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Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)


RE: Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)
Guys, I got the final results back from Ubiome.

I was right.

I'm not crazy.

My energy levels are fucked because I have a tiny tiny microbiome with the only large strain of bacteria being Clostridia (very harmful), I'm in the very top percentile of it.

The average unhealthy fat fuck American dwarfs my Microbiome which means they have a much larger range of healthy bacteria that give them all sorts of healthy byproducts.

I'm a fucking genius!

The implications of this are so far reaching and enormous that words cannot even describe it right now!

So Fisto how would you fix something like that?

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Quote: (04-06-2015 01:55 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

Guys, I got the final results back from Ubiome.

I was right.

I'm not crazy.

My energy levels are fucked because I have a tiny tiny microbiome with the only large strain of bacteria being Clostridia (very harmful), I'm in the very top percentile of it.

The average unhealthy fat fuck American dwarfs my Microbiome which means they have a much larger range of healthy bacteria that give them all sorts of healthy byproducts.

I'm a fucking genius!

The implications of this are so far reaching and enormous that words cannot even describe it right now!

Fisto is on to something, others have seen the value of this... to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. Could be a good racket to get into
GREAT Fast Company article about gut bacteria and VCs

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

I have been stuck at my hotel the last 3 days working like mad. Something went down that's huge at my company back in the states and even though it's great, I've only left to workout and eat.

Might fly back to Bogota on Thur, meet up with Atlantic and Linux before heading with them to Barranquilla.

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Fecal transplant is how you fix it. They will inject some healthy shit into him (literally).

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Fisto, one thing you need to keep in mind. (well there are many, but here is one).

You definitely had your biome impacted by the Z-packs you were administered. As you said, those are like carpet bombing your biome.

At the same time, eating meat that comes from sources that use antibiotics to control animal infection because the meat is raised in factory conditions will also have a strong effect on your biome. If you eat meat (or drink pasteurized milk) every day, from these kind of sources, you're constantly introducing antibiotics into your stomach and digestive tract where they can go to work on your biome.

Have a look at this. Its great that you're pursuing health and this transplant, but you can just end up destroying the benefits if you don't maintain with the right nutrition.

Best of luck.

I've referral links for most credit cards, PM me for them & thanks if you use them
Strip away judeo-christian ethics ingraining sex is dirty/bad & the idea we're taking advantage of these girls disintegrates. Once you've lost that ethical quandary (which it isn't outside religion) then they've no reason to play the victim, you've no reason to feel the rogue. The interaction is to their benefit.
Frequent Travs
Phils SZ China

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Just had a follow up date with my 18 yr old. We met for a coffee, sat in the park, practiced Spanish. I'm loving this place.

I just can't get it up for online game. The bitches are just not that great online. Theyre cute but none seem spectacular to me.

Having to have the same goddamn conversation with a girl that doesn't inspire me. It just does nothing for me.

I'm in a different place than Linux and others right now I think. I'm enjoying really getting to know the feel of the city and getting close to the girls.

I think that will change but right now, I'm just going with what I feel like.

Also been working pretty hard. Things are good.

While in Cartagena I took the guy working at my hotel out with me to train in the park.

Got some sun and great workouts in.

Some guy I met and I went walking around the old city.

There was one place where the big wall the Spanish built was real narrow and thin. The wind was howling and I decided to cross it. Its really high and falling off would surely break something. The guy followed me and made it all the way across but at the very last fell off and landed just a few feet down where I jumped down.

Normally he'd be a little scuffed up but he had a full beer bottle in his back pocket.

The thing shattered and I knew he was fucked up.

He was trying to act tough but once he saw all this blood gushing down his leg and filling up his shoe he got scared.

I had him take his pants off right there so I could see it.

Sure enough, a big nasty gash with a little piece of glass still stuck in his ass. I pulled it out and pieces of fat trailed after it.

I helped him walk to the nearest public bathroom to clean up and the lady wouldn't let him in.

Unreal. The guy needs help and shes saying no.

Finally she relented and I took him inside cleaned him up.

More chunks of fat on his leg coming out.

Washed most of the blood out of his shorts.

It looked like the whole sink was filled with blood.

I was thinking, "i hope to god I don't cut my hand on a small piece of glass".

I got him cleaned up had him stick a wad of paper towels in his underwear and out him in a taxi.

Cleaned myself off and sat down for a water before walking back home.


Edit- the moral of the story "Do not try to follow a sleek brawny wildcat".

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Man that's brutal that the guy got cut up like that and even worse that the bitch wouldn't let him in, that's Colombia for you though, they can be the most friendly, polite people you'll ever meet (especially towards foreigners) then be complete pricks to their fellow countrymen, probably over 500 pesos.

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Goddamn what a great night! Story to follow, I'm just getting back to my place.

Banged a solid 8, this is what I came here for.

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Friday night I had been chatting with a couple different girls from Tinder and both were going to a place called Gaira and had friends with them. I spoke to Atlantic about it and he said "Ok I'll suit up and head over".

I spoke to Tully Mars and he invited us to stop by his place before going out.

I had always wanted to meet Tully as he isn't the most prolific poster, but all the stuff he's contributed has always been gold.

We had been in contact for a bit and so once Atlantic came over, we attempted to walk over to Tully's place.

I say "attempted" because I mentioned the address to Atlantic and we both started walked pretty quickly and decisively.

15 minutes later we still weren't there and we discovered that we had both been following each other.

Brilliant! haha

Anyway we hailed a cab and finally made it over.

Tully's place is a panty dropper.

We walked from there to a food truck court Tully knows about and had some delicious and cheap food. From there we took a cab to Gaira.

It's a nice place that has live music.

I left Atlantic and Tully and met one girl from Tinder and they had a table right in front of the stage in the center. At one point a smoking hot singer came out and everything about her was just perfect. Young, cute, body language was boner inducing. Just so damn great.

Unfortunately the girl I met was not so great. A little older than her photos looked and a little heavier. Even more unfortunately her friends were less attractive. She was still very nice but I just couldn't force myself to hang out with her. I can do this anywhere and I'm not going to Colombia to bang 5s and 6s. Well, not unless I have to anyway.

I text the other girl that I would meet her after I was done talking to my "friend".

She got pissed off and acted like she wasn't going to talk to me any further. I didn't even reply and politely excused myself from the table to let the boys know this wasn't worth pursuing.

Tully and Atlantic were mid way through a small bottle and we were catching up and laughing, sharing stories etc. I was a good little visit but the underlying drive we all have was there saying "we need to go to someplace else"

Gaira was a good date spot for sure, but that night it wasn't a good venue to pick up women.

We left for another place called La Quienta (Sp?)

As Atlantic wrote, Tully had this place on lock and we went straight in past a small gathering and up into the club.

The venue for the general admission wasn't really exciting but upstairs VIP area was rocking.

And here is why I love Colombia.

The dudes there aren't the jealous type. They just roll with things and get stuff done. Two guys that ended up being pretty well known throughout the upstairs venue befriended us and we were having a great time. Multiple hot girls were dancing with us, rubbing their nice little asses on us, and we were all just having a great time.

I was able to get into the zone without alcohol (this has been a long learning process) and I ended up dancing with a girl that I had noticed from the moment I walked into the place.

She was there with a few other girls and few gay dudes. The gay dudes were cool as shit. I got along with one really well. He was polite, funny, and a great wingman. They were all in school together for a very important and prestigious degree (I don't want to get identified somehow). They all spoke several languages fluently. I found them to be very interesting people on top of being cool and friendly.

She was built like a Victorias secret model. 21, Thin bone structure but a big round ass and nice C cup tits.

We danced for several songs and then we started kissing. Once that happened we were in full on make out mode for the rest of the time there.

I haven't kissed like that in a club since my 20s.

I finally said "let's get out of here" and she said ok.

One drunk friend was being a huge cockblocker though. Of course it was the ugly friend. She had a face that would have been pretty if a few abnormalities could have been worked out. I wish I could take her face and mold it just a little different.

Anyway, long story short, eventually I got her to sneak out with the help of one gay guy who said to me "have fun and behave".

We got back to her place and I just went to town. Spit on her, smacked her, stuck my finger in her ass while fucking her doggy. Just destroyed it.

The next morning I woke up to a blow job.

She's a keeper [Image: wink.gif]

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Hung out with Tully again. I met several of his friend in his social circle. Some are ex pats, others are Colombians, all are very well educated and cultured.

He had a little get-together at his place and I invited my 18 year old.

This is why these women are so superior.

She came by herself, spoke to complete strangers, shared stories, laughed and acted like a lady.

We left from there to a club where she had a few drinks. I still hadn't slept with her and was thinking this was the night I would get her alone with me.

We danced and hung out listening to music that was way too loud, even for a club.

Everyone parties in Colombia. Everyone dances and hangs out in almost a community. If you look over at a group an make eye contact you can raise your glass and they will raise theres. If you want to speak to them you can walk over and they will offer you a drink.

I told my girl let's go and she just said "ok".

We walked back to my place and I could tell she was nervous so I just asked "are you alright"?

She said "I don't want to disappoint you".

I suspected she was a virgin but I asked this time and she said "yes. I am. I hope you'll still like me".

It broke my heart (and killed my boner).

We kissed a bit and I held her. My mind was working on what to do next. Try to fuck her, then leave in a day or two, promise to come back, maybe come back, maybe take too long to where her feelings are hurt.


I couldn't do that to her.

I can do that to other girls, and I have but I didn't want to do that to her.

I called her a taxi and I think she felt I was disappointed anyway.

Anyway, an American girl would not have been able to come close to handling that social situation.

I walked away and spoke with other people several times leaving her on her own for longer moments at a time and she was perfectly at ease.

When I've done that with girls from the states, they take offense that you "left them" and throw tantrums, as if adults can't interact like that.

The next day I told her my friends all liked her she said "I just tried to be open with them".

Tully and I were speaking about this, in the states with the men there is this feeling of aggression and guardedness. In the women there's this sense that they are always looking for some excuse to express their opinions about something to show everyone their stance on things (also a form of aggression).

Colombians aren't like that. They're just easy going and open.

It's really nice.

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

I'm glad you are having a good time, but I think you still should have banged that 18 year old.

She is not going to be a virgin forever. She is also not going to marry the first guy that bangs her.

It's going to be someone it might as well be you. If it is someone else, maybe she has a bad experience. Maybe the guy is lousy in bed and a selfish asshole like a lot of Latino men and she doesn't enjoy the sex, and then any man down the line that bangs her suffers the consequences of her having a low labido.

Whereas if you bang her out good and proper, and get her off, you are doing her, and the world, a big favor. She will have a good memory, and she will have a good image of what sex is and how much she likes it.

Just because you aren't going to start an LTR with her doesn't mean there's something wrong with popping that cherry. Just treat her right, like an adult, and don't make promises you aren't going to keep.

Also, what do you mean do that to her? She wanted it, or she would have never let herself be alone with you in the first place. She is already 18, has probably been thinking about fucking since 13, and has likely come close to fucking several times in the past couple years, and now feels very ready.

"Me llaman el desaparecido
Que cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido"

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Quote: (04-13-2015 09:52 AM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  

I'm glad you are having a good time, but I think you still should have banged that 18 year old.

She is not going to be a virgin forever. She is also not going to marry the first guy that bangs her.

It's going to be someone it might as well be you. If it is someone else, maybe she has a bad experience. Maybe the guy is lousy in bed and a selfish asshole like a lot of Latino men and she doesn't enjoy the sex, and then any man down the line that bangs her suffers the consequences of her having a low labido.

Whereas if you bang her out good and proper, and get her off, you are doing her, and the world, a big favor. She will have a good memory, and she will have a good image of what sex is and how much she likes it.

Just because you aren't going to start an LTR with her doesn't mean there's something wrong with popping that cherry. Just treat her right, like an adult, and don't make promises you aren't going to keep.

Also, what do you mean do that to her? She wanted it, or she would have never let herself be alone with you in the first place. She is already 18, has probably been thinking about fucking since 13, and has likely come close to fucking several times in the past couple years, and now feels very ready.

He won't be getting her off the first time, but I like the rest of your post.

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Quote: (04-13-2015 09:58 AM)Merenguero Wrote:  

Quote: (04-13-2015 09:52 AM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  

I'm glad you are having a good time, but I think you still should have banged that 18 year old.

She is not going to be a virgin forever. She is also not going to marry the first guy that bangs her.

It's going to be someone it might as well be you. If it is someone else, maybe she has a bad experience. Maybe the guy is lousy in bed and a selfish asshole like a lot of Latino men and she doesn't enjoy the sex, and then any man down the line that bangs her suffers the consequences of her having a low labido.

Whereas if you bang her out good and proper, and get her off, you are doing her, and the world, a big favor. She will have a good memory, and she will have a good image of what sex is and how much she likes it.

Just because you aren't going to start an LTR with her doesn't mean there's something wrong with popping that cherry. Just treat her right, like an adult, and don't make promises you aren't going to keep.

Also, what do you mean do that to her? She wanted it, or she would have never let herself be alone with you in the first place. She is already 18, has probably been thinking about fucking since 13, and has likely come close to fucking several times in the past couple years, and now feels very ready.

He won't be getting her off the first time, but I like the rest of your post.
Why not? She could be a virgin that vibrates her pussy 5 hours a day for fun.

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Quote: (04-13-2015 09:52 AM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  

It's going to be someone it might as well be you. If it is someone else, maybe she has a bad experience. Maybe the guy is lousy in bed and a selfish asshole like a lot of Latino men and she doesn't enjoy the sex, and then any man down the line that bangs her suffers the consequences of her having a low labido.

By this logic, instead of a guy losing his virginity to his virgin girlfriend, he should instead have some other guy bang her first [Image: lol.gif]

Everyone's first time having sex is somewhere between awful and terrible, yet miraculously the human race has not died off yet.

One night of sex with Fisto vs. some other guy isn't going to have any significant effect on her long-term sexual appetite, but it will almost definitely have an effect on her personality and mindset when the guy she gave it up to was so "disappointed" that he left a few days later and never came back.

I'm not taking one side or the other, but to act like it's some kind of service to humanity to take a girl's virginity is pure male hamsterization.

Kudos to Fisto for having values he believes in and sticking to them.

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Quote: (04-13-2015 09:52 AM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  

I'm glad you are having a good time, but I think you still should have banged that 18 year old.

She is not going to be a virgin forever. She is also not going to marry the first guy that bangs her.

It's going to be someone it might as well be you. If it is someone else, maybe she has a bad experience. Maybe the guy is lousy in bed and a selfish asshole like a lot of Latino men and she doesn't enjoy the sex, and then any man down the line that bangs her suffers the consequences of her having a low labido.

Whereas if you bang her out good and proper, and get her off, you are doing her, and the world, a big favor. She will have a good memory, and she will have a good image of what sex is and how much she likes it.

Just because you aren't going to start an LTR with her doesn't mean there's something wrong with popping that cherry. Just treat her right, like an adult, and don't make promises you aren't going to keep.

Also, what do you mean do that to her? She wanted it, or she would have never let herself be alone with you in the first place. She is already 18, has probably been thinking about fucking since 13, and has likely come close to fucking several times in the past couple years, and now feels very ready.

I can tell she loves me, and I remember what it was like to be far away from the person you love when you're that young.

I feel like if I fuck her like that she will go head over heels, and I also don't want her interfering in my life outside of here.

Trust me, it's still on my mind.

I am going to keep seeing her so we will see.

edit - damn right after I see Enigma's post about my morals

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Quote: (04-13-2015 10:40 AM)Enigma Wrote:  

By this logic, instead of a guy losing his virginity to his virgin girlfriend, he should instead have some other guy bang her first [Image: lol.gif]

Everyone's first time having sex is somewhere between awful and terrible, yet miraculously the human race has not died off yet.

One night of sex with Fisto vs. some other guy isn't going to have any significant effect on her long-term sexual appetite, but it will almost definitely have an effect on her personality and mindset when the guy she gave it up to was so "disappointed" that he left a few days later and never came back.

I'm not taking one side or the other, but to act like it's some kind of service to humanity to take a girl's virginity is pure male hamsterization.

Kudos to Fisto for having values he believes in and sticking to them.

No, that's completely different. Not sure how that in anyway connects logically.

Also, not everyone's first time having sex is awful or terrible. Mine certainly wasn't. I've also popped 3 cherries, and they all had a good time.

And a girl's first sexual experience can certainly have a big impact on her long term and how she instinctively seeks and reacts to sex.

Also, I'm not sure you give this girl enough credit. Part of the appeal to her could be the very fact the she knows he is a foreigner and is going far away. I devirginized a 17 year old Venezuelan once when I was 22, and we fucked for a week solid and I taught her a lot, and she definitely wasn't looking for someone from her social circle with all the complications that can have.

5 years down the road, I was back in Venezuela, and we hooked up for a solid week of very hot sex, in one case involving a day long coke binge. She had turned into a wild one who loved to fuck day and night. Good times. My nickname for her was Venezuelan oil girl, since her dad was one of the top dogs at PDVSA.

So no, I'm going to have to completely disagree with you that my opinion is "male hamsterization", it is based on fact and my experiences.

"Me llaman el desaparecido
Que cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido"

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Quote: (04-13-2015 10:43 AM)Fisto Wrote:  

I can tell she loves me, and I remember what it was like to be far away from the person you love when you're that young.

I feel like if I fuck her like that she will go head over heels, and I also don't want her interfering in my life outside of here.

Trust me, it's still on my mind.

I am going to keep seeing her so we will see.

edit - damn right after I see Enigma's post about my morals

How would she interfere with your life?

Just bang her out. Maybe take her on a long weekend somewhere nice. That's what I did with the Venezuelan girl.

She wants the D, and wants her first experience to be exotic.

"Me llaman el desaparecido
Que cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido"

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Quote: (04-13-2015 10:57 AM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  

No, that's completely different. Not sure how that in anyway connects logically.

Also, not everyone's first time having sex is awful or terrible. Mine certainly wasn't. I've also popped 3 cherries, and they all had a good time.

And a girl's first sexual experience can certainly have a big impact on her long term and how she instinctively seeks and reacts to sex.

Ask any guy who's spent time in Asia how quickly these girls who have never even cum before morph into little sex kittens after you've turned them out a few times.

Sure, if the girl has a terrible first time, she may not be as quick to try again, but to act like her future boyfriends are going to be forever tormented by her low libido is simply not accurate.


Also, I'm not sure you give this girl enough credit. Part of the appeal to her could be the very fact the she knows he is a foreigner and is going far away. I devirginized a 17 year old Venezuelan once when I was 22, and we fucked for a week solid and I taught her a lot, and she definitely wasn't looking for someone from her social circle with all the complications that can have.

5 years down the road, I was back in Venezuela, and we hooked up for a solid week of very hot sex, in one case involving a day long coke binge. She had turned into a wild one who loved to fuck day and night. Good times. My nickname for her was Venezuelan oil girl, since her dad was one of the top dogs at PDVSA.

So you think the future men in her life are going to appreciate that she's now a coke whore? [Image: lol.gif]

There's nothing wrong with banging sluts, but it seems that your stance here is that we should actively seek to turn women into sluts, which we'll have to agree to disagree on. I fuck girls and get them off because I like to, not because I'm trying to leave some lasting psychological impression on them that forever shapes their dating life.

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Spot on about the friendliness of Colombian people. When guys worry about other dudes cockblocking or being confrontational in the club, I just shake my head.

As long as you are a social and easy-going guy, you're going to have more than a great time on your nights out. Odds are you might make some Colombian friends along the way, too. I remember the moment in fine detail: I approached this gorgeous blonde girl with her group of friends. I hesitated for a sec because there were more guys than girls in the group. Besides a fun dance with the girl, the guys ended up pouring me some guaro and we took a couple shots together.

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Fisto I can tell from reading these posts that you've grown since the 'invades SEA' days, which wasn't even that long ago.

Great to read. [Image: smile.gif]

It's interesting about the microbiome stuff.

I would have guessed from your symptoms that you're experiencing adrenal fatigue, a thyroid issue or both.

I wouldn't have even suspected gut flora as a primary culprit (if in fact it is).

Now you've got me curious about my own gut population, think I'll mail some poo in.

Couldn't hurt to find out where I'm at in terms of gut health.

How much did it cost? And how the hell do I mail poo from Thailand?

But I digress.

This thread's making me miss Medellín; the month of my life.

Have a great trip, disfruta-se.

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Quote: (04-13-2015 10:59 AM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  

Quote: (04-13-2015 10:43 AM)Fisto Wrote:  

I can tell she loves me, and I remember what it was like to be far away from the person you love when you're that young.

I feel like if I fuck her like that she will go head over heels, and I also don't want her interfering in my life outside of here.

Trust me, it's still on my mind.

I am going to keep seeing her so we will see.

edit - damn right after I see Enigma's post about my morals

How would she interfere with your life?

Just bang her out. Maybe take her on a long weekend somewhere nice. That's what I did with the Venezuelan girl.

She wants the D, and wants her first experience to be exotic.

No. I think she is unsure of what she wants. She likes to be close to me but she wants me to be happy with her and is willing to do what I want inspite of her uncertainty.

Who knows, it may happen but I want it to happen in a way that doesn't have to do with me trying to use little bullshit mind games that everyone here is so fond of.

She's a good girl, and I don't want to use that against her.

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Quote: (04-13-2015 11:50 AM)Nascimento Wrote:  

Spot on about the friendliness of Colombian people. When guys worry about other dudes cockblocking or being confrontational in the club, I just shake my head.

As long as you are a social and easy-going guy, you're going to have more than a great time on your nights out. Odds are you might make some Colombian friends along the way, too. I remember the moment in fine detail: I approached this gorgeous blonde girl with her group of friends. I hesitated for a sec because there were more guys than girls in the group. Besides a fun dance with the girl, the guys ended up pouring me some guaro and we took a couple shots together.

To give a comparison; if you go to the Dominican Republic in Santo Domingo, the clubs will be full of whores, and people sitting separately. Guys will get semi confrontational and while there is dancing, everyone is kind of keeping to themselves at their own tables.

In Colombia, everyone is open to interacting with each other. The men may eye you suspiciously, but just a smile and a raise of your glass and they are cool (even if it's a bottle of water you're drinking like me).

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Quote: (04-13-2015 12:27 PM)VincentVinturi Wrote:  

Fisto I can tell from reading these posts that you've grown since the 'invades SEA' days, which wasn't even that long ago.

Great to read. [Image: smile.gif]

It's interesting about the microbiome stuff.

I would have guessed from your symptoms that you're experiencing adrenal fatigue, a thyroid issue or both.

I wouldn't have even suspected gut flora as a primary culprit (if in fact it is).

Now you've got me curious about my own gut population, think I'll mail some poo in.

Couldn't hurt to find out where I'm at in terms of gut health.

How much did it cost? And how the hell do I mail poo from Thailand?

But I digress.

This thread's making me miss Medellín; the month of my life.

Have a great trip, disfruta-se.

Yeah, I had my thyroid tested and it came back normal. I had everything tested actually. All in normal ranges. The doctors were acting like I was crazy or stupid or both. I still suspect adrenal fatigue but because of the microbiome issue and my dependency on caffeine. I'll post a separate thread on the lifestyle page explaining everything in more detail. But it costs about 100 bucks, and they mail you a kit that you use, which you send back.

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Quote: (04-13-2015 12:46 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

No. I think she is unsure of what she wants. She likes to be close to me but she wants me to be happy with her and is willing to do what I want inspite of her uncertainty.

Who knows, it may happen but I want it to happen in a way that doesn't have to do with me trying to use little bullshit mind games that everyone here is so fond of.

She's a good girl, and I don't want to use that against her.

Fair enough, only you know what you want to do. I was not trying to encourage mind games, in fact the opposite. Look at the situation for what it is - she is a very young woman with raging hormones who clearly wants to get some experience, and you are an unencumbered man who can give it to her.

Otherwise, what's your endgame? To start some chaste long term relationship or hookup long distance friendship? I'm not sure how deeply one can connect with an 18 yr old...I think since I turned 25, I have been with a total of 9 women in the 17-19 yr old range. The gap in emotional and intellectual maturity was more and more apparent the more time I spent with them, so whatever initial love/infatuation feelings I had, those faded quickly, and the only thing in common was physical.

In general I think one should be careful about "good girl" mythology and putting the pussy on a pedestal.

"Me llaman el desaparecido
Que cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido"

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Quote: (04-13-2015 11:32 AM)Enigma Wrote:  

So you think the future men in her life are going to appreciate that she's now a coke whore? [Image: lol.gif]

There's nothing wrong with banging sluts, but it seems that your stance here is that we should actively seek to turn women into sluts, which we'll have to agree to disagree on. I fuck girls and get them off because I like to, not because I'm trying to leave some lasting psychological impression on them that forever shapes their dating life.

LOL. I don't think I turned her into a coke whore. I think I just helped her come out of her shell and be more outgoing. She is a wealthy Venezuelan, so international travel and lots of partying and lots of sex would likely have happened even without my influence.

My position is not that we should actively seek to turn women into sluts. My position is that we should give women what they want and not have any qualms about it, and not think about whether or not we are corrupting some chaste damsel's virtue. I think that when a 30 something gringo, and a tight bodied 18 year old latina get together, it should be pretty clear what the reality is.

Anyhow, just my 2 cents, YMMV.

"Me llaman el desaparecido
Que cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido"

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