Hello guys,
It's time for me to contribute a bit. I feel like I have gained so much knowledge without contributing much so I will share with you one of my secret/favourite venues. I find that this is by far the easiest venue to game especially to improve your tchache aka Oral Game. It's called Mundo Lingo and if you live in a Mundo Lingo city and haven't heard or haven't been to this place I have bad news for you! You missed out on some easy, fresh, yet international pussy, but I got your back! I started going to go to Mundo Lingo when I started game about 6 months ago and I used it mainly as a warm up before my nights out to my surprise it turned out better than any other venue I went to, so I will break it down. This place has improved my tchatche and my game overall tremendously even though I haven't gotten the results I wanted yet because of an absence of logistics and a newbie game but I can give you some valuable information here.
What is Mundo Lingo?
Mundo Lingo is an organization that was created by 4 expats in Buenos Aires in order to promote language exchange across the globe by organizing events in bars and pubs in several international cities. It started in Buenos Aires and is now present in 5 continents but I expect it to grow a lot more, there is a huge potential to this organization.
The events occur in a local bar in the centre of the city once or twice a week depending on the city you live in- it's a social gathering where people meet to learn a language and socialize.
Mundo lingo is present in many international cities, last time I checked there were in around 10 cities now they are present in 13. It's growing fast. Here is the list for you: Barcelona, Buenos Aires, Cologne, Copenhagen, Geneva, La Plata, London, Melbourne, Montreal, Lima, Paris, Saigon, Toronto and Wellington.
If there is no Mundo Lingo in your city you can actually get involved and create one. Cities like New York, LA, Sao Paulo, Mexico city don't have Mundo Lingo so there are opportunities to be seized. You can become an organizer, it's a part time job with more pussy down the road (Based on what I saw) and maybe more money? I don't know. More information can be found in here: http://mundolingo.org/
You also have the opportunity to get involved in your local Mundo Lingo by volunteering. For example you can be the one who gives out flags, welcome and greet people... You can also become an ambassador of your home country but in order to do that there must be a lot of people from your home country who attend the event. I will give more information on that later.
Being involved will help you get a little more pussy but it's not a big competitive advantage.
The girls are very game friendly and open minded. You find all kind of girls from all over the world but I think we can put them in 4 categories:
1) Language school girl-
First, there are the girls who are here to study the local language. They go to the language school during the morning and visit the city during the afternoon. These type of girls are the best in my opinion, they stay a couple of months in your city and then go back home. I call them the sex tourists. They are just here to learn the language, discover the city and meet sexy interesting fun guys like us.
2) Expats-
These girls are hit or miss depending on how long they have been in your city. The new expats are actually here just to meet people make friends and fuckbuddies. Very easy to lead sugges places to visit... Expats who have been here longer are most likely here to genuinely be interested in learning the language but game everybody.
3) Exchange students-
These girls go to the local university, they are here to party, discover the city and want some alpha male. Pretty much like group one but they stay a bit longer.
4) Locals- (The least desirable group) these are the girls I game less since I find that they require more work for less reward, not a good trade. I game them too but I am not really invested. They tend to be genuinely interested in learning the language since they come here just before traveling so they can practice the language as much as possible. I had this girl who would not stop speaking Spanish with my target she ruined the set.
The first thing you have to do when you get in the pub is get the flags. I recommend talking with people who volunteer to put yourself in a social mood and try to befriend them. Just be social.
You can select as many flags as you want. First your native flag and below the other flags by order of ability. Choose the flag depending on the girls you want. Even if you don't speak the language just take the flags. Nobody will test you on your ability of speaking the language before giving out the flag. You can learn one or two sentence then you're good to go. The flags don't matter as you will be speaking in English 95% of the time. They are just here to serve as a topic to talk about.
Typical night:
Go to the bar, get the flags and go open the first person you see. Warm up, be social but be careful not to talk with guys too much as there are several chodes who will congregate around you as soon as you open the first girl. There was this guy who would come to me as soon as he sees me with a girl. Be social but be smart, don't waste time. You have three options for any given night:
1) You game the girl and venue change her to a more alcoholic location near your place. This is the most desirable option.
2) If she refuses option 1 seed for a date and number close her.
3) You can stay all night long in the bar with your girl and try to get a ONS out of it. The place usually turns into a night club after 10 pm so you can dance get physical and all. This is the least desirable option in my opinion because if you close her there other girls you gamed during that night will see you. This might hurt your chances with some girls.
The advantage of Mundo Lingo is that you can open all the girls you want and you will be seen as just socializing while you're gaming them. No creepy sign in your forehead.
Players Problem:
When you will start getting bang from Mundo Lingo you will run into a players problem. There will be girls you have already banged watching you gaming new chicks. I haven't had this problem yet but my buddy has, 4 girls he has banged in the same venue. It's an abundant man problem. You can still go game and not care because you are just learning a new language after all.
I hope this helps and I hope I will get more bangs from this wonderful place. If you have good logistics and decent game you'll kill in here.
It's time for me to contribute a bit. I feel like I have gained so much knowledge without contributing much so I will share with you one of my secret/favourite venues. I find that this is by far the easiest venue to game especially to improve your tchache aka Oral Game. It's called Mundo Lingo and if you live in a Mundo Lingo city and haven't heard or haven't been to this place I have bad news for you! You missed out on some easy, fresh, yet international pussy, but I got your back! I started going to go to Mundo Lingo when I started game about 6 months ago and I used it mainly as a warm up before my nights out to my surprise it turned out better than any other venue I went to, so I will break it down. This place has improved my tchatche and my game overall tremendously even though I haven't gotten the results I wanted yet because of an absence of logistics and a newbie game but I can give you some valuable information here.
What is Mundo Lingo?
Mundo Lingo is an organization that was created by 4 expats in Buenos Aires in order to promote language exchange across the globe by organizing events in bars and pubs in several international cities. It started in Buenos Aires and is now present in 5 continents but I expect it to grow a lot more, there is a huge potential to this organization.
The events occur in a local bar in the centre of the city once or twice a week depending on the city you live in- it's a social gathering where people meet to learn a language and socialize.
Mundo lingo is present in many international cities, last time I checked there were in around 10 cities now they are present in 13. It's growing fast. Here is the list for you: Barcelona, Buenos Aires, Cologne, Copenhagen, Geneva, La Plata, London, Melbourne, Montreal, Lima, Paris, Saigon, Toronto and Wellington.
If there is no Mundo Lingo in your city you can actually get involved and create one. Cities like New York, LA, Sao Paulo, Mexico city don't have Mundo Lingo so there are opportunities to be seized. You can become an organizer, it's a part time job with more pussy down the road (Based on what I saw) and maybe more money? I don't know. More information can be found in here: http://mundolingo.org/
You also have the opportunity to get involved in your local Mundo Lingo by volunteering. For example you can be the one who gives out flags, welcome and greet people... You can also become an ambassador of your home country but in order to do that there must be a lot of people from your home country who attend the event. I will give more information on that later.
Being involved will help you get a little more pussy but it's not a big competitive advantage.
The girls are very game friendly and open minded. You find all kind of girls from all over the world but I think we can put them in 4 categories:
1) Language school girl-
First, there are the girls who are here to study the local language. They go to the language school during the morning and visit the city during the afternoon. These type of girls are the best in my opinion, they stay a couple of months in your city and then go back home. I call them the sex tourists. They are just here to learn the language, discover the city and meet sexy interesting fun guys like us.
2) Expats-
These girls are hit or miss depending on how long they have been in your city. The new expats are actually here just to meet people make friends and fuckbuddies. Very easy to lead sugges places to visit... Expats who have been here longer are most likely here to genuinely be interested in learning the language but game everybody.
3) Exchange students-
These girls go to the local university, they are here to party, discover the city and want some alpha male. Pretty much like group one but they stay a bit longer.
4) Locals- (The least desirable group) these are the girls I game less since I find that they require more work for less reward, not a good trade. I game them too but I am not really invested. They tend to be genuinely interested in learning the language since they come here just before traveling so they can practice the language as much as possible. I had this girl who would not stop speaking Spanish with my target she ruined the set.
The first thing you have to do when you get in the pub is get the flags. I recommend talking with people who volunteer to put yourself in a social mood and try to befriend them. Just be social.
You can select as many flags as you want. First your native flag and below the other flags by order of ability. Choose the flag depending on the girls you want. Even if you don't speak the language just take the flags. Nobody will test you on your ability of speaking the language before giving out the flag. You can learn one or two sentence then you're good to go. The flags don't matter as you will be speaking in English 95% of the time. They are just here to serve as a topic to talk about.
Typical night:
Go to the bar, get the flags and go open the first person you see. Warm up, be social but be careful not to talk with guys too much as there are several chodes who will congregate around you as soon as you open the first girl. There was this guy who would come to me as soon as he sees me with a girl. Be social but be smart, don't waste time. You have three options for any given night:
1) You game the girl and venue change her to a more alcoholic location near your place. This is the most desirable option.
2) If she refuses option 1 seed for a date and number close her.
3) You can stay all night long in the bar with your girl and try to get a ONS out of it. The place usually turns into a night club after 10 pm so you can dance get physical and all. This is the least desirable option in my opinion because if you close her there other girls you gamed during that night will see you. This might hurt your chances with some girls.
The advantage of Mundo Lingo is that you can open all the girls you want and you will be seen as just socializing while you're gaming them. No creepy sign in your forehead.
Players Problem:
When you will start getting bang from Mundo Lingo you will run into a players problem. There will be girls you have already banged watching you gaming new chicks. I haven't had this problem yet but my buddy has, 4 girls he has banged in the same venue. It's an abundant man problem. You can still go game and not care because you are just learning a new language after all.
I hope this helps and I hope I will get more bangs from this wonderful place. If you have good logistics and decent game you'll kill in here.