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Post game analysis.., - Kona - 09-21-2009

Hey CJ brah,

You know I support the other fish in the sea theory.

I'm not deep but check this out. You wrote:

"Girl claimed she has a problem saying "no" so I wonder if I couldn't guilt her into making up blowing me off this weekend."

Now take some words out:

"Girl claimed she has a problem saying "no" so I wonder if I couldn't guilt her into blowing me this weekend."



Post game analysis.., - SapperA - 09-21-2009

Alright I got one. .. .

I'm dating this chick for 3 weeks who is high quality but still haven't banged her. Now normally I would be angling for the longer term regular bang with this girl because she is hot and awesome (yea I know, lame) but I am only in town two more weeks. Just FYI I'm in germany and its too easy to swoop up one nighters if you know what your doing. So anyway, we've been making out, grinding, and she has been stopping short of banging saying that she doesn't want to ruin things because she thinks i'm awesome, I think she's waiting for the commitment thing.

So am I shit out of luck? Have I moved too far in the boyfriend category? I think we both realize that we're not going to have a long distance thing, but how do I move this from, hey since we like eachother why don't we start banging until I leave?

excuse my ignorance, haven't read the book yet.

Post game analysis.., - Kona - 09-21-2009

Quote: (09-21-2009 04:52 AM)SapperA Wrote:  

Alright I got one. .. .

I'm dating this chick for 3 weeks who is high quality but still haven't banged her. Now normally I would be angling for the longer term regular bang with this girl because she is hot and awesome (yea I know, lame) but I am only in town two more weeks. Just FYI I'm in germany and its too easy to swoop up one nighters if you know what your doing. So anyway, we've been making out, grinding, and she has been stopping short of banging saying that she doesn't want to ruin things because she thinks i'm awesome, I think she's waiting for the commitment thing.

So am I shit out of luck? Have I moved too far in the boyfriend category? I think we both realize that we're not going to have a long distance thing, but how do I move this from, hey since we like eachother why don't we start banging until I leave?

excuse my ignorance, haven't read the book yet.

You lovebirds needs to make the most out of what little time you have together.

Now good job getting anywhere with a German girl. (if she is) I've spent a lot of time there. Picking them up was easy. Actually banging them took a lot work.

I had a full blooded German girl actually take condoms out of her purse and set them somewhere in my view, take off all her clothes and deny me about a half hour later. I think I recall her saying something like she didn't want to wind up my long distance girlfriend. After I assured her it wasn't going to be a problem it was really over. It was as though I'd offended her.

This happened to me near a US military spot with a huge amount of transients.
I made my travel situation clear to her within 15 minutes of meeting her also. Maybe that's what they do??

There looks to be a little German info on this forum that might help you out.


Post game analysis.., - SapperA - 09-21-2009

Ah, I should have clarified, she is an American. Non-military.

As ethno-centric as it sounds, German girls want to know that American guys are staying around for at least a little while. They all have that hope that they will either a. stay in germany, or b. take them to the United States. I think when German chicks think of the US they think of the best shopping malls and all that crap.

Or sometimes you get lucky and find some that just want to bang. Because being American you still are somewhat exotic.

Granted these are my observations from living near military posts.

German girls away from Americans, on the other hand, are difficult. . . .I agree. Most would rather not struggle to speak english and talk to you. Your best bet is to find a college chick, because the way their school system works, if you are at a university, you probably can speak conversational english well. Some chicks will just dig talking to you because they can practice english and what you talk about doesn't matter. Learn a few phrases in deutsch or show an interest in learning and it will be entertaining for them. Also, the whole non-comital thing works wonders for them, they get pretty jealous if you go and talk to another girl after you've talked to them.

Just my observations from being in Germany.

Post game analysis.., - CJ - 09-21-2009

Quote: (09-21-2009 03:26 AM)Kona Wrote:  

"Girl claimed she has a problem saying "no" so I wonder if I couldn't guilt her into blowing me this weekend."

Ha! Good idea. Deleted her name from my phone, when I see her again, she can call me AND give me the BJ. This is a good lesson in not wasting time! Glad I didn't give her a 2nd call.

Post game analysis.., - Kona - 09-22-2009

I had plans to meet a girl for drinks tonight at 9 pm.

She just didn't show.

I didn't call her and she didn't call me.

Subconsciously I guess that ruined me for the night. I started talking up what I though to be a sexy little suicide girl type. About 10 minutes after I got her number (a Vegas #) I noticed her pentagram tattoo. She's a wiccan. I'm not calling her.

I thought about grabbing a sure thing from the Gentleman's Club, but tomorrows another day.


Post game analysis.., - Trotter - 09-23-2009

To follow up on the previous bang punk/goth chick. Just saw her walking down the street so I flagged her down for directions. I know the area like the back of my hand so it was purely an opening. The great thing about these goth chicks is that they love to talk about themselves so it was easy. I ended up complimenting her on her dress and then she just took off for the races.

She was walking so I felt that I developed enough rapport to offer her a ride. She was going to some coffee joint (perfect and typical) and I was just like "Cool you can hang with me for a bit." She was like "Oh really" and I said something along the lines of "Yeah, I typically don't give rides to weirdos but I feel safe with you." Or something like that.

Went to the place, got coffee, did some more talking, ended up at the ABC store to get a bottle of scotch then back to my place. Just for the record I didn't get her liquored up before trying for the f-close. She was already there and ready as soon as we got back to my place. It wasn't a perfect one nighter though because I had to give her a lift back the next morning but she was cool as hell about it. Got the number but she pretty much said she understood the situation for what it was. AWESOME.


Met a chick at the grocery store while doing a little shopping last week. This store had a rack of walking canes (for like old people) next to the pharmacy. I picked up a bright pink one and just started walking around the store with it. Roll up to the frozen foods picking out ice cream and this chick just starts cracking up seeing me with the cane.

I said "It's not nice to laugh at people with a disability" and she started apologizing. But I just nudged her and laughed and she knew I was just messing around. Made a few jokes about the cane and how cool it was and we stood there and talked for about 5 more minutes. I number closed then left.

Called her up and arranged a meeting at a bar. I've decided that booz + attraction = notch and that's what happened. Maybe I'll call this one back.

Post game analysis.., - CJ - 09-23-2009

Nice Trotter. I may have to try something goofy like that next time I go grocery shopping, which will probably be tonight.

Post game analysis.., - CJ - 09-26-2009

Hilarious shit at the bar last night. I was hanging out with some buddies from college, and basically that meant I was just going out to have a little fun.

I was talking to this girl, things are running decent, and this guy that was in the group with her starts getting all pissed about me talking to her for some reason, according to my friend this guy had brought her to the bar with him, and bluntly tells her to stop talking to me. Fascinating. So I turned to him and my exact words were, "Go fuck yourself." and turned back to talking to her. Naturally he got really pissed, but instead of trying to calm this guy down, the girl is trying to talk me out of hitting him! Now this is interesting as usually the girl will try to talk to her guy out of getting into a fight for fear that he'd either get arrested, lose, etc. I wasn't even that heated, and I find the situation absolutely hilarious today. Only way that could've went better would've been had I got that girl to stay at the bar with me after their group left.

Post game analysis.., - kerouac - 09-26-2009

Quote: (09-26-2009 03:54 PM)CJ Wrote:  

So I turned to him and my exact words were, "Go fuck yourself."

If he can't take the heat then he better get out of the motha fuckin kitchen. [Image: whip.gif]

Post game analysis.., - CJ - 09-27-2009

Quote: (09-26-2009 04:03 PM)kerouac Wrote:  

Quote: (09-26-2009 03:54 PM)CJ Wrote:  

So I turned to him and my exact words were, "Go fuck yourself."

If he can't take the heat then he better get out of the motha fuckin kitchen. [Image: whip.gif]

Heh, my friends that were with me during this were laughing a lot about that one today. As much as I love this line, I will only use that one when it has to be said, like last night. Oh, and the guy isn't bigger than me!

Tonight was fun, two of my friends were really depressed, one was out for her birthday and felt not enough people had shown up, another was sitting at home, so I got him to come out to the bar for her bday. He's actually been watching a lot of the PUA videos on youtube, mainly Mystery, and his confidence was back. I winged like a demon tonight, and helped him get at least 5 numbers. He was in a much better mood leaving the bar.

As for the girl I was meeting up with... she was drunk, and she's a nice girl, but she's definitely not my type. She said she "really likes me too" and being that it was her birthday, I struggled to find the right words to be nice about this rather than just telling her to "go fuck herself". I went with something like, well everyone should like me, and tried to get into how much of a dick I am. What is the best way to reject while being nice? Cuz, I'm just not normally a nice person!

Post game analysis.., - Tama - 09-27-2009

Quote: (09-16-2009 02:49 PM)College Game Wrote:  

Much obliged, alright Bubbles.

You alright CG. Thanks for the graphic instruction, I'll put it to use next time. Yeah, this chick is the deadest of dead fish. Great body - no pulse.

Love this thread, by the way. Motivational as all hell. I'll have some updates next week.

Post game analysis.., - Trotter - 09-28-2009

I was comparing notes with this chick friend of mine. She and I are tight and have developed a fuck buddy friendship. She does her thing I do mine and when we get together we both just basically go to town on each other.

She's a rare jewel in that she's not like these other chicks that likes to play the game and try to drag things out before giving it up to a guy. She thinks more like a dude and just wants to get to business when she's ready for it. Anyhow, she and I are talking about courtship and how much effort is needed to get laid. She can walk into a bar, pick some dude out, and start heading out within 15 minutes to get laid. I thought it was funny how she went on this tirade about "bitches" that just want to play games and torture guys and how it's not right that a courting ritual for a guy can take on average of 1-2 weeks before sex happens, lol. "It's just not fair!", she says.

I've never had this discussion with her before but we were actually talking about game. She verified some of our core beliefs when it comes to game. Never buy a drink for a chick for the obvious reasons, but she also threw in her own chicky reason in that more confident chicks will see that as an attempt to buy her off or get her drunk enough to want to go with home with him. Her favourite thing to do is every time someone sends a drink her way is to put her cigarette out in it and tell the server to send it back, lol.

I told her I wish all chicks were more like her. Probably one of the few times I've complimented her and she accepted it, lol.

Post game analysis.., - SapperA - 09-28-2009


So I layed off this one chick for awhile. Her mom is in town plus I got two cancellations in a row from her. I may or may not call her again, maybe a last ditch, last night in germany call.

But on a good note, feeling a little bummed I invited some boys over to finish the alcohol in my house (I'm moving, everything must go!) We take the party to a club over here. This club isn't an american club with slutty chicks. That gets old and lets be honest, a little dangerous. They only let a few americans in but I had been there before. Wasnt expecting anything big because the german girls there aren't usually too interested in talking to americans.

So I got a new page in my playbook. After discovering that the drinks were hella expensive and the bottles of alcohol were not that bad, I bought a bottle of vodka and some red bulls. I might as well have bought a bottle and some girls at the same time, because chicks literally followed me like the freakin pied piper. I took it back to the booth we had taken over, my boys were well hammered and being entertaining but not to the point of annoying. Having bought the bottle I automatically looked like the guy in charge so talking up the girls was pretty easy. Anyway, all your typical game worked with the german girls as they are more apt to speak english to you when you have a bottle of vodka at your table. Long story short, talk up this one chick, used the whole eye contact, not leaning in thing, then went for the lean in and started making out. This led to some dance floor make out and then back to my place. Mission accomplished.

And as an added bonus, I'm no longer worried about the other chick and her blowing me off, meeting up with the german girl again in a couple of days. And because I'm leaving in a week theres no question what we are meeting for.

Man I'm gonna miss the Deutschland![Image: banana.gif]

Post game analysis.., - kerouac - 09-28-2009

Quote: (09-28-2009 12:35 PM)SapperA Wrote:  

Having bought the bottle I automatically looked like the guy in charge so talking up the girls was pretty easy.

I've gotta say, when you feel like a boss, girls will treat you like a boss. That's why state control is key to pick up. When I feel like a King, I get treated like a King. If you can control this sort of state, then you're golden. Unfortunately, unless you are the boss IRL then it's hard to maintain this state completely. That's why I think Game is a bit of a long term/overall strategy, where those who want a high level of success with girls consistently must achieve a level of success throughout their lives (if they want congruency). Game is an overall strategy of alphatude.

Post game analysis.., - Riker - 09-29-2009


This is in Buenos Aires.
I went out to a art gallery tonight with my aunt who won a prize for her painting. While they announced the winners I met a girl (8) who was with her her aunt who also won something and two girls who were her friends. I made fun of her for being too short that she couldn't see over the crowd and how she needed heels and made a few smart ass comments to make her laugh. Later after both our aunts got their prizes I ran into them at the other side and talked about which paintings we liked. I isolated the girl (8) bringing her to see a painting I liked but I don't think she digged it as much and then I quickly wanted to move her somewhere else to see another painting which I hoped she liked better. That was needy game cause she then said she was going to look for her friends so she wouldn't get lost. That was obviously an excuse cause the place wasn't that big. I should have taken her number then when I first seperated her from her two friends and then just chilled or went on my way to # close other girls.

After I went to dinner with a girl friend of mine who I know from a yoga instructor's course. She's 48 and I'm 23. She is pretty (8) for her age but I'm not attracted to her or anything we just go out cause she's cool and wants to help me game girls. We're at a oval shaped round bar full of people and two girls come sit next to us eating a big icecream. The're a blond 8 and brunette 8, the blonde is nearest us and she has her elbow down and her back towards us. After a while they stop eating and leave a bit of the icecream (it was really big) and the blonde starts talking on the phone. I'm sitting next to my 48 yr old, then comes the blonde, then the brunette. I ask the brunette how the icecream was and metioned that it looked really heavy. She laughed and the blonde moved back in her chair while still on her phone to let us talk. We all start talking about random things and eventually the blonde joins in and starts talking alot. She asks us if we're bf and gf and I laugh. I tell her I think its cool for her to ask such a direct question and that I do that alot. I should have busted her balls or just said no casually without laughing. The blond gives us her card cause we mentioned flying to Miami and she has a private travel agency going. Then when have to leave I get up and ask the brunette "hey, you should give me your number so we can go out sometime" I know thats terrible but after not having gone for the number close earlier I wanted to do something before they left. And I didnt want to contact her through her friend. It was really bad too cause it was in front of her friend. She said she had a boyfriend and I said "oh okay" And they kind of laughed a little and left. It was kind of a spaz, totally unsmooth thing I did. I don't know how I could go for my target there without isolating her. I guess when the blonde gave us her card I could have asked the brunette if she had a card and if she didn't have her write her number on her friends card when she gave it to us?

Anyways I wanted to share, I've had other similarly embarrassing experiences that I haven't posted but I decided I need to share and get help. I'm having trouble opening lot during the day on the street even though theres gorgeous women around everywhere, I get really nervous. I probably open about 20% of my opportunities on the street/train/bus. Its hard cause girls are so used to getting hit on in Argentina that there defenses go up. And I don't have an accent when I speak Spanish so it takes a bit to get the whole I moved here only a few months ago from states in. After that I usually have tons to say though.

All in all I am really frustrated in general and feel shitty about my game. I'm too much in my head thinking about how I need to talk slow, and about being cocky funny, and my posture and the way I'm dressed. I need more inner-game and more alphaness. Going out of the house is stressful cause I know I'm going to either approach girls and go through a rush (which often leads to satisfaction of having done it) or feeling shitty for being a pussy and not opening. I don't think Iv been able to relax for the past 2 or 3 weeks, I'm constantly thinking about girls and I'm reading the PUA blogs and everything too much. And everything I do I equate to getting more girls. Getting more for girls, learning Portuguese for girls, learning yoga/guitar/tango all for girls. I know its sad! I feel like I need to do things for me and just be a cool guy and not think about having to game girls all the time.

Post game analysis.., - Kona - 09-29-2009

"She's 48 and I'm 23. She is pretty (8) for her age "

You need to bang her. ASAP.

Tell her exactly what you just said in your last paragraph. Use "please" and "thank you". Old people love that. She knows what you need, brah. I bet she's just waiting for you to ask.

You need a confidence booster.

Trust Me.


Post game analysis.., - Riker - 09-29-2009

Wow, that has actually crossed my mind man. Maybe your right. She's said she wants to come over my house to watch movies cause I got a nice home theater. If we both loosen up with some red or goose it could happen. And even if she isn't down I don't think it would be uncomfortable for either of us.

Good call.

Post game analysis.., - College Game - 09-29-2009

No game at all to report. One girl has been f*cking me three times a day. She is hott, a redhead, and crazy in the sack. It is awesome, but killing my game. The other girls I have been regularly sleeping with have found out about her, she being much more regular than them, and they are getting jealous. As a result, one of them has gone cold, while two of the others have totally showed their cards, talking about how much they want to be with me, go away with me, be my girlfriend etc.

The only upgrade to my game is I got a bad ass leather jacket, and I have been getting a lot more of the "looks" at bars and around town when I rock it. Problem is, I have no motivation to run game.

Post game analysis.., - kerouac - 09-30-2009

Quote: (09-29-2009 11:28 PM)College Game Wrote:  

No game at all to report. One girl has been f*cking me three times a day. She is hott, a redhead, and crazy in the sack.

There's really something about redheads... so much vivacity...

Post game analysis.., - Kona - 09-30-2009

Quote: (09-29-2009 11:28 PM)Riker Wrote:  

Wow, that has actually crossed my mind man. Maybe your right. She's said she wants to come over my house to watch movies cause I got a nice home theater. If we both loosen up with some red or goose it could happen. And even if she isn't down I don't think it would be uncomfortable for either of us.

Good call.

Well that's why I'm here.

Now this is pre-game analysis but oh well.

I leave for Las Vegas at 10:35. Tomorrow is my brothers 21st. He will be having an un-paid for 3-way. I have read on this forum how visualizing success isn't always a good idea. Fuck it. Golfers do it. We arrive at 7:15 am. It is my mission to make this happen by 10 pm tomorrow. Of course I will not be involved so don't be thinking that.

Riker, since I know you are pulling for my little bro, the first girl I bang in Vegas will be dedicated to you.


Post game analysis.., - Riker - 09-30-2009

Awesome! I once called up a buddy when I was in a dry spell and asked him to dedicate his next bang to me, and it brought me good luck.

Thanks and let us know how your bro does!

Post game analysis.., - Tama - 09-30-2009

Sapper, congrats. And dayum CG, what you complaining about? lol Sounds like you got one of those good kind of problems.

Post game analysis.., - Riker - 10-02-2009

Oh man I had the best night ever! Yesterday I went to a PUA course here in buenos aires and met a bunch of awesome guys and learned a couple really good openers. I went out tonight to one of, if not the most expensive, stuckup, elite club in the city. Its called Jet, anyways I opened so much using this line "Are you crazy? What are you doing out here looking like that? You're being completely disrespectful to everyone. You need to wear a bag over your head, you're to beautiful to walk around like that." Apparently its really original and it gets crazy laughs.

I also had this line "You know I belong with/to you. I really do. Are you spiritual? Do you believe in reincarnation? I don't know, I get this feeling maybe I was you slave in a past life or something."

Haha..... and also on my IPhone I wrote "I lost my voice but I think you're very beautiful. Will you be my wife for 5 minutes? I promise to be loyal/won't cheat." I got some how sweet and good positive responses but I wasn't sure what to follow up with. Maybe I should say the place is too loud instead of I lost my voice.

Anyways I used those three things on some of the hottest girls in the world maybe 35-40 sets. I got into maybe 4 or 5 conversations and closed 1 number. It was awesome! And I lost part of my fear of talking to girls! And the number I got I messaged with "Miss me yet?" And she asked who it was and I said "just think of the best memory you had tonight" And she said "haha yoga?" Cause I had mentioned I did yoga.

I don't even care if the girl is a dead end which its very likely, I'm just happy I'm finally out there. Now I just need to do a bunch of day game tomorrow [Image: smile.gif]

Post game analysis.., - CJ - 10-04-2009

I like when I focus on one girl instead of hopping around the bar like a lunatic.