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University students "In Tears" and "Feeling Hurt" after Milo lectures red pill truths

University students "In Tears" and "Feeling Hurt" after Milo lectures red pill truths

Quote: (03-03-2016 11:42 PM)Conscious Pirate Wrote:  

Looking forward to the video of this talk.

This 'Dangerous Faggot' tour has got me forgoing my usual broadcast schedule.

Milo is now one who I would list if asked 'who would you have to your ultimate dinner party?'

"I have refused to wear a condom all of my life, for a simple reason – if I’m going to masturbate into a balloon why would I need a woman?"

University students "In Tears" and "Feeling Hurt" after Milo lectures red pill truths

^ Good from you!

University students "In Tears" and "Feeling Hurt" after Milo lectures red pill truths

It's because the youth of today are the first generation to have the idea drilled into their heads that "emotional abuse" is equally if not more damaging than physical abuse. I'm not saying emotional abuse isn't bad, but because of this we have an entire generation of a culture that equates any form of negative emotion with "violence" and have been bred to be genuinely afraid to have their feelings hurt.

With this, dissenting opinions that wander from the party line are deemed "dangerous" because it may somehow lead to other people feeling guilt, shame, discomfort, whatever. It has worked, and has worked well.

University students "In Tears" and "Feeling Hurt" after Milo lectures red pill truths

The worrying thing is that these students whose opinions stated in the article are symbolic of many of the young (my) generation, will be the people who become politicians, public sector workers, healthcare professionals ect... Imagine these people, who feel 'traumatised' by a differing opinion being given any sort of responsibility.

Doctor this man has been shot!. Doctor: Ewww, the blood is too traumatising I need a safe space to calm down.....

It's the same in Britain where university students try and supress anything that they don't like for similar reasons outlined in the article OP provided.

The Daily Mail wrote an article about it last year.


They said it would be offensive to female students to have ‘a person without a uterus’ — what most of us call ‘a man’ — talking about abortion. Such a discussion would harm their ‘mental safety’, they claimed. So they set up a Facebook page littered with expletives which demanded that the debate should be called off.


In the year between my being banned from the Oxford abortion debate and the shameful traducing of David Starkey at Cambridge, barely a week has passed without students screaming for the censorship of things that ‘hurt’ them. They even call for ‘safe spaces’ where they can go without feeling threatened either intellectually or physically.

They even turn on their own.


Students at Cardiff University demanded that the leading feminist Germaine Greer should be ‘No Platformed’ — in other words banned from being able to speak in public — because they objected to comments she had made about transgender issues.

They insisted that Greer’s belief that men who have sex-change surgery do not become real women, has ‘no place in society’.

In the end, Greer’s lecture went ahead this week, but not without a gang of placard-waving students outside insisting that her words are ‘harmful’.


Recently, the student union at University College, London, banned a Nietzsche reading group, fearing that it would inculcate students with Right-wing ideas


Some student unions enforce these ‘No Platform’ policies not only against neo-fascist parties, but also against UKIP — which was banned at the University of East Anglia


Such intolerance reached its nadir when students at Goldsmith’s College in London and also at Cambridge recently burned the newspapers of Far-left groups that they find offensive. Now, burning literature has dark, disgusting historical echoes.

University students "In Tears" and "Feeling Hurt" after Milo lectures red pill truths

Quote: (03-04-2016 06:59 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

It's because the youth of today are the first generation to have the idea drilled into their heads that "emotional abuse" is equally if not more damaging than physical abuse. I'm not saying emotional abuse isn't bad, but because of this we have an entire generation of a culture that equates any form of negative emotion with "violence" and have been bred to be genuinely afraid to have their feelings hurt.

With this, dissenting opinions that wander from the party line are deemed "dangerous" because it may somehow lead to other people feeling guilt, shame, discomfort, whatever. It has worked, and has worked well.

Actually comrade, you are correct.

I wrote this here (& elsewhere) a while back. I believe it applies to the root cause here...

Is Narcissism the Vodka of Personality Disorders?


My brother is a bigwig in the booze trade and I’m an alcoholic so you’d think that I would have access to top shelf hooch at mates rates. One of life’s fringe benefits.

Truth is, he’s never given me more than a beer from his fridge when I visit sporadically.

This is not to denigrate the man. I’ve never asked him for more than a beer from his fridge either. What I do get is titbits of info & insight that add value to my life as any relationship worth having should provide. We have some great chats & while being almost black & white in many regards, his knowledge & manner of imparting it is a welcome, pragmatic & revealing information stream.

During one such beers session many moons ago, while educating me on methods of booze brewing & distilling he remarked “All distilled alcohol is essentially vodka. The word vodka refers to the process of distillation not necessarily to just the distilled grain alcohol commonly referred to as Vodka”

Recently I decided to task myself with writing an article worthy of submission to ROK. The working title is “How To Shame & Get Away With It” (purposefully clickbaity) and I started to research & construct the narrative for the article. The more I read the more I found I had more reading & thinking to do on the subject & now am considering a more full exploration that will quite possibly exceed the word count quota for submission. So how does this all relate to the above?

In my research it has become abundantly clear to me that the value of shame inasmuch as an inherent social policing structure, an inbuilt human justice system if you like, is being eroded by the rise of narcissism on a social level throughout western society. A narcissistic personality is constructed by the individual precisely to ward off & defend against an amygdala attack such as in the form of shameful feelings. These people never let the shame penetrate & mature into guilt & humility which are the building blocks of bettering oneself.

In my readings I have come across general & more specific discussions on personality disorder types & have found it useful to relate back to various personalities that I have or had surrounded myself & was able to gain a lot of previously hidden insight. It is well known that personality disorders per se are on the rise amongst the population and so it is not hard to receive a lot of information from the world around you. What I’m finding is that on some level we are all narcissistic to a certain degree & it is shame, guilt & humility that ultimately work as gate-keepers to the narcissistic influence on the ego.

As concepts like shame, guilt & humility become passé while attention whoring & shooting your mouth off become accepted & normalised, it is abundantly clear to me that Narcissism as a personality trait is the most insidious of all. It is the baseline for all of the personality disorders, & also the degree to which that individual allows manifestation of other types eg. histrionic, anti-social, paranoid or obsessive-compulsive in their overall character.

Essentially, Narcissism is the vodka of personality disorders.

Further reading:
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTnhE8m7n8YTvfi9gQdDoI...FmQHRqIS1L]

University students "In Tears" and "Feeling Hurt" after Milo lectures red pill truths


This is more than hurt feelings, this is about real violence. We know that the violence against marginalized groups happens every day in this country,” claimed social work and urban studies major Claire Matway. “That so many people walked out of that [event] feeling in literal physical danger is not alright.

It certainly isn't "alright" at all. Someone's got to teach these poor nitwits that opposing ideas and diaologue aren't physically dangerous, and should be educational.

University students "In Tears" and "Feeling Hurt" after Milo lectures red pill truths

Quote: (03-04-2016 03:43 AM)Buakaw Wrote:  

I think this pretty much sums it up

[Image: attachment.jpg30269]

Not really, because there weren't many 18-22 year old sluts storming the beaches in Normandy.

Any essentially peacetime organization which serves or employs both men and women will, in very rapid order, become an institution that caters to women and their every whim, because being white-knights and catering to women is what men do under peacetime conditions. The only exceptions to this are organizations whose activities are pressurized in a way that mimics combat pressure to produce results; the best financial and technology firms are examples of this, which is why they remain almost entirely male dominated. The university, on the contrary, is the example par excellence of a contemporary peacetime organization where such pressures are minimal; therefore, it caters entirely and exclusively to women and their increasingly egregious demands and sensibilities.

The nature of the young men themselves has not changed all that much, it has only been rendered dormant. A crew of 100 random dudes from Pitt's freshman class can be taken to a bootcamp and molded in fairly short order into a fighting force that would acquit itself about as well as any that invaded Normandy. What they would lack in athleticism as a result of a relatively more sedentary childhood and adolescence they may well more than make up for in increased intelligence and the ability to master the relatively more complex tools and systems involved in contemporary combat.

same old shit, sixes and sevens Shaft...

University students "In Tears" and "Feeling Hurt" after Milo lectures red pill truths


As far as I understand, there wasn’t any Tigers or Sharks present in the room, so what “danger” could they have possibly felt? Maybe it was a figurative danger? Is that even possible? Let’s assume that it is. Is it the same figurative danger that suburban (white) mothers led by Nancy Reagan cited as a reason to prevent rap albums from being played and purchased? No, they were RIGHT WING CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALIST NUTJOBS, these Pitt students are… not?

University students "In Tears" and "Feeling Hurt" after Milo lectures red pill truths

Quote: (03-04-2016 09:25 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

Quote: (03-04-2016 03:43 AM)Buakaw Wrote:  

I think this pretty much sums it up

[Image: attachment.jpg30269]

Not really, because there weren't many 18-22 year old sluts storming the beaches in Normandy.

Any essentially peacetime organization which serves or employs both men and women will, in very rapid order, become an institution that caters to women and their every whim, because being white-knights and catering to women is what men do under peacetime conditions. The only exceptions to this are organizations whose activities are pressurized in a way that mimics combat pressure to produce results; the best financial and technology firms are examples of this, which is why they remain almost entirely male dominated. The university, on the contrary, is the example par excellence of a contemporary peacetime organization where such pressures are minimal; therefore, it caters entirely and exclusively to women and their increasingly egregious demands and sensibilities.

The nature of the young men themselves has not changed all that much, it has only been rendered dormant. A crew of 100 random dudes from Pitt's freshman class can be taken to a bootcamp and molded in fairly short order into a fighting force that would acquit itself about as well as any that invaded Normandy. What they would lack in athleticism as a result of a relatively more sedentary childhood and adolescence they may well more than make up for in increased intelligence and the ability to master the relatively more complex tools and systems involved in contemporary combat.

I think there are some issues with your example about the 100 random dudes.

1) common sense I dont get that people have as much of it now as they did then especially young kids. In the movies it is always street smart NCOs that save the day from the "smart" captains etc

2) toughness - these kids are not mentally tough. They think they are. They talk like the are. But any sort of conflict would cause most to piss their pants

3) intelligence aspect. I am not sure if they are that much smarter than the guys that landed at d day. What may be perceived as intelligence is the snarkiness and passive agressiveness that exists. But I think that is too merely mask a lot of insecurities. It is really defensiveness that comes off as smart.

Some Millenials have commented how hard it is right now, so I can believe that underneath it all there is a lot of fear and angst and doubts which is covered over by having a smart mouth.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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University students "In Tears" and "Feeling Hurt" after Milo lectures red pill truths

According to the youtube video there was security staff. Just fucking pussies.

Those babies applaud when the person introducing Milo talks about the important of free speech regardless if they agree with his ideas or not. Just fucking babies. In case I wasn't clear, just fucking babies.

Milo makes a comment about how clapping may trigger victims of domestic abuse so the audience applauds. So much for being thoughtful and politically correct. Hypocrites.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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University students "In Tears" and "Feeling Hurt" after Milo lectures red pill truths

samsamsam, note that I said that they needed to be taken to a bootcamp first. Certainly they would not be ready as is. But toughness and a surprising amount of functional common sense can be hammered into a normal dude in very short order. The combination of intense discipline from superiors, physical hardship, and intense camaraderie and ball busting among equals, can do wonders to the mind and body of your average young male.

As far as intelligence goes, the most important advance compared to the previous generations would not be in relatively useless verbal intelligence but in the ability to handle symbolic or structured information that comes from being exposed to digital media and computing from a young age. Anyone who routinely handles smartphones, computers, gaming consoles and similar devices performs more complex consecutive and symbolic manipulations than any previous generations of human beings. This results in obvious and easily observable gains in symbolic and structured intelligence, and the ability to follow and execute relatively complex and consecutive instructions. It should be clear that such an ability would confer an advantage in any combat conditions, let alone ones where such devices play an important role as they do today.

The main shortcoming of today's young guys would be that many of them would be relatively less athletic in the way that men who were always out and about and moving around in their childhood and adolescence can be athletic without being particularly strong or powerful; they have a certain naturalness and an intuitive way of moving through the physical world that can be extremely valuable in combat conditions, and that cannot be really learned in a short period of time, if ever -- it is harder to instill this instinctive athleticism than any kind of mental toughness. However, greater intelligence, better nutrition, and greater raw strength (remember that the men of a few generations ago were generally shorter and weaker than today, mainly because of inferior nutrition during childhood) would, on the whole and after a period of intense initiation training, more than make up for it.

same old shit, sixes and sevens Shaft...

University students "In Tears" and "Feeling Hurt" after Milo lectures red pill truths

These pansy-ass millennials are offended, traumatized, and feel physically unsafe about someone having a different opinion than them?

And THIS is the generation that is supposed to "change the world"?

The next event on a college campus needs to be held at a basketball arena, and it must be mandated that the students attend or they'll fail/get kicked out.

The speaker needs to be someone like Milo, but far more abrasive. Give said speaker about an hour or so, and he'll talk some sense into these shitsmears.

I think the speaker should be someone like R. Lee Ermey (what is he up to these days anyway?)

University students "In Tears" and "Feeling Hurt" after Milo lectures red pill truths

This video shows the crowd and you can see who were the people asking questions and who were the feminists, the BLMers and the SJWs screaming.


University students "In Tears" and "Feeling Hurt" after Milo lectures red pill truths

[Image: tumblr_inline_n0o40bzRnu1r0wfac.gif]

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

University students "In Tears" and "Feeling Hurt" after Milo lectures red pill truths

Quote: (03-04-2016 10:32 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

samsamsam, note that I said that they needed to be taken to a bootcamp first. Certainly they would not be ready as is. But toughness and a surprising amount of functional common sense can be hammered into a normal dude in very short order. The combination of intense discipline from superiors, physical hardship, and intense camaraderie and ball busting among equals, can do wonders to the mind and body of your average young male.

As far as intelligence goes, the most important advance compared to the previous generations would not be in relatively useless verbal intelligence but in the ability to handle symbolic or structured information that comes from being exposed to digital media and computing from a young age. Anyone who routinely handles smartphones, computers, gaming consoles and similar devices performs more complex consecutive and symbolic manipulations than any previous generations of human beings. This results in obvious and easily observable gains in symbolic and structured intelligence, and the ability to follow and execute relatively complex and consecutive instructions. It should be clear that such an ability would confer an advantage in any combat conditions, let alone ones where such devices play an important role as they do today.

The main shortcoming of today's young guys would be that many of them would be relatively less athletic in the way that men who were always out and about and moving around in their childhood and adolescence can be athletic without being particularly strong or powerful; they have a certain naturalness and an intuitive way of moving through the physical world that can be extremely valuable in combat conditions, and that cannot be really learned in a short period of time, if ever -- it is harder to instill this instinctive athleticism than any kind of mental toughness. However, greater intelligence, better nutrition, and greater raw strength (remember that the men of a few generations ago were generally shorter and weaker than today, mainly because of inferior nutrition during childhood) would, on the whole and after a period of intense initiation training, more than make up for it.

LOO, your example may work if extreme incentives are there, such as do this or go to prison.

I know I sound like a hater, but I am not. I am just taking in the info of the world around me plus some articles. If you take a random 100 - some will be athletes but most will not. Most have been raised to be soft and weak and when it gets hard they will just want to quit. They cannot be compared to the self selecting men who volunteer now as an example. Those men want to go, there is some motivation/goal. Citizenship, education, provide for their families, serve their country.

And what I am about to say is no way mean to disrespect some of the older forum members who served during Vietnam. But from what I gathered Vietnam was when the US military had terrible morale. Lots of drugs, etc. Most were drafted. I would see taking a random 100, they would be bitter and angry about being there. They would go full klinger maybe [Image: lol.gif]

I get your comment about handling technology but that would only be valid if we brought the 1940s GIs to now or sent the current boys to 1940s and asked them to fix cars and improvise. Each generation is comfortable with the tech of their time. Right? I think back in the day it was a lot of fuses and stuff that don't exist now, so our current generation wouldn't grasp that.

If in your example you added some extreme external motivation, maybe I could agree. But the beauty of this forum, is we can have differing ideas and try to learn from one another. I appreciate your post.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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University students "In Tears" and "Feeling Hurt" after Milo lectures red pill truths

Pity I'm not in America.

Sounds like the "safe space" market is ripe for exploitation...

University students "In Tears" and "Feeling Hurt" after Milo lectures red pill truths

They should make these "safe spaces" charge by the hour. Put a bill reader on the door, after hour is up, space become "unsafe", ie, door unlocks or Milo's speech starts playing.

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

University students "In Tears" and "Feeling Hurt" after Milo lectures red pill truths

^ But then they'll need a safe space from the safe space bills! Especially if they do surge pricing like Uber does.

University students "In Tears" and "Feeling Hurt" after Milo lectures red pill truths

More on students reactions to this stop of the Dangerous Faggot Tour. Tactics sound familiar to anyone here?

Pitt Student's Family Harassed Over Milo Yiannopoulos Event


University of Pittsburgh student Doug Steeber has been harassed by his classmates following an event the College Republicans club hosted with Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos.

Over the past week, Steeber has been on the receiving end of a vicious campaign that has involved students calling Steeber’s parents at their home late at night. Despite the threats against Steeber and his family, the University has yet to make a statement condemning the behavior.

Yiannopoulos spoke at the University of Pittsburgh on February 29th at the invitation of the school’s College Republicans club in an event that stirred significant controversy on the campus. Although tensions were high in the days leading up to Yiannopoulos’ lecture, the event went smoothly with the exception of a few interruptions from student protesters.

[Image: my640-640x480.jpg]


The University of Pittsburgh College Republicans and Steeber attended an open forum hosted by the student government the day following the event, which was held so that students could voice their complaints about Yiannopoulos’ visit. Steeber took to Twitter to share anecdotes from the forum, detailing that one student called the club’s event “an exercise in systematic oppression” and that others collapsed into tears at the microphone.

[Image: lol.gif]

After it was revealed that Steeber was posting about the forum on social media, Steeber claims that he was “screamed at” and he later deleted his account. Steeber woke up the following morning to find out that someone had created an account impersonating him on Facebook, which contained the photos and personal contact information of Steeber and his parents.

The situation escalated further when fliers began to appear around campus with a picture of Steeber, accusing him of making fun of sexual assault survivors. The flier included the personal phone numbers for both of Steeber’s parents, with the suggestion that students call them. As a result of the fliers, Steeber’s parents have received several hang-up calls and his mother received an anonymous e-mail requesting information about her whereabouts.

[Image: image1.jpg]
The Steeb


Despite the harassment that Steeber has endured, the University has remained silent. Intercollegiate Studies Institute President Christopher Long came to Steeber’s defense in a letter that asks the the school’s Chancellor, Patrick Gallagher, to denounce the harassment aimed at Steeber and his family.

[Image: Screen-Shot-2016-03-09-at-12.18.53-PM.png]
[Image: Screen-Shot-2016-03-09-at-12.19.04-PM.png]

Despite what Steeber has endured over the past week, he seems committed to continuing in the fight against political correctness and over-sensitivity on campuses and is currently talking with a detective from the University of Pittsburgh police to address the threats. In a statement, Steeber made it clear where he stands now in the aftermath of the chaos.

I have no issue with being challenged on my opinions, but to encourage the harassment and threatening of my family is unacceptable.

[Image: agree.gif]

University students "In Tears" and "Feeling Hurt" after Milo lectures red pill truths


they may well more than make up for in increased intelligence

I am of the opinion that you give the current generations far too much credit.

University students "In Tears" and "Feeling Hurt" after Milo lectures red pill truths

Quote: (03-04-2016 06:59 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

It's because the youth of today are the first generation to have the idea drilled into their heads that "emotional abuse" is equally if not more damaging than physical abuse. I'm not saying emotional abuse isn't bad, but because of this we have an entire generation of a culture that equates any form of negative emotion with "violence" and have been bred to be genuinely afraid to have their feelings hurt.

With this, dissenting opinions that wander from the party line are deemed "dangerous" because it may somehow lead to other people feeling guilt, shame, discomfort, whatever. It has worked, and has worked well.

Emotional Abuse being the same or worse than physical abuse

I seem to remember a scene from the Woody Allen movie, Manhattan. In that movie there is one scene where Allen's character is at a diner party, and some blue blooded lady is talking about how sarcasm is worse than physical violence. I think they are talking about opposing a third world dictator or something just as bad. Allen's character chimes in with 'I think bricks and bats are more effective.'

University students "In Tears" and "Feeling Hurt" after Milo lectures red pill truths

Milo is the only gay I enjoy listening to

University students "In Tears" and "Feeling Hurt" after Milo lectures red pill truths


This guy is a great speaker.

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