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Post your unpopular opinions - cardguy - 12-26-2013

There is an incredible double standard when it comes to drugs.

Many people call drug dealers 'evil' and want them severely punished.

Yet - alot of the same people are relaxed about people taking drugs.

In which case - we should decide what our position is.

If drugs are okay, then surely we should be lenient to drug dealers as well?

Why is it a serious crime to sell - but not to use?

Post your unpopular opinions - the chef - 12-27-2013

don't give a fuck if i get race trolled or whatever; but whenever i hit a really white all american, bible thumping, golden blonde bitch i feel proud when i make her ass pink as fuck from smackin that shit in bed. i feel like i hear the voices of my ancestors every time i give the death stroke.

if any nigga ever used online internet lingo (words like: "manosphere, beta, alpha, red pill, blue pill, neg") around me or my friends that nigga would get ripped on so hard.

sometimes i get the impression that a lot of dudes in the "manosphere" (i feel like a dork saying that word) are bitter, cranky, haters that aren't fun to be around in the real world... aka losers.

learning when to shut the fuck up is probably the most valuable lesson that was never taught to me properly (probably cause i was a mischievous punk as a kid and didn't let a 10 minute spanking from my mom or dad to stop me from talking shit).

kanye west gets a pass for being a douche cause his music is dope.

i've learned as much or more about life by hanging around a boxing gym (the kind in the bad part of town) than i did in all of college.

i don't know why some men aren't accustomed to "locker room speak"

med school is easier and more enjoyable than undergrad by far.

Post your unpopular opinions - Col. Tigh - 12-27-2013

I'm a pale-as-fuck white man, and I love fucking black women. And they seem to love it, too.

Post your unpopular opinions - turbopg - 12-28-2013

-Marriage has many downsides but it's still a good idea in case you are just about to have a kid you want with a woman. I grew up without a father by my side and that has been definitely detrimental for me. For a kid, the best scenario is that the parents are married and by his side. (Caution, this short clip could cause you to weep in the wrong place)
So for a kid it's best to be married, but if you don't have kids, to a woman you don't owe marriage so then it isn't necessary.

-To have been in a place once or for a week or even after a year and say "Women are rapidly changing/ modernizing/ getting worse" is naive. How would you know if you haven't been there before to compare over enough time? Things aren't changing over a week and in many occasions not even for many years. If you notice a rapid change, it's probably in you, not in the country.
-If some EE women seem to have "Western" attitudes to Western guys, it's not necessarily because they had been "westernized" by interactions with the Western world, but because that's just the way they are. for example, Romanian women had extremely good game even in 2002 when I started picking up on the street. people weren't really getting on the internet back then around here, it can't be said that they've learned it over the internet, they just had it. not to mention that I'm certain they had good game even in the '80s and '90s for what I can remember about women from those years.

Post your unpopular opinions - Agastya - 12-28-2013

I'm Indian and love dark skin on girls. If you forced me to choose between a cute girl from Ghana or the Congo and the stereotypical white sorority girl, I'd take the black girl any day of the week. I fucking love black girls. I'd rail anything from those mixed girls who are maybe 25% black to genuine Africans who are as dark as the night. If they're cute and have any noticeable ancestry from the African continent, I'll fuck them until the cows come home.

Same applies for the darker Indian girls. Most of the Indian girls I've hooked up with have either been mixed(half white or half asian) or Punjabi, making them fairly light-complexioned. Some of the darker South Indian girls can be absolutely beautiful, and their skin color only makes it better.

I respect Roosh, Tuthmosis, and all the other senior posters, but I think that some of the political threads I see here are absolutely retarded. I feel like we spend too much time bitching about feminism and fat acceptance. These two trends are obviously problematic, but there are worse things occurring in the world. Entire ethnic groups are being butchered in South Sudan, millions of people are being massacred in Syria, random government workers can see exactly what kind of filthy porn every one of us is watching. No, feminism isn't responsible for every social ill that America faces today; yes, there are just as many conservatards as there are libtards; yes, there are areas of the world that have a genuine rape culture.

Male relationships and friendships can be just as tempestuous and faulty as female relationships.

I think college is extremely overrated, even if you go to a so-called "party" school. I've dealt with a lot of bullshit in the dorms and expect to deal with more. From roommates bitching about getting sexiled to insecure fratheads trying to start shit with me, I can't wait until I live somewhere else.

I dislike smoking weed.

I get along with black guys from every corner of the earth expect for the SF Bay Area. I'm unaware as to why this is the case.

I respect Islam as a very well-designed religion. Out of all the major world religions, it alone is best geared towards growth and conversion. The history of the Muslim conquest is badass as well.

I don't really like white girls that much.

Southern California might have hotter girls and better nightlife, but my heart will always live in the north. I grew up in the Bay Area. It's the most beautiful place in the world, no matter how bad its ratios are or how antisexual its vibe is.

Post your unpopular opinions - cardguy - 12-28-2013

I agree with the point above.

I don't give shit about Fat Acceptance. Fat chicks are literally invisible to me. And play no part in my interaction with chicks.

There will always be hot girls. So who gives a shit about fat chicks. If anything - I quite like the fat chicks since it makes the hot girls seem even hotter. I only bother sleeping with hot chicks so why should I care.


PS I sleep with hookers - so don't think the above is me pretending to be a master PUA or anything.

Post your unpopular opinions - turbopg - 12-28-2013

That's what I'd say too. Here we have for example many ugly buildings and a few beautiful ones. I just ignore the ugly buildings and only have eyes for the beautiful buildings. Same for women, I don't even see the ugly women, they're like street furniture for me, I only have eyes for the beautiful women.
USA has 300.000.000 people. Of that 100.000.000 are obese, 100.000.000 are overweight and 100.000.000 are slim. So there are 5 times more slim people in the US than the entire population of Romania.
You have to concentrate on the positives and ignore the negatives. I don't talk or interact with ugly, fat or bitchy/ feminist women. in Romania we don't have "official" feminists but many women have feminist mentalities and I can't stand them, I'm like "Next!"

Post your unpopular opinions - Marlfox - 12-28-2013

I have greater sympathy and respect for the Russian people than any others who suffered during WW2. They suffered:

1. In greater number.

2. In greater pain.

3. In greater strength.

4. In greatest silence since.

People who don't understand the capability and pervasiveness of government control and propaganda (particularly before the 21st Century) and ascribe the events of WW2 to a Germanic personality/humanity flaw are ignorant and exactly the sort to end up repeating those very same mistakes.

Any difference in race, class, geography, anthropology, religion or power can and will often result in violence and oppression. It's not limited or particular to any demographic that does, has or ever will exist.

Lol at any illiterate who thinks that slavery started, consisted and ended with 40 white guys from Bristol sailing to an unknown continent. Somehow capturing 700 African natives (without loss from the the <20 crew they could afford to send ashore) and sailing to the other side of the world without assistance or supplies since docking in Spain. Before repeating the process again and again for centuries without encountering enough resistance to make it an impossible endeavour.

American service is usually very good and it's the result of a better tipping/bonus system. Although the Japanese are even better and they don't like tips at all.

American Football with less breaks/stops could be the greatest sport.

Bus lanes are a waste of tarmac.

People always try to find some character element or known association of great men throughout history (and even some fictional) that proves they were homosexual. Great artist's, musicians, statesmen and leaders alike. It's one of the more self-sabotaging and annoying things done by gays and/or their right's activists.

The class system is no where near as prevalent in the UK as people who need an excuse for being a failure would like to tell you.

Post your unpopular opinions - cardguy - 12-28-2013

Totally correct.

Indeed - it is a little worrying how stressed people get about fat chicks. I hope it doesn't mean they are compromising their ideals and sneaking fat pussy on the down low.

A fit hooker beats a fat chick who is down to fuck.



The same with porn.

So why stress about it?

I wanted to make a post on this but didn't get round to it since I was worried it might sound like I am a fat feminist who is trying to promote fat acceptance. When in fact my intentions are the exact opposite.

Post your unpopular opinions - Teedub - 12-29-2013

Post your unpopular opinions - the chef - 12-29-2013

talking about politics is the biggest waste of time and energy. if you have no control over that shit then shut the fuck up and just worry about the shit you can control.

Post your unpopular opinions - TigerMandingo - 12-29-2013

People who argue/debate from their emotions

The intolerance of those who preach "tolerance"

Successful people who go on and on about "hard work" but never mention the importance of luck and circumstances

Sports analysis, in-game interviews, and post-game conferences

The fact that I have no interest in a woman outside of her pussy. None.

Netflix cockteasing me with only the 1st or 2nd season of a really good show

Post your unpopular opinions - Jaydublin - 12-31-2013

People who would be looked at by their ancestors in complete disgust because they are fat fucking slobs who eat garbage and put zero effort into taking care of themselves but also bitch about the price of healthcare every 30 minutes...... its like not changing the oil on your car then bitching because the mechanic charges so much for an engine change.

Post your unpopular opinions - The Lizard of Oz - 12-31-2013

This is a great song and a great video:

Post your unpopular opinions - scotian - 12-31-2013

delete jajaja

Post your unpopular opinions - Katatonic - 01-01-2014

The more I learn about economics (all major schools and philosophies) the more I realize how fucking ignorant the vast majority of public and myself are of the subject. I can say that I am getting to the point where I can spot the fallacy riddled intuitive nonsense being spewed around even on this board.

Humanitarians who want to use the coercive power of the state to promote their agenda cause more harm than good to the people they're are trying to help. Take for instance the child labor laws of Indonesia. Multiple groups have been fighting for years to get children out of factories, and they have found a lot of success in doing so, but at what cost? Most of the families who send their children to work in factories do so for a reason. The reason is that the family cannot afford to feed themselves without the extra income provided by their children. So a lot of the children in Indonesia now have to choose between starving or working as prostitutes. Some of those kids are now selling themselves to the very people who took their jobs. I would love to live in a world where kids didn't have to work, but I would never allow myself to be so fucking self-righteous that I would be blind to the unintended consequences of my actions.

If you voted for Obama this past election, you had a hand in facilitating the deaths of innocent men, women, and children abroad. The same goes for Romney supporters.

The US will have a monetary collapse in the next 20 years. When you understand that the 'funded' portions of social security and other programs are made up entirely of government bonds, it's easy to see through the ruse. It won't be the end of the world, but it won't be fun either.

Post your unpopular opinions - cool - 01-01-2014

military service isn't a duty anymore, it's a career

Post your unpopular opinions - rudebwoy - 01-01-2014

Talking about Politics and politicians is a waste of time and people who argue over this are idiots. Things never change for the better, they change for the worst.

We are all slaves to the system, we get taxed to death and over pay for stupid crap which is made in China or some third world country.

Some guys maybe red pill about women but many are blue pill about life.

I would love to see how "alpha" dudes would be if there was a draft and you were called to fight in a meaningless war.

Post your unpopular opinions - YoungBlood - 01-01-2014

Penis size matters a lot more than men will ever care to admit. Even with game.

Giving a woman a true orgasm, is the best step to having her fall in love with you (notice i said best step, not only). Forget all this "strong frame", "negs", and making her go through an "emotional roller-coaster" with you. Game is just a tool used to gain entry, and keep her in check after sex. That's granted she likes you in bed to begin with. If she doesn't, she will find other guys to bang.

A good way to know if you're not making a woman orgasm is by knowing if she's having sex with other guys. She is? Well, you're not enough for her.

Don't avoid sluts or extreme whores. It's your choice to bang them or not, but always listen to them. Whether they know it or not, they're closer to understanding what women really want and if you let go of your Madonna-Whore complex, you'll realize it too.

Most women don't get boyfriends for comfort but rather, as an added excitement to their lives by banging men on the side. She gets a real pleasure of knowing she's being bad and rebellious. This excitement is the real reason why women stay with their boyfriends if you think about it. The whole, "Nah man she wants comfort!" is really just an ego saving bs excuse used to cover a woman's real id.

Come to think of it, we make more excuses for a woman's true sexual desire than outright saying the truth about it. Even in "red pill" areas.

Every guy should anally bang every girl. It psychologically dominates a woman better than any game technique could. I remember being against this, since the thought of sliding my soldier into a poop chute just wasn't appealing to me. But then I remembered all those times girls would admit masturbating to me and it was almost all ways (as they would describe the scene) me banging her from behind anally.

Game can only take you so far with women. Every guy will reach his own "game ceiling" unless he has exceptionally good looks or fame. Forget what those pua nerds say.

A true alpha can't become actualized in the West or in any civilized society. Therawness covers this at length if you're interested about this.

Post your unpopular opinions - Comte De St. Germain - 01-01-2014

I love fucking the hell outta girls with attitudes. I seriously get off to girls who are normally entitled, and are begging at my feet for me to stick it into them. I also happen to love getting a girl addicted to me. In the long run they may become overly attached, but I don't seem to care also I love either faking that I'm leaving them to see them cry or actually leaving them to see them cry. I enjoy life's thrills way too much, and I find the majority of the people I know worthless pieces of shit. I'm more than fine using someone for my own entertainment, and the manosphere is one of the few exceptions to my general hate of people(the other exception being a couple of close friends) that I can truly relate too as well as enjoy the company of. I could care less what happens to society as long as I get off to the whores ruining it. I despise fat people who do not so shit about their situation and consider them even bigger wastes of space than normal. Also the sight of feminazis and fat chicks makes me wanna puke. I hate sluts, but fuck them anyways. I also hate the baby boomers for causing this current situation and for the creation of people similar to myself. C'est la vie. It was fun ranting about my personal thoughts.

Post your unpopular opinions - Screwston - 01-01-2014

A lot of guys on here have a creepy obsession with Russian women and men.

Post your unpopular opinions - Comte De St. Germain - 01-01-2014

Quote: (01-01-2014 04:56 PM)houston Wrote:  

A lot of guys on here have a creepy obsession with Russian women and men.

As a man of Russian descent living in the U.S.A. it makes me feel damn good. I am actually proud of my heritage and the fact that my homeland actually still has a lot of skinny as well as extremely attractive chicks.
[Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif]

Post your unpopular opinions - the chef - 01-02-2014

UFC is gay as shit. grown men all sweaty rolling on the floor rubbing their cocks on each other smh. not to mention half the crowd looks like racists that took the slow classes in high school.

Post your unpopular opinions - Dr. Howard - 01-03-2014

Quote: (12-27-2013 10:52 PM)Col. Tigh Wrote:  

I'm a pale-as-fuck white man, and I love fucking black women. And they seem to love it, too.

Bill Burr, is that you?

Post your unpopular opinions - deathtofatties - 01-03-2014

I mostly prefer to listen to Death Metal.