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Do elite universities kill game? (serious question with a story to it) - joehoya - 07-05-2012

Quote: (07-05-2012 08:21 AM)Hades Wrote:  

I will never believe that the quality of kids is higher at an Ivy League school...

The OVERALL student quality is definitely higher at top schools. However, don't for a second believe that there are not a bunch of kids at the smallest state schools that could excel at a top school if given a chance.

Regarding my state school experience. On one hand, a lot of the kids would have gotten completely overwhelmed had they gone to a top school. Hell, there were a bunch of kids there that I wondered how they even got out of high school.

On the other hand, my state school also had an honors program. EVERY SINGLE KID in that honors program could have done well at the best schools in the country. I can think of two that could have killed at MIT or CalTech, but were just poor/working class Midwestern kids who never had the chance to go there. There was one girl that got special permission to take 24 credit hours per semester, with the bulk of those classes being math and science, and (IIRC) got A's in all of them. The fact that that chick wasn't at MIT was a tragedy.

None of the folks that I met at my undergrad or grad school were smarter than those kids in the honors program at my state school. Keep in mind, the state school I am talking about was not the flagship state school. It was a (at the time) 4th tier school, the vast majority of whose students grew up within a 250 mile radius of the school.

Do elite universities kill game? (serious question with a story to it) - WestCoast - 07-05-2012

Again I agree with 90% of this.

Saying you "know someone would kill it" is very very bold. I know guys who got into top 3 schools that got a job on the street and were fired in 3 months. I know guys who went from a 4.0 at a state to getting 2.0's at top 25's...

I am not saying that the guys could have killed it, maybe they could have, but at the end of the day? Show me.

I don't give a fuck if you "think you could have done well" this is just excuses, show me the results, I will then listen up.

Quote: (07-05-2012 08:47 AM)joehoya Wrote:  

Quote: (07-05-2012 08:21 AM)Hades Wrote:  

I will never believe that the quality of kids is higher at an Ivy League school...

The OVERALL student quality is definitely higher at top schools. However, don't for a second believe that there are not a bunch of kids at the smallest state schools that could excel at a top school if given a chance.

Regarding my state school experience. On one hand, a lot of the kids would have gotten completely overwhelmed had they gone to a top school. Hell, there were a bunch of kids there that I wondered how they even got out of high school.

On the other hand, my state school also had an honors program. EVERY SINGLE KID in that honors program could have done well at the best schools in the country. I can think of two that could have killed at MIT or CalTech, but were just poor/working class Midwestern kids who never had the chance to go there. There was one girl that got special permission to take 24 credit hours per semester, with the bulk of those classes being math and science, and (IIRC) got A's in all of them. The fact that that chick wasn't at MIT was a tragedy.

None of the folks that I met at my undergrad or grad school were smarter than those kids in the honors program at my state school. Keep in mind, the state school I am talking about was not the flagship state school. It was a (at the time) 4th tier school, the vast majority of whose students grew up within a 250 mile radius of the school.

Do elite universities kill game? (serious question with a story to it) - joehoya - 07-05-2012

Quote: (07-05-2012 08:54 AM)WestCoast Wrote:  

Again I agree with 90% of this.

Saying you "know someone would kill it" is very very bold. I know guys who got into top 3 schools that got a job on the street and were fired in 3 months. I know guys who went from a 4.0 at a state to getting 2.0's at top 25's...

I am not saying that the guys could have killed it, maybe they could have, but at the end of the day? Show me.

I don't give a fuck if you "think you could have done well" this is just excuses, show me the results, I will then listen up.

Of course it is impossible to show you the results, since they never went to those schools. Absent that, I am making a judgement based on my experience with them and the types of schools in question. Having experienced both environments and their respective coursework, I stand by my statements.

Keep in mind, I am not talking about kids who got rejected from these top schools. I am talking about kids who either A) never applied because it was too far away from home and/or too expensive or B) applied and were accepted, but could not afford to go to the school or the small state school made them a better offer in terms of scholarships.

As you said, getting in is the hardest part. All of the top schools have retention rates in the high 90's and 4 year graduation rates in the mid 80's and higher. There is no reason to believe (absent a few of them succumbing to home sickness) that they could not have done well at those schools.

Sure, we don't have 100% certainty of their success. But I thought that acknowledgement of that was implicit, considering the fact that we are speculating on something that will never happen. However, just to be perfectly clear, while I have great confidence that all of those students would have done well in top schools, because I don't have a device that allows me to travel to alternate realities where those kids did in fact go to those schools, I cannot say with 100% certainty that they would have done well.

Do elite universities kill game? (serious question with a story to it) - Menace - 07-05-2012

I was a TA (and grad student) at one of the top Ivies. Made tests for these students that they utterly bombed; talking about 0, 5, 10 points out of 100. On average smarter, but there are significant numbers who are nothing special.

Do elite universities kill game? (serious question with a story to it) - WestCoast - 07-05-2012

Then we are on the same page.

I've had some real jackasses tell me they could have "killed it" if they were in the same "position"... Then I just give them/show them the work and they get flustered and fuck shit up.

I have 0 doubt there are many kids who could have gotten in that just never had the opportunity. I also have 0 doubt that there are many jealous kids out there who think their "special".

Do elite universities kill game? (serious question with a story to it) - WestCoast - 07-05-2012

Quote: (07-05-2012 09:24 AM)Menace Wrote:  

On average smarter, but there are significant numbers who are nothing special.

This is accurate.

Do elite universities kill game? (serious question with a story to it) - joehoya - 07-05-2012

Quote: (07-05-2012 09:29 AM)WestCoast Wrote:  

Then we are on the same page.

I've had some real jackasses tell me they could have "killed it" if they were in the same "position"... Then I just give them/show them the work and they get flustered and fuck shit up.

I have 0 doubt there are many kids who could have gotten in that just never had the opportunity. I also have 0 doubt that there are many jealous kids out there who think their "special".

Very true.

In my experience, 95% of the guys who say they personally could have killed an elite school are completely full of shit. This is especially funny when they have zero fucking idea what the curriculum or grading standards for these schools are. It is purely a defense mechanism to cover an inferiority complex.

My personal experience with was similar to yours in that I had a guy who was doing a similar grad program as mine, but at a no-name weak school. He went on and on about how the only reason folks get into those top grad schools is because they kissed their professors ass to get good recommendations, and how it is the same subject at every school, so if you learn it at one school it is the same as learning it at another.

Finally, I wanted to him to put up or shut up, so I asked to see some of his homework assignments. We cracked open our laptops, logged on to our respective university websites and compared homework. Keep in mind, we were both studying the same field at different schools, so our courses were similar. When he saw my assignments, his attacks shifted from how he could have done well there to how my school makes the assignments unnecessarily difficult. He kept saying "You aren't going to need to know X in that much depth." I found myself thinking "How the fuck do you know?" People are going to make excuses for their failures no matter what.

Do elite universities kill game? (serious question with a story to it) - beta_plus - 07-05-2012

One thing that one has to realize about the Ivy League schools just how ugly the women are at these institutions.

To keep it simple, let's just stick to the Ivys:
U Penn

While at Harvard, Columbia, and Penn you have the possible option of venturing into the city to get better prospects, the chances that you will have the time and the resources to do so is unlikely due to the workload and extreme expense of the cities in which they are located. At Princeton, Dartmouth, Cornell, and Yale, you are just stuck around incredibly unattractive women with no where to go.

The women at these places are just awful. Fat with bad attitudes and faces that would be pretty bad even if they lost weight and dressed more feminine.
I went to a similar school in Ontario. If you are at all aware of game, you become desperate and try to rationalize what you have given up for no good reason for supposedly better education. Guess what? Calculus doesn't magically change when you study it in Ithaca. If you are not aware of game, you begin to think that the problem is just you. When you go to a place where attractive women are more available and have to compete more for lower quality men, it is eye opening. When I moved back to DC after living in Ontario, as bad as I now know DC is*, it stunned me to realize that my problem with women was not me, I was just dealing with incredibly spoiled and unattractive women with impossible standards while in university. To this day, I remember the date and time when it suddenly hit me. I remember crying with joy while calling my best friend "Women in DC have to lower their standards!"

When I went to grad school at an elite university, I made sure to do a one year program since I knew into what I was getting.

When I meet 17 year old guys, I always tell them that they should study either Mech Eng or CS if the school doesn't have engineering at a second tier state university that is majority women.

* while DC is bad, I will maintain that there are worse developed world major cities that one can be in

Do elite universities kill game? (serious question with a story to it) - WestCoast - 07-05-2012

Yep you see my point exactly. Immature people like to make excuses instead of acknowledging their limitations. As they say, the truth hurts.

If you can't take criticism, you are a child.

Quote: (07-05-2012 09:52 AM)joehoya Wrote:  

Very true.

In my experience, 95% of the guys who say they personally could have killed an elite school are completely full of shit. This is especially funny when they have zero fucking idea what the curriculum or grading standards for these schools are. It is purely a defense mechanism to cover an inferiority complex.

My personal experience with was similar to yours in that I had a guy who was doing a similar grad program as mine, but at a no-name weak school. He went on and on about how the only reason folks get into those top grad schools is because they kissed their professors ass to get good recommendations, and how it is the same subject at every school, so if you learn it at one school it is the same as learning it at another.

Finally, I wanted to him to put up or shut up, so I asked to see some of his homework assignments. We cracked open our laptops, logged on to our respective university websites and compared homework. Keep in mind, we were both studying the same field at different schools, so our courses were similar. When he saw my assignments, his attacks shifted from how he could have done well there to how my school makes the assignments unnecessarily difficult. He kept saying "You aren't going to need to know X in that much depth." I found myself thinking "How the fuck do you know?" People are going to make excuses for their failures no matter what.

Do elite universities kill game? (serious question with a story to it) - polymath - 07-05-2012

The opinions on this question are everywhere. I feel that I have a special perspective on this. I have attended four schools: two state schools in the American Southwest, Harvard, and the top engineering school in the country.

Honestly, people are fucking terrible at socializing at engineering schools like MIT and Cal Tech. Not only that, the girls are busted ugly and -- unless you are a genius or a slacker -- you rarely have time to exercise because you're always doing work.

Harvard kids have a completely different game. Anywhere in the world that you go, the phrase "I go to Harvard" elicits a momentary wide-eyed look. You get a lot of respect as well (same goes for intense math/science schools like MIT and Cal Tech). I can only liken it to showing a girl a diamond. The end result is that many people rely less on social skills and more on intellectual conversation and namedropping (including the H-bomb). Personally, I think this makes people a little less smooth, simply because they don't need to be smooth any more...people respect them for their institution.

State those are fun. You have tons of free time, school is easy, and many of your peers tend to be relatively attractive and sociable. I remember my first day in an Architecture class, I sat next to a smoking hot chick with blonde hair and perky breasts, perfect tan legs and a bright blue pedicure and wondered why I ever wanted to attend an elite college where girls don't take care of their looks. People are talkative in class because they don't have to worry so much about catching every fact or taking perfect notes, whereas at many elite schools, people shoot you dirty looks if you don't stay silent in lecture. At both of the state schools I attended (one was in the country, the other in the suburbs), I noticed that charm and looks get you far with women. Nobody is curious about how much money your family has, and the "rich" kids are the ones whose dads are Cadillac dealers and middle-of-the-road shit like that. Since people socialize frequently, and they don't care about the external stuff like how many rooms are in the winter cabin your parents just built, the guys who are charming tend to stand out more.

I know this is a mad opinionated post, and I'm not the only one with college experience here, but I wanted to weigh in because the discussion seems to be all over the place.

To answer your question, OP, I think elite universities absolutely do kill a man's charm in some nontrivial ways. These universities also emphasize different virtues that can be attractive in the long run (wealth, diligence, intellect, etc).

Do elite universities kill game? (serious question with a story to it) - Blackhawk - 07-05-2012

Schools reward conformity. University isn't any different.

There's plenty of elite institutions that get past conformity. I would argue elite isn't the problem. It's university that's the problem.

Do elite universities kill game? (serious question with a story to it) - Saladin - 07-05-2012

Quote: (07-05-2012 09:57 AM)beta_plus Wrote:  

One thing that one has to realize about the Ivy League schools just how ugly the women are at these institutions.

To keep it simple, let's just stick to the Ivys:
U Penn

While at Harvard, Columbia, and Penn you have the possible option of venturing into the city to get better prospects, the chances that you will have the time and the resources to do so is unlikely due to the workload and extreme expense of the cities in which they are located. At Princeton, Dartmouth, Cornell, and Yale, you are just stuck around incredibly unattractive women with no where to go.

The women at these places are just awful. Fat with bad attitudes and faces that would be pretty bad even if they lost weight and dressed more feminine.
I went to a similar school in Ontario. If you are at all aware of game, you become desperate and try to rationalize what you have given up for no good reason for supposedly better education. Guess what? Calculus doesn't magically change when you study it in Ithaca. If you are not aware of game, you begin to think that the problem is just you. When you go to a place where attractive women are more available and have to compete more for lower quality men, it is eye opening. When I moved back to DC after living in Ontario, as bad as I now know DC is*, it stunned me to realize that my problem with women was not me, I was just dealing with incredibly spoiled and unattractive women with impossible standards while in university. To this day, I remember the date and time when it suddenly hit me. I remember crying with joy while calling my best friend "Women in DC have to lower their standards!"

When I went to grad school at an elite university, I made sure to do a one year program since I knew into what I was getting.

When I meet 17 year old guys, I always tell them that they should study either Mech Eng or CS if the school doesn't have engineering at a second tier state university that is majority women.

* while DC is bad, I will maintain that there are worse developed world major cities that one can be in

Where did you go to school in Ontario?

I believe the only top schools with low quality are U of T, Ryerson, and Waterloo and perhaps some other colleges.

Top schools like UBC(in BC), McGill(in Montreal), Queens, and Western all have high quality in terms of female students. I'm going to one of those Universities in fall and the talent was very good when I visited. Unlike the US you don't have to choose between a solid social scene and an excellent reputation for academics, you can have both.

Its funny to me how I see so many young guys getting into pickup and they are going to U of T or York and living at home. They would barely need much game at another school, all they'd have to do is stay in shape, be able to hold a conversation, and not be a weird PUA approaching every girl on campus.

Utterly ridiculous and its why I point them to rooshvforum, your location is very important.

Do elite universities kill game? (serious question with a story to it) - Lemmo - 07-05-2012

Quote: (07-04-2012 12:19 AM)Veindarlin Wrote:  

One of my middle school friends was an outgoing guy. We met because our parents were close friends. In high school, he dated three good looking girls and one of the girls he dated was from a rich and preppy private school. We knew each other although I was homeschooled and he went to the local public school. Mainly we played sports together and that is how our friendship really developed. So during summer vacation (after he had graduated high school) we visited Miami and he had the skill to attract a good looking 25 year old woman and bring her to our hotel, managed to make out with her.

This was about 2 years ago, he went off to college, completely different from where I would end up my first two years of college. He ended up going to an Ivy League school. Just after two years of meeting him we chatted and stuff and one guy we were with talked about how it is fun being young, single, and trying it out with different women. My friend yells and tells him to "grow up" and says this whole stuff is for immature folks who have emotional and mental issues. Then he goes off on a long speech by starting off saying "this is whats wrong with men like you!".

The guy we were with and I look at each other awkwardly, we were like "okaaayyy". So I go to talk to my friend who tells me to never do that to a woman and then says about how women are already "abused" and put in such "unfavorable" situations. He yells at me and says "don't ever be that guy".

For a while I was fearing this would happen, College Confidential was a primary warning sign I thought since it is full of kids hungry to get into elite universities and the attitudes there are very pro-feminist too. I used to go there for college admissions advice but got into a few discussions there.

Not just my friends though, a lot of Ivy League students I have met carry this whole type of attitude but maybe that is just me. I have never been to an Ivy League school and probably lack the high IQ needed to get in but what do you guys have to say about it?

Sounds like an impressionable teenager who served as a blank slate for one of the fringe left types that exist in large numbers at the Ivies. And he gets positive feedback for such self-righteous statements there. And he probably has white knight tendencies that are now being directed through approved PC channels.

Do elite universities kill game? (serious question with a story to it) - beta_plus - 07-05-2012

Quote: (07-05-2012 07:35 PM)torontokid Wrote:  

Quote: (07-05-2012 09:57 AM)beta_plus Wrote:  

One thing that one has to realize about the Ivy League schools just how ugly the women are at these institutions.

To keep it simple, let's just stick to the Ivys:
U Penn

While at Harvard, Columbia, and Penn you have the possible option of venturing into the city to get better prospects, the chances that you will have the time and the resources to do so is unlikely due to the workload and extreme expense of the cities in which they are located. At Princeton, Dartmouth, Cornell, and Yale, you are just stuck around incredibly unattractive women with no where to go.

The women at these places are just awful. Fat with bad attitudes and faces that would be pretty bad even if they lost weight and dressed more feminine.
I went to a similar school in Ontario. If you are at all aware of game, you become desperate and try to rationalize what you have given up for no good reason for supposedly better education. Guess what? Calculus doesn't magically change when you study it in Ithaca. If you are not aware of game, you begin to think that the problem is just you. When you go to a place where attractive women are more available and have to compete more for lower quality men, it is eye opening. When I moved back to DC after living in Ontario, as bad as I now know DC is*, it stunned me to realize that my problem with women was not me, I was just dealing with incredibly spoiled and unattractive women with impossible standards while in university. To this day, I remember the date and time when it suddenly hit me. I remember crying with joy while calling my best friend "Women in DC have to lower their standards!"

When I went to grad school at an elite university, I made sure to do a one year program since I knew into what I was getting.

When I meet 17 year old guys, I always tell them that they should study either Mech Eng or CS if the school doesn't have engineering at a second tier state university that is majority women.

* while DC is bad, I will maintain that there are worse developed world major cities that one can be in

Where did you go to school in Ontario?

I believe the only top schools with low quality are U of T, Ryerson, and Waterloo and perhaps some other colleges.

Top schools like UBC(in BC), McGill(in Montreal), Queens, and Western all have high quality in terms of female students. I'm going to one of those Universities in fall and the talent was very good when I visited. Unlike the US you don't have to choose between a solid social scene and an excellent reputation for academics, you can have both.

Its funny to me how I see so many young guys getting into pickup and they are going to U of T or York and living at home. They would barely need much game at another school, all they'd have to do is stay in shape, be able to hold a conversation, and not be a weird PUA approaching every girl on campus.

Utterly ridiculous and its why I point them to rooshvforum, your location is very important.

I went to Queen's in the 90s. Maybe things got better after I left, but it was a lonely existence as far as women were concerned (loved the academics and social scene otherwise) and hard for me not to see the girls being much better looking and friendlier in DC when I returned in 2000. I remember how much my friends who did have girlfriends had to date very far down unless they were really tall. Keep in mind that I had no idea that game existed at the time. The only book that I ever saw was Don Steele - very old school - it was pretty much him and Ross Jeffries at the time. Wish I had bought it.
Remember, Tyler Durden went to Queen's right after I graduated. I often describe Queen's as being to Game what U Chicago was to the creation of Atomic Bomb - not the most important university (that analogy would U Tor. vs. Berkeley), but definitely up there.

Do elite universities kill game? (serious question with a story to it) - beta_plus - 07-05-2012

One other thing that I forgot to mention in my post is that while the quality of women is so low at the Ivies and many other elite schools , the quality of men is extremely high and a hypergamous girl's dream come true.

Do elite universities kill game? (serious question with a story to it) - joehoya - 07-06-2012

Quote: (07-05-2012 10:45 PM)beta_plus Wrote:  

One other thing that I forgot to mention in my post is that while the quality of women is so low at the Ivies and many other elite schools , the quality of men is extremely high and a hypergamous girl's dream come true.

Which leads to quite a shocker when they hit the real world and realize that the high quality guys they had almost exclusive access to are now being aggressively pursued by more attractive girls who didn't go to Ivies. Competition is a bitch.

Do elite universities kill game? (serious question with a story to it) - Deluge - 07-06-2012

Quote: (07-06-2012 12:31 AM)joehoya Wrote:  

Quote: (07-05-2012 10:45 PM)beta_plus Wrote:  

One other thing that I forgot to mention in my post is that while the quality of women is so low at the Ivies and many other elite schools , the quality of men is extremely high and a hypergamous girl's dream come true.

Which leads to quite a shocker when they hit the real world and realize that the high quality guys they had almost exclusive access to are now being aggressively pursued by more attractive girls who didn't go to Ivies. Competition is a bitch.

If by high quality you mean high-earning potential husband material then sure but remember at the very top end of academic achievement you're talking about guys who predominately (there are exceptions) are socially awkward nerds.

Do elite universities kill game? (serious question with a story to it) - Saladin - 07-06-2012

I guess Queen's in the 80s didn't have the same ratio...

The one side effect of feminism that I like is that college ratios are utterly in favor of males(60:40 female to male ratio in most Canadian Universities), which means college game for college student is much easier than the cockfest that most bars and club are in many cities.

Do elite universities kill game? (serious question with a story to it) - Beachsidejarl - 07-06-2012

Quote: (07-06-2012 12:56 AM)torontokid Wrote:  

I guess Queen's in the 80s didn't have the same ratio...

The one side effect of feminism that I like is that college ratios are utterly in favor of males(60:40 female to male ratio in most Canadian Universities), which means college game for college student is much easier than the cockfest that most bars and club are in many cities.


Also, girls at my institution are not ugly. Then again I'm in Uppsala and my university is about 75 % female. Most of them are really fit, young blonde girls in the 18-22 age range.

And even if I grew up with these kinds of girls, it's hard not to notice how common a HB9 or HB10 are. The thing is, you do get used to it, because you have to. And that in of itself is a bit of a plus because you cant really get intimidated by HB9s in other nations because you've seen hotter girls all day long on campus and she might be rare in her country but not in yours.

Also, everyone whines about feminism. Well, in Sweden, feminism country #1, things are pretty relaxed. A lot of guys in these discussions carry some kind of mental ghost in their minds which they are fighting against which has no real connection to reality.

Then again, feminism isn't that 'in' anymore in Sweden, and hasn't been for quite some years. The basic notions of equality remain, but that's in our cultural DNA. Scandinavia was very early with rights to women to vote etc. We've always had an egalitarian outlook. And as far as I can tell, relations here between men and women are very sound and good.

Women expect you to do more than they do in other, more reactionary, Western countries. But you're also given a much freer role as a man, instead of being an ATM machine who never sees his family. That being said, wimps are not appreciated. Including by feminists. That much is right. But that doesnt mean women in general fantasize about being beaten or something, as some people here seem to think. That says more about your own problems with women and trouble to relate to them.


Things have never been better for a dedicated guy. Girls and guys share much more, both at work, at home and spend time together socially in more relaxed ways. At least here in Sweden. I'd say 40 % of my friends are girls, and I'm not even a very social guy. I'm a pretty nerdy kind of guy with nerdy interests. I know guys who could easily get more than 70 % female friends but who actively work against it because they want more guy friends.

But again, this is a Sweden-centric perspective. Gender relations here are much better and more sound. We don't have the paranoia of WHO WILL BE THE BREADWINNER. Stuff like that will get you mildly ridiculed here, and for good reason. I do see a lot of progress in these areas in urban, educated centers like NYC. Especially in Brooklyn, where I have a friend living right now. I'm not that acquainted with Canada. My sense is that since the oil boom, it has gotten a bit less progressive and even a bit thuggish there. But I could be wrong. What say you, Torontokid?

Do elite universities kill game? (serious question with a story to it) - keepreal - 07-06-2012

Dude, most of the IVY league and alot elite schools, grade inflation is out of control, everyone is A and A-, if u have likes less 3.5 u are fucked for grad. school. Schools like stanford, U of Chicago are ranked higher than a lot of the ivy leagues. Top ranked school does not mean better education, u just more famous people around, more book resources, better student to faculty ratio, but still have freaking graduate students teaching intro classes. My school had way less grade inflation, but going to elite school can be serious blow to ur confidence/well-being and lead u to seriously question what u want do with life. Dude, it sucks when High school was easy as shit, then u go to one of these schools, everyone is hella good at something, does not matter how hard u try, u grade does not improve much. The grade curve is so steep, u can work hard as fuck do the same as u did not work so hard in some classes, many classes u have to work twice to thrice as hard to get 1/2 grade of a bump. Luckily, it also very hard for ur grade to go down if u did ur work. You realize u are average or even suckie at what used think u were good it. Honor classes at elite college esp math and science are not worth it, they kill ur time and u become frustrated as fuck. The girls are either busted or average, of course u get alot more hot girls than high school, % wise way less. All the classes suck in term of social interaction, I have never had a real hot girl in any of my classes nor in my dorm, even in freaky core classes everyone had to take. IDK, why TF all the fuck hot girls were always in some other house. People were always into studying or doing their own shit. In the end, I just don't give a fuck anymore and all the classes became kind of mundane, I could coast by doing not too much work as long I knew my shit, I all thought about was the hot girls in Europe. Fuck, elite college made me less social, not too much nice pussies around, hard to make close friends, wasted tons of money( I mean these schools u can spend up to 60,000USD/year for everything, for example U of Chicago costs $42,041 for tuition), and got a not so useful degree. At least I finished early, but fuck it is still not easy to get a job. Should of gone to a state school or even better school in Central or Eastern Europe, lived the fucking life and would of gotten good grades and an useful degree, save a lot of money.

Do elite universities kill game? (serious question with a story to it) - keepreal - 07-06-2012

The conversation were also kind of lame at dining hall, it was often about typical shit about classes, studying or u went somewhere for break. Talking something random and crazy made it hard to fit in. But there was plenty of people talking some non-PC or interesting shit, u just follow the flow. I remember one time, some guy was discussing about barnacles having the biggest dick to body ratio. U also all these try hard econ guys working as interns in goldman sachman and JP morgans, but there is always some rich ass kid who is pretty chill. Connections is not easy to get unless u real social and know the right people. Occasionally u get some interesting kid all into drugs and being elitist and/or philosophy, and shit. U get allo sorts of people in different dorm, some dorm, it is nerdy as fuck, all they do is play zombies, real life quiditch, weird dressup. Some dorms are jocks and possibly douchy. Some dorms were hipster and other shit. Ultimate Frisbee is the intermural sport. A lot bitches were kind of nerdy, or hipster or typical, people were usually talking about intellectual stuff or some random ass band at a party, occasionally u see people making out. Alot of girls even though they get in these schools, they seems to be not really smart,but still smart,but rely a lot more on hard work, they are always complaining about classes, some think they are the shit and probably overachievers. Most bitches are either in humanity or pre-med, some soft social science, occasionally u get some random hot chick doing theoretical math or geophysics. Frat parties weren't too big, but crowded, instead knowing people to get in, u just had to pay to get in.

Do elite universities kill game? (serious question with a story to it) - Excelsior - 07-06-2012

I'm a little late to this party, but I suppose I should add my two cents.

As has already been mentioned, I've written extensively on this topic:

Post 1

Post 2

Post 3

Post 4

Post 5

Post 6

Post 7

This thread (from this post forward)

This thread (in which I placed several posts)

This Entire Thread

There are probably more floating around, but that's what I was able to dig up on a quick search.

Now, on to the thread at hand...

Quote: (07-04-2012 12:19 AM)Veindarlin Wrote:  

This was about 2 years ago, he went off to college, completely different from where I would end up my first two years of college. He ended up going to an Ivy League school. Just after two years of meeting him we chatted and stuff and one guy we were with talked about how it is fun being young, single, and trying it out with different women. My friend yells and tells him to "grow up" and says this whole stuff is for immature folks who have emotional and mental issues. Then he goes off on a long speech by starting off saying "this is whats wrong with men like you!".

The guy we were with and I look at each other awkwardly, we were like "okaaayyy". So I go to talk to my friend who tells me to never do that to a woman and then says about how women are already "abused" and put in such "unfavorable" situations. He yells at me and says "don't ever be that guy".

While the white-knight/uber-beta quotient is certainly much higher here than most other environments, I'd say the type of outspoken male feminism outlined by OP here is not quite so common. Very few guys here fit that particular bill.

Quote: (07-04-2012 03:10 AM)P Dog Wrote:  

Maybe it's because they didn't get laid once in college.

People do not fuck here quite as much as your run-of-the-mill state-schooler is used to, this is certasinly correct. Some ivies may have more hook-ups than others, but generally even the most loose Ivy is nothing compared to even a fourth-tier state school.

Kids here simply don't get wild enough on a sufficiently regular basis to make that happen, and they have far too much in the way of social awkwardness, insecurity and raw caution (the type of caution/conscientiousness that got them admitted, remember) to make an abundance of hookups happen.

Quote: (07-04-2012 10:09 PM)rlongo924 Wrote:  

A TON of people I know that went to really good colleges have a totally different attitude now that they did before hand. Like they're completely different people and think of themselves as more "mature" and "grown up". Honestly, a lot of them are just really pretentious and basically assholes.

Does this side effect occur? Yes. A quick glance at many of my peers can reveal some of the pretentiousness you mentioned-it exists. I attend a "lesser known" Ivy (read: not H,Y or P), so I can imagine that this may be an even greater problem with students at such schools with great "lay prestige".

That being said, coming to an Ivy can also humble you greatly. It isn't always easy to leave an environment where you were unquestionably the smartest kid around and enter an environment where you are merely average. It isn't easy to have to completely re-learn how to study, take notes, and approach school when you never had to put much effort into academics before. It isn't easy leaving a firmly middle class environment and then entering a world where the majority of your peers are of the 1 percent, inhabitants of a world you didn't know existed and have no idea how to fit in with.

I can't speak for everyone, as many (perhaps most) of my peers do not deal with these issues. Most come from economically elite homes, making the Ivies no adjustment-they're around peers. Most come from highly selective and competitive schools (private or public), and so are more well prepared for Ivy level coursework-no need to completely reshape their academic habits.

But for a small but significant portion of any given Ivy's student body, attendance is cause for a growth of humility, not pretentiousness.

I would say that I was greatly matured by my experience here, and I can back that up with anecdotal observations given by peers and family over my three years as an Ivy Leaguer. I was miserable most of the time (lots of BS-some descriptions can be seen in the older posts linked above) and I found most of the experience very painful, but it did forge me into a man. I entered a naive child-I'll leave with far better inner-game, style, conversational ability, and just general higher levels of humility, realism and maturity.

I'm more grown up now. Not every Ivy Leaguer is BSing when he says that.

Quote: (07-04-2012 10:14 PM)HiFlo Wrote:  

Elite universities do NOT hurt game.

In fact, having attended both, folks really aren't that much different, except that you're gonna become friends with a lot more well-connected guys (& their families) in elite unis that state unis.

I agree with most of this post, save for this part. It may just be my school or it may not be, but I can say that the folks at my Ivy are VERY different. Aside from being much more academically inclined than average, they are very much physically (ex: guys are taller, girls not quite as hot) and socially distinct from what I'm used to. I feel at times like I'm in the twilight zone, and I had a very hard time getting used to it early on. Only now can I really step back and look at it all objectively.

Again, maybe this isn't the case at all elite schools, but at mine this is the reality.

Quote: (07-05-2012 08:21 AM)Hades Wrote:  

I will never believe that the quality of kids is higher at an Ivy League school. I will believe that the egos of professors are much larger, however. Many of them believe that because they teach at a prestigious school, they are celebrities. This is not true.

Are Ivies filled with higher quality people? In the general moral sense, no. People here are wealthier and perhaps more academically successful than most, but morally they can be just as (if not more) bankrupt than humans anywhere else. In my particular environment, I find loyalty especially lacking. This world is more about what you can offer (pedigree, money, etc), not who you are. People also seem more honest in other environments I've been, less willing to put on a face for one end or another. Appearances sometimes take on a bit too much importance here.

But academically? You're free not to believe it if you wish, but the fact will remain regardless. It is true that the top 1-2 percentiles of students at most first-tier state schools could do well at most Ivies and the very absolute bottom tier at most Ivies isn't that special, but beyond this there is little overlap. These schools are far too selective for there to be any other reality.

Quote: (07-05-2012 09:57 AM)beta_plus Wrote:  

One thing that one has to realize about the Ivy League schools just how ugly the women are at these institutions.

To keep it simple, let's just stick to the Ivys:
U Penn

While at Harvard, Columbia, and Penn you have the possible option of venturing into the city to get better prospects, the chances that you will have the time and the resources to do so is unlikely due to the workload and extreme expense of the cities in which they are located. At Princeton, Dartmouth, Cornell, and Yale, you are just stuck around incredibly unattractive women with no where to go.

The women at these places are just awful. Fat with bad attitudes and faces that would be pretty bad even if they lost weight and dressed more feminine.

Firstly, don't forget Brown.

Secondly, as a student at one of the "nowhere-to-go" schools mentioned here, I have to take some issue with the description of the women.
They're plain, not ugly (though, admittedly, those two may be synonymous to some guys with higher standards than mine).

To put it simply, the distribution of looks here doesn't follow the usual curve at less selective schools. At your standard private/state institution, you'll have a large mass of fairly cute (6-7 range) girls in the middle (say 70% of the total female student body), and smaller pools (each perhaps at around 15%) of unattractive/fat and model-hot girls on the extreme bottom and top ends. At many of these places (the ones with the rep for having very attractive student bodies), the top end may be slightly larger than the bottom (say 20% or more instead of 15%) and the low end smaller, but your run-of-the mill school will probably follow this distribution.

At my school and many other Ivies, this distribution seems to go more like this: The 6-7 range is much smaller, and probably accounts for maybe 40% of girls here. 4s and 5s are likely another 40%. 15% are fairly unattractive/fat (read: below a 4). 5% are 8's or above, and contain within this elite group may be one or two girls who could be called "model hot" (well above an 8, approaching the 9 range, worthy of being called genuine "smokeshows"). Obviously this is hearsay/opinion on my part (my 8 may not be your 8), but that is how I perceive the distribution of attractiveness based on experience.

There are actually relatively few fat/obese girls at my Ivy-most are, at the very least, in decent shape. It is the top end of the spectrum here that is lacking. The middle/above average tiers of girls at most less selective private and state schools would match the top tiers here. If a girl is widely considered a 6-7 at a school like Villanova, you could probably call her a solid 8 here, and she'd be treated accordingly (guys are quite thirsty).
The top end girls I've seen at schools like that would absolutely run my Ivy-there'd simply be no competition. Similarly, I can think of many girls from my high school (which was in middle-of-nowhere New York, not Beverly Hills, Miami or some other hot-girl hotbed) who were considered merely "cute" there but could easily walk into top sororities here and outshine many (or even most) of the girls in them.

It isn't that the girls here are particularly ugly or fat...they're just not particularly attractive either.

The attitudes of girls here are another story, however. Those are definitely particularly ugly, at least in my experience.

Quote: (07-06-2012 12:45 AM)P Dog Wrote:  

If by high quality you mean high-earning potential husband material then sure but remember at the very top end of academic achievement you're talking about guys who predominately (there are exceptions) are socially awkward nerds.

Aside from being good high-earning husband material the guys at my Ivy are also a) much taller (I'm 5'10" and I feel short there) and b) much more athletic than average.

Add to this the fact that most of these guys carry solid pedigrees (read: wealthy, reasonably well connected families, almost all firmly upper-middle class at a minimum) and you've got a pretty solid pool to choose from. Girls here are not in an objectively bad position selection wise. If your goal is to get close to a guy who is at once tall, fit, athletic (D1 sports) and affluent, your chances of doing so are much higher at my school than just about any other-the sheer abundance of athletes and the wealth of the student body ensures this. Most guys here will fit at least three of those four criteria, and even the guys who don't will probably still be loaded and well pedigreed at a bare minimum.

I've also run into at least two dozen or so guys who, on paper, seem almost too "perfect". Very good looking, tall (at least 5'11"), super athletic (often all-conference athletes), and affluent. To top it off, they were also all very nice guys-nobody has anything bad to say about them, and quite a few won team/school awards for their decency. When I say "nice guy", I'm talking up to a Tim Tebow level here-they're almost too good enough so to be unbelievable (though it is authentic). Many of them were in fact very religious conservatives (more of those here than you'd expect at an Ivy), so the Tebow comparison has some legs.

This may sound like I'm man crushing here, but I'm really just being objective and honest: these are people who fit the bill of stereotypical male attractiveness so closely that they wouldn't seem out of place on a TV screen, like hollywood characters come to life. Other dudes on campus would joke about how "perfect" they were. I credit them in many ways for my improvements in style and fitness over my time here-you have no choice but to step it up with competition like that. I've never seen so many of them in one place, don't think I ever will again unless I decide to make Norway/Sweden home one day.

There aren't many girls here who hit the buttons for what is considered stereotypically attractive in their own sex quite so closely. I can think of maybe two dozen or so guys off the top of my head who fit the bill for men (smart and athletic, but also good-looking and very kind all at once)-they have maybe three or four female peers who are similarly striking (not just smart or athletic, but also very beautiful while at the same time feminine and kind almost to a fault). There is certainly a gap.

Bottomline: Girls have plenty of high quality options here, and I'd assume that is true at many other top schools. That being said, I would posit that the larger elite schools have more diluted levels of quality (ex: fewer athletes in proportion to entire student body).

Also, as a final note: Just about everything JoeHoya said in this thread was directly on-point. Listen to that man, he knows what he's talking about. I fully co-sign every post he has made in here.

Do elite universities kill game? (serious question with a story to it) - Giovonny - 07-06-2012

The only thing I want to add to this thread is this...

Intellectually and academically smart people can often over analyze things. This is not good in game. You have to quickly forget about past failures and move on to the next girl. It's just like any other sport. We have to be focused on the next play and not the last play. This can be hard for the inquisitive mind.

They can also have a hard time accepting the counter intuitive and illogical aspects of game. Stuff like girls liking bad boys and girls liking to be teased can be hard for these people to rationalize. It doesn't fit into their logical perspective.

Game is just as much art as it is science.

So, being intellectual and academic can actually hold some people back. They have to really open their minds and be willing to accept things that might seem illogical at first. They don't teach this stuff in school and you can't really learn it out of a textbook.

My message to academic and intellectual types is this:

Just say "fuck it"!!! Go out there and make mistakes and don't worry about analyzing each one. Some stuff will not make sense. You will do everything right but you still won't get your desired result. Then you will do everything wrong but the girl will be into you. Don't try to figure out the mind of a woman. It has never been done and it probably never will.

They don't even know what they are thinking.

So, my final answer is yes, elite universities do often hurt a young mans game. Because they over analyze too much and cause people to live in their own head. Game is about getting out of your own head and getting into physical and verbal interactions with women. Less thinking and more action is required.

Do elite universities kill game? (serious question with a story to it) - pitt - 07-06-2012

Quote: (07-06-2012 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

The only thing I want to add to this thread is this...

Intellectually and academically smart people can often over analyze things. This is not good in game. You have to quickly forget about past failures and move on to the next girl. It's just like any other sport. We have to be focused on the next play and not the last play. This can be hard for the inquisitive mind.

[b]They can also have a hard time accepting the counter intuitive and illogical aspects of game. Stuff like girls liking bad boys and girls liking to be teased can be hard for these people to rationalize. It doesn't fit into their logical perspective.
Game is just as much art as it is science.

So, being intellectual and academic can actually hold some people back. They have to really open their minds and be willing to accept things that might seem illogical at first. They don't teach this stuff in school and you can't really learn it out of a textbook.

My message to academic and intellectual types is this:

Just say "fuck it"!!! Go out there and make mistakes and don't worry about analyzing each one. Some stuff will not make sense. You will do everything right but you still won't get your desired result. Then you will do everything wrong but the girl will be into you. Don't try to figure out the mind of a woman. It has never been done and it probably never will.

They don't even know what they are thinking.

So, my final answer is yes, elite universities do often hurt a young mans game. Because they over analyze too much and cause people to live in their own head. Game is about getting out of your own head and getting into physical and verbal interactions with women. Less thinking and more action is required.

I agree with most of things you have said but this girls like bad boys is questionable. Actually i was just talking about this not too long ago on this other thread, saying that most of newbies think that in order to pull women they have to act like arseholes.

Whats being a bad boy for you? To me when you are talking bad boy, you need to be thinking Mike Tyson type of guy. Do you think young girls will be more interested in fucking Mike Tyson than in fucking Omarion?

I would say having looks, being confident, being an approach machine and knowing how to escalate BEATS it all (you dont have to be a bad boy in order to have these qualities). I grew up around real bad cats, one was a serial killer type of cat and i never thought that them being badder made them get more girls. Actually some girls used to be intimidated by them, they thought that if they went home with them they would get raped or robbed.

Being a lame or a nerd wont get you girls for sure. Caring too much wont get you girls for sure, scaried to be neglected wont give you girls but i dont see how being a bad boy will get you more girls. I have a friend who looks exactly like uncle murda (New York gangster rapper if you dont know) and we are always rolling together. There is no way that this guy is fucking more girls than i am, he holds few criminal records and i dont have none. However this doesnt make him more attractive to girls than myself. I have another friend (actually he is a friends friend) who is a model and he is the only guy i have met who gets approached CONSTANTLY by hot women. He is a pretty boy type of guy, well educated and he doesnt come across as being a violent person but chicks love him to death. He fucks hot women that are chasing footballers, he is not a baller, he is simply getting women because women dig his looks, i never saw him approaching any girl, although he is a social person.

I wonder whats your definition of bad boy. Here in the UK, bad boys are criminals. Are you a criminal?

I prefer being confident, funny, crazy and non giving a fuck. I let the bad boy act for situations where i need to be violent.

Do elite universities kill game? (serious question with a story to it) - Giovonny - 07-06-2012

The "badboy" thing is a whole separate conversation. Of course, there are badboys with game and badboys without game.

It all depends on the guy and how he carries himself.

What was that other thread where you guys were discussing this???