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What is next after "Seeking Arrangements"

What is next after "Seeking Arrangements"

Quote: (12-30-2016 02:39 PM)John Michael Kane Wrote:  

Yes, but giving women access to the pill and legal abortion changed both male and female behavior to make promiscuity more accessible with less consequences. More sex with more partners, but less commitment.

Right, but we're talking about now, those were realities already, over 40 years ago.

What is next after "Seeking Arrangements"

Quote: (12-30-2016 11:01 PM)Kid Twist Wrote:  

Quote: (12-30-2016 02:39 PM)John Michael Kane Wrote:  

Yes, but giving women access to the pill and legal abortion changed both male and female behavior to make promiscuity more accessible with less consequences. More sex with more partners, but less commitment.

Right, but we're talking about now, those were realities already, over 40 years ago.

Yes, but those realities are still relevant today. Birth control has more options and is more reliable than 40 years ago. Abortion has faced some setbacks on the state-wide levels, but overall is still legal and available.

So all the same factors that came into being more than 40 years ago are still here, plus with the added Cock Buffet for young women known as Facebook, Instagram, Tinder, etc.

That's in addition to all the normal cock shops that have goods on offer:

College campuses (completely devoid of parental or any type of supervision, or sex-segregated dorms), music concerts, "traveling" (we know what women do on vacation), etc.

Combine all this with a lack of strong fathers (or any fathers at all in the case of many raised this generation) and you have a recipes for lost souls for both men and women. Unhappiness and loneliness due to lack of real pair bonding and matching up with each other has left our generation empty and hollow.

It is little wonder why they are such navel grazers overall.

I strongly believe that we will need another great war, famine, massive economy hardship, plague or some similar disaster to cure the illness. People have been able to lead lives of selfishness for so long that we are too soft.

Hard times forges great men, and great men forge great societies. Great societies produce soft men. Soft men produce hard times. Thus the cycle repeats all throughout history.

John Michael Kane's Datasheets: Master The Credit Game: Save & Make Money By Being Credit Savvy
Boycott these companies that hate men: King's Wiki Boycott List

Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

What is next after "Seeking Arrangements"

Quote: (12-30-2016 11:08 PM)John Michael Kane Wrote:  

Quote: (12-30-2016 11:01 PM)Kid Twist Wrote:  

Quote: (12-30-2016 02:39 PM)John Michael Kane Wrote:  

Yes, but giving women access to the pill and legal abortion changed both male and female behavior to make promiscuity more accessible with less consequences. More sex with more partners, but less commitment.

Right, but we're talking about now, those were realities already, over 40 years ago.

Yes, but those realities are still relevant today. Birth control has more options and is more reliable than 40 years ago. Abortion has faced some setbacks on the state-wide levels, but overall is still legal and available.

So all the same factors that came into being more than 40 years ago are still here, plus with the added Cock Buffet for young women known as Facebook, Instagram, Tinder, etc.

That's in addition to all the normal cock shops that have goods on offer:

College campuses (completely devoid of parental or any type of supervision, or sex-segregated dorms), music concerts, "traveling" (we know what women do on vacation), etc.

Combine all this with a lack of strong fathers (or any fathers at all in the case of many raised this generation) and you have a recipes for lost souls for both men and women. Unhappiness and loneliness due to lack of real pair bonding and matching up with each other has left our generation empty and hollow.

It is little wonder why they are such navel grazers overall.

I strongly believe that we will need another great war, famine, massive economy hardship, plague or some similar disaster to cure the illness. People have been able to lead lives of selfishness for so long that we are too soft.

Hard times forges great men, and great men forge great societies. Great societies produce soft men. Soft men produce hard times. Thus the cycle repeats all throughout history.

A lot of societal phenomena is by design. The "elites" don't want family units and strong communities.

Look at what the US government did to the black community in the 60s and 70s. Feminism, welfare, getting black men out of the house, single motherhood, bastard children, etc. We're still witnessing the effects.

The manosphere in the US is just white men feeling the ripple effects of "empowered women" that the US government perfected against the black community, now effecting white communities. Decades ago being a "baby mama" or a whore were shameful and that woman would be shunned.

Now a 19 year old gets pregnant by some random moron, gets on welfare, demands money to take care of her kid and go to school, and gets celebrated for it. The problem is, like someone mentioned earlier, is that the government is the new sugar daddy.

Women can fuck who they want, when they want, as much as they want, and have as many kids as they want by different men, and then the government will support them and force the men to support them.

How sickening is it that some stupid slut can have 3 kids by 4 different fathers and then not only can she get welfare, she can get a judge to garner the wages of all the men to support the whore.

The evil part is the system is working exactly as intended by the small few in power to keep society down. Fuck feminism, fuck single mothers, and fuck the elite class.

What is next after "Seeking Arrangements"

Right on. We are currently on the outside looking in, but there are winds of change shifting. The manosphere is becoming more accessible to more men. Despite the Power That Be trying to silence us, our numbers are growing. The laws are currently not on our side, but we're making strides in the larger culture, a little at a time. Enlightenment of other men should be our primary concern. The more men we awake, the more willing they are willing to challenge the status quo as a group. The meetups that Roosh has hosted are parts of small tribes that need to be formed in every city.

John Michael Kane's Datasheets: Master The Credit Game: Save & Make Money By Being Credit Savvy
Boycott these companies that hate men: King's Wiki Boycott List

Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

What is next after "Seeking Arrangements"

Not only is the welfare state the largest sugar daddy of them all, but, it is also having the effect of destroying marital love. Women see less and less reason to get married (as fewer of them marry than ever before) and sex is reduced to hedonism.

Hedonism for women = whoring. Why should women bang men who merely turn them on? Why not only bang men for cash and prizes? Prostitution is the logical conclusion of the "sexual revolution." Women who fuck tons of men lose the ability to bond, and raise daughters who don't know what marital love is. These daughters grow up into skanks who live deprived lives and raise their daughters in squalor. These daughters, having only known poverty and having no father, then come to see sex as nothing more than a means to end of survival or luxury. Love dies fast.

The degeneration from marriages to whoredom is occurring very fast and is quite alarming. As much as I want to say to the OP, "JUST LEARN GAME BRUH," I know that is a false answer. Game is not going to make women stop whoring themselves out. If in fact the economy falls apart, then whoring will become the de facto standard. Especially if the welfare state collapses. In such a world, game will be trivial if it's easier to get laid just by having an apartment and a job.

Seeking Arrangement isn't to blame for this state of affairs, but it is not helping things either. Technology enables and reinforces the worst of our behavior. Overall I am cautious to see how things develop. If the economy really tanks then all bets are off.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

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What is next after "Seeking Arrangements"

Quote: (12-28-2016 05:53 AM)Ice Wrote:  

Quote: (12-27-2016 09:49 PM)Kinko Wrote:  

Guys this whole sugar daddy thing is getting too big for its own britches. It ticks me off.


And its all normalized... I mean sugaring is a new profession beyond just prostitution. There are actual professional seminars for learning how to be sugar babies.

Hey Kinko,

I'm curious why you think that sugaring has become normalised - I know that sugaring & SA has been written about quite a lot, and there are certainly girls who are into that - but is it really a *mainstream* phenomenon? You say that "college girls" are doing it - is it really something that a majority - or even just a significant number - of the college girls are doing? To me it seems more like a niche phenomenon that has been blown out of proportion, but maybe I'm wrong. Do you have more insights / personal experience that suggests that sugaring is really becoming a big thing that affects the whole culture / the dating market?

It's definitely getting bigger. I actually saw a mainstream meme (something like a "Northeast Liberal Arts College Female Starter Pack") recently that mentioned Seeking Arrangement. That was the first time I've seen it referenced in the mainstream without being linked from a forum like this or similar sites.

What is next after "Seeking Arrangements"

I come from a family who took me with them to live in India. I was in my teens and was shocked to see child prostitution so open and out of control. Normalized. Its part of their society in big cities in India. Its due to poverty.

I envision something like that begining here in USA. I believe USA is being downgraded from a first class country, into a hybrid sort of second class country, like a class of country never quite seen before.

Who knows

But I do believe the raunchiness of online dating, Backpage, and "arrangement" sites will lead next into child prostitution sites online and probably conducted in the dark net similar to how they do bitcoin transactions at Silk Road style illegal black marketplaces.

Another indicator is seeing how porn videos just keeps getting more and more intense. Also notice how common busts of dudes downloading non-nude and nude child modeling porn have become. Thats the biggest indictor that seeking arrangements will clearly escalate into child prostitution websites in USA.

Just the other day I was at jury duty and the case was some dude got busted downloading kiddie porn.

For the posters claiming that most sugar daddy transactions are bogus and the dudes are broke. Thats so naive. Do you live in some sheltered suburb or something?

I have dated and screwed girls who have sugar daddies. Ive met gay dudes who have sugar daddies paying their way. I have seen my barristas out with senior dudes clearly on dates. Lots of them too.

If young college women live NYC... Man I do not even have to explain because sugar daddying has been normalized in NYC for hundreds of years but its only increased significantly.

Think of how fridged so many single college girls act now a days on campus. It has nothing to do with us, or feminism, or whether or not she has a boyfriend. Its probably mostly because she gets her financial needs met by a sugar daddy. She has no time or interest in guys her age because none of them can compete with some dummy sugar daddy Baby boomer with tons of money.

If you go to a Narcotics Anonymous meeting and see fine sexy looking young women. Think about it. They all use/used those sites in one way or another.

This stuff is definately more common then most guys think.

How about the college girls doing this, and their little sisters hear about it, and hear about the money her sisters making, then sees the fine jewlery shes wearing. You can bet her little sister will think of doing the same thing.

Not sure where you are all living but there are tons of wealthy Baby boomer dudes. I have seen them on the town like ballers courting 18-19 year old super--fine ho's, and those are definately not their grand daughters. They even look like girls that they fly in from other cities, so they must be going through agencies and not corny seeking arrangement sites..... Those old dudes are total ballers haha they must pay 10k per night or more.

What is next after "Seeking Arrangements"

Kinko, statistically , *mathematically* , "rich old dudes" with that much money are 1% of the population. Maybe even less. This is a indisputable fact. Google it. Any speculation as to "all these girls dating rich old men" is going to be thrown wildly out of proportion. There simply aren't enough of them to make that much of difference relative to the number of hot chicks out there. 300+ million people in the US alone dude. 150 million women and say 2-3 million guys making over $300k a year. You figure how that math works out.

Second this is a game forum. Stop whining about rich dudes and learn game, that's the while point of being here. This is not a place to come and sulk and throw pity parties because some guys are out-competing you. Figure a way around it, come up with a plan, a strategy, and beat it. Just don't whine like a bitch.

This crybaby shit is not a good look for you or the forum.


What is next after "Seeking Arrangements"

Yeah while I agree with some of the sentiments in this thread, I also think this sugar daddy stuff is being blown WAY out of proportion. Yes it's going on, but not on a large enough scale to be disruptive or even considered "normalized". Not in LA at least.

It's much ado about nothing really. Shit ain't that serious. I agree with BossofBosses

What is next after "Seeking Arrangements"

It's not like every girl has a sugar daddy, a sponsor or is otherwise whoring herself out in some manner. But the number of highly attractive women doing so - the 8s, 9s and 10s - is probably a lot higher than most guys would care to admit. And that's because the various online platforms (SA, Instagram, dating sites) make it so easy for attractive women to engage in that sort of behavior. All they have to do is make a profile and post pics of themselves and they will start getting offers of cash for company. It's not like the old days where prostitutes had to go hang out in certain bars, place classified ads in local rags or stand out on the street corner. These women can turn tricks effortlessly and anonymously with the help of the internet and the smartphone. The deniability aspect enables it. These girls feel like they're getting away with something and that there's little chance anyone would ever find out. And in most cases they're probably right.

My girlfriend now has a friend from high school who I suspect of doing this. She showed me pics of her. Pretty girl, amazing body, probably some minor work done for enhancements, etc... She lives in one of the most expensive cities in the country and is single. She's got a job making low six figures, which is good but by no means great money for that area. But then she tells me how much traveling this girl does. She took over 15 international trips in 2016 alone. And she's taking these trips either solo or with a group of other girls. I mean, come on. We know what's up. This girl's lifestyle expenses and general cost of living are running her at least $5k a month minimum. And now she's dropping over $50k a year just to sight-see by herself or with her girlfriends? Give me a break. I tried explaining to my girlfriend what was going on but she's in denial. "She would never do that!" Nope, I believe she would. She and a lot of other girls who get a taste of easy money and like it.

I know another girl who doesn't travel, but she just straight up fucks for money on the side. This is a very good looking, educated girl with a professional job. But she enjoys the extra money and gets off on the deviant aspect of being a secret whore. She meets guys entirely online and arranges her P2P relationships. I just think this sort of thing is way more common today than anyone wants to admit. It's definitely common enough to be impacting many men here who are actively pursuing the 8+ women who have such an easy time engaging in this behavior. I have absolutely no doubt that almost every experienced guy on the forum has been flaked on at one time or another by a girl who decided she'd rather make some money that night than hang out with you. And this behavior obviously deeply damages these women for life - once they become accustomed to trading their affection for money so directly and with multiple men - they are forever psychologically damaged. Whatever innocence they had left is completely gone. From that point forward they are operating entirely as manipulators and extractors of wealth. And in the next decade you're going to have tens of thousands of these women - these secret prostitutes - deciding it's time to cash in the chips and settle down with some schmuck who has no idea what she's been up to for the past 5-10 years. Yeah, that's not going to end well.

Moral of the story: protect yourself at all times. Be very wary of Instagram hoes or any girls who are social media obsessed, traveling regularly, or secretive/flaky in a suspicious way. This is a real phenomenon and it is only going to get worse in the years to come.

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

What is next after "Seeking Arrangements"

Quote: (01-01-2017 10:24 PM)Kinko Wrote:  

Thats the biggest indictor that seeking arrangements will clearly escalate into child prostitution websites in USA.

Not how your coming to this conclusion here. Seems a bit of a reach.

What is next after "Seeking Arrangements"

The biggest thing I notice is the number of girls doing at least erotic naked modeling that are 8+ on the internet. From everyday life going to higher end clubs in tier 1 cities and seeing a few handful of 8+ out at VIP tables and high end restaurants to then seeing thousands and thousands of these girls on threads like the 10 thread.

The math isn't hard to figure out which way many top shelf girls slant.

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Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

What is next after "Seeking Arrangements"

"In fact it is something that we need to bring to the attention of feminists because those bitches have what it takes to attack the issues better then we can."

And what, pray tell, net positive effect for you do you expect this to have? Since when would an SJW knowingly lift a finger by doing anything that might assist a heterosexual male with his sex life?

Get a grip, OP. As others have stated, SA is a symptom, not a cause. And yeah, boomers fucked a lot of things up, but millennial twats like Zuckerberg are more directly responsible for the current marketplace transitions you're witnessing.

What is next after "Seeking Arrangements"

Quote: (01-02-2017 04:23 PM)Travesty Wrote:  

The biggest thing I notice is the number of girls doing at least erotic naked modeling that are 8+ on the internet. From everyday life going to higher end clubs in tier 1 cities and seeing a few handful of 8+ out at VIP tables and high end restaurants to then seeing thousands and thousands of these girls on threads like the 10 thread.

The math isn't hard to figure out which way many top shelf girls slant.

Beautiful women are always, and have always been a scarce "commodity". The demand for them will always outstrip the supply, hence why when a beautiful young woman wants to make fast cash, see can get on, do erotic modeling, become Instagram famous, web cam shows from her dorm/apartment, join Leonardo DiCaprio's harem, etc. The bottom line is, if a woman isn't exceptionally smart, or doesn't want to search for an alpha provider husband, she can find lots of ways to get her financial needs met, often by using her sexuality, even without having sex. We have a nation full of women of middling attractiveness women, combined with the fact that massive numbers of them are overweight, the demand for attractive women (not even gorgeous, but merely cute and nice to look at) is off the charts. I honestly think that's why if you look at porn, a disturbing number of the ametuer girls out there are downright beautiful or hot. These are women that would have no problem in a more traditional society to find husbands to provide for them. With the absence of strong father figures, girls will use their sexuality for cheap thrills and money. Our culture, plus technology is certainly enabling women to have a sexual double life that they could not engage in to such an extent in the past. The free ride will last as long as the welfare state subsidizes their worst life choices, but when enough beta males refuse to work hard enough to provide the tax base, the whole thing is coming crashing down.

John Michael Kane's Datasheets: Master The Credit Game: Save & Make Money By Being Credit Savvy
Boycott these companies that hate men: King's Wiki Boycott List

Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

What is next after "Seeking Arrangements"

Quote: (12-28-2016 10:54 AM)Kinko Wrote:  

Ice, because the economy has changed so much that working full time jobs is not enough anymore. I see girls that work these jobs out on the town with old men. Their jobs at Whole Foods and Panera are not enough. Even girls at lawyer offices need extra money to keep up with the hyper consumerism lifestyles.

I have a pretty good sense that this sugar daddy thing is out of control and way way too common today.

Ive heard NYU is the worst with well over 50% of the girls there have sugar daddies.

Older men likely have way more game than you, that's why those girls are with them.

No chance SA is super-common yet.

Zero chance half of NYU girls have sugar daddies. According to SA themselves, 2.5% have registered for the site. I'd guess half of them are not used seriously.

It sounds like you're looking for an excuse for poor game.

What is next after "Seeking Arrangements"

I have, for some time now, had a theory that sort of relates to what OP is talking about, although it may not be directly on point. The theory is that recent socio-economic shifts (which have touched millenials the most) have altered what I call "the sexual economy" significantly.

The idea is that, in the past, women paid a lower price for getting with a man who was decent, but not necessarily of particularly high socio-economic status. She could become a nurse and marry a mechanic and still expect to afford the two kids she wanted, a nice suburban house, and a white picket fence.

Today, the price for failing to attract a man well above that socio-economic level is a lot higher because of student loans and rising inequality, as I'll explain.

First, I think we're all familiar with the nature of the student loan bubble and how it is preventing many young people from accessing the kind of socio-economic progress their parents did, but often lost in this topic is the gender aspect: student loans are sort of a feminist issue. More women go to college than men, so the massive increased debt loads we've seen placed on students in the last couple of decades have largely hit women more than men. Also, women are less common in the fields with the highest post-graduate incomes (ex: STEM), way more common in fields with very low post-graduate incomes, and tend to earn less than men after graduation for a multitude of reasons (career choice, hours worked, etc - these factors, not discrimination, account for 90%+ of the gender pay gap). This means women not only carry more debt than men, but have a harder time paying it off.

Secondly, socio-economic equality is quite a serious thing today. Income inequality here in the USA is the widest its been in about a century. Socio-economic mobility in the USA is as limited as we've seen it - who your parents are matters more than it used to, and your odds of improving your station are much lower than they were. The USA was once more socially mobile than places like the UK, but even that has changed - places like Canada, the UK, and others in the developed world are now shown to have as much, if not more mobility than the USA (though socio-economic mobility is getting constrained in just about all of those places, so there remain similar issues there too).
The middle class has also been badly hollowed out.

Today's women, for all of the talk about independence and careerism, generally want families and husbands at some point. The vast majority, if given their absolute ideal outcomes in life, are going to see themselves at some point having a husband and a couple of kids + a nice suburban home and a car. The rise of social media has only enhanced this desire as more women are bombarded with images of the ideal outcome on their mobile devices and computers (as well as on reality television shows) - expectations are high.

The point of all of this is to show that these expectations have gotten far harder to meet for today's young woman than they were before. Today, a young woman has student loans her parents didn't have, and her mother came up during a time in which the middle class was still relatively strong and socio-economic mobility was far stronger in the USA. All of this combines to create more economic insecurity for her.
On top of all of this, the guys who could bail her out of this are getting harder to find. Men have fallen behind pretty badly in education, and women outnumber them now in the attainment of most notable degrees. Young women are earning more in many major urban areas than young men. In the past, it was relatively easy for a pretty young woman to get her Mrs. Degree, find a white collar dude, and be set for life after graduating with minimal debt. She could even forego that route, get a regular blue collar guy, and still expect a nice middle class lifestyle between the two of them. This has gotten a lot harder.

The path to a pretty cushy, stable middle class lifestyle was broader before - again, even a blue collar dude could provide it for her and if she went for her Mrs. at a university, a solid white collar guy wasn't too hard to grab with minimal debt. Today, young women take on incredible debt to graduate into jobs that don't buy them nearly as much as they bought their parents. The guys around them are fewer and disproportionately lower achieving, and not as many of them can help her toward economic security as before - even if they come close to her education level, they too are laden with debt.

This means that if a woman wants a shot at that nice "middle class+" (that is "middle class or beyond") suburban lifestyle she was probably raised in and always aspired to replicate (2+ kids, 2+ cars, nice-to-luxurious suburban home, etc), she generally needs one of two things:

1. Be an extremely high achiever herself (ex: break into investment banking, biglaw, or medicine) and find a partner at a similar level or somewhat below (but still probably also a white collar professional).

2. Find a male high achiever and attach your fortunes to him.

Since only a very few women can exercise option 1 here, option 2 ends up being the best shot for most.

If she can't follow option 1 and foregoes option 2, she takes a huge risk unless she has some sort of familial inheritance to fall back on. Let's say a typical young woman earning a typical middling salary with a typical liberal arts degree in a large (and, of course, expensive) urban area gets a guy at her income level, foregoing option 2 and unable to pursue option 1 because she (like most) just didn't have the academic performance or connections. She has plenty of debt and so does he, plus (as noted above) it has become more costly for people her age to afford their own homes and move up the socio-economic ladder. Following this path, she may not get to a point where she and her partner can plausibly afford that "endgame" suburban lifestyle before it is too late for her and her partner to have her family.

Say she decides to follow option 2 instead, and as a result she gets a man with much more socio-economic clout than her. If she does this and can lock him down, she'll have no issue reaching the endgame "middle class+" lifestyle with more than enough time to spare - he can afford to provide it more easily than her male socio-economic peer could, and since she isn't talented/connected enough to follow option 1 (which might enable her to provide it for herself to a degree) this may be her only chance to get there in a timely fashion.

My conclusion is that all of this has led to the "beta bucks" scenario we've always joked about on this forum becoming more consequential than ever before. Women who want to get to that middle class+ lifestyle I described have a way smaller margin for error than before: if they don't have family money to smooth out the bumps and aren't themselves very high achievers, then their odds of being able to afford that lifestyle at any point in the near future (before they age well beyond the point at which the fertility clock has rung) are not good. This wasn't as true for their mothers and grandmothers, but it is true for them.

This creates more economic insecurity among the current generation of women, which I think has the following outcomes:

1. More escorting/sugar-babying (see the rise of trends like tagthesponsor and SeekingArrangement, which have always existed but blew up in a big way recently - I suggest this is a product of younger women simply being more economically insecure than their predecessors).

2. Higher demand for high-achieving men (an even greater obsession with fame/high socio-economic status in men and greater options for men who have it - more women need such men than ever before, and the rise of social media has also exposed more women to the potential benefits and trappings of fame/high socio-economic status than ever before, further increasing demand).

3. More assortive mating (those who already have the wealth closing ranks by pairing with others who already have wealth, limiting the risk of either dropping below the standards at which they were raised in an economy where the odds of that happening have gone up for those who aren't careful).

Again, very few women have the connections/academics to be high earners themselves and short-circuit these problems, and few have enough family money to escape these issues. For most women, it's either find a relatively high achieving guy or bust. These women really, REALLY need "beta bucks" more than ever before, be it through more traditional (marry the high earner) way or the less traditional path (SeekingArrangement, TagTheSponsor, aka "milk the rich boomers", or other avenues like erotic modeling). Those bucks are her way out, so to speak - a life raft in a sea of financial insecurity.
Their mother could conceivably get by without all of this, but today's women often simply cannot hope to get what they want without that life raft. Having one is, in a sense, more important than ever, and missing one is far more costly than it was before. The path to her preferred lifestyle is MUCH narrower than it was, and Mr. Beta Bucks is by far the most reliable option.

Women subconsciously realize this, and perhaps it is altering their behavior. I don't know if it is doing so to quite the extent OP implies, but my anecdotal observations have left me with the idea that something is up.

Just my thoughts.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

What is next after "Seeking Arrangements"

Some great posts on this page, way to redeem this steaming pile of a thread and bring it back on track, Rooshers.

What is next after "Seeking Arrangements"

@Excelsior: Very insightful and spot on. We're all treading on very thin ice economically (men and women, plus the country as a whole), and it is causing shifts in the dating/mating marketplace. How this is going to ultimately play out, we can only guess. In the near term, we'll continue to see a lot more instability in terms of relationships/marriages due to the trends you detailed above.

John Michael Kane's Datasheets: Master The Credit Game: Save & Make Money By Being Credit Savvy
Boycott these companies that hate men: King's Wiki Boycott List

Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

What is next after "Seeking Arrangements"

Excelsior's post is largely applicable to the UK as well. Even someone on £100k, which is @ top 2% in the UK, will not be living the high life. Expectations such as owning a large detached house, and sending your child to a fee paying (referred to as "public" in the UK) school, which would have been normal 30-40 years ago for this section of society, are now largely out of reach. House prices have inflated massively in the last 20 years, out of all proportion to incomes, and school fees are, in real terms, four times what they were 30 years ago. The ability to "marry money" has been drastically curtailed in a very short space of time.

Like I said, that's the apex of the pyramid, so what hope those lower down?

What is next after "Seeking Arrangements"

Quote: (01-02-2017 12:44 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

I know another girl who doesn't travel, but she just straight up fucks for money on the side. This is a very good looking, educated girl with a professional job. But she enjoys the extra money and gets off on the deviant aspect of being a secret whore. She meets guys entirely online and arranges her P2P relationships. I just think this sort of thing is way more common today than anyone wants to admit.

I have "employed" several women such as this. No one in their social circle would ever suspect anything. For all of them, it was the money, but also the excitement in equal amount. They all also love to fuck.

What is next after "Seeking Arrangements"

Nick Kelly - aka Victor Pride - said on one of his 'Godcasts' lately:

"We all love pussy, but what does pussy love? Pussy loves money and power"

As someone said, this is as old as time. It's the way of the world. There's no point complaining. In fact this dynamic is one of the motors of civilizational progress.

Women are - men must become. Read my signature.

“The world is what it is; men who are nothing, who allow themselves to become nothing, have no place in it.”

- V.S Naipaul 'A Bend in the river'

What is next after "Seeking Arrangements"

Quote: (01-03-2017 08:37 AM)rockoman Wrote:  

Women are - men must become. Read my signature.

Good shit, rocko. Good shit.

The truth.

What is next after "Seeking Arrangements"

Recently on a comment on Facebook about a concert lineup one of my facebook friends from highschool was talking to her friend about wanting to go and talking about sugar daddying. The other linked SA. They are about 20, likely joking but still.

I've also made an account on SA a while back for shits and giggles and surprisingly I scrolled through about 30-40 pages(20 girls/page?) and I recognised 4 of the girls as facebook friends aged about 20. They might've made the account just to check it out... but I'm surprised by how accepted soft whoring is.

What is next after "Seeking Arrangements"

Income mobility in the USA is still quite high and higher than any other first world country. You have to read the primary sources & raw data, not magazine articles pushing their disinformation [and it's a shame because the Atlantic used to be a good read.]

In the latest income mobility study, less than 42% of those in the top quintile were still there 10 years later. Half of taxpayers were in a different quintile 10 years later. 56% of those in the bottom one were no longer there. For those in the 2nd lowest, 3x as many moved up [over 50%] than moved down.

The 'OMG huge student loan' thing is becoming more of a myth than reality at this point. Less 70% of grads have student loans. Only ~0.6% have loans over 100k - virtually all MBA, JD, and MD. Avg loans outstanding for those 70% is around $30k. And it's much easier to get a deferral now than when I was paying back mine. And there are graduated income options.

The majority of those in default owe less than $10k. Yes, less than 10 Gs. Interest rates at alltime lows.

Sources: Fed, UST, WSJ, NYTimes.

What is next after "Seeking Arrangements"

To add to Excelsior's post above, because women these days delay marriage until they're much older, while shaming their same-aged male peers from dating younger women, men in their same age groups are simply not preparing for marriage as well financially as they used to be. For many men my age or older, they expected to be married in their 20s and so prepared accordingly with their jobs and finance. By 25, they were usually good to go.

Now I hardly know any under 30 year old male who is in a decent financial position to get married. Most I know in their mid-20s only have some shitty part time jobs. Many are basically doing what the women do, which is only working just enough to pay rent and have a few cheap hobbies, and maybe backpack travel somewhere on occasions. Even if they decide to get serious in their 30s, it will be a while before they have enough money.

Young women are betting on the beta bucks later in life that may never come, not because the men in their generation have any Game, but because they have not been preparing for it due to the women themselves delaying marriage.

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