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Bang Osaka - Sargon of Akkad - 01-02-2014

Quote: (01-02-2014 01:28 AM)rekruler Wrote:  

One thing I've been curious about is your experience with Chinese girls outside of China. You've mentioned in passing that in both Germany and Japan you've used your Mandarin language skills and experience of living in China to strike up a rapport with these chicks. I've recently returned to the US after living in China for nearly a year and have basic conversational Mandarin, so I'd be really interested to hear how you personally have leveraged your Chinese "assets" with these girls. Do you approach them like "Hey, I'm Sargon and I can speak Chinese, hence I started talking with you cause you're Chinese" or do you open them in an arbitrary fashion and then throw in those facts later on in the interaction?

I've probably mentioned these examples in passing in other threads, but here're a couple examples:

After returning from China I went on a quick three-day trip to Prague. On day two, walking outside my hostel (was careful to book a private room), I spot a very cute Asian girl (light skin, slim, nice face, long natural hair) walking accross the street in the same direction as me. I casually wandered over until I was standing at the light beside her.

"Excuse me, do you speak English?" I ask.
"Do you know where the old city centre is?"
"I think it's over there."
"Thanks. Where you from, by the way?"

Blablabla from here. We get to the city center and one of us asks if the other has eaten yet. She suggests grabbing a bite to eat this restaurant. From there we spent the day walking around Prague. We start making out sometime before dusk. When it gets late, she suggests going to a club or bar with this Japanese and Korean chic she met at her hostel. Luckily, they're too tired to go out and suggest we go to a bar together. I say I need to drop off my things at my hostel before leaving. We go inside...and never come out until the next morning. Good times.

Another example would be a girl I'd saw walking down the street later back in Germany. Tall, very long hair, a bit more curvy than most Chinese, I approached her just by saying (in German) that I thought she looked cute and wanted to come talk to her (again, paraphrasing, I don't remember exactly what I said). Somewhere in the conversation I ask where she's from.

"China," she says.
”Ey? 你会说中文吗?

Blablabla. I suggest going to a nearby coffee shop. She has no time, won't be free until next month since she's preparing her thesis defense. I get her number anyway, not expecting to get a response. I text her and, to my surprise, we set up a date. We made out and had sex on the second.

Nothing fancy, elaborate or particularly impressive. Most of the time these conversations generally just resembled normal conversations, no excessive teasing or charm. I usually didn't start talking to them in Chinese unless it was obvious that she was from there. Sometimes, it'd be as simple as asking a girl for the time of day and seeing she had Chinese characters on her phone. Most of the time you can switch to Chinese if you notice she has a Chinese accent. Sometimes, I'd just ask what a particular Chinese character/Japanese kanji meant. Also, I would just make it a habit to have casual chats with Chinese exchange students, not necessarily to get them into bed or even to get contact info from them, as it was just good language practice. They were/are usually very receptive to this and will open up to you very quickly if you can speak Chinese well.

Again, most of the time it helps to make it look like you had an actual reason to start talking to her to begin with other than "HellO, please speak Chinese with me!"

I don't know how it would be in the States, as a lot of the Chinese there may be Chinese-Americans, and they may have been raised with Cantonese at home, plus, I don't know if ethnic-Chinese Western chics would react the same way to you speaking Chinese to them, but it should work to get a conversation going. I remember this German-raised half Canto half Viet girl working at the same restaurant as me (easily an 8 at least, but I had a girlfriend at the time) complaining about how it would annoy the shit out of her whenever guys would hit on her by saying "nihao" or "konnichiwa" and not just talk to her in German. The Germans actually pull the same shit with Asians that the Chinese will pull with Westerners in their country. I'm sure you know how Chinese will shout "HellO!" to random Westerners they see on the street. Well, Germans (probably other Westerners, too) will go around shouting "nihao"/"konnichiwa" with horrible accents to random Asian people they see on the street. It's just as wierd/annoying as when they do it to us, so I would advise against this.

Bang Osaka - clever alias - 01-02-2014

Yea, if you're going to drop her language on her, and she's an abc, you MUST have a reason for doing so. I don'tmind the random "hellos!" from chinese, but they hate random "ni haos" and "konichiwas." Asian American girls hate guys with yellow fever.

Bang Osaka - rekruler - 01-02-2014


Thanks for the detailed breakdown. I completely agree that choosing the proper target is key to making this work. I wouldn't even think of using this tactic on any girl whom I didn't consider to be an insular FOB, because it definitely wouldn't fly with ABC's or even many first generation girls who have American social circles. Fortunately the part of Chicago I'm currently in is crawling with FOBs and in most cases they are easy to distinguish from the other categories. TBH, the FOB girls are my main priority right now because I just recently returned from China and already have one foot out the door to go back there again, and my tolerance for "Americanisms" is pretty low. The problem is that these girls don't really participate in the nightlife for the most part, and so in order to get to know them I'd have to do cold approaches in stores, street, etc, something I have little experience with and even less comfort, especially here in the States.

@Clever Alias
Totally agree. I wouldn't approach an ABC any differently than I would a white girl, which at this point basically means I wouldn't. lol. Not worth the hassle. For an ABK (if such an abbreviation exists) I might make an exception though.

Bang Osaka - Sargon of Akkad - 01-03-2014

Quote: (01-02-2014 04:39 PM)rekruler Wrote:  


Thanks for the detailed breakdown. I completely agree that choosing the proper target is key to making this work. I wouldn't even think of using this tactic on any girl whom I didn't consider to be an insular FOB, because it definitely wouldn't fly with ABC's or even many first generation girls who have American social circles. Fortunately the part of Chicago I'm currently in is crawling with FOBs and in most cases they are easy to distinguish from the other categories. TBH, the FOB girls are my main priority right now because I just recently returned from China and already have one foot out the door to go back there again, and my tolerance for "Americanisms" is pretty low. The problem is that these girls don't really participate in the nightlife for the most part, and so in order to get to know them I'd have to do cold approaches in stores, street, etc, something I have little experience with and even less comfort, especially here in the States.

@Clever Alias
Totally agree. I wouldn't approach an ABC any differently than I would a white girl, which at this point basically means I wouldn't. lol. Not worth the hassle. For an ABK (if such an abbreviation exists) I might make an exception though.

Yeah, I had a similar experience coming back from China. The Chinese students would almost never visit clubs or bars, so that was when I had to grow more accustomed to approaching girls during the daytime. Also, a lot of the Chinese girls who don't go to bars and clubs won't be caught dead drinking in public, so you can't rely too much on alchohol as a social lubricant.

What part of Chicago are you in, by the way?

Bang Osaka - rekruler - 01-03-2014

I'm in Bridgeport, which is <2km away from Chicago's Chinatown. So, obviously a ton of Chinese people everywhere, including lots of college chicks who go to IIT and UIC as well as several city colleges nearby. Really cheap area to live in, as I'm paying under $300 a month for rent (with roommates) in an absolutely safe place with ready access to all of Chicago.

Bang Osaka - Sargon of Akkad - 01-29-2014

[Image: banana.gif] [Image: banana.gif] Plus one [Image: banana.gif] [Image: banana.gif]
Japanese 26 year old
Last night between about 10:00 pm and midnight

Details coming soon...

Bang Osaka - Sargon of Akkad - 01-30-2014

Recap of 2014-01-29

I'd approached about 30 girls since the Cambodian chick. My notes say I approached this girl on the 10th of January. Returning home from Umeda, I stopped by the Starbucks at Kitashinchi to chill and go over some notes of mine concerning potential jobs I might want. A woman sat down next to me and I asked her about an address I'd written down in my notebook. She's okay-looking, I'd say a 6.5 in my book.

She explained it to me, leaning in closely, after which she complimented the way I write kanji, saying it looked better than hers. When I asked her to show me, she wrote her name into my notebook (actually, she wasn't lying -- her handwriting/kanji really did look like shit).

We bullshit for a while and she's quick to ask me for my Facebook (I'm not strongly opposed to FB, since I've gotten a couple bangs from it already and otherwise haven't had really negative experiences with it). She shakes my hand, holds onto it for a bit and says また会いましょう!/Let's meet up again! We bullshit some more and she's off to go to work. I assume this is just Japanese faux interest, so I don't bother to ask for her number and go on with my business.

A couple days later I decide to hit her up and we set a date for the Wednesday the 29th. I decide to meet around Kyobashi, so I could get her back to my place with relative ease. Though I expected her to flake last minute, she showed up. We go to a Spanish themed bar, half a couple glasses of Sangria, then walk over to a Hub. After drinking two sex on the beachs, I say I've got some wine back at my place, where I can show her the ryuugakusei guesthouse and have us look at the pictures I've taken of China/Prague together.
Outside we hop in a cab back to my place (fucking 2800 yen fare!), pop opena bottle of cheap wine and look at the Great Wall, the North Korean border, and the legendary smog in Beijing that makes entire mountains disappear overnight. After a while we're cuddling on my bed, put the wine glasses and the laptop aside and make out.

She says she needs to take a shower, so in we go. Undressing her, I notice she went from a 6 to a 7+ once her cloths came off. Short (148 cm -- remember I'm 185-ish), long black hair, small breasts, light skin, slim-petite frame, tight body. No complaints whatsoever on my part, other than the standard Japanese bush.

I'd just recently decided to experiment with shaving my groin area.
”何で何もない?” She asks, pointing to the area above my dick where my hair used to be.
Says something along the lines of the other guys she's been with were all Japanese and this is her first time with a foreigner (can't remember how she formulated it in Japanese).
"Ok," I think and shrug.

We soap eachother down. She washes my dick, moans when I start fingering her. I've noticed shaving my nether region makes my junk look significantly bigger, which was amplified even more seeing her tiny hands wrapped around it. I kneel down to eat her out, but decide "Naaah, not with that bush".

Dry off, get under the sheets and get to work. In a word: Excellent! Very tight (as has been with case with all Japanese chicks I've been with), very wet, smooth, silky skin.

"God, I love Asian chics," I think to myself as I'm going at it. By far the best sex I've had in almost a year since that Korean girl I'd slept with the night before coming to Japan. Funny thing is, while certainly not the dreaded "dead-fish" I've described before, she had the most stereotypically "Japanese" sex behavior I've seen yet. Imagine the look of an unusually cute Luke Skywalker while he was being electrocuted by Emperor Palpatine, all while making this typically Japanese "squeeling" that sounds something like a crying toddler merged with a baby velociraptor. Just moments ago, she'd had a normal, loud speaking voice in this slightly rough-sounding Kansai dialect. Those who've lived in Japan'll know what I mean. If you haven't, just look up a J-porn vid. You can't tell by her body language whether or not she's in agony or enjoying it, other than the repetative 気持ちいい!気持ちいい!行きそう!being repeated ad nauseam. Girl was loud as hell, by the way.

I fingered her some more licked her nipples, torso and inner thighs after busting. Got hard again surprisingly fast after a few minutes and went at it a second longer and much rougher. The constant "kimochii, iku, iku, iku" mantras got louder and I'm sure she must've woken up the whole house (paper thin walls and all). She was likely faking some of it (who the hell says "行く/iku" that many times and isn't full of it?), but I didn't give a shit. It's encouraging, and I start going klingon on her from behind, doing rapid fire while spanking her and gnawing on her neck. Her squeeky wierd voice got even louder. It takes forever for me to come a second time. Sweaty and out of breath, we collapse onto my bed. An epic start off to 2014.

Took her to the nearest Gusto/ガスト for breakfast. When I get back, my bed is covered in strands of black hair and cum stains, while the whole room is still rife with the smell of wine, perfume, used condoms and poon-juice...

Bang Osaka - Menace - 01-30-2014

Quote: (01-30-2014 04:54 AM)Sargon of Akkad Wrote:  

She says she needs to take a shower, so in we go. Undressing her, I notice she went from a 6 to a 7+ once her cloths came off. Short (148 cm -- remember I'm 185-ish), long black hair, small breasts, light skin, slim-petite frame, tight body. No complaints whatsoever on my part, other than the standard Japanese bush.

For some of us this is a feature. Asian pubic hair is not like white girl pubic hair. Each asian pubic has is 1/3 of a white pubic hair. Congrats...must have felt doubly sweet given the immense effort you have put in. Well done.

Bang Osaka - Mekorig - 01-30-2014

Way to go Sargon!!! Congratulations! Persevera y triunfaras!

Bang Osaka - Yeti - 01-30-2014

Quote: (01-30-2014 04:54 AM)Sargon of Akkad Wrote:  

Recap of 2014-01-29

I'd approached about 30 girls since the Cambodian chick. My notes say I approached this girl on the 10th of January. Returning home from Umeda, I stopped by the Starbucks at Kitashinchi to chill and go over some notes of mine concerning potential jobs I might want. A woman sat down next to me and I asked her about an address I'd written down in my notebook. She's okay-looking, I'd say a 6.5 in my book.

She explained it to me, leaning in closely, after which she complimented the way I write kanji, saying it looked better than hers. When I asked her to show me, she wrote her name into my notebook (actually, she wasn't lying -- her handwriting/kanji really did look like shit).

We bullshit for a while and she's quick to ask me for my Facebook (I'm not strongly opposed to FB, since I've gotten a couple bangs from it already and otherwise haven't had really negative experiences with it). She shakes my hand, holds onto it for a bit and says また会いましょう!/Let's meet up again! We bullshit some more and she's off to go to work. I assume this is just Japanese faux interest, so I don't bother to ask for her number and go on with my business.

A couple days later I decide to hit her up and we set a date for the Wednesday the 29th. I decide to meet around Kyobashi, so I could get her back to my place with relative ease. Though I expected her to flake last minute, she showed up. We go to a Spanish themed bar, half a couple glasses of Sangria, then walk over to a Hub. After drinking two sex on the beachs, I say I've got some wine back at my place, where I can show her the ryuugakusei guesthouse and have us look at the pictures I've taken of China/Prague together.
Outside we hop in a cab back to my place (fucking 2800 yen fare!), pop opena bottle of cheap wine and look at the Great Wall, the North Korean border, and the legendary smog in Beijing that makes entire mountains disappear overnight. After a while we're cuddling on my bed, put the wine glasses and the laptop aside and make out.

She says she needs to take a shower, so in we go. Undressing her, I notice she went from a 6 to a 7+ once her cloths came off. Short (148 cm -- remember I'm 185-ish), long black hair, small breasts, light skin, slim-petite frame, tight body. No complaints whatsoever on my part, other than the standard Japanese bush.

I'd just recently decided to experiment with shaving my groin area.
”何で何もない?” She asks, pointing to the area above my dick where my hair used to be.
Says something along the lines of the other guys she's been with were all Japanese and this is her first time with a foreigner (can't remember how she formulated it in Japanese).
"Ok," I think and shrug.

We soap eachother down. She washes my dick, moans when I start fingering her. I've noticed shaving my nether region makes my junk look significantly bigger, which was amplified even more seeing her tiny hands wrapped around it. I kneel down to eat her out, but decide "Naaah, not with that bush".

Dry off, get under the sheets and get to work. In a word: Excellent! Very tight (as has been with case with all Japanese chicks I've been with), very wet, smooth, silky skin.

"God, I love Asian chics," I think to myself as I'm going at it. By far the best sex I've had in almost a year since that Korean girl I'd slept with the night before coming to Japan. Funny thing is, while certainly not the dreaded "dead-fish" I've described before, she had the most stereotypically "Japanese" sex behavior I've seen yet. Imagine the look of an unusually cute Luke Skywalker while he was being electrocuted by Emperor Palpatine, all while making this typically Japanese "squeeling" that sounds something like a crying toddler merged with a baby velociraptor. Just moments ago, she'd had a normal, loud speaking voice in this slightly rough-sounding Kansai dialect. Those who've lived in Japan'll know what I mean. If you haven't, just look up a J-porn vid. You can't tell by her body language whether or not she's in agony or enjoying it, other than the repetative 気持ちいい!気持ちいい!行きそう!being repeated ad nauseam. Girl was loud as hell, by the way.

I fingered her some more licked her nipples, torso and inner thighs after busting. Got hard again surprisingly fast after a few minutes and went at it a second longer and much rougher. The constant "kimochii, iku, iku, iku" mantras got louder and I'm sure she must've woken up the whole house (paper thin walls and all). She was likely faking some of it (who the hell says "行く/iku" that many times and isn't full of it?), but I didn't give a shit. It's encouraging, and I start going klingon on her from behind, doing rapid fire while spanking her and gnawing on her neck. Her squeeky wierd voice got even louder. It takes forever for me to come a second time. Sweaty and out of breath, we collapse onto my bed. An epic start off to 2014.

Took her to the nearest Gusto/ガスト for breakfast. When I get back, my bed is covered in strands of black hair and cum stains, while the whole room is still rife with the smell of wine, perfume, used condoms and poon-juice...

Sargon, what was it about this girl that led to such a different result? Why did she like you (it's clear from what you write that she likes you quite a bit) when others walked away, even with good game?

Bang Osaka - Sargon of Akkad - 01-31-2014

Quote: (01-30-2014 10:15 PM)Yeti Wrote:  

Sargon, what was it about this girl that led to such a different result? Why did she like you (it's clear from what you write that she likes you quite a bit) when others walked away, even with good game?

Statistical anomaly, I'd recon. Most of it probably just had to do with my being in the right place at the right time. What it does indicate is perhaps that I should do more screening. I was surprised, since I really did very few approaches since banging the Cambodian (the 30 I mentioned were form two club outings and two or three coffeeshop approaches).

This may be coincidence, but on an interesting note, she works part time as a singer/musician in some Jazz bar in Kitashinchi. I recall the first Japanese girl I nailed before coming here was also a music student and a singer, and the hookup had been very easy with her as well. Again, maybe a coincidence, but an interesting note. Perhaps I should start trolling the Osaka Geidai or something, haha.

Quote: (01-30-2014 11:31 AM)Menace Wrote:  

For some of us this is a feature. Asian pubic hair is not like white girl pubic hair. Each asian pubic has is 1/3 of a white pubic hair.

Interestingly enough, I've actually never boned a White girl, well other than this one Kazakh girl who was half Russian, so I guess that kinda counts. Anyway, the few NON-East Asian chics I've been with were completely shaven, so I don't have much of a comparisson. This girl had a slightly more sizable bush than is common for Asian chics, but that's really hardly an issue at all. It just means I won't go down on her, as I've discovered I have a low tolerance for coughing up hairballs.

Bang Osaka - Bushido - 02-02-2014

Awesome dude.

This year might just be for you. I predict that you are going to hit a streak after this one. Keep us updated!

Bang Osaka - Sargon of Akkad - 02-05-2014

Just got back from a short excursion to Akashi...

Plus one. First time using a love hotel.

Details coming soon...

Bang Osaka - the_ox - 02-05-2014

I used to had a japanese GF (when I was living abroad). The sex was pretty good, however, they do not shave at all. She said to me when girls shave they "lose their nature".

Also she said she could never imagine having anal sex lol (sex... in the ass???????? really????? :o I've never met a girl that even talked about that blablabla)

Ps.: she was like 4 years older than me [Image: biggrin.gif]

EDIT: typo

Bang Osaka - Yeti - 02-05-2014

Quote: (02-05-2014 09:08 AM)the_ox Wrote:  

I used to had a japanese GF (when I was living abroad). The sex was pretty good, however, they do not shave at all. She said to me when girls shave they "lose their nature".

Also she said she could never imagine having anal sex lol (sex... in the ass???????? really????? :o I've never met a girl that even talked about that blablabla)

Ps.: she was like 4 years older than me [Image: biggrin.gif]

EDIT: typo

I've done anal with a Japanese bird about a week after first boning her. They're just as dirty as anyone else, you just have to be strong and persistent, and make it easier for her (make her feel comfortable and feminine, have easy access to lube, a relaxing environment, no phones, no distractions, etc.).

Congrats Sargon.

Bang Osaka - Bushido - 02-05-2014

Quote: (02-05-2014 07:27 AM)Sargon of Akkad Wrote:  

Just got back from a short excursion to Akashi...

Plus one. First time using a love hotel.

Details coming soon...

BOOM! My prediction was correct!! Enjoy the wave that's coming your way. Don't forget to keep us updated though [Image: banana.gif]

Bang Osaka - Sargon of Akkad - 02-06-2014

Elaboration on yesterday's Notch:

My notes tell me I approached this girl on January 11th, exactly a day after approaching Noriko (the 26-year old from last week). Rather, I should say she approached me. It was at Owl, a sort of clean-cut night club in Umeda, shortly after another international party. Most of the foreigners had vacated and the place had begun to fill up with the regular Japanese clientelle. On the dancefloor, this drunk chick flashed one of those glow-sticks they frequently hand out at clubs over here. She started talking to me in broken Katakana-English and started dancing with me. It wasn't long before we started making out. She was drunk, so she grabbed my hand and placed it on her tits, shoving her tongue in my mouth. I fingered her a bit through her cloths and she started rubbing my dick with her hand. If ever a woman was down to fuck, she was it.

Soon, she introduced me to her friend, who looked old as fuck. Noticing the creases around her eyes I came to the realization this chick must've been quite a bit older than me herself. Still, quite a decent looking body, decent face, no complaints here. After a while she said she had to leave with her friend(s), since she lived in Kobe and had to work the next day.

"No you don't!" I thought. Wasn't about to this get away so easily, so as a last resort I had her punch her number into my phone and she was off. While making out, her right earring had slipped off, so I'd placed it in my pocket. Used that as a lame excuse to meet up with her again. We texted back and forth for a while. I suggested Meeting up, and she invited me to come out to Kobe to have lunch with her, saying she had no time in the evening.

Me: ”お昼も大丈夫。どこの駅の近くに住んでる?” / "Noon is alright. Which station do you live close to?"
Her: "明石の近くよ!(*^^*)" / "Near Akashi! : D"
Me: "1時はどう?” / "How's 1 o'clock?"
Her: ”13時ね!遠いけど、ごめんね!ありがとう!待ってます(^^)v Please waiting fun, , ,” / "13:00-'ne'! It's far, though, sorry! Thanks! I'm waiting : D [random Japenglish]"

Now Akashi is a small city by the sea about a twenty-minute's ride by train from Kobe, and about a one hour and ten minutes' ride from where I live in Osaka. It's fucking far to be going out on a date, and I was taking somewhat of a gamble, considering Japanese women's extraordinary track record of last minute flakiness.

After reaching Akashi, we got in her car before she drove me out to a steakhouse overlooking the sea. Seeing her again, looking at the creases around her eyes and the cracked skin on her hands, I couldn't help but think to myself this chick was older than she let on. I was thinking probably 35, 38, maybe even 40 or 42. No matter. As I said, she was certainly still bangable and had a decent body, with this silly, girlish attitude. I shrugged it off.

At the steakhouse, I started telling her about my travels in China and Prague. I told her I had photos on a usb I carry around, but we could look at them at her place on her laptop (sleezy, I know, but what the fuck).
She looked at, me for a second and busted out laughing, saying she lived with her mother. Great, like a lot of Japanese, she doesnt move out until (more like unless) she gets married.
Finally, after a while, I asked her. "何歳ですか?”/"How old are you?"
She asked me to guess, at which point I was assuming she was simply a well aged 38-40 year old. "35" I said, intentionally guessing down a few years.
"fifu-ti faibu (Japenglish for '55')," she said.

[Image: whoa.gif]

"あっ、そう何や。なるほど,”/ "Oh really, I see," I said, keeping a poker face and acting casual, like I'd just heard a whether report, all the while thinking "By Apollo's nutsack...What. The. Fuck!??" Sometimes, the Japanese can be oddities of nature. I don't know if it's genes, diet, lifestyle, or a combination of the above, but in a dimly lit room from five metres away, she could've easily passed for a 28 year old. Hell, that's pretty much how she looked in her pictures, as she showed me her photos on this online dating site that was filled to the brim with messages from younger Gaijin my age trying to get with her. On other photos she'd taken at clubs where she had tall white guys no older than me with their arms around her.

She leaned next to me, as we scrolled thorugh the pictures on her phone, and this was when I decided to give the boner test a go. Slowly, I eased my hand next to her leg and finally placed it on her lap, sliding my hand between her thighs. Yep, tight, firm, no noticable difference from 25 year old thighs. Boner test passed with flying colors! Now all I had to do was devise a plan to get more than just my hand in between there. I decided the only sure fire way would be to start making out with her in the car and going from there to a love hotel.

We ate, got up, left the restaurant, and went out to the parking lot. Here came the moment of truth. She sat down in the car and I guided her chin towards me and made out with her. Again, slightly different smell from a 25 year old, but otherwise felt the same. She said there were people outside, and it was embarassing.

"じゃあ、ホテルに行こうか?" / "Well then, shall we go to a hotel?"
Surprised, she started saying she didn't have much time."
"Meh, 大丈夫。ちょっとだけ、30分ぐらい。”
”でも、アイム・オルダ!” / Demo, ai-mu oru-da!" (Japenglish: But, I'm older!")
"Meh," I said with a shrug. I didn't really give a shit.
After nudging a bit, she pause and said "OK".

We parked outside a love hotel, which conveniently was located right next to the steakhouse. Early afternoon, and most of the rooms are already taken (someone please tell me again about how the Japanese are never having sex???"). We settle on the cheapest, which is for about 5500 for an hour or something. Get the key at the counter and step inside. Nice, clean place. Large TV screen showing mostly porn. Room service offered through a hole in the door, bathroom, condoms placed neatly next to a large king-sized bed (probably the first large bed I've seen in ages, as my last 7 or so notches had all been on tiny beds in student dorms).

We undress and I start sucking on her titties. Among the largest Asian tits I've ever touched, and definitely the largest on a Japanese woman. Again, if you ignored the little creases around her eyes and on her hands, she really didn't feel any different from any other Japanese chick. Full bush as always. We let the bath water run and wash off together before getting in. In the tub, I lick her, finger her pussy (again, feels no different from a 25 year old pussy), suck on her tits some more and rub my dick between her legs. After getting out and drying off, she starts fiddling with the lights and looking at the menu. I thinking "screw the menu! Let's get in bed already." We start making out under the sheets. Still, no noticable difference in sensation from a 25 year old, and in we go.

”よっくりしてね” she keeps saying. I guess it takes her a bit longer to get ready, maybe that's where her age shows, but, again, once I'm inside, no noticable difference -- other than the fact that she won't shut up while we're fucking!! I can't stand women who need to have a long conversation after sex, but shit! Who the hell needs to talk while they're having sex!!?? Still, as far as the sex is concerned, I can't complain. She was as tight as smooth as any other chic I've been with. Other than the creases around her eyes, no wrinkles. This was bizarre. Earlier, while showing me the messages these young guys had been sending her online, she said she thought all these younger guys being into her meant younger men were inter older women. I thought "Dammit, fuck no, woman! It's not that we're into old ladies! You don't just don't look like an old lady!"

Afterwards, and also during the sex, she'd said something along the lines of "またエッチしようね!” or ”またサルゴンと一緒にエッチしたい。” (I'm paraphrasing), which basically means "Let's fuck again". After that she dropped me off at Akashi station (like a woman dropping off her kids to school...ugh), before saying "また連絡してね!” / Get in touch again...-'ne'!" Decided to walk up to Akashi castle for a bit before heading back to Osaka, not sure whether or not to call her back.

So that was Wednesday's adventure. I visited a love hotel for the first time and got violated by a Japanese cougar. I think I'll have to go fuck seven 16 year olds after this (kidding of course).

Bang Osaka - LEMONed IScream - 02-06-2014

Woaaaaaaah she's like twice your age? Damn! Well I can't say I would say no if she looked good, so there's that too. Anyway congrats on the bang, japanese super cougar achievement unlocked, ahah, what an odd country it is [Image: biggrin.gif] At least the more mature ones are less likely to have that Hello Kitty-ish kiddy annoying attitude.

Bang Osaka - Mekorig - 02-06-2014

Sargon, welcome to the "Japanese MILFs hunters" club. I remember one i meet. I tough she had 30 at most....she was 45, and have a better body and skin than a lot of argentine 20something i have fucked.

Bang Osaka - Sargon of Akkad - 02-08-2014

Just got a blowjob and handjob from a Japanese 24 year old virgin (?) from Kyoto. For some reason my room now smells of wine, perfume and poonjuice again, though. Kind of perplexed about the event at the moment. I'll elaborate on the story later.

Bang Osaka - Mekorig - 02-08-2014

See Sargon, after all the hard toil, apparently you broke the japanese women code. Enjoy it!

Bang Osaka - LeightonBlackstock - 02-08-2014

It's great to see you're having a good time now

Well done, enjoy the sweet smell of poonjuice [Image: wink.gif]

Bang Osaka - Comte De St. Germain - 02-11-2014

Man this thread was awesome. Your luck went so far South that you ended up North. I'll def be studying abroad in Kyoto in a year or two and I think this post gave me the balls to give it my all. Wish ya luck mate hope you have a blast till you're gone. I'll prolly make a post for when I visit so it would be great if anyone else was there to wingman with.

Bang Osaka - Sargon of Akkad - 02-19-2014

I just had...bad sex. 23 year old Vietnamese exchange student. About an hour ago. She had a cold, so I hope I don't get the sniffles from her. I know I never got around to elaborating on the Kyoto girl. I'll do both of them later on.

[Image: 21eee333a5b687eb5eb78b8427088eab.jpg]

Bang Osaka - Handsome Creepy Eel - 02-19-2014

Very glad to hear that things are finally working out for you, Sargon! And while I have no cougar fetish, I am amazed to hear about the longevity of Japanese chicks. I would have gladly banged that too. Seems like a great experience.