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Book Review & Discussion: The Married Man Sex Life Primer

Book Review & Discussion: The Married Man Sex Life Primer

The last game-related book I read was The Married Man Sex Life Primer by Athol Kay, 2011 edition.

This book is primarily marketed toward men who are already deep into their marriages and are having marital problems with dwindling sex lives. However, there are a lot of things in the book that are applicable to single men working on their game, as well as to those who are in LTRs, but not married. It's a good book to read even if you aren't married or don't have any pressing intentions to marry anytime soon.

I consider this book a great alternative to The Rational Male. Athol writes extensively about the ingrained hypergamous nature of women in a layman's conversational and practical tone, as opposed to Rollo Tomassi's heavy academic and philosophical style in his books and blog. In fact, I recommend reading this book first, and if you really wanted to go deeper into the female nature, only then read Rational Male series.

Because it's a quick read, I won't go too deep into the details here. Rather, I'll do a quick cliff-notes summary, and then add my own thoughts.

Cliff Notes

Part 1 - What Women Really Want

This is where Athol talks about what makes women tick, and the evolutionary background that supports or explains their behaviors. Basically, way back before humans learned how to write, women looked for strong males who could hunt for food, build shelter, and protect them and their kids. It could simply mean getting into a fight with another male (sometimes to the death), and whoever wins the fight, gets the girl.

However, these same alpha traits and "warrior" behaviors could land you in jail today in modern society. The age of the written word and the industrial revolution really has changed the game. The beta behaviors of providing comfort and being a dependable provider are more compatible with modern society.

These societal changes are very recent and are nothing but a very small slice of human history, so there is a lot of confusion in both men and women. Today's women look for beta traits such as comfort and provider ability, but at the same time, alpha traits such as strength, preselection, and domination makes their vaginas tingle. This explains the alpha fucks beta bucks phenomenon.

Athol Kay posits that we don't want to be ENTIRELY alpha by getting rid of all our beta tendencies, but rather strike a balance between both alpha and beta. So, if you are too beta with women, you want to add a little more alpha to excite them. On the other hand, if you are too alpha with women, you want to add a little more beta to add comfort.

When a woman says "I love you but I'm not in love with you," it usually means she is already cheating or thinking about leaving you. The marriage is likely doomed, unless the husband increases his SMV fast, by following the prescribed Male Action Plan.

Part 2 - The Male Action Plan

The Male Action Plan (MAP), as Athol Kay writes it, is designed for struggling husbands to save their marriage. But as I read the MAP, I see a lot of stuff that we do here - or SHOULD be doing anyway.

Kay talks about the male and female's "Sex Rank", which is the same thing as what we refer to a person's SMV, or a female's hotness rank between 1 and 10.

Basically, the MAP tells husbands to raise their rank to pull even with their wives' SMV rank, or slightly ahead.

Let's say a husband is a 5 and his wife is a 7. Undoubtedly, the wife would have lost some or most of her attraction to her husband because he is lower than her in SMV rank. Other men who are ranked a 7 or higher would be getting her attention at the expense of her husband. The chances of her cheating on her husband are very high.

Now let's say the husband takes action to raise his SMV rank from a 5 to a 7, pulling even with his wife. This would result in regaining his wife's interest in him. If the husband pulls ahead and becomes an 8, his wife's sexual attraction toward her husband would greatly increase, drastically reducing the likelihood that she will cheat.

So, what is the MAP? What does the husband do?

It's basically the same as what we do here. Learn game, lose weight, gain muscle mass and strength, and be more masculine. Like I said earlier, if the husband is a total beta, he would gain major SMV points by working out, lifting, making more money, growing a backbone, stopping catering to her every need or demand, passing her shit tests, and adding more alpha traits to his overall personality.

Reading the book, especially part 2, is a good succinct review of what we should be doing to improve ourselves. The author cautions that this process can take more than a year, however. Initially, the wife would not notice the changes or if she did, wouldn't believe that these changes are for real. Then once she realizes the changes are really happening, she would try to sabotage her husband's progress to keep his SMV down (rather than increasing her own SMV, which takes a lot of work). Once the husband pulls even or a little higher than her SMV, the wife would finally become sexually attracted to him again and their sex life would restart.

It may not always work 100% of the time, and if it doesn't (or evidence of the wife's cheating is found), then divorce is an option. Towards the end of the book, Athol does acknowledge the high risks of marriage in Western society.

The author goes into detail on how to spice up sex lives between married couples. At some points he did come off as bragging about his sex life with his wife, but that was probably the point.

My Own Thoughts

Like I said, this is a good starter book for men who want to learn game as well as how women really work. It's more applicable to men who are already married and want to save their struggling marriages, but I think there is a lot of value for those of us who aren't married.

Personally, it resonated with me because my experience as a totally beta husband parallels the author's examples in the book. Like the Rational Male, it explained how women don't stop their attraction to men of higher SMV and therefore you need to keep your own SMV as high as possible in order to keep your wife and your sex life going. Letting yourself go and allowing your SMV to go 1-2+ points below that of your wife's literally kills your sex life, and greatly increases the chance that she'll cheat on you.

The book made perfect sense to me, but I take a little bit of an issue with the fact that it was written in 2011 and the author never addressed the feminism effect on the sexual market.

Say, if your wife is a 6 but she thinks she's a 9 based on how much attention she gets, both in real life through work, and online, the MAP probably won't be as effective if you start out as a 5 or 6 yourself.

If you are a 6, you could quickly raise yourself to a 7 in a few months by working out, lifting weights, and eating clean. But to take yourself to an 8 would be a longer and harder process, though still achievable. Getting to a 9 or 10 would probably not be in the cards unless you got famous or filthy rich or something, at least according to the author.

The problem with that is, on paper, your wife could be a 6 and you could be an 8 - your marriage should recover. But if your wife THINKS she's a 9, it might not work very well. I think some humility and modesty (as opposed to being an entitled and spoiled attention whore) on your wife's part is required for the whole thing to work.

So, the bottom line is, I think the author's most vulnerable assumption is that we are living in a balanced sexual market. We all know the sexual market in the West is anything but.

Still, this book provides value to those who want to understand women better, learn game, improve themselves, how to sex a woman good, and keep it interesting over a long time.

7/10, recommended read.

Book Review & Discussion: The Married Man Sex Life Primer

Points for discussion:

We could also explore the finer discussion points about marrying non-Western women and doing the MAP to keep SMV high and the wives in line.

* Foreign women tend to be more humble and feminine, and keeping them in line if we don't import may be an easier thing to do than if we imported them here. Western men are very thirsty, and the foreign wives would be exotic to them. They might pay a foreign 7 much more attention than an American 7, thus raising the foreign's woman SMV even higher. It seems we have no option but to raise ourselves EVEN further if we don't want to date or marry down. What do you think?

* There's some talk on the forum about keeping our foreign wives isolated from the corrupting elements of Western society. No cable, don't allow her to drive, etc. I have mixed feelings about this. I don't like the idea of keeping a wife prisoner in our own home. Wouldn't life get boring real fast? Sure, we could keep her busy with kids, but isn't there a better way other than keeping our SMV high and hoping for the best?

* It seems it all boils down to the following two options IF you are looking for a wife and to have kids:

1) import wife to Western country and shoulder all the risk, or
2) live and start a family in a third world country (where more feminine and humble women are in greater numbers)... and stay there.

The 2nd option means giving up your life, career, and family roots in your home country... permanently. Not something to take lightly. If western influence is spreading through the world as fast as we think it is, what do you think are some of the best ways to cope and live a happy life in the long term?

Book Review & Discussion: The Married Man Sex Life Primer

Thank you for the review. I put off buying that book because the large cost for a long time and eventually lost interest in it and Athol's blog because four years ago I had absolutely zero interest in even the idea of marriage. But a lot has changed. I may end up getting that book after all.


Edit: Responding to your points:

1) I used think if I take a foreign bride, I'd rather not bring her to the US. I could get married in a foreign country and may be subject to more favorable divorce laws and could use energy I'd expend keeping her from the baser parts of an already base culture, elsewhere.

Now I'm not so sure. I'd have to think about it some more.

2) See previous link (I still need to gather thoughts)

3) I think there's a third option. A difficult option. Meet with like minded, honorable men. Take over a neighborhood. Fill it with people who are red pill and honorable so that your wife's social circle is (heh) kosher. It's a step below making your own country and it offers the benefits of good culture/social circle, while also providing for benefits of living in a first world country. I'm slowly cottoning to this idea. It just takes a lot of work.


Book Review & Discussion: The Married Man Sex Life Primer

Quote: (12-26-2015 02:44 PM)Geomann180 Wrote:  

3) I think there's a third option. A difficult option. Meet with like minded, honorable men. Take over a neighborhood. Fill it with people who are red pill and honorable so that your wife's social circle is (heh) kosher. It's a step below making your own country and it offers the benefits of good culture/social circle, while also providing for benefits of living in a first world country. I'm slowly cottoning to this idea. It just takes a lot of work.


Sounds good in theory, but hard to execute in practice. We all have different tastes in location and culture, and all it would take is just one bad apple to start an affair and ruin everything.

Book Review & Discussion: The Married Man Sex Life Primer

Wow...this book looks good...I checked it out on Amazon and discovered an
pretty revealing review written by a married woman. Check out her review's pretty honest about what most women really want
in a man...

It confirms that you have to work on your masculinity and demonstrate
it regularly...especially in a marriage...

By Stay-at-Home Mom:
"Coming from a woman's perspective, this book hit RIGHT ON with the problems I was having being attracted to my husband.
It actually tells men how to make their wives want them. It's written by a man, for men, and I appreciated that
because the author gave examples with his own relationship with his wife on his daily interactions that work
to help her lust after him. It made it much more concrete and real-life to us as the readers.

Not only does the book talk about why I was feeling less attracted to my very physically fit, tall, extremely athletic,
highly intelligent, well-maintained, loving husband, but it gave specific steps for him to take in order to make me go crazy
for him again.

I had no idea it was as easy as him becoming more of an alpha-male at home with me. I knew I wanted him to be more assertive
in the bedroom and generally in our married life together by making more or most of the decisions such as where we're going to eat or
what we're going to do this weekend, but no matter how many times and ways I tried to tell him this, it didn't seem to compute because
he's so polite with me and that's how he showed me love.

This book not only explains to a man why and how to be assertive with women, but also has anecdotes of the author's personal relationship
with his wife on little playful interactions and flirtation that a lot of men like my husband didn't do and didn't think to do.

The author was able to put into words and communicate to my husband in a fun, comical way, what I could not, in explaining
what I really wanted and needed in a man.

Be forewarned, the author sort of blames women for their unhappiness in the marriage and points the finger at women for helping to "create" men
they won't desire. It wasn't until I read further, that I had to agree with him. I am one of those women who thought that by "training" my husband
to do more chores around the house and by getting him to be more domesticated, nurturing and sensitive in our relationship, I'd be happier.

This book concentrates on telling you the truth and giving you common sense, logical solutions to the problems. It may not be what appeals to some women's sensitivities
and feminist-minded viewpoints. In other words, it's not politically correct, but I liked that! I've read those types of books and nothing helped my situation.
I truly believe my husband needed to be "de-programmed" from the feminist mindset he was raised in and made to understand that his instincts
about how to take the lead and give a few orders as the head of the family with our kids as well as with me, while also showing me his love
(which he already knew very well how to do, are natural and good for our relationship.

Don't get the wrong impression. The author isn't condoning any kind of abuse or jerk mentality, he's just stating the facts -
that most women want and need to be dominated in their sexual relationships in order to be truly content and turned on sexually.

I plan on recommending this book to any and all of my friends complaining about their relationships / marriages. It really was a life-saver!"

Book Review & Discussion: The Married Man Sex Life Primer

As a married guy - this was my first real introduction into the red pill. That and a book about Infidelity. It was a very crazy and wild three days as much of what I thought I knew got thrown into the trash.

I like Athol's book - because being married is hard work. It is not easy. There is a different kind of a daily grind that does not exist for players spinning plates. When you live with a woman and have kids, there is just lots of things to do. Kids have to go places, groceries need bought, food needs to be cooked, stuff around the house has to constantly cleaned up. Often both spouses are working.

Real point - decisions, and lots of them very small and minute, are made every day. Who is the leader in making these decisions? How do you one the one hand - help your wife with the kids - and on the other hand, be a strong alpha husband who gets lots of sex? It is not easy to figure out on one's own, especially these days with so much bad advice out there.

For example - one of Athol's points - one of the best ways of killing attraction to your wife is making her have to nag you incessantly in order to get things done. Lots of times guys (and I'm guilty of this too) know something has to be fixed. But it takes six MONTHS, to get done while your wife who is home all day has to stare at it, and look at a constant reminder of what you are NOT DOING.

The minute I started fixing things in a timely fashion around the house, my wife's mood got way better. Like - who the fuck says something so useful to men like "fix shit around your house on time" I spent two years reading marriage blogs and books and no one said something so immediately useful.

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