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The Australian politics thread

The Australian politics thread

One sycophant after another, (((they))) must have some pulling power down under!

The Australian politics thread

Oh man..., the jokes write themselves.

Doesn't this simply enforce the idea that many migrants are simply not civilized enough to live in Australia in any capacity...? [Image: rolleyes.gif]

A plan to force migrants to live in regional areas would create ‘ghetto towns’
AUSTRALIA runs the risk of creating countless “ghetto towns” if Scott Morrison’s plan to force migrants to live in rural and regional areas goes ahead.

AUSTRALIA runs the risk of creating dozens of “ghetto towns” if a plan to force new migrants to live in regional and rural areas is enforced.
Alan Tudge, the recently appointed Minister for Population and Cities, flagged the Government’s intention to require a percentage of immigrants to spend five years living in smaller towns rather than settle in capital cities.
It was sold as a measure to give struggling cities like Sydney and Melbourne a breather and allow infrastructure investments to catch up with booming populations.
However, leading planning expert Shane Geha said the country runs the risk of “creating a cure that’s worse than the disease”.
“If we simply send migrants to the regions without thought or planning, we will end up with ghetto towns rather than ghetto suburbs,” Dr Geha, managing director of EG Urban Planning and Property, told
“There are no jobs and there is lower income. Quite simply, this is not a good formula for successful towns to thrive.”
Pressure has been mounting on Prime Minister Scott Morrison to prioritise a population plan, with calls from some in his Government to slah immigration numbers.
Speaking in Tasmania earlier this month, Mr Morrison said he supported migrant visas that were contingent on moving to non-metro areas.
“We need to manage the impact of growth in Sydney and Melbourne, where we need to manage the impacts of what has been particularly strong population growth,” he said.

The Australian politics thread

Quote: (10-17-2018 06:55 PM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

Oh man..., the jokes write themselves.

Doesn't this simply enforce the idea that many migrants are simply not civilized enough to live in Australia in any capacity...? [Image: rolleyes.gif]

A plan to force migrants to live in regional areas would create ‘ghetto towns’
AUSTRALIA runs the risk of creating countless “ghetto towns” if Scott Morrison’s plan to force migrants to live in rural and regional areas goes ahead.

AUSTRALIA runs the risk of creating dozens of “ghetto towns” if a plan to force new migrants to live in regional and rural areas is enforced.
Alan Tudge, the recently appointed Minister for Population and Cities, flagged the Government’s intention to require a percentage of immigrants to spend five years living in smaller towns rather than settle in capital cities.
It was sold as a measure to give struggling cities like Sydney and Melbourne a breather and allow infrastructure investments to catch up with booming populations.
However, leading planning expert Shane Geha said the country runs the risk of “creating a cure that’s worse than the disease”.
“If we simply send migrants to the regions without thought or planning, we will end up with ghetto towns rather than ghetto suburbs,” Dr Geha, managing director of EG Urban Planning and Property, told
“There are no jobs and there is lower income. Quite simply, this is not a good formula for successful towns to thrive.”
Pressure has been mounting on Prime Minister Scott Morrison to prioritise a population plan, with calls from some in his Government to slah immigration numbers.
Speaking in Tasmania earlier this month, Mr Morrison said he supported migrant visas that were contingent on moving to non-metro areas.
“We need to manage the impact of growth in Sydney and Melbourne, where we need to manage the impacts of what has been particularly strong population growth,” he said.

Got to be kidding me. It's already here.
I was in a large rural city a couple of years ago where I was warned not to go into an area because "they don't like aussies there".
The level of immigration into the country has destroyed it. It's nothing like the place I grew up in, and I've taken to telling people it's not my country any more. Why should I have any loyalty to whatever the hell it is now?
[Image: angry.gif]
Hell, even the "economic success" is bullshit. You dig into it and it starts becoming apparent it's almost entirely driven by population growth, especially post mining boom.

Dammit. Now i need a calming beverage and a lie down. Pisses me right off.

The Australian politics thread

Quote: (10-18-2018 01:13 AM)Bluey Wrote:  

Dammit. Now i need a calming beverage and a lie down. Pisses me right off.

Have a kebab [Image: wink.gif]

The Australian politics thread

'Brazen attack': 14yo dragged into bush and sexually assaulted at knifepoint after getting off school bus


Police said the assault lasted for several minutes before the attacker ran away and was seen getting into a silver car.
The alleged perpetrator is described as being aged in his 30s or 40s, with a heavy build, a large belly and legs, a prominent nose and lips.

He was last seen wearing a black hooded jumper, long dark-coloured pants, and white sneakers

Possibly an eskimo. Maybe even a pygmy. Hard to say. The attack only lasted minutes.

"Honey, I need you to think hard. Did you see was colour his skin was?"

"No sir, but I did notice that his nose and lips were very prominent".

[Image: gtfo.gif]

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

The Australian politics thread

(((prominent nose)))

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

The Australian politics thread

Better don't tell your Muslim cabbie that you are an Atheist, or a Jew, or a Hindu (polytheists deserve only death or conversion):


Australia: Muslim cabbie beats atheist with crowbar, leaves him for dead after “harmless discussion about religion”

[Image: Euan-Fraser-168x300.jpg]


A Scots backpacker has told how he was “left for dead” in the street after he was brutally attacked by a taxi driver with a crowbar.

Former cagefighter Euan Fraser, 30, said the cabbie beat him unconscious on his doorstep leaving him with a bleed on the brain.

He claims the attack happened after he got out of the car in Melbourne following what he thought was a harmless discussion about religion.

Euan, from Dundee, Scotland, was knocked out and medics did tests which showed he was struck with a thick metal pole, like a crowbar.

He was forced to shell out £4,000 for his medical treatment and now suffers with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Describing the incident, Euan said: “As I got out of the taxi I just heard footsteps behind me and heard a loud bang.

“Then I felt this immense pain in my head and I was knocked clean out.

“I was laid into when I was on the floor. I was left laying there in a pool of blood. He left me for dead….

Euan, who stands 6ft 5ins tall, flagged down the yellow cab after a night out with a friend in Melbourne in June last year.

He recalls how he and the taxi driver spoke “at length” about the driver’s Muslim background and he became visibly annoyed when Euan said he was an atheist.

Euan, who was working on a farm at the time, argued that religion had “played a part in causing deaths and wars” throughout history.

Architecture student Euan said: “He didn’t like it at all when I started expressing my views. He started to preach his religion on me.

“I argued that science was responsible for evolution rather than religion, which he didn’t like either.

“I tried to change the conversation but he kept going on about it. I could see he was getting wound up.”

He got out of the car expecting the cabbie to drive off when he was smashed over the head and “beaten to a pulp”….

Euan sustained bruised ribs, a battered shoulder, multiple cuts to his face and a bleed on the brain during the sickening attack….

Police investigated but have yet to trace the taxi driver….

And this happened to a 6'5 former cagefighter - the brave Muslim warrior waited until the man turned his back to him and then took him out with a crowbar. That is how Islamic warfare is led - no honor, no fair fight, it only matters that you win.

People don't know that atheism under Islam deserves the death penalty. Children in Sweden tell their Atheist parents that they call themselves Christian in school, because they found out that the Muslim students react violently if they say otherwise. There is at least some grudging respect towards Christians - they need them to pay Jizya after all later.

The Australian politics thread

Yellow cab, and they can't find the scumbag that did this?

Bullshit. They chucked it on the "muslim prosecutions bad" pile that sits in the basement gathering dust. If they don't find these muslim scumbags then they don't have to charge them, and if they don't have to charge them then they don't have to prosecute them, and if they don't have to prosecute them then they don't have to find them guilty, and if there's no guilty verdict then there's "no muslim crime."

Fucking sickening.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

The Australian politics thread

Nasty, but: this is definitely one for the sweating man with two red buttons for me.

On one hand: Muslim shitkicker who will likely breed more shitkickers to culturally enrich their surroundings.

Other hand: Scottish backpacker with architecture degree stealing farming job from young Australian. At age 30, lacks any social calibration, understanding of the wider world, or nous at dealing with the daily nutjobs we all run into that he doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut when dealing with a Muslim who starts to crap on about his religion and actually goes and amps up the discussion by going for evolution as well. So lacks situational awareness that even after the guy has been getting wound up he doesn't keep an eye on the bloke when he gets out of the cab?

Possibly as cagefighter and at 6'5" he's never been acquainted with a situation where people disagree with him openly since, as this incident demonstrates, having arguments in the real world carries rather more immediate and real consequences than arguing with fellow autists on a plebbit forum? Or possibly Mr Nice Architectural Backpacker from Scotland was drunk off his dial and decided it'd be a bit of a lark to yank the chain of Abdul The Cabdul on the way home? Especially given Abdul the Cabdul would've had to get out of the car, and at least come around the same door or come to the other side of the car in order to serve a bit of what Wilson 'Ironbar' Tuckey used to do when lads got a bit rowdy at his pubs?

Oh, and fucking former cagefighter now has PTSD because he took a hard hit outside a fucking ring???

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

The Australian politics thread

< Well - he certainly was no shitlord fighter. One of us would be wired and besides - none of us would even breach the topic. Also most would not even repeat the NPC-Atheism crap that our fellow Whites and globalist cucks are peddling. There are certainly decent Red Pilled atheists like the Australian Youtuber AtheismisUnstoppable. But that bloke became pro-White anti-immigration hard and certainly would have enough sense to not anger a Muslim on atheism unless he is prepared to fight or defend against a crowbar/knife/gun.

PTSD talk can be motivated by money and a lawsuit - they tell you to say that. But who knows - bloke was a liberal progressive. They actually mean it.

The Australian politics thread

This willful ignorance of Islam being ultra violent is very strange to me. From parents of small children to this guy a cagefighter and a backpacker (surely he's seen some shit?), they all seem to think Muslims are quiet innocent little lambs who would never fart on a fly.

The Australian politics thread

Quote: (10-31-2018 06:23 PM)StrikeBack Wrote:  

This willful ignorance of Islam being ultra violent is very strange to me. From parents of small children to this guy a cagefighter and a backpacker (surely he's seen some shit?), they all seem to think Muslims are quiet innocent little lambs who would never fart on a fly.

Part of "white guilt" derangement I suppose?
In the minds of a propagandized Useful Idiot. If only white folk can be bad. Then brown folk are innocent of all else...

They were fed "diversity" as a wonderous, magical utopia. Now they are experiencing the harsh reality of their Soycialist dystopia, in comparison to their juvenile fantasy.

The Australian politics thread

That aside, and a bit off topic, but it turns out - and I'd forgotten reading this in Nassim Taleb's The Black Swan - that a former cagefighter might well be more vulnerable to dirty tactics in situations like this than the average Star Picket Hero out in the suburbs furthest from the coast in your urban shithole of choice.

As Wikipedia more or less quotes it:


Nassim Taleb shares an example that comes from his friend and trading partner, Mark Spitznagel. "A martial version of the ludic fallacy: organized competitive fighting trains the athlete to focus on the game and, in order not to dissipate his concentration, to ignore the possibility of what is not specifically allowed by the rules, such as kicks to the groin, a surprise knife, et cetera. So those who win gold medal might be precisely those who will be most vulnerable in real life."

Also see: how a punch to the guts killed Houdini because it got him when he wasn't expecting it and before he'd been able to brace to take the force of the blow.

Also also see: why your typical Special Forces serviceman has a good chuckle when some nitwit claims the Green Beret's not dangerous because he doesn't have any "ground game".

What are these examples of? Ludic Fallacy. To put it as Taleb does, in a thought experiment: Dr John, the man of science and logical thinking, and Fat Tony, the sort of man who lives much more by his wits, are invited to dinner with me. I produce a coin to them and say "assume this coin is fair. The last 99 times, when I flip the coin, it comes up heads. What is the probability it will come up heads again this time?"

Dr John's smug response is that the coin has a 50-50 chance of coming up heads again.

Fat Tony's response is: "That's bullshit, the odds of a coin coming up heads 99 times in a row are so low that your assumption the coin is fair has gotta be off. It has to be fucking loaded, what shit are you trying to pull on me here?"

Guaranteed it'll be Dr John who loses money that night, because he's suffering from Ludic Fallacy - that is, game fallacy, the misapprehension that real life operates on the same rules of probability (or even generally) as theoretical, artificially constructed systems do. This fallacy is one reason Taleb has philosophical (and practical) objections to sportsball of most if not all kinds - on the rationale that it feminises men and masculinises women, certainly, but also because games like this prostitute chance and in particular deliver a clear winner and loser when life hardly ever actually tells you who won and who lost.

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

The Australian politics thread

Pauline Hanson tweets a box of tissues to Sarah Hanson-Young

PAULINE Hanson has taken a swipe at Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young for getting angry over “pro-Nazi slogans” plastered outside her Adelaide office.

Senator Hanson-Young said the vile “It’s okay to be white” posters were referred to police when she spotted them on Thursday.

They follow the One Nation leader unsuccessfully tabling a motion in parliament last month that urged her colleagues to acknowledge “the deplorable rise of anti-white racism and attacks on Western civilisation” and say “it is OK to be white”.

But on Friday Senator Hanson was not sympathetic to Senator Hanson-Young’s distress, tweeting this:

Dear @sarahinthesen8

I heard that you were very upset and wanted to help so I had my office send these over to you.

I do apologise though, I could only find them in white.

Best wishes,

Pauline Hanson

— Pauline Hanson ?? (@PaulineHansonOz) November 2, 2018

The Australian politics thread


Senator Hanson-Young said the vile “It’s okay to be white” posters were referred to police when she spotted them on Thursday.

This campaign must be working. Although normies have thus far provided no end of disappointment, I cant help but think that referring to a sign that simply says "its ok to be white" as "vile" and calling the cops about it, must be testing the limits of the absurdity they will swallow. If we keep on poking the leftist nutcases with these innocuous campaogns, theyll expose themselves just as they have in the US, and then we win.

The Australian politics thread


"It's OK to be white" = "pro-Nazi slogans"?

Those guys at /pol are bloody geniuses.

[Image: MzdzzhT.png]

A thousand white-bread rural rednecks would have passed by that headline that weekend and gotten a reality check that they and their kids have been marked for extinction. And that's just in my location. Who knows how many rednecks went for a packet of smokes that weekend, read that headline and thought "what the fuck!?"

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

The Australian politics thread

Quote: (11-02-2018 04:50 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Who knows how many rednecks went for a packet of smokes that weekend, read that headline and thought "what the fuck!?"

[Image: tenor.gif?itemid=9286385]

Which is the whole problem.

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

The Australian politics thread

Quote: (11-02-2018 04:50 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

A thousand white-bread rural rednecks would have passed by that headline that weekend and gotten a reality check that they and their kids have been marked for extinction.

I doubt it'll even click. Otherwise it wouldn't have gotten to this stage already. The commie brain washing on the current generation(s) is complete. Just ask Yuri Bezmenov.

Imagine being a Chinese guy (in China, lol) and seeing a headline, saying "Why *it's ok to be Yellow* is dangerous".

The Australian politics thread

Surprised none of you gents closer to the news at home in Australia didn't raise this one:

The would-be leftist Premier of New South Wales (the equivalent of a Governor in the US for our non-Australian friends reading) has been felled by a #MeToo accusation.

The accuser's name? Ashleigh Raper.

Australia's hugely anti-male, anti-"DV" group, White Ribbon, has already removed Foley's ambassador status:


White Ribbon Australia has zero tolerance for disrespect, abuse and violence of any kind towards women.

White Ribbon acknowledges Ashleigh’s courage in making a public statement about an incident that women should never experience. [Yes, it MUST be true because she said it. Foley's guilty!]

We will never excuse or defend violence towards women of any kind. No matter who you are, what part of the community or organisation you are from – including if that person is an ambassador or connected to our own organisation – wherever disrespect and abuse against women occurs then the perpetrators must always be held to account. [Even when he denies it.]

White Ribbon has stood Mr Foley down from the White Ribbon Ambassador program, pending the investigation. [The investigation is worthless if you're already praising the accuser as a victim.] All White Ribbon Ambassadors must pass a rigorous training program and abide at all times to the tenets of the Ambassador program. If at any time this is breached, then this respected status will be withdrawn.

White Ribbon calls for this matter to be discussed respectfully and in a way which supports women who display courage in speaking out against any abuse.

The Labor Party's stance on these issues is bizarre, to say the least:

- Bill Shorten was investigated by the police for RAPE and the investigation itself was kept super quiet. Now, I'm all for the presumption of innocence, but it only seems to apply in the tiniest number of instances, like in Bill's.

- NSW Labor bureaucrat Jamie Clements was previously kicked out of his job and the party effectively for bonking a younger woman who later accused him of assault, with no corroborating evidence. I'm pretty sure she had even been cheating on her boyfriend/fiancé at the time. His career and standing were dutifully ruined by things like the apprehended violence order that was taken out against him.

- Soon-to-be retired Labor Member of Parliament Emma Husar was accused of severe bullying of staff (claims fairly well substantiated by a party investigation) and Basic Instinct-style sexual harassment (not substantiated by the party investigation, but that's not saying much). Even so, she countered that the whole saga was her being "slut-shamed" (*eye roll*).

Remember, what the ALP does now is what the Liberals do 5-10 years later (calls for female quotas, blind acceptance of accusations from female politicians and employees, transgender activism etc.).

Born Down Under, but I enjoy Slovakian Thunder:

The Australian politics thread

Quote: (11-09-2018 12:43 AM)david.garrett84 Wrote:  

Surprised none of you gents closer to the news at home in Australia didn't raise this one:

The would-be leftist Premier of New South Wales (the equivalent of a Governor in the US for our non-Australian friends reading) has been felled by a #MeToo accusation.

The accuser's name? Ashleigh Raper.

Australia's hugely anti-male, anti-"DV" group, White Ribbon, has already removed Foley's ambassador status:


White Ribbon Australia has zero tolerance for disrespect, abuse and violence of any kind towards women.

White Ribbon acknowledges Ashleigh’s courage in making a public statement about an incident that women should never experience. [Yes, it MUST be true because she said it. Foley's guilty!]

We will never excuse or defend violence towards women of any kind. No matter who you are, what part of the community or organisation you are from – including if that person is an ambassador or connected to our own organisation – wherever disrespect and abuse against women occurs then the perpetrators must always be held to account. [Even when he denies it.]

White Ribbon has stood Mr Foley down from the White Ribbon Ambassador program, pending the investigation. [The investigation is worthless if you're already praising the accuser as a victim.] All White Ribbon Ambassadors must pass a rigorous training program and abide at all times to the tenets of the Ambassador program. If at any time this is breached, then this respected status will be withdrawn.

White Ribbon calls for this matter to be discussed respectfully and in a way which supports women who display courage in speaking out against any abuse.

The Labor Party's stance on these issues is bizarre, to say the least:

- Bill Shorten was investigated by the police for RAPE and the investigation itself was kept super quiet. Now, I'm all for the presumption of innocence, but it only seems to apply in the tiniest number of instances, like in Bill's.

- NSW Labor bureaucrat Jamie Clements was previously kicked out of his job and the party effectively for bonking a younger woman who later accused him of assault, with no corroborating evidence. I'm pretty sure she had even been cheating on her boyfriend/fiancé at the time. His career and standing were dutifully ruined by things like the apprehended violence order that was taken out against him.

- Soon-to-be retired Labor Member of Parliament Emma Husar was accused of severe bullying of staff (claims fairly well substantiated by a party investigation) and Basic Instinct-style sexual harassment (not substantiated by the party investigation, but that's not saying much). Even so, she countered that the whole saga was her being "slut-shamed" (*eye roll*).

Remember, what the ALP does now is what the Liberals do 5-10 years later (calls for female quotas, blind acceptance of accusations from female politicians and employees, transgender activism etc.).

There's a bit more to it than that too. Supposedly she pretty much just wanted the whole thing to quietly go away, but once it was raised in Parliament it seems the ABC had known about it and kept quiet. Her witness had been sworn to secrecy, so how knows how it got out originally.
Funny how quiet the LNP are being though, I'm hoping it turns into a massive shitfight.

The Australian politics thread

Enrichment in the biggest shithole in Australia

The Australian politics thread

Former Labor leader Mark Latham has just stated he's the new leader of OneNation NSW.

Quote:Mark Latham Wrote:


New South Wales politics is in poor shape. Our electricity prices have doubled in a decade. Our school results are going backwards on international league tables.

Our city of Sydney is congested and increasingly dysfunctional, a victim of over-population growth. Country areas have been neglected, with voters protesting through huge by-election swings in Orange and Wagga Wagga.

It took the former NSW Labor Government 14 years to get out-of-touch with the electorate. The O’Farrell/Baird/Berejiklian Government has done it in half the time.

The Premier keeps on promising an infrastructure miracle for Sydney, yet in reality, she can’t even build tram tracks down the middle of George Street.

Sydney is bursting at the seams and commuters are suffering. Our trains are over-crowded. Our roads are like a parking lot.

As soon as new facilities are opened, the population growth around them means they need to be rebuilt and expanded, further delaying the provision of decent public services.

In taking an extra 100,000 people a year, there are only two ways Sydney can grow: through unsustainable urban sprawl or by building massive apartment blocks across the city, making our suburbs unrecognisable. Either way, big immigration numbers are killing Sydney as a liveable city.

We need a break from rapid population growth, a chance for jobs, services and transport links to catch up. That’s one of the reasons I’ve joined One Nation and become its NSW leader for the March State election.

Along with Dick Smith, Senator Pauline Hanson has been Australia’s leading voice for a major cut in immigration numbers. Having lived in Sydney all my life, I want to play a role in saving the city from over-population and perpetual congestion. At State level, we need a planning policy of urban containment.

When 20 years ago Bob Carr said that Sydney was full, why didn’t governments listen? With State and Federal elections in the next seven months, Sydneysiders have a unique opportunity to send a strong message about the city’s future. When it comes to population growth and over-development, enough is enough.

Whether people were born here or born overseas, we all have the same interest: we want to take back our city from time sapping, infuriating congestion. We want backyards for our children and grandchildren to play in, not a row of apartment towers.

The problem with Gladys Berejiklian is that, as a lifelong supporter of Big Australia immigration, she can never solve Sydney’s problems. Yet in throwing money at projects like the Olympic Stadium reconfiguration at Homebush, she is neglecting the needs of country and regional NSW.

It’s One Nation policy for the $810 million on this project to be reallocated to capital works for country hospitals. During a time of drought, governments need to invest as much as possible in rural and regional economies.

There are other big issues to tackle. Both Labor and Liberal are obsessed with renewables – a high-risk strategy of putting all our energy eggs in one basket. In truth, NSW needs to diversify its energy base, adding nuclear to the mix and giving coal a fair chance to compete. This is the best way of bringing down electricity prices.

Under Labor and Liberal, the State’s schools have gone backwards, both internationally and compared to other States and Territories. We need to lift teacher quality and bring the curriculum back to basics. The NSW Government should actually start running education policy, instead of outsourcing it to the Teachers Federation.

I will also be campaigning to end the new Left-wing discrimination in our institutions. Quotas and targets in State employment are discriminating against men.

This is a big worry for parents: their sons can work hard at school and university, be well qualified for a job and still miss out, because they have the wrong gender (or skin colour). Especially in public safety services like the fire brigade, police and train drivers, the best person for the job must always get the job.

Parties change and evolve over time. The One Nation I’ve joined is pro-merit and anti-discrimination, supporting the traditional Australian ‘fair go’.

Labor, Liberal and the Greens, by contrast, have embraced divisive identity politics, judging people by their race, gender and sexuality. There was a time when we were told to ignore such things, as they were irrelevant to a person’s character and quality. Now it’s all the elites talk about.

NSW needs a change in direction. After 16 years of corrupt and incompetent Labor Government and eight years of Premiers from the Left of the Liberal Party (O’Farrell, Baird and Berejiklian) we have, in effect, had 24 years of Left-leaning government, ignoring the political mainstream.

Big policy changes are needed to put commonsense back into NSW politics. That’s what I’ll be advocating on behalf of One Nation as we campaign for the March 23 election.

Read more at our website:

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The Australian politics thread

Victorian election this weekend, and I expect labor to get back in. In my area there's a liberal candidate, a labor candidate, then they get further left from there. Fairly safe labor seat at the moment.

While the current government is engaging in a massive upgrade of infrastructure that's been badly needed, they're pretty solidly on board the social justice bandwagon. Unfortunately there's a complete lack of options for me to vote for.

Oh, and most of my family are going to vote further left than labor because "they're not a real left wing party". [Image: dodgy.gif]

The Australian politics thread

The voting booths... Perfect place to sarge local women of legal age.

The Australian politics thread

On the election day we had the choices of a few sensible tiny parties who have no chance, about 8 different flavours of communist party all paid for publicly by the PRC, and the loser opposition party. Not terribly surprising that we ended up with four more years of communism led by Comrade Andrews.

The loser opposition party did so badly that a 19 year old kid who only just got old enough to vote and is still on his learner license almost beat (votes still being counted) an old school Lib candidate in a traditionally conservative Brighton.

The kid was also putting his hand up for the election in the last minute too.

Perhaps it's all too late for Australia, time to learn Chinese everyone!

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