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Day Game Sticking Point

Day Game Sticking Point

Hello all,

I've been getting stuck with day game lately and need some advice. I've been having trouble hooking. In other words, I stop them, get out my opening line, which is usually something direct. However, lately I've been having trouble getting the conversation to last more than about a minute.

So, here's my question:

If you open a girl and within a minute she says she has to get going, what do you say to stay in set? Are there any lines or techniques that are particularly effective?

A follow up question: Is it worth trying to save a set if she tries to eject within a minute? In other words, have you turned around a broken set and not just got the number, but actually got her out on a date?

I know that part of the problem for me is body language and confidence, and I'm working on that. Even so, better players than I have had this happen to them and I'm wondering what you guys do in this kind of situation.

Day Game Sticking Point

I've been debating to myself the merits of direct/indirect for day game lately. On the one hand, going direct is ballsy and will filter out bitches that aren't buying what you're selling.

On the other hand, I think there are girls that you could have a shot with if you went indirect but not if you went direct.

It's a lot easier to get a girl to not eject after 60 seconds if you're innocuously having a friendly chat versus the first thing out of your mouth is that you're attracted to her.

Going indirect will give you more time and opportunity to drop bait and get her interested in you, making it an engaging two-way conversation.

Day Game Sticking Point

If your convo are over after a minute when they seem to be disgusted right off the bat, then you might be "putting the spotlight" too much on her from the start.

One way I like to avoid that is to still approach direct but then to make an odservational statement about why you approched her and then gradually giver her a bit more to open up. Never forget the 90-10 Rule of Pick Up

For example: you told her she has a nice pair of legs and then in he same sentence make the assumption of how she got them in the first place

You: Im guessing that you got these bad boys by jogging about 8 times a day ( with a light smile to let her know your kinda exaggerating! Then use her reply to keep it moving and when she hooks (For Daygame she hooks when she starts asking you the Boring questions like What are you doing here and what's your name and all those non attracting questions.

And when she hooks to throw in a small time constraint and lead her to a insta date. Extremely tired now so if needed I could break it down to the exact detail of how I do this. Assumption, statements and Insta Dates are your best friends in Daygame

Day Game Sticking Point

Quote: (06-14-2015 10:03 AM)Octavian Wrote:  

If you open a girl and within a minute she says she has to get going, what do you say to stay in set? Are there any lines or techniques that are particularly effective?
You need to provide more detail in order to give a full response to this. What sort of stuff do you usually talk about after your opener? Can you give an example of a conversational exchange up to the point when when she ejects?

If you opened direct, it's likely that she's simply not interested and is rejecting you. No big deal here, just move on.

If you've opened indirect it's possible that she's not rejecting you, she's just hasn't had a chance to hook yet.

Either way, I don't think it's worth trying to stay in set after she's already said she has to go. This makes you seem overly needy/pushy. When she says she has to go, just agree with her and then ask her to meet up for a drink another time, and try to number close to set up a future date.

Another solution: for indirect approaches, try approaching women who are captive audiences so you have time to ramble and make a connection. E.g., women sitting in coffee shops, women on or waiting for public transit, women at work (e.g., clothing store employees &c).

Quote: (06-14-2015 10:03 AM)Octavian Wrote:  

A follow up question: Is it worth trying to save a set if she tries to eject within a minute?
I think it's worth asking her out to meet up another time. It's not like it costs you anything to do so.

Day Game Sticking Point

Yes, it is worth trying to 'save the set' if she tries to eject within a minutes.

In fact, I have fucked several girls who have tried to eject from a daygame set early on. It is completely normal behavior.

The girl doesn't know who you are, and she isn't sold on you yet. You can view her trying to eject or make an excuse as a shit test, or as a method of seeing whether you have more to say.

Perhaps you told her why you stopped her, complimented her, and maybe even teased her...but now she's wondering if you have any else interesting to say? Did you just stop her to tell her she's cute, or are you able to transition into a real conversation?

I'm in Prague right now and I've got a date tomorrow and the next day, both with girls who mentioned an excuse as to why they have to continue walking. One said she had to go home to do homework and the other told me she was late for class.

I ignored them both. I simply continued the conversation as if I didn't care what they said or wasn't listening. I went on to explain what I was doing in Prague, my 1st impression of the people, what I like about the city etc.

My 2 suggestions would be to either ignore the comment and carry on building the conversation with statements (and questions thrown in)...or tell her "Hey, I'm also running to meet a friend but I've got a minute to flirt with you."

No, a small excuse or 'eject-attempt' is not a viable excuse to walk away from the conversation. If she came to a complete stop, is looking at you and listening to you speak, then she has already prepared herself to have more than a 5 second conversation.

It's game on. Be persistent.

Day Game Sticking Point

How is your eye contact? You need to be having intense deep eye contact like you are imagining fucking them but while having a mischievous smile. Vocal tonality. All this shit comes into play. I also advocate direct all the way. Indirect fucks YOU UP in the long run. The reason I can maintain confidence in my demeanor is because guess what, I am confident. If I'm fucking asking a girl what time is it or some meaningless bullshit about whatever, the girl is gonna feel that incongruency. Plus, everytime I've been upfront with a girl, even if she declines, I still feel CONFIDENT and better about myself as I did my job as a man. It's like exercise.

I would also add that it depends on your hunting grounds and exact days/time. If you're catching them in the morning, they may be on their way to work or school and not in the right headspace to meet someone.

Lastly, not every girl is available EVEN IF THEY'RE ATTRACTED TO YOU. Credit to Chris GLL but that was one of the big takeaways I learned from him that sometimes the girl just isn't available for sex/meeting new guys/etc. Just do your best but also have peace of mind in moving on if she doesn't feel you.

Oh one more thing. Try experimenting with different fashion styles. I've approached girls in slippers and pajamas and while I think it's good to be able to do that without giving a fuck, it's been easier for me to meet attractive girls when I'm dressed nicer with clean shoes vs sneakers, contacts vs eye glasses, nicer fun areas vs dark, ghetto scary areas.

Good luck bro

Day Game Sticking Point

Very good point being brought up about the indirect method. If you begin the conversation by going direct, there's only so long you can chat about how beautiful she is... resulting in a restart to get the the convo going again.

Indirect serves well because A) the girl doesn't quite know if you really into her or if you just need her help on something, resulting in her trying to work you out making you more mysterious. and b) the convo is easier to transition if it's innocuous.

Day Game Sticking Point

Going back to basics for Day Game.

1. "Hey, I'm on my way to meet some friends but....." (you have friends, you are not just there to creep on chicks)

2. Laser eye contact.

3. Plant your feet, don't make her feel like you are chasing. Authoritative stance.

4. smile.

5. use strategic long pauses, the person that speaks first after the pause, loses.

Day Game Sticking Point

Thanks for the input from everyone.

1. A few replies mentioned eye contact. That's something I am working on. I think I've been getting better at it, but yes that is very important.

2. I'm a fan of direct or indirect/direct day game. What I mean by that is that I don't always open with a complement, but I may say something like, "I saw you and felt like saying hello because..." and then throw in some observation. It's not totally a complement but it's not something mundane like asking for directions or a pet shop. I've had success with this model, but the pure indirect stuff that Roosh talks about in Day Bang I find only works for me in coffee shops. I think my mechanics in making the stop are pretty good now.

3. The whole trouble is moving from the opener to the conversation. I try to make an observation about her or about the situation or environment we are in. I have actually gotten a couple of bangs from this method, however, I have no idea why my successful sets have worked and my current dry spell of sets is not working. Something is getting screwed up in the transition from opener to hook.

Spider, your advice on this is exactly what I was looking for. A big part of my problem I think is persistence. I tend to think that if a girl is ejecting that early it won't work out. I might get the number, but as you know sometimes a girl will give you a number just to get rid of you. To know that you can actually turn one of these sets into an actual bang is a big help.

4. Of course, the false time constraint! I forgot about that. That does actually work.

Here's a recent example of a set:

Street stop.

Me: Hey, I saw you back there and couldn't let you go without saying hello. You are wearing the standard midwest girl uniform [yoga pants, t-shirt, gym shoes], but you pull it off well.

Her: That means that you are not from here?

Me: I actually am from here, but I was gone for a while and came back.

I think that was alright for a start. I made an observation about her tattoo and we talked about it for around a minute before she tried the ejection. I was surprised that she did so, because it seemed like I got her hooked. Anyway, that was particularly frustrating and prompted my post.

Thanks all for your advice and keep approaching.

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