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Bill Nye the ""science"" guy goes to push feminist agenda

Bill Nye the ""science"" guy goes to push feminist agenda

Quote: (04-27-2017 12:04 PM)Canopus Wrote:  

When something like 99.6% of humans on the planet can look in their pants and figure out what gender they are, I don't get why the other .4% needs so much attention from anyone other than the psychiatric community. Such a small fraction of the population doesn't constitute a spectrum, rather they are an aberration. But the loudest among them, namely the weirdos on Tumblr, want to turn things around to make it seem as if there is something wrong with the default setting or it doesn't exist in such an overwhelming majority of people.

Nye could have covered any number of problems facing humanity, but he chose this hair splitting issue about sexual minorities instead. It's depressing that he's got a soapbox that he could really educate people from, like Carl Sagan and others have done, but instead we get ice cream orgies and vaginas with voices.

Fixed that for you

Bill Nye the ""science"" guy goes to push feminist agenda

Quote: (04-27-2017 12:04 PM)Canopus Wrote:  

When something like 96% of humans on the planet can look in their pants and figure out what gender they are, I don't get why the other 4% needs so much attention from anyone other than the psychiatric community. Such a small fraction of the population doesn't constitute a spectrum, rather they are an aberration. ......

You make an outstanding point but I must vehemently correct you on your statistic. True hermaphroditic people make up less than a single percentage of humanity. You could reasonably pay as much attention to people who are born blind or def.

Even transgendered/transsexual self identifying people make up less than a percent of society. Although your point was that they are small fraction, 4 percent (even as an approximation) is FAR too generous, because that is on the border of being statistically significant.

Part of the agenda, as with homosexuality is to make it appear that these people are ubiquitous, therefore deserving of our attention. They are not. Aside from the true fractional and deeply sad cases of Hermaphroditism, this is a conscious and delusional decision these poor souls make to mutilate themselves at the encouragement of quack doctors and evil psycophants.

EDIT: looks like Canopy beat me too the punch, but it's still worth nothing that this 4/5% percentage cannard is pushed by liberals about both gays and trannsexuals because that percentage makes them statistically significant. In fact they are not.

Bill Nye the ""science"" guy goes to push feminist agenda

Yes, thanks for calling that out. I admit that estimate was probably far too high (and I probably appended my guess on the amount of actual LGBT people in the population to it) and the real amount is likely minuscule at best, despite the media's depiction of them as a daily encounter.

Bill Nye the ""science"" guy goes to push feminist agenda

Bill Nye is gay? Gayness is the least of his problems. I would be willing to bet $100 that in another 10-20 years when his victims grow up, we'll see a parade of men come out claiming they were raped by Bill Nye. He's probably on a Jimmy Savile level. No surprise he's promoted by Jews.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Bill Nye the ""science"" guy goes to push feminist agenda

Quote: (04-27-2017 01:30 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Bill Nye is gay? Gayness is the least of his problems. I would be willing to bet $100 that in another 10-20 years when his victims grow up, we'll see a parade of men come out claiming they were raped by Bill Nye. He's probably on a Jimmy Savile level. No surprise he's promoted by Jews.

Hollywood is truly one of the most evil things in this world.
Pure evil.

Bill Nye the ""science"" guy goes to push feminist agenda

Quote: (04-27-2017 08:43 AM)IveBeenFramed Wrote:  

[Image: 6Zyl4wr.jpg]

In related news I found out that Brian May, the lead guitarist from Queen, has a PhD in astrophysics.

[Image: _44566512_may_2_282.jpg]

His PhD (started 30 years ago and completed in 2007 - he put his academic life on hold to join Queen) was A Survey of Radial Velocities in the Zodiacal Dust Cloud, which should be the fucking title of the next Queen album, if there ever is one.

The guy has been appointed Chancellor of Liverpool John Moore's University.

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

Bill Nye the ""science"" guy goes to push feminist agenda

Quote: (04-27-2017 07:48 AM)Wutang Wrote:  

Sometimes I wonder if the reason all of this nonsense never took off until the Millennial generation start coming along is because the Millennial generation has been constantly bombarded with messages about how they can do anything and that anyone that puts a foot down and tells them "no" is oppressing them. It's a generation that's grown up on slogans such as "You do you" and a million variations of "follow your heart".

In honour of Trump, I herewith erect my Great And Beautiful Wall Of Text.

There are three reasons for this.

(1) Narcissism
(2) Postmodernism
(3) Cultural relativism.

Narcissism is basically the sexually transmitted disease that the baby boomers left to every generation following them. I wouldn't necessarily say it's solely in the millennials, merely that it's at its most concentrated because the millennials are fifty years into a well-moulded consumerist society and social media is like jet fuel thrown on the fire of narcissism. The Internet has basically magnified and accelerated every horrible (and few good) tendency the human race has.

Narcissism is one of them. And narcissism came to rule essentially because the one discipline that should have held the line -- psychiatry -- bowed to cultural relativism and elevated identity above behaviour in assessing whether a person was crazed or not. That elevation rippled through every aspect of society and fuelled narcissism because, so long as you were able to assert your identity as being more important than your behaviour, you always had an excuse for your behaviour if it conflicted with your idea of who you were as a person. Remember the old adage "Actions speak louder than words?" Psychiatry literally threw that adage out. And you can see its net effect most clearly (as with a lot of things) among the criminal element in society, as recorded in Theodore Dalrymple's essay "The Knife Went In", wherein he observes that while everyone claims to fall in with the wrong crowd, he has never met a single person who belongs to the wrong crowd. When it's observed that you stole something, the instinctive response of Western people, now, across the board, is "Yes, but it was justified in this case." It was justified because of something in me. It was justified because my identity overrides my behaviour.

It wasn't Darwin or atheism that destroyed Christianity. The elevation of identity over behaviour did that to all organised religions which require certain behaviours, and if you can always excuse your behaviour by reason of your identity, salvation is not required; churches can only contain people who believe in a God other than themselves. Instead, the state of the Western individual is exemplified best by the weak, watery assertion in stoner Kevin Smith's Dogma: "It doesn't matter what faith you are, just that you have faith." Or as Last Psychiatrist puts it, in old school horror films, the Devil (when he appears) is not defeated by a morally pure person, he's defeated by following certain Catholic Christian rituals to the letter. Compare even something like The Exorcist with End of Days, for example. Where the Devil is beaten in the present day, it's because a specially gifted hard man asks to become the instrument of God, to become God. Or to take another example, when was the last time you saw a movie vampire repelled by someone showing them a cross?

Next question being: how did psychiatry come to elevate identity over behaviour? My hypothesis is that they did it because of the following:

Cultural relativism. On this one, Edward Wilson in Consilience adroitly sums up, discussing how the social sciences tend to ignore the natural sciences, i.e. biology, chemistry, etc:


The social sciences are hampered in this last regard by the residue of strong historical precedent. Ignorance of the natural sciences by design was a strategy fashioned by the founders, most notably Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx, Franz Boas, and Sigmund Freud, and their immediate followers. They aimed to isolate their nascent disciplines from the foundational sciences of biology and psychology, which at the inception of the social sciences were in any case too primitive to be of clear relevance. This stance was fruitful at first. It allowed scholars to search widely for patterns in culture and social organization unencumbered by the patronage of the natural sciences, and to compose such laws of social action as the prima facie evidence demanded. But once the pioneering era ended, the theorists were mistaken not to include biology and psychology. It was no longer a virtue to avoid the roots of human nature.

The theorists were inhibited from probing in that direction by another problem endemic to the social sciences: political ideology. Its effects have been especially clear in American anthropology. Franz Boas, aided by his famous students Ruth Benedict and Margaret Mead, led a crusade against what they perceived (correctly) to be the eugenics and racism implicit in Social Darwinism. With caution swept
aside by moral zeal, they turned opposition into the new ideology of cultural relativism. The logic of the ideology, still shared in varying degree by most professional anthropologists, can be expressed as follows:

It is wrong to suppose that "civilized" peoples are the winners over "primitive" peoples in a Darwinian struggle for existence, hence superior; it is wrong to think that the differences between them are due to their genes rather than a product of historical circumstance. Furthermore, culture is wondrously complex and tuned to the environment in which it has evolved. Therefore, it is misleading to think of cultures as evolving from a lower to a higher status, and it is wrong to entertain biological explanations of cultural diversity.

Believing it a virtue to declare that all cultures are equal but in different ways, Boas and other influential anthropologists nailed their flag of cultural relativism to the mast. During the 1960s and 1970s this scientific belief lent strength in the United States and other Western societies to political multiculturalism. Also known as identity politics, it holds that ethnics, women, and homosexuals possess subcultures deserving equal standing with those of the "majority," even if the doctrine demotes the idea of a unifying national culture. The United States motto, E pluribus unum, "out of the many, one," was turned around to "out of the one, many"; and those who wished it so asked this question with a good measure of reasonableness: What can be wrong with identity politics if it increases the civil rights of individuals? Many anthropologists, their instincts fortified by humanitarian purpose, grew stronger in their support of cultural relativism while stiffening their opposition to biology in any guise.

So, no biology. The reasoning then came full circle with a twist that must have brought a smile to the little gods of irony. Where cultural relativism had been initiated to negate belief in hereditary behavioral differences among ethnic groups—undeniably an unproven and ideologically dangerous conception—it was then turned against the idea of a unified human nature grounded in heredity. A great conundrum of the human condition was created: If neither culture nor a hereditary human nature, what unites humanity? The question cannot be just left hanging, for if ethical standards are molded by culture, and cultures are endlessly diverse and equivalent, what disqualifies theocracy, for example, or colonialism? Or child labor, torture, and slavery?

It is simple to see how cultural relativism thereby leaches down to moral relativism. If all cultures are equal, all have excuses, then all people have excuses as well. Backed by anthropology itself, the science of which Darwin himself is the patron saint.

Postmodernism. Possibly the father of both of the above to a certain extent. Again, deferring to Wilson a bit:


To varying degrees they have been more influenced by postmodernism, the competing hypothesis that denies the existence of a universal human nature. Applied to literary criticism, the extreme manifestation of postmodernism is the deconstructive philosophy formulated most provocatively by Jacques Derrida and Paul de Man. In this view, truth is relative and personal. Each person creates his own inner world by acceptance or rejection of endlessly shifting linguistic signs. There is no privileged point, no lodestar, to guide literary intelligence. And given that science is just another way of looking at the world, there is no scientifically constructible map of human nature from which the deep meaning of texts can be drawn. There is only unlimited opportunity for the reader to invent interpretations and commentaries out of the world he himself constructs. "The author is dead" is a favorite maxim of the deconstructionists. Deconstructionist scholars search instead for contradictions and ambiguities. They conceive and analyze what is left out by the author. The missing elements allow for personalized commentary in the postmodernist style. Postmodernists who add political ideology to the mix also regard the traditional literary canon as little more than a collection confirming the world view of ruling groups, and in particular that of Western white males.

Postmodernism was the bastard child of modernism, which had one thing going for it: it basically supported and legitimised scientific technique, the idea that the conclusion follows the data and not the other way round. But you can see from the bolded part how postmodernism is the academic justification for narcissism, how, like the Force, postmodernism creates it, makes it grow. The only good thing you can say about postmodernism is that it's dying: narcissism will outlast it, but as an intellectual argument it's dead, because like so many abandoned philosophies, it doesn't fit the biological or genetic reality of humanity.

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

Bill Nye the ""science"" guy goes to push feminist agenda

All I kept thinking while reading this thread was "why doesn't this bloke have a show on the BBC?"

Also, look at the noses...

[Image: 7cf90cd273a61670af8ed8b09bd5de55.jpg]

[Image: ENMNRsK4kYjq1Eb7D_DFqTwUjFz67JcYpM0G_IA6...4224800396]

Pedo-nose detected.

Bill Nye the ""science"" guy goes to push feminist agenda

Nunce Nose

Bill Nye the ""science"" guy goes to push feminist agenda

It appears that Netflix has edited out Bill Nye's earlier episode where he stated that there are two separate sexes and inferred that they are immutable.

The article is short and just shows the Bill Nye of his earlier rational days, compared to the new freakshow Bill, and how the Netflix edited out that particular segment of his old shows.

a bit off topic, but this is another reminder to back up your data independently, and frankly nowadays write things down, preferably in a journal. The article alludes to 1984 where history and records are deleted, and it's happening. The online world makes us more at risk for history to be changed and erased.

Bill Nye the ""science"" guy goes to push feminist agenda

That's unbeliveable. History is truly written by the winners.

Bill Nye the ""science"" guy goes to push feminist agenda

My city has a pretty nice public pool within a few blocks of my apartment. My wife when she stops working was hoping I would take her there and teach her how to swim (she comes from a country where learning to swim just isn't part of the culture).

I learned that signs have been posted on the locker rooms that says:

There is no way in hell my wife will go anywhere near this place. I don't need some freakazoid showing up in the women's locker room with her in it.. and the cops won't beat this deviant into a pulp (the cops here are old school) because of the new city policy.

Hopefully the private health clubs don't all go down the SJW deep end. I am not so positive they won't because like this Bill Nye nonsense shows.. the cultural Marxist crowd is on a major offensive to make deviants mainstream.

Bill Nye the ""science"" guy goes to push feminist agenda

Quote: (05-04-2017 07:35 PM)Robert High Hawk Wrote:  

It appears that Netflix has edited out Bill Nye's earlier episode where he stated that there are two separate sexes and inferred that they are immutable.

The article is short and just shows the Bill Nye of his earlier rational days, compared to the new freakshow Bill, and how the Netflix edited out that particular segment of his old shows.

'Bill Nye the Rent Seeking Guy' will take the position of whomever cuts him his paycheck.

Bill Nye the ""science"" guy goes to push feminist agenda

Quote: (05-05-2017 07:33 AM)Hell_Is_Like_Newark Wrote:  

Quote: (05-04-2017 07:35 PM)Robert High Hawk Wrote:  

It appears that Netflix has edited out Bill Nye's earlier episode where he stated that there are two separate sexes and inferred that they are immutable.

The article is short and just shows the Bill Nye of his earlier rational days, compared to the new freakshow Bill, and how the Netflix edited out that particular segment of his old shows.

'Bill Nye the Rent Seeking Guy' will take the position of whomever cuts him his paycheck.

or whomever has the videos of him doing some nasty things.

Bill Nye the ""science"" guy goes to push feminist agenda

Quote: (05-04-2017 07:35 PM)Robert High Hawk Wrote:  

It appears that Netflix has edited out Bill Nye's earlier episode where he stated that there are two separate sexes and inferred that they are immutable.

The article is short and just shows the Bill Nye of his earlier rational days, compared to the new freakshow Bill, and how the Netflix edited out that particular segment of his old shows.

a bit off topic, but this is another reminder to back up your data independently, and frankly nowadays write things down, preferably in a journal. The article alludes to 1984 where history and records are deleted, and it's happening. The online world makes us more at risk for history to be changed and erased.

Good Lord, I just watched that 90s clip and it reminded me of why I hated that show. The girl's trying to explain chromosomes, but for some reason there's this track playing in the background of people grunting, giggling, and squealing.


The conspiracy-minded part of me wants to imagine that it's some sort of MKULTRA, sex-deviant programming, and maybe it is, but whatever the reasoning behind it, here you have the explanation of ADHD and the I Fucking Love Science Crowd who don't know a thing about science.

It's EDUTAINMENT - not education!

Bill Nye the ""science"" guy goes to push feminist agenda

Quote: (04-28-2017 12:12 AM)Paracelsus Wrote:  

The only good thing you can say about postmodernism is that it's dying: narcissism will outlast it, but as an intellectual argument it's dead, because like so many abandoned philosophies, it doesn't fit the biological or genetic reality of humanity.

When I was in college, I heard a definition of postmodernism that went something like this: "it takes existing concepts and rearranges them to create new meaning." I remember thinking, "So they don't create anything then?" Something felt wrong, but I didn't know what it was. So I let my Communist teachers walk me into ambiguous directions. I got the "A," but I never understood what I was looking at or reading.

Now it's painfully obvious; it's just a dressed-up form of cultural subversion. A way to piss on Western Civilization (like Marcel DuChamp did in L.H.O.O.Q) and pass it off as higher learning.

Most of those postmodern theories are linguistic babble, designed to send you through a hedge maze of confusion.

"Action still preserves for us a hope that we may stand erect." - Thucydides (from History of the Peloponnesian War)

Bill Nye the ""science"" guy goes to push feminist agenda

I have spent my life studying law, biotechnology and Medicine and was never aware of post modernism until The Last Psychiatrist and the manosphere introduced me to it- Someone should make a thread breaking that shit down, it is a deep rabbit hole.....

Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....

Bill Nye the ""science"" guy goes to push feminist agenda

The guy is a fucking psycho:

[Image: a0a81c548d9b58d72fc4fcd09a7289b27f36854b_hq.jpg]

[Image: perkins2.jpg]

[Image: 1493066455605-BNSTW_Rehearsal_Unit_00037_R.jpeg]

Bill Nye the ""science"" guy goes to push feminist agenda

I used to love watching him coming home from middle school, but now he's Bill Nye, the SJW guy. Sad.

Bill Nye the ""science"" guy goes to push feminist agenda

Shill Nye the pretend to be a science guy

Shill shill shill shill

Bill Nye the ""science"" guy goes to push feminist agenda

Quote: (05-05-2017 10:18 PM)Kurgan Wrote:  

I used to love watching him coming home from middle school, but now he's Bill Nye, the SJW guy. Sad.

You either die a childhood hero, or live long enough to see yourself become an SJW cuck.


Bill Nye the ""science"" guy goes to push feminist agenda

Quote: (04-27-2017 12:19 PM)realologist Wrote:  

Quote: (04-27-2017 12:04 PM)Canopus Wrote:  

When something like 99.6% 99.96% of humans on the planet can look in their pants and figure out what gender they are, I don't get why the other .4% .04% needs so much attention from anyone other than the psychiatric community. Such a small fraction of the population doesn't constitute a spectrum, rather they are an aberration. But the loudest among them, namely the weirdos on Tumblr, want to turn things around to make it seem as if there is something wrong with the default setting or it doesn't exist in such an overwhelming majority of people.

Nye could have covered any number of problems facing humanity, but he chose this hair splitting issue about sexual minorities instead. It's depressing that he's got a soapbox that he could really educate people from, like Carl Sagan and others have done, but instead we get ice cream orgies and vaginas with voices.

Fixed that for you.

Fixed that for both of you.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Bill Nye the ""science"" guy goes to push feminist agenda

Netflix is purging all old science episode that refer to genetics as determinant factor:

[Image: Netflix-Edits-Bill-Nye-Gender-Episode.jpg]


Netflix begins SCIENCE PURGE to remove all genetics education from science videos in order to appease Left-wing “gender fluid” lunatics like Bill Nye


Bill Nye the ""science"" guy goes to push feminist agenda

I'm just as qualified a scientist as Bill Nye to speak on gender, as he has a BS in Mechanical Engineering and I have three-quarters of a degree in International Relations.

This show blows. IT'S SCIENCE.

Bill Nye the ""science"" guy goes to push feminist agenda

[Image: giphy.gif]

Take care of those titties for me.

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