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Chinese break the liberal script on minorities, support Trump

Chinese break the liberal script on minorities, support Trump

On various liberal websites I visit, people are perplexed as to why any non-white person would vote for Trump. They have really bought into their own lies about Trump and race to the point where it might well cost them the election.

I think that the Chinese in particular have been insulated from the SJW ideology that has infected the entire "free" world, ironically because of the fact that the only accepted political thought in their country is a stale version of communism that everyone has to go through in school but nobody actually believes in. The stuff that Trumps says reaches them without being rejected by the liberal insanity of many Americans.


Why are recent Chinese immigrants supporting Trump?

Donald Trump may have achieved something other US presidential candidates could only dream of: motivating Chinese immigrants – traditionally politically indifferent – to go to the polls next month.

While Chinese Americans, like other ethnic groups in the United States, remain largely divided over the Republican candidate and many of his controversial policy proposals, they all agree that Trump has fuelled an unprecedented level of political activism among Chinese immigrants in the run-up to this year’s presidential election.

While the maverick candidate has lost many traditional Republican supporters, his unconventional style has galvanised fresh support from others who are usually not interested in politics, including many Chinese Americans, according to Cliff Li, an adviser to the Trump campaign.

“This campaign is very unorthodox, by all means,” said Li, who sits on Trump‘s Asian Pacific American Advisory Committee, which was set up last month.

Cliff Li is executive director of the National Committee of Asian American
Li, a businessman in the information technology sector who moved to the US from mainland China in 1990, is also executive director of the National Committee of Asian American Republicans. Both committees are aimed at enhancing Republicans’ outreach to Asian voters, who despite comprising a relatively small part of the electorate are believed by some analysts to be a source of key swing votes that could influence the result.

“He is not a traditional politician or a typical Republican,” Li said. “He’s very energetic, unconventional, and probably would not be an ideal presidential candidate in a normal year. But the fact that he is an interesting outsider has made him all the more attractive this year.”
(in other words, Chinese people don't vote much because the choice is between the kind of leftists related to the ones that run their own country or boring conservative candidates who differ from the leftists in form but not essence.)

Trump has attracted many fervent supporters among a new generation of Chinese immigrants who are vocal and passionate about their conservative political views.

While Trump’s opponents express horror at his provocative remarks on issues ranging from trade to America’s security alliances – and his sexist and reckless demeanour – his supporters find such attributes attractive. Widespread dissatisfaction with US President Barack Obama’s policies on the economy, national security, immigration and college enrolment appear to be boosting Trump’s popularity among Chinese immigrants.

“I’ve seen many Chinese who’ve become enthusiastic about politics and are siding with Republicans simply because they love Trump,” Li said.

Zhang Wei, a leader of Chinese-Americans for Trump in Virginia, a grass-roots organisation, is one of them.

“Like most Chinese immigrants, I was not interested in politics before, said Zhang, 41, who arrived in the US in 2000. “But I am so fascinated about Trump and began to campaign for him as a volunteer since the primaries last year.

“Trump is the only one who dares to defy political correctness to point out the real problems facing this country while many others don’t have the guts to do so. I support Republicans because I like Trump’s personal style and agree with their more conservative economic and public policies.”

Li said a lot of Chinese Americans had switched parties to support Trump, which had puzzled many political scientists.

“Quite a lot of his supporters are from outside Republican Party,” he said.

According to a Pew Research Centre report, half of Asian Americans are Democrats or lean Democratic, while only 28 per cent identify with or lean toward the Republicans.

Li said support for Republicans had declined sharply from over 50 per cent in 1992 to only about 25 per cent during the last election in 2012.

“We are seeing a new trend that more Chinese Americans switch sides and begin to support Trump in this election, but it is difficult to tell exactly the scale of such changes due to the lack of polling statistics on Asian Americans,” he said.
(polls can be incorrect and reflect leftist biases/wishful thinking)

Li, a Republican since 2004, said he supported Trump out of party loyalty but would not describe himself as a Trump fan.

“I actually disagree with him on a few minor issues, such as his style and the way he speaks,” Li said. “He is more of a businessman and he always goes off the script during speeches and it causes a lot of confusion. I wish he could be more careful, but Trump is Trump and that’s his style. We have to live with it.”

Grace Su, an organiser for Chinese-Americans for Trump in New York, said engaging in the election campaign was not just about supporting her favourite candidate, but also about giving Chinese Americans a voice.

Su, a former business executive who moved to the US in 2008, said she had noticed an increase in political participation by Chinese Americans since the sentencing of Chinese American police officer Peter Liang for manslaughter in April over the shooting death of an unarmed black man in New York in 2014.

Liang was the first New York City police officer convicted for an on-duty shooting in more than a decade, something many Chinese Americans blamed on racial discrimination. Thousands took to the streets in protest.

“We never paid attention to politics,” she said. “But we never realised that we’ve faced systematic discrimination on many issues because we don’t speak out.”

Trump’s promise to crack down on crimes targeting ethnic minority groups has won him a lot of support from Chinese Americans.

“We are seeing rising crimes and cultural violence targeting Chinese Americans,” Li said. “We will have a protest in [Washington] DC on October 12 along with other minority communities such as Africans.”
(My Chinese wife didn't like Trump at first because of his "racism," but she despises the behavior of black people, especially after hearing about how a female Korean student was beaten badly in the New York metro by a gang of black guys calling her a chink, and after we had the misfortune of once encountering a BLM rally in Times Square. It's patently obvious to my wife that Hillary won't do anything to address these issues.)

Chinese Americans have also been angered by Democrat affirmative action policies, including a discriminatory quota system to limit Asian Americans’ access to universities while trying to advance admissions from other ethnic groups.
(what a surprise, turns out "equality" doesn't sit well with those who stand to lose from it.)

Su said Chinese American students suffered most under such a system. Even though they generally performed better in exams than their African American counterparts, they might end up in less preferred universities.

“We did not realise that it is not about how hard we work … we are still outsiders if we don’t understand the politics and culture of the US, no matter how many years we have stayed here,” she said.

Li said the policy was “totally unfair and that’s one of the key reasons why so many Chinese Americans switch to support Republicans this year”.

The controversial policy introduced by the Obama administration to allow transgender students to use bathrooms matching their gender identity also appears to have sparked a backlash among many Chinese immigrants. “We are not against LGBT, but we find it an outrageous and misguided policy which caused a lot of concerns among Chinese families,” Li said.

While Asian Americans have surpassed Hispanics as the largest group of new immigrants to the US, most Chinese Americans do not have a strong sense of civic responsibility despite recent positive changes.

“Sadly we are not a political force yet because statistics show that Chinese American voter turnout is behind almost all the other Asian American groups and the fact that most Chinese Americans don’t live in those swing states,” Li said. “We will be able to make a difference, but not necessarily in this election. There is no doubt Chinese American will have a rising impact on American politics.”

Political pundits said many Chinese Americans who had not voted in previous elections had been more vocal ahead of this election, with divisions evident in the Chinese American community between older, more liberal immigrants and newer, more conservative arrivals.
(probably because they haven't had enough time to become brainwashed by the mainstream media.)

“The fact that Chinese Americans are almost evenly divided between the two candidates is a testimony of their strong integration in the American society,” said Dr Gal Luft, the co-director of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security, based in Potomac, Maryland. “I believe that despite the polls the elections will show stronger support for Trump among Asian Americans. The reason is that Trump epitomises personal success to which ambitious and hard-working people can relate.”

Chinese break the liberal script on minorities, support Trump

Which set of Chinese? Those from Rep. China or PR China?

Chinese break the liberal script on minorities, support Trump

Quote: (10-11-2016 03:38 PM)MKDAWUSS Wrote:  

Which set of Chinese? Those from Rep. China or PR China?
The article seems to be talking about those from the PRC.

Chinese break the liberal script on minorities, support Trump

A few misconceptions here.

The left in China has little in common with the "left" in the U.S. One is based on old school Maoist style communism later reformed by Deng and a society impacted by decades of stifling cultural revolution. China tends to lean strongly towards putting technocrats and strong practical figures in charge which isn't entirely unlike Russia in many ways. China still mostly adheres to a traditional patriarchal model for society.

The U.S. version of leftism is cultural marxism/modern "progressivism" which emphasizes race and identity politics way more. It also has way more influence from modern day (((ivory tower academia))) which is the source of feminism, gender studies, and other forms of outrage culture.

Also, Asian-American trump supporters tend to not be millenials. Millenial and most Gen-X AA's are about as into SJW identity politics and mainstream liberal propaganda as their fuckwit white liberal counterparts. I'll call this vote the reddit/buzzfeed vote since those are the types of places they like to hang out.

Chinese break the liberal script on minorities, support Trump

Actually, the left in China has firmly SJW roots though they aren't quite as pathetic or disgusting as the feminism-based kind in the West today. It's just that 60 years of communist ideology and the associated disasters has caused people to avoid anything political in nature unless it concerns themselves directly. China has traditional patriarchy but only the small amount that was left after Mao was through with it. Of course today the Party is in the awkward situation of recognizing that tradition is good (out of practical concerns at the very least) while still having to push the communist doctrine on the surface.

Neither I nor the article are talking about run of the mill AAs. It is correct to say that the majority of them are comparable to urban whites in their political leanings. The ones of interest are FOBs.

Chinese break the liberal script on minorities, support Trump

El chinito largely nailed it. First gen Chinese immigrants tend to have conservative values (i.e. anti gay, patriarchal, pro death penalty/tough on crime, anti welfare/laziness, etc). It is no surprise that a majority of them support Trump.

Their kids tend to be even more militant SJW than white peers, probably stemming from an increased need to virtue signal as a way of proving their societal worth.

Chinese break the liberal script on minorities, support Trump

"Recent Chinese immigrants" isn't enough to convince me that trump now has millions of Chinese in his hoard. Also, I really doubt Chinese-American millennials are voting Trump. Lots of them have all the SJW markers (wild hair colours, tattoos and political activism).

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Chinese break the liberal script on minorities, support Trump

I've spoken to a few girls here that quite admire Trump, so can confirm. Surprised me actually.

CBCs and ABCs, Hong Kongers seem to loathe him.

Chinese break the liberal script on minorities, support Trump

[Image: F264it.jpg]


Chinese break the liberal script on minorities, support Trump

On older Asian-Americans versus their SJW kids - it's as Roosh said: "Water takes the shape of the container it fills."

Hence also why I laugh at guys who say they know EE/SEA/LatAm girls, but have never been to those places.

Chinese break the liberal script on minorities, support Trump

If the Chinese in the US are anything like the ones up here in Canada, they aren't blindly loyal to any party and will vote strategically in blocs for whatever party they deem best for their self interest, the same goes for Indo-Canadians.

Chinese break the liberal script on minorities, support Trump

[Image: tumblr_od7el7l9rw1u4xe6to3_1280.jpg]


I'm the King of Beijing!

Chinese break the liberal script on minorities, support Trump

WB the one on the right ( [Image: biggrin.gif] ) WNB the first two.

They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety- Benjamin Franklin, as if you didn't know...

Chinese break the liberal script on minorities, support Trump

Quote: (10-11-2016 09:52 PM)aeroektar Wrote:  

[Image: F264it.jpg]


Would Wife.

[Image: wb2.gif]

“There is no global anthem, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag!” -DJT

Chinese break the liberal script on minorities, support Trump

Quote: (10-11-2016 09:52 PM)aeroektar Wrote:  

[Image: F264it.jpg]


[Image: pepe_condom.jpg]

Chinese break the liberal script on minorities, support Trump

Chinese American woman with a law degree from Stanford is a Trump "deplorable"


I am a natural for Trump’s core constituency: I have long been a card-carrying member of what Hillary Clinton calls the “basket of deplorables.”

I am “deplorable” because I reject the reigning politically correct and intellectually intolerant paradigm, which mandates that women and minorities serve as tokens of diversity according to their so-called racial and gender identity.

In this paradigm, I am "deplorable" because I dare to have a dissenting opinion. Long before Trump became a presidential contender, my support for the rule of law and opposition to amnesty for illegal immigrants made me a xenophobe. My references to black-on-black crime in discussions about police-community relations made me a racist. My use of the term “radical Islamic terrorism” made me an Islamophobe.

Chinese break the liberal script on minorities, support Trump

Nor have they embraced PoMo (PostModernism) in China, like SJWs, here: where epistemological relativism results in abandonment of Truth-seeking and thus only power matters.

In other words, the Chinese come to similar ends, again and again, but through a different, more plainly self-interest rationale, instead of cultural Marxist utopianism, like in the West.

Quote: (10-11-2016 07:16 PM)Lunostrelki Wrote:  

Actually, the left in China has firmly SJW roots though they aren't quite as pathetic or disgusting as the feminism-based kind in the West today. It's just that 60 years of communist ideology and the associated disasters has caused people to avoid anything political in nature unless it concerns themselves directly. China has traditional patriarchy but only the small amount that was left after Mao was through with it. Of course today the Party is in the awkward situation of recognizing that tradition is good (out of practical concerns at the very least) while still having to push the communist doctrine on the surface.

Neither I nor the article are talking about run of the mill AAs. It is correct to say that the majority of them are comparable to urban whites in their political leanings. The ones of interest are FOBs.

“There is no global anthem, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag!” -DJT

Chinese break the liberal script on minorities, support Trump

As an ABC I can confirm that I will be voting for Trump. However I hope to be overseas again ASAP if Hilary wins.

Chinese break the liberal script on minorities, support Trump

Quote: (10-12-2016 03:28 PM)Wutang Wrote:  

Chinese American woman with a law degree from Stanford is a Trump "deplorable"


I am a natural for Trump’s core constituency: I have long been a card-carrying member of what Hillary Clinton calls the “basket of deplorables.”

I am “deplorable” because I reject the reigning politically correct and intellectually intolerant paradigm, which mandates that women and minorities serve as tokens of diversity according to their so-called racial and gender identity.

In this paradigm, I am "deplorable" because I dare to have a dissenting opinion. Long before Trump became a presidential contender, my support for the rule of law and opposition to amnesty for illegal immigrants made me a xenophobe. My references to black-on-black crime in discussions about police-community relations made me a racist. My use of the term “radical Islamic terrorism” made me an Islamophobe.

Update: I tracked this woman down. The wedding is next week.

“There is no global anthem, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag!” -DJT

Chinese break the liberal script on minorities, support Trump

A Lot of Chinese Americans are starting to figure out, the Democrat's dont give a shit about Asians.

They only fight for white chick's, gay's and race baiting wars. Asians are not apart of their agenda. They only view Asians as a race baiting tool, utilize mainly to piss off blacks, poor whites and latinos.

That is why they are changing their vote.

If you love life, don't waste time, for time is what life is made up of.
– Bruce Lee

One must give value, but one must profit from it too, life is about balance

Chinese break the liberal script on minorities, support Trump

Quote: (10-11-2016 08:46 PM)Peregrine Wrote:  

El chinito largely nailed it. First gen Chinese immigrants tend to have conservative values (i.e. anti gay, patriarchal, pro death penalty/tough on crime, anti welfare/laziness, etc). It is no surprise that a majority of them support Trump.

Their kids tend to be even more militant SJW than white peers, probably stemming from an increased need to virtue signal as a way of proving their societal worth.

Depends on which type of Asian ethnicity & which part of the US as well.

I can honestly say many Americans of Chinese descent in the Northeast and West Coast tend to have more SJW values. Midwest and Southern Vietnamese types are not about political correctness.

Chinese break the liberal script on minorities, support Trump

ABC here, voting Trump. Never really occurred to me that I was voting outside of what identity politics dictate. It took my SJW frat brothers to remind me where I was supposed to stand:

them: "golden gun, you're voting trump?"
me: "yeah"
them: "'re chinese?"
me: "what does that have to do with anything?"

I'll also leave the following here:
From AsianConservativeMan (@aconman) on Twitter:

A border wall is unconservative, and it offends my Asian sensibilities. If there's anything you won't find in Asia, it's a big wall.

Chinese break the liberal script on minorities, support Trump

Quote: (10-13-2016 03:17 PM)Brosemite Wrote:  

Midwest and Southern Vietnamese types are not about political correctness.

I have a lot of relatives among those types. With one exception (and she gets mocked endlessly) they're all pro-Trump. Many are coming out of the woodwork to vote too, something they have not done in a long time.

Chinese break the liberal script on minorities, support Trump

From my experience the biggest asian-american cucks/SJWs are:

WA/CA/NY ethnic Chinese often of Taiwanese descent. Very SJW. A lot of crybabies amongst them. Anytime you see a shitty liberal asian-american blog do a little background on the person 9 times out of 10 it's a Taiwanese-american simp.

Japanese of all variety. Highly cucked unless they live in Hawaii then it tends to be more politically mixed but still left leaning.

Filipinos. Bay area filipinos are often shitted up with liberal bullshit. Southern CA/Hawaii filipinos tend to be more politically mixed.

Koreans. Starts to become more politically mixed but most of the younger generation are fairly SJW still.

Mainland Chinese. Tend to be either apolitical or lean slightly more right.

Viets. Starts to swing to more right leaning with anti-commie politics. When there are SJW Viets they tend to always be white liberal wannabe females.

Misc SEA. Mixed bag. I know some Thai Americans but they aren't very political at all. Hmong can be fairly right leaning.

I'd also say the vast majority of liberal bullshit promoted by asian-americans tends to be content generated on the female side. Lots of asian-american "feminists" out there regurgitating identity/gender politics horse shit they learned in their ivory tower classes. I'd say most liberal blogs and forums are modded or run by women.

Chinese break the liberal script on minorities, support Trump

Quote: (10-13-2016 03:17 PM)Brosemite Wrote:  

Quote: (10-11-2016 08:46 PM)Peregrine Wrote:  

El chinito largely nailed it. First gen Chinese immigrants tend to have conservative values (i.e. anti gay, patriarchal, pro death penalty/tough on crime, anti welfare/laziness, etc). It is no surprise that a majority of them support Trump.

Their kids tend to be even more militant SJW than white peers, probably stemming from an increased need to virtue signal as a way of proving their societal worth.

Depends on which type of Asian ethnicity & which part of the US as well.

I can honestly say many Americans of Chinese descent in the Northeast and West Coast tend to have more SJW values. Midwest and Southern Vietnamese types are not about political correctness.

I did specify Chinese. I agree that Viets are less PC. They tend to be more badass/higher T as well. Chinese kids think they have a shot at being considered white (read: climbing the mainstream status ladder), so they suck up and virtue signal like no tomorrow. Viets are "lower class" and take a more "sigma"/rebel approach.

I'm talking out of my ass here, but it's my general observation.

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