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This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions

Haha does Umar use this forum. I remember this hipster chick saying how disappointed that men no longer approached her and her friends, and that she had to approach them. They just don't really get it, do they.

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions

After watching these videos, I honestly don't know if I'd be able to cope with American women if I were to return to the US.

As soon as this bitch starts talking my blood starts boiling.

I picture myself stopping this chick and saying 'hi'. And then she proceeds to lecture me about how she just put on make-up 'for her job'. And can't she just, like, walk down the street without being accosted? Seriously. And "here, stupid man, let me re-educate you on the spot while illicitly filming you".

This kind of behavior merits corrective violence. But no...we can't do that. And they know it. That's why they push the envelope further and further like little kids, to see just how much more they can get away with. They won't be satisfied until they're walking men in the park on fucking leashes.

I don't know what further proof is needed that women must NOT be allowed too much power or resources. They must NOT be allowed to vote. And they must certainly NOT be allowed to be in positions of influence where they can connive to undo millions of years of nature's work out of short-sighted and foolish greed.

They are eloquent children with fancy jobs, but they are children all the same.

And perhaps most tragically, most Western womyn don't even understand that all this crap isn't in their best interest. That's why they act like miserable cunts. They have everything a person could want, live in a cocoon of luxury and safety built on the backs of men, and yet they are utterly discontent.

Gentlemen, we are devolving. This woman and her truly unbearable demeanor provide incontrovertible evidence.

So get your kicks before the whole shit house goes down in flames.

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions

Quote: (07-21-2014 10:44 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2014 10:27 PM)Valhalla Wrote:

You can see her face in this video.


6/10 bangable, but nothing to write home to mom about. Either the scene in Minn is dismal or they just have a huge population of super complimentative lower-class minorities.

Guarantee she's a thicker girl and uglier in person, guarantee she's got a fat ass.

Time and gravity will be her karma when she'll start wondering why no men approach her anymore.

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions

Quote: (07-22-2014 12:59 PM)VincentVinturi Wrote:  

After watching these videos, I honestly don't know if I'd be able to cope with American women if I were to return to the US.

As soon as this bitch starts talking my blood starts boiling.

I picture myself stopping this chick and saying 'hi'. And then she proceeds to lecture me about how she just put on make-up 'for her job'. And can't she just, like, walk down the street without being accosted? Seriously. And "here, stupid man, let me re-educate you on the spot while illicitly filming you".

This kind of behavior merits corrective violence. But no...we can't do that. And they know it. That's why they push the envelope further and further like little kids, to see just how much more they can get away with. They won't be satisfied until they're walking men in the park on fucking leashes.

I don't know what further proof is needed that women must NOT be allowed too much power or resources. They must NOT be allowed to vote. And they must certainly NOT be allowed to be in positions of influence where they can connive to undo millions of years of nature's work out of short-sighted and foolish greed.

They are eloquent children with fancy jobs, but they are children all the same.

And perhaps most tragically, most Western womyn don't even understand that all this crap isn't in their best interest. That's why they act like miserable cunts. They have everything a person could want, live in a cocoon of luxury and safety built on the backs of men, and yet they are utterly discontent.

Gentlemen, we are devolving. This woman and her truly unbearable demeanor provide incontrovertible evidence.

So get your kicks before the whole shit house goes down in flames.

Oh man don't come back, when I returned back to the U.K I was shocked, over time I have grown to accept it. There may be exceptions and some good natured, attractive women around, but most of them are really going in the opposite direction.

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions

"We touched base with Lindsey to see if she'd talk with us for this piece. She said she's scheduled to do an interview with Good Morning America and has agreed to exclusivity with them until the segment airs, but we agreed to talk after that happens."

No surprise. She is using this 'crusade' to grow her profile and personal gain. At least her identity will be out and in the open now. I will laugh when people react after seeing her: 'Wow, I thought she would have been much more attractive for all the catcalling that she gets'

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions

reading the comments you have the impression that women are oblivious to the fact that men have a stronger sex drive when it comes to visual stimuli. I'm not condoning harassment but they seem to think those men are just doing it to annoy women and get a kick out of it like a pre-pubescent kid who pulls his classmates' skirts for fun. no, grownup men do that also because they're sexually enticed when they see bare skin. they can be silent but that won't prevent them to have sexual thoughts, impressing a mental image of her and jack the shit out of their dicks when they come home.

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions

Quote: (07-22-2014 02:36 PM)El Rey Wrote:

"We touched base with Lindsey to see if she'd talk with us for this piece. She said she's scheduled to do an interview with Good Morning America and has agreed to exclusivity with them until the segment airs, but we agreed to talk after that happens."

No surprise. She is using this 'crusade' to grow her profile and personal gain. At least her identity will be out and in the open now. I will laugh when people react after seeing her: 'Wow, I thought she would have been much more attractive for all the catcalling that she gets'

We need to turn this into a racial shit storm. I'm not social media savvy enough, but if someone can take this bitch down using PC rules, that'd be awesome. Destroy them using their own game.

Take care of those titties for me.

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions

Quote: (07-22-2014 05:23 AM)Captain Gh Wrote:  

Damn when a woman that looks remotely feminine starts doing shit like that, we're in deeper shit than I thought!

All the cultural signs seem to be pointing towards an oncoming shift by women into Neo-Victorian sexual prudery. I expect it to be one of the main theological splinters of feminism in the next few years - the pro-sex versus the anti-sex.

Smoke 'em while you got 'em.

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions

I've been in Asia and Eastern Europe for the entire year. I cannot even fathom the idea of me approaching some Ukrainian girl in the street and her giving me that spiel, and I can't imagine some girl in Asia giving me that speech because her English wouldn't be good enough. Next week I'll be back in the states for a bit so maybe I'll be lucky enough to meet a broad like this.

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions

Anyone else find it funny that a) multiple dudes used the "the bible says God made woman to serve man" type lines and b) how much that made her hamster spin

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions

Quote: (07-22-2014 02:36 PM)El Rey Wrote:

"We touched base with Lindsey to see if she'd talk with us for this piece. She said she's scheduled to do an interview with Good Morning America and has agreed to exclusivity with them until the segment airs, but we agreed to talk after that happens."

No surprise. She is using this 'crusade' to grow her profile and personal gain. At least her identity will be out and in the open now. I will laugh when people react after seeing her: 'Wow, I thought she would have been much more attractive for all the catcalling that she gets'
Of course, because, ya know, that program is always at the forefront of reporting on stories that are most pressing to the lives of average Americans. I expect it to be sandwiched between the plight of Michael Sam and how children's backpacks are becoming increasingly heavier and can cause scoliosis! Josh Eliot will probably shed a tear as she recounts her traumatic experiences, issuing a trigger warning before the segment.

"In America we don't worship government, we worship God." - President Donald J. Trump

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions

All these morning talk shows are nonsense fodder for feminists trying to boost ratings in their demographic.

Today show once did an interview with a fat teenager whose only accomplishment in life was writing an essay about her cottage cheese thighs.

You can't make this shit up..

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions

Quote: (07-22-2014 06:22 PM)poledaddy Wrote:  

Anyone else find it funny that a) multiple dudes used the "the bible says God made woman to serve man" type lines and b) how much that made her hamster spin

You are onto something here

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions

I just this story on the news this morning. Of course she only went by her first name and they never showed her face. I think we have a new type of attention whore ...the anonymous feminist. Maximum attention. Minimum accountability.

Team Nachos

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions

Just wanted to add Scorpion's reply from this thread for completeness. The cognitive dissonance of feminists is extreme when it comes to race/class/culture.

Quote: (07-21-2014 01:34 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

This thread and this thread (which are both on the front page right now) perfectly illustrate the cognitive dissonance of the leftist mindset that is produced by the culture of victimhood. Essentially, progressives believe in a hierarchy of victimization based on race, ethnicity, sexuality and other factors. The exact structure of the hierarchy is not clear (i.e. who is a greater victim, a black woman or a homosexual?) except for the fact that heterosexual, Christian white men are at the very bottom, meaning they can never be victims and that they are always responsible for oppression. This means that these men essentially become a scapegoat for any type of non-progressive action taken by members of protected progressive victim classes.

So how does that work? "Street harassment" is the perfect example. Anyone who has been to London or any major cosmopolitan city in the United States knows that the vast, vast majority of "street harassment" or catcalling is perpetrated by men of color, usually black, hispanic or West Asian/Indian/Arab. Whether this is due to cultural or biological factors is irrelevant, the reality is that men from these groups represent the vast majority of the men responsible for catcalling women on the street. The videos posted in the other thread I link attest to this fact, as does both statistical and anecdotal evidence worldwide.

And yet never will feminists, the majority of whom are coddled white women, make a peep about the race of the perpetrators. It's always "men" who are responsible, not men of color. This is because progressives are incapable of assigning guilt or blame to a protected class, to a group with victim status. And so "men", which in the media, academia and legal system basically means "white men" (remember, white men are the ultimate oppressors in the progressive religion, essentially a Satanic group) are portrayed as being responsible. The result is that the vast majority of white men, most of whom are too pussified to even approach a woman while drunk in a bar, are vilified in our culture as potential rapists and cat callers. It's just a complete distortion of reality produced by progressive cognitive dissonance, and serves to further poison relations between the sexes and further emasculate white men ("Oh my God I can't say anything to that attractive woman, I don't want to harass her!"). Meanwhile, the men of color continue to give zero fucks, continue to cat call at will and are never called out for their behavior by feminists.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions

Why would you want the "greenlight" to be able to cat call in the first place?

That would be society accepting you essentially a beast. You are jealous of black guys on the street who have no game? Are you also jealous that they get stopped by police way more often than whites?

This stuff is more about economic class than it is about race I believe. There were plenty of white cat callers in the past.

If black guys did cat calls in the past with white women they would've probably been lynched.

The guys "under attack" in these videos on this thread are mostly blacks anyway.

Are you also concerned that white guys are at the top of the heap in the American sexual market place as well? All things breing equal, American girls will probably pick white over black. They've done studies on this in online dating.

White guys aren't being victimized in this sense, they are being held to a higher standard. That's actually still racism against blacks.

It's the "you should know better, but he can't help it" situation.

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions

It's one thing to be insulted by the men who are insulting her, but lashing out at the married dude, mocking the foreign dude who probably want a wife in this America life, or hearing a simple compliment. Nope. This chick need a void. She is going out her way to get these interactions. Notice how the dudes who are calmly deflecting her points are using her appearance with religions views to their enforce their points.

I bet these black men are thinking two things. " Apparently white girls do got too much mouth." and " I'm still try to smash. '' for the simple reason is they are used to aruging with their opposite sex. Like the long-haired guy with the green shirt was stating about 100 girls rejecting him don't matter. Sadly these guys don't know she will rather enjoy an actual cat calling for her.

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions

The first guy seemed drunk or high and the Umar guy acted like he was too or has some sort of special needs and isn't all there.

Women these days think they can shop for a man like they shop for a purse or a pair of shoes. Sorry ladies. It doesn't work that way.

Women are like sandwiches. All men love sandwiches. That's a given. But sandwiches are only good when they're fresh. Nobody wants a day old sandwich. The bread is all soggy and the meat is spoiled.

-Parlay44 @

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions

Quote: (07-22-2014 03:14 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Quote: (07-22-2014 05:23 AM)Captain Gh Wrote:  

Damn when a woman that looks remotely feminine starts doing shit like that, we're in deeper shit than I thought!

All the cultural signs seem to be pointing towards an oncoming shift by women into Neo-Victorian sexual prudery. I expect it to be one of the main theological splinters of feminism in the next few years - the pro-sex versus the anti-sex.

Smoke 'em while you got 'em.

Gotta be honest. A new era of sexually repressed women sounds kinda hot to me.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions

Quote: (07-21-2014 03:48 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

[Image: attachment.jpg19916]

This reminded me of something that happened a couple of weeks ago. I was out on my daily stroll and saw a hot young thing riding her bike, so had a bit of a squizz. Very nice.

Anyway, I turn my head back around and see this broad... probably mid 30's pushing a stroller. Still carrying the baby weight. The look on her face was priceless: *sigh* "I remember when guys used to look at me like that. Now I'm invisible."

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions

Quote: (07-21-2014 11:12 PM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2014 11:05 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2014 10:44 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2014 10:27 PM)Valhalla Wrote:

You can see her face in this video.


6/10 bangable, but nothing to write home to mom about. Either the scene in Minn is dismal or they just have a huge population of super complimentative lower-class minorities.

If that's hot enough to catcall, the US has problems. She has the cheeks of a SIF.

The thirst in the U.S. knows no bounds.

The fattest and ugliest pig will still have some willing beta(s). A skinny girl is automatically in the top 20% of American women even if the face looks like hammered shit. An average face and skinny body is top 10% at least.

That sums the situation up well. In the town where I live, in north east England, at least 50% of the women are fat. The result is that even plain Janes with a slim body are priced like diamonds on the sexual market place.

The thirst, the thirst ... there's no quenching it in the Anglosphere.

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