a date, she acts completely surprised as she already has a boyfriend and was just trying to friendzone you. Male-female interactions here are very asexual and it's a common move. The female mindset is rather something like: "Why is he not interested in discussing genetically modified corn and renewable energies with me and my boyfriend? Why does he wants to be alone with me and go to a bar?"

TL;DR If you wanna have SNLs, go to Berlin. Use direct game during the day and filter out the boring chicks as there are plenty of them. Don't expect normal female behavior and adjust your game to extremely rational-minded girl types.

The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014 - Helmutnl - 11-02-2014

So German girls normally would prefer a witty, spruce and slender guy with brains over a macho, alpha and muscular guy??

The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014 - Naughty_Boy - 11-03-2014

Solid post from Flint. Direct Daygame is imo the best choice and you avoid dating someone with a boyfriend. In clubs you can stick to indirect. But I have to admit that my friends and I didnt have a 50% Direct Daygame NC qouta as Flint. Mine varies more around 20-25%.

About muscles:
Most important to nothern German girls in guys is the height, followed by the face and then muscles.
So if you are a jacked bald small dude you have worse chances compared to a tall normal dude (that is not hardcore skinny).

Also no german girl likes a hardcore guy that tries to escalate within the first meetup or date because she would feel like being a slut.
I personally would never try to kissclose in a club unless she is totally isolated and sends you very direct signals (by being drunk, touchy or eyefucking you) otherwise just go for the NC. At Nightgame the supply on dudes is so high that she is only after the guys that she has to proove for (high value)

Same goes for dates: I would only do hard kino or a KC after I bounced her to my place and have the opportunity to bang her there. Kissing without the possibilty to lay makes no sense and you are just more predicatable therefore less interesting.

Alpha Macho guy game is only associated with unintegrated low class turkish immigrants therefore very bad.

The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014 - Helmutnl - 11-03-2014

What do you mean by NC, KC words?
And do you normally advise being beta with German girls?

The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014 - HighSpeed_LowDrag - 11-04-2014

Quote: (11-03-2014 07:51 PM)Helmutnl Wrote:  

What do you mean by NC, KC words?
And do you normally advise being beta with German girls?

NC - number-close
KC - kiss-close

And I'd say that the best descriptor here would be "confident nice guy" NOT beta. You can be more liberal with complimenting her and such than you'd get away with in the West, but you still need to apply basic game fundamentals so she doesn't walk all over you.

The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014 - Helmutnl - 11-04-2014

So as long as a guy is cool, confident and not pushy, he would be all right in Germany?

The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014 - HighSpeed_LowDrag - 11-04-2014

Quote: (11-04-2014 07:18 AM)Helmutnl Wrote:  

So as long as a guy is cool, confident and not pushy, he would be all right in Germany?

Don't see why not.

The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014 - HighSpeed_LowDrag - 11-05-2014

DAY 75 - 05/11/2014

Girl I'm meeting tomorrow wants to bring a guy friend along with her. No thanks. Told her I had to cancel - expecting at this point that she's not really interested like I am.

Had to change travel arrangements for going to Poznan because of a transit strike this weekend. I am now leaving on a bus Friday night as opposed to a train Saturday morning. It's another €40 down the drain, but at least everything works out.

Next entry will likely be the start of my Poznan trip. Hoping that it's. As good as the forum's built it up to be.

The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014 - rudebwoy - 11-05-2014

^Why would she bring a guy on a date with you!

What guy would accompany a girl on a date to meet another guy!

The girls must not understand what a date is. These girls seem strange.

The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014 - Helmutnl - 11-05-2014

Quote: (11-05-2014 11:37 AM)rytech Wrote:  

DAY 75 - 05/11/2014

Girl I'm meeting tomorrow wants to bring a guy friend along with her. No thanks. Told her I had to cancel - expecting at this point that she's not really interested like I am.

Had to change travel arrangements for going to Poznan because of a transit strike this weekend. I am now leaving on a bus Friday night as opposed to a train Saturday morning. It's another €40 down the drain, but at least everything works out.

Next entry will likely be the start of my Poznan trip. Hoping that it's. As good as the forum's built it up to be.

Is making friends with many German guys fruitful when it comes to dating girls?
And is it easy to make friendships with them?

The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014 - HighSpeed_LowDrag - 11-05-2014

Quote: (11-05-2014 12:24 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

^Why would she bring a guy on a date with you!

What guy would accompany a girl on a date to meet another guy!

The girls must not understand what a date is. These girls seem strange.

More likely, they don't get that asking a girl to drinks means a date almost anywhere else in the world. I've been dealing with it for the entire time I've been here.

What Naughty_Boy mentioned earlier is starting to seem more true - you need to run direct game merely to get the point across that you're interested.

The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014 - Brian Shima - 11-05-2014

German women are starting to sound like they have absolute zero social skills

The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014 - Helmutnl - 11-05-2014

Quote: (11-05-2014 10:11 PM)Brian Shima Wrote:  

German women are starting to sound like they have absolute zero social skills

Maybe a bit of booze could help them?[Image: idea.gif]
I've read somewhere that they are crazy about beer and could drink a man under the table, but maybe that applies mostly to München girls!

The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014 - HighSpeed_LowDrag - 11-07-2014

On the bus heading to Poznan now.

Let's get that flag.

The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014 - Helmutnl - 11-07-2014

Is Poznan close to Krakow or Wroclaw, these two cities have higher quality maybe?

The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014 - Flint - 11-07-2014

helmutnl, I don't mean to be condescending but how old are you?

Before delving too much into the specifics of German or Polish girls, I think you should focus on the basics of game and personality development first. There's is plenty of good stuff on this forum. A lot of your questions don't make a lot of sense and sound very insecure to me ("And do you normally advise being beta with German girls?"). A quick glance at googlemaps should have answered your question on how far away Poznan is from Krakow.