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Hitting a Woman - DarkTriad - 10-18-2012

Quote: (10-18-2012 03:09 PM)Therapsid Wrote:  

The shift from the 1970's until today has been that people in the West today no longer believe there is *any* problem in society that can be handled by private citizens, by families, and by communities. Every problem is a *social* problem that requires the involvement of the police, school administrators, and blue-ribbon federal commissions. This shift is evidence of a steep decline in trust in American society.

So true. Nowadays, if a kid fights back against a bully, he's arrested (along with the kid that started the fight). Middle School fistfights are handled with arrests. Sickening.

Hitting a Woman - DarkTriad - 10-18-2012

Quote: (10-18-2012 04:50 AM)Sargon of Akkad Wrote:  


For thousands of years, men all over the world had the authority to give out appropriate corporal punishment to children and spouses.

For thousands of years, men had the right to own slaves. I guess that makes slavery all nice and dandy.

I believe that's why I used words like "barbaric" and "unethical" and layed out ways of gaining the benefits without doing anything illegal or unethical.

Hitting a Woman - LoveBug - 10-18-2012

The key is finding a girl who you never want to get physical with, and who doesn't annoy you

Hitting a Woman - Sargon of Akkad - 10-18-2012

Quote: (10-18-2012 09:29 AM)Majestic Wrote:  

"You've never been bitten by a dog, I take it." A bite from a dog? Really?
Really? That's weak.

You said that a dog had no way of fighting back. I corrected you.


You are going to compare that with a women who has the ability to take revenge and have the ability to have my body end up in a ditch.
If they don't like being disciplined, they know where I live. If they want their revenge, if they TRULY despise it, my door is open and they are welcomed to get back at me. And not once has a chick ever stabbed me, car tires slashed, shot at me or got a crew of her toughest male friends or family members on my ass for giving them a discipline slap for ACTING out of line.

Now you're getting melodramatic. So if she doesn't stab me or call in the mob to beat me to a pulp, it means she had no problem with getting slapped in the face.


You act like women are delicate sunflowers who float across water and shit skittles. Like they don't have the ability to take revenge if they don't like the way they are being treated.

I've already said this: as an adult, you should be expected to resolve your issues with other adults without slapping them in the faces, regardless of whether they would sick an attack squad on you for hitting them.

I have said all that needs to be said on this topic multiple times. There is little more for me to add, so this is likely to be my last post in this thread.

Hitting a Woman - theIVth - 10-18-2012

I feel like 95% of the time you shouldn't have to physically punch a woman. Maybe restrain, shake or even push but not ball your fist up and hit.

Plus, it's too easy to really hurt a woman with only words if you really want to get at her.

Hitting a Woman - Veloce - 10-18-2012

Just to chime in my own personal experience:

I'd echo what Sean Connery says word for word. Sometimes a bitch wants to start shit with you for no good reason. She might fabricate some nonsense or add weight to a minor thing you did that annoyed her. Sometimes you can "take accountability" and apologize, you can defuse, you can nod patiently and be on "her side".

Sometimes a bitch won't be satisfied with that. She'll keep going, and drive the screw in deeper, and deeper, and deeper. Women do this to get to your core and disrupt it. She wants to break you down and see you crumble. Women are destructive creatures like this.

In her midst of hysteria and anger, there's really only a couple things you can do. You can walk away, which is always recommended, but nothing, and I mean nothing will infuriate her more. Or you can get physical, which will shut her up real quick.

This is speaking from experience. In one case I retaliated physically and called the cops on HER, who then came and removed her by force. Where the event takes place is important; the cops specifically asked me whose name was on the lease, which was mine.

I've had to get physical with a few chicks. They always respond with some shit like, "We can never turn back now, this is so fucked up, I can't believe you did that, blah blah blah blah". Truth be told is they cling on twice as hard.

At least, those were my experiences.

Hitting a Woman - xsplat - 10-18-2012

I've learned not to apologize afterwords. Nor even promise to never do it again - even if you never do.

Because some girls try to bring you to violence in order to have hand over you. To make you feel sorry. Which destroys the whole point of using using physical hand.

But honestly, for guys with a very strong aversion to even the concept of having a pimp hand, there is a whole dimension to male female dynamics that you are willfully unaware of.

Which is understandable. I used to be the same way too. I thought it was weird, and I probably thought it was wrong, and that I'd never want to be with a girl who I couldn't just talk to to get a good response.

But experience has shown me that it's not always the case that talking works, and it's most often the case that in the extreme and rare moments when physical escalation is called for, it brings a surprisingly good long term result.

And in this case, the ends justify the means.

I've yet to hear anyone explain why the ends don't justify the means. And I don't consider "because it's cowardly" to be a meaningful statement. You are doing something that you really don't want to do, at serious risk to your personal wellbeing. And I don't consider "because she's weaker than you" to be a rational reason to not use force. Can you imagine the military or police never using force out of that reason? "No, we can't bomb the insurgents, because they don't stand a chance against our superior weaponry. It wouldn't be fair!" The point is to get the job done, and it's great if you have physical advantage to do so! What job do you need to get done? Do you need to alter her behavior for the better? If that's the job to be done, here is a tool that can really help you. Help both of you.

And the other two options are of course to put up with abuse, or to date a much smaller pool of available women.

Again - if you are going to do this, you need to follow through and don't apologize about it. Either do it or don't - don't do it and regret.

And one final thing. This has to be who you are. Not something you do. Or it has to be congruent with your whole attitude and relationship to the world. The congruence is a major part of the whole effect. So it might take many years to build up a core that believes that it is the authoritative head of the household. Without that, I'd imagine it would be pointless.

Hitting a Woman - Vitriol - 10-18-2012

This thread has certainly brought out the white knights. Women aren't sacred cows and shouldn't be treated as such.

Everyone - male or female - is capable of acting foolishly enough that a severe form of punishment is the only corrective measure appropriate for the situation.

Hitting a Woman - worldwidetraveler - 10-19-2012

Quote: (10-18-2012 10:52 PM)Vitriol Wrote:  

This thread has certainly brought out the white knights. Women aren't sacred cows and shouldn't be treated as such.

Everyone - male or female - is capable of acting foolishly enough that a severe form of punishment is the only corrective measure appropriate for the situation.

You're right, women shouldn't be treated like sacred cows. No one said they should in this thread.

You are basically calling guys a white knight that would walk away from a fight when they know it isn't worth the aggravation and legal ramifications of beating another man up.

That is ok, some people are rather simple on this forum and yell out white knight or red pill whenever they don't agree with something.

I would bet most of the guys that yell out white knights would be happy to correct the behavior of a weaker person but not of a stronger one.

Hitting a Woman - xsplat - 10-19-2012

Here is a comment left on Rollo's blog by Gregg:

One of the very signs the man is still plugged balls deep in the matrix is his effort to EXPLAIN anything to women. Women are NOT our equals. They are not receptive to logic, ideas, words. They are receptive to matter – our bodies, our dicks, status and power, dominance, strenght, aggresivity, while these things trogger automatic programs in them – acquisitive mode, “love”, anger, frustration, FEAR, etc.

If you want to actually communicate with women, you have to communicate with their CORE.

Gregg has put his finger on a major shift in relationship attitude here.

I hear many guys say things like "I don't want to be her Daddy". Yes, it's more common for men to prefer a relationship between peers, where the girl is treated as a partner.

I suggest that's not the dynamic that women are built for. They settle into relationships with much more sustainable passion when the man is the leader. When he does act like her authority figure in her life - like her Daddy.

I understand that most men don't want the responsibility.

The type of person who would and could strike a woman who is misbehaving as a last effective resort to correct her extreme bad behavior (a single open handed slap as per the Sean Connery video explanation in his interview with Barbara Walters) is the type of guy who has internalized in himself the attitude of being the man in charge, the authority figure, the king of his castle who doesn't take shit, and who OWNS his woman.

He isn't a man on a mutual journey with a woman, the woman attaches herself to him, and out of that freely giving over of her will, he owns and controls her. She belongs to him.

This is a very major shift in attitude. It's not the only way to have relationships, obviously, as most men don't do this.

But it's what I advocate.

Hitting a Woman - j r - 10-19-2012

Quote: (10-19-2012 07:37 AM)xsplat Wrote:  

I suggest that's not the dynamic that women are built for. They settle into relationships with much more sustainable passion when the man is the leader. When he does act like her authority figure in her life - like her Daddy.

I understand that most men don't want the responsibility.

This is a classic example of the naturalistic fallacy. Women weren't built for anything. Human beings evolved from a somewhat random process into a number is stable equilibria.

You act as if there is one way to interact with women and anyone who doesn't agree is over-emotional or plugged into the matrix or whatever else. Just because something works for you in the Phillipines, doesn't necessarily mean that it's going to have the same results in the US or in other parts of the west.

Hitting a Woman - Thomas the Rhymer - 10-19-2012

Quote: (10-18-2012 09:02 PM)theIVth Wrote:  

Plus, it's too easy to really hurt a woman with only words if you really want to get at her.

Please give examples from your own experience.

Hitting a Woman - j r - 10-19-2012

Quote: (10-18-2012 11:34 AM)scorpion Wrote:  

If you're that afraid of being thrown in jail then you shouldn't interact with women at all. If your girl wants to call the cops on you for slapping her, she could just as easily call the cops on you for raping her (false rape accusation).

In fact, you don't even have to slap a girl to get arrested for domestic violence. If a girl just calls the cops and tells them you hit her, even if there is not a mark on her, you will go to jail that night.

I don't understand this logic. It's like saying that you might as well drink and drive, because sober people can get into accidents as well.

Yes a woman can call the cops on you for doing almost nothing anday be able to lie enough to get you arrested. The cops could asks knock down your door and plant a couple of keys of coke in your house, so I guess you might as well start dealing now.

Hitting a woman will absolutely increase your risk of having a legal problem. Maybe it's worth the risk. I dont know. I just don't want to find out.

Hitting a Woman - Majestic - 10-19-2012


I am really starting to like Adam Carolla.... That bitch's head was starting to spin like the exorcist..HAHAAHA. Her and her fuckin snarky comments... "Why is it hot in here" HAHAHA... CUZ THE TRUTH HURTS!!!!

You are going to tell me that this women wouldn't benefit from a discipline slap!?!?!?!?! Pleeeassseee. She would eat it up with my cock in her mouth.. I would love to give it to her and that ball less anchorman on the left of her (he would get a backhand slap). It's men like that who are the reason why women are out of control. NO DISCIPLINE!!!

Watching those clips scorpion posted from back in the day, its really sad where man has ended up. all those clips were old school. you would never see that in today's age. instead you have man looking like a complete jackass.

For the boys out there who are not sure if the discipline slap is for them, get your powder out if you wish to soften the blow to your delicate snowflake, she'll be able to take it, she's tougher than you think.... plus she'll thank you for it more ways than verbal [Image: wink.gif]...

(Im talking about a discipline slap, NOT a fucking rhianna beatdown)

Thomas the Rhymer: Thanks man, I wanted to give you a shout out. Your guide for landing a gig was one of the main reasons I landed a job that i hack the shit out of. Thanks braahhhhhhhh

Hitting a Woman - WanderingSoul - 10-19-2012

I've only slapped two girls in my life. Both slapped me first, and were sloppy drunk retards. One was all over me after I slapped her, the the other freaked out saying "What kind of piece of shit hits a girl!?!?". Neither of them were in the right for slapping me, so I let them know that it is not ok.

If you go up and grab a girls ass from behind that you don't know, a slap is warranted. If a girl is being rude to you for no reason, and you are rude back, she doesn't have the right to slap you. So I slapped the bitches back.

Hitting a Woman - tiggaling - 10-19-2012

In Vanuatu, it is traditional for men to hit their wives. I was with some men who were on the their way to the court to protest about their friend getting in trouble with this for hitting his wife after she slept around! They said to me, this is part of our tradition, and they didn't like these news laws! even protest against them!

I think women perpetrate psychic violence more than men. And that HURTS. Physical violence does not compare I do not think. You could argue that if a woman hurts you psychically, you should be able to hit her physically to let her know that is inappropriate. Just a thought I have had.

Hitting a Woman - Audacity - 05-12-2013

My old grandmother who totally dominates my grandfather surprised me last time I saw her, saying that "sometimes women just need a good slap."

I am not sure it has to be that way though. In my last serious relationship I would just refuse to take her seriously when she was acting like a child. She would be agitated and run her little mouth with unreasonable nonsense and I would be like "someone needs some attention" and then go and hold her really tight with a big smile on my face. She would fight, but I would throw us on the bed and keep kissing her back and laughing at her and the situation, while she would kick and scream. In the end when she finally realized she couldn't escape and submitted I would tear off her pants and underwear and fuck her. Afterwards she would be all vulnerable like and acknowledge how I was always right and how much she loved me etc.

It of course didn't always happen exactly like that, but I would never even consider commenting on nonsense, I would go give her attention and affection instead and I would physically dominate her if that wasn't enough and that would pretty much always lead to sex since it turned me on. If women are being illogical they just need attention.

This approach does not work if their underlying concern is a real one though (e.g. they want you to commit fully.) In the first case slapping is not needed and in the second, slapping is very abusive.

Hitting a Woman - michelin - 05-12-2013

Quote: (10-17-2012 12:04 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  


Have you ever hit a woman? Break it down....what happened?

My guess is...he broke her down [Image: wink.gif]

Hitting a Woman - michelin - 05-12-2013

This thread misses the link to Roissiy´s article.

Hitting a Woman - Belize King - 05-12-2013

I haven't gone through the whole thread. I could imagine the gold that is in it. Maybe when I am bored I will go through but I would think there is a snippet of Patrice Oneil, Bill Murr, or Corey Holcolm in there. Bill and Patrice never put their hands on a woman but Corey has.

Patrice said something about mushing a lizard. Corey is just off the chain.

Hitting a Woman - clever alias - 05-12-2013

Quote: (10-18-2012 09:02 PM)theIVth Wrote:  

I feel like 95% of the time you shouldn't have to physically punch a woman. Maybe restrain, shake or even push but not ball your fist up and hit.

Plus, it's too easy to really hurt a woman with only words if you really want to get at her.

agree. even though.iys been established that a "light" slap versus a punch is better, there must be some middle ground between a slap and discourse. i feel like.grabbing her wrist HARD with a good shut up would be effective, but im not speaking from experience

Hitting a Woman - Timoteo - 05-12-2013

I live vicariously through the "chicks stepping to dudes like dudes and getting knocked out" videos on YouTube. They're some of my favorites, and I'm actually in tears with laughter seeing some of these hyper-aggressive bitches take one-punch knockouts/knockdowns from dudes that are doing everything they can to avoid fighting, but these tricks are swinging on them while they're in full retreat. Finally, the get sick of it and hit them once, ending it. I hope I'm never in a situation where I feel I have to do that, but I can't guarantee that I won't. I would hope that some use of physicality short of a punch to the jaw would discourage her from putting her hands on me further.

Hitting a Woman - TheBlackNarwhal - 05-12-2013

I'm physically intimidating enough and I choose my words carefully to get girls talking out of their ass to shut up. I'll simply grab them by the shoulder forcefully and use a clear, assertive but pissed off tone to show that I'm not fucking around. And, like most people in this thread, I would only resort to physical violence with a woman if she assaulted me first.

Growing up with my mom and her drunk bastard of a boyfriend can really fuck a kid up. My mom never gave him any good reason for him to beat on her and she would never touch him but frequently he would down bottles of Crown Royal and smash her into walls, make her bloody, and then put the smack down on 10-year old me. Unfortunately, after all that bullshit my mom would still say shit like "But I still love him," (Not anymore though). Men like that have enormous insecurities and emotional problems and they are not fit for relationships or society. Those experiences have caused me to naturally resent men who are violent with woman without provocation. It's simply cowardly. Guys who have grown up in abusive households, in my opinion, either never resort to violence towards women or they thrive on it because that is what was imprinted on them.

Hitting a Woman - Duke Castile - 05-12-2013

I'm going to weigh in here if I may. Xsplat is right when he says some sort of bond is formed when you discipline a girl with a calculated slap. I am not condoning this or his writing style but this does happen.

I personally always grab a girl playfully, throw her on the ground stick my tongue in her nostrils or bit her nose while pinching or smacking her ass, all the while she is gleefully squealing and laughing. Hell I did it this morning. I think doing this type of thing in the beginning of the relationship sets a kind of control on them when they start to act stupidly or throw tantrums. I got this method down from training big dogs. It's alpha dominance 101.
Worldwidetraveler is also right, in the west you are playing with fire if you slap a girl. She might love you more but one of her meddling cunt friends will convince her you "beat" her when all you did was slap her and you will go to jail. Girls will slap their own faces and say you did it (to provide marks)

To the guys saying "she's weaker you're a coward" that logic doesn't hold up. What about the weaker smaller guy that starts shit with you precisely because you are bigger and stronger? Does he get a pass too because it would be cowardly to put him in his place? I just don't see it.
The truth is, women are on the same emotional level as children. You discipline Children (also much weaker) it stands to reason that you should discipline a hysterical female that could cause harm to you or herself of a baby she might be holding.
I wouldn't recommend it for liability reasons but I think there is substance in what xsplat is saying.
Also for the record, grabbing a girls wrist can land you in the same trouble as slapping her and even if the charges don't stick, there will be a record of arrest for domestic violence which nowadays may as well be a conviction.

Just not worth it.

Hitting a Woman - Lights - 05-12-2013

One time this chick started smacking the shit out of me. I just put her in a choke hold it was pretty hot. difficulty level: not hard.

There are some agro bitches out there though ; /

take care.