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Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Mage - 05-19-2019

Quote: (05-19-2019 11:44 AM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

[Image: 4t1agp4eh6z21.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&a...f54fccfaa3]

You lose when you resort to straight out lying.

Night's King killed at least two major characters. Euron (sorry confused names) Theon Greyjoy and Viserion. Yes Viserion is not a human, but he is a dragon and thus it is even more remarkable then killing a human.

Now whom did Olly killed? One is Ygrette a woman with a bow. It' ok for a child but is I would say still slightly behind killing a eunich and certainly not comparable with killing a dragon. Killing a dragon is worth killing about 100 men. Who is the other? Well actually Olly kills no one else. Maybe what is meant here is Jon Snow, But Jon was killed by many men (about ten) so Olly would have to share that kill with all of them. So Olly scores about 1.1 kills. If we assume a dragon is as hard to kill as 100 men (a very generous estimate certainly since a dragon's market worth is as much as a whole army of eunichs as was shown in season 3), that leaves Night's King with 101. So Night's king kills are at least 101/1.1 = 91.8 times more worth then Ollie's. Consider it 918 times if you think a dragon is worth 1000 men.

This is not to count that Night's King is by proxy responsible for every kill done by a white walker or a wight. Now you might say that proxy kills done by underlings do not count. But this is to say that characters with huge power but low combat feats are useless. This is to say that Tywin Lannister is useless. But Tywin is one of the characters loved by the defendants of early episodes and original Geroge Martin writing. So do not say that kills by proxy do not count.

Not to mention that Night's kill not only killed Viserion but also raised him as a zombie and added to his army. So it is worth double points. When you do not merely kill an enemy bot convert it to your side it is twice as valuable. Anyone who has played Age of Empires will understand this.

So this meme about Olly killing more then Night's King is straight out lie. Simeon Strangelight and the GoT hater brigade loses more credibility in my eyes.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Handsome Creepy Eel - 05-19-2019

Quote:Mage Wrote:

Leonard you are one of the few people whom I still respect even despite differing opinions because you would not become a lying piece of shit and for some reason and accuse me of being a Soviet sympathizer like Handsome Creepy Eel did, just because I like the show he pretends to dislike, despite me voicing opinions against socialism so many times in this forum.

Jesus, lighten up man. Soviet sympathizers what??? It's the Game of Thrones thread, it's obviously not political commentary on anyone! Next time I'll just post this sanitized meme instead so you don't get offended:

[Image: crankypants-400x307.jpg]

p.s. just saw this:

Quote:Mage Wrote:

Night's King killed at least two major characters. Euron Greyjoy and Viserion. Yes Viserion is not a human, but he is a dragon and thus it is even more remarkable then killing a human.

I thought Jaime killed that guy...

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Mage - 05-19-2019

Quote: (05-19-2019 05:25 PM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

Quote:Mage Wrote:

Night's King killed at least two major characters. Euron Greyjoy and Viserion. Yes Viserion is not a human, but he is a dragon and thus it is even more remarkable then killing a human.

I thought Jaime killed that guy...

You do not even watch carefully the show you are quick do criticize.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Handsome Creepy Eel - 05-19-2019

How? Please explain, I honestly don't understand what you're getting at there.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Mage - 05-19-2019

Quote: (05-19-2019 05:33 PM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

How? Please explain, I honestly don't understand what you're getting at there.

I don't even understand how you could say that Jamie killed Viserion, so I cannot explain anything. You just said some nonsense.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Simeon_Strangelight - 05-19-2019

Now you are criticizing memes.... memes bad....

Lighten up man. You like it - fine.

And I agree with some of your takes on the prequels which I also defend. Darth Jar Jar would have redeemed the character even though they made him way too stupid to pull it off. The Midichlorians were an attempt to scientifically explain why force-strength is heritable, though it was clear that it would open other plot problems if all it took was a blood-test that measured some quantifiable micro-inhabitants in your blood.

DumbAndDumber do far worse errors than George Lucas ever did with insane nonsenical ideas. The funny part is that the Prequels had a far more logical world-building and explanation of political maneuvers than the last 2 seasons of Game of Thrones - a series that prides itself on some kind of political and character realism.

The problem with those bozos is that they want to jump-surprise the audience despite the fact that good stories have to set up characters and endings correctly - as Martin said it - you cannot change the murderer from Butler to chamber maid at the end of the story only because many readers have found the clues and are sharing them online. A story is still good and watchable even if you know that Aragorn is going to be king, Sauron gets to be defeated and the Hobbits will be successful. The shock-value of a surprising plot-turn can be executed even while fulfilling many of the prophecies that were set up, but utterly discarded by DumbAndDumber.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Handsome Creepy Eel - 05-19-2019

Quote: (05-19-2019 05:35 PM)Mage Wrote:  

Quote: (05-19-2019 05:33 PM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

How? Please explain, I honestly don't understand what you're getting at there.

I don't even understand how you could say that Jamie killed Viserion, so I cannot explain anything. You just said some nonsense.

No, you said that the Night King killed two major characters:
1. Euron Greyjoy
2. Viserion

Quote:Mage Wrote:

Night's King killed at least two major characters. Euron Greyjoy and Viserion. Yes Viserion is not a human, but he is a dragon and thus it is even more remarkable then killing a human.

What I'm asking is an explanation on how did the Night King possibly kill Euron Greyjoy?

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Mage - 05-19-2019

You guys are right, that I should ease up.

I just cannot stand that people collectively and unjustly hate something just because they misunderstand or misinterpret some things themselves. Makes my blood boil. Also not as much as you probably think, but still. I hate mob mentality. Even if it concerns something fictional. After all we use this fiction to read the signs of the cultural zeitgeist of our times.

Quote: (05-19-2019 05:44 PM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

Quote: (05-19-2019 05:35 PM)Mage Wrote:  

Quote: (05-19-2019 05:33 PM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

How? Please explain, I honestly don't understand what you're getting at there.

I don't even understand how you could say that Jamie killed Viserion, so I cannot explain anything. You just said some nonsense.

No, you said that the Night King killed two major characters:
1. Euron Greyjoy
2. Viserion

Quote:Mage Wrote:

Night's King killed at least two major characters. Euron Greyjoy and Viserion. Yes Viserion is not a human, but he is a dragon and thus it is even more remarkable then killing a human.

What I'm asking is an explanation on how did the Night King possibly kill Euron Greyjoy?

You are right, he killed that other Greyjoy guy, the eunich. I specified in my post that I refer to the eunich. For some reason I always have trouble remembering his name.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Handsome Creepy Eel - 05-19-2019

Quote:Mage Wrote:

You do not even watch carefully the show you are quick do criticize.

Quote:Mage Wrote:

You are right, he killed that other Greyjoy guy... I always have trouble remembering his name.

I guess we can leave it at that.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Mage - 05-19-2019

Quote: (05-19-2019 05:53 PM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

Quote:Mage Wrote:

You do not even watch carefully the show you are quick do criticize.

Quote:Mage Wrote:

You are right, he killed that other Greyjoy guy... I always have trouble remembering his name.

I guess we can leave it at that.


You used to opportunity to make fun of me where I was wrong but you didn't voice agreement with me where I was right.

You still remain a dishonest debater.

Quote: (05-19-2019 05:43 PM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

Now you are criticizing memes.... memes bad....

You are good at subtle lies Simon. But still you are a liar. I was not criticizing memes. I was criticizing one meme that was wrong.

You will interpret me calling out these subtleties as being too serious about this stuff. But the truth is that you are just too used to subtly lie to you and everyone not to lose face. If you cannot admit your being wrong on an argument about a fictional show that means you are the one taking it too seriously.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Repo - 05-19-2019

I like turtles

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - RIslander - 05-19-2019

Quote: (05-19-2019 05:25 PM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

Quote:Mage Wrote:

Leonard you are one of the few people whom I still respect even despite differing opinions because you would not become a lying piece of shit and for some reason and accuse me of being a Soviet sympathizer like Handsome Creepy Eel did, just because I like the show he pretends to dislike, despite me voicing opinions against socialism so many times in this forum.

Jesus, lighten up man. Soviet sympathizers what??? It's the Game of Thrones thread, it's obviously not political commentary on anyone! Next time I'll just post this sanitized meme instead so you don't get offended:

[Image: crankypants-400x307.jpg]

p.s. just saw this:

Quote:Mage Wrote:

Night's King killed at least two major characters. Euron Greyjoy and Viserion. Yes Viserion is not a human, but he is a dragon and thus it is even more remarkable then killing a human.

I thought Jaime killed that guy...

That meme is great. Stealing it. And that's going to be me in four hours when I watch this once well written shitshow end.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Simeon_Strangelight - 05-19-2019

Stop calling people liars over insane overwrought arguments. I can even imagine people defending The Room with honest conviction that it's a fantastic movie. And this is frankly seen as too personal when in reality it's just a stupid TV show.

You liked it and it's good. To you it's an intelligent masterpiece that shows us the horrors of war and explains well how Dany quickly within 2 episodes turned from savior of the world to insane genocidal maniac. Fine. Does not explain jack shit, but fine. In my opinion you are trying to explain the bad decisions of the writers and making it out to be something coherent while those two were just high on coke and getting blowjobs by some hookers while scribbling something together. Then later "the fandom" justifies it all with elaborate theories which did not even cross their minds. While in reality they were like: "What can be the most shocking? Let Dany go crazy suddenly and slaughter half of King's Landing with her dragon! Yeah - another line in celebration!"

This one is interesting:

I was listening to it and right from around 00:45 minutes he goes into an analysis of DumbAndDumber. Those idiots literally change plot lines, characters becuase they like certain actors, want to give them more face-time, enter a love-story or give them less lines, because they liked how the Stannis actor looked while making a stern face. They behave like 2 trust-fund hacks who are playing with big toys that their rich powerful daddies gave them. It does not matter that they are idiots who slaughter the story and already did in season 4 to 5. They go for nonsensical shock-value, change entire characters because they liked Ramsey bolton the actor and they also switched out Cersei. Ramsey they made out to be smart and cunning while he was just a cruel moron and Cersei the cruel dumb icequeen was turned into the loving mother and adept administrator. They did those changes actually long before because those hacks write stories around actors. And it does not even make any real sense, no wonder they write themselves into corners, let the characters do rapid changes in personality, let them make insanely stupid decisions, teleport armies great distances for plot, give the main characters huge plot armor, dissipate entire plot outlines like poof for no reason at all. This has been building for multiple seasons - it just culminated in this one.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Syberpunk - 05-19-2019

I love this scene and I didn't see it until now, we talk a lot about posture and acting here on this forum but the change...

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - porscheguy - 05-19-2019

No matter what, this thing will be wrapped up in about 2 hours, 10 minutes.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Zenta - 05-19-2019

I'm ready for tonight so I can stop hearing about people complaining about game of thrones soon. Some people need stoicism in their life and to wait for some books to come out.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Handsome Creepy Eel - 05-19-2019

Sharing this timeless scene in anticipation of tonight's clusterfuck that simply can't compare:



Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Paracelsus - 05-19-2019

Mauler apparently will be providing unbridled rages for each of the remaining episodes:

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - TigerMandingo - 05-19-2019

I’ll say this about Simeon - he just started posting in this thread with this new season, which tells me he probably didn’t watch the show before that. Also, notice how he rarely provides any of his own analysis and just passes off the opinions of random Youtubers.

Dude just wants to hate. It’s tiresome.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Syberpunk - 05-19-2019

"We have to choose a king. I nominate the creepy kid in the wheelchair who keeps staring at everyone without blinking."

Is this Martin's way of saying the little people (The Hobbits) win in the end after all the suffering?

Its funny how people escape to watch the show because of the law of "democracy" in our modern and the attraction of the monarch system and honour, now its saying "No its great".

A Dream of Spring?

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Simeon_Strangelight - 05-19-2019

Quote: (05-19-2019 08:26 PM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

I’ll say this about Simeon - he just started posting in this thread with this new season, which tells me he probably didn’t watch the show before that. Also, notice how he rarely provides any of his own analysis and just passes off the opinions of random Youtubers.

Dude just wants to hate. It’s tiresome.

It's you who is filled with insane hatred - whatever I say or wherever I say, you are instantly triggered:

[Image: giphy.gif]

Even if you agree with me and it's a thread that says: "What color is this?" You will say it's green when I say it's blue.

Again shaming me whenever I am interesting in posting something or not posting something.

I must have broke you somewhere when you then started to defend mass migration into Europe or whatever insanity it was. Now it's just repetitive instant triggering like a SJW with direct attacks and calls to shut it down.

It's really hilarious speaking about "analysis" of a show when the creators speak of writing a scene around facial expressions of characters or because "it looks cool". Then you go and deny that actors said what I said they did say. When I post links you ignore it like you ignore any semblence of reason. It's like debating a SJW who is only doing this when reading anything from me:

[Image: RingedVacantEarthworm-size_restricted.gif]

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Repo - 05-19-2019

This episode sure turned from winter to not winter in a blink of an eye. D&D - We kind of forgot

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Paracelsus - 05-19-2019

Goddamn kikyu weeds, even a fucking winter the coldest in a thousand years can't kill the fucking things off.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - MrLemon - 05-19-2019

The show is over. And this thread looks pretty dead too.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - NY Digital - 05-19-2019


8 years of build up for this garbage.

All the theories and prophecies meant nothing.