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Morbidly obese. Desperate for advice on where to start.

Morbidly obese. Desperate for advice on where to start.

I have high blood pressure (cause of the fat no doubt) so I don't know if taking a pill is a good idea yet. I knew a guy that swore by ephedrine stacking, but he told me if I had any kind of heart problem or high BP it might kill me.

Also, there's a clinic that checks for sleep apnea right in the next town, so no I have no excuse not to go get it checked out. Just need to find out if I can walk in or if I need to get a referral, which won't be a problem.

As for how I managed to get this fat? First and foremost, I'm lazy. I am, have always been, and will most likely always be, a lazy, lazy person. I know that's a disgusting trait but I have no reason not to be honest with you. At some point in my childhood, I took a dislike to physical activities, and preferred to spend my days inside reading comic books.

The food addiction goes back that far as well. And yeah, I'm gonna straight up call it an addiction. There was nothing I loved more than devouring as many pieces of KFC that I could get to before my brothers had a chance. What a nasty little hog I was. My metabolism must have kept it somewhat under control cause I didn't get FAT until after college; around 22 or 23. When I stopped walking around campus every day and started a life of sitting in chairs, I blew up.

I walk and bike every day here in Japan. Not excessive, but more than I ever would in America. Yet I managed to get bigger and bigger. So basic arithmetic tells me I was consuming so many calories that even the daily bike rides couldn't counter it. I wasn't eating Pizza Hut every day, but I was going to the grocery store and getting the little cheap frozen pizzas, fried chicken from 7-11, and shitloads of chocolate. And when my body was used to taking in that amount of calories, I'd never be satisfied with less. And then I'd just plain eat out of boredom. 2AM and I can't sleep? Hop on down to's always open. Haven't touched a girl in a year? Fuck those bitches man, eat a bag of chocolate instead!

I'm just lucky in this orgy of consumption that I managed to quit alcohol, cause in the old days I would add a few bottles of whiskey to all that pizza, chocolate, spaghetti, and fried chicken....stir in high blood pressure and 300 pounds of fat, and it's a damn miracle I didn't die in my sleep one of those nights.

In September of 2014 I saw a picture my friends took and thought "Gross, who's that fat fuck?" and I actually didn't realize it was me for a second. I weighed about 325 pounds. I don't know why, but it shocked me into action. I immediately changed my eating habits. I cut all carbs and sugars. I ate only lean proteins and vegetables. No exceptions. I don't know how I did it but I did it. I lifted weights three days a week. And in just one month I was down almost 20 pounds. I was so shocked by my progress that I kept it up and by spring of 2015 I was down to under 250. I never thought it was possible, not in a million years. I was wearing clothes I hadn't worn in almost a decade. And the best part? I was getting laid again. Another thing I never thought would happen again.

And slowly but surely I started eating like shit again. At first it was only a few pounds up and down, but then I started going up ten pounds a month. "It's OK....I can handle this. I'll just lose it like before," I tried to convince myself. By summer 2016 I was right back up in the 280s-290s. And then last month, April 2017, I broke 300 again. Something I never thought I'd let myself do, but I did.

And that's where the despair really hits. I think, "oh well, I'm fucked, may as well eat three ice cream bars." Excuses? Yeah, I have a million of em. But they're all bullshit. The truth is, I am lazy. I enjoyed sitting around and stuffing my face so much that I let it go past the point of no return and went right back to where I started.

I don't work at home, so at least I get out of the house Monday through Friday. I take a pill everyday for high blood pressure, but that started a few years ago when I got super fat. If I get down to a reasonable size maybe my BP will go back to normal. I am allergic to citrus fruits like bananas and kiwis and avocado, so I mostly just avoid fruits altogether. I can and do eat pretty much any vegetable though. And in less than 6 months, I'm turning 40.

Here's what I did yesterday:

Breakfast was a bowl of oatmeal, black coffee, and green tea
Lunch was soup, small salad, and some kind of fishpaste thing
Dinner was 500 grams of boneless skinless chicken breast, boiled

I also drank several liters of water. I did some weight lifting (bench press, shoulder press, dumbbell cleans) and also rode my bike.

So far, today has been the same, but I didn't lift. I did some laps around the gym today though (walking, not running) for about a half hour.

I apologize for the wall of text here. And I'm sorry too, if I appear to just be looking for attention/sympathy. I'm not. I know there's no reason for you guys to take time out of your day to try to help some fat asshole on the other side of the world; but I really am doing my best, and I appreciate your input.

Morbidly obese. Desperate for advice on where to start.

"Breakfast was a bowl of oatmeal, black coffee, and green tea
Lunch was soup, small salad, and some kind of fishpaste thing
Dinner was 500 grams of boneless skinless chicken breast, boiled"

Not bad, I'd leave the skin on though.

Likes denote appreciation, not necessarily agreement |Stay Anonymous Online Datasheet| Unmissable video on Free Speech

Morbidly obese. Desperate for advice on where to start.

I'm going to proceed on the assumption that you genuinely want help, and aren't just wasting everyone's time for sympathy like some people have said. This doesn't mean I expect you to do everything I say, but I do hope you'll read it and give it due consideration.

So here are some more thoughts:


If I lose all the weight, I'll probably have repulsive loose skin hanging all over...

You don't need to worry about this. You're not THAT fat. If you lose the weight at a steady pace as opposed to crash dieting, you'll be just fine.


I have high blood pressure (cause of the fat no doubt) so I don't know if taking a pill is a good idea yet. I knew a guy that swore by ephedrine stacking, but he told me if I had any kind of heart problem or high BP it might kill me.

This is probably a smart call. I wouldn't be too surprised if you have some other undiagnosed health issues too. I'm sure that stuff works great, but it's a risk for somebody in your current state. Once the BP goes down, give it another look, maybe?

I have another question for you: Do you have insomnia, or even just trouble trying to sleep? You mentioned being up at 2:00 AM and going to the convenience store. Insomnia will fuck up your weight loss too, and hard. There's plenty of stuff that can be done to fix this, without even going to the doctor or taking sleeping pills. There's supplements that you can buy that are cheap and safe, getting checked for sleep apnea will help, and even just cutting out caffeinated green tea from your diet will help.

There's a great alternative to the diet supplements that should be available at basically every store near you: Tokucha tea. The "Aids in fat-reduction" thing on the label may sound like stupid marketing hype, but it actually works, it tastes great (At least, I think so), and it doesn't cost any more than regular bottled tea. You should find it with the usual assortment of teas in your grocery store. If you do have trouble sleeping, try out the zero caffeine version.
[Image: imgrc0088679898.gif?_ex=400x400&s=2&r=1]

When I'm in Japan I basically live off of this stuff.

I would appreciate it, by the way, if you would stop referring to yourself as a "hog" or a "fat asshole". It's not helpful. My own health is kind of dicey after a mess I went through last year, and I'm trying to cut out a lot of negative influences on my life because the stress about killed me. (It's why I'm posting much less in the politics section, for one thing) I'd rather not read about how much you hate yourself.

On a side note, I dislike the idea that fat people are lazy losers. I dislike it not because "healthy at any size!" but because I think it blinds us to the real causes of weight gain, and thus keeps us from finding solutions. I struggled with my weight for a lot of my life, and it wasn't because I was lazy, it was because of stress, undiagnosed health issues, and other things like that. Once the underlying issues were fixed, my diet improved, I worked out more, and the pounds came off. After a few health problems (and again, the horror that was 2016), I'm higher than I'd like to be, but now that I've removed the stressors from my life the weight is coming off again. Just saying "You're fat because you're lazy and a glutton, and you need to work out more and stop eating so much stuff" is a cop-out. People have been hearing that for years and they just keep getting fatter and fatter. Personally I think it's time for a more comprehensive approach.

I know the shit you're buying at those convenience stores. It's god-awful. It doesn't taste good. Those frozen pizzas? The worst meal I've ever had in my life was a Japanese frozen pizza I bought at a supermarket in Osaka. And they haven't gotten any better since then. I would rather eat a diet of nothing but bread and rice, or maybe just starve to death. That overdone, several-hours-old karaage isn't much better. So it's not like you're pigging out on a delicious meal, you're eating pure crap. Not in the "pure crap but it's so; delicious" sense, but "food that's not fit to be served to dogs" sense.

Quote: (05-30-2017 03:11 AM)etwsake Wrote:  

Breakfast was a bowl of oatmeal, black coffee, and green tea
Lunch was soup, small salad, and some kind of fishpaste thing
Dinner was 500 grams of boneless skinless chicken breast, boiled

I also drank several liters of water. I did some weight lifting (bench press, shoulder press, dumbbell cleans) and also rode my bike.

All good. But boiled, boneless skinless chicken breast? Where the hell did you find that? That stuff's completely flavorless. I mean, it's still better than the frozen pizzas, but you can do better. Do you know how to cook? Japanese stuff is easy and it's cheap enough that you can afford to fuck it up a few times as you learn.

Try making this stuff to start. It's moyashi and shirataki, so it's incredibly low calorie. You could eat 10 bowls a day and still not get fat.

Let me know what the doctors say about your sleep apnea.

Morbidly obese. Desperate for advice on where to start.

Thank you again SamuelBRoberts, for your lengthy reply.

Hearing stories from guys that have struggled with weight, or other seemingly insurmountable obstacles, is inspiring to me.

I don't know how deep I've ever really probed into the underlying issues of my weight gain other than being lazy and loving to eat.

But there's more. A lot more. I always figured it was unrelated but it's probably not. I've been a bundle of anxiety since I was a little kid. I was smarter than other kids my age, and it caused a lot of problems. I don't know if I've ever had a night of natural, deep sleep. Even as a kid, I was up later than my parents cause my brain just can't switch off. I would obsess about death and dying and the concept of infinity like some kind of Woody Allen-esque neurotic and I was only 7 or 8 years old.

Alcohol and pills were the only way I could get to sleep for years. I quit drinking and I've developed a tolerance to most pills after years of (ab)use. In addition to whatever my body is doing (stopping breathing, undoubtedly) I also have freak out/panic attacks/night terrors almost every single night. Right as I'm about to fall asleep, I'll get some thought, like I'm gonna die or everyone I know is gonna die, and I'll sit up in bed screaming. I've had girls sleeping peacefully next to me and I've actually screamed in their face in the dead of night.

I thought I was crazy. Maybe I am crazy. Maybe if you're reading this you'll think I'm making it up. But a few years ago I heard other people describing it and I was so overjoyed to know it's not just me I almost cried listening to these people describe the experience. If you have time, listen to this segment; it's exactly what I go through almost every night:

So in addition to the anxiety and depression and insomnia, I obviously have substance abuse issues cause I can't just have a shot of whiskey; I have to finish the bottle in one go. I can't eat a slice of pizza; I eat the entire damn thing.

I'm not trying to make this post a pissing contest about how messed up I am. I'm just trying to give a more accurate picture of where I'm coming from. So why didn't I try to address all of this at some point earlier in my life? I tried various anti-depressants and nothing made any difference. The numbness of being black out drunk was the only thing that worked, but that's like putting a band-aid on a severed limb. I guess I just resigned myself to the idea that this is how life is, and there's no way to fix it.

Anyway, about food. I am already drinking tochuka tea every morning. And the chicken breast isn't as bad as it sounds. I cut up it up into pieces and boil it just cause it cooks faster. I add lemon and pepper so it actually tastes good.

Although, someone mentioned some posts back about getting into a mindset where basically anything will taste good, just cause you're so hungry all the time. I get what he means. For most of my life, eating was (is) the highlight of my day. I'd already be thinking about meals days in advance. Eating was my reason to be, not the other way around.

And the first time I read "Lone Wolf and Cub" this panel just knocked me out:

[Image: BwIAS9f.jpg]

I need to adopt that samurai mindset. Food is just fuel. It's not something to lust over and overindulge in or take pictures of, for god's sake. I need to learn how to eat to live, and not to live just to eat.

Morbidly obese. Desperate for advice on where to start.

Quote: (05-31-2017 06:46 AM)etwsake Wrote:  

I need to adopt that samurai mindset. Food is just fuel. It's not something to lust over and overindulge in or take pictures of, for god's sake. I need to learn how to eat to live, and not to live just to eat.

Yeah... this ain't gonna work. You've got the same amount of willpower you had two weeks ago when you were binging on frozen pizzas, you haven't undergone any kind of drastic change. You're just gonna rebound and end up worse than before. You've done the "I'm gonna diet, and THIS time, it will work!" thing several times throughout your life, and it hasn't taken.

So here's the deal. I knew you had insomnia before I even asked, because that's one of your big problems causing your weight gain. Your body's hormonal system is all fucked up because you're getting terrible, terrible sleep. And what's happening is that those fucked-up hormones are wrecking your ability to regulate hunger. You ever asked yourself why it is that the guy next to you can eat two slices of pizza, where you feel the need to eat the whole pie? Is it because pizza just somehow magically tastes better to you than it does to him? No, it's because he feels full after two slices, and you don't. And the reason you don't is that your body's hormones aren't sending the "I have enough food, you can stop eating now!" signal to your brain.

You're neither lazy, nor a hog, nor any of that shit. You have a messed up hormonal profile due to bad sleep, and it's stopping your body from properly handling hunger. There are other problems on top of this, for instance, you're eating because you're depressed and probably don't have a lot else in your day to look forward to. That needs to get fixed too, but the sleep is the one that's most pressing. You start getting good sleep, and you'll be less hungry, and your body will shed the weight much faster.

(It's also worth saying that if you fix your sleep, you reorient your life away from food, and you're STILL eating whole frozen pizzas, then yeah maybe you're a lazy hog. But there's no way to know that until the underlying issue is fixed.)

So here's some things I want you to do.

1.) No more caffeine. At all. You are likely extremely sensitive to the stuff, to the point where even drinking some in the morning is keeping you up at night. No green tea. No coffee. None. Cut it out of your diet 100%.

2.) Get checked for sleep apnea. I've said this like 4 or 5 times already, but you need to do it ASAP. Your body is literally choking itself to death while you sleep. Fix that.

3.) You are also likely incredibly sensitive to light when you're trying to sleep. Get a sleeper's blindfold and wear it when you sleep. They're 10$, so if you try it and it doesn't work for you, you're out less than you spend on those god-awful frozen pizzas. (I keep coming back to those because the fact that you actually ate one of those things absolutely floors me.) Here's one from It's like 10$ and amazon will have it to your house within 2 days or so. I think this will help you sleep MUCH better, and if it doesn't work, you're out 10$ so who gives a shit?

4.) There is one supplement that works very well for sleep, melatonin, and it's a natural supplement, not a sleeping pill. It will help supplement your messed-up hormones so that you feel tired when night comes, and can rest. There are no real side-effects with it. It's non-addictive and if you don't like it you can just stop. Here's a site that sells it in Japan: between shipping and the cost of the stuff itself, it's 10$ for two months supply, so again if you don't like it you're not breaking the bank.

You are a tall white guy in Japan who speaks fluent Japanese (At least, I assume you do from what you said.) There is no reason you can't be slaying essentially unlimited amounts of pussy once you get your weight under control. Fix your problems and you've got a bright future ahead of you.

Morbidly obese. Desperate for advice on where to start.

Seconding what SamuelBRoberts said about sleep apnea.

Make the appointment.

(I have a close friend who was overweight who was diagnosed with sleep apnea. I see several similarities in what you have described.)

Morbidly obese. Desperate for advice on where to start.

Any updates?

This thread has served as the inspiration for me to get to work getting myself in shape.

Here's my progress report:

May 15
160 LB

May 22
155 LB

May 29
153 LB

June 5
153 LB

June 12
150 LB

I'm the King of Beijing!

Morbidly obese. Desperate for advice on where to start.

SamBB is spot on in his contributions. I mirror all that is said in this thread.

1. You're not a fat asshole. You're just fat. Write down reasonable short-term goals for yourself and take pleasure in meeting them. This will boost your confidence.
2. Low carb, tasty meals are the way to go. Drink lots of water.
3. Fix your sleep. Sleep apnea testing, melatonin and no caffeine will help tremendously. Have you considered anti-anxiety medicine? Its not optimal but it may be beneficial.
4. Walk. Get a pedometer and start at 5000 steps a day. Increase this by 1000 every few days until you're around 15000-18000. Japan is home to many beautiful temples and shrines. Get the location of every one in your city and mark it on a map... set a goal to see each one in a reasonable time frame. This will give you a purpose to walk.
5. Don't fester in your apartment... get outside and get sunshine. It will improve your mood. Join a language club. Sounds like you're fluent in Japanese and English... go talk to cute J-girls wanting to learn English.

You drop five pounds and think its not significant? Think again.

[Image: 5-pounds-fat.jpg]

If you follow the advice in this thread you WILL lose weight. When you lose the weight you WILL improve you mood, life and happiness. Everyone here is behind you. We want to see you succeed.

“There is no global anthem, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag!” -DJT

Morbidly obese. Desperate for advice on where to start.

Quote: (06-13-2017 03:19 AM)Suits Wrote:  

Any updates?

This thread has served as the inspiration for me to get to work getting myself in shape.

Here's my progress report:

May 15
160 LB

May 22
155 LB

May 29
153 LB

June 5
153 LB

June 12
150 LB

June 19
148 LB

I'm the King of Beijing!

Morbidly obese. Desperate for advice on where to start.

Quote: (06-18-2017 07:42 PM)Suits Wrote:  

Quote: (06-13-2017 03:19 AM)Suits Wrote:  

Any updates?

This thread has served as the inspiration for me to get to work getting myself in shape.

Here's my progress report:

May 15
160 LB

May 22
155 LB

May 29
153 LB

June 5
153 LB

June 12
150 LB

June 19
148 LB

As a fat guy who is also 'unfatting' himself, I offer one piece of advice: If you start working out (free weight training) ignore the scale and just measure how many inches of gut you are losing. My weight stopped dropping due to muscle gain, yet I dropped from wearing 36 inch waist pants down to 34 inch.

Some day I need to track down the guy at ReturnofKings who recommended I check out the keto diet and send him a bottle of expensive scotch as thanks. Sometime in the next few weeks my son will come into the world with a dad who isn't an out of shape fat fuck that can't rough house with him... or go on outdoor adventures.

Morbidly obese. Desperate for advice on where to start.

Quote: (06-18-2017 07:42 PM)Suits Wrote:  

Quote: (06-13-2017 03:19 AM)Suits Wrote:  

Any updates?

This thread has served as the inspiration for me to get to work getting myself in shape.

Here's my progress report:

May 15
160 LB

May 22
155 LB

May 29
153 LB

June 5
153 LB

June 12
150 LB

June 19
148 LB

Your rate is showing because you have less bodyfat left.

The % loss seems to be constant.

Likes denote appreciation, not necessarily agreement |Stay Anonymous Online Datasheet| Unmissable video on Free Speech

Morbidly obese. Desperate for advice on where to start.

Quote: (06-18-2017 08:01 PM)Hell_Is_Like_Newark Wrote:  

Quote: (06-18-2017 07:42 PM)Suits Wrote:  

June 19
148 LB

As a fat guy who is also 'unfatting' himself, I offer one piece of advice: If you start working out (free weight training) ignore the scale and just measure how many inches of gut you are losing. My weight stopped dropping due to muscle gain, yet I dropped from wearing 36 inch waist pants down to 34 inch.

My main priority is obviously to get a flat stomach. However, I dieted in the past without a scale and it was really hard to tell if I was making progress or not.

The scale gives me a metric, but I've also paid attention to my actual waist measurement as well.

I don't work out currently, aside from basic exercise (hour long walks).

My goal is to burn off the fat on my belly and then slowly introduce a consistent workout regiment designed to tone, rather than get really big and muscular. I'd like to have noticeably muscular arms and abs would be great too, but I have zero intention of being a big ass body builder.

I'm seeking a good balance between health, attractiveness, business success, other personal development and enjoyment of life.

Quote: (06-18-2017 09:26 PM)Transsimian Wrote:  

Your rate is showing because you have less bodyfat left.

The % loss seems to be constant.

Probably, although I made more effort to stay consistent in the first two weeks.

I've cheated a lot since starting, but I've compensated for that cheating with intermittent fasting. When I do go all out for three days (sub 1000 calories per day), I generally seem to drop a pound or so at the end of the three day period.

Otherwise, I don't eat carbs most days, generally limited my calorie intake to a 8 hour window and even when I do cheat, I keep it within reason, eating no more than 2000 calories in a day.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Morbidly obese. Desperate for advice on where to start.

What worked for me in terms of food was focusing on nutrient-dense food with a high priority on protein. It cut my cravings right down.

The most important thing is actually taking action. When you think about your problem, you can acknowledge its existence, but you are actually doing something about it, and knowing that will boost your self-confidence. If you do nothing but ruminate on your problem, you'll continue to feel like shit.

"The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised community, against his will, is to prevent harm to the part which merely concerns himself, his independence is, of right, absolute." - John Stuart Mill, On Liberty

Morbidly obese. Desperate for advice on where to start.

Last posted 3 weeks ago [Image: icon_lol.gif]

Don't worry OP, you had a big dramatic declaration of change and many people on the internet posted text in your direction, so this time it's different.

Morbidly obese. Desperate for advice on where to start.

Story time.

All thru school I played basketball competitively, after being a chunky kid, and it kept me cut and very athletic. I was on my way to college scholarships when I did something extremely stupid in HS, got expelled, then blew out my knee and there went my basketball career as I dove into a deep, deep depression. At 18 I was about 180 lbs with constant abs, by 21/22 I had quit school, worked a job I hated, was eating fast food 2X every day, lunch since our crew was regularly out and about and then dinner as I was too lazy to cook after getting up at 4:30 every god damn morning. Add in almost a bottle of vodka every night, then massive drinking when going out on the weekends(hey, first time I had real money to spend) and I ballooned up to 250 lbs. I was a fat, unhealthy, fuck. Started getting rashes. Had acid reflux. Skin looked pale and unhealthy. Well, one thing led to another and I decided to quit my job and go back to school. So what gave me the motivation to change? Walking around campus on day numero uno and everyone basically ignoring the fat guy, combined with my school ID which was the absolute worst picture I've ever taken. I was completely embarrassed and ashamed. Three years earlier I was extremely popular, could get almost any girl I wanted and now no one would even give me the light of day.

It was then and there I decided to whip my ass into shape. Went for my first run, but due to the weight my calves were strained and I could barely walk for a week. But I kept at it, 1/2 mile became 1 mile, then 2 miles, then 3 and so on. Started lifting six days a week, no exceptions. Once I started building some momentum I'd go early in the morning to run for 40 mins on the treadmill, then go back in the evening for weights, two a days.

Then there's the diet. I cut back on the vodka although still drank it regularly. But everything else I ingested was protein shakes, protein bars, meat and salads. No fruit. No unhealthy carbs. Stayed away from processed food(other than the protein bars), stopped fast food and eating out altogether and the weight started melting away. Also took some ephedrine but I wouldn't recommend that to the OP until he loses 50+ lbs and get a cardiovascular base. I'd assume given how lazy he says he is and at 300lbs, ephedrine would be quite risky from the jump.

Fast forward roughly a year later and I was 190 lbs, throwing massive weight around in the gym and back on the dating scene. That's actually how I met my current wife who's a personal trainer, which also led me to becoming a personal trainer for 5+ years. I had a few ups and downs as my weight fluctuates but by the time the wedding came around I was about 177 lbs, shredded with cannons for arms. I had the same body I had in HS just more muscle mass, and hair of course.

So OP, I can't tell if you're serious or not but no one can do it for you. It's simply how much do you want it. I on another occasion pre-wedding slacked for about 6 months and got up to about 215 over a winter. That led to the 215 to 177 drop. I've dropped 40 or so pounds on two different occasions. But you've got to get out of your lazy mindset. You're stuck in this dungeon of depression where you're too comfortable being lazy. You need to find and take up interests which get you off your ass and get you moving. You need to set goals, 2 lbs a week, 10 lbs a months, 30 lbs by the holidays, whatever, and hold yourself to it. Stop embracing your laziness.

And I know this from my years as a personal trainer as well, you come on here with the right intentions but you're stocking your fridge and cupboard with shit food. It's simple, if you don't want to eat unhealthy, stop buying that shit and don't keep it in your home. Every client I've had whose struggling to lose weight has too much unhealthy food in their homes. Void all temptation. Get that shit out of there. The most unhealthy thing in my kitchen right now are organic peaches, due to the sugar. I don't even eat them. But instead of figuring out how you can drop a few pounds you need to commit to a new lifestyle. Bottom line, that's your answer.

Commit to a new, healthy and active lifestyle.

And at 300 lbs it's far easier to create a caloric deficit each day than it is for someone thin and in shape. Just going by your size in order to not lose weight you must be shoveling down 4K calories per day and likely from shit sources. You should have zero issue hovering around 2,500-2,800 calories per day which by itself with some exercise will see 2-3 lbs come off each week. But when you come here and thank everyone, then follow it up by losing no weight it means you're sitting there eating shit food every, single, night. Quit buying it. The control will come from you and only you.

I'm doing intermittent fasting right now to cut up again. Maybe you should consider that. My eating window is 6pm-12pm and I lift weights and do cardio every day on at least a 12-14 hour fast. My body's burning up the fat while putting on muscle. That might be an extreme jump for you, I wouldn't recommend it but start with skipping breakfast and getting exercise in while still fasted. Don't eat until 11, then 12, then 1. Give yourself a 12 hour eating window and slowly role it back. It'll greatly help your insulin tolerance, force your body to use your fat reserves as fuel instead of carbs/glucose, start releasing more HGH(which greatly increases in a fasted state) and will allow you to put on some muscle, and take it from there.

I'll tell you though, both times I dropped 40 lbs and now I'm working on dropping about 20-25, I became utterly obsessed with it. I am right now as well. Every day I do something. Every day I make sure I have only healthy food options available. I embrace the hunger on the fast. I seek out the pumps I get when lifting on a fast. I make it a point to try to outwork anyone in the gym who's there at the same time. I take pride in sweat pouring off my face. I look forward to the soreness afterwards as I know I put in real work. I personally don't know how you'd do this without becoming obsessed with it. Everyone I know who's done similar became gym rats who more than knew their way around healthy eating, cooking and prep.

That's enough from me. I hope you're open to some of this and I didn't just waste my time.

Morbidly obese. Desperate for advice on where to start.

Quote: (05-07-2017 04:11 PM)Kratomite Wrote:  

Everyone is being far too polite in this thread.

If I were a fat fuck like you, I'd do a 30 day water fast. Probably loose 50-60 pounds right there.

I've done a 30 day water fast. Lost 15 pounds, and it screwed up my metabolism, I'm still recovering years later. Potato diet is the only thing that drops weight for me now. Paleo, weight lifting etc, no results.

Morbidly obese. Desperate for advice on where to start.

Quote: (06-21-2017 08:09 PM)rainy Wrote:  

Commit to a new, healthy and active lifestyle.


I have used a certain weight loss compound two times to effortlessly quickly drop a huge amount of weight without any lifestyle change.

The first time, I gained the majority of the fat back within the year.

The second time, I actually changed by lifestyle, and I didn't gain a lot of fat.

I've just on my third cycle at the moment, as I just want to cut after a bulk.

Lifestyle changes matter, losses are temporary without change.

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Morbidly obese. Desperate for advice on where to start.

Quote: (06-18-2017 10:22 PM)Suits Wrote:  

My goal is to burn off the fat on my belly and then slowly introduce a consistent workout regiment designed to tone, rather than get really big and muscular. I'd like to have noticeably muscular arms and abs would be great too, but I have zero intention of being a big ass body builder.

Tone huh? I know you've already got these preordered.[Image: giphy.gif]

Morbidly obese. Desperate for advice on where to start.

Not to come down too hard on anybody in this thread, but a lot of this advice is worthless.
"Commit to a new, healthy and active lifestyle" is worthless pablum that you can find in any diet book, and that's plastered over the walls of every doctor's office in the country.
Same with advice like "You have to want to lose weight!" and "No one can do it for you!"

If you phrase it as "You have to make permanent lifestyle changes, and ensure that your diet is something you can maintain long term rather than thinking this is something you do short-term and then stop" then yes, it's useful, but it's ONLY useful to someone who's already dieting currently. To a guy who's breaking 300 pounds and has no idea where to begin it's useless.

(Also, "Eat nothing but potatoes! Forever!" to a guy who's got god-knows-what serious health issues is borderline malignant. I'm glad the potato diet worked for you. It won't work for most people, and it CERTAINLY won't work for a guy like this. His system is stressed, overloaded, and miserable, and depriving it of a shit ton of nutrients is an atrocious idea. The man needs a balanced diet. He needs to fix his underlying issues more than anything, but once he does he needs a reasonable, balanced diet.)

I despise the "You just need more willpower! Stop embracing your laziness!" school of thought in regards to dieting more than about any other modern ideology, except perhaps fat acceptance. People who've been trying to lose weight have been hearing this throughout my entire lifetime, and the number of people who successfully lose weight and keep it off is essentially negligible. Every year people hear "Diet harder!" and every year the obesity rate goes up. It has a worse track record than global warming. IT DOESN'T WORK. It very clearly didn't work for you, because you had to do it several times despite being a personal trainer.

Useful advice needs to be A.) appropriate B.) actionable. It has to be something the recipient can actually do, and it has to be something that applies I'll give you an example from my own past: years ago I was reading a blog named Bronan the Barbarian, who posted something to the effect of "If you're reading this and you're a fatass, you should be on an exercise bike instead of reading my webpage. Hop to it, fatso." In my case, I live in a place with a gym nearby, so I was peddling away within 40 minutes of reading that." That's something that can be done, at least in my case. A thousand people probably read that blog post, and I bet I was the only one who made any lasting change out of it. "Stop being lazy!" fulfills neither of these criteria.

Morbidly obese people like OP have incredibly fucked up hunger hormones, and trying to fight these hormones is basically impossible. FAT PEOPLE DON'T GET FULL. That's how a fat guy can down a whole large pizza while you're filled up after 3 slices. Your body's regulatory system is working properly, and theirs isn't. It's an addiction, and it's a worse addiction than drugs or alcohol because food is cheap, and it's everywhere, and in many environments it's a social stigma to NOT eat it. It's like trying to quit heroin cold turkey, except imagine heroin is legal, there are heroin commercials on TV, and every Friday night everybody at your company goes out for a heroin party and you're a weird loner if you don't take some heroin. Your mom offers you heroin on thanksgiving. Your kids bring home hand-baked heroin from their home ec class at school. Etc. etc.

The best way to fix the body's hormones that I know of is A.) reduce stress and B.) fix your sleep. That's why I said to the OP "consider your living situation in japan, and if it's stressful get out" and "get checked for sleep apnea". Do this shit and you start reducing hunger cravings. You start to feel full again. And your body will start to go back to a reasonable, sane weight. You'll have the energy to start exercising, even if it's simple walking. You'll start to realize how awful the food you're eating right now is (Most of the pre-processed food we eat at restaurants or buy frozen tastes simply terrible. It's not just that it's not healthy, it tastes awful. Once your body's metabolism isn't an absolute train wreck, you start to realize this.)

I'm assuming OP is no longer reading this thread. I'm hoping it's because he got his act together and is now so busy banging girls at gaitomo parties that he doesn't have time to give us a report. But I'm putting this down here because I know other people are reading it. If you're morbidly obese and you're reading this, here's my advice:


Once these two things are done, you can look at other stuff, but do this first.

Morbidly obese. Desperate for advice on where to start.

Quote: (06-22-2017 04:57 AM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

Not to come down too hard on anybody in this thread, but a lot of this advice is worthless.
"Commit to a new, healthy and active lifestyle" is worthless pablum that you can find in any diet book, and that's plastered over the walls of every doctor's office in the country.
Same with advice like "You have to want to lose weight!" and "No one can do it for you!"

Yep. If platitudes worked he'd be slim now. He's not. Didn't he say he's late 30s? You don't think he's heard all that fluffy shit for decades by now?

Self-improvement ideology can easily become willpower and psychology fetishism. There's a lot of refusal to confront facts in this thread.

But seriously the fact he hasn't even come back to say "hey yeah I got checked for sleep apnea" means he's a lost cause. Three weeks and he can't even get round to a single visit to a doctor and a single post telling us about it in this thread, after this big dramatic appeal to this community. We have to accept that some people are, sadly, physically/genetically/psychologically condemned to remaining a waiting-to-die slob and there's nothing that other people can do to budge that course.

Morbidly obese. Desperate for advice on where to start.

I've chatted with him a little via PM (He sent me something this morning) and while I still don't think he understand what I'm saying, he is getting checked for sleep Apnea tomorrow.
I encouraged him to get his thyroid looked at too, which is another important thing that somehow continually slipped my mind. (This is why medical advice you get from a message board about going to Poland to fuck sluts is worth exactly what you pay for it.)

So maybe there's hope, and maybe there isn't. That's on him.

Morbidly obese. Desperate for advice on where to start.

Quote: (06-22-2017 04:57 AM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

(Also, "Eat nothing but potatoes! Forever!" to a guy who's got god-knows-what serious health issues is borderline malignant. I'm glad the potato diet worked for you. It won't work for most people, and it CERTAINLY won't work for a guy like this. His system is stressed, overloaded, and miserable, and depriving it of a shit ton of nutrients is an atrocious idea. The man needs a balanced diet. He needs to fix his underlying issues more than anything, but once he does he needs a reasonable, balanced diet.)

Noone said to eat anything but potatoes forever. The potato diet is a time-limited temporary intervention. Even doing it as little as 3 days at a time, you rapidly drop weight without you feeling hungry or dizzy. At his weight, the best thing for him is some rapid weight loss so he can be encouraged by his progress, and get to a point where he can exercise without hurting his joints.

The potato diet works for most people that try it; and he is a prime candidate.

When I need to drop 5 pounds, I go on the potato diet for a week, then I'm good for quite a while afterward. This is solid fat loss, not water weight.

More information here:

Morbidly obese. Desperate for advice on where to start.

Quote: (06-18-2017 10:22 PM)Suits Wrote:  

My main priority is obviously to get a flat stomach. However, I dieted in the past without a scale and it was really hard to tell if I was making progress or not.

I don't work out currently, aside from basic exercise (hour long walks).

My goal is to burn off the fat on my belly and then slowly introduce a consistent workout regiment designed to tone, rather than get really big and muscular. I'd like to have noticeably muscular arms and abs would be great too, but I have zero intention of being a big ass body builder.

I have a shoulder/arm work out that kicks my ass every Friday. I can send it to you if you want a place to start.

Reporter: What keeps you awake at night?
General James "Mad Dog" Mattis: Nothing, I keep other people awake at night.

OKC Data Sheet

Morbidly obese. Desperate for advice on where to start.

Quote: (06-23-2017 12:43 PM)TheMost Wrote:  

Quote: (06-22-2017 04:57 AM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

(Also, "Eat nothing but potatoes! Forever!" to a guy who's got god-knows-what serious health issues is borderline malignant. I'm glad the potato diet worked for you. It won't work for most people, and it CERTAINLY won't work for a guy like this. His system is stressed, overloaded, and miserable, and depriving it of a shit ton of nutrients is an atrocious idea. The man needs a balanced diet. He needs to fix his underlying issues more than anything, but once he does he needs a reasonable, balanced diet.)

Noone said to eat anything but potatoes forever. The potato diet is a time-limited temporary intervention. Even doing it as little as 3 days at a time, you rapidly drop weight without you feeling hungry or dizzy. At his weight, the best thing for him is some rapid weight loss so he can be encouraged by his progress, and get to a point where he can exercise without hurting his joints.

The potato diet works for most people that try it; and he is a prime candidate.

When I need to drop 5 pounds, I go on the potato diet for a week, then I'm good for quite a while afterward. This is solid fat loss, not water weight.

More information here:

I'll take your word that it works for short-term weight loss. For a long term treatment for a morbidly obese man with a history of failed diets, and again, god knows what health problems, it's atrocious advice. A potato is not nutritionally complete. And the idea that he'll lose a few pounds with a potato diet, somehow not rebound even though his cravings have gotten a hundred times stronger due to a lack of anything but bland potatoes, and from there, somehow transition into a stable lifestyle and good eating an exercise habits, is just ludicrous.

Obesity is the biggest health problem in the United States, and the entire western world, and it's a scandal how little good research is being done on it. AIDS, which can be avoided by simply not having gay sex, gets billions of dollars, and nutritional science is stuck in the same place it was in the 1920s, or even further behind if you read some of the work that was being done then. Instead of real knowledge and real treatments we get crap like "Diet harder!" or "Eat only potatoes!" According to some studies I've seen, the success rate for this kind of advice, over the long term, is 7 freaking percent.

For what it's worth, here is a diagram about the central nervous system and hormonal differences between healthy adults and the morbidly obese when it comes to appetite and hunger regulation.

[Image: DMM026609supp.jpg]

Does this look like something that can be cured by a couple weeks of eating tubers?

Morbidly obese. Desperate for advice on where to start.

Quote: (06-23-2017 04:25 PM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

I'll take your word that it works for short-term weight loss. For a long term treatment for a morbidly obese man with a history of failed diets, and again, god knows what health problems, it's atrocious advice. A potato is not nutritionally complete. And the idea that he'll lose a few pounds with a potato diet, somehow not rebound even though his cravings have gotten a hundred times stronger due to a lack of anything but bland potatoes, and from there, somehow transition into a stable lifestyle and good eating an exercise habits, is just ludicrous.

Obesity is the biggest health problem in the United States, and the entire western world, and it's a scandal how little good research is being done on it. AIDS, which can be avoided by simply not having gay sex, gets billions of dollars, and nutritional science is stuck in the same place it was in the 1920s, or even further behind if you read some of the work that was being done then. Instead of real knowledge and real treatments we get crap like "Diet harder!" or "Eat only potatoes!" According to some studies I've seen, the success rate for this kind of advice, over the long term, is 7 freaking percent.

What is your problem? You really hate the potato diet, yet your posts and comments show you don't know anything about it, have never tried it, and don't know anyone that has tried it. Stuff your theory down a garbage hole; the potato diet works for most people that try it, the fat loss is long term, not the kind that bounces back right away.

And the potato is the most nutritionally complete food there is; add milk to it, and people have lived on milk and potatoes their whole lives, with robust perfect health and fair complexions. Seriously, quit trashing something you don't know anything about.

The potato diet is the one mono diet where you never get sick of the food after the diet is over. You will never lose your enjoyment of potatos from doing it.

You can talk about "changing lifestyle", but when the patient is in the emergency room, you operate, then you advise him on lifestyle choices. You don't let him bleed to death!

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