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Post game analysis.., - CJ - 08-28-2009

Worst night, almost. Hit the bar pretty late... almost 1-ish, but was very aware of body language, etc, and managed to engage and have some brief conversations with a few girls, despite the fact that their dumbass boyfriends were right behind them. IDK, if these girls were my girl (or Roosh willing "one" of my girls) I wouldn't let them talk to other guys like me. Anyway, managed to score more free drinks again, always a plus, but then this lunatic I met a month or two ago shows up at the bar and he's after every girl like crazy, scaring them all off, it'd be like throwing a hand grenade into the pond before fishing. Ugh... on the plus side, I feel I'm progressing at reading girls, and just approaching any girl in general, mainly doing so sober again feels great. So, no bangs tonight, but I'm prepped for the weekend, and getting really good at getting beta guys to buy me drinks.

Post game analysis.., - Stuporstar - 08-31-2009

Howdie people.

I must be the dumbest nigger in all of niggerdom cause I just can't figure this one out.

I was at a club where I'd arranged to meet some friends. After greeting them, I head over to get my drink on and get the first warm-up (usually a somewhat epic blowout) done and dusted. At the bar this cutie eye-fucks me. I have to look away to order drinks and when I look back, she's gone. I chalk it up to squandered opportunities and move on.

Later that night, I'm dancing with my mates and this biggie says I should dance with her. I duly oblige and as we dance she asks me something. I say I can't hear her and she pulls me closer. Then, I see that the cutie from earlier is part of her group and she's spotted us and is again eye-fucking me. Biggie asks me a question and I'm forced to look away again. Then, all of a sudden the cutie comes over and tells biggie something. Biggie mumbles some bs, which I don't remember, and heads off after her friend, never to be seen again.

Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot?

How should I have played this one boys? The cutie was really hot...for my current level and I was relying on some hail mary shit to switch to the hottie and not piss off biggie so she don't cockblock me. In the grand scheme of things it didn't matter too much cause I was bouncing anyway.

Don't know if it's at all relevant but this was in Johannesburg.


Post game analysis.., - Trotter - 08-31-2009

After several years of being in an LTR my girlfriend and I called it quits on Friday morning and so Friday night I went sarging. I'm not the type to mull over the end of a relationship and always figured the quickest way to get over it is to start lining up new chicks.

I went to a bar down the street from where I live. I pulled up to the bar and ordered up three shots of Jack and a beer chaser. Within minutes I start talking up this brunette which is probably about a 6. She was also a tad bit chunky but nothing that you would consider to be fat or grotesque. Before talking I noticed that she had been burning a hole in the side of my head so after a bit I just looked over and said "You might as well sit closer to get a better view."

She acted a little embarrased and said she didn't mean to stare so I said "All the same you don't look dangerous so you can sit next to me. I'm not going to move because I'm trying to watch the game." (with a quick wink) then turned my head back to the game. She did come over and sat in the stool next to me. The rest of the engagement was uneventful and I'm a lot rusty on game so I'm sure I've made a ton of mistakes. Towards the end I get a text from a buddy of mine to come to his place. So I tell the chick it was a pleasure meeting her but I have some place to be. I didn't try to number close because I honestly wasn't entirely interested in getting her number. I just wanted to get out and start working my way back into game using baby steps.

I get up and before I leave she grabs my arm and pulls me into her (because it was loud in there). She tells me that she frequents the bar on Fri and Sat and that I should come back on one of those nights. I just say "That's good to know" and then basically walk out. Maybe I'll check back this Fri/Sat and work on a "F" close.

Afterwards, I get to my buddy's house and I'm just chillin and relaxin. By that time it's 2 in the morning and I get a text from my "ex" wondering where I was. I didn't respond and then called up this chick I had a fling with a few years back. We're going to be meeting up in Va Beach in two weeks for some fun in the sun. But I already know she's a lock so I have something for sure lined up I just now to fill in the space between now and then.

Speaking of which that night before I went out I got a BJ from my "ex". It's weird but she was alright with still doing the sex thing which is fine. She has this thing about getting it on in cars so I took her out to my car and bam one thing lead to another which ended up being a BJ in the parking lot of my apartment. The cool thing is she's still going to be in town for the next couple of weeks so I probably can just get what I need from her before I see this other chick in Va Beach for a week.

Post game analysis.., - CJ - 09-01-2009

Quote: (08-31-2009 02:12 AM)BaltimoreBachelor Wrote:  

Getting beta guys to buy you drinks? Do tell.

I'm not sure exactly how this has worked so well lately, when I get it down to a science I'll fill in details.

What I've noticed so far for sure is you should try to talk to girls who are around those guys that are trying to impress the ladies by throwing money around, IE buying rounds of drinks/shots etc. Especially shots, cuz those types of guys tend to buy more than one round of those.

I have no idea what spending all that money proves, but if it helps me get or keep a buzz I will not argue with their approach.

Post game analysis.., - Kona - 09-01-2009

"their dumbass boyfriends were right behind them"


Be straight with me, brah. Is it the free drinks you like, or is it the girls that are already "taken" ????

You know I do this all the time. They want that one nighter of something different. Sometimes they are way easier. Especially when the boyfriend is pouring booze down everybody and blowing cash like a fool.

Are you on o something?


Post game analysis.., - Oblivion77 - 09-02-2009

My Update.
Two inconclusive stories that didnt lead to any action.

Round #1
LOCATION: Los Angeles.

I went to a bar in Westwood with one buddy of mine (great guy but super beta). Once there, 3 friends of him, all guys, joined us, right when a group of 5 young girls (21-24 years old) came in and started ordering drinks by the bar - where I'm sitting.

I opened the cutest girl as soon as she bumped into me with "So, after bumping into me are you also going to try to steal my seat?"
I was in. Talked to 3 of the 5 (a 7, a two 5)) for about 20 min...even though nobody among my buddy and his 3 friends even dared to join in and wingman a bit.
No big deal as the girls seemed very entertained.

I got the number of the 5, as the 7 was reluctant and hesitated to give me her number in front of her friends (perhaps my mistake, as I tried to suggest going for drinks after 3 min of chatting to the 3 girls, and in front of her friends. IMO she couldnt agree, in front of the friends, or risked being considered a slut for being so eager...3 minutes)
I could tell she was annoyed when I left though (I had to bolt and leave also my buddy and his friend behind to hit another place with another friend).
My buddy told me later in the evening the chicks were chatting about me, outside the bar, LOL.

Anyway days later, after corresponding with the 5, in a purely platonic manner, I found the 5 on facebook. I spotted the 7 among her friends and, very sleazily, messaged also her. She responded saying she would like to go out, but was going on vacation to El Salvador the day after. The 5, surprisingly insisted and gave me her friends number (she must have figured out I wasnt into her). I was quite surprised by that assist.

Anyway I contacted the 7 after her return from El Salvador and picked a day and time for drinks.
She flaked with a text 5 hours before the drinks. Considering she just created excuses ("My boss is sending me home as I am sick") but didnt mention rescheduling, and did it on short notice, I simply decided to move on.

- Round # 2
Location: Los Angeles (Santa Monica)

I went to watch a UFC event, on my own. To my surprise the bar was empty so I started chatting with a cute waitress, a 7.
I wanted to test some opening and see how far and how fast I could get her number.
It took 3 minutes total of conversation (split in two times she came by).
I chatted with her and suggested hitting a restaurant that I, on purposes, tossed into the conversation at the beginning.
Texted her that same night to probe and see if she was real and mainly to be sure she had my number for when I was going to call her. She texted back.

However I called her two days later and never heard back.
I sent a text two days later "wow, you already met someone cooler than me!? that cant be true!"
It never lead anywhere if they dont call back, but I get a kick from it ;-)
That's it.

Actually I also went on date with a girl I didnt know - a friend of a friend I corresponded with online. However this is a completely different case. As obviously, considering her friend vouched for me, this girl is already into me. She is a solid 8.
To be continued...even though the lack of a challenge doesnt motivate me too much.
Bizarre but true.
Quite a paradox?

I dont deny I'm trying to see if I can chat for 3-5 minutes maximum, number close, get a date and then bang a girl that is a 7 or higher.

Learning experience: I easily get numbers now, but if I talk to the girl less than 5 minutes, then the numbers are rarely conducive to dates, even though the girls initially respond to texts and appears eager.
In other words, their attraction for me blurs too quickly if I number closed them within 5 minutes or less (something I'm good at).

I need to invest a bit more effort into building interest/attraction, even though my 5 minutes pick-ups are a way to cope with cockblocking attempts (loud music, friends arriving, crowded bar etc).


Post game analysis.., - Kona - 09-03-2009

"My boss is sending me home as I am sick"

Maybe she was. Maybe you should call her, see if she's better. Tell her you waited since she just got back from a 3rd world, you didn't want to catch whatever it was, not because you care... If she answers that is. No more texting with this girl though.


Post game analysis.., - CJ - 09-03-2009

Quote: (09-01-2009 07:08 PM)Kona Wrote:  

Is it the free drinks you like, or is it the girls that are already "taken" ????

The free drinks are a plus, I don't usually go into a situation where the girl is taken intentionally though, as that means more work.

Messed up situation last night, first off I didn't even intend to go out. My friend had some of his co-workers come out though, and I opted to use these girls as practice. Things worked fairly well, until my friend told me he was really into the one of them. Argh... I was definitely picking up on a lot of things from this girl though, especially after leaving the bar: mirroring, kino, trying to qualify herself to me, and she hinted that she had already put my friend in her friend zone, but oh well. Plus, most importantly for me, I was sober enough to be fully aware of what was going on. This is a good friend though, so I wasn't going to rain on his parade and swoop his target. If I run into this girl again, and he hasn't banged her still, I will no longer feel obligated to hold back. I think that's fair.

Post game analysis.., - Oblivion77 - 09-03-2009

Quote: (09-03-2009 01:10 AM)Kona Wrote:  

"My boss is sending me home as I am sick"

Maybe she was. Maybe you should call her, see if she's better. Tell her you waited since she just got back from a 3rd world, you didn't want to catch whatever it was, not because you care... If she answers that is. No more texting with this girl though.


Lol, thanks for the input but I'm not going to, she is the past. Mainly because I dont think her text was genuine, as she took like 5 hours to respond to my call (where I confirmed place and time) and she used a text, with short notice. If she was falling sick she could have responded promptly mentioning she didnt feel well.
Unacceptable behavior! ;-)

In general, from my experiences, when it is complicated to schedule the first date, whatever the reason (she is sick, family in town, conflict of schedules, vacations, upcoming work deadline etc), it never leads anywhere.
Doesnt really matter if the girl sincerely wants to go out with you, or if she just loves the attention. A quick analysis of my and my friends experiences lead me to conclude that it is better to walk away if the first date schedule isnt quick, easy and smooth.

I'm not against working to get it, but I've developed a decent radar for indecisive/confused girls.
It is like with those people that show up at an open house, but you spot from miles away they arent looking for a place to buy or to move in into. They are there just to look around, to check out the market and to spend some time (and eat some hors d'oeuvres!).

EDIT: I'm talking about girls you picked up in bars or streets. If you have a real connection instead, like a mutual friend, then these obstacles can be overcome, as the girl cant disappear that easily and she is more likely to be sincere when she brings up a conflict of schedules.

Anyway I'm in LA, ergo FLAKETOWN. I had to adjust to this setting.
Getting a number means nothing here. As I always say "An LA girl would give her numbers to a monkey if the monkey could ask".
I know I sound a bit cynical, but it comes from experience. In Europe (I'm from Italy), I have another outlook, as it might be more difficult to get a number (especially in "mediterranean" countries like Italy, Spain or Greece) but at least for Italy and the UK - places where I lived - I can guarantee that if you do get a number, the number is WAY more real than with LA girls.
America baby!

Post game analysis.., - College Game - 09-05-2009

Went out solo last night on the town. Wasn't feeling to hyped for game so it boiled down to the end of the night calling up one of my regulars. I needed a place to sleep as much as I needed the vag.

Either way, impressed myself by pulling a number from a good looking Argentinian broad on the metro (subway.) It was a quick fire and I got it and we were supposed to meet up later in the night but my phone died and I didnt feel like wandering around to find a plug at the bar.

Called her today, she wanted me to meet her sister and brother in the park. Passed on that one and I think the girl as a whole. I hate it when latinas/chicanas do that.

Post game analysis.., - College Game - 09-13-2009

Quote: (09-07-2009 03:46 PM)BaltimoreBachelor Wrote:  

Quote: (09-05-2009 06:34 PM)College Game Wrote:  

it boiled down to the end of the night calling up one of my regulars.

I look forward to having that option! And good on you for flying solo. Gotta do what you gotta do.

It has its ups and its downs.

Post game analysis.., - College Game - 09-13-2009

Report from this weekend.

A few months back I posted a question on this forum on how to deal with lawyer / law school girls. It said:

"Heres the question, how does one deal with these kinds of girls. I went out with one, and my usual game o"n dates kept getting deflected by some sort of stoic alpha female bullshit. I didn't read into it much but I think it boiled down to she didn't buy my bullshit because she knew I just wanted to bang her. How do you deal with successful, career driven, alpha female, lawyer types. I have yet to bang one, but I want to, I feel like if I pull the string on her tight business suit she will just explode with pent up sexual energy and just ride the shit out of me."
Rest and responses available here:

Anyways, back in May I went out with this law school girl with one of the best pickups I have ever done. I saw her at a cafe and I was reading a Hemingway short story. I finished it, ripped it out, wrote my number on it, and gave it to this girl. We went out once, made out, but then she kept flaking and ended up abroad for the rest of the summer. Ran into her at a bar on Friday, ran a very direct game, and in about 20 minutes I had her half naked in a park nearby. I was drunk and had no condoms so I didn't bang her, but everything but.

From here, again, went to the house of a regular. But I found out that you can only sleep with a girl for so long, before it gets messy, so I need to up my game, go on a run.

Post game analysis.., - Kona - 09-14-2009

Quote: (09-13-2009 09:58 PM)College Game Wrote:  

I was drunk and had no condoms so I didn't bang her

Brah, its cool. I banged a lawyer Friday night. I'm getting with her again tomorrow night and the Aloha that comes out of it is dedicated to you!

You should get things cooking with your girl from the park for tomorrow. We can share reports on tues.

The waves are up early, I think I need a run myself.


Post game analysis.., - College Game - 09-15-2009

"I don't want to move too fast."
- Ah motherf*cker youre killing me.

"So I'm curious, what do you guys do when the opportunity presents itself, but your horniness is only halfway there? I've faced this inconsistently in the past, and I want to make sure I'm not turning down opportunities just because I don't know how to make her turn me on"
- It happens, all the time, do you want the graphic answer?

Post game analysis.., - College Game - 09-16-2009

Quote: (09-15-2009 08:42 AM)BaltimoreBachelor Wrote:  

Quote: (09-15-2009 02:37 AM)College Game Wrote:  

- It happens, all the time, do you want the graphic answer?

Hahaha... yeah, I'd be much obliged.

Much obliged, alright Bubbles.

This problems pops up, or should I say, doesn't pop up, all the time. Often it is a mixed result of too much booze, first time pressure (known as performance anxiety), a girl being mediocre looking, or a girl really making no effort to get you going. Here you just have to take care of yourself, yourself. If it is at my house I have multiple condom and lube spots, nothing is worse than being ready to go and you are groping in the dark for a bottle of lube and a condom. So just toss her down aggressivelike, rip her clothes off, and just jerk off, and then KABLAMMO! BANG! If it drops down again, repeat.

Its all about the lube man.

PS, don't EVER apologize for it, and if it so happens, either say 1) play it off as that you have the opposite of two-pump-chump syndrome, and incredible endurance, and your sex is mind blowing multiple orgrasmlytastic marathons, 2) just ignore it, and try again in the morning, she will forget the first incident. 3) dont say anything.

Post game analysis.., - Trotter - 09-16-2009


Punk/goth chick. She's passed out right now I'll report back when I can.

Post game analysis.., - Kona - 09-17-2009

Quote: (09-16-2009 10:59 PM)Trotter Wrote:  


Punk/goth chick. She's passed out right now I'll report back when I can.

Nice job.


Post game analysis.., - CJ - 09-17-2009

Quote: (09-16-2009 10:59 PM)Trotter Wrote:  


Punk/goth chick. She's passed out right now I'll report back when I can.

I hope it's not one of my exes! Ah fuck it, actually I hope it is!

Post game analysis.., - CJ - 09-18-2009

My own wingman and good friend nearly cock-blocked me again tonight with his stupid "Why hasn't he got your number yet?" routine, God that shit pisses me off. He thinks he's helping, but ugh... I need to introduce the guy to sites like this. Anyway, instead of brushing the girl off, I tried to spin his stupidity into a positive tonight and told her look, this is not my normal way of operating, but just give me your number now to shut him the fuck up. Of course she did, and later on as I continued talking to her, I almost accidentally number closed, as felt natural at the time, but instead she pulls her phone out to make sure that she has my number, perfect! We'll see how this progresses, I made her promise two things at the close (borrowing parts from Mystery/Roosh): #1 - You have to answer the phone tomorrow with an enthusiastic "Oh yes, it's that awesome guy from the bar. #2 - You have to decide what drinking game I'm gonna kick your ass at. She was down with both, so we'll see. Also there was some moderate cock-blocking I over-came from her male friend, but I will post that in the cock-blocking thread I created.

Oh, almost forget the most important part, girl was a solid 9.

Post game analysis.., - CJ - 09-19-2009

WTF... ok, the girl from last night was crazy excited when I told her to give me her number, then later FOLLOWS ME across the bar after I've moved on to talk to my friends, to make sure that I have her number, tells me to call her the next day, I do and she doesn't answer and doesn't call me back. Would love it if that made any sense. No, I have not called her again, yes I want to, but no I will not, but that kind of crap irks me. Why go out of your way to make sure you have my number and then not return my call?

Irked me so much that I messed up tonight, sort of. Went to meet a girl and her friends with my friend. My friend was into this girl, cool, and when we get there each of her girlfriends has a guy on them. The one was looking good, her "guy" dips off somewhere (to the bathroom I'm told) so I start talking to her, and by the time he comes back she wants nothing to do with him and is engaged deep with me. However, when she says I need to have her number, I told her, "No, you're drunk, you can give it to me next time we hang out and you're sober." Keep in mind the girl is a friend of my friend, so hopefully I see her again, but I figure what good is a drunk girl's # gonna do me? Anyway, I continue to be too stand-offish, almost switching rolls as she was the aggressor to the point where I messed it up, cuz she was to drunk and had to leave with her friend (my friend's friend we came to meet). The girl was an 8, and I think I screwed up, at least my friend suggested I did, as had I just played along with her drunk ass I could've been with her and he could've been with the other girl. So... should I have pursued this girl, despite how drunk she obviously was? Given the background and that I feel I'll see her again I think I made the right call.

Post game analysis.., - kerouac - 09-19-2009

CJ: next time a girl is acting that desperate give her ur number and tell her to txt u right away so u have her number. Afterwards tell her to txt u tomorrow if she wants to do something. That way the ball will be in your court and you don't have to worry about this bullshit. This is one option at least. Otherwise if a girl is that much into wanting to hook up then escalate it the same night she is acting this way, as in isolate and get her to kiss at least and then it will be an even stronger position.

Post game analysis.., - CJ - 09-20-2009

Ya, as I watch more stuff online, read more stuff online, and practice more, I can see how you can make this work consistently with great results.

My mistakes are easy to spot in both situations:

1. The girl didn't call back because her bond to me that night was merely about what she was feeling that night, and she flaked out, or didn't have those same feelings when I called.
- I should have escalated even more that night, told my wingman to pull his head out of his ass and talk to her guy friend more, so I could've isolated more and got a kiss close with her at the very least, if not tried for more.

2. My heart wasn't into it with the girl I met the following night, despite how good the girl looked. I'm sure with a little effort I could've gone home with her. Instead, I just wanted to practice more things I've been studying, and they got her interested obviously. Either way, I like your texting strategy.

The good/bad news is I will likely see both girls again, as the first goes to a bar I go to a lot, and the second is a friend of a friend.

My question now is how do I approach the first girl again, when I inevitably see her? I never called her back a second time, because I feel it's ridiculous to do that, given that she went out of her way to make sure she had my number and then didn't answer/return my call. I've considered sending her a text tomorrow to let her know she missed out on a lot of fun this weekend, and ask if she's just shy.

Although, I'm also leaning towards just asking her next time I see her at this bar why she wanted my number so bad, when she wasn't going to use it? Girl claimed she has a problem saying "no" so I wonder if I couldn't guilt her into making up blowing me off this weekend.

I've also got an ace in the hole, as the girl is an aspiring online poker player, and I've managed to sustain myself for the better part of the past two years playing poker. She doesn't know that yet.

What do you guys think? I'm sure I'll see her again, and I'm not just going to look the other way. I like that bar, and in my head this ends one of two ways: I bang her, or she's the one that feels uncomfortable for her actions and just doesn't come to "my bar" anymore.

Post game analysis.., - Kona - 09-20-2009

"I like that bar"

If you really have the spot locked down, you could have the employees help you out.

Have the bouncer pretend to come in and ask you if its ok if she comes in. This is my move. "Let me check with Mr. CJ"

Or have the bartender ask you before she gets served. Make her feel like she messed up with a heavy hitter but play it cool.

Tell her its to bad she can't hang out at your spot anymore.

If she felt it once, she will again.

I'm at a bar right now and loving this mobility shit!


Post game analysis.., - Basil Ransom - 09-20-2009

Just 'cause it's funny: banged a chick that was checking out my house as a prospective tenant. ran into her at a house party, she and her friend approached me. came by the next day to show the house to friends and they laughed when she said hello to me. The landlord is Greek, with an accent to match, and told my housemates and I, "see, I bring you only beautiful girls. No gypsies"

She told me I was more forceful than any other guy she'd been with. Was literally pinning her down at times. For some reason, this doesn't happen to any of my friends...Yeaaah, I'll take it...

PS: Put a girl in handcuffs with this: . I have a tie belt that I wear and use for this, slick move. "Do you do this to every girl, or do I just bring it out in you?"

Post game analysis.., - CJ - 09-21-2009

Heh, I wish I could get into that shit, but a couple past arrests have completely ruined handcuffs for me.

Kona, I don't have this bar on lockdown like that. I had a bar like that in college, I wasn't just friends with the bouncers, I was roommates with them. This is a pretty good sized bar, and getting that kind of rep might not be possible there. Oh, actually one of the local dive bars I have like that now too, but conversely that bar is so damn tiny that it's different.

Anyway I talked to my brother about this, he's a natural, although he has a very negative opinion of "bar chicks". He prefers to pick up girls he works with (restaurant mgr) and get them to quit their jobs and find a new place to work while he dates them.

He called this the "curse of the drunken bar chick"... but she wasn't drunk I told him, his response, "Well why didn't you get her drunk?" He went on and said girls like that watch shows like sex in the city and go out to the bar with this whole other persona, get drunk, do whatever feels right to them at the time, and then the next day they're back to being themselves again like nothing happened the night before.

He said, it doesn't matter what this girl said or did, it's over, and his opinion was since she showed so much interest that night, I should've made sure she got drunk and then banged her that night. If that wasn't possible, she's best to throw back and find a new fish next time out.

I persisted and he said, if I had to contact her I should have just gave her my number and made her call me, or just sent her a text a couple days later. A short text, just saying "what's up" or something to that effect, trying to get a response and get her curious.

He said, no matter what, in her head whatever she did that night was right, because she's back to being herself the next day, and my only goal with bar chicks should be to bang them as quickly as possible and make the sex so good that they call you back for more. He went on to say that he generally has no respect for this kind of girl, and when he bangs them he asks them, "where should I cum" and of course every girl says "on my stomach/tits" and he'll purposely squeeze extra hard to try to hit her face.