(09-11-2024, 11:32 PM)Longhaul Wrote: Tomassi ... married a[n] older ... "party girl" (in an interview he was embarrassed to admit it), therefore I doubt about his former successes with women.
That is a legitimate issue. The broader issue is who is trustworthy and knowledgeable for information. Successful "naturals" are not preoccupied with dating. They usually don't have PUA blogs and Twitter accounts, and they give bad advice. Tucker Max was a witty, handsome, successful author. But his "Mating Grounds" podcast gave banal advice because he could not relate to other men's struggles. For short, nerdy, or a racial minorities, it is a challenge to get dates online, and you deal with flaking, shit-tests, dinner whores, etc.
Instead, PUA attracts geeks, like Ross Jeffries, who taught men to hypnotize women with double-entendre lines. Tony's Lay Guide was a compendium of canned lines and routines from USENET. It bragged about seducing 16 women in 4 years. Mystery was a geeky magician, and the RSD founders were his disciples.
There are tragic and traumatic cases. Krauser's wife suddenly divorced him. He overcompensated by obsessing about day game and blogging. Caleb "Blackdragon" Jones' mother was an ex-nun. He married an older woman with a child. Anthony "Dream" Johnson's wife was a secret prostitute. There is a reason they developed weird or bitter attitudes.
All these guys were "organic" in the sense that they learned pickup for themselves. But they commercialized their neuroses into bad PUA advice. Mehow was notorious for giving PUA seminars shortly after losing his virginity. Anthony Johnson hired anybody who would speak cheap at his 21 Convention. This included gay Jack Donovan and long-time married strongman Elliot Hulse.
I thought the best and most relatable blogs were just regular guys. There was the late Private Man, Badger Hut, Ricky Rawness. Rollo linked to a short-lived blog called "Dating Over 50". These blogs often ended quickly after the author satiated his dating needs. So, you can hate crass commercialization. But commercialization is why organic guys like Roosh and Rollo continued to produce output.
Who else would actually have skill and continue to write about dating? It would have to be a sex-addicted writer like Delicious Tacos. Successful men with beautiful wives (and occasional flings) are too busy with kids, careers, fitness, hobbies, and travel to spend time writing.