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The Fake Phone Call Move
07-25-2011, 02:11 PM
Here is a simple move that has increased my success in my street approaches.
I see a girl I like walking down a busy street. I position myself so that I am walking in the same direction as her, sometimes this means stopping, turning around, crossing the street, etc.
Ideally, she would be walking right behind me, in the same direction, right about to catch up with me.
I pretend I don't even notice her. I am already on the phone when we get close to each other. I speak loudly enough so she can hear me. I speak calmly and clearly and I lie my ass off, dropping DHV's and presenting myself as a high status alpha.
I try to speak in a way that will get her attention. I might tell a joke or be in an argument, or I might say shit in Spanish or Portuguese. It just depends on the girl and what I think will get her attention. Its important to project my voice in a strong, confident way.
Your voice and presence is a projection of your swag. If you do it right, she will notice you and she might even get a little moist just listening to you. I can say whatever I want, I am talking to myself!!! (be sure and turn your ringer off)
I want my vibe and energy to dominate the space around us. I want her to to "feel" me.
This gives the girl a chance to "get to know me" a little bit before I actually approach her.
I call it "Pre-Approaching". You are Gaming the girl before you even talk to her. She can hear you talking about cool, interesting, and exciting things.
After a minute or 2 of this, and the girl is walking right behind me or right next to me. I hang up and immediately open her. I pretend like I never even noticed her until after I finished my phone call. Often times, it you do it well, they will make eye contact with you after you hang up.
This is one way to "warm up" a "cold" approach.
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The Fake Phone Call Move
07-25-2011, 03:11 PM
So you're having a conversation with yourself for two minutes? Sounds like too much effort to me.
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The Fake Phone Call Move
07-26-2011, 01:28 AM
yea its a good move. fun
it's just a tool to get your target's eyes on you that's all.
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The Fake Phone Call Move
07-26-2011, 02:02 AM
The beauty of this move is that you are sort of indirectly introducing yourself to the girl. She can hear your voice and get a feel for your vibe. If you handle yourself smoothly on the phone, she might develop a little interest and curiosity about you even before you even approach. Its just a way to show some value and try to get an advantage right away. Day time cold approaching is hard enough. We need any advantage we can get. This move can come in handy on a train platform, at a bus stop, walking down the street, or even getting into an elevator.
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The Fake Phone Call Move
07-26-2011, 02:45 AM
"I hang up and immediately open her. I pretend like I never even noticed her until after I finished my phone call."
I think this part is key.
It give you a little "momentum" on the Street Open.
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The Fake Phone Call Move
07-26-2011, 05:02 AM
I love shit like this. It adds a feeling of excitement/espionage to the whole thing.
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The Fake Phone Call Move
09-01-2011, 01:54 PM
"CUSTOMIZED Fake Phone Calls"
I use the "Fake Phone Call" alot on the street. I let the girl hear me speaking in a strong, clear voice, about stuff that makes me look cool or high value. Sometimes, I pretend to speak in another language.
Recently, I have taken this move a step further. I now customize the fake conversation to fit the girl I am targeting. I look at her race, look, style of dress, etc, and try to say things that will catch her attention.
Here are 2 examples from yesterday:
Asian girl, modern, sexy, straight black hair, clean skin, doll face, short skirt, fashionable, confident, educated.
She walked right past me on the street. I turned around and started walking in her direction. As I got within about 8 feet of her, I started my fake phone call:
..."Latinos don't even use the word Latino, no one is gonna say 'I'm Latino, they're gonna say I'm Mexican or I'm Colombian or I'm Peruvian. People hate that, Its just like all Latinos don't want to be called Mexican"
Now, I am right behind her, maybe 5 feet, I continue the fake phone call:
..."Its the same with Asians I think, people identify with the country they are from. You can't just say it was a bunch of
Chinese people. Not all Asians are Chinese. Its the same thing for them as it is for us.
Blah, Blah, Blah. I walk right past her without ever looking at her. I speak loud and proud. As I get in front of her a few feet I wrap up the fake phone call:
..."ok, type it up like that and send me a copy, make sure you bcc me on that email, whatever you do, don't cc me on it. Quadruple check everything and just text me."
I hang up. I'm a few feet in front of her. She opens me right away:
Her: Excuse me
Me: Hi (pretending to look surprised and cautious because a strange girl just opened me)
Her: I was listening to your conversation
Me: Really? you're so nosey!
Her: Well, you were talking loud
Me: Uh-huh
Her: I totally agree with what you were saying. I hate "umbrella terms". I'm majoring in political science and Asian studies so I'm always talking to people about that.
Me: Ya, its funny hah?
Her: Yes, I just got back from Hong Kong and blah blah blah
Me: I just back from Brazil, blah blah blah
We walked and talked for a few blocks. Once I felt we had build a little connection, I decided to get her number and eject.
Me: I'm going this way. Nice meeting you.
Her: Nice to meet you too. See you around.
Me: Maybe we should exchange numbers and get a drink sometime
Her: sure
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The Fake Phone Call Move
09-01-2011, 02:24 PM
Example #2
White girl, cute hippy, jeans, colorful shirt, flower in hair, scarf, Peruvian style hand bag.
I knew she was the type who would like travel stories, foreign languages and stuff like that. Shes was ahead of me so I had to walk fast to catch up to her...
Me: Oi irmao, tudu bem, fica in caza, elles quire jogar futebol en la praia, nao, noa, fala con elles, ah mi dios, que isso
Thats literally about all the Portuguese I know.
I get even closer to the girl and walk right past her. I continue with the fake Portuguese..
"Ta bon cara, me liga amanaha, ate mais, tchaua, belleza"
I hang up and turn slightly over my shoulder to open her:
Me: Cool bag, is that from Peru?
Her: Hah, it looks like that doesn't it? But I got it in Alabama
Me: What? Alabama?! I was thinking more like South America or something
Her: I know, my aunt got it for me. Hey what language were you just speaking?
Me: Oh thats Portuguese. From Brazil.
Her: I was wondering were that was from. It sounds cool
Me: Do you speak any other languages?
Her: No, just English, but I'm practicing my Italian.
Me: Portuguese is the cousin of Italian.
Her: Are you Brazilian?
Me: Ya (not true), how bout you?
Her: German and Italian
Blah Blah Blah. I knew she was feeling me because she was giving me good eye contact, smiling, laughing, and asking me personal questions.
Her: It was so nice chatting with you
Me: Ya, you too, why don't you give me your number and we can get a drink or something.
Her: Ya, I'd be down for that.
Handed her my phone.
Try this move guys. It can take a cold street approach and turn it into a warm street approach.
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The Fake Phone Call Move
09-01-2011, 02:33 PM
Ok obvious question what happens if your phone rings while you're pretending to be on a call? You put it on vibrate or have it turned off...remove the simcard? What?
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The Fake Phone Call Move
09-01-2011, 05:47 PM
That's good stuff.
There's a variation I use for when I'm walking through the park/square and see a girl sitting alone on a bench. Right as I'm approaching her space, I'll suddenly get a call, which means I have to sit down, naturally. Of course, I sit a few feet away (depending on how big the bench is and how crowded the environment is) and turn 3/4 away from her while I have my "conversation," like I'm not even noticing she's there. I then hang up and sit poking at my phone, and then I open her. At first, I'm still looking at my phone, but I'll slowly turn my head toward her as I'm about halfway through the first sentence (subtle, but works). Fluff talk, then number close/instadate.
I could get more creative with the fake phone conversation though. Usually I just prattle on making plans for a party or concert later.
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The Fake Phone Call Move
09-01-2011, 06:02 PM
Another good addendum to this would be asking the girl a question while on the phone as if the person on the other end is inquiring (asking for directions to pet store or Victoria's Secret to imply it's a female you're talking to, etc), and then telling the person on the phone the target's answer. When you hang up, you can open her with a "thanks, you didn't look like you were from around here" and go from there.
You'd have to be a true psychopath to pull that off correctly, but I'm always up for some insanity.
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The Fake Phone Call Move
09-01-2011, 08:59 PM
This is good stuff, and I'd say if you arent lying (in the sense that the things you're saying are true) its a good hype up for yourself as well.
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The Fake Phone Call Move
09-12-2011, 01:22 AM
Has anyone else tried this? I dont think I can pull it off but it sounds like a great idea.
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The Fake Phone Call Move
09-27-2011, 03:17 AM
Great idea, OP. I actually do this often, especially to girls I'm either going to talk to, or if I see girls coming to sit by me in the lounge at my school. The confident voice thing is key. I often find myself imagining that I'm talking to one of my friends who always gets himself into shit and I have to help him out of his jam and correct him. That way I sound confident, and I appear very knowledgeable. It actually takes little to no work for me, since I love rambling on anyway.
Another tactic to use is to imagine another one of my friends who likes to talk a lot. I'll just tell him I'm busy, especially if I have my laptop out, and act like I'm constantly trying to get off the phone with him. This one works a bit more often, as I'll have some exasperated expression on my face, and it'll catch the eye of a girl whom I'll look at and give a quick smile, wave, and some little funny comment that gets us to both chuckle. If she comments on it first, then I'm more intrigued.
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The Fake Phone Call Move
09-27-2011, 08:08 AM
I might have to try this. My Samsung Wave II has a fake call feature built in. Hit a button and a couple minutes later the phone will ring. You can even make a recording so there's an actual voice your talking to. It will work for just sitting in a bar, and not being confined on the street. It will look much less suspect than randomly picking up the phone and talking.
Quick brainstorm. Walk into an establishment. Open a chick. Let the fake call hit about 1 minute after the convo starts. Use a routine noted in thread. Hang up. Wait for her questions. Am I on track here?
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The Fake Phone Call Move
09-27-2011, 10:41 PM
I've used this technique before multiple times, and you can get away with almost anything so long as your tone is confident and direct. Make sure you're not doing all of the talking--let in time for some pauses to make the conversation sound more realistic. One of my favorite routines to pull at a bar is to make my friend out to be short tempered and impatient, then ask the set you're about to open a simple question like the name of the bar, or how to get there from a nearby restaurant (your phone friend's location).
Me: [on the phone, next to the set I'm about to open] Okay Steve, where are you right now?
(pause for a few seconds)
Me: I have no idea where that is...(open up the target) Do you know where X restaurant is?
At this point, she will either know or not, and you can use her answer as more convo bait. Afterwards, this is where you can make your friend come off as an impatient sob, and say something along the lines of:
Me: Alright man, don't get too worked up about this, it's just drinks. We'll reschedule for another time.
If done correctly, your target will be intrigued as to why your "friend" decides not to show up. You can then ramble on about the area you're in, how short tempered people can be, etc. Take it any direction you want.
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The Fake Phone Call Move
09-28-2011, 02:06 AM
great posts. this completely revolutionizes day game. I'm going to try this tomorrow at Uni and see how this works out.
note I haven't even approached a girl at Uni so this will be a 1st for both
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The Fake Phone Call Move
09-28-2011, 06:49 PM
@Giovonny- I've been giving this a lot of thought. Your routine would work better on the street. I think if you opened a girl walking, and started talking on the phone, she may bail. It would be more fitting too if you were sitting next a chic in a bar, that wasn't giving any IOI's. Opening her first and then talking might piss her off. I'm thinking of past experiences when my phone actually rang during macking.
I tried to make out some skits, but they didn't seem natural enough. I've been rehearsing recent important conversations in my head to use. They were real, and should come off far more believable.
We have some inspiring actors on the forum. You guys have any advice for practicing these routines?