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How do you guys cope?

How do you guys cope?

I've hesitated posting about this...

For one thing, not wanting to risk a ban.. Since I am a low poster.
But this has been really driving me nuts, and I wanna hear some opinions.

We all know the Trump administration has been slammed at every turn.
Not that it is a surprise, I am just amazed at the absolute relentless scorn
from the MSM, truth or proof be damned.

I have maybe to my discredit, spent far too many hours "fighting back" on
online comments sections, and responses to idiot posters who only spew
the left talking points, without an ounce of logic.

It is beating my head against a wall for sure.. But I know many people just
do not know. My Mom for instance.. I have been visiting her for about a month,
and we watch the news every night.

Have just "opened" her eyes to the truth.. And now SHE is the one bitching
about the media!! (Right on MOM!!!!)

So how should I better "handle" myself?

Oh.. I did just go to an online sign up to protest site.. and RSVP'd to an event.
Their online form asked, "including you, how many will attend?"

I answered, "including me, 25 members of Bikers for Trump".

Made me feel a little better. [Image: biggrin.gif]

How do you guys cope?

You're taking on the world as one man, you are not an army.

If other peoples opinions about Trump are getting to you then, don't take this badly, but you might seem a bit soft. My co-workers believe Trump should be murdered (yes I am serious) and wish anyone but him got to be POTUS.

I tried explaining in bite size chunks about the many reasons he was elected and how he is a symptom of many problems. "Hopefully he gets assasinated on inaugeration day" were the answers I got. These opinions were from men whose professionalism, opinion and person i respect and call friends.

My mind was quite fundamentally blown.

And I stopped caring about it or their opinions. Their opinions didn't matter. They don't matter. You're ahead of the curve and its not some fanboy-ism dedication to like Trump and believe in him and what he needs to do.

Sit back, relax and enjoy the Trump train.

How do you guys cope?

Quote: (02-17-2017 07:53 PM)The Breeze Wrote:  

I have maybe to my discredit, spent far too many hours "fighting back" on
online comments sections, and responses to idiot posters who only spew
the left talking points, without an ounce of logic.

Get something else going on in your life, not online, where you can actually accomplish something.

How do you guys cope?

Quote: (02-17-2017 08:04 PM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

My mind was quite fundamentally blown.

That is EXACTLY where I am at..!

Quote: (02-17-2017 08:04 PM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

Sit back, relax and enjoy the Trump train.

Thanks man.. it's hard being surrounded by idiots!!

But you are right.

How do you guys cope?

WB your mum.

How do you guys cope?

Here's what I say to liberals:

'The thing about Trump is, his politics are fairly normal for a real conservative, he's a Reagan type guy. It's just the 'way he says things' that offends liberals. Why? Because their outrage is free publicity for him, that's how he got elected. At the same time, the media are fuelling liberal outrage for profit, by misreporting and twisting his words (as he knows they will do).'

Basically, I don't try to convince them of his politics, I just try to explain how ridiculous the anti-Trump hysteria is. I also try to explain that it's not in their benefit at all, they're being taken for a ride for the benefit of the news media's ratings.

Quote: (03-05-2016 02:42 PM)SudoRoot Wrote:  
Fuck this shit, I peace out.

How do you guys cope?

Bit of a ramble:
Work on yourself a lot. Before we can make America (or Canada or whatever) Great Again, we have to make ourselves great again.

Conservatives tend to be better looking people and a lot more people with higher incomes voted for Trump. The Left is like the tiny yappy dog that barks a lot. The right is like a big silent wolf. The Left is overwhelmingly composed of people who provide no economic value.

Students, professional students, professors, academians, NGO employees, coffee slingers, activists, slacktivists, politicians, teachers, Peace Corp workers, AmeriCorp workers, public sector administrators, diversity counselors, diversity consultants, bloggers, vloggers, media personalities, etc. etc.

If you think about it, all they do is complain. They never actually DO anything. They never actually work. Their entire "business" model, their entire profession, their entire life's existence is to bitch and whine, thereby rationalizing the theft of others (white males being the current target).
From Captain Capitalism

There are three ways to win an argument: 1. Rational discourse 2. Propaganda / rhetoric 3. Violence.
Don't bother arguing with them, they've left (heh) the realm of open discussion a long time ago and are now in the realm of propaganda / group think or even, in the case of antifa, violence.

If you want to piss them off, drop memes that attack their ego and show them to be ugly or losers. Most Leftoids are too far gone and their egos couldn't stand to change their whole lives. This means your goal here isn't to change them, but to use them as props to convince moderates (most people are moderates - just regular people with things to do). This is an advertising technique where you're aim is to show people a dissociative group; a group they don't want to identify with. Men with decent Test levels won't want to date lefty freaks. This is why that recent ROK article ( pissed so many lefties off. It's true and it completely bypasses rational debate in favor of saying, "Hey, do you want to identify with these freaks?" As for convincing girls, being a successful man with a strong frame is 90% of the battle. The average woman is a herd animal who hasn't thought very deeply about what she believes and why she believes it. Just treat her disagreements as a shit test and remember to do it with charisma. Most women aren't really looking for an argument.

Anyway, rest assured. While it seems like the Left is absolutely huge, there are as many people on the right and we are generally stronger and more financially secure. We have a better work ethic and we're the people who keep the country running. Also, a lot of people are just a bit liberal, but are otherwise just regular dudes who aren't full retard leftists and wouldn't do anything violent. They're good people who might just value compassion a bit more than they value other things, or maybe they haven't thought about their beliefs very much, or maybe they just want to fit in with their environment's status quo.

In the end, being a successful dude and being dismissive of leftists as losers is a pretty good place to start. Regular people will be drawn to you and, best of all, you'll feel great about yourself. Cheers.

How do you guys cope?

"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink."

I try the angle of not trusting the media.

I was always taught, from an early age, not to believe everything you see on TV or read in the newspaper. Just because this writer or newscaster says it, doesn't mean take it as gospel. Do your own research. Look online, and look at what the media in other countries are reporting about the same incident.

Most of those outlets have an agenda: to sell papers and gain viewership. That's it.

Even though I learned early on to not trust the media, for the Trump/'fake news' conversations, I point to the incident in Florida back in 2012. George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin. And one station (I believe it was NBC) edited the audio tape of the 911 call to make Zimmerman sound like a racist profiler.

I usually end the conversation with, "The fact that the media aired an edited tape to gain viewership should make you question everything they tell you."

That's seemed to get the wheels turning for a few people I've talked to.

Quote:Darkwing Buck Wrote:  
A 5 in your bed is worth more than a 9 in your head.

How do you guys cope?

I attend a liberal University, on which, I've randomly donned([Image: tongue.gif]) my MAGA hat. Partly due to a deal I made with myself before Trump's victory. I won't waste precious text in detailing each and every bizarre encounter I've had the fortune of experiencing. But in essence it all sums up to the concept of "Antifragility".

I'm still, well into my journey to manhood; something I've never seen up close. So I push past my comfort zone, and throw myself in the fray. It builds character to do. What takes courage is letting those around you know what you stand far; something foreign to my peers.

Plenty of guys on campus who give me their support, do so in confidence. They refuse to risk "Social Suicide" by even insinuating a preference for Trump's policies. Ultimately, I can understand that position, they don't want to relinquish their odds of landing fragranced Vagina. In my case, I'd rather fill these critical years with moments that'll shape me like clay.

How do you guys cope?

Single biggest thing I did to get around this was deactivate facebook - thats 99% of the problem solved right there.

Theres still the odd occasion where somebody will say some nonsense about Trump, but its important not to get too deawn into it. Just be firm, let them know whetr you stand and dont be drawn. For example the other day at work we were chatting about the future when someone said "Im just worried about what Trumps gonna do".

I just said "you know im a supporter, so im not going to buy into this media drivel. You shouldnt either". The end.

They get to see that Trump supporters are not demons lurking in the shadows, but real people who they know and like.

How do you guys cope?

So you are worked up by idiots spewing left talking points at every turn but your response is to be an idiot and spew right talking points at every turn. Great job sparky.

You're being a fucking retard. Stop stressing out about the divide and conquer, left vs right reality TV show you are being fed and focus on improving your own life.

Whatever actor is playing the POTUS this cycle has far less of an impact on your life than you think.

Turn your fucking TV off and lay off the facebag for a while.

How do you guys cope?

I attend a pretty liberal university and I wore a Trump t-shirt I got as a gift. The whole Make America Great again. I didn't wear it a very explicit manner but a few people saw it in class.

Coping eh? Well a hobby doesn't hurt. If you do something with your hands that requires skill like carpentry or playing an instrument that can help you relax. Frankly speaking there are people that you might influence or red pill but they are few and far between. Consider how small the population of regular posting and high rep and count posting members on here is in comparison to the hordes of anti trump anti fa Larpers out there in the streets and bitch moaning online. I suggest taking time to read old books or do something that will educate yourself and then also focus on survival skills. I plan on reading some old books by men like Clauswitz, Plato, Guderian, Rudel, and read and watch plenty of bits of history.

Have a good weekend and remember that you are not alone, there are means of coping, and that you have the ability to make yourself great and by extension the people who care for you.

Si vis pacem, para bellum
Fiat Jiustitia, et pereat mundus
They can be white, black, nice, fat, just need a crevasse to put my pipe at."- Tech n9ne

"Just because there's a bun in the oven doesn't mean you can't use the stove" - Dain_bramage.

How do you guys cope?

I think there are at least a couple of options:

(1) Mindfulness and/or meditation
(2) A lot of help from Jack Daniels

One is a lot healthier than the other. But boozing it up every once in a long while is not so bad.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

How do you guys cope?

If you think it's tough being a Trump fan, try being a Trump hater. He's beating them. Take solace in the fact, we're winning and they are losing.

Take care of those titties for me.

How do you guys cope?

Maybe this will help...

How do you guys cope?

Right on Dusty.

Breeze, the short answer is this: imagine where you would be today had Hillary managed to steal the election and win, the way she stole 13 states from Sanders in the Primeries.

Feel better now? [Image: wink.gif]

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

How do you guys cope?

Reminds me of a comic strip I saw.

Wife: You coming to bed?
Husband (hunched over computer keyboard) : Just a few more minutes. Somebody on the Internet is WRONG!

As stated above, reason doesn't work with lefties. They must be shamed or embarrassed into right thinking only. If it's not safe to shame them, instead embarrass them by how poorly they measure up to your quiet success and awesomeness.

How do you guys cope?

If its facebook, I ignore them or post a trash pigeon.

[Image: trash-dove.gif]

If its some article, I look at the comment section and then laugh.

How do you guys cope?

Yeah or you can also share a good tune with them, like this one here

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

How do you guys cope?

Just wanna show some appreciation, to those who posted above.

I watched Trump's rally in Florida yesterday, and something clicked.

Between this thread, that rally, and realizing the other side does NOT matter..
not in the least. I have had a real weight lifted from me. It isn't my job to
try and educate, or swing opinions. The left is fucked, and more important?
They've lost, and they keep losing.

In the smallest of ways, I feel like I am a better man today.

So Thanks.

How do you guys cope?

I've gotten into the same trap of spending too much time arguing with brainless, hopeless, indoctrinated leftists online before and it's a self-destructive cycle that doesn't do any good for you or anyone else. It's a waste of time. I've since decided to start putting more time in the gym and doing things for my own life.

One man can't win the culture war, let the politically reprobate walk off the edge of the cliff while you point and laugh at their stupidity.

How do you guys cope?

Step back from all the media hysteria & hyperbole & ask what is happening on the ground?
UC Berkeley stands out. Yet that was more a Milo event.

Otherwise. Most folk are still getting up in the morning. Getting their kids ready for school & just dealing with the usual daily chores & rat-race.
All the media hot-air, usually pertains to nothing really all that tangible.

How do you guys cope?

I am a Christian so I don't worry about politics much, there's a beginning and end and God's plan can not be stopped.

My favorite Bible verse for staying strong:

Ephesians 6:10-18King James Version (KJV)

10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

If someone spouts some nonsense I just give Satan credit, he is the greatest liar ever and is tricking a lot of people into joining him in hell.

Politics to me is more an interesting thing to debate, to form philosophies.

I personally wouldn't be caught of guard if armageddon was tomorrow, I just get on my knees and pray and try to avoid sin (I like to bang, I'm not perfect but I used to smoke pcp sniff oxycontin and do things that hurt people for a living.)

But from a secular perspective, it is ALWAYS best not to worry about things you can not control.

How do you guys cope?

Quote: (02-17-2017 07:53 PM)The Breeze Wrote:  

I've hesitated posting about this...

For one thing, not wanting to risk a ban.. Since I am a low poster.
But this has been really driving me nuts, and I wanna hear some opinions.

We all know the Trump administration has been slammed at every turn.
Not that it is a surprise, I am just amazed at the absolute relentless scorn
from the MSM, truth or proof be damned.

I have maybe to my discredit, spent far too many hours "fighting back" on
online comments sections, and responses to idiot posters who only spew
the left talking points, without an ounce of logic.

It is beating my head against a wall for sure.. But I know many people just
do not know. My Mom for instance.. I have been visiting her for about a month,
and we watch the news every night.

Have just "opened" her eyes to the truth.. And now SHE is the one bitching
about the media!! (Right on MOM!!!!)

So how should I better "handle" myself?

Oh.. I did just go to an online sign up to protest site.. and RSVP'd to an event.
Their online form asked, "including you, how many will attend?"

I answered, "including me, 25 members of Bikers for Trump".

Made me feel a little better. [Image: biggrin.gif]

Learn to accept different points of view even if you don't agree with it and don't let it get to you. I started to get really annoyed when my poker buddies kept doing Trump = Hitler comparisons. Then I remember the only source they get politics is from Occupy Democrats posts, not exactly a good place to get research from.

It gets annoying but you learn to brush it off later. I still remember the parts in college in the 2000s where people were calling Bush Hitler.

How do you guys cope?

I was fortunate enough to be born and live a long time in world with no Internet, no social media, no nothing. We could talk to each other in person. Sometimes we used a telephone. That's what we had.

So I sort of naturally divide things into two categories:

1) Internet Bullshit

2) The Real World

There's a lot of Internet Bullshit clogging up the pipes, but the real world is still rolling along pretty much the same way it always has. On average I think it's not a bad time at all to be alive. If one always believes one is some great hero in some CATACLYSMIC BATTLE against forces trying to destroy you then yeah, I imagine that would get pretty stressful.

I'm not big into it.

In short: if you're unhappy with what you're being fed from the sewer outlet, lay off drinking from it. Trump could be president for a thousand years and it won't ever magically change to honey.

Quote: (02-17-2017 08:04 PM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

I tried explaining in bite size chunks about the many reasons he was elected and how he is a symptom of many problems. "Hopefully he gets assasinated on inaugeration day" were the answers I got. These opinions were from men whose professionalism, opinion and person i respect and call friends.

There are thousands of other people who are straight-up evil and if they'd been assassinated on election day your co-workers would probably be 1000% better off. I think the main "crime" they're guilty of is not thinking outside-the-box.

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