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Looks vs. Game - DLuzhin - 10-21-2011

The whole "looks are important" discussion is completely moot, because contemporary people don't know shit about what they really consider beautiful.

You have to go back to the Greeks: male beauty is essentially indivisible from athletic beauty. If you want to improve your "looks," forget about the fucking moisturizer, get to the gym, get strong, get powerful, get athletic.

Looks vs. Game - XXL - 10-22-2011

to be honest i have no idea what "routine" (that's so weird btw) Dash Global is talking about and what is this "you can't do that in your face type of shit unless you wanna end up in jail" Jarocho2003 bullshit

like i stated before. looks is just a cherry on the cake and the cake is personality. i know girls want a super fucking awesome guy who can give her fantastic experience and his looks itself (without personality) can't give her shit.

i know that there are girls who have specific tastes and stuff and some girls are just fucked in the head about petty shit.

i also know very well that guys who usually suck at approaching and hooking. typical scenario is.. a guy goes in girls shittest him hardcore initially (because of their "i only date handsome guys" bullshit) so he can't handle that tension he crumbles and later on writes posts how looks stand in his way to have better sex life. guys like that just suck at game and better looks would not help them too much.

getting girl of high caliber requires some real hardcore badass character. bringing some heat. being the bigger man no matter what she says/does. a pro stays cool calm and collected cause he knows that she's probably gonna be pain in the ass initially pointing out every "weakness" about him. so he doesn't buy into her bitchiness stays icy and dominate her frame.

people love to talk about looks as their obstacle cause it's perfect excuse for them to blame everything else but themselves. and just by admiting the importance of looks in gaming i instantly know that the person is not so good at this.

Looks vs. Game - Dash Global - 10-22-2011


"routine" is something you do more than once. most guys have a routine(s) and other tendencies they use/exhibit when engaging women.

i assume you have used that "move" (the grabbing her hand and pulling her to you ect) more than once.....

Looks vs. Game - UrbanNerd - 10-22-2011

I won't lie, in my younger days, I have used the "grab her hand" technique plenty of times. It's all situation-based...depends on environment, type of chicks, etc. Now I cannot say that I had a high success rate on that technique but I always had the "throw a bunch of rocks at a target" mentality since I didn't have the great looks or muscular build. I always had the income, job, house, education attributes as well as being able to sell a chick a dream, so all I tried to do is just get a chick's attention.

Looks vs. Game - Jarocho2003 - 10-22-2011

Quote: (10-22-2011 06:05 AM)XXL Wrote:  

i know girls want a super fucking awesome guy who can give her fantastic experience and his looks itself (without personality) can't give her shit.

Ok man, how old are you now? That's super fucking awesome that you're getting mad pussy grabbing bitches by the arm and telling them "I chose you bitch now let's fuck!"

Look man no one is saying here that looks are an excuse but they get your foot on the door a lot quicker. You keep on denying this fact and living in denial.

Saying that your aggresive style works the best and that somehow makes you a bigger man, you're now living in a fantasy. Actually you "style" comes off a the shit you see guys doing on porn. Your porn approach won't work everywhere and might get your ass into some trouble but that's just my opinion so don't get bend over out of shape over it.

Looks vs. Game - XXL - 10-22-2011

Quote: (10-22-2011 09:12 AM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

I won't lie, in my younger days, I have used the "grab her hand" technique plenty of times. It's all situation-based...depends on environment, type of chicks, etc. Now I cannot say that I had a high success rate on that technique but I always had the "throw a bunch of rocks at a target" mentality since I didn't have the great looks or muscular build.
it all depends how you look at it. from my perspective it's not a technique it's not a "pickup move". to me gaming is just expression of personality. i'm sure every man knows that when he wants something he should go for it unapologetically. whatever it is a job, ripped body, education, business, woman etc. it doesn't mean he will always win cause there are many factors determining success but to me "go hard or go home" is the best option as it makes you feel like a man while tip toeing makes you feel like a little weak bitch

Quote: (10-22-2011 09:17 AM)Jarocho2003 Wrote:  

Saying that your aggresive style works the best and that somehow makes you a bigger man, you're now living in a fantasy.
thing is i'm not aggresive at all. i'm not grabing girls like a caveman with a mace. nothing like that. it's just instead of chatting her up standing 1m from her i grab her hand gently but firmly and pull her in cutting a distance a little bit look in her eyes unapologetically say something. reading this it may sound aggresive but it's just firm. nothing more than emphasizing your presence. nothing over the top really. that makes it clear that i like her and i set the proper tone from the get go. that's saves a lot of time now and some awkwardness later

and btw HARD = voice tone + proximity + eye contact. pure expression of interest. it's just much more honest IMO

Quote: (10-22-2011 09:17 AM)Jarocho2003 Wrote:  

Look man no one is saying here that looks are an excuse but they get your foot on the door a lot quicker. You keep on denying this fact and living in denial.
of course it is a nice bonus. but again.. let's say i look like brad pitt or wentworth miller. and what now? i still have to bring some heat, outgame other guys, lead her and put in the work. it's funny how some of the best looking male celebrities (clooney, miller) say that before the fame they had no success with girls. damn even j.bieber admitted publicly he hired pickup coach to help him with this stuff ahahahahah.

so basically i just don't like making a big deal of it. i witnessed my buddies and other dudes debating about looks and game and it is painful to watch they all looked like a bunch of sissies. it's for girls! girls worry about how other perceive and look for external things to define their confidence and self esteem.

Looks vs. Game - Hokie30 - 10-22-2011

Quote: (10-21-2011 11:18 AM)DLuzhin Wrote:  

The whole "looks are important" discussion is completely moot, because contemporary people don't know shit about what they really consider beautiful.

You have to go back to the Greeks: male beauty is essentially indivisible from athletic beauty. If you want to improve your "looks," forget about the fucking moisturizer, get to the gym, get strong, get powerful, get athletic.

This is the worst advise i've heard, where's -1 for reputation?

Handsome looks matter for a guy as much as for a women, especially in fucking metrosexual east coast US. If only athletic beauty was necessary i'd be meeting models frequently. (I bench 225 for reps and do have a flat stomach, no 6-pack though). Chance of a guy with fucked up skin and scars hooking up with an HB at a club in big-city like DC is about as plausible as a 150 pound guy playing Division I College football. It almost never happens!

While I am not a great talker I can spit well enough to occasionally meet good looking women in dark dance clubs but as soon as a chick sees me in a bright area they tend to loose some excitement perhaps due to my bad skin. I have noticed this once calling chicks up for real dates where face to face close contact is often backfires. The media doesn't make it any easier also for us mediocre looking guys when they constantly portray images of guys like George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Denzel Washington, etc. guys with perfect features whom most women idoalize. Btw, overseas this "handsome" look is not as relevant as other aspects such as exotic factor, style, and money that can play a bigger role.

Looks vs. Game - XXL - 10-23-2011

Quote: (10-22-2011 08:41 PM)Hokie30 Wrote:  

...While I am not a great talker I can spit well enough to occasionally meet good looking women in dark dance clubs but as soon as a chick sees me in a bright area they tend to loose some excitement perhaps due to my bad skin. I have noticed this once calling chicks up for real dates where face to face close contact is often backfires
from MY PERSONAL experience she's losing excitement or appears less interested because.. she sees that you don't match her retarded standard of hotness so now she subcommunicates that she puts you in the role of "not handsome enough" which of course hits you in the face emotionally therefore you totally lose your mojo you become weak, not deserving her, you stop leading you basically turn into a chump and believe me she can see that subtleties in your overall behaviour. it happens super fast. and only reason it happens is that you let her define you by accepting her retarded standards and admiting she's right about you that you don't deserve her. that's exactly what happens in real life situation. so it's just another shittest IMO.

girl judges your skin >> you show it affects you >> she feels you're weak and becomes pain in the ass >> it affects you more >> she gets cold >> you act like a chump >> she loses attraction >> game over

girl judges your skin >> you hold your frame >> she shittests more >> you hold your frame >> she feels curious and intrigued >> you hold your frame >> she chills out >> you chill out but still you hold your frame >> she's gaming you >> you can win or lose but you did everything you could to get her.

it's legit. start from 4:22. that's how hot hot chicks are like most of the time. and they don't care about your fucking skin. they care about a guy who can handle them like a MAN.

it's very similar to the situation where you meet hot hot chick in da club so you're happy then you leave her for a while and you see some guy talking to her doing quite good and now you feel shaky, you feel you lose something, you feel worse, you start giving a fuck, you go into scarcity mindset and the girl feels that vibe and you slowly getting blown out cause now you struggle and try to overcompensate saying/doing some dumb shit that repels her more than attract. all of that just because you let some other person affect you and put you down emotionaly and throw you off balance.

this is why it's so IMPORTANT to stay strong and unaffected. like fucking icy. cause girls will fuck with you hardcore. especially these really hot ones who have no problem acting like total bitches screening hard to see if a guy can handle them. and most can't.

i know that cause i lost like that way too many times but also plenty of times i won the girl. and the way i won was HOLDING MY FRAME HARDCORE. and then to my surprise the same girls who messed with my head saying i'm ugly not tall enough chubby etc became my groupies. only experiencing that shit in real life can put you on the right mindset.

Looks vs. Game - Hokie30 - 10-23-2011

Quote: (10-23-2011 08:10 AM)XXL Wrote:  

Quote: (10-22-2011 08:41 PM)Hokie30 Wrote:  

...While I am not a great talker I can spit well enough to occasionally meet good looking women in dark dance clubs but as soon as a chick sees me in a bright area they tend to loose some excitement perhaps due to my bad skin. I have noticed this once calling chicks up for real dates where face to face close contact is often backfires
from MY PERSONAL experience she's losing excitement or appears less interested because.. she sees that you don't match her retarded standard of hotness so now she subcommunicates that she puts you in the role of "not handsome enough" which of course hits you in the face emotionally therefore you totally lose your mojo you become weak, not deserving her, you stop leading you basically turn into a chump and believe me she can see that subtleties in your overall behaviour. it happens super fast. and only reason it happens is that you let her define you by accepting her retarded standards and admiting she's right about you that you don't deserve her. that's exactly what happens in real life situation. so it's just another shittest IMO.

girl judges your skin >> you show it affects you >> she feels you're weak and becomes pain in the ass >> it affects you more >> she gets cold >> you act like a chump >> she loses attraction >> game over

girl judges your skin >> you hold your frame >> she shittests more >> you hold your frame >> she feels curious and intrigued >> you hold your frame >> she chills out >> you chill out but still you hold your frame >> she's gaming you >> you can win or lose but you did everything you could to get her.

it's legit. start from 4:22. that's how hot hot chicks are like most of the time. and they don't care about your fucking skin. they care about a guy who can handle them like a MAN.

it's very similar to the situation where you meet hot hot chick in da club so you're happy then you leave her for a while and you see some guy talking to her doing quite good and now you feel shaky, you feel you lose something, you feel worse, you start giving a fuck, you go into scarcity mindset and the girl feels that vibe and you slowly getting blown out cause now you struggle and try to overcompensate saying/doing some dumb shit that repels her more than attract. all of that just because you let some other person affect you and put you down emotionaly and throw you off balance.

this is why it's so IMPORTANT to stay strong and unaffected. like fucking icy. cause girls will fuck with you hardcore. especially these really hot ones who have no problem acting like total bitches screening hard to see if a guy can handle them. and most can't.

i know that cause i lost like that way too many times but also plenty of times i won the girl. and the way i won was HOLDING MY FRAME HARDCORE. and then to my surprise the same girls who messed with my head saying i'm ugly not tall enough chubby etc became my groupies. only experiencing that shit in real life can put you on the right mindset.

Not sure if I agree with you... What you're saying is that no matter how one looks as long as you can talk well, pass shit test (pretend that no matter what the HB says it does not bother you), and play asshole player game you will do well. I PERSONALLY rarely see this happen and usually just read about this theory in PUA books.

Actually I believe it is more myth than reality, else every bad looking guy who can talk smooth would be with an HB... I think my original point is still accurate which says that women care about looks just as much as guys and even if one's game is strong they will struggle if they don't have the look that their target HB is looking for.

Looks vs. Game - Chad Daring - 10-23-2011

Quote: (10-22-2011 08:41 PM)Hokie30 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-21-2011 11:18 AM)DLuzhin Wrote:  

The whole "looks are important" discussion is completely moot, because contemporary people don't know shit about what they really consider beautiful.

You have to go back to the Greeks: male beauty is essentially indivisible from athletic beauty. If you want to improve your "looks," forget about the fucking moisturizer, get to the gym, get strong, get powerful, get athletic.

This is the worst advise i've heard, where's -1 for reputation?

Handsome looks matter for a guy as much as for a women, especially in fucking metrosexual east coast US. If only athletic beauty was necessary i'd be meeting models frequently. (I bench 225 for reps and do have a flat stomach, no 6-pack though). Chance of a guy with fucked up skin and scars hooking up with an HB at a club in big-city like DC is about as plausible as a 150 pound guy playing Division I College football. It almost never happens!

Here's the flaw, and what DL was pointing out, 225 isn't that much. I'm not trying to start a meathead war, thats in thesame area as what I bench. But its not a lot. Thats what should be average but we live in a fat out of shape country where being able to do more then ten push-ups makes you "in shape"

Keep lifting, pack on 10+ pounds of muscle, and drop this idea that your scars own you.

You might not be able to undo your scars, but you can make the rest of you better then average.

If you want to know what better then average looks like you dont have to go back to the Greeks though, just the 1950s

[Image: SteveReevesYoung-179x205.jpg]

Also think about this, built as fuck with scars on the face? You'd look like you just walked off the set of an action movie, get some threads that make you look badass, rather then cosmopolitan, tell me you wont stand out in a good way. Work with what you got.

Looks vs. Game - XXL - 10-24-2011

Quote: (10-23-2011 09:00 PM)Hokie30 Wrote:  

Not sure if I agree with you... What you're saying is that no matter how one looks as long as you can talk well, pass shit test (pretend that no matter what the HB says it does not bother you), and play asshole player game you will do well. I PERSONALLY rarely see this happen and usually just read about this theory in PUA books.
only reason that every bad looking guy can't get hot girls is that guys in general have become weak emotionally and therefore girls are confusing for them. guys seek some tricks and lines. they want some formula to become stronger. they dress up to feel better. they they look for external things to draw confidence from. cause they're really weak & unstable inside. girls know that get outrageous and put down fake guys all the time. why? cause it's fun to punk some fake ass dude ; )

i say that cause i know very well how it feels to hear some legit stuff about yourself like things you know are on point. you think "shit that was mean". that's what can break you really fast ahhahaha. and what's going on there? she looks you deeply in the eyes and just fucks with you like that. and when it happens i know.. I KNOW cause i fucking see it that she's lying about my chubby belly that she's just trying to punk me to see what i'm made of especially when she gets attracted more.

i remember i once saw punk'd tv show with ashton kutcher and it dawned on me. that's exactly what hot girls do. they try to get you caught, find your weakness and see how you will handle the situation. i like to use "wtf? you trying to punk me? you just trying to punk me girl.. you can't you hear me?.. where're cameras? tell ashton to come out.. i'll show you! punking me? no fucking way.." and girls laugh cause they know they actually doing it and i called them out hahahaha. that's why it takes hard dick to fuck hot pussy. being unaffected badass is really impressive.

as is said it needs to be seen and experienced when some bitchy girl gives you shit about your belly and after a while says you're handsome/sexy. then you will see the pattern. it is kind of crazy but i guess that's how women are. they want strong guy who feels comfortable so she can feel comfortable around him.

i've never slept with a pornstar (or at least i don't know about that) but that girl in the video is on point. i've seen shit like that many times. girls are really spoiled and cheeky these days thinking they rule the world or something so they have no constraints to mess with men.

i recommend to hold the frame and see how ice cold bitch crumbles

Looks vs. Game - Jack D. Serrano - 10-24-2011

Quote: (10-24-2011 04:39 AM)XXL Wrote:  

i say that cause i know very well how it feels to hear some legit stuff about yourself like things you know are on point. you think "shit that was mean". that's what can break you really fast ahhahaha. and what's going on there? she looks you deeply in the eyes and just fucks with you like that. and when it happens i know.. I KNOW cause i fucking see it that she's lying about my chubby belly that she's just trying to punk me to see what i'm made of especially when she gets attracted more.

i remember i once saw punk'd tv show with ashton kutcher and it dawned on me. that's exactly what hot girls do. they try to get you caught, find your weakness and see how you will handle the situation. i like to use "wtf? you trying to punk me? you just trying to punk me girl.. you can't you hear me?.. where're cameras? tell ashton to come out.. i'll show you! punking me? no fucking way.." and girls laugh cause they know they actually doing it and i called them out hahahaha. that's why it takes hard dick to fuck hot pussy. being unaffected badass is really impressive.

as is said it needs to be seen and experienced when some bitchy girl gives you shit about your belly and after a while says you're handsome/sexy. then you will see the pattern. it is kind of crazy but i guess that's how women are. they want strong guy who feels comfortable so she can feel comfortable around him.

i've never slept with a pornstar (or at least i don't know about that) but that girl in the video is on point. i've seen shit like that many times. girls are really spoiled and cheeky these days thinking they rule the world or something so they have no constraints to mess with men.

i recommend to hold the frame and see how ice cold bitch crumbles

Maybe this works, makes you happy and gets you the kind of girls you like. It's all good. I'm going to give my perspective, which involves different women met at places that don't include bars/clubs.

If you are the right guy (meaning she likes your image initially, you share chemistry, you make her laugh, and you always keep things light and playful) and she is a beautiful girl with healthy self-esteem and minimal scars/baggage in life, she isn't going to give you any of what guys like to call "shit-tests." She's not going to insult you. She's not going to punk you.

Why so much confrontation?

Being with beautiful, high value women (when you are the right guy) is more akin to 2 people, mutually working together towards common goals (whether it's one night, one year, or even more). She works with you, not against you. Any challenges are not you vs. her. They are you and her vs. the challenge.

If she really likes you, she's going to do everything possible to keep you happy, laughing, over-sexed and in her life for as long as possible. Why is she not going to give me messed up BS? Because she knows I would walk out of her life instantly the second she did, without thinking twice (she knows it without me ever having to say it). She knows, without a doubt, that I am the kind of guy who is willing to walk away from a hot girl who is rude even when she dangles sex in front of me.

Great sex is common. Beautiful women are common. It is rare for beautiful women to find a guy who will actually disqualify her and walk out of her life without giving her a second chance. Great women can tell when they meet a guy who won't take BS from messed up women. You think she would be like that with Johnny Depp?

Really high value women are respectful to men who they like and who deserve respect.

If women are disrespectful to you it means one of two things:
- You are taking actions that deserve no respect (better figure out how to make yourself a better man).
- You are with a disrespectful girl (in which case you'd be better off dumping her, unless you like that kind of girl).

Any words that come out of her mouth are jokes anyways, but if it ever becomes disrespectful, I walk. None of that unaffected badass/fake being unreactive stuff.

There was a PUA guy once, a guy who didn't know who I was, didn't know the girls I date, didn't know about my experiences, who saw me walk away from a hot girl.

He approached me a few minutes later, after I had approached several more women. He said, "Dude, I saw you talking to that really hot girl who was being cold. But you gotta stick in there when she acts bitchy like that. You gotta show her that you don't care."

Me: "Show who that I don't care?" (I didn't know which girl he was talking about)
Guy: "That really hot, bitchy girl."
Me: "Why would I want to talk to a person I don't care about?"
Guy: "Cause man, if you want to get really hot girls that's how you do it! You gotta show her you don't care!"
Me: "So then, if I care about getting that particular hot girl I have to act like I don't care?"
Guy: "Yeah!"
Me: "I'm sure that's what you think. But I actually don't care. That's why I left. Anyways, good to meet you, man. Have a great day."

Treat everything she says like a joke but if she's rude (and it's not within the bounds of your flirting with each other), she's out. DQ several dozen very sexy girls who all the other guys are fighting over and see how much high value women seem to be able to sense it in you.


Back on topic about the Looks thing.

As far as everyone here should individually should be concerned - YOUR LOOKS should matter. Don't worry about how other people look. Don't worry about whether guys think you look good. Don't worry about what extent looks help you compared to other dudes. Don't worry about your good-looking friend who gets different results with women than you. Trying to guess how much looks matter to girls is just pure speculation.

Bottom line - improving your looks will help you, individually, get better results with women. So will lots of other things. Doesn't it make sense to optimize yourself as much as possible?

Improve your looks and you make things easier compared to where you are now (not compared to other guys).

YOU with more improved looks will always outperform YOU with less improved looks. Does anything else matter?

Looks vs. Game - DLuzhin - 10-24-2011

Quote: (10-23-2011 08:10 AM)XXL Wrote:  

girl judges your skin >> you show it affects you >> she feels you're weak and becomes pain in the ass >> it affects you more >> she gets cold >> you act like a chump >> she loses attraction >> game over

girl judges your skin >> you hold your frame >> she shittests more >> you hold your frame >> she feels curious and intrigued >> you hold your frame >> she chills out >> you chill out but still you hold your frame >> she's gaming you >> you can win or lose but you did everything you could to get her.

it's legit. start from 4:22. that's how hot hot chicks are like most of the time. and they don't care about your fucking skin. they care about a guy who can handle them like a MAN.

Exactly. Don't be ashamed, shame in a man is the great girl-boner killer.

[Image: BBC-010581.jpg]
He don't give a fuck, neither does she.

That said, the Greeks though athleticism is indivisible from, but not everything in, male beauty; it just has a huge component that people often ignore nowadays since the conscious criteria for attractiveness in men has shifted towards androgyny. The unconscious criteria, which the Greeks discussed, remain the same.

If you have scars all over, save up and get them fixed, who cares. In the meantime push your bench to 350 and await glory.

Looks vs. Game - XXL - 10-24-2011

speaking from my experience..

this happens when i play safe of when we both have fantastic chemistry from the start (very rarely):
Quote: (10-24-2011 09:44 AM)Jack D. Serrano Wrote:  

If you are the right guy (meaning she likes your image initially, you share chemistry, you make her laugh, and you always keep things light and playful) and she is a beautiful girl with healthy self-esteem and minimal scars/baggage in life, she isn't going to give you any of what guys like to call "shit-tests." She's not going to insult you. She's not going to punk you.

Being with beautiful, high value women (when you are the right guy) is more akin to 2 people, mutually working together towards common goals (whether it's one night, one year, or even more). She works with you, not against you. Any challenges are not you vs. her. They are you and her vs. the challenge.

but commonly when i play to win there is a tension in the air initially. and because from her perspective i'm just some random guy should not be that confident. it's a big surprise for her. in her mind she's like "he can't do that! he supposed to ask me some lame question first and talk with me a lot and blablabla..". she freaks out a little. so not only i move fast i also feel very comfortable doing it and i'm no celebrity/rich guy. naturally a hot girl will not fall into my lap in that situation. she wants to check me out if i'm for real or is this some kind of fake trick.

i don't really see it as disrespect of anyone. by lame nice guy standards sure.. i come across as disrespectful cause i move fast and she comes across as disrespectful cause she mess with me. but any pro knows it's all good when interaction is charged with wide rage of emotions.

Quote: (10-24-2011 09:44 AM)Jack D. Serrano Wrote:  

Really high value women are respectful to men who they like and who deserve respect.
yes she's respectful AFTER she determines she digs him. not before when he's total stranger. and that's what happens in succesful pickup: approach >> frame wars >> you win >> she becomes sweet. i've known a lot of sweet caring girls who act very bitchy to lame guys

Looks vs. Game - mikeymike - 10-24-2011

Quote: (10-24-2011 03:45 PM)XXL Wrote:  

i've known a lot of sweet caring girls who act very bitchy to lame guys

very true...

women especially in a situation like a bar lounge club atmosphere where they're approached constantly will naturally have a guard up cause you can't possibly be sweet as pie to every drunk asshole who stumbles up so sometimes you got to break through the initial barrier and prove you're not another shmuck before she'll let you in and see what she's really like.

Looks vs. Game - Klasmatic - 10-25-2011

I am a good looking guy (from what women tell me all the time, sometimes men too) but I can think of probably 7 or 8 women I should have fucked but didn't because my game was not tight. On the other hand, I can think of 5 women that I am pretty sure I banged just because I had good enough looks to get them with really weak game.

I am trying to work on my approach anxiety and escalating so that I can be more efficient. Good looks can only get you so far and will always be able to help you get laid on occasion, but in my personal experience, air tight game trumps all.

Looks vs. Game - CPG - 10-25-2011


Thanks CPG, did you notice a noticeable improvement after the first application of Glycolic Acid or it took multiple attempts. Also, how long was the "recovery period" before you were ready to "go out".
This is the bottle I plan on purchasing.

You're welcome, I noticed a small change the first few times then it started adding up after a month. I usually use it on a Mon. night, and after that worst-case I'm slightly red on Tues. then good to go on Wed. As long as you don't leave it on for 10+ minutes, it shouldn't leave anything bad enough to stop you from going out after 24 to 48 hours. I'd just keep to only leaving it on for a few minutes the first time and increase from there if you're not getting the full results.

Yep, that's the same bottle I use, try it out, and follow instructions...don't use too much for too long and you'll be fine. If it works you won't need a dermatologist, and if not you at least got an idea how your skin handles can get stronger stuff with a prescription.


Interesting how the sexes break down each others looks... so does that mean that when you get that cheesy message on okc that says you no longer have to troll among the bottom feeder chicks and get to see the ones worth looking at cause you're one of the good lookin folk, that that is actually based on something and not just you've been here long enough this should keep you coming back?

Yeah I think so, they have some good science behind their site, though not a lot of understanding for how to pickup girls. A friend of mine got the looks upgrade, and from what he told me it helped...but he didn't suddenly have hot girls banging down his door. He's a decent looking dude, 6'3 with an athletic build, and the only girls he gets "for free" are still only cute at best. And sometimes a lot worse...

Being a user of the site, you should definitely check out okc's blog, they have a bunch of these studies. You'll get much better game suggestions here than what the staff recommends, but there's good stuff buried in the studies

Looks vs. Game - Dash Global - 10-25-2011

Quote: (10-25-2011 12:38 AM)Klasmatic Wrote:  

I am a good looking guy (from what women tell me all the time, sometimes men too) but I can think of probably 7 or 8 women I should have fucked but didn't because my game was not tight. On the other hand, I can think of 5 women that I am pretty sure I banged just because I had good enough looks to get them with really weak game.

I am trying to work on my approach anxiety and escalating so that I can be more efficient. Good looks can only get you so far and will always be able to help you get laid on occasion, but in my personal experience, air tight game trumps all.

Sounds like you took the words out of my mouth. This is almost word for word my experience on the matter.

Although id order it like this

1) Money
2) Game
3) Looks

Looks vs. Game - JohnSmith01928374646 - 11-10-2011

This is my first post here. I heard on an interview from Niel Strauss that good looking guys can often be considered arrogant when they negging a girl trying to display higher value. Well, that just proved that the rules of the game are different for good looking guys.

I'm sorry if this sounds arrogant, I'm really not, but I've been told many times by my female friends that I'm very attractive. I fucking wish I wasn't though cause, at least where I'm from, the women really don't approach me or give me any points for it. In fact for years I would wonder what's wrong with me that women keep their distance from me and then I started figuring, and based on feedback I got, that women find it intimidating and they think cause I'm good looking I must be arrogant. So they won't approach and in fact walk a mile around me trying to make me get the message "you're not all that". Maybe girls are different in the US and UK.

I spent so much time trying to run game on girls and it would never work out well, and then I heard Neil Strauss saying that good looking guys need to be careful cause they might get taken as arrogant.

So I guess what I'm saying it, from my perspective, and where I live, my looks hinder more than help and the guys saying on here that good looking guys have an advantage, they don't. I feel like I'm starting on the backfoot even before opening my fucken mouth.

Looks vs. Game - jacki - 11-12-2011

oh look
it's this thread again
why u feel boring at this post via pics

Looks vs. Game - Pilgrim37 - 11-12-2011

How's the Looks v Game equation with these guys....I just saw them walking near Bond st...probably out gaming!

Looks vs. Game - Insignia - 11-12-2011

I do not think looks matter at all. The person that is really good looking lets just say a 9, will get girls a lot faster than you and can get laid fairly consistantly in 3 months of game, where an average to uglier person, lets just say a 4 will take around 1-2 years what the good looking guy can achieve in 3 months. I know this might be counter-intiutive but this is actually a good thing.

The reason for this is the average/ugly persons game will be way sharper and he actually requires skill/finesse get the hotter girls where as the guy with looks will actually have minimal game and get girls that one. The one weakness with the better looking guy is that he will be a lot less centered that the average guy, so when an average guy and a good looking guy are going for the same girl in a club or bar, the average looking guy will take the girl 9/10 because his game is tighter.

From the surface level the good looking guy seems to do better in game because of intial attraction but in actually the average looking guys game is tighter. If your game is only a few % tighter than the next guys then they are finished, but if your game is almost indifferent than the better looking guy will win out.

Game/personality>looks/initial attraction

Looks vs. Game - ImmoralPsychology - 11-13-2011

I find it amusing that three quarters of the posts in this thread are along the lines of, "looks don't mean anything at all, just go to the gym, get big, lose the fat, get rid of your acne, get a cool haircut (or shave your head if your bald), and dress sharp! Nah, looks have nothing to do with game!" LOL

Looks, money, fame or power. If you have any of those in abundance, you actually have to work at not getting girls. It's always the same statement. "I'd rather have tight game and be average looking than be good looking and have no game at all." Why "no game AT ALL"? A very good-looking guy only needs to show up and not be a loser and he's got girls eating out of his hand. I've seen it a million times.

"Game" will improve your results, but I have never seen an ugly guy who didn't have any money, fame or power, with very good-looking women. Cute. Pretty good-looking, sometimes. Very hot. Smokin'? Nope.

Looks vs. Game - scorpio - 11-13-2011

Most of you guys just don't even know what the hell you're talking about. You act like girls are as simple as we are, where only one thing is the trigger.

Looks vs. Game - XXL - 11-13-2011

Quote: (11-13-2011 05:18 AM)ImmoralPsychology Wrote:  

It's always the same statement. "I'd rather have tight game and be average looking than be good looking and have no game at all." Why "no game AT ALL"? A very good-looking guy only needs to show up and not be a loser and he's got girls eating out of his hand. I've seen it a million times.
it's personal choice.

however, what i know is that men with no practical knowledge of attraction act like little kids in fog. they attach their looks/money to getting girls. they have huge blindspots about game. and what's worst is that they are usually fucking soft. they become frustrated easily. they get thrown off the center easily. they come up with dumb excuses everytime they fuck up. they have no concept of what harshness is or challenge is. basically they're spoiled brats who want to cry when shit happens and they don't get what they want. that's sad sight. they can't even fully appreciate how fortunate they are casue it was given to thm, it's not what they had to work for.

that's why a guy like jay-z knows what's up. he's worked his whole lifetime to get to this point. when he throw a party on triple deck yacht he fully appreciate the experience as he know how it is to party with hood chicks drinking bear eating snacks etc. when he raps about it you know it's real.
"If you grew up with holes in your zapitos
You'd celebrate the minute you was having dough"