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Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - Moma - 01-19-2011

Quote: (11-15-2010 10:58 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

C,mon dude how is America the promised land. The American Dream is just that a dream. The Neo-cons are draining your country of it's resources. Your money is about to crash and only god knows what will happen then. 25% unemployment and people living in tent cities. I could go on but I will stop there.
Sorry I am happier in Canada.Have you travelled?

Bruv, have you ever lived in the US?

I plan on immigrating to the US as soon as possible. I have been very disillusioned with Canada.

I speak with many Canadians and friends who have left here and will not return for the love of money.

I know a Scotian chick that I used to kick it with back in the days who upped and just moved to NYC. She said that was the best move of her life. She moved back here to handle some things with her yout but she said once that's done to quote Monica but she is so gone.

Canada is deceptive.

I have a friend who moved here from the U.S and he blatantly says that life here is sub par to the U.S.

Let's call a hat a hat.

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - Rocco81 - 01-19-2011

Right Moma...Canada and Europe are the two most commonly compared places to the USA. Both are deceptive. Not that we are better than Europe or Canada, but so many people say we are somehow worse as a society. They just havn't compared close enough I say.

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - Cruatha - 01-19-2011

I've lived in a bunch of places around the world, and I really don't like Canada. I'm here because my business brought me here, and now that's done, I'm out again and will try not to come back for a while.

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - Luckystar - 01-19-2011

Moma, as someone who has lived in both countries, I would have to disagree with you. I found that in general, the U.S. is great place to make money and have a great time. Lot of great things about U.S., but compared to Canada, it is not a great place to forge friendships and raise a family. Add in a more stable Canadian economy, Canada is more appealing.

I found that it was pretty 50-50 amongst Canadians about whether they should stay in the states. Many enjoyed life very much and/or were making more money, and decided to stay. Others found that the U.S. had a vibe of selfishness and ignorance, deciding to come back. I eventually moved back myself. I love a lot things about the states, I just like Canada more.

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - AlphaQup2nite - 01-20-2011

Im back after a long hiatus;

At the end of the day it call comes down to minimalizing expectations. Ive seen friends bring their Chinese wives home and immediately get nailed on the visa support after they get dropped (happened usually to the older balding men imo), and ive seen people pretty much shotgun wedding while barely able to communicate and go straight home and it works well (my parents are going on 25 years this year). You never really will know what you get, but minimalize your exposure. Or better yet marry a girl and just stay there with her. Why bring her home unless there is some amazing opportunity there. Most of us leave our home countries b/c we get fed up anyways.

Also, i know in asian cultures, marriage mode kicks in at about 27-28 b/c its really looked down on for an unmarried woman to hit 30 unless she is some internationally traveling businesswoman and rich. These rush weddings happen quickly, and often times the girls are quite decent looking, but at the end of the day they almost always end up cheating. These are the chicks who will pull out their phones and show you pictures of their kids and youll meet them in a hotel 3 hours later and fuck them senseless. So dont let yourself get hooked into one of these marriages without being aware of what is happening.

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - thekiller - 01-20-2011

Regarding the whole US-Canada thing: I get International Living magazine, which is basically for US retirees or investors to find overseas places to invest or retire (they're big on Colombia right now). They just came out with their 2011 Quality of Life Index. It's based on cost of living, culture, economy, environment, freedom, health, infrastructure, safety and climate. Number 1 was the US. New Zealand, Malta, France and Monaco round out the top 5. Canada wasn't even in the top 23.

I just thought it was funny a magazine based on moving out of the US rated it #1.

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - Moma - 01-20-2011

I have lived in Europe, Canada and U.S and I voluntarily rose the fcuk up out of Europe.
Canada has disappointed me. Yes, the people are nice, it's safer but it's boring as fcuk here.

Due to my size, I do a majority of my clothes and shoe shopping in the U.S and I am not even really what you would consider a giant.
Why? It's cheaper in the US and there are much more styles.

Some tight ass pair of no name jeans in Canada and you want to charge me 50 dollars vs two pair of roomy Timberland jeans for 20 dollars? Pah!
Stable economy because you have us tethered like a bunch of asses and goats.

In the city that I live, a lot of people are living below the poverty line. Just because you are able to extend on a loan to pay your car note and your mortgage doesn't mean things are fine and dandy.

When I moved here, I was knocked at the price to travel within the country. A flight to Montreal for 500 dollars?? Fcuk off!
I was going to fly to my friend's wedding from London to South of France for about 150 pounds return. That's about the same distance as flying to Montreal and it costs under 300 dollars for a return ticket.

My friends would often fly to Denmark for about 40 pounds return, Barcelona for about the same and Bulgaria..depending on the deals.

There are no such deals in Canada.

Canada is good if you like to live a boring, tepid life. But let me move to the US and work there for a few years before I can make an honest assessment.

Maybe Deebow can put in a few cents on this although I am skeptical of his analysis seeing as he loves Canada yet is firmly camped in Minneapolis.

If I love a place, I'm not moving out there unless I am seriously being compensated in a sense that I can set up a great future/retirement.

Another thing about the US is that you have multiple states that you can live in, if you prefer a certain lifestyle.

There are really only three (or four) major cities that you can get it popping in my opinion in Canada.

These are:
1) Toronto
2) Montreal (however being only able to speak English may limit progression *don't quote me on this, it's what I've heard*)
3) Vancouver
4) Calgary (maybe)

Really, I see Toronto as the only city because people come to Toronto in droves and go apeshit.
Toronto ain't even all that. So if you ain't feeling Toronto, then it's a wrap for Canada.

When I hear how easy you US guys are getting your homegrown puzzy, it makes me spit in disgust (but not at you lot)

I went to Boston which is supposed to be a hard city to close, and closed an Italian American on some corny ass shyt that never works in Toronto.
But I couldn't close an overweight mother of 8 in Toronto if I had Roosh, Mixx and all the other pimps on bluetooth coaching me through.

Bear in mind, it's easier to get puzzy in other cities outside of Toronto but the catch is, there are not much jobs (career opportunities).

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - maestrobaires - 01-20-2011

to marry a foreign woman or not? first off, why are you going to get married at all? [Image: wink.gif]

if you are looking for greener pastures overseas because you have no game and couldn't get laid in your country, then you might expect all the trouble to happen and even more. if you are simply not into local girls at where you are, then it's ok. especially if you are british or american. [Image: wink.gif]

rule #1 - don't mess with low class! namely don't marry a low class woman in a 3rd world country. it's a blueprint for a disaster! you might get laid with favela girls in brazil or poor isaan girls in thailand and it could be lots of fun. but, for something more serious look for someone within your social / economical strata or even higher. also, belonging to the same sub-culture is really important! you two must share a lot in common. cultural differences that you are going to cope with are enough. marrying a woman in latin america as well as certain parts of asia includes marrying extended family too. the age gap shouldn't be huge either unless you are bill gates and sean connery in one. [Image: wink.gif] the age gap in asia is not much of a big deal. i know guys in their 50s and 60s heating up young asses in japan. actually one of my best friends is in his early 50s and is getting married to a 20 something japanese girl. young girls in asia, latin america and russia if not upper middle and high class are often lacking maturity and life experience. many never traveled out of their province. if you are into brainy and educated girls, russia is your best bet. there are educated latin women too, namely colombian and some brazilian with a few argentines here and there. but, nothing beats russians.

go away from tourist places, try to learn as much of a local language as you can, do something that makes you exposed to the locals (study, work) and after a certain time if you are lucky you might meet your sweetheart. such girls wouldn't be after your passport or money. be prepared to move to her country too as upper class latins, russians or asians are highly unlikely to immigrate. unlike their lower strata counterparts. most of the girls already traveled, studied and lived abroad. even if they wanna go live overseas they got ways and means to do it without you. such girls should be your target!

nothing against shagging hoes, hostesses, prepagos, shopping mall girls, waitresses, 18 year olds, ... but, there is no future! i had a great time doing my favorite coffeeshop waitress lately. a sweet 22 y/o uruguayan girl of ethiopian origin. she is even a good hearted and sweet girl. but, i can't see myself dating her. she is a bit limited and too shallow. beyond incredible sex, there is nothing she can bring in.

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - AlphaQup2nite - 01-20-2011

Read the book Private Dancer if you haven't yet. This is an awesome book about an average guy who falls for a hooker in Thailand and how he gets fucked over. At the same time it is a very in depth case study into foreigners going to specifically Thailand to get married/fall in love. There are tons of cultural excepts, one that mentions specifically marriage, which goes into detail what is pretty much paraphrased above.

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - truedat - 01-20-2011

how many want in permanently and how many want out permanently
Every Russian I know, myself included, still keeps his old passport.

And about safety, at least there is no such thing as "casual school shooting" in Russia [Image: tongue.gif]

You must of been absent the day of the beslan school massacre.

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - UrbanNerd - 01-21-2011

Quote: (01-20-2011 10:05 AM)Moma Wrote:  

Bear in mind, it's easier to get puzzy in other cities outside of Toronto but the catch is, there are not much jobs (career opportunities).

Personally I thought Toronto's heyday was early 1990's to early 2000's. With more Americans visiting, we (Americans) became less of a novelty.

Now in the small towns outside of Toronto, a decent American brotha can get almost-raped but as Moma said, those towns are for visiting only.

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - rudebwoy - 01-21-2011

Moma - you make some valid points, but UK does not even come into the equation. It seemed like almost everyone was living under the poverty line there, yes I certainly enjoyed the cheap travel while I was there. That was the only thing though!

People rave about New York, but aside from cheap clothing it is the most over-rated place on the planet. The whole I love NY thing cracks me up, what is there to love. Too dirty and too overcrowded.

Toronto is a bit quiet and yes you can say boring, but there are good clubs going almost every night of the week. I know alot of major cities that are dead most nights of the week. Maybe I am bit older but safety is important to me, in the USA it always seems like something can happen any moment.

Now for the topic off bringing back a foreign wife to US/Canada, don't ever do it unless you are from the same country. Personally, if i found the right chick i would move to her country.

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - oldnemesis - 01-21-2011

Quote: (01-20-2011 09:38 PM)truedat Wrote:  

You must of been absent the day of the beslan school massacre.

This was a terrorist attack, similar to 9/11, which also happened in a very unstable region. This is quite different from casual shootings.

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - smilingwolf - 05-19-2011

Quote: (10-04-2010 02:39 PM)Urban Renaissance Man Wrote:  

"As far as capitalism 'beating" the Soviet Union-- Well, who else was even challenging us? They remain for good and bad a formidable people.
The Klingons would like Russians."

"Exe mentioned the harshness of the Russian winter as a factor in WWII; and granting that's true one could argue that the Russians have adapted to that, showing certain signs of sturdiness and perseverance.

But the K1 (Fiancee visa) route is inherently uncertain, if you don't have independent financial means it's very hard to spend enough time in FSU to get the know the woman enough. I think they also limit you to one K1 every two years, but that's about how long it takes to find out if the one you've been working on is not going to work.

I'm lucky in a way because I've saved enough money that I can just go and live in the FSU off investments, I'm telling them I'm not coming back to the USA. I might, but I don't want women hanging on because of that. I don't mind giving someone a better lifestyle WHILE SHE'S WITH ME, but I need the flexibility to quickly get another one should she not meet my standards or vice versa.

So if you are hot for a beautiful, smart, white girl, I advocate going after Russian women. I just also advocate covering your bets, that winter is cold if you get caught in it. But-- no guts, no glory.

Or as I think the Brits put it, "Who dares, wins."

Well, the Klingons were bad ass, but Star Fleet (USA) always ended up kicking their ass in the end. Let's not pretend we don't knbow who really won WWII!
I appreciate the tips on possible marriage of a Russian woman. Damn, they are hot, judging from photos on the internet and TV. I want a Bond Girl quality!! Are their areas in Eastern Europe, with the same hot look who are a little nicer and more into being affectionate than Russian women?

Just for historical accuracy sake, the country that won WWII was Russia. They bled the most by far and at the same time bled the Germans dry on the Eastern Front. Over 25 million Russian civiliian and military casualties and nearly 10 million German/allied casualities; there is no room for debate about this.

If it weren't for the collective courage and fighting tenacity of the Russian people taking on the brunt of the most brilliant and effective fighting force (the German Wehrmarcht) created to the time, then the outcome of WWII would have been far different.

To downplay the daring and true genius of Hitler's decisions leading up to and including the first two years of WWII is to show a profound ignorance of 20th Century history.

Also, HItler's decision to form up a major assault on the south (Operation Blue), and into the Ukraine in the spring of 1942, was not based on some initial obscession with taking Stalingrad. Stalingrad, was, at that time, just a point on the map along the Volga. His major motivation was to secure the immense economic and natural resource base of the Ukraine and the oil fields of the Caucusas.

As far the assertion that women are not to be completely trusted, this is a great and wise truth; albeit an unfortunately brutal one. If a woman knows she has the upper hand, she will crush the man like a bug.

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - smilingwolf - 05-19-2011

Just for historical accuracy sake, the country that won WWII was Russia. They bled the most by far and at the same time bled the Germans dry on the Eastern Front. Over 25 million Russian civiliian and military casualties and nearly 10 million German/allied casualities; there is no room for debate about this.

If it weren't for the collective courage and fighting tenacity of the Russian people taking on the brunt of the most brilliant and effective fighting force (the German Wehrmarcht) created to the time, then the outcome of WWII would have been far different.

To downplay the daring and true genius of Hitler's decisions leading up to and including the first two years of WWII is to show a profound ignorance of 20th Century history.

Also, HItler's decision to form up a major assault on the south (Operation Blue), and into the Ukraine in the spring of 1942, was not based on some initial obscession with taking Stalingrad. Stalingrad, was, at that time, just a point on the map along the Volga. His major motivation was to secure the immense economic and natural resource base of the Ukraine and the oil fields of the Caucusas.

As far the assertion that women are not to be completely trusted, this is a great and wise truth; albeit an unfortunately brutal one. If a woman knows she has the upper hand, she will crush the man like a bug.

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - Oldpuller - 05-20-2011

I am very interested in Russian Culture and have met a few Russian women.

Unfortunately, I have not had the pleasure of dating one yet, but have spoken to many. I also have a few chenchinas (Russian women) as friends on skype.

There does seem to be quite a big difference in their attitude towards men compared with Western women. I have learned a little Russian and whenever I ask a Russian woman if she can speak Russian (in Russian), I always receive a warm welcome. They want to know why I am learning it. I never sense the slightest bit of distain or suspicion, but they keep a healthy formal distance. It is a part of their culture. They also speak to you as an equal. Last week I spoke to a nice young Russian (Azerbajani) woman and when we finished our conversation I offered my hand as a hand shake. She took it, shook it with me while looking into my eyes with complete confidence and a strong sense of equality. To be honest, I had a little difficulty stepping up to it myself.

I also find if you troll Moi Mir, something similar to Facebook, but in Russian (some post in English), you find the attitude of women towards men there is distinctly different. I have read comments such as "men were meant to be loved" and a blog written by a woman, lamenting that so many men have become alcoholics since the fall of the USSR, because the new capitalist system has created unemployment. (Unheard of in USSR, you either went to work or jail).

I believe that Russian women really do view men in a much more favourable light than most western women. But I don't think they tolerate weakness or neediness in any way. They expect a man to be a man. I have heard that many Russian women just hate to see men washing the dishes, changing daipers or doing other metrosexual activities we modern western men have been brought up to do, although, a little cooking seems to be acceptable.

One thing has become perfectly clear, Russians are a very practical people. There are no airs and graces, you get what you see, and they make no apologies. Life in Russia has created a strong, rugged people. I recently visited a Russian restaurant. The food was fantastic, excellent, the restaurant was impeccably clean. But the reason why the restaurant was not that popular was obvious from the word go. They did not know how to apply the false friendly service smile and ass kissing we almost expect from waiters and waitresses in the west. The staff were efficient but practical. Here is your food! Here is your check!

In short, I would not even consider a Russian woman unless you yourself are a strong and confident man. If you are, then, my guess is that a Russian woman will probably the best choice you could possibly make. (For Russia read CIS)

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - elabayarde - 04-29-2012

A old wise pilot once said: Keep em there and keep em hungry.... now we say it all the time.

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - freshcream - 03-11-2013

After reading a bit of this... dear lord. Marriage is never happening to a western woman.

After having my first try at being with a foreign girl (3 months), I can say that it was pleasurable. Not just the daily blowjobs, put the feeling of being the MAN.

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - azulsombra - 03-11-2013

Quote: (04-29-2012 08:39 AM)elabayardee Wrote:  

A old wise pilot once said: Keep em there and keep em hungry.... now we say it all the time.

Well said, it doesnt make much sense wifeing up a foreign woman and bringing her to the anglosphere. Sounds like a recipe for disaster. Keep them where they are and enjoy.

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - urbannomad - 03-11-2013

I would mine so much shacking up some local gal in rural area of that country for 2-6 months. Giving myself time to learn some language skills and the culture. Then move to the city and start dating different class of women and making final decision if the girl and country worth staying... Some things you can learn best thru experiences along with new insight what's good for you in the long run

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - GameTheory - 03-11-2013

@ I Know Exactly

now that i've re-read your posts in the first page of this thread, i am reminded that the Russians have defeated 2 of the 3 anti-Christ figures predicted by Nostradamus (Namely Napoleon and Hitler)

[Image: mindblown.gif]

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - Belize King - 03-12-2013

Business wise marriage makes sense. In Thailand, its better to marry than fuck around with a Thai you can trust. Of course, you have to be able to trust your wife. If I wanted to get something to jump off out here I would marry in a heartbeat.

That being said I wouldnt bring her to the states.

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - lavidaloca - 03-12-2013

why does business wise marriage make sense. If she puts in more gain than she spends maybe. But remember what you make is then essentially half hers. So unless she makes more than you I don't see the gain effect unless we are talking about tax breaks.

i'm very against the idea of getting married personally and have dated many foreign girls.

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - theIVth - 03-12-2013

Any man can do whatever he wants to do or whatever he sees fit to make his life enjoyable, in my opinion.

However and having said that, I just cant see how marrying a woman from a totally different culture, country, continent and potentially economic status, social status etc is better and worth totally avoiding American women all together.

From NY to LA and everywhere in between, how is it just not possible for a man that desires to be married to find a decent woman on his own soil? Personally, I think it does say something about a man that feels the need to go abroad just to find a wife.

I work with a guy that has a mail order bride and I think people in the office have said that his family has pretty much shunned him because of that.

In end though, like I said, I think any man should be free to do whatever he wants that he feels will better his quality of life.

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - LowerCaseG - 03-12-2013

Quote: (03-12-2013 03:09 AM)lavidaloca Wrote:  

why does business wise marriage make sense. If she puts in more gain than she spends maybe. But remember what you make is then essentially half hers. So unless she makes more than you I don't see the gain effect unless we are talking about tax breaks.

i'm very against the idea of getting married personally and have dated many foreign girls.

It makes sense because in Thailand a foreigner cannot own land. You need a wife for that (Exception....condominium w>50% Thai ownership w/in association)