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Feeling Like A Complete Loser After Rejection At School

Feeling Like A Complete Loser After Rejection At School

I have a situation that I'm not sure how to deal with.

I got rejected by a girl at my school and now things are very awkward.

At my university, there's a store in my residence building.

There's this girl who has been working in the store for about 1 year.

I've always been super attracted to her from day 1.

She is not stereo-typically hot but there's just something about her that I find very attractive, i get instant boner looking at her most days i go in the store.

so at first, I would just go in , buy my things and leave, i was super attracted to her but she didn't seem attracted to me, and sometimes she would give me these dirty/bitchy looks for no reason so I assumed just no chance. also, this is school so i have to be very careful.

but then in past few weeks, when i would go in she seemed nervous around me and she would hold eye contact and give me this submissive look.

So i assumed something happened and she was now attracted to me.

so yesterday, i go in the store, its mothers day this week so i ask her if she can help me pick something i can cook for my mom.

she is very helpful and tells me how to bake my mom a cake and what ill need to do that.

as im paying for my stuff i tell her that when she first started working there I did not think she was very nice because of the bitchy looks she gave me but that I now think she is very nice.

after i pay for my stuff, i go to exit but then as i reach the door, I think to myself "fuck it"....

so i turn around and walk back towards her and say....

Me: I hesitate to ask this because you work here, but , are you single?

Her: No I have a boyfriend

Me: well, you're very attractive

Her: Thank you

After this I exit feeling like i made a mistake

anyways, today i went back in the store around 5 PM to buy some snacks and she was there again, when i walked in she greeted me but her vibe was like she was uncomfortable and honestly i was also uncomfortable

and then later today i went back to the store again around 9 PM and she was still there and her vibe was basically neutral, like i was just another customer, she greeted me and told me where to find what i was looking for.

One thing I did notice tonight is usually if im looking for something she will escort me to the area and grab it and give it to me, tonight when i went at 9 pm, i was looking for band aids, instead of walking and getting them for me, she pointed at the area where i could get them....to me this seemed like a clear indication of disinterest and that she doesn't want to get physically near me anymore

maybe I'm overthinking but that stood out in my mind.

now I'm not sure how to proceed.

also, this girl is brown/indian and I'm black so i dont have a lot of experience with her type since brown girls dont seem into black guys at all or at least not into me at all.

I only made a move because i really felt she was attracted me.

But now I feel i fucked up.

I go to that store pretty much every day and multiple times a day sometimes, so i will be seeing her over and over and i dont know how to proceed

do i still have any chance at all of fucking this girl?

is she creeped out by me and i should stay out of the store and find somewhere else to buy my things?

is she going to tell other people who work at the store that i made a move on her?

This fucking sucks because this is my school and residence; i dont want to get a bad reputation.

Feeling Like A Complete Loser After Rejection At School

She has a boyfriend. Chill out its totally fine. Just be normal about it and she will be normal too.

“Where the danger is, so grows the saving element.” ~ German poet Hoelderlin

Feeling Like A Complete Loser After Rejection At School

Quote: (05-07-2019 11:02 PM)NoMoreTO Wrote:  

She has a boyfriend. Chill out its totally fine. Just be normal about it and she will be normal too.

yeah maybe im overthinking.

its just with the whole "metoo" movement i think it was a very stupid decision to make a move on someone at my school especially in the building where i live.

feel really stupid now.

Feeling Like A Complete Loser After Rejection At School

Hello pargan
Hello TheScientist

and your other banned names.

Making a new account again does not change the fact that you are a still a troll.

[Image: troll.gif]

Feeling Like A Complete Loser After Rejection At School

Quote: (05-07-2019 11:14 PM)Off The Reservation Wrote:  

Hello pargan
Hello TheScientist

and your other banned names.

Making a new account again does not change the fact that you are a still a troll.

[Image: troll.gif]




did you even read my post?

how am i trolling?

Feeling Like A Complete Loser After Rejection At School

Chalk it to the Game, and keep on learning by reading Game litterature, with Daygame or Nightgame approaches to hone your skills. Also bypass that store until you don't even care about this chick. Yeah difficult I know... but this Game ain't easy my Man!!

Feeling Like A Complete Loser After Rejection At School

Quote: (05-08-2019 04:26 AM)Captain Gh Wrote:  

Chalk it to the Game, and keep on learning by reading Game litterature, with Daygame or Nightgame approaches to hone your skills. Also bypass that store until you don't even care about this chick. Yeah difficult I know... but this Game ain't easy my Man!!

my concern is not that im worried about the girl.

my entire issue is that this happened at school.

thats the problem.

she works in the building where i live at school.

I'm not hurt that i could not get her; im worried about the potential fallout at school.

I buy everything in that store since its so conveniently located.

now every time i go there i might see her

and also, I'm worried she will tell the other girls who work in the store about me making a move on her

Feeling Like A Complete Loser After Rejection At School

You're making a big deal about very little from what I hear. You hit on a girl. She wasn't into it/had boyfriend/whatever. And you moved on. Doesn't sound like you were a creep or anything!
It's hardly gonna be the talk of the town. ''Guy hits on girl...shocker!'' sort of headline
She might feel very slightly awkward, but that's kind of normal. She'll get over that pretty soon. Just keep it chill. Be polite but aloof. Don't hit on her again. All good

Feeling Like A Complete Loser After Rejection At School


Your post was..

90% overthinking.

10% relevant.

1. Talk to other girls.
2. Talk to her normally as if she's not relevant anymore, because she's not

Feeling Like A Complete Loser After Rejection At School

I’ve swung and missed on girls like this. Chick at the front desk at my MMA gym. Big deal. It’s only awkward if SHE makes it awkward. Just be cool, normal, come and go and be pleasant. She and her bf may break up one day and she’ll remember the dude (you) who hit on her and wasn’t weird or creepy about it afterwards.

Just roll with it. Good on you for taking a chance and having balls.

Feeling Like A Complete Loser After Rejection At School

Asking a girl if she is single is bad game IMO. It’s like asking permission to ask her out or interact with her further. Telling a girl with she is attractive after she says she has a boyfriend is just giving her free validation for nothing in return. I’d advise you to read old Heartiste/get back to the basics

Feeling Like A Complete Loser After Rejection At School

Quote: (05-07-2019 11:35 PM)dreadcom Wrote:  

Quote: (05-07-2019 11:14 PM)Off The Reservation Wrote:  

Hello pargan
Hello TheScientist

and your other banned names.

Making a new account again does not change the fact that you are a still a troll.

[Image: troll.gif]




did you even read my post?

how am i trolling?

Hello Pargan, TheScientist, darlten, dudo8 and dreadcom,

It's great how you put spaces between every sentence.

Really nice.

Yes I read your post it is one of the best on all of RVF.

How is the $40 000 a month income coming along?

Bye Pargan.

Quote: (05-07-2019 10:59 PM)dreadcom Wrote:  

also, this girl is brown/indian and I'm black so i dont have a lot of experience with her type since brown girls dont seem into black guys at all or at least not into me at all.

Quote: (10-19-2018 03:02 PM)Off The Reservation Wrote:  

I think we may be dealing with that black IRT who was banned recently, cant remember his id.

On this guys very first posts he is strong on Indian girls, race, brown girls, and not being a troll.

[quote] (09-01-2018 07:28 PM)TheScientist Wrote:  

I just joined this forum to specifically ask other black guys about indian girls.

Quote: (10-21-2018 09:20 PM)Off The Reservation Wrote:  

(10-21-2018, 11:12 AM)TheScientist Wrote:  quick update.

I spent just over $600 over the past 3 nights to rent an air b and b within walking distance of the nightlife.

Unfortunately, I did not fuck any girls these 3 nights.

I'm confident I would have taken someone home tonight but I ended up almost getting into a fight which ruined my mood and kind of fucked everything up.

It felt good to be so close to the action again; its been years since I lived in the busy nightlife area and I forgot what thats like.

I'm going to continue to get air b and bs on nights where I go out.

After the incident tonight I'm also planning to hire bodyguards/security when I go out.

I just dont want to deal with bull shiet like tonight going forward.

If anyone has any experience with security/bodyguard services please let me know what I can expect as far as rates for this.

Also, to the guys who have been leaving all the messages about me lying that I make this income; i want to thank you guys for the motivation.

The truth is I'm actually severely underachieving right now with my current income

I've made a lot more then 40k in one month before but not consistently

If I really grinded and got focused i'm very confident i can more then 10X my current income in less then 1 year.

You guys have given me the motivation to get to this level just so I can see how you guys react.

It is currently 7:10 AM EST on 10-21-2018 as I write this message, mark my words all of you who left those messages accusing me of lying, I will update this thread in less then a year and I'll be making half a mil a month.

Thanks again for the motivation.

Quote: (06-25-2018 09:28 PM)coverdoc Wrote:  

RIP Pargan, your plethora of do black guys do well question in every single damn thread will be missed.

[Image: 394Qm3p.gif]


Quote: (09-23-2018 01:22 AM)TheScientist Wrote:  

I'm curious what other black guys are into as far as what ethnicity of women you prefer.

#1 for me is latinas. Even in my early teens I always loved latinas. All my favorite pornstars when i was age 12-13 where latinas (lela star, gina lynn, jenaveve jolie). The crazy thing is there are barely any latinas where i grew up and still i somehow ended up gravitating towards them in my porn choices.
I love latinas, i love their accents, personalities, bodies.,etc.... The one negative i will mention though is that latinas seem to have the worst hygiene. All my terrible experiences of weird smells and body odors during sex have pretty much all been with latinas. Anyone else noticed this hygiene problem with latinas?

#2 is arab/brown girls. I discovered my strong attraction to these girls after an amazing experience with a persian girl in 2017. Before that brown girls where never even on my radar. But after the persian they have become a bit of a mini obsession for me the past year or so. My sexual chemistry with the persian is to this day the strongest sexual chemistry I've ever felt with a chick. Unfortunately, most of the brown girls in my area are indian girls and they seem to want nothing to do with me. I'm hoping over the next year I can come up with a strategy to fuck more of these girls as I'm really attracted to them right now.

#3 is white girls. first, let me say white girls are the most overrated girls by far. They age terribly with most of them completely falling apart by age 28 and most of them have a significant drop in hotness after age 23 or so. The hottest white girls are age 18-23 by far so those are the white girls i mainly target. It should also be noted that white girls especially blondes in my experience are tied with asian girls as the easiest girls to fuck. If i had 24 hours to get laid or I would be killed, i would only approach blonde white girls and asian girls.

#4 is black girls. I have not much to say here. there are not a lot of black girls where i live and the few i've encountered seem to hate me. Most of the random women who are just super bitchy and rude to me for no reason are almost always black women age 30+. I have black women ranked this low not because i hate my own race but because black women seem to hate me. I did fuck one half black girl once but thats literally my only sexual experience with a black woman. I've never even kissed a black girl besides this chick.

#5: asian girls are by far the least attractive to me. when i say asian i mean chinese, korean,etc.. in my entire life i can only remember 2 asian girls who where"instant boner" hot. I just dont find them attractive at all. they have no ass or curves and i just hate their bodies. some have beautiful faces but to me a no ass/curves body is just a massive negative. The weird thing is a lot of these girls like me. I attract a lot of asian girls for some reason. I've only fucked one but it was so horrible i could not even finish after fucking her for like 2 hours. Honestly, at this point asian girls are pretty much invisible to me, they might as well be men; i dont even look at them.

Quote: (06-25-2018 09:28 PM)coverdoc Wrote:  

RIP Pargan, your plethora of do black guys do well question in every single damn thread will be missed.

[Image: 394Qm3p.gif]


Quote: (05-13-2018 06:31 PM)pargan Wrote:  

Anyone here bin in Surrey? How do you think the Indian girls compare their to other places look wise an in other areas?
Do you feel like there is push back against indian girsl dating white guys because they feel white guys are taking their women? Or is there also push back against black guys, arab guys and other groups to? What non indian group of guys do you think has the best chance with Indian girls in a place like Surrey?

Quote: (06-25-2018 09:28 PM)coverdoc Wrote:  

RIP Pargan, your plethora of do black guys do well question in every single damn thread will be missed.

[Image: 394Qm3p.gif]


Quote: (09-17-2018 09:11 PM)TheScientist Wrote:  

I have a strong visceral "instant boner" attraction to a lot of Indian girls but its the one demographic that just does not seem to like me.

I think it might be my location as I've heard in London for example indian girls love black men.

Quote: (06-25-2018 09:28 PM)coverdoc Wrote:  

RIP Pargan, your plethora of do black guys do well question in every single damn thread will be missed.

[Image: 394Qm3p.gif]


Quote: (09-03-2018 05:21 PM)TheScientist Wrote:  

Indian girls are the only girls I never see with black guys; they are the exception so far in my experience.

Quote: (06-25-2018 09:28 PM)coverdoc Wrote:  

RIP Pargan, your plethora of do black guys do well question in every single damn thread will be missed.

[Image: 394Qm3p.gif]


Quote: (09-07-2018 09:45 PM)darlten Wrote:  

And for those of you that were asking about Indian and Pakistani girls, in London at least every single brown girl I swiped yes on matched with me on tinder. I find they are really into hip hop and want to see that culture and be with a black guy and the only thing that is stopping them is their family, but once they are away from their families eyes and behind closed doors they will show what they really want.

Quote: (06-25-2018 09:28 PM)coverdoc Wrote:  

RIP Pargan, your plethora of do black guys do well question in every single damn thread will be missed.

[Image: 394Qm3p.gif]


Quote: (08-17-2018 08:45 AM)dodo8 Wrote:  

I think I good skill to learn would be how to get with these girls like Indians, Arabs, other muslims etc. that are from more strict cultures and families. A lot of these girls are most likely very interested in black guys but they just don't peruse it because of their culture and family, knowing how to get past this would be something good to know. Does anyone have experience with this?

Quote: (06-25-2018 09:28 PM)coverdoc Wrote:  

RIP Pargan, your plethora of do black guys do well question in every single damn thread will be missed.

[Image: 394Qm3p.gif]


Feeling Like A Complete Loser After Rejection At School

Quote: (05-08-2019 10:53 AM)BlastbeatCasanova Wrote:  

Asking a girl if she is single is bad game IMO. It’s like asking permission to ask her out or interact with her further. Telling a girl with she is attractive after she says she has a boyfriend is just giving her free validation for nothing in return. I’d advise you to read old Heartiste/get back to the basics

you are 100% correct.

and i know all this.

I've been reading heartiste for years.

I'm annoyed at myself thinking back now for making so many mistakes in the interaction.

but honestly, i was just super nervous so thats why I made so many game mistakes.

I've never made a move on a girl in such a scenario

do you have any advice on how i should proceed at this point to minimize the fallout at school and/or maximize the chances i can still fuck this girl?

Feeling Like A Complete Loser After Rejection At School

Quote: (05-08-2019 12:44 PM)Off The Reservation Wrote:  

Quote: (05-07-2019 11:35 PM)dreadcom Wrote:  

[quote] (05-07-2019 11:14 PM)Off The Reservation Wrote:  

Hello pargan
Hello TheScientist

and your other banned names.

Making a new account again does not change the fact that you are a still a troll.

[Image: troll.gif]




did you even read my post?

how am i trolling?

Hello Pargan, TheScientist, darlten, dudo8 and dreadcom,

It's great how you put spaces between every sentence.

Really nice.

Yes I read your post it is one of the best on all of RVF.

How is the $40 000 a month income coming along?

Bye Pargan.

Quote: (05-07-2019 10:59 PM)dreadcom Wrote:  

also, this girl is brown/indian and I'm black so i dont have a lot of experience with her type since brown girls dont seem into black guys at all or at least not into me at all.

Quote: (10-19-2018 03:02 PM)Off The Reservation Wrote:  

I think we may be dealing with that black IRT who was banned recently, cant remember his id.

On this guys very first posts he is strong on Indian girls, race, brown girls, and not being a troll.

Quote: (09-01-2018 07:28 PM)TheScientist Wrote:  

I just joined this forum to specifically ask other black guys about indian girls.

Quote: (10-21-2018 09:20 PM)Off The Reservation Wrote:  

(10-21-2018, 11:12 AM)TheScientist Wrote:  quick update.

I spent just over $600 over the past 3 nights to rent an air b and b within walking distance of the nightlife.

Unfortunately, I did not fuck any girls these 3 nights.

I'm confident I would have taken someone home tonight but I ended up almost getting into a fight which ruined my mood and kind of fucked everything up.

It felt good to be so close to the action again; its been years since I lived in the busy nightlife area and I forgot what thats like.

I'm going to continue to get air b and bs on nights where I go out.

After the incident tonight I'm also planning to hire bodyguards/security when I go out.

I just dont want to deal with bull shiet like tonight going forward.

If anyone has any experience with security/bodyguard services please let me know what I can expect as far as rates for this.

Also, to the guys who have been leaving all the messages about me lying that I make this income; i want to thank you guys for the motivation.

The truth is I'm actually severely underachieving right now with my current income

I've made a lot more then 40k in one month before but not consistently

If I really grinded and got focused i'm very confident i can more then 10X my current income in less then 1 year.

You guys have given me the motivation to get to this level just so I can see how you guys react.

It is currently 7:10 AM EST on 10-21-2018 as I write this message, mark my words all of you who left those messages accusing me of lying, I will update this thread in less then a year and I'll be making half a mil a month.

Thanks again for the motivation.

Quote: (06-25-2018 09:28 PM)coverdoc Wrote:  

RIP Pargan, your plethora of do black guys do well question in every single damn thread will be missed.

[Image: 394Qm3p.gif]


Quote: (09-23-2018 01:22 AM)TheScientist Wrote:  

I'm curious what other black guys are into as far as what ethnicity of women you prefer.

#1 for me is latinas. Even in my early teens I always loved latinas. All my favorite pornstars when i was age 12-13 where latinas (lela star, gina lynn, jenaveve jolie). The crazy thing is there are barely any latinas where i grew up and still i somehow ended up gravitating towards them in my porn choices.
I love latinas, i love their accents, personalities, bodies.,etc.... The one negative i will mention though is that latinas seem to have the worst hygiene. All my terrible experiences of weird smells and body odors during sex have pretty much all been with latinas. Anyone else noticed this hygiene problem with latinas?

#2 is arab/brown girls. I discovered my strong attraction to these girls after an amazing experience with a persian girl in 2017. Before that brown girls where never even on my radar. But after the persian they have become a bit of a mini obsession for me the past year or so. My sexual chemistry with the persian is to this day the strongest sexual chemistry I've ever felt with a chick. Unfortunately, most of the brown girls in my area are indian girls and they seem to want nothing to do with me. I'm hoping over the next year I can come up with a strategy to fuck more of these girls as I'm really attracted to them right now.

#3 is white girls. first, let me say white girls are the most overrated girls by far. They age terribly with most of them completely falling apart by age 28 and most of them have a significant drop in hotness after age 23 or so. The hottest white girls are age 18-23 by far so those are the white girls i mainly target. It should also be noted that white girls especially blondes in my experience are tied with asian girls as the easiest girls to fuck. If i had 24 hours to get laid or I would be killed, i would only approach blonde white girls and asian girls.

#4 is black girls. I have not much to say here. there are not a lot of black girls where i live and the few i've encountered seem to hate me. Most of the random women who are just super bitchy and rude to me for no reason are almost always black women age 30+. I have black women ranked this low not because i hate my own race but because black women seem to hate me. I did fuck one half black girl once but thats literally my only sexual experience with a black woman. I've never even kissed a black girl besides this chick.

#5: asian girls are by far the least attractive to me. when i say asian i mean chinese, korean,etc.. in my entire life i can only remember 2 asian girls who where"instant boner" hot. I just dont find them attractive at all. they have no ass or curves and i just hate their bodies. some have beautiful faces but to me a no ass/curves body is just a massive negative. The weird thing is a lot of these girls like me. I attract a lot of asian girls for some reason. I've only fucked one but it was so horrible i could not even finish after fucking her for like 2 hours. Honestly, at this point asian girls are pretty much invisible to me, they might as well be men; i dont even look at them.

Quote: (06-25-2018 09:28 PM)coverdoc Wrote:  

RIP Pargan, your plethora of do black guys do well question in every single damn thread will be missed.

[Image: 394Qm3p.gif]


Quote: (05-13-2018 06:31 PM)pargan Wrote:  

Anyone here bin in Surrey? How do you think the Indian girls compare their to other places look wise an in other areas?
Do you feel like there is push back against indian girsl dating white guys because they feel white guys are taking their women? Or is there also push back against black guys, arab guys and other groups to? What non indian group of guys do you think has the best chance with Indian girls in a place like Surrey?

Quote: (06-25-2018 09:28 PM)coverdoc Wrote:  

RIP Pargan, your plethora of do black guys do well question in every single damn thread will be missed.

[Image: 394Qm3p.gif]


Quote: (09-17-2018 09:11 PM)TheScientist Wrote:  

I have a strong visceral "instant boner" attraction to a lot of Indian girls but its the one demographic that just does not seem to like me.

I think it might be my location as I've heard in London for example indian girls love black men.

Quote: (06-25-2018 09:28 PM)coverdoc Wrote:  

RIP Pargan, your plethora of do black guys do well question in every single damn thread will be missed.

[Image: 394Qm3p.gif]


Quote: (09-03-2018 05:21 PM)TheScientist Wrote:  

Indian girls are the only girls I never see with black guys; they are the exception so far in my experience.

Quote: (06-25-2018 09:28 PM)coverdoc Wrote:  

RIP Pargan, your plethora of do black guys do well question in every single damn thread will be missed.

[Image: 394Qm3p.gif]


Quote: (09-07-2018 09:45 PM)darlten Wrote:  

And for those of you that were asking about Indian and Pakistani girls, in London at least every single brown girl I swiped yes on matched with me on tinder. I find they are really into hip hop and want to see that culture and be with a black guy and the only thing that is stopping them is their family, but once they are away from their families eyes and behind closed doors they will show what they really want.

Quote: (06-25-2018 09:28 PM)coverdoc Wrote:  

RIP Pargan, your plethora of do black guys do well question in every single damn thread will be missed.

[Image: 394Qm3p.gif]


Quote: (08-17-2018 08:45 AM)dodo8 Wrote:  

I think I good skill to learn would be how to get with these girls like Indians, Arabs, other muslims etc. that are from more strict cultures and families. A lot of these girls are most likely very interested in black guys but they just don't peruse it because of their culture and family, knowing how to get past this would be something good to know. Does anyone have experience with this?

Quote: (06-25-2018 09:28 PM)coverdoc Wrote:  

RIP Pargan, your plethora of do black guys do well question in every single damn thread will be missed.

[Image: 394Qm3p.gif]



what is your point?

Feeling Like A Complete Loser After Rejection At School

Quote: (05-08-2019 10:37 AM)Checkmat Wrote:  

I’ve swung and missed on girls like this. Chick at the front desk at my MMA gym. Big deal. It’s only awkward if SHE makes it awkward. Just be cool, normal, come and go and be pleasant. She and her bf may break up one day and she’ll remember the dude (you) who hit on her and wasn’t weird or creepy about it afterwards.

Just roll with it. Good on you for taking a chance and having balls.

how did this story end?

did you keep doing back to this MMA gym?

if yes, had she told other people who worked there that you made a move on her?

please provide details on what happened after you made your move and how things ended.

Feeling Like A Complete Loser After Rejection At School

Dude, if you're gonna go after chicks that are in your school or in some way a part of your daily routine then there's gonna be that risk of making things awkward. You went for it, it didn't work out. So lesson learned (i hope).

Learn to either take the social risks or don't take them, but the worst thing you could do is make a big deal out of it.

You sound like someone who's scared of life. Get over that shit.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

Feeling Like A Complete Loser After Rejection At School

Quote: (05-08-2019 05:43 PM)Rhyme or Reason Wrote:  

Dude, if you're gonna go after chicks that are in your school or in some way a part of your daily routine then there's gonna be that risk of making things awkward. You went for it, it didn't work out. So lesson learned (i hope).

Learn to either take the social risks or don't take them, but the worst thing you could do is make a big deal out of it.

You sound like someone who's scared of life. Get over that shit.

did you even read my first post?

your message sounds like you just read the title and replied.

Feeling Like A Complete Loser After Rejection At School

Quote: (05-08-2019 03:10 PM)dreadcom Wrote:  

Quote: (05-08-2019 10:37 AM)Checkmat Wrote:  

I’ve swung and missed on girls like this. Chick at the front desk at my MMA gym. Big deal. It’s only awkward if SHE makes it awkward. Just be cool, normal, come and go and be pleasant. She and her bf may break up one day and she’ll remember the dude (you) who hit on her and wasn’t weird or creepy about it afterwards.

Just roll with it. Good on you for taking a chance and having balls.

how did this story end?

did you keep doing back to this MMA gym?

if yes, had she told other people who worked there that you made a move on her?

please provide details on what happened after you made your move and how things ended.

Yes I kept going. No idea who she told. Probably not, she was a part-time "model" and had hundreds of guys hitting on her. Think I'm the first guy to hit on her at the gym? lmao

Things "ended" when she gave me her number, we texted and I tried to make plans, she was flakey, so I moved on and stopped texting her. I would smile and say hey whats up when I came through the gym, went to my classes and left. She would still make small talk like complimenting a new t-shirt I was wearing or bullshit about random things. It was fine.

Then I brought my new gf through the gym a few times to watch my class and the girl at the front desk was watching and had a contemplative look in her eye.

Then I moved away.

You're making a mountain out of a mole hill.

Feeling Like A Complete Loser After Rejection At School

Quote: (05-09-2019 11:38 AM)Checkmat Wrote:  

Quote: (05-08-2019 03:10 PM)dreadcom Wrote:  

Quote: (05-08-2019 10:37 AM)Checkmat Wrote:  

I’ve swung and missed on girls like this. Chick at the front desk at my MMA gym. Big deal. It’s only awkward if SHE makes it awkward. Just be cool, normal, come and go and be pleasant. She and her bf may break up one day and she’ll remember the dude (you) who hit on her and wasn’t weird or creepy about it afterwards.

Just roll with it. Good on you for taking a chance and having balls.

how did this story end?

did you keep doing back to this MMA gym?

if yes, had she told other people who worked there that you made a move on her?

please provide details on what happened after you made your move and how things ended.

Yes I kept going. No idea who she told. Probably not, she was a part-time "model" and had hundreds of guys hitting on her. Think I'm the first guy to hit on her at the gym? lmao

Things "ended" when she gave me her number, we texted and I tried to make plans, she was flakey, so I moved on and stopped texting her. I would smile and say hey whats up when I came through the gym, went to my classes and left. She would still make small talk like complimenting a new t-shirt I was wearing or bullshit about random things. It was fine.

Then I brought my new gf through the gym a few times to watch my class and the girl at the front desk was watching and had a contemplative look in her eye.

Then I moved away.

You're making a mountain out of a mole hill.

the girl in my situation has a really nice ass but is not stereo typically hot.

I'm probably better looking/higher SMV then her.

also, I'm at school.

we're students.

your dealing with a random girl at a gym.

so maybe thats why im more concerned.

but i hope you're right and this is nothing.

the past 2 days I've decided not to go to that store.

it sucks since i usually buy everything there but i think its best i stay away for now.

Feeling Like A Complete Loser After Rejection At School

Quote: (05-09-2019 05:44 AM)dreadcom Wrote:  

Quote: (05-08-2019 05:43 PM)Rhyme or Reason Wrote:  

Dude, if you're gonna go after chicks that are in your school or in some way a part of your daily routine then there's gonna be that risk of making things awkward. You went for it, it didn't work out. So lesson learned (i hope).

Learn to either take the social risks or don't take them, but the worst thing you could do is make a big deal out of it.

You sound like someone who's scared of life. Get over that shit.

did you even read my first post?

your message sounds like you just read the title and replied.

How about this?

Start with better punctuation!

You write like a girl texts. Men use things like capital letters, commas and even proper sentences.

I feel like I'm checking my kids' homework all over again.

Feeling Like A Complete Loser After Rejection At School

Truthfully, this should be in the newbie forum. Getting over rejection is some day one shit.

Feeling Like A Complete Loser After Rejection At School

Chill out man. Don’t blow this up into something it isn’t. You are going to let one interaction define you as a person?

You made a few mistakes. Learn from them and learn to laugh it off.

After you expressed your interest, you went back twice. There isn’t another place on campus to buy something to eat? Go to some other places to buy your food and when you go back, stop staring at her. Instead smile and wish her a good day like it’s no big deal. More importantly, you are in college. Go drink some beer and chat up some other girls that aren’t working in a place you frequent 3 times a day,

Feeling Like A Complete Loser After Rejection At School

This is a part of growing up male in the USA, UK/AUS/CAN, and increasingly the Continent. I remember being terrified as a 9 year-old forced to sit around a table every day, being systematically mocked and emascualted by the gaggle of girls, or all the boys dreading the innocent (by 1963 standard, not 1990s standard, when it was promulgated) square dance in gym class, where we had to pair-off with girls and dance in front of people. 

The key is to realize that all of the Anglo social conventions, not intruding on others' space, waiting for socially appropriate scenarios to open, etc., is dead as the dinosaur and doesn't work in our broken societies.

Put yourself out there, call or introduce yourself. Learn about pretext before approaching chicks, be smooth but not obvious, transition. If you are in college, focus on the foreign or Asian chicks, who will be less nasty and have lower standards. 

To really overcome any anxiety or low- self-confidence--teach English abroad. For those needing an extra boost--I recommend Asia--anywhere, but specifically Japan for their perfect femininity and empathy.

Feeling Like A Complete Loser After Rejection At School

(05-07-2019, 10:59 PM)dreadcom Wrote:  I have a situation that I'm not sure how to deal with.

I got rejected by a girl at my school and now things are very awkward.

At my university, there's a store in my residence building.

There's this girl who has been working in the store for about 1 year.

I've always been super attracted to her from day 1.

She is not stereo-typically hot but there's just something about her that I find very attractive, i get instant boner looking at her most days i go in the store.

so at first, I would just go in , buy my things and leave, i was super attracted to her but she didn't seem attracted to me, and sometimes she would give me these dirty/bitchy looks for no reason so I assumed just no chance. also, this is school so i have to be very careful.

but then in past few weeks, when i would go in she seemed nervous around me and she would hold eye contact and give me this submissive look.

So i assumed something happened and she was now attracted to me.

so yesterday, i go in the store, its mothers day this week so i ask her if she can help me pick something i can cook for my mom.

she is very helpful and tells me how to bake my mom a cake and what ill need to do that.

as im paying for my stuff i tell her that when she first started working there I did not think she was very nice because of the bitchy looks she gave me but that I now think she is very nice.

after i pay for my stuff, i go to exit but then as i reach the door, I think to myself "fuck it"....

so i turn around and walk back towards her and say....

Me: I hesitate to ask this because you work here, but , are you single?

Her: No I have a boyfriend

Me: well, you're very attractive

Her: Thank you

After this I exit feeling like i made a mistake

anyways, today i went back in the store around 5 PM to buy some snacks and she was there again, when i walked in she greeted me but her vibe was like she was uncomfortable and honestly i was also uncomfortable

and then later today i went back to the store again around 9 PM and she was still there and her vibe was basically neutral, like i was just another customer, she greeted me and told me where to find what i was looking for.

One thing I did notice tonight is usually if im looking for something she will escort me to the area and grab it and give it to me, tonight when i went at 9 pm, i was looking for band aids, instead of walking and getting them for me, she pointed at the area where i could get them....to me this seemed like a clear indication of disinterest and that she doesn't want to get physically near me anymore

maybe I'm overthinking but that stood out in my mind.

now I'm not sure how to proceed.

also, this girl is brown/indian and I'm black so i dont have a lot of experience with her type since brown girls dont seem into black guys at all or at least not into me at all.

I only made a move because i really felt she was attracted me.

But now I feel i fucked up.

I go to that store pretty much every day and multiple times a day sometimes, so i will be seeing her over and over and i dont know how to proceed

do i still have any chance at all of fucking this girl?

is she creeped out by me and i should stay out of the store and find somewhere else to buy my things?

is she going to tell other people who work at the store that i made a move on her?

This fucking sucks because this is my school and residence; i dont want to get a bad reputation.


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