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Value home vs abroad

Value home vs abroad

I'm sure something similar exist but I could not find it.

After 3 months in Japan I'm back to Germany. And I guess it will be at home like before. I had travels to Peru, Brazil, China, Hong Kong, Japan and interactions with girls from Poland, Italy, Austria and Spain, Russia and other eastern European countries.
What I observed is that my value in Germany is almost zero. It gave my in the past a lot of stress and doubts. My first big travel abroad to Peru was a huge relief. I could pull women there quite easy. Same for the other countries. Easy don't mean simple, I still need to game and work for it.

Because of my low success in Germany I get into Pick Up and red pill, it don't change much. I'm not tall for a german (1.75) but hit the gym since many years regular, so I'm in good shape and get compliments on my body by women abroad regular. I'm blond but bald, with blue eyes. That I'm handsome I also get by women abroad, even I see myself as normal looking. Also I have a decent education in engineering.

What makes me wonder, why is it kind of easy for me abroad but I have so many struggles with women in my home country?
First of all I guess its because I live in a rural area, so less opportunities. Then it's also a conservative area where most people have a relationship or nothing. Still when I go out my success is low. When I get numbers and have a date, it seems like I don't find my way in. Even if so, often the girl then stops to show interest.
As I said this created many doubts in my when I was younger. But I never had any big issues when I go abroad. I know the money factor, be white and so on plays also into this. I'm aware of this. Still when I see similar guys in Germany they do better even when their game is worse. Or I guess mine is worse because they have more success. My speciality in Germany are Milfs, those are kind of easy to pull for me. Its just not possible to pull a non fat, not single mother girl that is in her 20s.

So my question, did any of you encounter something similar? Its not that I hate German women but I found them extreme difficult. With latinas or asian girls I have absolutely no problems in general. They don't give me that hard times.
I keep my head up high and go out and do my best, but also work to re locate from Germany because it get in some way frustrating. I'm open for a LTR but it seems like its not possible for me in Germany. For example in Japan I could pull a girl that was 10 years younger then me, she was 20.
Maybe my area is just not fitting for me. Anyway this is not a rant, just a share of something I encounter.
So I save now some money and look for a job abroad. Not only because of the women, also because of the political change with all the immigrants in Germany.

We will stand tall in the sunshine
With the truth upon our side
And if we have to go alone
We'll go alone with pride

For us, these conflicts can be resolved by appeal to the deeply ingrained higher principle embodied in the law, that individuals have the right (within defined limits) to choose how to live. But this Western notion of individualism and tolerance is by no means a conception in all cultures. - Theodore Dalrymple

Value home vs abroad

I think there are a couple of issues at play here.

1. Familiarity breeds contempt

Much like how spending too much time with a chick can turn things sour, making you hate the things you once liked about her, a similar phenomenon can ring true on a macro level when dating among your own race. Instead of hate however, it's indifference - causing a reduction in the pool of "acceptable" options.

As a man looking for acceptance among the women in your own country (or just a warm hole to put your schlong), this may not be a major detraction, however, modern women devoid of a healthy attention span won't stand for it - they don't want what's familiar (i.e. middle-of-the-road), they want the flavour of the month that will generate those all-important tingles. Or, since you say you're in a conservative rural area, you simply aren't bringing the value to the table (status, familial prestige and/or resources/stability) that these woman demand for a LTR, or at least they aren't perceiving this within you.

Let's not forget the vast amount of options available to women as well, and the very real thirst dehydrating the average man - making for an inflated sense of entitlement for most women.

2. Opposites attract

Some people have a predisposition to seek out genetically dissimilar mates (read: other races), as well as someone that will compliment their personality type - which is usually a departure from your own. Notwithstanding your level of game, you did well overseas because of your uniqueness/relative scarcity and what you bring to the table genetically, which provides a boost to your SMV; providing your ethnicity is admired in the country you're in.

Value home vs abroad

Differences is attractive. Go abroad and be different from 90% of the population is or stay at home and be the same as 90% of the population.

edit; like he said^

Value home vs abroad

Quote: (12-03-2015 08:43 AM)Parzival Wrote:  

I'm sure something similar exist but I could not find it.

After 3 months in Japan I'm back to Germany. And I guess it will be at home like before. I had travels to Peru, Brazil, China, Hong Kong, Japan and interactions with girls from Poland, Italy, Austria and Spain, Russia and other eastern European countries.
What I observed is that my value in Germany is almost zero. It gave my in the past a lot of stress and doubts. My first big travel abroad to Peru was a huge relief. I could pull women there quite easy. Same for the other countries. Easy don't mean simple, I still need to game and work for it.

Because of my low success in Germany I get into Pick Up and red pill, it don't change much. I'm not tall for a german (1.75) but hit the gym since many years regular, so I'm in good shape and get compliments on my body by women abroad regular. I'm blond but bald, with blue eyes. That I'm handsome I also get by women abroad, even I see myself as normal looking. Also I have a decent education in engineering.

What makes me wonder, why is it kind of easy for me abroad but I have so many struggles with women in my home country?
First of all I guess its because I live in a rural area, so less opportunities. Then it's also a conservative area where most people have a relationship or nothing. Still when I go out my success is low. When I get numbers and have a date, it seems like I don't find my way in. Even if so, often the girl then stops to show interest.
As I said this created many doubts in my when I was younger. But I never had any big issues when I go abroad. I know the money factor, be white and so on plays also into this. I'm aware of this. Still when I see similar guys in Germany they do better even when their game is worse. Or I guess mine is worse because they have more success. My speciality in Germany are Milfs, those are kind of easy to pull for me. Its just not possible to pull a non fat, not single mother girl that is in her 20s.

So my question, did any of you encounter something similar? Its not that I hate German women but I found them extreme difficult. With latinas or asian girls I have absolutely no problems in general. They don't give me that hard times.
I keep my head up high and go out and do my best, but also work to re locate from Germany because it get in some way frustrating. I'm open for a LTR but it seems like its not possible for me in Germany. For example in Japan I could pull a girl that was 10 years younger then me, she was 20.
Maybe my area is just not fitting for me. Anyway this is not a rant, just a share of something I encounter.
So I save now some money and look for a job abroad. Not only because of the women, also because of the political change with all the immigrants in Germany.

I know exactly where you're coming from, mate, after I returned to the UK - ironically from Germany - in late 2013. When I living in Germany, although I was in a LTR at the time, I remember getting very heavy flirty attention from a handful of girls that I used to teach English to, most of whom were from central and eastern Europe, mainly from Poland and Russia but who already had been settled in Germany for some years. Since getting back to the UK, at first I thought it would be a maximum stretch of 6 months before getting into another LTR with a suitable woman, but I was unprepared for how the dating market has become a nightmare for many guys in the Anglosphere these days and have only had a short two-month relationship with a woman who turned out to have borderline personality disorder.

Similar to Germany, but perhaps somewhat more pronounced, I quickly noticed how women in the UK are placed on a massive pedestal and have an extremely narcissistic mindset and shitty attitude as a result. (If you want to get a taste of what I mean by this, simply take a look at the UK reality TV show the X-Factor to see what I mean).

As to your point about women in the 20-30 age range who are relatively slim, yes, it's the same here with regard to how fiercely competed for they are. Here in the UK, even utterly plain-looking slim women are made to feel like princesses and pretty much expect nothing less than Mr Perfect to come knocking on their door. Needless to say, the attitude of nearly every woman who isn't a landwhale is now such that they are highly aversive to all contact with men they don't already know, unless the man in question happens to display ultra high value, such as by being a celebrity or be obviously rich.

Anyway, despite the above preamble, my point is this: The market for men in the Anglosphere and in certain other countries in the West, such as Germany, is pretty dire for your average Joe and has become much more so over the last few years for the following reasons, I conjecture:

(a) Feminism. This, of course, is hardly going to be contested by most guys on here, but it's one of the key ingredients in understanding why women have become not just more difficult to get along with as partners, but it also explains the increase in female hypergamy, since it encourages women to believe that they don't need men and creates a cock-blocking cognitive dissonance between women's base sexual instincts and their rational mind, which practitioners of Game need to take into account in order to circumvent it. Further, if you're a guy unlucky enough to live in the Anglosphere, you have to contend with a variety of feminism which has a decidedly misandric streak to it.

(b) The decline in work-related deaths for men in the West. Given that a large number of jobs in heavy manufacturing industry have been lost in recent decades, combined with the fact that fewer men are dying of work-related deaths, such as accidents on site, due to improved health and safety procedures, it has meant that the surplus of men has built up in recent decdes to record proportions, since the sex ratio of men to women being born has remained steady at 1.05 males for every female.

© Immigation. Even before Mother Merkel gifted Europe with 1.5 million (and rising) immigrants - three-quarters of whom are horny young men - Germany was already becoming something of a sausage fest. This is because immigration to the West tends to have a built-in male bias to it. For example, in my own locality of Teesside in the north east of England, I can confidently say that 80% of all of the African and Middle Eastern "asylum seekers" are young men. Adding another 2+ million young horny male Muslim immigrants to Germany is going to make German bitchshields - which are already pretty high - reach into the stratosphere and make cold-approaching almost impossible. As a result, unless you can get into the right social circle there, you'll be left out in the cold.

(d) Obesity. This is the elephant in the room - literally. With up to 50% of the women boner-deflatingly overweight - sometimes higher in some socio-economically deprived areas of the UK - the resulting competition for even the slim plain Janes is ferocious. The snarky attitudes, egomania and rampant narcissism that results in those women who are still height-weight proportional is depressingly predictable and hard to swallow. As a result, average-looking guys simply don't stand a chance these days unless they have airtight game.

(e) Social Media. Now that every hoe and her poodle are signed-up to some form of internet platform whoring in the Anglosphere, aka social media, with the attendant limitless options for male attention that this affords women 24/7, it is hardly any wonder that since 2011 we've been experiencing a hypergamy-on-stilts phenomenon in the West. It's taken all of those four previously discussed negative factors and leveraged them several times over.

So, no, Parzival, you're not imagining it, it really is a much shittier deal for men in the Anglosphere and parts of the western Europe. I know, it's like living in the Twilight Zone as a man these days looking to date even average-looking women - there's an aire of unreality about the whole business that has you seriously questioning your own sanity and sense of self-worth the longer you're stuck this environment. But I've found that meeting a FOB woman from, say, Poland, immediately effects a glitch in the matrix and forces me to accept that it's not my perceptions that are out of whack but the rather the dating market itself. But at least you've had the benefit of experiencing life outside the matrix and so you should be able to see the situation for what it is.

So which countries are you considering relocating to? Have you already checked out the Czech Republic or Poland?

Value home vs abroad

Curious. I kill it in Germany and the UK, but Spanish/Italian women show me little love. Even if your SMV is high, it really depends on what the ideal look is in that country.

Value home vs abroad

I find that when I'mon vacation I'm adifferent person than at home. More relaxed, more enthusiasticbecause everything is different, more indifferent to outcome because I'll never see these people again.

Fron their point of view a foreigner is someone new/different. Also, they can sleep with you and wordwon'tget around since you don't know her friends/family.

Value home vs abroad

Feldeinsamkeit pretty much nailed it with his response, outlining a range of things.

Parzival, you mentioned that you are an Engineer. This is not only a professional-class high-paid job, it's also highly sought after all around the world. These skills will be your ticket to a position abroad. Germany has many diplomatic and cross-cultural relationships to other nations, I would suggest finding the relevant government institutions and let them know of your intentions to work in an exotic country. Because you are young (I'm guessing ~30yo) you are perfectly suited to being posted abroad, whereas a 40-50yo Engineer will want to be in Germany with their wife/family.

Furthermore, German employees have a positive reputation, almost universally, as being hard working and reliable. Also, I've been to many countries and I've seen countless examples of how they use "Made in Germany" in the advertising for products, particularly mechanical products, or anything focusing on 'quality'. Everyone knows the reputation of German engineering, which spans across many fields. Go knock on doors, send those emails, to companies with interests in far-flung corners of the globe. Sometimes the pay may be worse than Germany (think NGO work in Guatemala) and sometimes the pay may be better (e.g. oil fields in the KSA).

Nevertheless, these are the prime years of your life. It's impossible to change the game of modern-day feminism, we are merely pawns. Have heaps of fun with asian, latino and EE women, get it all out of your system and enjoy the pussy buffet... and then in 3-8 years time you may find yourself boomeranging back to Europe, at which stage you'll be a man utterly rich with life experiences and perhaps financial resources too, which will help you LTR/babymama a slavic or German fraulein.


Value home vs abroad

Yes I agree that the opposite attracts. Exotic, interesting. In countries where the people are darker, southern Europe, Latin people or Asian, be white and blue eyes is an eye catcher. Well I work at a plan to re locate in 2 or 3 years.
I live in a very small town, opportunities to meet women are almost zero. When I compare Tinder in Tokyo to there, well I'm not lucky back at home. It don't matter if its to build a harem or find a LTR, I get the feeling of the cold emptiness inside me because here I can't create non of this. I don't see so much feminism here going on, yes women work here and kind of independent but its not like the UK or the USA. But the I don't need a man and don't think about family until its to late is getting bigger here too. I guess it's in some ways a lack of opportunities I have here. Hope to move to a bigger city soon, at the moment there is a little struggle in my life but it should be fixed in 3 or 4 months. Then I can also start to planing to move abroad or use the opportunities from living in a bigger city. Small town life sucks if you are not in a LTR that you meet at school or work early.

I guess its the general trend, more singles, less families, flexible at work and always try to find the perfect match via social media / online. Well life goes one, keep the head up high...
I was in Japan but not sure about it, maybe outside of Tokyo. Well I want to see south Korea and Taiwan. I like China, so maybe Taiwan is a good choice. Or Japan, outside of Tokyo. I had Brazil in my mind but I tend a little bit more to Asia. Mainly because it's a little bit more safe.

We will stand tall in the sunshine
With the truth upon our side
And if we have to go alone
We'll go alone with pride

For us, these conflicts can be resolved by appeal to the deeply ingrained higher principle embodied in the law, that individuals have the right (within defined limits) to choose how to live. But this Western notion of individualism and tolerance is by no means a conception in all cultures. - Theodore Dalrymple

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