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This Shit Bothers Me - Zoso - 12-28-2018

It seems that many members here are the most honest people in the world.
They have not even lied to their parents as children.


This Shit Bothers Me - MaceTyrell - 12-28-2018

This thread is a phenomenal manifestation of perhaps my favorite line from Roosh's new book "Bang."

If you do not have a method to screen girls, then you are wasting your time.

This Shit Bothers Me - Donfitz007 - 02-19-2019

This is the ultimate red pill thread and should be pinned and mandatory for newbies to read to get over onietis.

This weekend after a 2 month hiatus I finally got a chance at getting some. So it was pretty much on sight, she saw me smiled grabbed me, GRABBED ME, and started kissing all over me. We went to the back seat of my car aout 20 minutes later and had sex. RIGHT AFTER having sex she reaches for her phone and texts her boyfriend. It was something about that focus that got to me. So the next day She asked me to come over to have sex again, This time all she talked about was how great her boyfriend is, how great he is in bed, how big he is blah blah blah. we had sex 20 minutes later twice. After about 3 hours of cuddling, napping and hearing her praising of her boyfriend she finally started ignoring me to text him.

What got to me the most was her boyfriend wanted to come over that night while I was still there and she got furious at me for leaving stains in her bed, saying things like "he washes the sheets he's going to notice this".

This girl praised her boyfriend the WHOLE TIME, never saying anything bad about him besides the fact that he gets mad at her at times. Yet she had the most passionate dirty sex with me.

This Shit Bothers Me - HAcoreRD - 02-19-2019

This might be controversial, but give it some thought:

While there is a lot of valuable insight in this thread, I would emphasize the fact that there is a strong selection effect going on with the girls we encounter while we sleep around. What I mean here is that the types of girls people like us pick up and fuck with little investment from either side are not representative of all women but rather precisely the types who would easily have sex with you or anyone else who meet certain criteria. I know we all want to believe that many of the girls we bed are somehow girls who would not sleep around otherwise, but the truth is that almost all of them are.

Is it really surprising that the same girl who would sleep with you the first time you meet also is also cheating on her boyfriend? She obviously craves sex for some reason, like enjoyment or validation, just like you do, which makes her more likely to do this. The sample is skewed, so to speak.

Note, I am not denying that there are lots of people who sleep around or cheat, I am just saying that our experiences can be misleading. I think this is why so many people here seem to think all girls cheat and sleep around. Heck, not even all guys do this.

This Shit Bothers Me - Donfitz007 - 02-19-2019

I'll rather be prepared for a war that may never come than be surprised and unready for a war. Men need to know the true nature of women. I grew up thinking the same as you until I heard story after story, met people after people, and experienced life. The 2 women who broke my heart both waited months before having sex, both were smart, both very charismatic, neither had alot of guy friends, and they were both very family oriented and wanted marriage. They were by nature, traditional women. You can read my first post on this forum to see how that ended up.

Men NEED to learn the nature of women so they can seek out a way to avoid most of this pain, Many women cheat for the dumbest of reasons but the main reason is because she no longer views you as a treasure. MANY and I mean MANY guys fall into this trap because they feel. "My girl loves me she will never do me like that"

Also this isn't the first time we met, it was like the third or fourth but as soon as she saw me it was on sight.

This Shit Bothers Me - Savonarola - 02-19-2019

In Colombia a few years back, I banged a beautiful 6-ft-tall 22-yr-old on a Monday night.
Wednesday night she came back we banged again.
Friday, I said let's meet for dinner before banging, maybe talk a little.
She shows up at dinner with a strange plastic bag hanging off her purse. She said she just came from downtown and sorry she was late.
"What's in the bag?" I asked.
Slowly, with guilty eyes, she opens it. It's a piece of paper. She hands it to me.
It's a copy of her birth certificate. It's been notarized. On the back was stamped 'para matrimonio'.
That means 'For marriage.'
I looked up at her. "Are you getting married?"
She nodded.
"Next Saturday."
Turns out her future husband was a 62-year-old athlete from California. She was 22 years old.
And she was using me for a final fling.
Ironically we ate some bad shrimp at dinner that night and neither of us felt like banging later.
She sent me photos of the wedding, and the nose job that he paid for the week after that.

This Shit Bothers Me - Donfitz007 - 02-19-2019

Quote: (02-19-2019 10:57 PM)Savonarola Wrote:  

In Colombia a few years back, I banged a beautiful 6-ft-tall 22-yr-old on a Monday night.
Wednesday night she came back we banged again.
Friday, I said let's meet for dinner before banging, maybe talk a little.
She shows up at dinner with a strange plastic bag hanging off her purse. She said she just came from downtown and sorry she was late.
"What's in the bag?" I asked.
Slowly, with guilty eyes, she opens it. It's a piece of paper. She hands it to me.
It's a copy of her birth certificate. It's been notarized. On the back was stamped 'para matrimonio'.
That means 'For marriage.'
I looked up at her. "Are you getting married?"
She nodded.
"Next Saturday."
Turns out her future husband was a 62-year-old athlete from California. She was 22 years old.
And she was using me for a final fling.
Ironically we ate some bad shrimp at dinner that night and neither of us felt like banging later.
She sent me photos of the wedding, and the nose job that he paid for the week after that.

I applaud you sir

This Shit Bothers Me - Cr33pin - 02-19-2019

I ran train on a girl on her wedding day.... she got the double D from me and my Mexican friend around 3am.... at 4pm I saw her in her white dress heading the the chapel to make a honest man out of some lucky guy.

I talk about it in my podcast..... An I'm not so ashamed to plug it here

This Shit Bothers Me - JackinMelbourne - 02-19-2019

Quote: (12-28-2018 04:33 PM)MaceTyrell Wrote:  

If you do not have a method to screen girls, then you are wasting your time.

Screen all you want. Unless you get all Muslim on them, big brother style plus keep them in a cage then you have no idea what they really say and what they really do when you're not around.

You could be THE ONE, absolutely perfect in every way or you could be a billionaire south American drug lord that kills people, it makes zero difference. That's the Red Pill and what the OP is really about.

This Shit Bothers Me - DimeBait - 02-20-2019

Lol @ dudes being surprised that chicks behave just like we do. Stop pedestalizing women and you’ll save yourself a lot of future disappointment.

This Shit Bothers Me - Donfitz007 - 02-20-2019

Quote: (02-20-2019 12:33 AM)DimeBait Wrote:  

Lol @ dudes being surprised that chicks behave just like we do. Stop pedestalizing women and you’ll save yourself a lot of future disappointment.

Again Most guys aren't surprised they do what men do because alot of these guys are "nice guys" who "would never cheat on their gf's".

These guys are surprised because these girls brag and bring up their perfect boyfriends. I don't think guys are stupid enough to text their gf or brag about how great she is in the ace of the girl they just fucked.

Its not about the action its about how you do it in this case.

Also it's good to read this kinda stuff to show that even being "Mr Perfect" doesn't equate to her being faithful. Just enjoy your time and leave her behind.

This Shit Bothers Me - womanapproacher - 02-20-2019

Quote: (01-01-2014 01:46 PM)AntiTrace Wrote:  

WesternCancer recently wrote in the players lounge about a chick that was talking about "the one" and then proceeded to make out with WC on NYE. Here's the post:


So I drank a bottle of whisky last night. Bunch of chicks show up and one of them is eyeing me up as soon as she walks thru the door.

An hour later she pulled me aside and told me not to kiss her because she was tempted.

I figured out the reason was because her "it's complicated" guy phoned her from Toronto to wish her a happy New year.

Minutes after shed said how much she missed him her tongue was down my throat.

Made out for a bit ans called her a slut. She said something like "I'm the most innocent slut you'll ever meet"

Made out a bit more after that but was too drunk and her and her friends had to leave right after midnight

Asked her a bit about the guy and she started saying how he might be the one.

That shit bothers me. I know the nature of women but when a girl starts talking about a dude like he's her life right after you're making out its fucked up. They don't even realize how they sound and come off to people

I was originally just going to rpely in the players lounge, but I figured this needs a bit more exposure.

A month ago I had an all night fuck session with a girl. She swallowed my load the first time, I came inside of her the next three.

18 hours later...yes I did the calculations and it was almost exactly 18 hours...she posted a video on facebook of a guy proposing to her. It was one of those surprise ambush super wannabe romantic type proposals. She jumped up into his arms and wrapped her legs around him. The same legs that were pulling my ass into her as she was moaning about how much she loved getting fucked by me and how surprised she was anyone could get her to the point of being so "gushing wet".

A bunch of people were in on the "surprise" as well. It was a coordinated thing planned weeks in advance.

To see all that effort put into something that was broken from the beginning was too much for me to watch. Too see the pure happiness and joy on that guys see everyone else clapping and getting teary watch her legs wrap around him, knowing that my semen was still inside of her and my dick still smelled of her multiple orgasms...too see that the video got somewhere in the low 100's likes and something like thirty shares...too have her text me to hang out and say she misses me shortly after...

It was a complete and utter mindfuck. It takes a lot to get me angry, but I was instantly furious and slammed my laptop shut and had to go to the gym (even though I had just come from there). I wasn't mad that she had deceived me, I was irrate that she had such a false impact on all of these peoples lives.

It's an experience that I wish I could share with every man in the world.

SO yeah, I hear you WC, this shit bothers me too.

How can orgasms smell? I don't get it.

Another thing, women are this horny yet I've been approaching for 9 months and not gotten a single coffee. Shit doesn't add up.

This Shit Bothers Me - MaceTyrell - 02-20-2019

Quote: (02-19-2019 11:22 PM)JackinMelbourne Wrote:  

Quote: (12-28-2018 04:33 PM)MaceTyrell Wrote:  

If you do not have a method to screen girls, then you are wasting your time.

Screen all you want. Unless you get all Muslim on them, big brother style plus keep them in a cage then you have no idea what they really say and what they really do when you're not around.

You could be THE ONE, absolutely perfect in every way or you could be a billionaire south American drug lord that kills people, it makes zero difference. That's the Red Pill and what the OP is really about.

Part of screening is paying attention to the implications of what they say. Once they have raised a red flag, per whatever your screens are, then you leave first.

Non-verbal communication is 90% of communication, so I don't pay 100% attention to the words coming out of her mouth.

Your comment on how the one of two things I can be, and she'd still cheat, shows something. Regardless of what I am to her, what's more important is what "she is."

If I think she is trash, then she is trash.

I've moved on from listening to the sweet nothings they tell me.

This Shit Bothers Me - Zoso - 02-20-2019

A good liar wouldn't be surprised by another liar's capability.

Yes, sometimes it got me angry being fooled by someone else, but that's it.

Im sure Many of us have lied to our own parents. At least, myself. And most of the time I consider me to have good morals.

If ive done that, with more reason a low self steem slut looking for convenience and approval.

This Shit Bothers Me - Savonarola - 02-20-2019

Quote: (02-20-2019 02:49 PM)Zoso Wrote:  

A good liar wouldn't be surprised by another liar's capability.

Yes, sometimes it got me angry being fooled by someone else, but that's it.

Im sure Many of us have lied to our own parents. At least, myself. And most of the time I consider me to have good morals.

If ive done that, with more reason a low self steem slut looking for convenience and approval.

People who don't know how to lie even a little are considered to have poor social manners.
See also: spectrum, autistic.

This Shit Bothers Me - DonnyGately - 02-20-2019

If you're seeing some girl you banged and supposedly don't care about on FB getting proposed to or married, you're wasting time being on social media with them in the first place. I would literally not know if any girl I've banged the past 5 years got married. When she stops responding to booty texts, it's time to move on.

This Shit Bothers Me - WhatTheFuck - 02-20-2019

Quote: (02-20-2019 12:53 PM)womanapproacher Wrote:  

How can orgasms smell? I don't get it.

Another thing, women are this horny yet I've been approaching for 9 months and not gotten a single coffee. Shit doesn't add up.

Time to head back to INCELS.IS bro

This Shit Bothers Me - womanapproacher - 02-20-2019

Quote: (02-20-2019 04:21 PM)WhatTheFuck Wrote:  

Quote: (02-20-2019 12:53 PM)womanapproacher Wrote:  

How can orgasms smell? I don't get it.

Another thing, women are this horny yet I've been approaching for 9 months and not gotten a single coffee. Shit doesn't add up.

Time to head back to INCELS.IS bro

Ah, come on, at least explain to me how an orgasm can have an odor. I really wanna know[Image: banana.gif]

This Shit Bothers Me - Laner - 02-20-2019

Quote: (02-20-2019 04:47 PM)womanapproacher Wrote:  

Quote: (02-20-2019 04:21 PM)WhatTheFuck Wrote:  

Quote: (02-20-2019 12:53 PM)womanapproacher Wrote:  

How can orgasms smell? I don't get it.

Another thing, women are this horny yet I've been approaching for 9 months and not gotten a single coffee. Shit doesn't add up.

Time to head back to INCELS.IS bro

Ah, come on, at least explain to me how an orgasm can have an odor. I really wanna know[Image: banana.gif]

Its a smell that comes from deep inside a woman. Its a bit primal, almost mature. It will stick to your dick until you shower, and every whiff brings about an urge to bury it deep in her all over again.

From another thread about Red Pill moments where you will never be able to look back:

I finished dumping a couple loads in a tight little number when she got a text. She hopped out of her bed, toweled her dripping vag and kicked me out saying she needs to meet another guy and he's probably going to want to have sex too (said like she's annoyed yet resigned to doing it). And she also says, "Unlike you, I might have a future with him".

You will get lots of these kinds of stories over the years. They should always bother you to some degree, but you also learn the nature of some women and nothing surprises you.

This Shit Bothers Me - Barron - 02-20-2019

Some men are blue pill
Some are red pill
A man can't be both, he's either one or the other.

It's a man's world, so a woman has to be both, some more extreme than others

This Shit Bothers Me - Heuristics - 02-20-2019

This thread is great happy I stumbled on it.

It is pretty explicit about the true nature of women. While men may like to think that they are playing the options, when it comes down to it, it is really women who are doing next level shit: having betas move them out of their apartment to move them in with their new badboy boyfriend, doing homework for women or tutoring them for free, banging alphas on the side while getting married to rich betas (nicky hilton is coming to mind), and so on.

Women are experts at compartmentalization. For example, my cousin didn't tell me she was dating this guy for 6 months, although I could tell about the way she was talking about him she was dating. I mean, like you can't even tell your parents? What sort of shit is that. The culprit is smartphones. They turn women into devious and cunning creatures that can entertain offers from a metric shitton of betas at the same time but simeltenously allow alphas to swipe in for a bit of entertainment when the betas get old. What a time to be a woman!

This Shit Bothers Me - kirdiesel - 02-20-2019

I witnessed the same thing happening a couple months ago.

I tried to bang this girl but she was already dating a guy, heading into a LTR and I couldn't pull it off.

I ran into her a little while back with my boys in a nightclub. I was cordial, found out she was in fact in a LTR with this dude and went about my business since I wasnt going to waste time with her... but one of my boys decided to take a shot.

Next thing I hear... he went home with her! I couldn't believe what I heard.

A little while later I see this beta dude with shes in the LTR with proposing to her Facebook. And this was only weeks after she went home with MY BOY!

I felt sorry for dude and thought about sending him a message but who wants to get wrapped up in that kind of drama.

I hope if that ever happened to me someone would save my life and send me a message though....

This Shit Bothers Me - AneroidOcean - 02-20-2019

Girl I had a huge crush on in school who went through a bad girl phase and popped out a kid, well we meet well after school and start talking. She admits to me how big of a crush she had on me in school and is clearly super into me. She's dating some church-going guy with a really nice car. They of course aren't being physical (actually believe that). I just start making out with her one day, she has the most perfect lips. Things get heated but we stop.

We have a wedding to attend together, I bring an attractive latina neighbor who is completely a friend (but she doesn't know this). We get seated at the same table. I laugh to myself at how ridiculous this is. She tells me how incredible I look, I play it off because her dude is right fucking there.

Meet up with her at some later date and I grab her and fling her onto the couch with me and we make out. We go to my bedroom and she gives me one of if not the best blowjob of my life but won't go any further and leaves not long afterwards.

She sends me a message saying that she can't be with me, because she wants to be with "a man of God."

My face:

[Image: wtf.jpg]

She has had multiple kids since then and appears happy with a fat/ugly dude who I'm sure is a "man of God" and I am thankful as hell that I dodged that crazy train bullet, but at the time I was pretty crushed.

This Shit Bothers Me - Donfitz007 - 02-20-2019

Quote: (02-20-2019 05:00 PM)Laner Wrote:  

"Unlike you, I might have a future with him".
That hit so close to home, I had a chick a couple years back that would say this. It hurt pretty bad.

2 stories
1. I live in Birmingham and my brother needed me to pick him up from Huntsville (2 hour drive) So I got there an hour early so I decided to hit up one of my old girls. So I gave her a massage and proceded to fuck the brakes off her...So her phone kept going off and she would ignore it until I stopped cause it was annoying. She looked at her phone and said (with long annoying pauses between cause she didn't want to tell me)
Her-What he wants
Her-Why is he outside(in the calmest most aggravated way possible)
Me- WHO???
Her-My Boyfriend

So without her saying anything else I rushed out, put my clothes on and ran outside only to be met by him walking up the stairs. I said what up to him and saw he got out of a 1979 cutless on 28's. I pretty much dodged a bullet. Haven't heard from her since.

2. So I had a girl a couple years back that I would fuck and stuff. I was over her house and her boyfriend called her. I was messing with her fingering her and stuff while she was on the phone and in an attempt to make me jealous she traded her boyfriend and my contact name (his was Baby, mines was daddy. So now his was daddy and mines was baby). So time went past and I bit her inner thigh while she was on the phone. So she tried to text me saying "He's going to notice that" but it went to him not me. I tried to warn her as she was sending the text and all of sudden he just went silent. So she talked him down saying she was talking to her sister about buying him a gift and he believed it. So Then she said she was going to bed and asked was he at work, he replied yes so me and her fucked and I left to go to waffle house. (where he worked) He cooked for both of us. (I took her the food back, she didn't come with me)

This Shit Bothers Me - Black Caesar - 02-20-2019

After a while you just embrace the stuff and don't judge chicks.

Then they tell you all kinds of crazy stories.

I tend to like sharks cause they match my intensity a bit and who wants a boring girl when you find a girl that will scam with you and hit lics.