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This Shit Bothers Me - Glock - 01-01-2014

Quote: (01-01-2014 10:30 PM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

I don't believe for a second that every woman is like this.

But the scary part is that it's so hard to see through the bullshit and figure out which ones are and which ones aren't. They're extremely convincing.

I agree completely. The percentage of women in exclusive relationships who are this calloused must be very small. Surveys put the percentage of wives who cheat at around 30% if memory serves.

This Shit Bothers Me - Ensam - 01-01-2014

Quote: (01-01-2014 10:30 PM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

I don't believe for a second that every woman is like this.

But the scary part is that it's so hard to see through the bullshit and figure out which ones are and which ones aren't. They're extremely convincing.

I'd like to think that. I mean I have a sister and I really don't think she's capable of such a stunt. But who knows. You really hit the nail on the head though. There's just no way to know what you're dealing with. Certainly not in the first 6 months or year of a relationship. The best I think we can do as men is just not care. Being aloof is the ultimate defense mechanism. It's not that you chose to believe them or not believe them - you just don't care.

This Shit Bothers Me - blkgatsby - 01-01-2014

Geez, look at all the girls that you guys hit on for easy rats and bar flies that ridden on tens, if not hundreds of random cock for months on end? While I'm sympathetic to the guys that unknowingly marry these type of girls, how can you expect commitment from a girl like that?

This Shit Bothers Me - Beyond Borders - 01-02-2014

Quote: (01-01-2014 10:34 PM)Gopher Wrote:  

Agreed Beyond Borders. I'd say most of them aren't like that. There is no story to tell with the ones that don't so it appears its more common than it actually is. That said, you never know what your dealing with so your best bet is to just never trust a woman.

Or at least don't ever put yourself in a situation where a breach of trust could cause too much damage.

A constant state of distrust can be as dangerous as trusting too much, in my opinion. It really starts to wear on you and who needs that kind of negativity in their life?

For me, being in control of my emotions means giving people the benefit of the doubt and not worrying about things I don't know or can't control. As Ensam said, internalizing that aloof vibe is a good way to go.

This Shit Bothers Me - Ensam - 01-02-2014

Quote: (01-01-2014 11:58 PM)blkgatsby Wrote:  

Geez, look at all the girls that you guys hit on for easy rats and bar flies that ridden on tens, if not hundreds of random cock for months on end? While I'm sympathetic to the guys that unknowingly marry these type of girls, how can you expect commitment from a girl like that?

Be careful with those kinds of statements around here. I'm sure guys here have plenty of similar stories from girls they know from other walks of life. Girl I mentioned earlier in the thread was a grad student at a top school I met while attending a conference there - not some random bar fly.

This Shit Bothers Me - Prophylaxis - 01-02-2014

This thread shows why you shouldn't accept what a woman tells you at face value.

To the OP - I would almost be tempted to tell the poor soul about your exploits. But he would probably be in denial, with his hamster in overdrive.

On NYE, a married woman was grinding up against me on df (I didn't notice her ring until my wingman pointed it out), after recently moving to Australia with her husband. The husband was literally 10m away. I had to tell him that we were only having a harmless dance, which he was OK with, but this was 100% initiated by the woman. Absolutely zero respect for the hubby, and was constantly making condescending remarks against him.

If she was by herself, who knows what would have happened.

That same night, my wingman also picked up a gorgeous 19 yo 5ft 9 brunette, but almost got kicked out as she was apparently a girlfriend to one of the security guards. We had NO IDEA on both occasions, and would have never known if the security guard didn't pull them apart, or if my wingman didn't point out the ring.

These girls were not club-sluts either, and seemed genuine.

Moral of the story - men rarely benefit from a 'committed' relationship these days, and should never expect exclusivity. Your best chance of having a lasting relationship is to never formally enter one.

Who's to say AntiTrace's story is a one-off?

This Shit Bothers Me - bacan - 01-02-2014

I saw a girl posting pictures of her baby on facebook a while back. I counted back the months and figured out that right around the time that guy impregnated her (at least, I hope he was the one who impregnated her..) she fucked me and another guy too (three counting the baby daddy). Weird..

That quote about lying is pretty interesting. I haven't really been perfectly honest either in all circumstances and I think it does erode my ability to trust.

“The liar's punishment is, not in the least that he is not believed, but that he cannot believe anyone else.”
― George Bernard Shaw

This Shit Bothers Me - AnonymousBosch - 01-02-2014

Quote: (01-01-2014 10:30 PM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

I don't believe for a second that every woman is like this is attractive enough to have the option to do this.


If she is, she'll do it. Haven't you ever noticed that chicks are obsessed with stories where the heroine has to choose between two guys?

This Shit Bothers Me - deathtofatties - 01-02-2014

I made out hard with a nice blonde girl on NYE. She was eye fucking me the whole night, and I made out with her, in her boyfriend's house. Her sister sneaked up from behind to drag her away as we were kissing, "no, you can't, she has a boyfriend!!!". Then the girl I was making out with came back and told me how beautiful I am, how she wants to bang, but she "couldn't" because she has a man, and they live in that house together.

What a hoe, and I definitely would have taken it further if the circumstances were better.

But having taken the red pill, I now assume every women is like this. I have to assume that all women have this slutty, promiscuous nature, because statistically it seems they all do.

This Shit Bothers Me - deathtofatties - 01-02-2014

Quote: (01-02-2014 12:42 AM)Prophylaxis Wrote:  

On NYE, a married woman was grinding up against me on df (I didn't notice her ring until my wingman pointed it out), after recently moving to Australia with her husband. The husband was literally 10m away. I had to tell him that we were only having a harmless dance, which he was OK with, but this was 100% initiated by the woman. Absolutely zero respect for the hubby, and was constantly making condescending remarks against him.

This kind of reminds me of a story... When I was 21 and started going out (21 is the legal drinking age in the States) I went to this bar full of rich older couples with yachts. This one attractive older woman kind of approached me because she thought I was cute. We were talking and she mentioned how kinky she is, then her husband just jumped right into the conversation with a smile. I knew he was about to try to out alpha me or try to belittle me in an attempt to lower my value, I thought I had an amog situation coming up. Nope, he told me that he wanted me to bang his wife, and he wanted to film it. He looked me in the eye and said that this was how they enjoyed their open relationship. The woman nodded her head and invited me to join them.

At first I thought he was bullshitting me, but he seemed dead serious. Maybe he was bullshitting me, trying to weird me out or something, but what an odd way edge out (amog) another guy.

I don't know why I brought that story up. Maybe because some guys don't care enough. Like that hubby you described might genuinely not care enough to ever suspect or worry about it. Some guys are strange like that.

This Shit Bothers Me - Vicious - 01-02-2014

This doesn't even bother me anymore, I utilize it, portray myself as her last chance at getting an off-the-books bang before she settles down.

Don't fight the hamster, tame it.

This Shit Bothers Me - Duke Castile - 01-02-2014

Quote: (01-02-2014 12:16 AM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

Quote: (01-01-2014 10:34 PM)Gopher Wrote:  

Agreed Beyond Borders. I'd say most of them aren't like that. There is no story to tell with the ones that don't so it appears its more common than it actually is. That said, you never know what your dealing with so your best bet is to just never trust a woman.

Or at least don't ever put yourself in a situation where a breach of trust could cause too much damage.

A constant state of distrust can be as dangerous as trusting too much, in my opinion. It really starts to wear on you and who needs that kind of negativity in their life?

For me, being in control of my emotions means giving people the benefit of the doubt and not worrying about things I don't know or can't control. As Ensam said, internalizing that aloof vibe is a good way to go.

I for one, DO believe every woman is like this. Maybe the don't have cum dripping off their chins but EVERY woman is deceptive and untrustworthy.

Rather than being in a state of constant distrust, I prefer to reframe things by applying what I consider to be a very wise "If you never expect too much from someone you will never be disappointed in them".

This Shit Bothers Me - Atlantic - 01-02-2014


Fully agree.

I had a girl messaging me all sorts of filth last night for a couple of hours (I work nights) while her boyfriend was asleep beside her.

Do people on here find they attract the girls that tend to be more dishonest or that we just recognise it a lot faster then regular guys?

This Shit Bothers Me - roberto - 01-02-2014

My first shag when I was 17 was calling her boyfriend every night when I was in the same room. Had I taken the red pill at that time I would have told her to take that shit outside. As it was, I just lay there feeling slightly guilty. But satisfied, lol.

This Shit Bothers Me - AntiTrace - 01-02-2014

Quote: (01-01-2014 10:30 PM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

I don't believe for a second that every woman is like this.

But the scary part is that it's so hard to see through the bullshit and figure out which ones are and which ones aren't. They're extremely convincing.

You summed it up perfectly.

Theres no way every woman can be a deceptive manipulative cheating whore. Society could not sustain itself.

But the ones that are, the promiscuous wolves in sheepskin, are so indistinguishable from the herd that it is frightening. Eventually you learn to pick up on the tell-tale signs, the red flags, and can navigate the herd with confidence. However there is always some of them out there can fool the even the most experienced of us.

So really all you can do is trust your gut feelings (gained from experience), screen hard, and limit the downside of fallout by not investing too heavily in a relationship and always having an escape plan.

That's if your looking for a relationship or mother for your children. If your just banging for the bang, then female deception can actually be a great thing.

This Shit Bothers Me - WestIndianArchie - 01-02-2014

Stop assigning morality to a woman's actions. Codes of conduct and honor are written by and for men, arguably by Alphas for Betas.

This Shit Bothers Me - lovejoy - 01-02-2014

Quote: (01-01-2014 01:46 PM)AntiTrace Wrote:  

WesternCancer recently wrote in the players lounge about a chick that was talking about "the one" and then proceeded to make out with WC on NYE. Here's the post:


So I drank a bottle of whisky last night. Bunch of chicks show up and one of them is eyeing me up as soon as she walks thru the door.

An hour later she pulled me aside and told me not to kiss her because she was tempted.

I figured out the reason was because her "it's complicated" guy phoned her from Toronto to wish her a happy New year.

Minutes after shed said how much she missed him her tongue was down my throat.

Made out for a bit ans called her a slut. She said something like "I'm the most innocent slut you'll ever meet"

Made out a bit more after that but was too drunk and her and her friends had to leave right after midnight

Asked her a bit about the guy and she started saying how he might be the one.

That shit bothers me. I know the nature of women but when a girl starts talking about a dude like he's her life right after you're making out its fucked up. They don't even realize how they sound and come off to people

I was originally just going to rpely in the players lounge, but I figured this needs a bit more exposure.

A month ago I had an all night fuck session with a girl. She swallowed my load the first time, I came inside of her the next three.

18 hours later...yes I did the calculations and it was almost exactly 18 hours...she posted a video on facebook of a guy proposing to her. It was one of those surprise ambush super wannabe romantic type proposals. She jumped up into his arms and wrapped her legs around him. The same legs that were pulling my ass into her as she was moaning about how much she loved getting fucked by me and how surprised she was anyone could get her to the point of being so "gushing wet".

A bunch of people were in on the "surprise" as well. It was a coordinated thing planned weeks in advance.

To see all that effort put into something that was broken from the beginning was too much for me to watch. Too see the pure happiness and joy on that guys see everyone else clapping and getting teary watch her legs wrap around him, knowing that my semen was still inside of her and my dick still smelled of her multiple orgasms...too see that the video got somewhere in the low 100's likes and something like thirty shares...too have her text me to hang out and say she misses me shortly after...

It was a complete and utter mindfuck. It takes a lot to get me angry, but I was instantly furious and slammed my laptop shut and had to go to the gym (even though I had just come from there). I wasn't mad that she had deceived me, I was irrate that she had such a false impact on all of these peoples lives.

It's an experience that I wish I could share with every man in the world.

SO yeah, I hear you WC, this shit bothers me too.

Yeah, I have experinced much the same thing, but just thought she was a freak. The lesson didn't sink in until years later.

This Shit Bothers Me - j r - 01-02-2014

Not sure why this sort of thing should surprise anyone. Women tend to be much better than men at inhabiting the present, which helps them be much better liars. Men lie just as much, we just have lots of tells that give us away. Put another way: men lie; women convince themselves of an alternate reality.

Remember the ratchet chick who caught the video game uppercut from the bus driver? Compare her behavior on the bus to how she was when being interviewed for the news. On the bus she was angry and aggressive. On the news she was all of a sudden shy, retiring and feminine. The same woman that will mock you and sarcastically dismiss you from her presence one day could be bawling her eyes out and begging you not to leave her a month later. The same woman who breathlessly tells you have the biggest dick she's ever seen on Friday night will be the same woman who tells you that you're hung like a toddler on Sunday afternoon.

This is the nature of the beast. If you want logical consistency from a partner, you better try banging Aspies or going homo.

This Shit Bothers Me - Kwisatz - 01-02-2014

Those in power, who write rules (laws) rarely, if ever follow them. Instead they allow the lesser to fight the privilege of staying in line with the rest of the flock, in hopes that somehow they will be magically rewarded with more than the others get for their drone-like ability to follow a pre-set path.

Quote: (01-02-2014 10:12 AM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Stop assigning morality to a woman's actions. Codes of conduct and honor are written by and for men, arguably by Alphas for Betas.

This Shit Bothers Me - The Beast1 - 01-02-2014

I know this is probably going to get heat from some of the guys here, but:

I would let the "betabux" know what his lovely little angle was doing. After being the "betabux" guy and finding out MONTHS later not from any of my old "friends" but from the lizard's own diary, I don't ever want any guy to go through the pain of discovering the truth from some BS way like a diary.

I'd send him a screen shot of the text messages from her. Heck if you can get a pic of her nude from a cell phone even better.

And then send it to him. It will RIP him apart and definitely show his true colors. If he was smart, he would end the engagement. If he was a true beta, he'd forgive her and still go through with it.

Nothing disgusts me more than a whore using a beta. I look at all guys as undeveloped alphas and nothing irks me more than slutty women using men.

We live in a time of equality. It's time that the lizards understand what that meant. I'd happily burn bridges to save a fellow guy even if he ultimately rejects it and continues on.

This Shit Bothers Me - RX2 - 01-02-2014

After peeking behind the curtain it doesn't surprise me at all.

There's a thrill and excitement to it that women just don't get in their daily mundane lives.

With that being said, I have a thing for committed girls ha!

This Shit Bothers Me - soup - 01-02-2014

I'd just mind my own business if I were you. You really have no idea what their relationship is like. They might have had a deal that she was allowed to go for one last fuck or some thing like that. They might be swingers. He might already be banging other girls on the side. By worming your way into their life, you could be inviting legal trouble as well.

The change you yearn for in the behavior of today's women will not happen through that kind of direct interference. You could write an article or blog about it and then it would get into the dialogue of the sex war.

It's also a very white knight kind of thing to be going around sticking your nose into other peoples business, even if your stated intention is to "help" the guy.

This Shit Bothers Me - The Beast1 - 01-02-2014

Quote: (01-02-2014 11:32 AM)soup Wrote:  

I'd just mind my own business if I were you. You really have no idea what their relationship is like. They might have had a deal that she was allowed to go for one last fuck or some thing like that. They might be swingers. He might already be banging other girls on the side. By worming your way into their life, you could be inviting legal trouble as well.

The change you yearn for in the behavior of today's women will not happen through that kind of direct interference. You could write an article or blog about it and then it would get into the dialogue of the sex war.

It's also a very white knight kind of thing to be going around sticking your nose into other peoples business, even if your stated intention is to "help" the guy.

I doubt it. Swingers are the exception, not the rule.

Also, the white knighting doesn't make any sense. How is it possible to white knight for a guy if your a guy? [Image: dodgy.gif]

There are ways of outing people discretely, no need to post stuff publicly.

I should clarify more on my point as well: If this was one of my friends and I discovered the truth, I would out her. no questions asked. In this case, if I didn't know him I'm not sure how I would handle it.

Depends on how much of a trolling mood I was in for.

This Shit Bothers Me - Ensam - 01-02-2014

It's bad player karma to get involved. If you don't like what's going on kick the chick to the curb and admonish her if you must (though I don't advise this either) then move on.

This Shit Bothers Me - AntiTrace - 01-02-2014

Quote: (01-02-2014 11:32 AM)soup Wrote:  

I'd just mind my own business if I were you. You really have no idea what their relationship is like. They might have had a deal that she was allowed to go for one last fuck or some thing like that. They might be swingers. He might already be banging other girls on the side. By worming your way into their life, you could be inviting legal trouble as well.

The change you yearn for in the behavior of today's women will not happen through that kind of direct interference. You could write an article or blog about it and then it would get into the dialogue of the sex war.

It's also a very white knight kind of thing to be going around sticking your nose into other peoples business, even if your stated intention is to "help" the guy.

oh don't get me wrong. I'm not going to tell the guy anything. Part of me wants to, but like you said no good is going to come from getting involved.

But I can assure you that they are not swingers and no deal was made between them. She's cheating plain and simple, and she has still contacts me, so therefore we can assume she has no intention of stopping.