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12 Comments From Over 6 Years Of International Living
2 Comments From Over 6 Years Of International Living
Quote: (11-08-2015 09:16 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

Great threads, CitizenLiberty. Thanks for your contributions; repped. I would like to hear more about your story, especially around how you transitioned from living in America to living in the Baltics.

Are you able to provide any insight into how you built a remotely-operable business that could sustain you after you moved? Or if not, at least some general tips in how a man could discover and construct a business of this type?

Thanks for the rep.
It's a very general question. Well, the NYC area business I was running remote from Europe was already convenient for this. I didn't have to physically be present anywhere, only answering the phone and emails, and for some time I had an international call-forwarding system to send calls to my Estonian #. Most clients still thought I was living in USA for years after I had left. Also Google Voice set-up to forward calls to others who were working for me.
Originally I had a less involved approach and someone coordinating, but he became an entrepreneur on my behalf and stole a lot of money/clients. Even had to return to USA for the only time in the past 5 years to set him up and steal back my money. That's to give you a small idea of how the remote thing probably won't be as good as you plan. Constant worry of lawsuits were another problem for me living abroad. I wrote about this in my last blog post.
There are plenty of profitable common businesses (can even be as simple as marketing/coordinating some general trade-work like painting) that you manage remotely. Consider what you're capable of doing, learning, coordinating, marketing, and of course keep in mind that living expenses abroad can be much lower.
2 Comments From Over 6 Years Of International Living
Quote: (11-08-2015 09:24 AM)Going strong Wrote:  

Quote: (11-07-2015 02:47 PM)CitizenLiberty Wrote:  

Quote: (11-07-2015 12:34 PM)LINUX Wrote:  

I want know more about the corruption they tried to pull on you.

Can you elaborate or is it still pending?

i've got no problems talking about most of it, but it's a very long story.
how much do you know about utila island?
regarding the corrupt united states consulate, he was good friends with the guy who had me put in jail.
corrupt from the start, when mr consulate visited me in my jail cell playing friendly ignorant, "i've been livin down here for 7 years and i ain't never had any problems...", "...this has been the most reeeelaxin job ever."
some days later i met another american in the same jail. he had gotten the same story from the same consulate. he was also put in jail under false charges, age 60 or so, retired, had been living on his boat in belize before sailing down to honduras. was thrown in jail after some locals demanded a false "tax" for anchoring his boat in some public area. refused to pay the "tax", then went to jail with claims of threatening, and attempted murder surfacing after he was already imprisoned.
my situation was kind of similar in that each day in jail the claims against me got more and more ridiculous. directly previous to going to jail i had a local authentically try to kill me. after he failed he had the police come and throw me in jail. the local was in the cocaine business, which is big business in utila (colombian submarine route) that the local police, and gov are heavily involved in. in other words, it's easy to get favors.

You survived being jailed in Belize (or Honduras), as an American, and without external protection.

This is Midnight Express stuff, man, respect to you... could you tell us a bit more about this experience?

[Image: midnight-express-0.jpg]

Not exactly Midnight Express when you're only in jail 5/6 days. But it definitely could have been if I didn't run off from the guys trailing (escorting) me as I got off the ferry to the mainland in La Ceiba. Honduras is a fucked up place..
The jail cell they had me in was 2 by 3 meters or something. The jail-house baked in the sun, so my specific cell got to well over 40C during the day with almost no air-circulation.
No toilet there. You get to piss and shit on the cement in the corner or your cell.
No bed. Furniture was a half-broken milk-crate that I sat on to avoid the only other furniture, which was my own and the previous guests piss and shit.
Police had exciting games for me. Flood the upstairs toilet (directly over my cell) and let the sewage drip through the floorboards onto me was a clever one.
Communist cocksucker Honduran dictator Zelaya had given the police modern weaponry. They seemed to enjoy it as they shined their lasers on me at night, occasionally saying something like “I am Rambo.”
They don't feed you or give you water (although I presume they would have), so you have to rely on a friend coming to visit and dropping you off something. I preferred this; at least I knew I wasn't eating shit, literally.
Sitting on that milk-crate was an even more exciting experience as I had severe injuries including a broken disk in my back, smashed face, and neck that was so fucked up that it was basically frozen.
I think it was 3 nights before going to jail that my friend and I got jumped in a nightclub.
First I got attacked when I came out of the toilet, then my friend who was waiting outside the toilet got attacked by some others. I was bashing the head in of the guy who attacked me until some huge Samoan looking oaf grabbed me from behind and slammed me backwards onto the concrete floor (broken disk). Then half a dozen guys were kicking my head in, until some little Caribbean fisherman friend recognized us and jumped in Manny Pac style hitting everyone. I got up and started smashing bottles, getting my friend free. Meanwhile a good part of the whole club is brawling like old western film; so much tension between groups on the island.
Then corrupt police come into the club and shoot-up the roof with automatic weapons. My friend and the fisherman guy go to jail. I don't for whatever reason. Guy who set it off, hitting me as I left the toilet, is the brother of the newly elected mayor.
The lunatic who tried to kill me days later first got the courage to confront me with his friend this same night after my friends had gone to jail. A local who I never met before came and backed me up heavy. The lunatic and him had prior history.
Eating popcorn yet?
2 Comments From Over 6 Years Of International Living
Quote: (11-05-2015 01:29 PM)CitizenLiberty Wrote:  

1) America is perhaps the best country on Earth...for being a consumer. That's where it ends. If you're a producer, an entrepreneur, a creator, a free-thinker, liberty-oriented, then America is NOT the best country on Earth, nor even close. Modern America rewards consumption at the expense of production.

No offense, but at first I thought you copied this from here:

How does

Quote: (11-05-2015 01:29 PM)CitizenLiberty Wrote:  

In 2010 I left America. Since then I've lived internationally, mostly in Baltic Europe, and most of that time in Estonia. Previous to 2010 I had spent about a year outside America. […] I haven't traveled outside the Baltics in almost 3 years, but overall I've been here and there in 58 countries.

go along with

Quote: (11-05-2015 01:29 PM)CitizenLiberty Wrote:  

9) Fast-pace travel is for maniacs, merit-badge seekers, and the delusional.

? Maybe I understand it wrong – what exactly do you mean by that? If I assume you've been to eight countries before 2010, you still would have spent merely two weeks in all of the remaining 50 countries during those two years outside of Estonia, provided you would head to a new country straight away after the previous two weeks are over. That is relatively "fast-paced" for my understanding.

Apart from that, good on you! I imagine owning a hostel to have a lot of stress to handle, not my cup of tea.

Quote: (11-08-2015 09:16 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

Great threads, CitizenLiberty. Thanks for your contributions; repped. I would like to hear more about your story, especially around how you transitioned from living in America to living in the Baltics.

+1, and additionally: What made you initially choosing Estonia/the Baltics of all places?
2 Comments From Over 6 Years Of International Living
Quote: (11-08-2015 11:13 AM)CitizenLiberty Wrote:  

Eating popcorn yet?

You can bet I am, that´s one crazy story.

[Image: popcorn3.gif]

So what happened to your friend and the fisherman guy?
How did the lunatic try to kill you and how did you escape?
And did you have to bribe your way out of jail?
2 Comments From Over 6 Years Of International Living
Quote: (11-08-2015 02:04 PM)Quaestum Wrote:  

Quote: (11-05-2015 01:29 PM)CitizenLiberty Wrote:  

1) America is perhaps the best country on Earth...for being a consumer. That's where it ends. If you're a producer, an entrepreneur, a creator, a free-thinker, liberty-oriented, then America is NOT the best country on Earth, nor even close. Modern America rewards consumption at the expense of production.

No offense, but at first I thought you copied this from here:

How does

Quote: (11-05-2015 01:29 PM)CitizenLiberty Wrote:  

In 2010 I left America. Since then I've lived internationally, mostly in Baltic Europe, and most of that time in Estonia. Previous to 2010 I had spent about a year outside America. […] I haven't traveled outside the Baltics in almost 3 years, but overall I've been here and there in 58 countries.

go along with

Quote: (11-05-2015 01:29 PM)CitizenLiberty Wrote:  

9) Fast-pace travel is for maniacs, merit-badge seekers, and the delusional.

? Maybe I understand it wrong – what exactly do you mean by that? If I assume you've been to eight countries before 2010, you still would have spent merely two weeks in all of the remaining 50 countries during those two years outside of Estonia, provided you would head to a new country straight away after the previous two weeks are over. That is relatively "fast-paced" for my understanding.

Apart from that, good on you! I imagine owning a hostel to have a lot of stress to handle, not my cup of tea.

Quote: (11-08-2015 09:16 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

Great threads, CitizenLiberty. Thanks for your contributions; repped. I would like to hear more about your story, especially around how you transitioned from living in America to living in the Baltics.

+1, and additionally: What made you initially choosing Estonia/the Baltics of all places?

Agreed, SovereignMan is a great website.

Most of the 58 were prior to 2010. I was once one of those fast-paced traveling maniacs. For ex, I went from tip to tip of South America (Patagonia to Colombia) criss-crossing by public bus when I was 20, in less than 2 months. Youth + drugs = retarded. Peak retardation was a 38.5 hour bus trip from Asuncion, Paraguay to Santa Cruz, Bolivia on a dirt path through the Gran Chaco Desert.

I chose the Baltics by considering all aspects of what I desire, and making the logical choice of the best place for me. Kind of like how Sperling's Best Places books compare different aspects of life, and rate places based on those findings.
2 Comments From Over 6 Years Of International Living
Quote: (11-08-2015 02:21 PM)Celtic_Austrian Wrote:  

Quote: (11-08-2015 11:13 AM)CitizenLiberty Wrote:  

Eating popcorn yet?

You can bet I am, that´s one crazy story.

[Image: popcorn3.gif]

So what happened to your friend and the fisherman guy?
How did the lunatic try to kill you and how did you escape?
And did you have to bribe your way out of jail?

I, too, want more details, it's a great story indeed...

I have to point something strange, though: you escaped "running", with a broken vertebrae disk? [Image: dodgy.gif]

Still, I do think you are telling 98% of the truth in your posts, so, please keep posting interesting life stories: you seem to have had, and still lead, quite an unusual and gripping life...

One thing I'll add: if you did escape "running from your escort", I can tell you something: they wanted you to escape. Didn't want to prosecute you, so, they (the local bad guys) just gave you 3 days of hell in jail, then let you escape, drinking a cold beer while you ran away...
2 Comments From Over 6 Years Of International Living
Quote: (11-08-2015 03:47 PM)Going strong Wrote:  

Quote: (11-08-2015 02:21 PM)Celtic_Austrian Wrote:  

Quote: (11-08-2015 11:13 AM)CitizenLiberty Wrote:  

Eating popcorn yet?

You can bet I am, that´s one crazy story.

[Image: popcorn3.gif]

So what happened to your friend and the fisherman guy?
How did the lunatic try to kill you and how did you escape?
And did you have to bribe your way out of jail?

I, too, want more details, it's a great story indeed...

I have to point something strange, though: you escaped "running", with a broken vertebrae disk? [Image: dodgy.gif]

Still, I do think you are telling 98% of the truth in your posts, so, please keep posting interesting life stories: you seem to have had, and still lead, quite an unusual and gripping life...

Doctor in Honduras said, "The disk is broken." I almost never see doctors in USA and didn't for this (I fund my own medical expenses). It took me months to get better and with incredible pain, so call it what you want. When you're out of your mind after being in that jail for days, and risking further imprisonment, I reckon you'd find the strength to run too.

Anyway, going back to the other questions...

They both got out of jail in a little less than 2 days. My friend cleaned the police station and bought some mops, and random things from the shop as some kind of deal to get out a day earlier. Fisherman guy didn't live on the island and I didn't see him again after he got out.
Word was that the lunatic was plotting to get me, so the morning of when he tried to kill me I had stopped taking the painkillers and muscle relaxants I was on, as I anticipated having to fight.
That was the right choice. That night, me and my friend were at a dock bar on the water. There's only one way in and out. We were watching some of the goons who had jumped us as they were playing poker there. The lunatic owns a Dive Shop and Guesthouse next door, so I'm watching out for him as well. Then I see him and this little Israeli bitch male employee of his watching me, plotting something. I tell my friend I'm going to confront him and to come trail me. They both attack me when I hook the corner. I quickly slam the Israeli bitch into the wall and hes down, then it's me and the lunatic. Lunatic quickly backs off, screaming how hes gonna kill me in the night, knows where I sleep, and so on. But he's scared to fight. He runs off, jumps on his scooter, then a minute later hes back with a long piece of wood with many 9 inch nails driven through the end of it, like some medieval weapon. So he leaps off his bike, letting it crash and comes full-on swinging it at my face in the night. If I was still taking the pills I reckon I would have got it direct in my head. I felt the wind from it several times (nearly grazing me), before some locals and my friend ripped it away from him. He ran off into his business, screaming call the police, who then came shortly afterward to arrest me. I expected there was a good chance lunatic would come in the night to kill me while I was in jail as he had a clear and open shot due to the jail set-up.
I refused to pay anything. Although while I was in jail my so-called best friend elaborately staged a robbery in our room, stealing over 1k cash from me. I found out from this Honduran girl I was fucking, and that was a lucky coincidence. It's mostly my own fault for trying to help someone who had spent about half his adult life in jail. I moved down there to help him start a business, after he got deported to Honduras when he finished serving his last jail sentence in America.
2 Comments From Over 6 Years Of International Living
"When you're out of your mind after being in that jail for days, and risking further imprisonment, I reckon you'd find the strength to run too."
yes, adrenaline rush and self-preservation instinct kicking in...

Sounds like you did the right thing in leaving Honduras for the quiet Baltic states... after all, you had already spent 3 of your 9 lives [Image: wink.gif]
2 Comments From Over 6 Years Of International Living
Quote: (11-08-2015 12:15 AM)Kale_anonymous Wrote:  

Quote: (11-07-2015 09:42 PM)CitizenLiberty Wrote:  

Quote: (11-07-2015 06:08 PM)Kale_anonymous Wrote:  

I agree with everything you said in your original post except why rag on Bernie Sanders? He may be our last hope

Our last hope for Marxism?

I support small government and Trump.

You are misinformed... he isn't "marxist" hes a Democratic Socialist. Don't even get me started on trump compared to an honorable man (bernie) who marched with MLK, protested his own college when they wouldn't let black students live in the same dorms and has been consistent his entire career with a proven track record in the senate. Trump got a fat loan from daddy and made it big. Don't get me wrong- I love that hes shaking up the debate and putting Republicants on notice but you know... apples to oranges

Please get out of here with that marxist crap. The man is telling a story. Also Trump2016!
2 Comments From Over 6 Years Of International Living
It's amazing how conditioned we are to think like a consumer...even down to getting most jobs...
just so we can consume more and more...forget about creating a fulfilled lifestyle where you can actually
leave wealth to your children's children. That's almost an absurdity in today's age.

The producer mentality is so constantly have to reinforce it with the people
you choose as friends/partners and daily habits. It's a much more resourceful mentality
combined with taking aggressive action and long term planning.
2 Comments From Over 6 Years Of International Living
Quote: (11-10-2015 09:26 PM)Apollo21 Wrote:  

It's amazing how conditioned we are to think like a consumer...even down to getting most jobs...
just so we can consume more and more...forget about creating a fulfilled lifestyle where you can actually
leave wealth to your children's children. That's almost an absurdity in today's age.

The producer mentality is so constantly have to reinforce it with the people
you choose as friends/partners and daily habits. It's a much more resourceful mentality
combined with taking aggressive action and long term planning.

To understand why, all one has to do is look at the retarded parasites, I mean student protesters, across USA today.
This mentality is the fault of the education system. And if the public education system has taught them this, then I say get rid of "free" primary schooling too; it's worthless. Let the parents pay for their kids to be turned into socialist zombies.

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