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Girlfriend considering stripping for financial reasons

Girlfriend considering stripping for financial reasons

So your gf wants to strip for money, but you think she won't fuck for money when some guy offers her a couple hundred bucks or maybe even more?

Girlfriend considering stripping for financial reasons

If you see a future with this girl, then talk her out of stripping.

The sad reality, is that 99% of girls would want to strip if they could. I think it empowers them or some nonsense like that.

Your girl may not be a bad person, but that business will change her for the worst. She will get more than a few indecent proposals from guys with way more money that you, then you can kiss her goodbye forever.

I have had two ex-girlfriends, who suggested the idea to me. I didn't give them an answer nor did I talk them into doing it. That was a road I wasn't ready to go down or should I say dark alley.

Our New Blog:

Girlfriend considering stripping for financial reasons

Having "dated" a stripper before, I will say its a whole different ballgame than dating a normal chick. Mentally, you need to be strong, knowing she's shaking her naked ass in front of strange men. Like some of the other fellows have said here, she will likely start fucking for money eventually, most of them do. Now in my case, I knew it but I was fucking other chicks so she was essentially just a plate, a fun, wild plate, but a plate nonetheless. That was our arrangement and she was fine with it as was I. I liked her as a person and I treated her well but I never got in too deep with her.

Your situation is different in that she's your normal gf that you love and deeply care about so for her to all of a sudden turn to this life, it is going to leave you in an emotional shambles. You will hamster like you've never hamstered before, trying to rationalize her turn to the dark side. Guthrie, you must understand and anticipate how badly this is going to turn out for you, I cannot understate this. It will slowly make you lose your mind and all your thoughts and emotion will be of rage and jealousy. Your days will be consumed thinking about this and this only, rendering you incapable of doing anything else. My advice to you is to tell her in no uncertain terms that you will not be around to encourage her and make her feel better about doing this. That you will not be around period. It might be hard for you to do this now seeing your emotional tie to her but you will save yourself a bunch of heartache later if you lay it on the line now.

Girlfriend considering stripping for financial reasons

"99% of girls would want to strip if they could"

It's the allure of easy money plus lots of pedestalization. Even more tempting I think is being a camgirl. There's an explosion of camgirls. I think women feel being a camgirl is obscure enough that nobody they know would find out, plus it's something she can do from the convenience of her own home without fear of physical contact.

Most important quote:


I met a guy who became my boyfriend, and eventually I decided to tell him about Ariel. He was pretty relaxed about it and seemed more concerned in making sure that I was OK than passing judgment. I’ve shown him the site and some of my old pictures and videos and he’s even asked what kind of money we could make doing a show together.

Once you go down this road then you wind up having to insert a strict bulletpoint in your laundry-list that the guy needs to be OK and not "pass judgment". That then means the guys she'll probably wind up with going forward are not so much enlightened as they are cucks/pervs. That cause and effect alone is reason enough to BE judgmental to women who do this.

I briefly dated an ex stripper who paid her way through nursing school and let me tell you, she had major issues, and her boyfriend at the time was the one who coaxed her into it in the first place.

Don't do it. Women so often make bad choices in life. This is one case where being a white knight is appropriate.

Girlfriend considering stripping for financial reasons

[Image: no_michael_bluth.gif]

Weird. Saw something happen a couple weeks ago that might help put it in perspective..

One of my dart leagues plays out of a strip club. The girls are ok, a couple smokeshows, but 6's and 7's for the most part. I chat a couple of them up when it's a slow night, but I haven't paid for (or received) a lap dance or similar.

To me, it's a waste of money, why pay some chick $20+ to grind her sweaty snatch on your zipper when that money could go towards a couple drinks in a regular bar for a woman you might get the notch from if your game and logistics are there. And the rules for a private dance are the typical 'no touching by you', etc, etc..

AND you have to buy a 'dance chip' from the bar for $20. You get the chip (worth 1 song), give it to the dancer of your choice, you both go to the private area, and she's dances for one song. She redeems the chip at the bar for whatever her cut is.

One song.. this will be important later.

Anyway, there's one stripper with a decent face, nice body, long blonde hair, but got a bad beat in the nose department. And a mouth like a trucker. I usually like to bust her chops when the opportunity is there, or we shoot the shit if we're outside having a cigarette at the same time (no smoking in a business in NY).

A couple of weeks ago, there's this guy sitting at the bar and chatting up the bouncers. Now, the dart league season has been going on since September 2016, and we're there almost every week. And this is the first time I've seen this guy in there. And Gonzo's been intermittently sitting with or on him. So I figure the dude used to work there or something.

I go to the bar to order my drink, and start chatting with the head bouncer. He kind of gives me a shifty eye in the direction of the guy, and a couple minutes later he and I go out for a smoke. Come to find out that it's Gonzo's boyfriend... who got thrown out last July for trying to beat on some dude that was in the private area for about half an hour with The Beak.

Remember the dance chip from earlier ? She only had one chip... and the bartender only sold the dude... one chip.

The bouncer says that she told her boyfriend, "We were just talking and lost track of time. Tara (another dancer) says the private rooms were empty when they were supposed to be (he makes air quotes) 'talking' ".

I look at the bouncer, and he doesn't say anything else, but gives me that "Gonzo's full of shit she was fucking that guy in the office/broom closet/cooler/stairwell" kind of look (if that makes sense).

I kind of kept my eyes on the boyfriend over the course of the rest of the night. The only way I can describe the look on his face every time Gonzo went in the back for a private dance would be similar to the same look on the husband's face in a cuck video where his wife gets plowed by someone else.

To her credit, her and whoever bought a dance chip would come back out after one dance. But I guarantee that the boyfriend's brain biscuits were turning every time she disappeared behind that curtain. And they probably go into overdrive when he's not there.

Don't be that guy.

Team Next.

Quote:Darkwing Buck Wrote:  
A 5 in your bed is worth more than a 9 in your head.

Girlfriend considering stripping for financial reasons

I was in a similar situation as this. My first wife was a former prostitute, and promised not to do that anymore. She really liked that I was an open-minded guy who didn't mind that she had that past, though. She asked if it would be okay to keep some of the outfits that she used as a prostitute because she thought they were beautiful, and I told her that of course that was fine.

However, after a few other job prospects didn't work out, she started saying that she wanted to get back into the sex industry. At first she was saying that she wanted to be a stripper or just do webcam stuff. But then she decided that maybe she didn't have the body for that, so she started asking my permission to go back to prostitution. (She preferred to call it "escorting," although she found her clients through Craigslist's intimate encounters section, rather than through an agency.)

She kept pressing the issue, till eventually, I was like, "Whatever, you can suck other guys' dicks for money, as long as you use a condom, and save your pussy for me." I remember the first evening she was going to go do that, she put on one of those prostitution outfits that she had brought with her, and went to kiss me goodbye and said, "Careful, the lipstick might smear." Meanwhile, our sex life was deterioriating, as she was putting out less and less for me, till eventually, she cut me off altogether.

If I had to guess, I'd say that she probably wasn't actually using a condom with those guys, because she did contract an STD at one point, plus she used to write in her blog about swallowing her clients' fluids, plus when I asked her (before we got together) if she swallowed, she said of course; where else would it go, if not down her throat? That's probably one of the reasons why her clients loved her so much, and kept blowing up her phone long after she'd moved out of the area.

After she left me, she went back to live with her parents, and they started pressuring her to find a real job instead of being a prostitute. So she told them she was going to be a life coach, but confided to her Facebook friends that the life coach stuff was BS, because she had no interest in that; she was always going to be an escort. I think it had become part of her identity by that point.

When a girl wants to get into stripping, it means that she has major daddy issues and is probably going to use stripping as a slippery slope to get into straight-up prostitution. She's addicted to jobs where she can use her ability to cater to random men's sexual desires as a way of getting quick cash; and she can get more and quicker cash by offering entry into her holes than by just offering a look. It shows a lack of impulse control, because she doesn't want to do what's needed to make money the hard way.

I was in a weak financial position at the time and therefore wasn't able to say, "Hon, you don't need to sell your body, I'll take care of you." (Now I've got that Police song "Roxanne" in my head.) But, even if I'd had that much money, her wanting to get into the sex industry was a major red flag of mental instability. Bonecrker has written on this topic a few times.

Girlfriend considering stripping for financial reasons

The first time some bro throws down 400 bucks in the VIP room and tells her to suck on them balls, you think she wouldn't?

You would eat pussy for $400, why wouldn't she chug some wang?

Girlfriend considering stripping for financial reasons

99% of the time girls who are in the sex industry make terrible partners. It takes a certain kind of woman to shamelessly exploit her body for money.

Girlfriend considering stripping for financial reasons

@jean valjean - you married a pro!

It's too easy to say they have daddy issues, some girls are straight hustlers.

These places wouldn't exist if men had things in order.

Our New Blog:

Girlfriend considering stripping for financial reasons

Make her a side chick. Start dating other women's now. Just the fact that she got the idea is pretty fucked up.

Girlfriend considering stripping for financial reasons

Your girl makes it sounds like she's desperate. It's not like she's about to be homeless or something:

She can sell her car and buy a crappy one to go to work.
She cas sell her car and not buy another car and find a lower paying job around.
She can work a bit more and study less. She'll graduate eventually.

I can relate to Jean Valjean's story. I was in a weak financial situation and an ex went down the same road mostly because she was a lazy, dumb but good looking attention whore. She did not inform me when she started doing it. When I found out, I was very anry but stayed with her to get revenge: I pimped her out for a couple of months and made sure I was getting payed before dumping her. I couldn't handle the drama and my own emotions anymore. In hindsight I should have just dumped her and moved on.

It takes a special kind of guy to be okay with a whorish girl, and I was not okay. It seems you are thinking about easy money. If your girl looks good or if not but she wants to do really nasty things then yes it's big and easy but it will destroy your relationship and will not be good for your emotions.

My advise is in the first place to stop the relationship even if she doesn't drift to the bad side. She had fucked up values for even thinking about something like that.

If you still want to be with her, make sure you get money. In her ho-logic she will still see you as the apha guy she so desperately wants to please and understands her so well. She will see it as a sharing experience. If she keeps everything for herself it's because her ho-logic tells her you are a beta dweeb orbiter kind of guy.

Girlfriend considering stripping for financial reasons

Quote: (02-20-2017 05:49 PM)Jean Valjean Wrote:  

I was in a similar situation as this. My first wife was a former prostitute, and promised not to do that anymore. She really liked that I was an open-minded guy who didn't mind that she had that past, though. She asked if it would be okay to keep some of the outfits that she used as a prostitute because she thought they were beautiful, and I told her that of course that was fine.

However, after a few other job prospects didn't work out, she started saying that she wanted to get back into the sex industry. At first she was saying that she wanted to be a stripper or just do webcam stuff. But then she decided that maybe she didn't have the body for that, so she started asking my permission to go back to prostitution. (She preferred to call it "escorting," although she found her clients through Craigslist's intimate encounters section, rather than through an agency.)

She kept pressing the issue, till eventually, I was like, "Whatever, you can suck other guys' dicks for money, as long as you use a condom, and save your pussy for me." I remember the first evening she was going to go do that, she put on one of those prostitution outfits that she had brought with her, and went to kiss me goodbye and said, "Careful, the lipstick might smear." Meanwhile, our sex life was deterioriating, as she was putting out less and less for me, till eventually, she cut me off altogether.

If I had to guess, I'd say that she probably wasn't actually using a condom with those guys, because she did contract an STD at one point, plus she used to write in her blog about swallowing her clients' fluids, plus when I asked her (before we got together) if she swallowed, she said of course; where else would it go, if not down her throat? That's probably one of the reasons why her clients loved her so much, and kept blowing up her phone long after she'd moved out of the area.

This was your wife ?!!

[Image: giphy.gif]

[Image: 0mw1I8e.gif]

[Image: raw]

Girlfriend considering stripping for financial reasons

This thread is really bringing the sunshine.

Hidey-ho, RVFerinos!

Girlfriend considering stripping for financial reasons

Say No.

Girlfriend considering stripping for financial reasons

Yes.... "financial" reasons... Definitely wouldn't be for the attention.

Girlfriend considering stripping for financial reasons

Not judging here, merely observing. A few questions come to mind:

Though you say the sex is great, how does it compare with the RISK of being with someone like this?

There is DRAMA coming your way at minimum, maybe, likely TROUBLE. Why bother for a piece of ass?

Do you really want to be with someone whose prospects are so limited, and whose judgement is so POOR?

Things, good and bad, don't often happen TO us, we MAKE them happen through the choices we make.

"Sometimes I take notes, sometimes I take hostages. It all depends on the day."

Girlfriend considering stripping for financial reasons

Have her sign up on SA. Myself and I'm sure a few other guys on here would gladly sell her the dream and have those panties off within an hour of meeting.

In all seriousness dude, you need to move on from this relationship. The fact that this option has crossed her mind should be shown as pure disrespect to you. It's a slippery slope and once she get's mixed up in this lifestyle (partying every night, sex, drugs, shady characters, etc) there is no telling how far down the rabbit hole she'll go.
You need to move on.

Girlfriend considering stripping for financial reasons

Quote: (02-20-2017 05:49 PM)Jean Valjean Wrote:  

I was in a similar situation as this. My first wife was a former prostitute, and promised not to do that anymore. She really liked that I was an open-minded guy who didn't mind that she had that past, though. She asked if it would be okay to keep some of the outfits that she used as a prostitute because she thought they were beautiful, and I told her that of course that was fine.

However, after a few other job prospects didn't work out, she started saying that she wanted to get back into the sex industry. At first she was saying that she wanted to be a stripper or just do webcam stuff. But then she decided that maybe she didn't have the body for that, so she started asking my permission to go back to prostitution. (She preferred to call it "escorting," although she found her clients through Craigslist's intimate encounters section, rather than through an agency.)

She kept pressing the issue, till eventually, I was like, "Whatever, you can suck other guys' dicks for money, as long as you use a condom, and save your pussy for me." I remember the first evening she was going to go do that, she put on one of those prostitution outfits that she had brought with her, and went to kiss me goodbye and said, "Careful, the lipstick might smear." Meanwhile, our sex life was deterioriating, as she was putting out less and less for me, till eventually, she cut me off altogether.

If I had to guess, I'd say that she probably wasn't actually using a condom with those guys, because she did contract an STD at one point, plus she used to write in her blog about swallowing her clients' fluids, plus when I asked her (before we got together) if she swallowed, she said of course; where else would it go, if not down her throat? That's probably one of the reasons why her clients loved her so much, and kept blowing up her phone long after she'd moved out of the area.

[Image: facepalm.png]

Bro, please tell me you're trolling with this post.

Girlfriend considering stripping for financial reasons

Stripping is a super competitive and sometimes vicious business that brings out the worst in the customers as well as the dancers.

But it's lucrative.

I wouldn't let my girlfriend do it, personally.

Girlfriend considering stripping for financial reasons

Quote: (02-20-2017 04:12 PM)John Michael Kane Wrote:  

Absolutely unacceptable that a girlfriend consider this as a job possibility. It is a direct affront to your relationship. This forum is well-documented with the countless threads of men who have had relationships with strippers and how the profession destroys the girls EVERY SINGLE TIME. The fact that she's even considering it means she isn't worth hanging on to.

+1 for this.

Mate, C'mon now, are you fucking crazy?

Girlfriend considering stripping for financial reasons

[Image: giphy.gif]

Girlfriend considering stripping for financial reasons

Quote: (02-20-2017 05:49 PM)Jean Valjean Wrote:  

I was in a similar situation as this. My first wife was a former prostitute, and promised not to do that anymore. She really liked that I was an open-minded guy who didn't mind that she had that past, though. She asked if it would be okay to keep some of the outfits that she used as a prostitute because she thought they were beautiful, and I told her that of course that was fine.

However, after a few other job prospects didn't work out, she started saying that she wanted to get back into the sex industry. At first she was saying that she wanted to be a stripper or just do webcam stuff. But then she decided that maybe she didn't have the body for that, so she started asking my permission to go back to prostitution. (She preferred to call it "escorting," although she found her clients through Craigslist's intimate encounters section, rather than through an agency.)

She kept pressing the issue, till eventually, I was like, "Whatever, you can suck other guys' dicks for money, as long as you use a condom, and save your pussy for me." I remember the first evening she was going to go do that, she put on one of those prostitution outfits that she had brought with her, and went to kiss me goodbye and said, "Careful, the lipstick might smear." Meanwhile, our sex life was deterioriating, as she was putting out less and less for me, till eventually, she cut me off altogether.

If I had to guess, I'd say that she probably wasn't actually using a condom with those guys, because she did contract an STD at one point, plus she used to write in her blog about swallowing her clients' fluids, plus when I asked her (before we got together) if she swallowed, she said of course; where else would it go, if not down her throat? That's probably one of the reasons why her clients loved her so much, and kept blowing up her phone long after she'd moved out of the area.

After she left me, she went back to live with her parents, and they started pressuring her to find a real job instead of being a prostitute. So she told them she was going to be a life coach, but confided to her Facebook friends that the life coach stuff was BS, because she had no interest in that; she was always going to be an escort. I think it had become part of her identity by that point.

When a girl wants to get into stripping, it means that she has major daddy issues and is probably going to use stripping as a slippery slope to get into straight-up prostitution. She's addicted to jobs where she can use her ability to cater to random men's sexual desires as a way of getting quick cash; and she can get more and quicker cash by offering entry into her holes than by just offering a look. It shows a lack of impulse control, because she doesn't want to do what's needed to make money the hard way.

I was in a weak financial position at the time and therefore wasn't able to say, "Hon, you don't need to sell your body, I'll take care of you." (Now I've got that Police song "Roxanne" in my head.) But, even if I'd had that much money, her wanting to get into the sex industry was a major red flag of mental instability. Bonecrker has written on this topic a few times.

[Image: whoa.gif]

You could use professional help, man, you've got to raise your self esteem.

There's books for that stuff, but a medical professional might actually be more appropriate in this case.

+1 though for the brutal honesty.

Girlfriend considering stripping for financial reasons

Quote: (02-20-2017 07:37 PM)Midnight Cowboy Wrote:  

I can relate to Jean Valjean's story. I was in a weak financial situation and an ex went down the same road mostly because she was a lazy, dumb but good looking attention whore. She did not inform me when she started doing it. When I found out, I was very anry but stayed with her to get revenge: I pimped her out for a couple of months and made sure I was getting payed before dumping her. I couldn't handle the drama and my own emotions anymore. In hindsight I should have just dumped her and moved on.

It takes a special kind of guy to be okay with a whorish girl, and I was not okay. It seems you are thinking about easy money. If your girl looks good or if not but she wants to do really nasty things then yes it's big and easy but it will destroy your relationship and will not be good for your emotions.

My advise is in the first place to stop the relationship even if she doesn't drift to the bad side. She had fucked up values for even thinking about something like that.

If you still want to be with her, make sure you get money. In her ho-logic she will still see you as the apha guy she so desperately wants to please and understands her so well. She will see it as a sharing experience. If she keeps everything for herself it's because her ho-logic tells her you are a beta dweeb orbiter kind of guy.


This thread is shining a light on corners of the RooshV Forum I'd never glimpsed.

Girlfriend considering stripping for financial reasons

Best thread on the forum. IMO

Girlfriend considering stripping for financial reasons

Quote: (02-20-2017 03:03 PM)Jtguthrie12 Wrote:  

She is a sane human being with a good head on her shoulder that is just trying to find a way to make ends meet... Yea i know I hate that.. The more i think about it the more im starting to say im not okay with it.

She's not sane, and the head on her shoulders is not good, you're just blinded by the pussy. The fact that she's even considering this tells you she's got issues of her own, and also, doesn't respect you.

If she starts doing this, break up with her before you get an STD or get dragged into criminality of one form or another. If she doesn't start doing this, start looking for a new girl anyways, the amount of disrespect she's showing is off the charts.

Finish school, don't let her problems become your problems. Start from scratch, chalk it up to inexperience, and do better next time. This relationship is too far gone and the girl isn't worth attempting to fix it even if it weren't this far gone.

Totally agree with John Michael Kane, save your mental, physical, and financial health, and cut ties.

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