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Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Printable Version

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Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - CJ_W - 07-01-2013

Did you know Kristian Nairn aka Hodor from Game Of Thrones is also a DJ with a weekly residency in Ireland?

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Excelsior - 07-04-2013

Quote: (07-01-2013 08:38 PM)CJ_W Wrote:  

Did you know Kristian Nairn aka Hodor from Game Of Thrones is also a DJ with a weekly residency in Ireland?

That is almost literally the last thing I would have guessed him to be doing.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - CJ_W - 07-05-2013

Quote: (07-04-2013 11:51 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

Quote: (07-01-2013 08:38 PM)CJ_W Wrote:  

Did you know Kristian Nairn aka Hodor from Game Of Thrones is also a DJ with a weekly residency in Ireland?

That is almost literally the last thing I would have guessed him to be doing.

I know right?!

I was shocked when I saw that too haha.

DJ HODOR in the house.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Windom Earle - 10-18-2013

Too funny not to share...

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - eradicator - 10-19-2013

haha, i was just about to post this

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Windom Earle - 10-21-2013

“Powdered Sugaaaaaarrrrr!”

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Slim Shady - 02-13-2015

I didn't know which Game of Thrones thread to post this in.

I have posted videos of this guy Preston Jacobs before. If you like the show, and have read the books, this guy has some incredible videos on his theories and predictions of what is going to happen in the upcoming books. He has done a great analysis and unlocked a lot of the puzzle laid out by the writer GRRM. His ingenious, sometimes crazy, and often novel ideas have taken a lot of flack from the ASOIAF establishment of nerds.

Recently someone, most likely a feminist, tried to take his channel down by making false copyright claims. Here is his epic response. Notice the "Just wow" feminist butthurt language.

BTW I implore all of you to check out his other videos [Like what Littlefinger actually wants!, and what Mance Rayder is all about].

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - DChambers - 02-13-2015

Holy fuck Earle. That's amazing.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Soothesayer - 02-13-2015

I watched Game of Thrones right up until the Red Wedding. I was tempted to call it quits after Ned Starks died but decided to give it another chance. Well lo and bold, the author decided to kill off *everyone* you get attached to and the rumors about him being a pedo was the nail in the coffin. After three seasons I said, "I'm out."

No sense in furthering the fall of civilization with this crap. There are far better fantasy authors who don't have HBO sucking their cock in between printed checks for a million bucks each. Game of Thrones is decidedly BLUE PILL in every conceivable way (I refer primarily to those feminist cunts Daenerys Targaryen and Cersei Lannister and every other women in every other episode--that's NOT how women acted back then. Study your history.).

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Slim Shady - 02-13-2015

^ Lol. read the books. It is highly red pill stuff. GRRM is a genius. The show barely scratches the surface. Cersei and Dany will both get their comeuppance.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Bear Hands - 02-13-2015

Quote: (02-13-2015 12:50 AM)Slim Shady Wrote:  

^ Lol. read the books. It is highly red pill stuff. GRRM is a genius. The show barely scratches the surface. Cersei and Dany will both get their comeuppance.

Yeah this. Don't confuse the show with the books. The show has a lot of go-gurl BS that's not really present in the books. Even though GRRM says he's a feminist, the books certainly don't play out that way. I wouldn't be shocked at all if Daenerys' story is a complete dead end after all the build up.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - germanico - 02-13-2015

Quote: (02-13-2015 12:11 AM)Slim Shady Wrote:  

He has done a great analysis and unlocked a lot of the puzzle laid out by the writer GRRM. His ingenious, sometimes crazy, and often novel ideas have taken a lot of flack from the ASOIAF establishment of nerds.

Should start a thread on our theories about GoT upcoming events, so as not to spoil it to those who havnt read the books and is just following the TV series.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Slim Shady - 02-13-2015

^ Yeah I got a suspension once for posting advanced theories on the forum.

Also, here is a quote by GRRM from a few years ago.

‘There was a period in my life when I would have called myself a feminist, back in the seventies, when the feminist movement was really getting going and growing out of the counter culture of the sixties,’ he says. ‘But the feminist movement has changed. Sometime in the 80s and 90s I read some pieces by women saying that no man can ever be a feminist and you shouldn't call yourself that because it's hypocritical, so I backed off. I thought if the current crop of feminists believes that no man can be a feminist, then I guess I’m not one.’

Sounds like a more tactful Warren Farrel story where he doesn't want to alienate his feminist readership [of which there is a lot]. feminist fans of his just hamsterize his remarks on gurrl power as feminism. In all his interviews I have seen like Comic Con etc, he skillfully avoids the "feminist" questions he always gets asked. He knows his shit.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Sidney Crosby - 02-13-2015

I would have kicked that whore with the dragons off the show when she came out publicly saying she wasn't doing any more nudity.

The only reason she got the role is because she is hot and she wants to be known for her "acting" now. It's not right having some little cunt try and dictate things.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Paracelsus - 02-13-2015

Quote: (02-13-2015 12:50 AM)Slim Shady Wrote:  

^ Lol. read the books. It is highly red pill stuff. GRRM is a genius. The show barely scratches the surface. Cersei and Dany will both get their is in the process of getting her comeuppance.

FTFY. The best part being it's mostly self-inflicted; Tywin had her dead-on when he said Cersei is not nearly as smart as she thinks she is. She even has a prophecy chasing her which is rather akin to being confronted with the Wall in a literal sense. (And I'm not talking about the wall oop north, either).

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Pride male - 02-13-2015

I love Emilia Clarke. Thats why I hope Dany wins the Iron Throne.

If RVF was a house in Westeros, what would be our sigil and what would be our words?

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Paracelsus - 02-13-2015

If one were to look at it through the general decline of the West perspective, I think RVF's words would have to be Winter is Here.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Handsome Creepy Eel - 02-13-2015

That's easy...

[Image: d69da0026549755167de3d6e2ae13e32_400x400.jpeg]

"Can you tell me where the nearest pet shop is?"

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Suits - 02-13-2015


Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - TheWastelander - 02-13-2015

Quote: (02-13-2015 12:48 AM)Soothesayer Wrote:  

I watched Game of Thrones right up until the Red Wedding. I was tempted to call it quits after Ned Starks died but decided to give it another chance. Well lo and bold, the author decided to kill off *everyone* you get attached to and the rumors about him being a pedo was the nail in the coffin. After three seasons I said, "I'm out."

No sense in furthering the fall of civilization with this crap. There are far better fantasy authors who don't have HBO sucking their cock in between printed checks for a million bucks each. Game of Thrones is decidedly BLUE PILL in every conceivable way (I refer primarily to those feminist cunts Daenerys Targaryen and Cersei Lannister and every other women in every other episode--that's NOT how women acted back then. Study your history.).

This is the oddest opinion I've ever seen about the show.

1. There is no "back then" because it's a fantasy world.

2. In the real world royal women could be manipulative as hell but they obviously had no illusions about what would happen to them if they overtly acted up too much. Their equal or superior would slap the taste out of their mouths. This happens in the show with Robert and Cersei.

3. What rumors of him being a pedo?

4. It's Blue Pill? People getting killed and dying because of stupid mistakes, dumb ass men wasting their lives and fortunes getting manipulated by women, women ruining their entire families, etc. etc. is not "blue pill" in my estimation. In fact the whole series is a warning against being one of those simps who "falls in love" with a woman rather than just loves them. The most successful people in the show and books don't take women seriously. The biggest failures do and pay for it with their lives, fortunes, and families.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Praetor Lupus - 02-13-2015

The main thing I'm hoping for in Season 5 is more of the Boltons.

Guys are badass as fuck.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Pride male - 02-13-2015

^^You can say that again. Roose Bolton is one cold motherfucker, but I still find him entertaining. Funny thing, we often talk about how women love assholes, but men often glamourise jerks too. Al Capone, Vlad the Impaler, Scarface, Tony Soprano, Julius Caesar. There is something intriguing about people who do what the fuck they want and get away with it. The Ned Starks of the world will always finish last.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - TheWastelander - 02-13-2015

The only thing I don't like about Roose Bolton is that he lets his son get away with too much shit. I don't want to spoil anything, but he accepted Ramsay after he did something really fucked up.

I think eventually it'll come back to bite him in the ass.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Slim Shady - 02-13-2015

Quote: (02-13-2015 01:59 AM)germanico Wrote:  

Quote: (02-13-2015 12:11 AM)Slim Shady Wrote:  

He has done a great analysis and unlocked a lot of the puzzle laid out by the writer GRRM. His ingenious, sometimes crazy, and often novel ideas have taken a lot of flack from the ASOIAF establishment of nerds.

Should start a thread on our theories about GoT upcoming events, so as not to spoil it to those who havnt read the books and is just following the TV series.

I think I will start a aSoIaF thread for book readers/those who don't mind spoilers, and for speculation on advanced theories.

It will be a total nerdout.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Handsome Creepy Eel - 02-13-2015

Quote: (02-13-2015 03:38 PM)Pride male Wrote:  

Funny thing, we often talk about how women love assholes, but men often glamourise jerks too.

Yes but we don't fuck them or even serve them in any capacity, if we can avoid it. We are very aware that they are bad for us and mostly have the self-control to not get entangled in their shady business.