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Post game analysis.., - Kona - 10-05-2009

Quote: (09-30-2009 12:41 AM)Riker Wrote:  

Awesome! I once called up a buddy when I was in a dry spell and asked him to dedicate his next bang to me, and it brought me good luck.

Thanks and let us know how your bro does!

As promised, I landed one for you. She actually was really cool for a mainland girl, and was a big help setting up my brother's three way.

My 21 year old little brother has some pretty decent game. I went around for quite a while approaching trying to find the right girls for him. I almost got slapped a time or two. It was getting down to the wire when HE (on my advice) approached a little Asian girl digging in her purse. All he did was walk up and say "what are you looking for" It was that easy.


Post game analysis.., - Riker - 10-05-2009

Awesome!!!! I'm doing so much day game its sick, I feel so happy! Tomorrow I meet with girl for coffee that i met the other day too. This is awesome.

Post game analysis.., - College Game - 10-06-2009

So this weekend was pretty much the usual, few ups and downs, questions, etc.

This weekend was a big fringe pop music fest in Montreal so I bounced around to a whole bunch of different shows. I met up with a girl on Friday for an evening rendezvous, I thought I was taking her to a couple shows, with sex and breakfast, (we have done this multiple times in the past) but she shot back that we were just having coffee. I hadn't seen this girl in a while, she is a pretty god damned hot latina girl, and initially there was a high degree of sexual tension. While sitting together the conversation went great but I just felt the tension, and the desire, melt away as the minutes passed. Got to her house and realized I had been pushed into the casual friend zone, as opposed to casual sex friend zone. I think that this is a result of the fact that a few weeks ago this girl had me in her room and I turned down a hook up with her. I would have wanted to but I had to meet up with another girl that night, and I didn't want my knob to be scented by another womans vag, trojan ultra thins, and ky liquid. I also thought that either way this would increase my capital, value, and put myself above her and "leave her wanting more." Maybe it didn't? (-1)

The next night went to a bar and a few other shows. Went to a power hipster after party and tried running game on some hipster girls. They were hot, and their weird fringe bohemian, beatnik-isms somehow added a greater degree of capital and market value to their potential naked bodies. I mean these are Montreal hipsters, and are in a whole other league of werrdness. Shot game at a handful, and realized that it is a completely different wavelength and delivery with these girls. By the time I was making the necessary adjustments, such as a quick witty opener, another girl I was with got jealous and dragged me out of there. I had slept with this girl a few (too many) times, and I wanted to go back to the party. So I got her in the cab and basically said no to her, kissed her goodbye, and walked back in. Thrity seconds later I get a call that was a combination of begging / guilting into sex. I am only so strong and I caved to the prospect of a good scotch, vinyl collection, and sex at her house. Now while here, the sex was decent, but more importantly I firmly established a potential threesome prospect. She is sleeping with another broad on occasion who is visiting at the end of the month. We are both in favor of this, it is only the other girl that needs to be sold on the idea.

1) What is the best way to approach the threesome situation?
a) run game on the third girl?
b) directly approach her, with the other girl, propositioning her?
c) just aim to be back at the place where they are staying, sleep in the same bed, and bang the other girl while she is beside her, with an air of spontineity.

2) Has the unavailable, turning down tactic (if it can be called that) ever backfired on you like it did with Latina girl? It did the opposite with the other broad, thoughts?

Post game analysis.., - Kona - 10-06-2009

Quote: (10-06-2009 12:42 AM)College Game Wrote:  

1) What is the best way to approach the threesome situation?
a) run game on the third girl?
b) directly approach her, with the other girl, propositioning her?
c) just aim to be back at the place where they are staying, sleep in the same bed, and bang the other girl while she is beside her, with an air of spontineity.

Ok Brah,

Luckily time is on your side. I love threesomes. I want to help you.

I have had them with maybe 5 sets of girls. There is no better feeling than waking up sandwiched. You'll notice your voice deepen and your penis will feel larger.

Trust me.

I need a little more info though.

1) Do they celebrate Halloween in Montreal? Will the girl be there at Halloween?

2) Have you ever had one before? Does the girl you banged the other day know whether you did or didn't?

3) What kind of threesome history do these girls have?

4) Why was the sex only decent?

You can do this.


Post game analysis.., - College Game - 10-06-2009

Thanks mate.

1) Of course we celebrate Halloween, and like a good white north american it is my favorite 'holiday' . This girl is actually coming up on Halloween and will be here for a few days staying at the girl I know's place.

2) No, I have come close, but never really taken it to the level that would constitute a full on threesome.

3) I am not really sure of either of their histories. I don't think that the one that I am sleeping with has had one, but the other one I'm not sure. The only thing I know about her is that she is good looking, tattooed (read easy), is dynamite in the sack, and has slept with other girls, notably the one I know.

4) The sex was only decent for a number of reasons. I have slept with her a bunch of times, but she is very passive in bed. Nothing abnormally bad there, but just kindof been there, done that, can do better.

I WILL do this.

Post game analysis.., - CJ - 10-06-2009

HB8 I met this weekend has a sister that works with a good friend of mine. I met the sister too. Word gets back to me that she doesn't know why I hadn't called her yet. Ok... well #1, she had told me she preferred texting, and #2 because it was only 6ish the next day and I had shit to do. But, I figure that's a good thing as she's not another useless drunk bar chick, my stumbling block as of late, that doesn't return calls/texts.

Anyway, we text back and forth a bit Sunday and Monday, and I don't know why but I decided telling her I'd call her monday night would be a good idea. Well, she didn't answer, typical. I fall asleep and then around midnight or so get woke up by a text saying, "So sorry I missed your call, I fell asleep" and so on... anyway, my thing is if I told you I was calling, why wouldn't you make a point to have your phone loud enough to wake you up?

Anyway, my brother happened to call right after that, so I talked to him instead and he said I lucked out with her not answering, as talking on the phone accomplishes little with someone you're not dating. His advice was text, text, text, until you've at least banged the girl once.

So, after talking to him, I opted to respond with a text saying something like "That's cool, you probably just wanted to fantasize about me in your sleep."

I think this is really the only suitable response, no?

Either way, this shit was so much easier in college, at those wonderful house and frat parties. Course now that I have my wingman studying game, things are slowly getting better at those damn bars.

Post game analysis.., - Riker - 10-06-2009

I got my first day game almost bang today! I got her number on Friday and Monday i called her to get some tea or coffee at 6pm on Tuesday (today). It was 2 blocks from my apartment where we decided to meet so I just got her to come over and drink mate (Argentinian tea) at my apartment. We got some French croissants that were awesome, drank mate, talked alot, i played her the guitar a little, then we shared some facebook pics. I started massaging her and one thing led to another! But she was on her period so she didn't want to bang, but I got a hand job. Yay. She's coming over on Thursday so I think my 6 month dry spell is coming to a close!

Post game analysis.., - Kona - 10-06-2009

Quote: (10-06-2009 10:39 AM)College Game Wrote:  

I WILL do this.

Yes you will. This is an easy one.

As far as approaching this, let the girl do the talking. I have a feeling she's the sub in that relationship too. The tattoo chick will get turned on by her begging.

1) Halloween- ok good, I don't know much about Canada. Halloweens your night but we'll deal with that later. Get it on the first day she's there and it may continue throughout her entire trip.

2) Girls wanting three ways want an experienced man involved. As far as you're concerned, they don't need to know you haven't had one. In fact remember how you and your old bi girlfriend used to have them all the time? You just didn't want to tell the girl you're banging about it because you didn't want her to think you were just into her out of some bi fetish.

3) Ties into # 2. You are possibly the only experienced one in the group. It means you are calling the shots. The tattoos are the reason I know this will happen. I bet the bi tattoo chicks already had at least 1.

4) The sex was only decent because there WAS NO OTHER GIRL THERE. But its a major positive that you've banged her as much as you have. She's comfortable with you sexually and will pass that along to the tattoo girl.

So in a day or two you need to call the girl you banged. Tell her its been driving you batshit that the sex you had the other day was so lackluster.(Although it wasn't). In fact you couldn't stop thinking about it WHILE you were banging some other girl. The theme here needs to be other girls.

Now I've been to either Montreal or Toronto. I'm of a tropical people so I didn't stay long. Wherever I was had some fantastic strip clubs. Take the girl there and get a few Molsons in her. Get her interacting with the dancers. Don't bring up the 3 way, just other girls in general. Talk about girls while you are banging her. "I know whats going on, your womans not here" "Lexi's still dancing in your head isn't she" Crap like that.

Just watch how much the sex improves while she's thinking about girls. Tell her, afterwords, that she's right and you think its a fabulous idea about the three way. It needs to be her idea. She'll be all for it at that point BECAUSE it could have been so much better if another girl was there.

I met some girls at the beach today that through a little recon I know are over at my happy hour spot. Two out of three of them had colorful tattoos. I will be banging one of those two this evening to support your upcoming success. I think they sell Labatts there too.


Post game analysis.., - CJ - 10-07-2009

Hmm, I have noticed each day I've texted this girl her initial response is almost exactly 1 hour after mine, followed by more immediate responses, this has got to be intentional. Oh well, regardless, this seems to be leading towards a night of drinking with her.

Still... games, games, games, what is up with these games? My brother suggested that women generally just get all these kooky ideas in their heads, and you've obviously got to read each situation differently and respond accordingly with what works to get them into bed with the least resistance. In that aspect, PUA is a lot like poker. I always knew my exes were crazy, I just thought it was them, not all women.

Post game analysis.., - Riker - 10-08-2009

Bang! Finally. First day game bang too.

Post game analysis.., - kerouac - 10-08-2009

Quote: (10-08-2009 06:12 PM)Riker Wrote:  

Bang! Finally. First day game bang too.

Cool! Give some more info. Where did you meet her? How did the pickup progress? etc.

Post game analysis.., - Riker - 10-08-2009

I was waiting by a bus stop a few months ago and she was giving away papers advertising some local waxing center. I joked that that getting waxed sucks and it hurts a ton. She talked to me a bit and I said "I had a gf ones that wanted me to get waxed and it was the worst decicion of my life. Its sooo painful" It was a true story actually and she laughed and then the bus came and that was it.

Last friday I saw her again giving away the little advertising papers again and I said hi and talked a bit and told her to give me her number so we could go for a drink sometime. She said "yea thats cool with me" I called on monday and set up a place to meet her on tuesday. I meet her on tuesday and said that my place was two blocks away and we should go to drink "mate" (argentinian tea drink) and she was down. I posted about it a couple posts up. She didnt want to bang cause she was on her period.

She came over today and I put on a movie and just escalated to it. She's not the brightest girl and I guess you can say semi slutty cause most argentine girls from the middle and upper classes wouldn't do it I think, from what I talked with her she's a lower middle class girl. So yea today she was ready and it happened. I don't really want to see her again though cause the conversation is not very stimulating. She's like a 6.5 but after 6+ months of not fucking she seemed like an 8 before fucking and a 6.5 right after.

But hey, I seduced a girl, go me!

Post game analysis.., - CJ - 10-09-2009

Ok, so yet again something went wrong in my transition, I was texting back and forth with this girl all week, probably too much. Anyway, I shoot her a text yesterday telling her we should hang out again this weekend, and get no response. Clearly she flaked, clearly my window had already closed, and clearly the only texts I should've sent should've been "what's up" and "we should hang out at xxx time & place" Frustrating as I was used to a much higher success ratio in college. Still, lesson learned, and fortunately this was the girl that lives far as hell away, so this ends up saving gas money.

I like how Riker picked up a girl with some good day game here though, I need to start trying that more. Although, the weather has been turning here and it feels like the sun hasn't come out in a month!

Post game analysis.., - kerouac - 10-09-2009

Since I wrote about online gaming before, here is a recent (and I'm guessing my final online) situation.

I met the girl off okc, she was on for one day and one day only, because a friend had told her she should try, and I happened to have talked to her that day. I transitioned it to AIM, and after chatting on AIM a little bit for about a week, we exchanged phone numbers, and with the phone number in hand, started txting. Finally we set up a meetup at a local mall. She happened to be shopping for underwear that day, so after she did that, we ended up walking around the mall, eventually moving to a bar to get some drinks and some food. Afterwards we went to another bar, and then another bar. While we were changing venues, we were both escalating our physical stuff. By the second bar we had already kissed, and after the third bar I was already fingering her.

Bing Bang Boom

Post game analysis.., - finger11 - 10-09-2009

Quote: (10-09-2009 11:20 AM)kerouac Wrote:  

She happened to be shopping for underwear that day

Bit of a lurker here, but if that's the situation with you hanging out w/ a chick for the first time.... I mean come on, that's a ally oop/softball pitch if there ever was one

Post game analysis.., - Kona - 10-09-2009

Nice job on the scores my brothers.

Riker, you know your my man for ending this dry spell. Don't get the clap now.

And this Kerouac is putting the internet and the texting to work for him. Look at the smooth transition through several medias to the thong trying on booth. He beat them at their own game. That's class.


Post game analysis.., - Riker - 10-09-2009

Last night I went to two bars with not many people. I sat down to talk to 2 girls and they wanted nothing to do with it. I went to the other bar and said "Hey can i ask you a question? Ummm actually I just wanted to meet you guys" They laughed, we talked for about an hour and I got their emails. Forgot to get the number of the cute one that was single.

Today I took the train to my Portuguese class and got 3 numbers and emails!!!! I talked to two girls waiting for the train that I didnt like too much but it warmed up my tongue and in the train a cute 7 stands next to me and she's all in shades of red, her hair, purse and shirt. So I'm reading this book, I look up and say "your very red today" and she laughs. Then we make eye contact a couple times and I ask her whats in her bag that she's holding. That was enough, from there we just kept blabbling back and forth, I tell her to give her email and number at the peak of the convo, and then we kept talking till I had to go.

On the street I hear a girl finish a conversation in english on the phone next to me, I say "hi" and wave a bit and she asks where I'm from and agian we talk for a bit until I tell her I need to hail a cab and so I tell her to give me her info. She says she doesnt know why she trusts me after only 2 minutes of conversation but she gives me the info. I just looked her up on facebook, hot candadian girl!

On the way back was my hardest. The train was packed and she was in an awkward place for me to come talk to her. I had quite the audience. I waited a few stops and finally I went up to her and said the truth "If I didnt come say hi to you, I would regret it for the rest of the day" She says "oh really? well im on my way to my tutor for my economy class" I say "oh im on my way to my guitar lesson (which is true)" we talk and talk and I tell her to give me her info.

This is so much fun! Now I just need to get real tight phone and text game.

Post game analysis.., - CJ - 10-11-2009

I'm cool with girls being dumb, flakey and just generally difficult at times, but when your wing sells you down the river, damn it's time to find a new wing, and that pisses me off.

Post game analysis.., - kerouac - 10-11-2009

Quote: (10-11-2009 11:35 AM)CJ Wrote:  

I'm cool with girls being dumb, flakey and just generally difficult at times, but when your wing sells you down the river, damn it's time to find a new wing, and that pisses me off.

A good wing is hard to come by. [Image: catlady.gif]

Post game analysis.., - CJ - 10-11-2009

Indeed. I had a really good one in college, although my best "wing" was a couple girls I'd hang out with. Things always seemed to go right, either I'd sleep with one of their friends, or meet someone at a party. God I miss that.

Anyway, I've been showing this jackass all the online videos and sites, and trying to correct his mistakes, and his way of repaying me is to pester me all day to make sure we got a bar to go to, then at the last minute call and say he's meeting some girl and her friend that he met out with me! So, if her friend is involved shouldn't I be involved too? No, instead he goes over for less than an hour and calls to brag that he had a threesome with them, and is going home.

My response was to laugh and say I felt sorry for them, that he couldn't even provide an hour of sex, however, I suppose that's an hour more of sex than I've got lately, as I'm now officially considering myself to be in a pussy recession. So, on the whole I was pretty pissed off, at that greedy play.

Gonna run solo for awhile, which shouldn't be so bad as it'll force me to reduce my drinking.

Post game analysis.., - Kona - 10-13-2009

I Just Banged A Mormon. It Was Awkward.

What is wrong with me?

I'll be straight, I've dealt with a squirter or two in my day. This is fucking urine.

She got up and took a shower a few minutes afterwords. I heard her in there on her cell phone. Either an alien or a little fella on a bike with a light on the front, back, and on his helmet wearing a bright yellow vest with reflective tape just came and she rode off on his handle bars. BYU is like 20 miles from here, and its raining. Are they gonna ride all the way back like that?

She was really clear with me earlier. She called herself a "bad mormon" and she was drinking? She was wearing NO underwear at all not their stuff.

I'm confused,


Post game analysis.., - College Game - 10-13-2009

Hahaha, that is great Kona.

I got a bang last night. A friend of mine, we just got talking, I didn't need to run game at all, it just flowed. I knew from the moment we met up that we were going to end up having sex. Made me think twice about the whole perilous "friend zone" thing.

As for update with the threesome, I was going to move in to convince the one girl, the one I know, about the awesomeness of the threesome idea. But in reality she beat me to it, she keeps emailing me and texting me about it. She is, and not bragging at all, literally begging for the sex. I am going over tonight and I am going to bring my a-game, jackhammer mode.

Post game analysis.., - Kona - 10-14-2009

Quote: (10-13-2009 10:53 PM)College Game Wrote:  

the awesomeness of the threesome idea.

Stay with that cuz. Keep the idea on her mind and let me know.

The sun got me today.

I landed a blond haired white girl named Gina with an allover tan. I'm not sure where she's from, mainland somewhere?

Super chill girl though.


Post game analysis.., - kerouac - 10-14-2009

The elusive Zone, I've brought it up before. For some reason, it happens when I least expect it. Luckily, it happens when I least expect it, because it makes my night that much better.

There are certain things that make me feel comfortable. First, going out with a few people. I like going out in groups much more than going out with 1 person, or by myself, because with a group of people, I can shuffle in and out of the group. One second I might be with my friends chit chatting, and then next I've found my girl.

On this night, I was in the zone, and the alcohol was at that beautiful buzz level, where my feelings after doing some work all day, come out with ease.

After some time of hanging out with my friends, I take a moment to sit down. There happens to be a girl not too far away, with some flowers in front of her. I ask her about them, and whether her boyfriend got them for her. We chit chat for a little bit, and she leans in and smiles, and I take her hand and take her to the dance floor. The buzz, the alcoholic buzz, mixed with meeting a new cute girl feels so good! So, we continue dancing a little more, kiss a little, and move our separate ways.

Later, I am walking on the boardwalk with some friends as they shovel midnight pizza in their mouths. When we walk back, my friends had some slices left, and I wasn't hungry, so they offered it to a group of people. One of the girls comes up and grabs me, and takes me somewhere else. I don't mind losing control here, sometimes you just have to let things go. She wants to kiss, but I'm not really in the mood, and my friend is driving so I didn't want to make them wait...

but the Zone, baby, feels so good!

Post game analysis.., - Kona - 10-16-2009

Earlier, I Got the eyes from a girl I've seen around town quite a bit lately.

We sat and talked for about an hour. I had some serious physical contact going. She had fantastic skin, and the tan lines were perfect. She was getting just as touchy and feely as I was.

She excused herself to the bathroom and I went out to smoke. She thought I meant cigarettes I meant a joint. She went on some long ass anti weed rant. I told her I was still going to smoke a cigarette after. I don't even need to go over the dialect. It was bullshit so I left.

Funny thing is I had been swimming before I went there and only had cash. She left her card for the tab. I had an ahi salad, some sashimi and at least 5 drinks.

The smoking laws work for me.
