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Volunteering as a Wine Pourer - My Poosy Paradise - Datasheet

Volunteering as a Wine Pourer - My Poosy Paradise - Datasheet

I've read a lot of threads on where guys can meet women. The usual answers are given: gym, cafe, nightlife, etc.

But after hitting the search function, I was shocked to see that one of my favorite ways of meeting women was barely talked about.

Here we go

Volunteering as a Wine/Beer pourer - Fun and easy poosy

I'm going to focus on wine events in this datasheet - but keep in mind when I say "wine", I mean both wine and beer.

Background: There's many wine events going on in big cities. Typically, these events are held in large buildings and have upwards of 60 stalls. Each of these stalls isn't selling wine/beer - rather, the have pourers that pour a small sample into a customers cup to try out the flavor. No sales or promotions are made at these events. People just pay a fixed price for a ticket to enter and sample a bunch of wines. These events are typically packed with people

Examples of an event that I have volunteered at:
- http://wineriot.com/volunteer/
- ^^^^That particular event that I did volunteer at no longer allows volunteers to be pourers (and I think that they maybe going out of business soon too?), but in the past, that is one good place I volunteered at. Just linking that up there to show an example of what an event looks like

I can link to other events that I find online if that helps - feel free to say so and I'll post some links of events

So, where do you come in?: These events typically have "volunteer" postings on their website. Some volunteer postings are for dirty work, such as cleaning, lifting things, etc. Don't do these.

Instead, seek out any pourer positions.

Demographics of wine event: Almost 80% women. Shoot for wine events over beer. Beer events are typically 30% women.

What do you do as a pourer?: You basically stand at a stall for a 3-4 hour shift and pour wine for everyone that comes by. The event organizers give you a small, one page sheet with the wine details and you typically talk about the wine while pouring. You by no means have to be an expert in wine - I don't know the difference between Malbecs, Chardonnay, etc etc but your job is just a pourer

Poosy paradise?: Imagine this:

Dozens upon dozens (in the larger events, 100+ every 2-3 hours) of hot, classy women that are slightly tipsy/drunk, approaching YOU, and having the ability to talk to women about a fun topic (alcohol)

You have INSTANT high social value, here's why:

1) You control the frame the entire way through. She is approaching you. You are the one with the wine bottle. You probably know more about the wine than she does (at least she assumes that)
2) Come off as social and a good talker. You are constantly being approached by women at this venue - what woman doesn't want a guy who's been social proofed by tons of women?
3) Not a creeper. This isn't a street approach where she think you could be a serial killer. You work for a company, are dressed sharp, and have the ability to show her that you know how to communicate
4) You know about wine and you fucking love it. Chicks dig that
5) You are constantly busy with groups approaching your table. There were many times where I would tell a girl to come back later and talk to me. I later realized that it made me look non-desperate and busy, which attracts women even more. Read my Girl reports below to make more sense of this

Added bonuses:
1) The majority of all the volunteers are also women - ability to grab even more digits
2) Volunteers almost always get a free pass to the next event - in exchange for volunteering at one shift
3) If you choose to volunteer with a wingman, you can serve wine with your wing. The ultimate duo
4) Get to drink wine amazing wine (you're not supposed to drink while on the job, but I'm a sly cat)

Things to do to maximize your number-close amount:
- Dress sharp. It's socially acceptable to wear a suit to a wine event
- Be knowledgeable about your wines. I spent 2 hours researching about Argentinean Malbecs haha - well worth it
- The other volunteers typically volunteer because they are too poor to afford a ticket and just want a free pass to the next event(tickets generally run around $60 to the events I've been to). They aren't gamers and don't dress too well. Imagine being the best dressed staff member at a wine event full of women....oh man [Image: whip.gif]

My Number Close and Bang reports:

1) My first time volunteering at a wine event I was unaware of the big difference that not being a pourer would be vs being a pourer. I ended up being staffed as a security guard at the photo booth and that was a disaster. All my interactions were short and just didn't have the fun vibe of pouring out wine.

However, I did still get a bang:

The wine event organizers have a pre-event volunteer orientation. With 80% of the volunteers being women, I wasn't complaining. I chatted up this morena during the pre-volunteer event. Fast forward to the event, I saw her again, chatted her up, went for drinks after the event (just me and her), and then jetted back to my place for the bang

2) Volunteered this time and specifically requested the wine pouring positions...and got it. I'll throw a log of how I got some numbers:

Girl #1: It was a group of 4 peeps. 3 girls and 1 dude. I poured my wine and spent about 30 seconds explaining what kind of wine, where it was from, etc. They were all paying attention and I didn't make any moves - just talked like it was an informational. An hour later, the guy (who happens to be homosexual) in the group comes up to my table, definitely intoxicated, and says that his friend in the group thought that I was cute. He pointed out how awesome my beard was. I told him to bring her over. I talked to her for a few minutes and then told her that I was busy pouring others so I number-closed her. Went on a few dates with her...bang

Girl #2: It was a group of 5 really hot chicks. Holy crap, they were really hot. Anyways, I did my usual - poured my wine, gave an informational talk for about 30 seconds, and then turned my back to pour others around my table. An hour later, a girl pushes through the crowd, hands me a piece of paper, and then walks out the door. "WTF?" I thought. I opened it....and it was her number! We texted back and forth after that and she was telling me how she was really into guys that look like me haha, so I hit that niche hard

Girl #3: Similar to the Girl#1 story. Group of peeps come to my table and I do my usual stint. But then we get in a pretty cool conversation about careers and I lie to them and said that I was trying to get into the wine business. I tell them to come back later because I'm a bit busy and I'll fill them up next time. They come through a few hours later and then the 2 girls walk away. The guy in the group tells me that 1 of the girls in the group is interested. She comes back, I chat her up for a bit, number close. Find out she's leaving to another state in a few hours so I don't even bother texting her. Pretty hot though.

Girl #4: This chick was an older, more sophisticated girl. I think at the time she was 15 years older. She came in a group of 4 to my table and I joked around with them a bit. I told her to come back later because I had other people at my table that were thirsty. She came back an hour later to the side of my table and we had a conversation going. I would interrupt out conversation every few minutes and quickly talk to other groups of girls (quick pour, informationals, etc.) and then continue the conversation with this chick. She was surprisingly not in a rush to leave my table, so I knew she was interested. Number closed and went straight to her apartment on the first date for the bang

Girl #5: Sloppy Asian girl who was falling over. She wanted to be cool and come behind the table. I entertained her for a bit and easy number close.

There's a few more instances that were similar to Girl #5. Towards the end of the event, it gets SLOPPY with drunk chicks everywhere

Ask away, brothers! [Image: banana.gif]

Volunteering as a Wine Pourer - My Poosy Paradise - Datasheet

Great post. I thought about something similar. Took my last girl on a wine tour with a private driver. The driver said every week he drove around a bunch of groups of girls and takes them to about 5 vineyards over a few hour period. I thought that sounded like a poosy goldmine. May have to look into it more. Not a fan of working for free to get laid though.

Volunteering as a Wine Pourer - My Poosy Paradise - Datasheet

Great new avenue and awesome data sheet with tons of actionable info. Sounds like about 90% of this is looks based though yeah? 3/4 of your bangs were from passive game: girls closing for you because they were attracted to you. I could see how looking your sharpest is best in this situation. Good stuff!

Volunteering as a Wine Pourer - My Poosy Paradise - Datasheet

Sounds like something fun for someone young and who likes talking to people...and doesn't mind working for nothin!

I was thinking about wine merchants and shops I know...wine is a funny thing...it seems to me that men like the process of buying wine more than drinking it and women just like to drink it and don't really give a fuck where it comes from or any of the other stuff.

Volunteering as a Wine Pourer - My Poosy Paradise - Datasheet

Quote: (05-21-2018 12:52 AM)General Stalin Wrote:  

Great new avenue and awesome data sheet with tons of actionable info. Sounds like about 90% of this is looks based though yeah? 3/4 of your bangs were from passive game: girls closing for you because they were attracted to you. I could see how looking your sharpest is best in this situation. Good stuff!

It makes sense. The supply is low because of the gender imbalance, but the demand will be high because....there's alcohol everywhere and that gets people horny.

If your fashion is on point then at least a decent amount of women will at least think "he's cute", and that's enough - especially if the other men are dressing like jabronis.

Volunteering as a Wine Pourer - My Poosy Paradise - Datasheet

What is your age?

If only you knew how bad things really are.

Volunteering as a Wine Pourer - My Poosy Paradise - Datasheet

This is a really interesting datasheet OP. This forum delivers.

Volunteering as a Wine Pourer - My Poosy Paradise - Datasheet

Totally brilliant. Thanks.

Volunteering as a Wine Pourer - My Poosy Paradise - Datasheet

Nice sheet. As someone who frequents these events, they are definitely gold mines, even as a patron... typically a crazy good ratio and the guys that are there are with their girlfriends or are gay.

Volunteering as a Wine Pourer - My Poosy Paradise - Datasheet

Game recognized man. Awesome value you've provided us with this datasheet. Wine always a good idea with the fairer sex!

Volunteering as a Wine Pourer - My Poosy Paradise - Datasheet

Great datasheet, thanks man!
I’ll try that out.
I myself love drinking wine, especially Rosé.

Volunteering as a Wine Pourer - My Poosy Paradise - Datasheet

Quote: (05-21-2018 03:59 AM)RexImperator Wrote:  

What is your age?

I'm in my mid-20s. Average looking dude. Average height. Good style.

Almost all of the women were 27+ at the event. I would say that 60% of the women were in the age group of 27-36 and 35% between 36-55. The rest was below 27

Volunteering as a Wine Pourer - My Poosy Paradise - Datasheet

Quote: (05-21-2018 10:43 AM)Crash_Bandicoot Wrote:  

Quote: (05-21-2018 03:59 AM)RexImperator Wrote:  

What is your age?

I'm in my mid-20s. Average looking dude. Average height. Good style.

Almost all of the women were 27+ at the event. I would say that 60% of the women were in the age group of 27-36 and 35% between 36-55. The rest was below 27

Golden post brother.

So I'll confirm that you're like mid-25s. So most of these 27-36 girls are older than you correct?

Volunteering as a Wine Pourer - My Poosy Paradise - Datasheet

Quote: (05-21-2018 12:29 PM)AceP Wrote:  

Quote: (05-21-2018 10:43 AM)Crash_Bandicoot Wrote:  

Quote: (05-21-2018 03:59 AM)RexImperator Wrote:  

What is your age?

I'm in my mid-20s. Average looking dude. Average height. Good style.

Almost all of the women were 27+ at the event. I would say that 60% of the women were in the age group of 27-36 and 35% between 36-55. The rest was below 27

Golden post brother.

So I'll confirm that you're like mid-25s. So most of these 27-36 girls are older than you correct?


Volunteering as a Wine Pourer - My Poosy Paradise - Datasheet

This is a really good idea.

Hidey-ho, RVFerinos!

Volunteering as a Wine Pourer - My Poosy Paradise - Datasheet

Good idea, innovative/well written datasheet, and congrats on the bangs but def passive game. I agree with some of the comments...you have to be decent looking for this one.

Resident Germany Expert. See my Datasheet:

Mini Datasheets: Antwerp / Rotterdam / Lille

Volunteering as a Wine Pourer - My Poosy Paradise - Datasheet


The harder you practice, the luckier you get.

Volunteering as a Wine Pourer - My Poosy Paradise - Datasheet

Great datasheet, I plan to try this out sometime.


Volunteering as a Wine Pourer - My Poosy Paradise - Datasheet

Salud OP!

Volunteering as a Wine Pourer - My Poosy Paradise - Datasheet

Great thread.

I could see how this works. You temporarily are in a position of authority. It doesn't matter how old/young you are or they are, women respond to that. Its not about looks, its about status. Look at how many short ugly politicians slay. You have stumbled upon an attraction switch.

The only problem is finding these gigs. If anyone has a list or suggestions on how to find them, please post.

Volunteering as a Wine Pourer - My Poosy Paradise - Datasheet

Quote: (05-22-2018 06:21 AM)Hypno Wrote:  

Great thread.

I could see how this works. You temporarily are in a position of authority. It doesn't matter how old/young you are or they are, women respond to that. Its not about looks, its about status. Look at how many short ugly politicians slay. You have stumbled upon an attraction switch.

The only problem is finding these gigs. If anyone has a list or suggestions on how to find them, please post.

Exactly Hypno - I wouldn't say looks matter as much, because you have the opportunity to talk with with women & indirectly game, you already have a sense of authority with high social value, ratios are in your favor, and you can show your style off

Volunteering as a Wine Pourer - My Poosy Paradise - Datasheet

Great datasheet. This feels like something different to do that's also interesting.
I wouldn't really care if I didn't get paid for 1-2 days if I have a fun time, can drink wine, and meet a lot of interesting girls.

Volunteering as a Wine Pourer - My Poosy Paradise - Datasheet

Great idea!

Similarly, for guys going back to grad school you can volunteer to be a bartender/wine pourer at sorority events and parties. You'll probably have to wear a suit, but that's kinda the point isn't it? If you're getting your JD/MBA/etc they'll think you're a potential huge catch from the start for one of their girls.

Volunteering as a Wine Pourer - My Poosy Paradise - Datasheet

This topic reminds me of a classic moment in 90's film history featuring Sinbad & the late, great Phil Hartman. Apologies for the crappy quality:


Volunteering as a Wine Pourer - My Poosy Paradise - Datasheet

Wow, that's an old clip. Principal Rooney from Ferris Beueller. Looks like Sandra Locke, Clint Eastwood's first wife.

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