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Why Latin America Sucks

Why Latin America Sucks

He went hard:


Lima, Peru’s capital, is a hard city to like. If the constant overcast-bordering-on-fog-and-rain weather doesn’t get you down psychologically, the constant pollution from exhausts surely will affect you physically. From the shitty, run-down downtown, with it’s crumpling cathedrals covered in bird shit, it’s not a place you’d see yourself spending a honeymoon anytime soon.

The affluent area of Miraflores offers some redemption if you love seeing McDonald’s on every block and shopping in traditional, American-inspired, mega malls.

Peru does have excellent food delicacies, however. If you love fried guinea pigs, then you will surely love the country’s main dish: the cuy. It’s a fried guinea pig, that tastes like chicken. Just kidding — it tastes exactly like a guinea pig.

Off all the travelers who I know that passed through Ecuador, a small number came away completely unscathed.

To a common traveler, getting away from the gritty rat-race of the first world, a trip to Ecuador offers a unique cultural experience. One way is to get mugged either during broad daylight or while staggering home from bars in Quito, the country’s capital. Another, more sinister method is when someone cuts a large hole in your bag and empties it on one of those long bus rides.

It’s a small, crime-infested, uninteresting country that offers absolutely nothing else to the visitor that can’t be found in the surrounding big crime infested countries.

It wasn’t Colombia that broke the camel’s back, but it sure happened in Colombia. After spending four months in Colombia early this year, I remember feeling the exact moment that I started to despise Latin culture. I was sick and tired of the gold digging women, the constant flakiness (from both sexes), and the general pretentiousness and arrogance of the people. It seems that the overall unwillingness to be honest to your face, just to screw you over behind your back is ingrained in the culture’s DNA.

The country has tons to offer to a prospective visitor. Take Medellin for instance, Colombia’s darling city. The home of the late Pablo Escobar, it’s a city without any charm or soul, that was, in all likelihood, built on drug money. It’s as authentic as the silicon breasts or the Americanized malls that you see everywhere you look.

One would think the capital, Bogotá, would be better, but the unending construction (that almost paralyzed half the city when I was there), dirt and pollution do not win the city, nor the country, many points.

If you are new to the English language and want to know what the word ‘arrogance’ means, look no further and just head to Buenos Aires. The city and their residents pretty much personify the word. Somehow the locals, called porteños, never learned geography in high school, and think they’re part of Europe, not South America.

The city is cool though, with a certain flair that reminds you of Rome or Paris, just watch out for the constant shit on the sidewalks thanks to tons of dog walkers with five, six, or fifteen dogs each parading the streets.

The language they speak is up for debate. A tale has is that it’s an indigenous language first spoken by the local tribes after they came in contact with the Spanish conquistadors. I beg to differ. It sounds more like a drunk Italian tourist trying to speak a beginner level Spanish, but eventually stumbles and fails because of too much malbec.

Argentinian food revolves around three things: overhyped steak, crappy pizza, and edible pasta. Anything else and you’re out of luck. Want to stumble an Argentinian? Ask them where you can get a bowl of soup. Try it, it’s fun.

When God made a deal with Chile and promised to give them the most advanced and resilient economy of Latin America, but asked for their soul in return, Chile didn’t blink and promptly agreed. If you’re airdropped into Santiago, the capital, you dare not to confuse it for any American city with its countless McDonald’s and Burger Kings, not to mention other quality American exports.

Chile’s culinary gift to the world is the “completo”: a big, fat hotdog stuffed to the gills with other fattening crap. There’s more stuff, right? Nope. The “completo” pretty much highlights Chile’s culinary accomplishments.

Chilean girls are the most generic creatures on the planet, even rivaling their American counterparts. When I lived in Brazil, my friends and I hanged around hostels in Rio, my Mexican friend who would pretty much chase any tail, would refuse to pursue Chilean women. “They have no soul,” he would shrug and move onto a more interesting target. I couldn’t come up with a better metaphor for the whole country if I tried.

Last and definitely not least, it’s the biggest and baddest country of them all: Brazil. In many ways it’s worlds apart from other Latin American with its different language, different history and different traditions. The previous sentence is not even meant to be taken figuratively — to most Brazilians the concept that there are other surrounding, albeit inferior, countries that, God forbid may speak an inferior Portuguese dialect, aka Spanish, is simply ludicrous.

To Brazilians their country is the only one that really matters. In fact why remember all those pesky non-Brazilian nationalities. Makes it ten times easier to just categorize someone as a Brazilian or a mere gringo (foreigner).

They have the world’s best beaches, the world’s best parties, the world’s most beautiful women. In fact they don’t even make you pay a fine for overstaying tourist visa because they know you will come back! But why stop there: they also have the world’s best favelas (shanty towns), best poverty, and best racial segregation.

Brazilian Portuguese sounds exactly like Portuguese but only when mumbled by a lazy drunk, completely wasted after a long night of cachaça and non-stop weed.

It’s no surprise that with such a big country, comes even a bigger ego. Last summer, in Lisbon, Portugal, I saw a bus full of Brazilians proudly displaying Brazilian flags everywhere they went. Right — otherwise I would never have guessed those were Brazilians. One of the world’s greatest challenges is to pickup the sophistication, elegance and humility of Brazilians abroad.

I must say his hate on Brazil was weak and seemed forced, but he nailed a lot of the negatives on the others.

[Image: icon_popcorn.gif]

Why Latin America Sucks

this dude is sad.

I can tell anyone from 1st hand experience you can get laid EASIER / FASTER in Latin America than in the US, and it aint even close.

Why Latin America Sucks

Eh?....I think he is wrong about the Portuguese in Brazil. If I were to put a number on it, about 2/3 of the Continental Portuguese translates to Brazilian Portuguese. I made the mistake on my first Brazil trip and practiced Continental Portuguese (I didn't know there was a Brazilian Portuguese at the time) and was hit with a LOT of "huh?" replies. I practiced Brazilian Portuguese by trip #2 and was IN :-)

Why Latin America Sucks

Meh, most of his criticisms boil down to "Latin America is poor, dirty, dangerous, and the people are arrogant and try to screw you over." All true to an extent (although I bet he got the last one because he doesn't care to learn Spanish/Portuguese and acted like a typical Gringo) but I think he's way overstating it. I've gotten mugged in "safe" parts of Chicago but never had anyone lay a hand on me anywhere in South America. Factor in everything that's great about the place (the girls, the culture, the food, the climate, lack of feminism, lack of obesity, etc.) and it's well worth it in my opinion.

Oh, and cuy tastes great. It's like dark meat chicken but more savory.

Why Latin America Sucks

I asked a friend in Lima about the guinea pig thing, and asked her if she eats it, and she said yes. I learned about it from a travel show (Andrew Zimmern probably). I told her that here they're popular children's pets...HA HA! I'm more interested in the cebiche.

I did some reading about Argentina's history, and the reason they think/act like Europeans is because they ARE Europeans. In the 19 century they were a major destination for Spanish and Italian immigrants, so they brought European customs with them. Their descendants continued, along with more immigrants following. And Buenos Aires was originally settled by Spaniards in the 1500s. So yeah, they really are more European than latin.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Why Latin America Sucks

How can you make a list about hating Latin America and not mention that the people are cheese balls?

The dirty/dangerous thing is pretty weak (don't carry bags with valuables and don't walk home hammered). Got screwed over? welcome to travelling and living abroad buddy.

there are plenty of things that suck about Latin America and plenty of things that are awesome about Latin America just like Asia, North America, Europe, etc.

He can't be sued for libel with most of what he says.

Why Latin America Sucks

Any of the characteristics he described can be found in any tier 1 city, including arrogant attitudes, and getting mugged on the street in broad daylight or after a night of drinking or women tricking you into buying them dinner/drinks and claiming rape after having buyers remorse. We have slums/poverty in New York, Detroit, Miami, Atlanta, and just about every state in North America.

If it's waving a big dick around, nobody tops United States and the number of wars that we stick our noses into because it is our job to be the "world's police" just so that contractors like Lockheed Martin can continue to make $$$ from wars!

Latin America does suck, but so does the whole world in that regard if these are the only things you take into account.

Life is short, fuck as many women as you can in this shitty world we live in before you die.


Why Latin America Sucks

Pretty good list of the negatives.

"It sounds more like a drunk Italian tourist trying to speak a beginner level Spanish, but eventually stumbles and fails because of too much malbec."

[Image: lol.gif] ^^^This is too true about how Argentinians speak Spanish.

Why Latin America Sucks

Thing is if you omit the positives of a place, anywhere can be made to look bad. Criticisms depend on your values, how a country's positives balance with the negatives, and what other country's are better or worse. A hate fest like this can't be taken for a whole lot more than entertainment value.

Why Latin America Sucks

Quote: (12-02-2011 08:42 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Any of the characteristics he described can be found in any tier 1 city, including arrogant attitudes, and getting mugged on the street in broad daylight or after a night of drinking or women tricking you into buying them dinner/drinks and claiming rape after having buyers remorse. We have slums/poverty in New York, Detroit, Miami, Atlanta, and just about every state in North America.

If it's waving a big dick around, nobody tops United States and the number of wars that we stick our noses into because it is our job to be the "world's police" just so that contractors like Lockheed Martin can continue to make $$$ from wars!

Latin America does suck, but so does the whole world in that regard if these are the only things you take into account.

Life is short, fuck as many women as you can in this shitty world we live in before you die.


Whoa...the level of poverty in Latin America is way worse than the USA.

I remember when I first saw some of the "slums/ghettos" of the USA as a small kid and thought to myself "Eh, this ain't so bad."

Why Latin America Sucks

[quote='Roosh' pid='125962' dateline='1322873516']
He went hard:


I must say his hate on Brazil was weak and seemed forced, but he nailed a lot of the negatives on the others.

[Image: icon_popcorn.gif]


Why Latin America Sucks

Quote: (12-02-2011 08:50 PM)Easy E Wrote:  

Whoa...the level of poverty in Latin America is way worse than the USA.

True, but that does not make USA any better, especially when the nearest ghetto to your Million dollar house is a 15 minute drive away!

1600 Pennsylvania Ave Washington, DC is surrounded by poverty and crime, and slums for heavens sake!

I love America, and being American, but I'm not drinking any Kool-aid that tells me we are walking on gold paved roads, and there is no ugly suffering here. Go stand by your nearest Children and Families center and you'll see what I mean.


Why Latin America Sucks

the more i travel and live in other countries the more I believe that everywhere sucks. Just find someplace that sucks less and deal with it.

You don't think everywhere sucks? Stay there'll see.

Why Latin America Sucks

This article was entertaining. I'm surprised he talked about nicaragua without mentioning costa rica. Seems like that would be as ripe a target as any. But maybe it was the only place he got laid so it stayed off the list.

"I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afraid of not trying. Everyday hit every wave, like I'm Hawaiian"

Why Latin America Sucks

It was a funny read, that guy is bitter. I particularly liked this bit...


Argentinian food revolves around three things: overhyped steak, crappy pizza, and edible pasta. Anything else and you’re out of luck. Want to stumble an Argentinian? Ask them where you can get a bowl of soup. Try it, it’s fun.

So true. Such a a limited diet, after 2 weeks in Buenos Aires I was sick fed up of steak, cheese & ham, pizza and pasta. The Argentnians really do think they have the best everything in the world, little do they know.

Why Latin America Sucks

Quote: (12-03-2011 07:23 AM)KingofScotland Wrote:  

It was a funny read, that guy is bitter. I particularly liked this bit...


Argentinian food revolves around three things: overhyped steak, crappy pizza, and edible pasta. Anything else and you’re out of luck. Want to stumble an Argentinian? Ask them where you can get a bowl of soup. Try it, it’s fun.

So true. Such a a limited diet, after 2 weeks in Buenos Aires I was sick fed up of steak, cheese & ham, pizza and pasta. The Argentnians really do think they have the best everything in the world, little do they know.

Maaan, not sure if the best, but they have DAMN GOOD wine, for sure...

Why Latin America Sucks

I see...

This higher entity descends from paradise in order to scrutinize our mediocre and fucked up mankind.

Yes, I'm afraid that when he flies back to heaven and meets his boss, he won't have much good to report about the miserable human race.

I can already hear his wings flapping on his way up, and see the sad expression on his face.

Why Latin America Sucks

I read the rest of the articles on his website, and he seems to travel Roosh style (3 or more months in one place), which is also the way i prefer. He seems very positive on his experience in Brazil (Rio, Belo Horizonte) which is why his criticism of Brazilians seems forced. He completely craps on Colombia(especially medellin) and it reminded how the next time I go back it has to be a 2nd tier city (i.e Bucaramanga, Pereira).
He also has an article defending the US which, though has some truths, concentrates on things that are irrelevant with regards to why we travel or what makes us happy.
In the end, the guy is no player and needs to focus more on women------ which is reason enough to leave the "great" US and head to "shittier" pastures in Latin America.

Why Latin America Sucks

Quote: (12-03-2011 07:33 AM)Amour Fou Wrote:  

they have DAMN GOOD wine, for sure...

Nosa! A brazilian sticking up for Argentina!! Holy shit, I need to go buy my lottery tickets tonight, 'cuz we have just witnessed a very rare scenario!


Why Latin America Sucks

Brazil from what I hear is going downhill FAST....bitch shields are becoming more common, obesity rate is increasing fast, and things are getting much more pricier. Sounds pretty terrible.

Why Latin America Sucks

Quote: (12-03-2011 09:27 AM)Luckystar Wrote:  

Brazil from what I hear is going downhill FAST....bitch shields are becoming more common, obesity rate is increasing fast, and things are getting much more pricier. Sounds pretty terrible.

Unfortunately, you're right about obesity. As a rule of thumb, the poorer a girl is, the fatter she will be. The better neighborhoods are full of gyms and overall they take good care of their looks. It sucks however to exclude such a high percentage of the population in terms of hotness. The country is also very expensive at the moment, this is impossible to deny. A nice dinner with wine in NY can be half the price of something similar in Rio...

Not sure about the bitch shields however. Business as usual I'd say.

Why Latin America Sucks

Quote: (12-03-2011 07:33 AM)Amour Fou Wrote:  

Maaan, not sure if the best, but they have DAMN GOOD wine, for sure...

Yeah the wine is great, love Malbec. The steaks good too but I don't want to eat it every night and all the other food choices are bland and boring. Plus I never saw a vegetable the whole time I was there.

Quote: (12-03-2011 09:13 AM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

I read the rest of the articles on his website, and he seems to travel Roosh style (3 or more months in one place), which is also the way i prefer. He seems very positive on his experience in Brazil (Rio, Belo Horizonte) which is why his criticism of Brazilians seems forced. He completely craps on Colombia(especially medellin) and it reminded how the next time I go back it has to be a 2nd tier city (i.e Bucaramanga, Pereira).
He also has an article defending the US which, though has some truths, concentrates on things that are irrelevant with regards to why we travel or what makes us happy.
In the end, the guy is no player and needs to focus more on women------ which is reason enough to leave the "great" US and head to "shittier" pastures in Latin America.

He comes across as a miserable fucker to me that travels just to criticise everywhere else and tell everyone how it's not as good as back home. Why doesn't he just stay at home.

Quote: (12-03-2011 09:27 AM)Luckystar Wrote:  

Brazil from what I hear is going downhill FAST....bitch shields are becoming more common, obesity rate is increasing fast, and things are getting much more pricier. Sounds pretty terrible.

Brazil isn't terrible, far from it. It's still the best country I've been to overall in the world.

Why Latin America Sucks

Quote: (12-03-2011 09:27 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (12-03-2011 07:33 AM)Amour Fou Wrote:  

they have DAMN GOOD wine, for sure...

Nosa! A brazilian sticking up for Argentina!! Holy shit, I need to go buy my lottery tickets tonight, 'cuz we have just witnessed a very rare scenario!


[Image: icon_lol.gif]

Hehe, actually, I'm very passionate about my South American neighbours... and I find it hard to beat that delicious Malbec goodies coming from Mendonza!

Although Brazilians rant about Argentina all the time, those commentaries don't carry much depth; the way I see it it is more tease. And I was actually told (can't confirm) that such commentaries are more one sided, that Argentinians don't actually diss Brazilians that much, and aren't event much aware of what we say behind their ears...

Poor fellas... [Image: sleepy.gif]

Why Latin America Sucks

Quote: (12-02-2011 07:51 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

He went hard:


Lima, Peru’s capital, is a hard city to like. If the constant overcast-bordering-on-fog-and-rain weather doesn’t get you down psychologically, the constant pollution from exhausts surely will affect you physically. From the shitty, run-down downtown, with it’s crumpling cathedrals covered in bird shit, it’s not a place you’d see yourself spending a honeymoon anytime soon.

The affluent area of Miraflores offers some redemption if you love seeing McDonald’s on every block and shopping in traditional, American-inspired, mega malls.

Peru does have excellent food delicacies, however. If you love fried guinea pigs, then you will surely love the country’s main dish: the cuy. It’s a fried guinea pig, that tastes like chicken. Just kidding — it tastes exactly like a guinea pig.

Off all the travelers who I know that passed through Ecuador, a small number came away completely unscathed.

To a common traveler, getting away from the gritty rat-race of the first world, a trip to Ecuador offers a unique cultural experience. One way is to get mugged either during broad daylight or while staggering home from bars in Quito, the country’s capital. Another, more sinister method is when someone cuts a large hole in your bag and empties it on one of those long bus rides.

It’s a small, crime-infested, uninteresting country that offers absolutely nothing else to the visitor that can’t be found in the surrounding big crime infested countries.

It wasn’t Colombia that broke the camel’s back, but it sure happened in Colombia. After spending four months in Colombia early this year, I remember feeling the exact moment that I started to despise Latin culture. I was sick and tired of the gold digging women, the constant flakiness (from both sexes), and the general pretentiousness and arrogance of the people. It seems that the overall unwillingness to be honest to your face, just to screw you over behind your back is ingrained in the culture’s DNA.

The country has tons to offer to a prospective visitor. Take Medellin for instance, Colombia’s darling city. The home of the late Pablo Escobar, it’s a city without any charm or soul, that was, in all likelihood, built on drug money. It’s as authentic as the silicon breasts or the Americanized malls that you see everywhere you look.

One would think the capital, Bogotá, would be better, but the unending construction (that almost paralyzed half the city when I was there), dirt and pollution do not win the city, nor the country, many points.

If you are new to the English language and want to know what the word ‘arrogance’ means, look no further and just head to Buenos Aires. The city and their residents pretty much personify the word. Somehow the locals, called porteños, never learned geography in high school, and think they’re part of Europe, not South America.

The city is cool though, with a certain flair that reminds you of Rome or Paris, just watch out for the constant shit on the sidewalks thanks to tons of dog walkers with five, six, or fifteen dogs each parading the streets.

The language they speak is up for debate. A tale has is that it’s an indigenous language first spoken by the local tribes after they came in contact with the Spanish conquistadors. I beg to differ. It sounds more like a drunk Italian tourist trying to speak a beginner level Spanish, but eventually stumbles and fails because of too much malbec.

Argentinian food revolves around three things: overhyped steak, crappy pizza, and edible pasta. Anything else and you’re out of luck. Want to stumble an Argentinian? Ask them where you can get a bowl of soup. Try it, it’s fun.

When God made a deal with Chile and promised to give them the most advanced and resilient economy of Latin America, but asked for their soul in return, Chile didn’t blink and promptly agreed. If you’re airdropped into Santiago, the capital, you dare not to confuse it for any American city with its countless McDonald’s and Burger Kings, not to mention other quality American exports.

Chile’s culinary gift to the world is the “completo”: a big, fat hotdog stuffed to the gills with other fattening crap. There’s more stuff, right? Nope. The “completo” pretty much highlights Chile’s culinary accomplishments.

Chilean girls are the most generic creatures on the planet, even rivaling their American counterparts. When I lived in Brazil, my friends and I hanged around hostels in Rio, my Mexican friend who would pretty much chase any tail, would refuse to pursue Chilean women. “They have no soul,” he would shrug and move onto a more interesting target. I couldn’t come up with a better metaphor for the whole country if I tried.

Last and definitely not least, it’s the biggest and baddest country of them all: Brazil. In many ways it’s worlds apart from other Latin American with its different language, different history and different traditions. The previous sentence is not even meant to be taken figuratively — to most Brazilians the concept that there are other surrounding, albeit inferior, countries that, God forbid may speak an inferior Portuguese dialect, aka Spanish, is simply ludicrous.

To Brazilians their country is the only one that really matters. In fact why remember all those pesky non-Brazilian nationalities. Makes it ten times easier to just categorize someone as a Brazilian or a mere gringo (foreigner).

They have the world’s best beaches, the world’s best parties, the world’s most beautiful women. In fact they don’t even make you pay a fine for overstaying tourist visa because they know you will come back! But why stop there: they also have the world’s best favelas (shanty towns), best poverty, and best racial segregation.

Brazilian Portuguese sounds exactly like Portuguese but only when mumbled by a lazy drunk, completely wasted after a long night of cachaça and non-stop weed.

It’s no surprise that with such a big country, comes even a bigger ego. Last summer, in Lisbon, Portugal, I saw a bus full of Brazilians proudly displaying Brazilian flags everywhere they went. Right — otherwise I would never have guessed those were Brazilians. One of the world’s greatest challenges is to pickup the sophistication, elegance and humility of Brazilians abroad.

I must say his hate on Brazil was weak and seemed forced, but he nailed a lot of the negatives on the others.

[Image: icon_popcorn.gif]

I think mostly what this guy has written is true....although I have been to most of those places and hardly noticed these pitfalls.....that's what happens when I'm getting banged by hot chicks everyday.

I tend not to sweat the small stuff.

Why Latin America Sucks

This is hilarious.

Quote: (12-02-2011 07:58 PM)Dash Global Wrote:  

this dude is sad.

I can tell anyone from 1st hand experience you can get laid EASIER / FASTER in Latin America than in the US, and it aint even close.

What does this have to do with what he wrote? There are plenty of cons to a country where it's easy to get laid. Hell, I could probably write 5 books on the subject.

Send someone who has never left America to a Mexican resort for a week. After convincing them to stay, have them wander away from that safety net for a few days. They'll be on a plane headed back home before you can say "senor frogs."

The infrastructure, safety, etc. just doesn't exist in most areas of the world. Sometimes it takes living abroad for some time to realize what you took for granted back home (aside from the women [Image: lol.gif]).

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

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