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Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - clr - 11-16-2010

Quote: (11-15-2010 10:58 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

C,mon dude how is America the promised land. The American Dream is just that a dream. The Neo-cons are draining your country of it's resources. Your money is about to crash and only god knows what will happen then. 25% unemployment and people living in tent cities. I could go on but I will stop there.
Sorry I am happier in Canada.
Have you travelled?

traveled? only 40 or so countries, i remember reading where someone said, you can define a countries greatness by how many want in and how many want out.

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - MiXX - 11-16-2010

Quote: (11-16-2010 11:48 AM)clr Wrote:  

you can define a countries greatness by how many want in and how many want out.

I would say the latter is higher when money is NOT an issue. At that point, people are looking to leave the US and ex-pat to a place where money goes further, and pussy is more abundant and readily available.


Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - clr - 11-16-2010

Smart people generally go where their money has the most value, especially when they are not rich, my friends that are MULTI millionaires are completely happy in the USA(outside obama), happier with the safety and security that it provides, they just take lots of trips to other countries.

I think most of us on this forum are much better off then the average american, but I would doubt there are many, if any, multi millionaires, and its not that we want "out" in the sense of how others want out of their countries, we want out because we want to live like kings for less and have sweet hot women.

In fact my buddy is the only multi millionaire I personally know that has moved out of the country, he bought the hotel where I stay in costa rica, and the only reason he did is because he is costa rican by birth, and here he can have a different hot 20 year old girl when he wants.

Point in fact, he LOSES money on this resort every month, but has apartment buildings and houses in california. He still makes his money in the USA.

Yeah our money is shit right now, true, but the world still has faith in the USA as do I.

Interesting side note, (could be bs who knows) an older buddy of mine from NYC told me he was talking with a rockafella(hehehe) fella a bunch of years ago, getting drunk in some snoozy bar, this this rockafella guy said at the time they(Rockefellers and the government and who knows else) pushed femmisim not for the women, but to get more people in the work force and and be able to tax more people.

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - Badstuber - 11-17-2010

Quote: (11-16-2010 11:35 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

That same Rockfeller cunt and his family are in the process of bringing down the good ole USA.

People want to come to America b/c they have been brainwashed by the media.

It is the New World Order.

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - rudebwoy - 11-17-2010

Call it what you want!

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - oldnemesis - 11-17-2010

Quote: (11-16-2010 11:48 AM)clr Wrote:  

traveled? only 40 or so countries, i remember reading where someone said, you can define a countries greatness by how many want in and how many want out.

how many want in permanently and how many want out permanently
Every Russian I know, myself included, still keeps his old passport.

And about safety, at least there is no such thing as "casual school shooting" in Russia [Image: tongue.gif]

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - iknowexactly - 11-17-2010

Quote: (11-17-2010 02:48 AM)Rocco81 Wrote:  

RAmerica has its problems,

Each culture has its strengths and weaknesses. After visiting EE a few times, and talking to various immigrants here in USA, I appreciate more what is genuinely good about the USA. But nothing can make up for lack of amiable pussy unless the other place has a full-fledged civil war going on.

I'm a bureaucrat, so I'm biased, but I personally have never had a government official even hint at a bribe in hundreds of interactions here. Pretty much everyone waiting on me did what they were supposed to, maybe not totally genially, but that's not a big thing.

I think the _politicians_ are horrific whores in the worst sense of selling out their constituents, but the people that actually work instead of leech, give you license plates, clean the streets, the cops who come when you crash your car aspire to pretty high standards. Even the cops who've given me ticket have almost always been quite polite, even friendly. i know that's not always true, especially if you're driving while Black.

But no government official has _ever_ even implied physical intimidation with me. One of my first interactions with a cop in Ukraine-- he was a kid unprofessionally trying to find something wrong, just being a little inflated prick. He wasn't really trying to frighten me, didn't brandish a weapon or anything, but American cops have been way more respectful.

I had a comic-book moment trying to register a car in Italy. No matter what aspect of the registration we wanted to do, the time to do it was "Tomorrow." Each thing we asked about, he gave a wonderful friendly smile and asked us to come back tomorrow at which time he would eagerly help. It was so funny. I'm still waiting for my passport, when I get my citizenship I'm moving there. Nice slow life, my kind of place.

particularly interesting is how the progress of EE and USA seem complementary and divergent. It seems to me they got the things right that we got wrong and vice versa.

USA: Chicks fat and bitchy, dread admitting love. EE: Hot and compliant, unashamed of passion.

USA: Easy to make money if you're willing to sweat and do dirty work.
EE: Stagnant and corrupt economies report booming GDPs but much seems siphoned of to corruption/oligarchy. ( USA may be sinking here)

USA: Baseline is frantic workaholism, vacations are an aberration.
EE: Enjoy your family, a week off at New Years.

USA: High quality customer service, easy returns to stores, everybody loves you if you have money to spend.
EE: High quality response when you hit on chicks, even if they aren't into you they don't hate you for wanting them, dignified rejection.

USA: Women don't want kids until it's fertility doc time at 34
EE: Women want kids right from adolescence.

USA: Everyone chases a receding golden ring to point of exhaustion, 95% just see their hamster-wheel efforts send money upwards to their owners, continuing the tripling of the relative share of all USA income the top 1% has enjoyed since 1980
EE: People are too fatalistic to chase mythical golden ring, thereby failing to take advantage even when there are opportunities.

USA: Excellent environmental controls, I can sit in the middle of 300 cars on the East Bay bridge toll plaza and the even with all those cars idling, the air is fine. Amazing achievement.
EE: Try the mountains.

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - rudebwoy - 11-17-2010

@ Iknowexactly - great post and some good points. I do not dislike USA, just think some places are over-rated and I would prefer it to Russia. I do not see what a Russian would have to be smug about, pussy and vodka that is it.

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - iknowexactly - 11-17-2010

Quote: (11-17-2010 08:15 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

I do not see what a Russian would have to be smug about, pussy and vodka that is it.

Now, now, tsk tsk Rudeboy, be culturally sensitive. It's a good thing about America. In this class we've already gone over Russian achievement in classical music, literature and dance.

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - tomtud - 11-17-2010

From my experience, I have seen a few foreign relationships and only one I know of is shining. This situation is where the guy actually lived in the country for a few years and came over here. On the other hand, most of these marriages end up in divorce and its not worth the headache,,,, don't get married period. I find that the best situation is to keep her down there, and visit a few times a year. I know some of you will disagree, but to each their own. If you want a foreign broad, go to foreign bars and restaurants... you may find recent divorcees who pulled a maria passapuerte and looking for a new guy.

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - iknowexactly - 11-19-2010

[quote='oldnemesis' pid='32428' dateline='1290132765']
[quote='Rocco81' pid='32225' dateline='1289980083']
OldNemesis: No you dont have random school shootings in Russia, You just have an agv life expectancy ..../quote]

I think I'm healthier when I have less money. Of course, that won't be true if I get some weird disease that requires exotic treatment.

This might be why EE women gain weight when they get here. And they don't have to walk.

When short on money I eat less rich food, crap food. I was just in a training today with my fellow affluent USA Govt. workers, 10/13 women in the class looked approximately 75 lbs overweight each.

(Smoking is horrifically bad for you and I don't smoke. I've seen many patient reports from nursing homes and guess what sends most of those there prematurely ( 30-60 YO)? Smoking related strokes, cancer, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) -- most people don't know this, but smoking isn't just the cancer sweepstakes. Years of smoking gums up your lungs so the oxygen can't get in. People who have COPD look 70 when they're 50. There's no treatment known that reverses this.)

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - subutai - 11-25-2010

Good chart. And definitely agree with your comments.

We're slaves and we don't even know it.

Matt Tabibi (of the Exile) once wrote that the vague discontent and malaise that Americans feel, which causes us to medicate ourselves into a stupor, bury our feelings of emptiness by buying material goods and vegetating in front of a television set, and that occasionally leads to angst driven school shootings and the like, are all symptoms of a deeper condition:

our slavery and the attempts of our unconscious to start a "slave revolt" against the invisible chains that bind us.

I don't think it's as extreme as he puts it, but it's some food for thought for sure.

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - Roosh - 12-01-2010

The gun and Russian posts went here:

Continue to use this thread about wifing foreign women.

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - UrbanNerd - 01-16-2011

As long as her income or net-worth is 80% or greater than yours, then "I" would say that the woman is good enough to wife up. You always want to minimize the amount you will lose in case the relationship goes splitsville.

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - MiXX - 01-17-2011

Quote: (01-16-2011 10:32 PM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

As long as her income or net-worth is 80% or greater than yours, then "I" would say that the woman is good enough to wife up. You always want to minimize the amount you will lose in case the relationship goes splitsville.

Ha! Yeah, good luck with that. For a woman to gross 80% more than me, she'll have to be in some sort of executive level position of a fortune 100 or a Top Maybeline Model from Brazil/Russia. Now, of course, there are girsl like this, but they are not interested in marrying guys who make 80% less than they do. They'd fuck you sure, but forget marrying one.


Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - UrbanNerd - 01-17-2011

Quote: (01-17-2011 10:58 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (01-16-2011 10:32 PM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

As long as her income or net-worth is 80% or greater than yours, then "I" would say that the woman is good enough to wife up. You always want to minimize the amount you will lose in case the relationship goes splitsville.

Ha! Yeah, good luck with that. For a woman to gross 80% more than me, she'll have to be in some sort of executive level position of a fortune 100 or a Top Maybeline Model from Brazil/Russia. Now, of course, there are girsl like this, but they are not interested in marrying guys who make 80% less than they do. They'd fuck you sure, but forget marrying one.


I hear ya....and I would say do not wife her. I know one SHOULD not go into a marriage thinking nothing will happen but I don't think anyone wants some chick from some foreign land taking off with half of his assets in court.

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - MiXX - 01-17-2011

The problem I see is that women do not want a man of lower status. Seriously. If a woman makes a lot more than you, and she knows this, then her perception of you as the higher status alpha male is non-existent. Not only will she not want to marry you, but she very likely is not even interested in fucking you. Even if she only made 25% more than you, you are lower status than her, therefore she feels in control, and she can always "do better" by fucking higher status males.

let's say you were equal financially. You both make equal money, but she is a boring number cruncher and you are an exciting fly around the world every month software sales guy, you are still higher status. However, the fact of the matter is that women do not desire men of equal/lower status. You must always be perceived to be of greater value to a woman - always.


Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - UrbanNerd - 01-17-2011

Quote: (01-17-2011 12:54 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

The problem I see is that women do not want a man of lower status. Seriously. If a woman makes a lot more than you, and she knows this, then her perception of you as the higher status alpha male is non-existent. Not only will she not want to marry you, but she very likely is not even interested in fucking you. Even if she only made 25% more than you, you are lower status than her, therefore she feels in control, and she can always "do better" by fucking higher status males.

let's say you were equal financially. You both make equal money, but she is a boring number cruncher and you are an exciting fly around the world every month software sales guy, you are still higher status. However, the fact of the matter is that women do not desire men of equal/lower status. You must always be perceived to be of greater value to a woman - always.


That is correct and that is why I believe the marriage rate has went south. It just doesn't seem right for a person (man or woman) to stay up nights at colleges/universities to earn degrees...then work their way up corporate ladders while keeping their credit in tact...just to MARRY someone who did not do those things and give them HALF in the case that the relationship goes south.

I am in the DC area so the women can only hold out so Now in other places, it is even a bigger risk.

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - oldnemesis - 01-17-2011

Quote: (01-17-2011 10:58 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

Ha! Yeah, good luck with that. For a woman to gross 80% more than me, she'll have to be in some sort of executive level position of a fortune 100 or a Top Maybeline Model from Brazil/Russia.

I think he really meant a woman making at least 80% of what you make, as it makes some practical sense.

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - UrbanNerd - 01-17-2011

Quote: (01-17-2011 11:23 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

I think he really meant a woman making at least 80% of what you make, as it makes some practical sense.

That would be correct.

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - Moma - 01-18-2011

Quote: (09-30-2010 02:49 PM)clr Wrote:  

I love what my buddy did, he went the Romania(has family there) met a gorgeous model, got her a finance visa to bring her to the US. The deal was, if after 5 years everything was great they marry. What a great damn idea, keeps her on her best behavior, they had a massive fight a few year in, and he told her the 5 years started all over again hahaha

LOLOLOLOLOLOL! Brap, brap, I love it, I love it, I love it!

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - BR88 - 01-18-2011

I think if you specifically go out to marry a foreign girl and bring her back to the USA, then you are a beta by American standards. There are many women here in the USA who are still excellent marriage material, despite the ravages of feminism and our anti-male laws. You just won't find them in bars or nightclubs.

Ask yourself, why do you want to get married to a foreign girl? Or get married at all?

Is it for the sex? Well, you can easily get that anywhere. In many foreign countries, your status as a rich American/Westerner will give you access to ungodly amounts of women. Even if it requires a small fee. Why would you marry one of them?

Is it for the companionship? If so, do you think you're going to find that with a foreigner of the opposite sex who can barely speak English and was born 10-20 years after you? Why not get a dog? Or create a circle of male friends here at home who you can bond with?

Do you need somebody to take care of you while you age? Then hire a nurse. It's still cheaper than marriage.

That said, there's nothing wrong with marrying a foreign girl. But only do it after spending a significant amount of time in that country, learning the language, learning the culture, and finding a girl who you are actually compatible with. Keep in mind, she's going to be homesick and will want to have the means to at least visit her home country from time to time.

To the guys complaining that an extra $1200 for a plane ticket back home is a dealbreaker....if that's a problem, then you're probably too poor to be getting married in the first place.

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - BR88 - 01-18-2011

Quote: (11-12-2010 01:17 PM)Urban Renaissance Man Wrote:  

Quote: (11-12-2010 01:08 PM)metalhaze Wrote:  

the guys I know who married foreigners, they married "fresh of the boat" or 1st generation immigrants. I know a guy who just got engaged to a hot 23y old russian who immigrated to North America a couple of years ago with her family. in other words, go meet them at the airport when they come in ! at least you know she aint getting married to you to get a greencard.

Now, I happen to agree with that. SInce we already live in multi-national country, especially those of us that reside near Frisco, New York, LA, etc. As long as you have a decent job and decent looks wouldn't it be possible simply to hook up with or even marry an immigrant that's already here? Yes, I know they'll be exposed to other Americans, but most american guys will be a little intimidated going to the parts of town that these new arrivals will most likely live in, so competition might not be as fierce as some would think.

The one time I almost pulled the trigger on getting married was in this exact situation.

My girlfriend had moved to the USA from Bulgaria as a teenager, and I met her in her early 20s. I spent a significant amount of time with her and her family, even traveled back to Bulgaria with her on vacation, and I knew she would have made an excellent wife and mother to our children. I almost did it, but I ultimately decided that the wife/kids lifestyle wasn't for me. I broke her heart, and I feel terrible about it, but I know she's better off with some other guy, and I'll be better off as a permanent bachelor.

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - Rocco81 - 01-18-2011

I think you guys are right for the most part but go and review a recent post by Roissy. He sums this status leveling up quite well. It is not just simply a matter of money, there are other things that can keep a woman interested in you. For instance if she has money but is the shy type and you are the more alpha aggressive protector you can still have a decent relationship.

Remember that status is not just about money.

Quote: (01-17-2011 02:47 PM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

Quote: (01-17-2011 12:54 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

The problem I see is that women do not want a man of lower status. Seriously. If a woman makes a lot more than you, and she knows this, then her perception of you as the higher status alpha male is non-existent. Not only will she not want to marry you, but she very likely is not even interested in fucking you. Even if she only made 25% more than you, you are lower status than her, therefore she feels in control, and she can always "do better" by fucking higher status males.

let's say you were equal financially. You both make equal money, but she is a boring number cruncher and you are an exciting fly around the world every month software sales guy, you are still higher status. However, the fact of the matter is that women do not desire men of equal/lower status. You must always be perceived to be of greater value to a woman - always.


That is correct and that is why I believe the marriage rate has went south. It just doesn't seem right for a person (man or woman) to stay up nights at colleges/universities to earn degrees...then work their way up corporate ladders while keeping their credit in tact...just to MARRY someone who did not do those things and give them HALF in the case that the relationship goes south.

I am in the DC area so the women can only hold out so Now in other places, it is even a bigger risk.

Is Wifeing a Foreign Woman A Good Idea? - oldnemesis - 01-19-2011

Quote: (01-18-2011 06:21 PM)BR88 Wrote:  

I think if you specifically go out to marry a foreign girl and bring her back to the USA, then you are a beta by American standards.

This is probably the worst reason not to do so. What kind of a grown male would ever care if his behavior fits into some abstract "standards"? In fact, "American standard" is what is written on my toilet, and I piss there every day.
That's my general attitude toward "standards".