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My night game is getting but need some suggestions

My night game is getting but need some suggestions

My night game is good for night clubs, walk in, dance floor, approach a woman, grind with her, drink, dance again, go home with her.

However, I want to do night game at bars. I have no idea how to do bars. The idea of sitting at the bar and talking to someone on the side sounds like a nightmare. I have talked to women at the bar at a night club standing but sitting next to someone and talking for a long time does not sound like fun. Or maybe I am too impatient?

How do I night game at bars?

My night game is getting but need some suggestions

oddly enough, i am opposite. more of a talker. For bar game:

1. look for approachable girls--should be alone or with no more than three friends, in an accessible area (preferably not tables) that has low volume to open. 

2. think of a pretext--e.g., something to comment on that she's wearing. try to be non-chalant when you approach--like you are just walking by and noticed them. 

3. likewise, like roosh, you can sit or stand strategically and talk to girls when they get a drink or walk to the bathroom or exit, etc.

i never had a wing, guys are too beaten down in usa.

what is the grind game like? what intimidated me was, the hard blow-outs from thots; girls usually dance in a circle and the rejection is public.

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