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Lviv - October 2016

Lviv - October 2016

So I have finally saved up enough money to go to my home town of Lviv, Ukraine and try to live the majestic life of a digital nomad. The dollar is strong here, i.e., you can have a ball for just a few hundred bucks.

A friend of mine suggested the Old City Hostel downtown. The location is excellent and it only costs $8/night. Most people can speak a few words in English, but you are labeled as a tourist the moment you open your mouth. After spending a year in LA, I am convinced that nobody likes tourists and I hate being one. I thought I had come "home", but this place is as foreign to me as was Detroit. I forgot most of my Ukrainian, and Russians are generally frowned upon here. Having said that, I ask for directions and order food in Russian and locals respond in Ukrainian. As long as both of us are polite, we both understand each other perfectly, but the undertone is still there.

My only goal on this trip is to sit on my ass and read "Rich Man Poor Man", which is about 600 pages long. It is a pretty good half way through. The father in the book reminds me of my dad and I can relate to his kids too. I brought my boxing gear and signed up for a month worth of boxing (3 times a week) for $14.

So my daily routine is this: I wake up whenever I feel like it (love this part) on my squeaky-ass bunk bed. There are hardly any other people in my 4-bunk room and the ones that come only stay for a few days. Then I go to a coffee shop and read my book in peace (that's all I want in life). Then I take a $0.1 trolley to have lunch with my broke-ass father and listen to him talk shit about my choices in life. Then I either go boxing or drinking. The rest of the time I spend in the sweaty trolleys or walking around, exploring.

My favorite place is Kredens Caffe on the left side of the Opera Theater. They have the second floor with plenty of seating. Second best is McDonalds next door with the same setup. Forget about customizing your order and remember to call "diet coke" "coke light", which is fucking weird. The coffee shop that I mentioned earlier with a good view is on the top floor of the Magnus shopping center, left side of the Opera House. It is more of a restaurant, but nobody has said anything about me reading there. The only problem is that they open pretty late, around 10. So if you wake up early, you may have to settle for "fabrika izhi" (food factory) across the street. Their top floor opens at 10 or so, but it is a good place to watch the crowds go by.

Let me tell you something about coffee in this town. It tastes like garbage, but only because I've been spoiled with that LA artisan shit, like Blue Bottle and Itelligentcia. Every place has the same menu that includes espresso, americano, latte, and capuchino for maybe $0.80. Do you know why everyone has the same menu? Because those are the options on their fancy coffee machines. Nobody takes the time to make your coffee, they just take the capsule or push the button and charge you for it. I am yet to find a place where I can have regular coffee, like a french press or a drip.

Most places have good, local beer that costs just around $1. Take a moment to appreciate that price. When is the last time you could get wasted for $10 and still have money left over for a late night hot dog?

The talent in this town is fantastic, on par with LA. Plenty of young, gorgeous women of all shapes and sizes. Skinny, big ass, blonde, brunette, red heads, tumblr thigh gaps, high heels for days. You name it, they got it. The problem is that they know what's up, so the entire interaction is very mechanical. For example, I look like a local because I was born in Ukraine, but I think/act/talk like an American, because I grew up in US. So they either think I'm a local fucking with their head or a tourist pretending to be a local. I haven't figured this part yet.

I've only been to a few bars/clubs so far. Many of them have been mentioned in previous data sheets. Let's go down the list, all within walking distance of downtown.

Fashion club - you need reservations. It is not a good place to mingle, unless you've got a date. The hostess was gorgeous though.

Rafinad - it costs $4 to get in, which is a good thing, cause that's 4 beers equivalent and the local boys don't bother. So you end up with a bunch of rich tourists and a bunch of local gold diggers. It costs an extra $4 to sit down at a table. It costs an extra $4 to go to a strip club. You can walk in with $40 and afford anything you want. The strippers were shit, just regular girls who need the money. Them girls are not there perfecting a skill or a profession, they just walked off the street. But they are still good looking and skinny, which is a huge plus.

Split group - it's a restaurant, karaoke, titty bar. Combining all three sounds weird, but I guess it makes sense when you're competing for tourist money. I just had lunch there. I ordered a medium-rare steak and a glass of red wine. I can't find a ribeye in this town to save my life and that was the biggest fear I had coming here. Anyway, the meat was ok, the wine was better, and when the check came, they charged me for the fucking bbq sauce. I didn't complain because there are no tips anywhere. Fancy dinner with steak and wine for $20.

The best place for mingling is the P'yana Vishnia (Drunk Cherry) bar at the Rynok (market) square and only because they have outdoor bar tables where it is easy to turn and say, "Hey, do you speak English?". This is the best opener you've got going for yourself. The second best place is the Pravda (truth) place, which is a three-story brewery with live music. Both places are total tourist traps, with staff that don't give two shits about where you're from or what you are here for. But they are usually packed and have room to mingle. Both of those things are super relevant. I think they are all related too, because there was vague mention of a loyalty card that is good at whole bunch of these places.

Every other place is a sit-down restaurant and it's difficult to meet people there. For example, Mazoh is a bar for people into S&M, which is cool and all, but if you come alone, you'll sit at a table like a loser staring at some shirtless dude getting whipped. Same goes for Kryivka, which is a basement restaurant dedicated to freedom fighters that helped Nazis kill Russians during WWII. Of course they had their reasons, but this place and all the streets/monuments named after those guys is a permanent reminder of all the bad blood between the two nations. The point is that you don't go there for the girls, you go there for the food and maybe for a history lesson. This is the place where you can say, I would like 50cm of sausage and 400g of gorilka please. The word "gorilka" (flammable) is Ukrainian for vodka, and the words you use matter in a place like this. Of course, being a tourist trap, they have an English menu as well, but the sarcasm of mocking Russian dumplings is lost in translation.

Don't bother with American staples like burgers, pizza, and chicken wings. These people have absolutely no idea what American food is supposed to taste like. I'm dead serious. I walk by a pizza place every day and I have no intention of finding out what it tastes like. Stick with fresh salads, grilled chicken, and soups. Potatoes and salo (pig fat) is what Ukraine runs on.

I'll add to this later.

Lviv - October 2016

Last night I discovered a new watering hole on Rynok Square, Pijalnia wódki i piwa. It feels very much like an American diner, where food is $1 and drinks are $0.5. These are the cheapest prices around and they attract the appropriate kind of people. The best part is that I found the closest thing to an american breakfast: eggs, toast, and sausage. I haven't ordered it yet, but I've seen it on the menu.

It can get kind of crowded in there, but there is an upstairs. I noticed that the best time to go out is much earlier than I thought. Downtown is pretty dead at 10-12PM, but every place is popping at 8-10PM.

Lviv - October 2016

Cool posts, feel like I'm there no homo (Serious)

New Post:
Men’s Style Guide: For Guys Who Want to Get Laid

You aren't getting laid because you still believe in "game".

Here's how I went from being a 21-year-old, videogame-addicted, Asian virgin to banging too many girls to count (no PUA bs):

BTC: 1A5WUGDNGnsxGJ62CXadV6T2oapKfFu4T3
ETH: 0x9019d135dD1FFA06f0CC53C5942cBce806a943dd

(If I miss your reply PM me)

Lviv - October 2016

I met a girl from Lviv, and she was very friendly. This city is on my list to visit in West UA. I heard Lviv is cleaner than Kiev, although I thought Kiev was OK for an EE capital.

Are there more tall, blonde, blue-eye, long-legged girls there vs. Kiev?

Lviv - October 2016

Quote: (09-30-2016 09:47 AM)jabba Wrote:  

I met a girl from Lviv, and she was very friendly. This city is on my list to visit in West UA. I heard Lviv is cleaner than Kiev, although I thought Kiev was OK for an EE capital.

Are there more tall, blonde, blue-eye, long-legged girls there vs. Kiev?

Kiev OK?

Lviv - October 2016

Wonder if Pijalnia Wodki i Piwa is associated with the Polish chain of the same name. The city has been historically Polish

Lviv - October 2016

one-two how long are you planning to stay in lviv?

Lviv - October 2016

Quote: (09-30-2016 04:48 PM)iron93 Wrote:  

one-two how long are you planning to stay in lviv?

Until November, a little over a month.

Today I found the two things missing in my life: ribeye and laundry. They are both available at this fancy mall called Forum. It is a little further than the rest of the places mentioned, but still walking distance.

The cheap drink/eat place opens at 1PM, so going there for breakfast is not an option. But next to it is a pretty cool coffee shop called Svit Kavy (world of coffee). It has plenty of seating and really cool custom-made furniture. The menu is all in English too.

Lviv - October 2016

So Forum laundry is more dry cleaning, regardless of what their sign says, i.e., you pay per item, not per kg. There is another place called Bulbashki (bubbles), but it is not walking distance and I am too lazy to go there. I gave all my shit to the cleaning lady at the hostel, hopefully it will all be done by the time I get back there tonight.

Saturday night I went out to the cheap bar and it was terrible. Mostly dudes and a few stuck up girls in groups. Cherry Bar was not much better and just as we were about to bounce, we open these two older girls, close to 30. They were real nice, even though their English was total shit (my wingman is British). So I had to carry the conversation with an occasional translation for him.

The girls were going to some restaurant not far from the square, so we tagged along. It was right around midnight, when everything was closed, so we were just excited to know that anything was still open. When we got there, the hostess told us it was full. The lobby had one of those punching bag machines with a bunch of local dudes wasting money trying to look badass.

So we went to a BBQ place that was open until 2AM. I think it used to be a torture dungeon because they had whole bunch of torture devices around. The waitress showed up and I ordered a sampler plate with all kinds of meat and a bottle of local Cab. Amazing food and wine for a grand total of $30.

Sunday I stumbled upon a barber shop, near the university. I'm talking proper, professional, men-only barbershop. They have only been open for six months, so everything is brand new. The barber dude washed my head, cut the hair and the beard. The poor guy spent so much time looking over missed spots, I felt bad for him. But as a customer, I could not be happier. All I got was a simple buzz cut and it only cost $4.

Lviv - October 2016

I'm thinking about visiting Lviv while establishing my base in Kiev. I'm interested in 52 (hour) pickup only. I can always return there if I connect with the girls.

Which option would be best?

Thurs - Sat (Uni students tend to party on Thurs)
Fri - Sat

Lviv - October 2016

I just got back from Lviv, I was there with a wing last week for 3 days. We stayed at a hostel downtown but didn't meet anyone but a few other Ukrainian tourists staying there.

As far as game, we didn't hit any night clubs since we were there on weekdays and feeling burnt out at the end of our 2 week trip across Moldova/Ukraine.

I did however approach many day game sets around the center, I didn't encounter any bitchy type girls, but basically every single set I approached out of about 20 only spoke a few words of English (or were only willing to speak a few words to us) the city has plenty of stunners and i'm sure anyone who's staying 1week+ and has decent to good game can get some notches if he hits day game hard. The opportunities are virtually unlimited.

My best set was opening a very beautiful young blonde sitting on the bench with her friend, (20 and 21yr old students) they're English was very poor but she was so beautiful and had a curious friendly demeanor that I felt it would be worth it this one time to bust out google translate on my phone, which we used to communicate. This girl had one of the most unique set of eyes i've seen in my life, one was light blue, and her other will split down the middle, half blue, half purple, I looked close, it wasn't a contact she was wearing it was natural, I was highly intrigued, it was a beautiful sight.

While talking to them I basically asked them what night clubs they like to go to or what they would recommend, they told me Fashion, I then switched it up to playful flirting and locked in by sitting down by her and putting my arm over her shoulder over the bench, I would occasionally hug her close to me when making her laugh and claimed she is my new girlfriend, from the little she understood she was enjoying it and her friend was laughing hard and winking at us. In about 3 minutes her body-language turned openly towered me and she was really into the roll playing and was enjoying my flirting alot, the downside is her and her friend kept giggling and talking among themselves a bit too much.

The bad part to the set was my wing standing there doing nothing just watching, he tried to get a few words in but the attention was on me from both girls and he was ignored when he talked, he got bored/low energy so he walked off to listen to a street performer a few feet away. I established with the girls to come on an instant date and to have drinks, I told them I wanted to see Fashion first and if we don't like it we'll go somewhere else, they were happy to comply and we started walking toward the club. I had to basically drag my wing to come with us and he was bitching the whole time that we should abandon the set because he can't get one word in, and he needs to "be able to talk with them for anything to happen" it was all excuses, he effed up the opener and energy and didn't know how to reinsert back in so he wanted to bail on them.

They walked us to Fashion and I said it looks dead, they recommended another club to go to for drinks but again my wing kept telling me to go alone and was being foolish so for his sake I just took the girls # down, gave them a hug and told them I have to go shower and will txt them after that. Both were young, bored, looking for a fun experience, with some work anything could of happened but for my wing's sake I left it at that.

The other thing I wana mention about Lviv, I haven't seen it on any other reports or posts but I found a good secret. About a 15minute walk outside the city center is a Catholic Private University that has dorms, a coffee shop, and park. We found it by chance but the girls that were attending there were all extremely friendly and spoke fluent English, we opened up about 4 different sets of 2 and 3s, and they were all receptive and curious about us. It was on our last day there so I didn't try to push for any later meetups, but for anyone visiting Lviv, I highly suggest you visit this campus and hang around the Cafe and open up sets there, you'll be able to actually talk with the girls and chances are very high you can pull dates from them. Even though it's a catholic school, the girls we talked to smoked cigs, and told us they like to go drinking to unwind from studying.

Lviv - October 2016

Sorry dudes, my day game is non-existent. I've tried many times and it never really worked for me. So unless the girl is very obviously eyeing me, which they often do because they can hear me speak English as fluently as a Russian, I leave them alone. These two older girls are my only successful set and it's because my English wingman opened them with the "Do you speak English? No? Well, why not?". There is no way I could pull off a line like that congruently.

My game ain't shit, but once I am in set, I am all right. I asked those two how they know each other and wheather they have ever liked the same guy (you know, the classics). They took a few seconds to narrow it down, yelled some dude's name, and then high fived each other. I've never seen anything like that.

Lviv - October 2016

I noticed there is a ton of PDA around here: coffee shops, parks, bus stops, public transport. Young couple, late teens - early twenties, making out all the way to first base. My theory is that they don't have a place to do it privately. Most likely they both live with their parents and, if they are in college, share a dorm room with other people.

There is no car culture here like in the west, so the whole "let's go to a drive-in theater and make out in the back seat" experience would be a novelty for an Eastern European girl. I haven't seen many of those around anymore, but I know Detroit had a drive-in theater.

This reminds me, you know how you guys meet a Russian girl and you want to know how to say "let's go out for a drink" in Russian? Well, there is no indefinite article in this language, so the closest thing is "let's go drinking", which may sound excessive. Considering that Russians are not known for their restraint, it will most definitely will be interpreted as "let's go get wasted".

Anyway, I just remembered an old, funny saying, which means exactly what you want. "Можно вас пригласить на рюмочку чая?" The literal translation is "may I invite you (polite you) to a shot glass of tea". This establishes the negligible amount of alcohol you propose to consume (because shot glass) and it shows familiarity with Russian culture, because normally you would invite somebody over for tea.

Lviv - October 2016

Lviv Coffee Manufacturing place is pretty cool. Their shtick is that they mine coffee from the ground and they have this massive basement where all of that happens. You can also order flaming coffee down there (good for a date). Upstairs is a giant, covered courtyard with tons of natural light, perfect for reading my book.

The polish breakfast place (Baczewski Restaurant) is amazing, all you can eat buffet for $4, with vodka/champagne for breakfast, live music, and a giant waiting list. They will also make you an omelet to order, which is nice. Just remember, the kettle on top of the samovar contains creme, not tea. Tea is in bags.

Centaur restaurant will cook you three eggs with bacon to order. Sweet, I used to pay extra for the third egg.

The cheesecake place, Lviv Placki, is really good for breakfast or late night. Find Neptune. Look him in the face, go right. Skip Kryivka, the cheesecake place is right next door. That shit is to die for. One of the forum members swears by it and I can see why.

The Alternative Coffee near the awesome barbershop and near the main post office is the best tasting coffee, but it's a tiny kiosk with no seating around. They have pour over, aeropress, and syphon coffee. Costs the same as any other place, but it requires actual effort from the hipster barista.

The regular coffee is called "Filter Americano" at Kredens cafe. Don't pay attention to the name, it is just regular coffee from a pot, no espresso involved. The biggest size fills out a mug, but it does not stay hot for long, because nobody does refills here.

Crabs is a fancy seafood restaurant that serves burgers with black buns, which is a novelty all right, but the buns are stale as fuck and the ingredients are all wrong. I know you may be thinking, how hard is it to fuck up a burger? I'm talking un-pickled cucumbers and cabbage instead of lettuce, like a damn hotdog. I am three for three on trying to get some decent American food and fail miserably. That's yet to happen with beer though. Never have I ordered a beer and been like, what kind of donkey piss is this?

I noticed that a lot of food is not made to order. For example I went to Chesne Miaso (honest meat) and tried to order just a regular steak, medium-rare. The waiter tells me that their steaks come pre-made and that if I want it done a certain way I have to get the meat on a stone thing. Sure, I get to cook my own meat, except it's some kind of non-fatty muscle that is ok, but it ain't no ribeye.

Now Mons Pius is a proper steakhouse with meat aging fridge next to the front door. As soon as I walked in I was all uuuuh aaaah and they looked at me weird, but they don't know the shitty food I had to get through before them. Anyway, a perfectly cooked medium-rare ribeye with grilled veg and a liter of beer for $16 is worth every penny. A meal like that would easily cost over $100 back in the states.

Blackwood Coffee and Burger has proper burgers. One of them is called a double-double, so I am pretty sure whoever made the menu has been to In-N-Out. Four bucks for coffee and a burger that does not make you gag is a good deal in my book.

Lviv - October 2016

Hi one-two,
I will be in Lviv soon. What spots do you suggest for day game? Hopefully the weather will be decent, my last time in Lviv it was -10C and impossible to do any sort of day game.
And also any suggestions about nice bars to hit before going to clubs in the night...Masoch, Kryivka, Pravda are still good as it used to be some time ago?
As for nightlife, options are limited but will try to do my best. What's positive is that I have learned from the other times especially about the importance of dressing very elegant.

Lviv - October 2016

I'm staying at an AirBnB just around the corner from Mazoh. For those who don't know, Mazoh was the last name of a local guy who was into some freaky shit and they named Masochism after him. Last time I came in there, the bartender fucked up a White Russian and then tried to convince me that it was ok to have clumps in it. Also, it's never the girls getting whipped, so I don't particularly like it.

Speaking of the last time I've been to that place, let me tell you a story. A few nights ago I met a Kazakh dude at the cherry place and we decided to go out drinking on a Friday night. Then one of those two girls hit me up (my only good set) and I invited her to tag along. We have been on one movie date and have been texting for a few days, but I didn't want to bail on the dude because he's got adult braces and I wanted to help him out picking up chicks with me and my girl as social proof (I had adult braces too just a few years ago). So everything is going well, I keep both of them engaged in a conversation, we are getting to know each other like decent people. I also mention how I've only just recently met both of them at my favorite bar. We go into that Mazoh place with the shitty drinks and I get whipped by a cute waitress with braces. I squirm like a little bitch, but he's all macho and shit.

Then the flower babushka comes in and he buys a rose for my girl. I go, what the fuck are you doing, there is a waitress that you have something in common with and you go a buy a flower for my girl! I guess he was not expecting such an immediate reaction, so he fumbled a little. He gave me some shit about it being a generic compliment, helping out the babushka, and he even got another flower for the waitress. But I was real pissed and was not backing down. My girl sensed the tension and excused herself to go to the bathroom (she be classy like that). That's when he gave me that smirk and said, she can't be your girl because you'll be leaving soon. Right as she is coming back, I said, look, I have no problem with you, but don't ever pull shit like this again. He said, I can't promise you that, here, let me pay for the drinks. I said, great, and stood up. My girl stood up too, leaving him, his stupid flower, and the bill on the table. And then I took her to my AirBnB and we banged. The point of the story, don't ever do nice things for people.

Stargorod is where it's at if you want a lot of locals. Went there this morning for breakfast. It is one of the few places that opens early, 7AM instead of the standard 10AM. But their two eggs come with either bacon or toast, not both, so I had to order two breakfasts on the same plate for a grand total of $7. I left a tip because I'm going there for a Halloween party later this week. The reservations are $10/person, but you are basically pre-paying your bill. Last time I saw an entire hog on a spit, maybe I can order me some of that.

Lviv - October 2016

I think you handled that well. I think I normally freeze up in situations like that. Note sure why. I think it's because I can't believe someone would be so bold. Something I need to work on.

Lviv - October 2016

Great thread. I was planning to go to Kiew and Charkiv, but this puts Lviv on my bucket list.

About the flower: Yeah, he was being a dick and you handled that part well. But I feel like I'm missing something some part of the story here. Why did you get upset about that flower in the first place? Is there some backstory of him hitting on your girls? I mean he's not obviously trying to "outalpha" you, not trying to make out with her behind your back or talking shit. Its a fucking flower he bought from an old lady. For all I know he didn't really think anything of it. I mean there are dozens of other ways to be a cockblock but buying a flower in front of the BF is not one of them unless he's retarded. And yeah, he was being a dick, but only after you made a big issue about it and he saw a way to get back to you where it hurts.

Lviv - October 2016

Yesterday night there weren't many people in pubs and bars. I am wondering if this is an usual situation in Lviv on Thursday night. It is possible that many people will go out this Saturday since I have seen that there will be many Halloween party. Being a foreigner from West is surely a DHV and contrarily to Poland, girls are very eager to engage in conversations/meet further, etc. Only limitation seems to be the time, my impression is that here you need time before sealing the deal - but potential is huge, at least compared to the near Poland that is getting worse and worse every day. My impression is that in Ukraine girls recognize quickly the high value of men, in Poland instead they lost this "skill" due to the invasion of thirsty foreigners.

Lviv - October 2016

In Lviv now, very impressed so far only been here a day. Nice girls everywhere and condensed into a smaller area in the old town so the quality appears better than Kiev or maybe it is. Kiev weather and unattractiveness does not make it the best place in the winter, thi seems like the place to be.

Who is still around?

@One-Two, thanks for the post. In Rafinad did you find normal girls? (non-working)

Lviv - October 2016

Quote: (10-27-2016 03:27 AM)invictusiii Wrote:  

I think you handled that well. I think I normally freeze up in situations like that. Note sure why. I think it's because I can't believe someone would be so bold. Something I need to work on.

Thanks, I'm not always this quick. But I read somewhere that effective punishment must be severe, certain, and swift.

Lviv - October 2016

Quote: (10-28-2016 03:12 AM)Giacomo Casanova Wrote:  

Yesterday night there weren't many people in pubs and bars. I am wondering if this is an usual situation in Lviv on Thursday night. It is possible that many people will go out this Saturday since I have seen that there will be many Halloween party. Being a foreigner from West is surely a DHV and contrarily to Poland, girls are very eager to engage in conversations/meet further, etc. Only limitation seems to be the time, my impression is that here you need time before sealing the deal - but potential is huge, at least compared to the near Poland that is getting worse and worse every day. My impression is that in Ukraine girls recognize quickly the high value of men, in Poland instead they lost this "skill" due to the invasion of thirsty foreigners.

It's the weather, dude. Everyone I've met told me to come back in the Summer and I can see why, cold and mingling don't mix.

Lviv - October 2016

Honorable mentions

Escargot place (Tante Sophie) near Mons Pius - good shit, get the garlic, skip the truffle. Don't play with them tweezers, they are fragile.

Delicateca - Awesome breakfast burger, decent music, and the waitress was super hot.

Vapiano - good Italian food, American portions. Took my girl there for a cooking class. You basically cook your own food, but it tastes amazing for $8/person.

The burger joint - another proper burger place, with a picture of an old school Detroit restaurant in the bathroom. The waitress did not give a shit that I used to live on the same street as the place on the poster. But they've got those Komodo grills, which are sweet.

Apartment #8 - Must visit, but only with a local loyalty card I mentioned above. I won't ruin it for you, just make sure to get the card first and bring a date. I'm talking fine dining with a sick view of the square. Best bottle of Cabernet I've had all trip.

Lviv - October 2016

Quote: (11-11-2016 10:26 PM)one-two Wrote:  

Quote: (10-28-2016 03:12 AM)Giacomo Casanova Wrote:  

Yesterday night there weren't many people in pubs and bars. I am wondering if this is an usual situation in Lviv on Thursday night. It is possible that many people will go out this Saturday since I have seen that there will be many Halloween party. Being a foreigner from West is surely a DHV and contrarily to Poland, girls are very eager to engage in conversations/meet further, etc. Only limitation seems to be the time, my impression is that here you need time before sealing the deal - but potential is huge, at least compared to the near Poland that is getting worse and worse every day. My impression is that in Ukraine girls recognize quickly the high value of men, in Poland instead they lost this "skill" due to the invasion of thirsty foreigners.

It's the weather, dude. Everyone I've met told me to come back in the Summer and I can see why, cold and mingling don't mix.

Opposite, Lviv dead in summer.

If it's cold go inside, loads of cafes, bars, restaurants, clubs to meet girls in, and the girls want to screw away their winter blues

Lviv - October 2016

You wrote:

Same goes for Kryivka, which is a basement restaurant dedicated to freedom fighters that helped Nazis kill Russians during WWII.

My comment:

Those guys who you call ,,freedom fighters'' are rapist and slaughters. They slaugter 200 000 Poles, mostly woman and childrens in very sick way in 1943. Hostel, Texas chainsaw massacre etc. are movies, tortures made by UPA were REAL and were made to almost every person they kill. You know even animals dont bully their victims.

The most funny thing is in Ukraine they made those slaughters ,,heroes''. It's official ideology supported by president Poroshenko and parliament.

Please watch movie: ,,Wołyń''. It's based on facts, not like hollywod movies where truth is less important than moral. It might be hard to find beacuse it's brand new.But you might ask after watching this one: Why guys who kill women and childrens are called heroes instead of chickes.

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