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Intelligence: How important?

Intelligence: How important?


Smart girls aren't more argumentative than normal ones. All women shit-test, but intelligent women don't shit-test men they feel are more intelligent than them. Instead they vent on orbiter males that they know to be their intellectual inferiors, leaving the good times for the smart dude they actually respect.

Let me first say that I like your post. But I'm going to rebut a couple of things. However, as we all know, my opinion isn't more valid than yours. I'm just offering a different perspective.

I agree that smart girls aren't more argumentative. Imo, the most argumentative tend to be the women that are slightly above average to average.


Also, I've had my intelligence actually limit my appeal. I've measured out at 150 & 155 on two Wechslers, and have found that to women of above average intelligence, I'm strange and dazzling, but to women of average intelligence, I'm just strange. Consequently I've had to find ways to immediately weed out girls who I know would be alienated by what I am and what I do with myself.

This used to be more true for me before I learned how to speak in a way that entertained them. In college, I had this experience. Now, when I hook up with average women, I get strange reactions if they stick around. It varies from feeling dominated and liking it, to feeling dominated and lashing out. Now, I try my best to not do anything that makes me seem too 'knowledgeable'. I don't give advice or help them with their problems. I just smile nod, and say "that's okay baby. Things will get better." At first, women like the novelty of having someone who knows more than they do, but they actually resent it after a while if it isn't kept in check. You will eventually find yourself treating her like a kid, and women don't like that, even if they put up with it for a while. I have a very smart friend who is currently dealing with the fallout from his impulse to do that with his wife - over the course of almost a decade. Eventually, women will get you back for it - either through fucking around behind your back or something else. Don't try to "win" with a woman, even if its by virtue of your superior logic, because in the end she will.


IQ doesn't matter a lick in the real world btw, it's just a something nerds invented for use in internet pissing contests. depends by what you mean by "doesn't matter". It definitely helps an individual solve problems and gain perspective. However, that perspective may actually work to increase unhappiness.

As i said before, it doesn't take an inordinate amount of brainpower to figure the world out. So, in that respect, it doesn't matter to a degree. But I definitely think that a 105 guys has a better chance in the world than does a 95 guy. That's primarily because these numbers straddle the average. The 95 guy may be perceived as slightly less intelligent than average by most people, and treated accordingly, and the 105 guy may be perceived as slightly more intelligent, by most people, and treated accordingly. Also, the 95 guy will find it more difficult to interact with a society that is, by and large, smarter than he is. This will shape both of their worldviews and the opportunities that they are presented with. However, there is probably much less of a pragmatic performance difference between a 115 and a 125 guy. They both have more than enough horsepower to do almost anything that they desire, and so the difference will likely come down to outside factors or their specific levels of motivation.

Outside factors include: who you know, your family, your emotional temperament, your social and emotional intelligence, and your looks that come into play. As well as dumb luck. I believe that's what you may have been referring to. Obviously, it matters a little, otherwise people who are legally retarded would do as well as people with average and above average intelligence do, as groups.

I believe you were joking with the last line, and maybe referring to this thread. Your dead on with the pissing contest thing, and as far as that goes IQ is meaningless. Intelligence is too dynamic to be boiled down to a number. But that's what guys do. They have pissing contests. Its sometimes nice to be distracted from the larger "pickup" pissing contest here. That can get monotonous. The invented for the internet line was funny, though.

Btw, 155 is high. Now, a predictable question: What do you do for a living?

Intelligence: How important?

IQ is correlated with nearly every possible life outcome.

If you're in a group of people, they will tend to congregate among IQ levels.

This is true even of sports fans. The higher IQ guys will have a deeper knowledge of the game. They'll understand its history, know player statistics, and be able to explain underlying strategies, etc.

Intelligence: How important?

As long as a female isn't so dumb that they weed themselves out of the gene pool (ex: bitch on a cell phone walking her ass into oncoming traffic because she wasn't paying attention) intelligence really doesn't mean much for them. Women derive almost all of their value from their looks.

Think about it: which girl ends up having a better quality of life? An attractive girl who constantly gets showered with resources and attention from the time she's in her teens until she hits the wall in her 30s or 40s versus an ugly, dorky girl who spends all her time with her books and cats.

From a man's perspective, as long as the girl is smart enough to get through basic day to day activities without any problems and occasionally hold an adult conversation, the rest really doesn't matter.

Indeed, looking good is all that matters...


Intelligence: How important?

Quote: (11-27-2011 09:47 PM)hydrogonian Wrote:  


IQ doesn't matter a lick in the real world btw, it's just a something nerds invented for use in internet pissing contests. depends by what you mean by "doesn't matter". It definitely helps an individual solve problems and gain perspective. However, that perspective may actually work to increase unhappiness.

IQ indicates potential rather than skill, and it's only a person's skills that allows him to engage, challenge, and master the world. IQ is one-step removed from the real world and exists only in the realm of abstraction, which is why it doesn't "matter". Assuming that a high IQ will lead to success is a little like assuming someone will be awesome at dunking a basketball because they're 6'8." The will's the thing.

Also, giving IQ undue importance smacks of Heideggerian inauthenticity. Saying that you're smart is implicitly comparative, it doesn't say anything about you, only your relative place in a group. You can only be smart when compared to other stupid people; you can only be stupid when compared to other smart people. If, magically, you were stranded on a desert island, you would instantaneously stop being smart or stupid since there was no one else around. You'd just be you.


Btw, 155 is high. Now, a predictable question: What do you do for a living?
For dough I'm a neuroscientist. But I also write fiction & poetry & am generally a weirdo.

Intelligence: How important?


IQ indicates potential rather than skill, and it's only a person's skills that allows him to engage, challenge, and master the world. IQ is one-step removed from the real world and exists only in the realm of abstraction, which is why it doesn't "matter".

Acknowledged. But a 110+ is much more adept at mastering skills, especially relatively complex skills, than is a 90. When we talk about IQ, we are often talking about group averages, not individual potential or failure to meet said potential. When measuring group performance, 110's do better in the world than do 90's. Form that view, it matters. But, true, If we took a bunch of blank slate clones of humans with varying IQs, with no life experience, education or anything that engendered any type of motivation, and we set them loose on the world, then IQ might not be as predictive. However, as a group, higher IQ people outperform lower IQ people in the world. But then again, I guess you would have to define what constitutes performing.


Also, giving IQ undue importance smacks of Heideggerian inauthenticity. Saying that you're smart is implicitly comparative, it doesn't say anything about you, only your relative place in a group. You can only be smart when compared to other stupid people; you can only be stupid when compared to other smart people. If, magically, you were stranded on a desert island, you would instantaneously stop being smart or stupid since there was no one else around. You'd just be you.

Well, I get the logic here too. But IQ standard deviation measures are relative measures, no? IQ scoring is always framed in the context of normative data. Otherwise, yeah, the number would be arbitrary. If I was stranded on an island, I would still be smart compared to a mentally handicapped person in Paris, France. Relative location has little to do with it.

Unless your referring to the fact that you are smart only relative to your environment, in the sense that a 125 guys isn't going to be considered relatively 'smart' (although, by all practical measures, I'm sure he would be just fine) in a lab where the average IQ is 155. If so, I agree. I sort of touched on that in an above post. But, you are right, its relative to your environment, and so the number means nothing outside of your immediate sphere of interaction with the world, even if its normed across the entire country.


Btw, 155 is high. Now, a predictable question: What do you do for a living?

For dough I'm a neuroscientist. But I also write fiction & poetry & am generally a weirdo.

Cool. we need a few more weirdo's for balance around here. welcome to the forum.

Intelligence: How important?

I actually met and fucked a fairly cute girl off the craigslist casual encounters section once. I'm pretty fucking smart and she was probably smarter than me. It's the smarts that had her doing crazy shit - she was reading Sartre when I arrived.

Intelligence: How important?

An intelligent woman would never be involved with me, so I prefer it to be slightly above retard levels.

Intelligence: How important?

It's strange. Logically I'd say that smarts/IQ matter very little to me. If a woman is attractive, and somewhat personable that seems to be all that matters. However in practice most of the girls I hook up with tend to be within 5-10 points either way. Obviously this is only my impression. I don't actually make them write a test before proceeding...

I know that way back when I was interested in academic psychology and sociology they always used the term "assortive mating". i.e. People who hook up tend to be very much alike (birds of a feather rather than opposites attract) in many ways, including IQ. I think the data (no I don't have links at hand right now) shows that couples (married and long term dating) are VERY similar in terms of IQ. Does anyone really think that a couple were one is IQ130 and the other is IQ90 is going to work? ONS's if one is very hot/alpha sure, but that's about it.

As for higher IQ girls being argumentative, more inclined to shit test. Well, I guess if you're smart enough to see and reveal other peoples bullshit you're going to use what you have. that's why they need someone of at least equal ability to throw it right back at them. I think the bigger problem is smart girls who are into mostly male fields like science and engineering. I know a few and they appear unfeminine. It may not be fair, but I guess life isn't. It's like a straight man in a mostly female proffesion (say, a Nurse).

Intelligence: How important?

Quote: (11-27-2011 05:41 PM)All or Nothing Wrote:  

Scored 126, oohhhhh yeaahhh and they say conservatives are dumber than liberals.

Personally, from what I have seen, intelligence doesn't have very much of an affect on what girls do. I'm an engineering major, and some of the girls that I see that are really smart, still follow their vagina when it comes to guys.

Although, I usually keep my conversation topics with women pretty light.

Quote: (11-27-2011 06:00 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (11-27-2011 04:22 PM)hydrogonian Wrote:  

IQ tests are controversial in what they actually measure, but this one is about as good as it gets without paying a psychologist to administer it. It measures your practical ability to apply intelligence, not knowledge. Also, it's culturally neutral. Of course, scoring procedure is everything. I'd be interested to know what the possible top score is for this test. There may be a ceiling. For instance, if you have a 200 IQ, I don't know if this particular test can measure that. If you score at 135 or above, you may want to seek further testing if your interested in your true score.

Sweet test. Reminds me of the test some guy in a black suit administered to me when I was in 1st grade.

Just because I hate guys who brag on the internet without backing it up:126IQ

I had fun taking it. Too bad having a high IQ isn't valued by society (not that I disagree with society's stance).

JUST COULDNT resist taking that test....especially after reading samseau's challenge......, so samseau and "all or nothing" both have an IQ of 126, hey?( I think richard feynman was at 125IQ.)

I just took it too... . sweet fun test...i came in at 130 IQ. Attached my result below:
( i am curious how mikecf, eljefe, cgs, el mechanico(that creative motherfucker), joehoya, and at350zguyy stacks up in terms of IQ points. Especially, that of DLuzhin given this post of his. IQ of 155? care to take the test? )

Intelligence: How important?

I got 110. Keep in mind I'm younger than all of you lot. Is it just me or did your brains feel fried by question 30 or so?

Intelligence: How important?

139 verbal, 135 math here. Top 1% on the verbal GREs. Won't go into specifics about work, but currently I ....ahhh.... live off investments, but not extravagantly-- because my life is ending one minute at a time (Fight Club) and I don't and didn't want to spend any more time than necessary working.

I was called "weird" all through high school. When I started making more money computer programming I became attractive. Hated computer programming because even 135 isn't enough to make that bleak, dessicated shit easy.

There is a very interesting study about how intelligence affects life success. There was a researcher at Harvard named Terman and he looked at "the smartest kid" nominated from schools across the country.

The study started in the 1920's? 1930's and the subjects were followed throughout their life spans-- many are now dead.

I believe one interesting point was people with around 140 IQs did better than average people, happier, healthier, more money.

BUT people who were REALLY extreme, 160 which is something like 1/10,000 people were less happy.

What if everyone you met seemed as dumb as an 8 year old. Lonely life.

Of course, if you are born into the upper class, you can get set in an environment where most people around you are smarter than shit, and you might not feel so out of place, and you might have the scratch to marry a beautiful bitch you could shove in the faces of all the normals who called YOU weird all through high school.

Uhhhh, that didn't happen with me, have been really clumsy with women... may have some Aspergers here... thus I am here instead of ordering my slore to cook me brekfuhs.

Intelligence: How important?

Great, now I feel all insecure about my intelligence. Especially because George W. Bush's IQ is 125. I'm supposedly in the top 2% of my states students academically (excludes all the kids who dropped out at like 16), so I was expecting higher... :\

Intelligence: How important?

Quote: (04-02-2012 03:54 AM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

139 verbal, 135 math here. Top 1% on the verbal GREs. Won't go into specifics about work, but currently I ....ahhh.... live off investments, but not extravagantly-- because my life is ending one minute at a time (Fight Club) and I don't and didn't want to spend any more time than necessary working.

I was called "weird" all through high school. When I started making more money computer programming I became attractive. Hated computer programming because even 135 isn't enough to make that bleak, dessicated shit easy.

There is a very interesting study about how intelligence affects life success. There was a researcher at Harvard named Terman and he looked at "the smartest kid" nominated from schools across the country.

The study started in the 1920's? 1930's and the subjects were followed throughout their life spans-- many are now dead.

I believe one interesting point was people with around 140 IQs did better than average people, happier, healthier, more money.

BUT people who were REALLY extreme, 160 which is something like 1/10,000 people were less happy.

What if everyone you met seemed as dumb as an 8 year old. Lonely life.

Of course, if you are born into the upper class, you can get set in an environment where most people around you are smarter than shit, and you might not feel so out of place, and you might have the scratch to marry a beautiful bitch you could shove in the faces of all the normals who called YOU weird all through high school.

Uhhhh, that didn't happen with me, have been really clumsy with women... may have some Aspergers here... thus I am here instead of ordering my slore to cook me brekfuhs.

All that is great and nice...but Samseau challenge still stands:
Quote: (11-27-2011 06:00 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

......Just because I hate guys who brag on the internet without backing it up:

I too completely crushed the GRE...but starting from questions 36 to question 39...trying to do each question under a minute strains my brain more than any math problems on the GRE general math section ever did.

HERE is the test: . It is short and sweet.

It is pattern recognition/abstract reasoning. Non culture-biased.

I totally respect P-dog for putting it out there...for keeping it real. Props goes to Samseau and ALL/NOTHING too....I am guessing people took the test...thinking they will crush it...they ended up having a disappointing score(probably 100 or less than that!) and then didnt have the balls to post a screenshot of their test score. Hahahaha.

Intelligence: How important?

133 here on that test, but as mentioned 36-39 are where it gets brisk and I have to run to work. Fun stuff, though!

Intelligence: How important?

Didn't take that test, but I've taken a bunch of others that peg me at just above entry level to mensa, which is 135.

I'm happy for the brainpower I have, but I know my place. Compared to some who walk among us, I'm still a chimp.

I prefer smart chicks, but put that value towards the bottom of a long list.

Nonpareil nailed it:
- Looks
- Femininity
- Sexuality
- Kindness/Sweetness and general brightness of mood
- Ease of being around
- Sexual Skill
- Intangibles (money, cooking skill, connections)
- Intellgence

Intelligence: How important?

When I was young, I bought the Mensa IQ test. Did it to terms. "Passed," as in the booklet said, "You'd probably qualify if you took our official test."

Now you'd have to pay me to take an IQ test.

The more accomplished you get, the less you talk about an IQ number and the more you talk about what you've done, seen, and experienced in life.

I am glad that I noticed, in my 20s, that older people who always talk about IQ are usually the guys who haven't done much in life.

Anyhow, I just need a girl to be smart enough to realize she's not smarter than I am.

"I'm smart enough to think for both of us."

Having a girl question everything you do gets old really quickly - especially when you have a track record of remarkable judgment and other objective measures of intelligence, self-control, and success.

Intelligence: How important?

Quote: (04-02-2012 04:10 AM)P Dog Wrote:  

Great, now I feel all insecure about my intelligence. Especially because George W. Bush's IQ is 125. I'm supposedly in the top 2% of my states students academically (excludes all the kids who dropped out at like 16), so I was expecting higher... :

Getting shit done and making things happen matter more than IQ. Assuming you have an IQ in the 110-120 range, you can do anything in life save extremely demanding professions like physics, math, computer science, and some types of medicine and research.

Here's what I always tell guys about IQ. Read the Half Sigma blog.

Mensa is top .2% - which means you're as smart or smarter than 98 out of 100 people. Half Sigman is "triple 9 society" - or smarter than 999 out of 1,000.

He can't get laid. He hates his job. He can't even keep a cat as a pet.

Most people who go on about IQ are like Half Sigma.

Intelligence: How important?

I got a 133 as well. I've always understood my IQ to be about in the low 130s range.

That being said I don't consider myself very intelligent, at least not like I can't hold conversations with most people without getting frustrated. I guess the number one thing is I abhor the music that's playing in most establishments with my "refined" taste [Image: sleepy.gif]

As it has been mentioned before, IQ is a capacity of learning. Its how well you learn new information and can synthesize/create/deduce from that information. This says nothing about what information you've actually acquired. The only thing that would hold you back in the 100-115 IQ range is high level physics or complex mathematical stuff.

You could have an IQ of 100, and read constantly and have more knowledge than a lazy person with an IQ of 130+ (like myself).

In the context of conversing with women I actually think it is a bad thing. I tend to over-analyze things. If I was to drop 10-15 IQ points, it would probably be a good thing. I always worry that I have absolutely nothing in common with a lot of girls, e.g. I don't watch shows like Jersey Shore and don't watch the latest shitty movies. My music tastes are also vastly different.

Intelligence: How important?

I remember beating my head against the last question on that test when I saw it in Outliers, by Malcolm Gladwell.

Intelligence: How important?

[Image: attachment.jpg5595]   
ICE CREAM!!!!!111!one!

Intelligence: How important?

This shit keeps pulling me back in....

[quote] (04-02-2012 08:29 AM)Stitch Wrote:  

133 here on that test, but as mentioned 36-39 are where it gets brisk and I have to run to work. Fun stuff, though![/quote]

Nice and great, and congratulations....but samseau's challenge still stands:
[quote] (04-02-2012 09:43 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Post the screenshot guys or don't post at all.[/quote]
. It is that simple. Easy, fast, free screenshot here:.

[quote] (04-02-2012 03:52 PM)_DC_ Wrote:  

I got a 133 as well. I've always understood my IQ to be about in the low 130s range.[/quote]

My respect. You showed your test scores rather than just talk about it. You now have the highest, documented one in here.....i pass the touch to you. You've always understood your IQ to be in the low 130s range?....Hmmm....i thought mine will be in 135 range given some tests i was administered a long time ago....i guess not! hahahaha.

[quote] (04-02-2012 09:48 AM)xsplat Wrote:  

Didn't take that test, but I've taken a bunch of others that peg me at just above entry level to mensa, which is 135.[/quote]

That is really nice and great. the test is short and sweet:
With an IQ of shouldnt be that bad...the test is like puzzle..nice brain stuff....i always thought my IQ was in the 135 range too....but i was pleasantly surprised that i was pegged as 130iq by the test. Big deal. The test is just for fun, shit and giggles. It is nothing serious. Like i said earlier, nice and great, and congratulations....but samseau's challenge still stands:
[quote] (04-02-2012 09:43 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Post the screenshot guys or don't post at all.
It is just a fun test. Take it or leave it.

[quote='xsplat' pid='187841' dateline='1333378128']
I'm happy for the brainpower I have, but I know my place. Compared to some who walk among us, I'm still a chimp.

Of course, this applies to everybody. The test is just for fun. It gets even more interesting when you get into creativity. who is more creative? beethoven or mozart? isaac newton or leonard euler? schrodinger or heisenberg? Mozart, euler, heisenberg can do complex compositions/analysis in in their head, unlike beethoven, newton or schrodinger who needs to write stuff down. However, if you judge them by their creative/analytical output...i dont think it matters maybe you can do complex stuff without writing it down or writing it down. Caveat emptor: i havent read a single paper on i could be wrong about my hypothesis.

[quote] (04-02-2012 09:48 AM)xsplat Wrote:  

I prefer smart chicks, but put that value towards the bottom of a long list.

Nonpareil nailed it:
- Looks
- Femininity
- Sexuality
- Kindness/Sweetness and general brightness of mood
- Ease of being around
- Sexual Skill
- Intangibles (money, cooking skill, connections)
- Intellgence[/quote]

We are on the same page. Like i said, this is how i like my women.

[quote] (04-02-2012 03:52 PM)_DC_ Wrote:  

The only thing that would hold you back in the 100-115 IQ range is high level physics or complex mathematical stuff.[/quote]

[quote] (04-02-2012 02:10 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Getting shit done and making things happen matter more than IQ. Assuming you have an IQ in the 110-120 range, you can do anything in life save extremely demanding professions like physics, math, computer science, and some types of medicine and research.[/quote]

Interesting, reading those comments from both DC and mikecf....I never knew that. In fact, i have never read that much IQ stuff....I HAVE ALWAYS ASSUMED THAT IF YOU WORK YOUR MOTHERFUCKING ARSE off....and you have average will make it in any profession....Native intelligence can make things much easier or much harder, but you will still make it with lots and lots of hardwork. I dont care what your IQ is. Of course, i havent read a single IQ literature or whatever so, i guess i could be totally wrong. I have always assume that if you take an extremely high IQ person(200 or so) and you hyper-socialize him from a young age rather than just lock them up somewhere with books, s/he wont grow up to be a social retard. To be honest...if my IQ isnt 130 and you tell me that, entropy, your IQ is 80 as such you cannot do quantum know what i will say to your face? GO...FUCK...YOURSELF....then, i will sit the fuck down and apply myself. If quantum physics is what i want to study...i will be damned if i dont study it. I will use all the willpower to get there. That is my mentality.
In general i have more faith in the human spirit than in the human intelligence.
Where there is a WILL...there is almost always a WAY.

[quote] (04-02-2012 03:52 PM)_DC_ Wrote:  

You could have an IQ of 100, and read constantly and have more knowledge than a lazy person with an IQ of 130+ (like myself).[/quote]

I personally know a girl that wasnt very bright. She was determined to be a doctor....she studied sooo fucking hard...fridays, weekends, etc...studying, reviewing, revising, re-memorizing...she took 2 years after university to prepare for the MCAT...learning everything and all the practice questions cold. She scored 33....At the university, she would take the minimum amount of classes and studied for them like somebody taking 24 credits a semester. She was accepted to medical school.
At medical school she intentionally spread her course of study to 5 years(instead of 4) so she can properly study for will think she was planning to graduate medical school in 3years by the way she studied. Now, she is a doctor. I dont have empirical proof, but i have this gut feeling that at IQ 100....with a dint of hardwork and sacrifice...your human spirit will compensate for any intellectual razzle-dazzle. My favourite examples are Louis Pasteur/Honore de Balzac/Michael Faraday biographies.

[quote] (04-02-2012 03:52 PM)_DC_ Wrote:  

In the context of conversing with women I actually think it is a bad thing. I tend to over-analyze things. If I was to drop 10-15 IQ points, it would probably be a good thing. I always worry that I have absolutely nothing in common with a lot of girls, e.g. I don't watch shows like Jersey Shore and don't watch the latest shitty movies. My music tastes are also vastly different.[/quote]

I am not so sure that is a problem. I have little overlapping taste with pretty girls...who the fuck does? Most pretty bimbos are a stack of titties...that is what i want from them anyways. I wont want it any other way......Personally, i suck them into my frame....i have learned to verbally express the most mundane, arcane thing in accessible, fun manner to the dumbest babes. It is like teaching a child some boring subject and making the subject engaging and fun. It makes me come across as an interesting/fascinating individual that is unique in a fun way. I can express the working of nanoprocessors to a dumb bimbo in a way that will be interesting, not like a lecturer/professor teaching a class. I can talk about some obscure foreign movies and suck girls into them. I can re-phrase and express cliches and not sound trite. Like i said, i pull them into my frame.
Experience in sales/networking help. Experience as a teacher of recalcitrant children helps. Giving speeches, oratory, being in a debate club helps.

It didnt hurt that i was an athlete in a group sports too.

Just work on enhancing your verbal facility. You can make the least interesting, the most boring thing into something charming and is all about presentation. Content be damned. We are talking to titties on a stick here, not lecturers or professors.

[quote] (04-02-2012 02:04 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

When I was young, I bought the Mensa IQ test. Did it to terms. "Passed," as in the booklet said, "You'd probably qualify if you took our official test."

Now you'd have to pay me to take an IQ test.[/quote]

That is a strong reaction. It is just a test, amigo. Just for fun and giggles. puzzle solving. You dont want to take it, that is fine.

[quote] (04-02-2012 02:04 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

The more accomplished you get, the less you talk about an IQ number and the more you talk about what you've done, seen, and experienced in life.[/quote]

I dont know, man; it is just a bloody test. nothing much to it. I have seen "half sigma" on roissy never occur to me once to click it. Whenever roissy writes about IQ i simply skip the post. I will tell you right now, forget that my IQ is stated to be 130....i will do whatever the fuck i want to do with my life regardless of whatever the fuck my IQ is stated to be. It is just a fun, nice brain teaser puzzle solving. Nothing wrong with that.

[quote] (04-02-2012 02:04 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

I am glad that I noticed, in my 20s, that older people who always talk about IQ are usually the guys who haven't done much in life.[/quote]

I wont know, man. I never interacted much with people like that. thanks the heavens. Thanks for the half-sigma. Never read, most likely probably will never read him.

[quote] (04-02-2012 02:04 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Anyhow, I just need a girl to be smart enough to realize she's not smarter than I am.

"I'm smart enough to think for both of us."

Having a girl question everything you do gets old really quickly - especially when you have a track record of remarkable judgment and other objective measures of intelligence, self-control, and success.[/quote]

On the same page here.

Intelligence: How important?

I had 12 minutes left... kind of just gave up trying to solve 3 of them as I was too tired.
There are ways to improve your intelligence.
Look into dual n-back software. It's pretty interesting. I've been doing it for 2 days. It really works your mental muscle and memory most importantly.(Remembrance and recall)
[Image: 2rfsqvm.png]

Intelligence: How important?

Quote: (04-02-2012 06:54 PM)BortimusPrime Wrote:  

ICE CREAM!!!!!111!one!

TOTAL RESPECT for keeping it REAL!

If Gmanfesto is here, he probably post some like

I scored ____on the IQ test....I AM BETA?

Respect for Bortimus Prime. Props.

Intelligence: How important?

Quote: (04-02-2012 07:48 PM)Entropy Wrote:  

Quote: (04-02-2012 06:54 PM)BortimusPrime Wrote:  

ICE CREAM!!!!!111!one!

TOTAL RESPECT for keeping it REAL!

If Gmanfesto is here, he probably post some like

I scored ____on the IQ test....I AM BETA?

Respect for Bortimus Prime. Props.

He's trolling. I just took the test by randomly clicking on any answer and I got 92.

Intelligence: How important?

Quote: (04-02-2012 07:57 PM)drymarro Wrote:  

Quote: (04-02-2012 07:48 PM)Entropy Wrote:  

Quote: (04-02-2012 06:54 PM)BortimusPrime Wrote:  

ICE CREAM!!!!!111!one!

TOTAL RESPECT for keeping it REAL!

If Gmanfesto is here, he probably post some like

I scored ____on the IQ test....I AM BETA?

Respect for Bortimus Prime. Props.

He's trolling. I just took the test by randomly clicking on any answer and I got 92.

Nuh-uh, I tok the test fare and sqwar.

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