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JBNL journal : finding my own way toward success

JBNL journal : finding my own way toward success

Hello guys,

This community helped me so much and challenged a lot of my beliefs so that's why I'm starting a journal. Hopefully we can both learn more from each others.

I'm still amazed when I wander here: in real life, you rarely can find someone to discuss this kind of issue (average joe is blue pill and well pretty uneducated of the realities of the world), but here you find a surprisingly big group of smart and creative guys. Anyway, shall we begin ?

About me

I'm an almost 30 y.o. french, white. I'm currently employed as an engineer, but working like hell to have financial independence.
Used to live in the capital, but I think it's the worst for men like us (migrants, sluttiest girls, unhappy people, etc). Now I live in 2nd tier city and am happier.

However I'm a very direct masculine guy, and the older I become, the more I think I'm not made to live in France. There's beta almost everywhere and even among player, true masculinity is extremely hard to find.

I was discussing it with an RVF friend the other day : there is a 2 parts of the game: learning to pickup girls AND finding your masculinity. I would say a lot of "players" are good at the 1st, but sadly don't care about the 2nd.
For french girls, you will have more success being a kind of slightly feminine alpha (hurt just to write that) than what we're preaching here.

Girls & Game

I definitely had some success with the fair sex, but I'm not satisfied. I'm currently in phase 6 (see here : thread-51119.html ) as I lost the drive to bang every hot chick in sight.

When I look back, I think only 4 girls were worthy of all the efforts. The rest, while being funny stories, count for nothing to me. Some guys here wanna bang hundreds of girls, but all I want is a regular feminine presence with a quality girl. I'm not necessarily meaning a GF, as I like hours without seeing of speaking to no one.

However my international travels opened my eyes and now I'm tweaking my game to do it in other spots. I used to do almost exclusively nightgame (clubs & salsa/bachata bars) but now I'm starting to focus on spots where I have chances of finding quality girls. If you guys complain about only finding sluts, maybe you should think it too: "am I gaming in spots where my kind of girls have a good chance to be ? ".

Sluts are easier to find and game, yes, but I find them empty, especially for a demanding guy like me. They appear to you in the club sexy as hell, know how to increase your temperature and how to make you wait. But when it's time to show (i.e. the bedroom), they just think being a girl is enough, don't know how to do a blowjob (even though they probably sucked dozens), have a low sex drive and worst of all, are not invested in our pleasure.
I hate that because I know I bring more than I get. BTW guys, you should read Sex God Method from D.ROSE, it really improved my friend and my sex game.

Jobs & Finance

As I said I'm employed as an engineer. While I did like my job at the beginning (short hours, good pay, nice boss), I'm finding it more and more difficult to work for somebody else. I know that if I work like hell or just average, it doesn't change my pay so why hustling ?

However recently I found the joy of working for myself. I just lauched a website (in french, sorry) thanks to Thisistrouble (see here : thread-65448.html ). It's a tool with paid subscriptions and I plan to take it as far as I can.
I'm gonna start to do guest posting and use adwords to generate initial traffic, outside of that I don't know how to market it more. Ideas ?

Btw for those who plan/have a website, maybe I can help you in sharing my idea. Do you know the character Saul in Breaking Bad ? If you remember, he created awesome video advertisement, not by using facts but with showmanship, selling dreams. We often forget that people (not just girls) react more with emotions than facts. I plan to do exactly the same for my website, and I hope it will increase the flow. About the video, remember : if it finish with a rhyme, it's convincing all the time...

Outside of the website, I'm doing a bit of buying reselling and plan to go in real estate mid-2018. I bought my apartment and found out it's actually pretty easy. So I read a lot on the subject, go to group meetings on this subject and will buy a studio as soon as I can.
I like real estate: how you can negotiate, that no matter what happens, people always need a roof and that it's a physical value, not a virtual one. Besides, it's perfect for automation (Cf the 4 hours workweef - T.FERRIS).

Other bonus, it's a good way to get rich and hide your money from taxes (cf another great read : Rich dad, poor dad). It's funny because I'm not actually rich, but I'm feeling a mindset shift. It's like the difference between being red pill and blue pill. I read the thread about the 21 differences between average and rich people ( thread-21869.html ) and check 18 out of 21. I'm already sensing more and more jealousy even from family that made me realize that usually, people want you to fail. When you do succeed, you're like a reminder to them that they didn't work hard or smart, that they have regrets or don't follow their dreams.

That's a sad reality : for men like us, it's increasingly difficult to find like-minded people. People are offended when you drop game truth, people are offended when you explain your right-wing political views and people are jealous when you express your desire to get out of the rat race and become rich. All three subjects combined make us solitary. But aren't we always alone on the (way to the) top ?

My plans for the future

I'm a strong believer of "grow or die" so whatever is or will be, I will continue to hustle. I plan to continue traveling and finding good spots to live (russia is on top of my list), meeting you guys as much as I can and finding other masculine guys (I plan to go to MMA class soon, so it should be ok), meeting quality girls and doing everything I can to quit my job ASAP.

Remember guys, life is hard, but with work and brain, we can achieve our dreams. That's why I live my live with the motto "easy choices, hard life - hard choices, easy life".

Will keep you posted !

Make men great again!

JBNL journal : finding my own way toward success

"Sex game"? What the fuck does this even mean... Maybe you can cut your dick now.

I saw you're French and thought there'd be some entertaining rants about french girls (my favorite ranting topic along with filipinas). You are being too nice with them, they are certainly not worth the effort at all. French topics are invaded by the Canadians Club who love to lick their feet and praise them.

Being a worker in France is a scam, better be a freelance in this country, especially this year since they doubled the turnover limit. You should ditch your employer now and create an Auto Entreprise. I have no experience with website marketing, but Thisistrouble's claims of earning more than $10000 a month with his websites about making websites make me very sceptical. Reminds me of the Chiang Mai facebook group.

JBNL journal : finding my own way toward success

Quote: (02-28-2018 08:32 AM)FastBang King Wrote:  

"Sex game"? What the fuck does this even mean... Maybe you can cut your dick now.

I saw you're French and thought there'd be some entertaining rants about french girls (my favorite ranting topic along with filipinas). You are being too nice with them, they are certainly not worth the effort at all. French topics are invaded by the Canadians Club who love to lick their feet and praise them.

Being a worker in France is a scam, better be a freelance in this country, especially this year since they doubled the turnover limit. You should ditch your employer now and create an Auto Entreprise. I have no experience with website marketing, but Thisistrouble's claims of earning more than $10000 a month with his websites about making websites make me very sceptical. Reminds me of the Chiang Mai facebook group.

Sex game as in improve dramatically the experience you give to yourself and the girl. Read the book, trust me.

Parisian girls are a waste of time just to talk about. I did post something about it here though : thread-20754...63370.html . For the rest of france, I don't have enough experience yet, will keep you posted. Anyway, I'm not expecting much, that's why I'm building a location independent revenue stream. So as a backup, I will be able to live anywhere in the world. Definitely had some good (bad too) experiences in EE.

It's exactly my plan with auto entreprise for the website. I'm just waiting for some success before. Yes 10 k$/month seems a lot, but it doesn't matter. Even if I do 500-1000 €/month, that's still a big success for me and not much effort to maintain the website.

Make men great again!

JBNL journal : finding my own way toward success

Ah yes I read this thread, I see we agree that they are overrated (like Filipinas, but that's another topic). Parisian white french girls are the most entitled girls ever. I would love during my lifetime to assist to a brutal stop of the providence state. No more Sécurité Sociale, no more employment security, no more 1 year renting contracts. That would put all those whores back to the natural equilibrium in which they shut the fuck up and are grateful for a dick.

We have reached a state of Thirst among men in France, that has no equivalent even in the USA. At least in the US girls are open to cold-approach.

In France, a girl who is a 4, even a dysmorphic old 3 will receive a ton of messages when she registers her ugly face on meetic. Those monsters have thus adjusted their attitude to a dystopian entitlement that would make Georges Orwell shiver. Now the only solution if you want casual online bangs with normal human beings is to go black.

JBNL journal : finding my own way toward success

Did you live in France too? You definitely know your subject. As for the difference US-France, it's only the male : never seen such a high concentration of beta anywhere. There are a lot in the states too but more masculine men to counteract it.
Anyway, I don't wanna be a SJW and whine all day long, hence my plans. For any problem, Change it or accept it, there are no other alternative.

Make men great again!

JBNL journal : finding my own way toward success

I'm French.

Stop using this autistic vocabulary. You don't need to use "SJW" and "game" words in every sentence. They are specific words with a defined meaning, not Smurf terms.

The Beta-ness of French and USA people are of different flavors. US people are more of the faggot, freak flavor, while French people are more of the parasitic, entitled flavor (due to differences in our tax systems and laws).

US people have this weird way of trying to always appear on their top form, you can't really chill with them. They seem to believe that constantly being "getting stuff done" will somehow make them more masculine. Even when you take the lift with them, they kind of annoy you with their over-motivated "How are things going today?". Yeah, yeah, I'm getting stuff done, give me a break. I don't like talking to them in english, else they make me hyperventilating. When we speak in French or Spanish, they somehow suddenly become more normal and stop bombing their torso. This is really particular to the US people though. I don't feel uncomfortable conversing in english with UK people (great humor), or Australians (very chill).

But to go back to the original topic, I don't find Americans more masculine than French. They just have a different mentality

JBNL journal : finding my own way toward success

^ language and culture are nearly inseparable. Choice of language brings certain mindsets, cultural distance, factors such as respect for elderly and authority, and even certain aspects such as arrogance against strangers (which may be necessary to get things done and not get taken advantage of).

JBNL: interesting thread, keep it up. Reads like a French non-native English speaker, don't let that stop you.

Data Sheet Maps | On Musical Chicks | Rep Point Changes | Au Pairs on a Boat
Captainstabbin: "girls get more attractive with your dick in their mouth. It's science."
Spaniard88: "The "believe anything" crew contributes: "She's probably a good girl, maybe she lost her virginity to someone with AIDS and only had sex once before you met her...give her a chance.""

JBNL journal : finding my own way toward success

In any case, writing even in french, is not my strong suit. Anyway, time for a short update :

Real estate and so-called "experts"

Today, the real estate agency which manage my apartment made some visit for a potential new tenant. I used that opportunity to exchange with the agent and the owner to gain some knowledge on the subject.

Funny thing: I did teach the owner about real estate tax laws. The agent was surprised to hear my views on how to hire accountant or tenants, he probably thought I was too extreme or "lucky", because I screen way more than average people, but the results speak for themselves.

Besides, he doesn't understand that people treat you like they perceive you. If you appear weak or incompetent, they will eat you. If you know what you're doing and are extremely clear from the beginning about what you want, they will more or less stay in line. But like girls, they periodically "test" you.

In some way, I feel like a young small-scale Trump. Speaking of The Donald, one advice in The Art of the Deal that stuck with me is not to listen too much to experts in any field. They overestimate their knowledge and a lot don't put their hearts to the task. I see that at work every day.

So in any domain, make your own (extensive) research on the subject, know what you are doing, screen hard and establish a strong frame from the beginning.
It will take more time and energy at first, but your efforts will be rewarded one way or another tenfold.

Make men great again!

JBNL journal : finding my own way toward success

Finding my way ?

I'm not sure if I'm not overly optimistic or something, but I think I found the way, my way.
I was at a real estate meetup and met a group that well surpassed my expectations. There are more or less like me, but more advanced. They opened my eyes to what is possible (just in terms of rentability - amazing) and how fast you can achieve. I still have a headache due to all the good tips they shared.

I was planning to start and grow slow, but now I know how to free myself from the rat race. It will begin just before this summer, I will create my company and meet with every bank in town to negociate for loans. Then, I will try to acquire every small apartment with a good price. So by the time the 1st wave is over, I will have signed maybe 4-5 apartments and the banks will know it too late. The second wave will be autumn/winter with the same kind of dynamics. The third will be start of 2019.

Every apartment will be leased quickly (to students). Each will make a cashflow of 100+ €/month. Combined, it will be around 1500-2000 €/month. I will use the rest of 2019 to start reimbursing parts of loans to increase the cashflow. By the end of 2019, I will gladly quit my job for good and start a new chapter of my life.

This plan is ambitious and aggressive, just like I love them and I know I have in me what it takes to make it succeed. I remember Scott Adams in how to fail at almost everything and still win, how he described a certain point in his life where every knowledge/skill/luck aligned and launched him into big success. Now is my turn.

2 Years, that is all. Guys, if you want location independence or cash increase, you should start to look more closely on real estate and meet like minded-people. I'm actually thinking of doing a giant monk mode for almost 2 years to make sure it succeed. I'm not sure I'll have much time for girls, but after that, I'll have too much to do whatever I want.

Make men great again!

JBNL journal : finding my own way toward success

That sounds very interesting. But there are two points I'm curious about :

- You said you will purchase 4-5 apartments during the 1st wave. How will you finance those purchases? Typically, banks require you to make a participation of 20-30% of the apartment price if I'm not mistaken.

- Have you checked if it's legal to do so many loans at the same time? I thought there would be some clause in the contract stipulating that you must tell the banker about all your other debts.

JBNL journal : finding my own way toward success

Quote: (03-05-2018 05:43 PM)FastBang King Wrote:  

That sounds very interesting. But there are two points I'm curious about :

- You said you will purchase 4-5 apartments during the 1st wave. How will you finance those purchases? Typically, banks require you to make a participation of 20-30% of the apartment price if I'm not mistaken.

- Have you checked if it's legal to do so many loans at the same time? I thought there would be some clause in the contract stipulating that you must tell the banker about all your other debts.

The bank requires that your "endettement" must not exceed 1/3 of your income, though this can be negociated slightly based on how convincing you are. So let's say he's netting 3000k/month his monthly mortgage must not exceed 1000k/month. Usually not doable if you are self-employed, but Im sure OP is up to something.

Still this should be coming in at roughly 50k-100k of loans for each studio (higher still if you buy in Ile de France) Maybe there's another way around this?

If we re buying, right now its the time while interest is still around 1%, and the new metro lines are under construction, and especially with Paris hosting the Olympic games in a few years.

Property taxes in France is a huge fucking bitch though, hope JBNL know something most of us don't.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

JBNL journal : finding my own way toward success

Quote: (03-05-2018 05:43 PM)FastBang King Wrote:  

That sounds very interesting. But there are two points I'm curious about :

- You said you will purchase 4-5 apartments during the 1st wave. How will you finance those purchases? Typically, banks require you to make a participation of 20-30% of the apartment price if I'm not mistaken.

- Have you checked if it's legal to do so many loans at the same time? I thought there would be some clause in the contract stipulating that you must tell the banker about all your other debts.

Bank will finance fully the operation as it's auto-financed as soon as it starts. Every guy I met (from the beginner to the millionaires) in the meetup was doing this.
The 1/3 rule is for a passive asset (car, home) not an active like this case. Besides, don't forget I will approach them representing a company, not under my own name.

For the "wave buying", again I'm not re-inventing the wheel. The contract won't say that, they do their research on their own. But since you sign them all at the same time, you're "debt-free" for them. It's not illegal and there was no mention about that on my current contract.

Quote: (03-05-2018 06:13 PM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

The bank requires that your "endettement" must not exceed 1/3 of your income, though this can be negociated slightly based on how convincing you are. So let's say he's netting 3000k/month his monthly mortgage must not exceed 1000k/month. Usually not doable if you are self-employed, but Im sure OP is up to something.

Still this should be coming in at roughly 50k-100k of loans for each studio (higher still if you buy in Ile de France) Maybe there's another way around this?

If we re buying, right now its the time while interest is still around 1%, and the new metro lines are under construction, and especially with Paris hosting the Olympic games in a few years.

Property taxes in France is a huge fucking bitch though, hope JBNL know something most of us don't.

Around 100k total each yes. Any tax is a bitch, but with a good mindset (and precise calculations) you can actually accomplish a lot. I understand your skepticism, I used to be the same.

I highly recommend reading Rich Dad, Poor Dad and How Rich People think, hanging around successful people and you will realize a lot of the beliefs we were taught are incorrect. It's like the difference between the belief "I just have to be nice to get a girl" and red pill thinking.

If you still don't believe me, keep reading here and wait for 2 years

Make men great again!

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