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Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Printable Version

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Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Excelsior - 06-10-2013

A summary of the season finale in gifs:

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Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Excelsior - 06-10-2013

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Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Handsome Creepy Eel - 06-11-2013

Is Daenerys really crowd-surfing like Mick Jagger in the last episode? That is cringeworthy. In a historic context, it would be believable, but today it just seems like throwing a bone to teenage girl viewers.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Excelsior - 06-11-2013

Quote: (06-11-2013 01:30 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

Is Daenerys really crowd-surfing like Mick Jagger in the last episode? That is cringeworthy. In a historic context, it would be believable, but today it just seems like throwing a bone to teenage girl viewers.


Randomly walking around campus a couple of weeks back I heard a couple of girls talking. One was trying to convince the other to start getting into Game of Thrones. Her words?

"You'll LOVE Daenerys! She's, like, quite the feminist!"

My school is crawling with the kind of gender feminists whose reasoning we frequently question here and elsewhere in the manosphere. They all love to make specious arguments about patriarchal constructs in the show and/or misogyny, but at the same time they love the "empowered" feminist aspects of it.

There is absolutely no question in my mind that the show's producers are aware of the "girl power" potential certain characters have in the show and no question in my mind that they're playing it up.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Teedub - 06-11-2013

Talk about an anti-climactic finale. Agreed, Daenerys is beginning to irritate me, for the reasons listed above.

I actually cannot fathom how rampant feminism is on campuses in the States Athlone, I only really noticed it once I started seeing it online etc. You'd never hear that sort of stuff in England, at least not nearly as often as it seemingly happens over the pond. I don't think I've heard (or read on facebook) any girl I know even mentioning the word.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - A CLizzy - 06-11-2013

I might just read the books, fed up of waiting for the episodes.

Is it worth starting to read the books , so far into the series?

and are the books actually worth the long read or are HBO doing a fair job reconstructing?

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Alpharius - 06-11-2013

The books are awesome, you'd probably need to start at the beginning though, while the general plot stays the same a lot of minor things get left out, and dozens of minor characters are rolled into one person in the show. The dire wolves are smaller on tv, in the books they're the size of ponies. Lots of stuff left for debate in the basis a given fact on tv - you only know what characters know, so generally if they don't see it, it hasn't really happened.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Handsome Creepy Eel - 06-11-2013

The last episode was great, although I was disappointed that it didn't include Joffrey's wedding. That would have been a grand end to the season. Still, watching him get schooled by Lord Tywin was hilarious!

Even the Daenerys thing didn't seem that corny. It might be pandering to an audience, but it was touching nonetheless. It was Jon Snow's "punishment" that seemed ridiculous to me. I don't remember if it was that way in the books, but his facial expression was pathetic.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - GenJx - 06-11-2013

the lannistas send their regaahds

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - eradicator - 06-11-2013

My only real complaint about this season is that they introduced ramsey bolton(the one torturing Theon) a couple of seasons too early. They talk about him a little in the first couple of books and how nuts he is but he doesn't actually make any appearance

Well, also that they only really covered the first half of book 3. They should have made this show 20 episodes this season I guess.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Excelsior - 06-11-2013

Quote: (06-11-2013 12:29 PM)master_thespian Wrote:  

My only real complaint about this season is that they introduced ramsey bolton(the one torturing Theon) a couple of seasons too early. They talk about him a little in the first couple of books and how nuts he is but he doesn't actually make any appearance

Well, also that they only really covered the first half of book 3. They should have made this show 20 episodes this season I guess.

What we're seeing is the result of production constraints with the show. Due to the budget, technical expertise and traveling needed, Game of Thrones is actually pretty limited to around 10 episodes a season. It would be very challenging to produce any more than that without running into serious problems and/or going overtime. When the first episode of each season is released, producers are still putting the finishing touches on the last 3 or 4. As we speak, the actors have gone back to work for season 4 and been at it for a few weeks now. They simply don't have the time or money for much more.

They also have to constrain some things due to time limits. Bran's voice is changing and some of the other characters are going to grow. They may not have more than 7 seasons to tell the full story due to contract limits and other mitigating factors. That means some of the books and characters will have to be condensed/merged and some others will be brought in a bit earlier.

There's some good discussion of all this on this forum:

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - GenJx - 06-11-2013

i liked athlone's analysis but i disagree that what rob did was honorable when it came to breaking his deal with walter frey and marrying for love. most people would consider that in his selfish interest and not honorable. its not a small deal either, this was a major war time deal and he thought he could make it up to frey by making his uncle marry the daughter, its adding insult to injury.

if you agree that what rob did was dishonorable its ironic that his downfall was the one time he broke from the stark's honorable tradition.

ned stark on the other hand was undone by being honorable until the end

there really is no black and white as the story unfolds either. you could call tywin honorable for putting his family first above all else.
moral or just might be better words but they are also loaded words open to interpretation.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - AlbertoDelMuerto - 06-11-2013

That little pussy Joffrey was the funniest character this season.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Excelsior - 06-13-2013

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Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Excelsior - 06-14-2013

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Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Excelsior - 06-14-2013

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Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Excelsior - 06-15-2013

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Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - FretDancer - 06-15-2013

Damn, poor Starks. Never saw that Rains of Castamere ending coming.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Excelsior - 06-17-2013

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Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Excelsior - 06-19-2013

[Image: joffrey-baratheon_327509.jpg]

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Aliblahba - 06-20-2013

Just finished a 3 season marathon. By far the best show I've ever seen. Every show never failed to deliver, and no character is immune from getting the axe. I'm depressed that it's over and having to wait for season 4 to start.

The young Stark girl is my fav character. She is getting hardened. I wish Joffery had gotten axed but he adds a lot of drama and hate to the show. It blew my mind what happened to the Starks near the end of season 3, as fretdancer mentioned. Totally out of the blue.

I foresee shit going down down at The Wall in season 4. Can't wait.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Mekorig - 06-20-2013

Aliblahba, one advice, if you have the time, read the books. They are worth the time.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Excelsior - 06-21-2013

Quote: (06-20-2013 09:51 PM)Mekorig Wrote:  

Aliblahba, one advice, if you have the time, read the books. They are worth the time.

Also check out a Wiki of Ice and Fire sometime if you ever want more info on an aspect of the show. There are many spoilers there too for non-bookreaders, but if you're careful or don't mind spoilers, its a nice resource.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Excelsior - 07-01-2013

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Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Aliblahba - 07-01-2013

There's two cookbooks out. The official:

And unofficial:

A blog with some free recipes:

This would be a great add to a date night for a girl into the show. Invite her over and start off with some spiced wine, then a main dish, and finish with one of the simple deserts.