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Are American Women Really That Bad?
05-13-2019, 11:12 PM
It comes down to niche to break the American individualism and lack of societal constraints. Add careerism, and you see why the incentives for men go way down --- working and careers take women out of their looks and fertility prime, raises their expectations, simultaneously not "needing" men until it's too late because the whole entering the workplace game has been played to the economy's (globalist and statist) endgame.
The issue with niche is that if you find a "religious" girl, she is still in the bad culture. And how many of those girls are truly devoted and out of the culture to a meaningful degree? Few.
No one wants to say it, but it comes down to selection pressures on women being very low when there is no dependence on men. Currently, there aren't many at all. Society is structured to take care of them, resource and safety wise. The problem is that we didn't evolve in that environment, so biology is still there but civilizational stability isn't because at least in the West, consumerism and the economics-over-everything mentalities put all the other desirable qualities to third tier. That same economy uber alles led to many other feedback reinforcers --- immigration, lower wages across the board, less social harmony, etc.
The amusing (and sad) thing is that the older you get, you paradoxically need a younger and younger wife, or it all makes less sense, since as a male you do better and are wiser, and what's the point otherwise? If you are solid and have resources and intelligence or wisdom, why would you get involved with someone unless to have a family with someone on that same page? Yet you are prompted by others to take the rapidly washed up off the shelves, even at your successful state. No, they wont' know anything about SMV being way higher for men post 30 and women a rapidly diminishing return. That would requite honesty about biology, not something en vogue right now.
The near entirety of human existence understood these biological laws of men and women. In the last 50 years, they suggest that we somehow changed and should just forget the past. The quintessential idiocy comes out (not that anyone really buys it) in slogans like "The future is female."
NPC: ... but modern people are "smarter"!. Yet somehow they can't figure out that we're here because of what our ancestors did before us, ummm forever. A sad truth; demon in the details.
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Are American Women Really That Bad?
05-14-2019, 02:08 AM
If any one wants anything to change, they have to change. Do you let circumstances rule the outcome of your life? NOOO!!!!!
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Are American Women Really That Bad?
05-15-2019, 09:17 AM
A lot of great points in the thread, but the one thing that strikes me as contradictory is incessant references to obesity. Those that know my posts know I'm the furthest thing from a White Knight, but to call out women's obesity while simultaneously ignoring ours is hypocritical. There are fucking ton of fat ass dudes out there. What's more, a lot of them have some pretty decent looking significant others.
So many of us here acknowledge the realities behind game but act impotent when it comes to the idea of reshaping a woman's values. When you have an abundance mindset and you are dealing with a chick who's attractive, career oriented and falling short on the feminine side that's where game/manipulation comes in. I was having issues with my wife who is a successful management consultant with a leadership position. She was becoming unfeminine. We had gone to counseling and nothing seem to be working. I gave her a warning shot. I told her I would be a fool to tolerate her current behavior for any prolonged lengths of time and I am not afraid to leave. I don't care what her family may think or what my family may think. Then I purposefully left my phone around her a lot unattended knowing that curiosity would eventually get the best of her. What happened? She found a text message of a Persian girl with a nude of her big double D's. My wife is Black so the Persian thing triggered an insecurity I'd wager. This was a shock to her system. We've been slowly but surely rebuilding ever since.
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Are American Women Really That Bad?
05-15-2019, 11:37 AM
There are really 2 separate but related issues: American girls as such, and American girls if you are an American.
Speaking as somebody who has lived in Asia for 7 years now, I find some American girls to be super cool, sexy and intelligent, and you can talk on the same level because there's no culture divide.
Once you get over the exotic factor of dating a sexy and submissive foreign girl the reality of trying to communicate across a culture divide sets in. It's legit tough.
Ideally you want a smart foreign girl with some education and perhaps study abroad experience, but not too much. She'd be worldly, you can communicate effectively, and you don't have to explain that there are often better way to do things than "the Thai way", or "the Japanese way", because she'd have seen it and understood it herself.
Otherwise foreign girls can be so provincial (in the figurative sense of the word) that there's not enough common ground to relate to each other. And some of them can be so provincial (in the literal sense of the word) that they think flossing will create holes between your teeth (true story).
When you're dealing with American girls—assuming you're an American—there's a lot of common ground and that's huge.
But your odds of finding a high quality American girl are pretty low unless you're way up on the SMV ladder. And the gender economics don't really favor you even if you are.
The other issue is being an American citizen. I realize I'm more paranoid than 99% of the world on this topic, but I will never have a serious relationship or get married to an American girl so long as I'm a US citizen. And that's not an indictment of American girls but rather the legal system that makes men into hostages in their own homes at best with their kids as collateral, and pure sacrificial animals at worst.
I have friends back home who are married, some happily so. Kids, the whole 9. But deep in the back of their minds they must have some inkling that if wifey decides to blow the whole thing up she can do it with the push of a button. That's a position I would never ever put myself in no matter how fly my girl is. And that's why American girls are completely off my radar. Because I know I value my freedom above all else and to willingly put yourself in a position where, statistically, you're doomed, would be clown pill 2.0. It would be the lemming pill.
It's unfortunate because the countries where the state refrains form sticking its nose into private and family affairs are growing fewer and farer [sic] between.
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Are American Women Really That Bad?
05-15-2019, 12:11 PM
It's funny how these threads always bring out a few whiteknights defending American women.
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Are American Women Really That Bad?
05-15-2019, 01:57 PM
And that's the sentiment it comes down to. Successful, professional, deep thinking men are screwed, when women don't need them.
The only two things women now need men for are social validation, and to increase their lifestyle. Making men essentially consumer assistants that keep up appearances. An expendable accessory.
Since long term marriage is pretty much dead, there is not very many options for men that want kids who want to remain in the U.S., that don't want illegitimate children. The only thing I can think of is to get married, going in with the expectation that you will get divorced.
Make sure to keep it amicable with your wife, so you can retain access to your kids. Never buy a house unless you can comfortably afford to lose it. Hide as many assets as you can, and hopefully your child support payments won't be so high, so you can still have a life.
I honestly think that if men started refusing marriage things would get better, but that will never happen.
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Are American Women Really That Bad?
05-16-2019, 08:48 PM
Are american women that bad has morphed into a wider discussion ....marriage and by extension american women raising kid(s) and the 50-50 chance the resultant pairing divorces.
Money is the number one reason for divorce. Why is that such an issue with couples. My own experience long ago I was recently married the new wife wanted a house a car...then a car and a van...then home renovations... then a better went on and on....she was never happy unless spending money it made her feel good.
Was I married to the typical american woman who wanted self gratification NOW and the hell with the future (relationship) (family) ( all me me me me)
Today a statistic came out....couples missing a paycheck would be put into a financial crisis and we know why DEBT. So maybe I was ahead of the curve with my american beauty
I don't know how many times the wifes girlfriends would say to her and then all laugh over....Hope you make it past the 5 year itch!
I watched as the wife grew fatter and fatter and angrier about her "situation" and argue how it's better everywhere else.
Knowing the american girl mindset may help some here avoid the trap.
I fully agree to try to have a amicable divorce....but couples hate each other and that's why there is a divorce in the first place,
Staying in the kids lives is tough (forget about custody rarely get that ..the woman would have to be an axe murderer and insane and even then it's a crapshoot getting custody)
Another reason it's tough. Most ex wives to keep the custody and money are negative about dear old dad to the kid (normal) it's called parental alienation.
You won't be able to instill "your values" into a child by being the every other weekend dad because the government watches over (divorce court) the child and because the schools teach the child it's okay to be gay or transgender and global warming is all that matters. Then social media and TV does the rest of the child rearing.
To be comfortable in a marriage relationship or family scenario today you have to be okay losing everything to a americian woman that is totally unaccountable in actions is a ticking time bomb of unresolved mental issues and on another planet with high expectations with no idea how to get there.
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Are American Women Really That Bad?
03-12-2024, 09:01 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-12-2024, 09:46 AM by
Edit Reason: grammar
I have noticed things are getting worse by the year. You can watch fresh and fit or access Vegas with Rollo and see just how bad the women here are. Roosh was right about women in America and Canada has well has Scandinavia. He wrote don't bang Denmark and i don't think anything has changed there.
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Are American Women Really That Bad?
04-23-2024, 02:45 AM
I know women that have had a successful 10 years + marriage go down the drain because their marriage was "too perfect". Women need drama and conflict in their lives and the current setup in the west is that women should never deal with this so there fore the women are brainwashed into thinking like that.