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Flake aversion techniques

Flake aversion techniques

The other aspect to this too is tailoring your game to what works best for you; looks and personality-wise. There are other variables too, such as how you met them and what kind of personality they have etc. Typically with online dating a little more care is generally required to ramp your average girl up for a meet, unless you have model good looks. If you are in the top 10% of looks you have a boatload of leeway in how you game a girl.

Flake aversion techniques

Quote: (03-26-2015 08:14 AM)RDF Wrote:  

^ Blurred, I've been meaning to ask, with girls on Tinder, have you noticed a correlation between the time you're taking to build comfort and the number of flakes you're getting? Early on over Tinder, I'd spend up to 4-5 weeks talking to a girl before we meet up; I wasn't texting her 30 times a day, but several basic texts and often some Snapchat. Not a single one of those girls flaked. Now, I'm doing more of a quicker game when I'm pushing for the meet-up 2-3 days after we start talking/exchange numbers (mainly due to advice I read on the Tinder thread), and I feel like my flake rate has become ridiculous over the past month. It makes me think that the best way to reduce flakes is to build more comfort over time, hence making you a higher priority in her mind. However, that obviously takes more effort, so its questionable whether the extra effort is worth the reduced flaking. Have you noticed this?

Man, I used to keep detailed spreadsheets of this shit, because I thought I could crack the code.

I thought FOR SURE there would be some correlations between time from first message to bang. I recorded all kinds of other variables too, like had I gone direct or indirect, did we talk on the phone or only text, what is our age gap, etc.

I thought FOR SURE there must be some correlations between how much "comfort" I've built, and how quickly I can get her into bed or out on a date.

But, I've never found enough evidence to support one theory over another. There aren't even any patterns that emerge, at least not consciously.

Some girls are "nice girls" (for real) and I've banged them the SAME DAY I first messaged them. Other girls have taken MONTHS to even get out on a date, and then they turn out to be dirty sluts! Some girls give me very very little to work with before we meet up, and then they are like different people when we meet - totally open, free-spirited, etc.

Sometimes it throws me for a loop, because many times girls don't match the impression I get from them via texting. Surprisingly, a lot of girls are really bad at texting.

I wish I could tell you there was some rhyme or reason to this, but if there is, I've yet to find it.


So what is the lesson here as it relates to flake prevention?

I think it's that there is no one formula that's going to work every time. As you get more experience, you'll pick up on subtle queues from not just what the girl is saying, but how she is saying it, and when she is saying it.

You'll develop a "flake detector" and you'll have a very good feeling whether or not a girl is going to flake on you. If you are seeing the red flags early on in the interaction, then you can counteract them and take appropriate measures, like qualifying her or building rapport.

These days, I have a good instinct as to whether or not a girl will flake, but I've yet to master it.

The other threat here is building TOO MUCH comfort, which is a mistake I make sometimes. If you're not mysterious enough, and you haven't left enough stones unturned, then what reason does a girl have to meet you?

It's a balance between building enough comfort, but not too much to kill the mystery.


To give you some perspective:

I've number-closed roughly 65-70 girls since January 1st. 17 of them I have banged. I don't remember how many I met, but it was probably close to 35.

The other 50% were duds or they flaked.

Could the other 50% have been potential bangs if I had built more comfort? Maybe, but realistically only a few % would have converted with more comfort building. And with the effort it would have taken, I know I am better off pursuing different leads.

So really, the best flake aversion is to just bump up your numbers and put more girls in the funnel.

Flake aversion techniques

Quote: (03-24-2015 10:38 AM)heavy Wrote:  

A lot of flaking is exacerbated/diminished based on your face-to-face interaction to begin with.


While I commend you on your problem solving mindset, I think you're focusing on the wrong aspect of your game. instead of worry about preflake strategies, you should be focusing on your Point of Sale strategy.

Did you make a genuine connection with the girl?

Did you have good eye contact and good body language?

Were you dressed nice?

Did you establish man to women chemistry?

Lastly, and I'm quoting from Good Looking Loser's philosophy here. If she flakes, she probably wasn't sexually available to begin with EVEN IF SHE WANTED TO FUCK YOU.

That's why always aim for instadate and if possible, to try and fuck right away. That's your best anti-flake strategy, fucking them good.

Flake aversion techniques

Wait..what? 100% flake rate with younger chicks?? I bet you guys didn't make a connection in the first place.

#1 way to prevent flaking and improve life in general:


Flake aversion techniques

Quote: (03-25-2015 09:46 PM)YossariansRight Wrote:  

Quote: (03-24-2015 05:54 PM)DarkTriad Wrote:  

A couple of warning signs like equivocating language -

"Where do I pick you up?" "Oh, not sure where I'll be yet, I'll tell you later"

This means you're a back plan with a 2% success rate.

Any equivocating = "If you're not sure you can make it, let's reschedule for another time".

Not really a recovery technique, but it sorts out time wasters.

Any other practical tips out there?

I have a friend that sends emoji icons as his response to flakes.

I don't bother replying to flakes. I just delete the number. I ignore any retries on their part. I used to text this as a reply to retries: "Been busy. No prob.", but I decided douches aren't worth even 4 words. My "GFY" is said through my silence, through my eliminating them from my existence. Flake = gone.

Like I wrote over on "Roosh V" earlier today: I find myself losing interest more and more's a combo of me becoming less and less tolerant of them and them getting worse. Flaking being a huge part of them getting worse.

Bottom line is, if she's interested in you, she won't flake. Flaking occurs because she got a "better" offer or has other options. That's why having a rotation of women is critical; you don't need the flaking douches.

I figured this was as good a thread as any to put this in.

I'm out of town now and lined up a date with a 20 year old I met online. She texted me first...and I was skeptical even though she said she wanted to meet. So, 20 minutes before the meet time today, I texted her, " on my way...I'll grab a table. you still good on time?"

she texted back: well, since I'm not going back to your hotel with you it probably won't work sorry" Of course, I never mentioned a hotel...just getting together for drinks. So, this bitch wasn't even going to text me to tell me she wasn't showing...even though the previous text said she'd be there at 9. I just had that gut feeling which made me send the confirm text and I'm glad I did so I didn't waste a 5 minute walk down the street to go to the bar. I couldn't resist hammering her with this text:

"Good thing I double booked another girl at 9.30 in case you flaked! I had a feeling you were based on your on off tone this week. I know 20 year old girls pretty well"

got her hamster spinning:

her: haha...well at least it worked out for you.

then....her 10 minutes later after me texting nada: I couldn't have made it on time anyway I35 is bumper to bumper.

Me: *nothing*

In actuality, I do have another girl that's been eagerly texting me all day who's going to be here in about 30 minutes ( hotel bar downstairs at hotel I'm staying at) She's not quite as hot as the 20 year old in the pictures, but still a strong 23 year old body from what I can tell.

So...I guess that's another flake "aversion" technique. That is, double book. If you're dealing with these uber inconsiderate young need to double book or even maybe triple book to make sure you get face to face with a real girl that night. Of course, online dating is probably more susceptible to flaking as you've not had a face to face yet with no real chance for connection.

- One planet orbiting a star. Billions of stars in the galaxy. Billions of galaxies in the universe. Approach.


Flake aversion techniques

Nice work dawgie

Flake aversion techniques

Roosh's post today is totally relevant:


It used to be that when your penis was inside a girl, you’d get at least a future courtesy date, but now even that is going out the window, because by the time you contact her for another encounter, she’s already on the next guy who can better fulfill whatever degenerate fantasy the media has installed into her brain. If keeping a girl on the line is hard enough when you already fucked her, I’m sure you can understand the importance of pushing all interactions to the bed as quickly as you reasonably can before that.

The biggest mistake you can do is assume you will ever see her again, even if she made a declaration that she likes you, enjoyed the conversation, and can’t wait to meet for a future date. You’ll walk out of that bar thinking you have a solid prospect on your hands and then not even thirty minutes later another guy gives serves up a decent enough game that in her mind makes her think a little bit too hard on whether you are as worthy as she initially thought. The dating market is so fluid and free, with such little lag for the time it takes girls to meet new men, that sitting on a girl’s number for more than three days has the same effect as throwing it in the garbage can.

Flake aversion techniques

Quote: (03-26-2015 10:22 PM)robreke Wrote:  

her: haha...well at least it worked out for you.

then....her 10 minutes later after me texting nada: I couldn't have made it on time anyway I35 is bumper to bumper.

Me: *nothing*

And while you are being bitter and silent I'm sending her photos from my buddy's art gallery where she's meeting me later. And just like you I also double booked with a couple other chicks..

Radio silence isn't always the best answer homie..

Flake aversion techniques

Quote: (03-27-2015 07:40 PM)philosophical_recovery Wrote:  

Roosh's post today is totally relevant:


It used to be that when your penis was inside a girl, you’d get at least a future courtesy date, but now even that is going out the window, because by the time you contact her for another encounter, she’s already on the next guy who can better fulfill whatever degenerate fantasy the media has installed into her brain. If keeping a girl on the line is hard enough when you already fucked her, I’m sure you can understand the importance of pushing all interactions to the bed as quickly as you reasonably can before that.

The biggest mistake you can do is assume you will ever see her again, even if she made a declaration that she likes you, enjoyed the conversation, and can’t wait to meet for a future date. You’ll walk out of that bar thinking you have a solid prospect on your hands and then not even thirty minutes later another guy gives serves up a decent enough game that in her mind makes her think a little bit too hard on whether you are as worthy as she initially thought. The dating market is so fluid and free, with such little lag for the time it takes girls to meet new men, that sitting on a girl’s number for more than three days has the same effect as throwing it in the garbage can.

Roosh's post hit real close to home and was very synchronistic with what I have just experienced. Wrote about it in another thread, met a chick who portrayed herself as a "good girl", Christian, goes to church, got out of a 3 year relationship, etc.

I thought I should take it a bit slower, ended up banging on the 4th date, things seemed kind of shaky pre-bang, but the sex was real good (at least I thought so), she seemed all blissed out afterwards, and said she was looking forward to seeing me again.

I made plans to see her for a Wednesday night date, and then she ended up flaking on the same day with some B.S. excuse about being overwhelmed with work. When I tried to rescheduled she put me off, then when I waited a couple days and hit her up again about hanging out she didn't even reply to my text.

All of this left me pretty confused because she had claimed that she liked me, I got the bang after 4 dates, and based on past experience I thought it would be for sure we'd hang out and have sex again.

Then poof out of no where she flakes on our date, and doesn't even respond to my text. I decided that was enough disrespect and flakiness, so I've gone radio silence and it's been about two weeks now.

I got nothing else going on, so unless I get some action or at least some new prospects this weekend, I may shoot her a "hail mary" text to see if I can set up another date for next week. I'm pretty much assuming that there's very little chance she'll come through, but I figure it may be worth a try since she's a petite hot 8/10 brunette with green eyes, basically my type.

Even if somehow she does come through, she's pretty much proven not to be worthy of anything more than just a shag, though at one point I was really digging her and deeming her "girlfriend material", which in retrospect was retarded of me.

It just goes to show how girls often times put up a front about "being a good girl" when in reality they're acting like little players and are riding the carousel with a bunch of dudes, all the while sampling, and picking and choosing from their "cock buffet."

Most likely I lost momentum with this chick and even though I thought the sex was good and she seemed to really enjoy it, she's probably got other dudes in the mix, and has a constant barrage of new guys adding in their bids.

As a game aware man having taken the red pill, this behavior should be yesterday's news, but it still sucks when you sometimes hold out hope that this one really is a "special snowflake" and things will work out and be more meaningful. The sad reality is that Roosh is right and finding a quality chick who isn't acting like a player or riding the carousel is like finding a needle in a haystack.

Flake aversion techniques

Quote: (03-28-2015 12:28 AM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

Quote: (03-27-2015 07:40 PM)philosophical_recovery Wrote:  

Roosh's post today is totally relevant:


It used to be that when your penis was inside a girl, you’d get at least a future courtesy date, but now even that is going out the window, because by the time you contact her for another encounter, she’s already on the next guy who can better fulfill whatever degenerate fantasy the media has installed into her brain. If keeping a girl on the line is hard enough when you already fucked her, I’m sure you can understand the importance of pushing all interactions to the bed as quickly as you reasonably can before that.

The biggest mistake you can do is assume you will ever see her again, even if she made a declaration that she likes you, enjoyed the conversation, and can’t wait to meet for a future date. You’ll walk out of that bar thinking you have a solid prospect on your hands and then not even thirty minutes later another guy gives serves up a decent enough game that in her mind makes her think a little bit too hard on whether you are as worthy as she initially thought. The dating market is so fluid and free, with such little lag for the time it takes girls to meet new men, that sitting on a girl’s number for more than three days has the same effect as throwing it in the garbage can.

Roosh's post hit real close to home and was very synchronistic with what I have just experienced. Wrote about it in another thread, met a chick who portrayed herself as a "good girl", Christian, goes to church, got out of a 3 year relationship, etc.

I thought I should take it a bit slower, ended up banging on the 4th date, things seemed kind of shaky pre-bang, but the sex was real good (at least I thought so), she seemed all blissed out afterwards, and said she was looking forward to seeing me again.

I made plans to see her for a Wednesday night date, and then she ended up flaking on the same day with some B.S. excuse about being overwhelmed with work. When I tried to rescheduled she put me off, then when I waited a couple days and hit her up again about hanging out she didn't even reply to my text.

All of this left me pretty confused because she had claimed that she liked me, I got the bang after 4 dates, and based on past experience I thought it would be for sure we'd hang out and have sex again.

Then poof out of no where she flakes on our date, and doesn't even respond to my text. I decided that was enough disrespect and flakiness, so I've gone radio silence and it's been about two weeks now.

I got nothing else going on, so unless I get some action or at least some new prospects this weekend, I may shoot her a "hail mary" text to see if I can set up another date for next week. I'm pretty much assuming that there's very little chance she'll come through, but I figure it may be worth a try since she's a petite hot 8/10 brunette with green eyes, basically my type.

Even if somehow she does come through, she's pretty much proven not to be worthy of anything more than just a shag, though at one point I was really digging her and deeming her "girlfriend material", which in retrospect was retarded of me.

It just goes to show how girls often times put up a front about "being a good girl" when in reality they're acting like little players and are riding the carousel with a bunch of dudes, all the while sampling, and picking and choosing from their "cock buffet."

Most likely I lost momentum with this chick and even though I thought the sex was good and she seemed to really enjoy it, she's probably got other dudes in the mix, and has a constant barrage of new guys adding in their bids.

As a game aware man having taken the red pill, this behavior should be yesterday's news, but it still sucks when you sometimes hold out hope that this one really is a "special snowflake" and things will work out and be more meaningful. The sad reality is that Roosh is right and finding a quality chick who isn't acting like a player or riding the carousel is like finding a needle in a haystack.

I've had similar situations like yours. Didn't want to believe in AWALT, but it is very true and an accurate description of the world in which we live. While there may be the occasional snowflake out there, there are not enough of them out there to be "statistically significant". In reality, there are no special, unique snowflakes out there.

"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro" -- Hunter S. Thompson

"Knowledge without mileage is bullshit" -- Henry Rollins

" go ahead and run down the hill and fuck one of those cows. But me, I'm going to walk down and fuck 'em all" -- Wise Old Bull

Flake aversion techniques

^Coping with this is making me step up my game.

I keep on catching myself in loops of making excuses why I'm not approaching more. It got to me last night, and began to kill my mood. I keep remembering all of those instances of flakes, past lays, etc. I had a few good streaks and the past two weeks I'm dragging. It's difficult to get over at first, and every now and then the sting of rejection bites. Especially when you happen to see some girls you've banged and had flake on you show up.

You start second guessing yourself.

"I'm taller, more built, a better dresser, and better looking than him. Why did she flake on me? *laugh*"

Sometimes, this becomes a source of humor for yourself. Other times, a source of despair. Personally, I really have to keep these thoughts and feelings in check, because they can quickly wreck my night if I let them.

There's still a part of me inside that doubts myself, that I have to contend with most of the time. I know my quality attributes, but I let the loser me of 10-15 years ago call the shots instead of the much more improved me. I'm starting to think that focusing on my inner game in some way is going to pay dividends. My occassional bouts of bad inner game are pushing me to chicks I know are below what I'm capable of. And that just hurts more. I like it when I'm more "on" and just approach the 7's and 8's with cockiness.

Inner game is the only way to win in the long run. Otherwise, you'll rot like a pierced apple.

Flake aversion techniques

Quote: (03-27-2015 07:40 PM)philosophical_recovery Wrote:  

Roosh's post today is totally relevant:


It used to be that when your penis was inside a girl, you’d get at least a future courtesy date, but now even that is going out the window, because by the time you contact her for another encounter, she’s already on the next guy who can better fulfill whatever degenerate fantasy the media has installed into her brain. If keeping a girl on the line is hard enough when you already fucked her, I’m sure you can understand the importance of pushing all interactions to the bed as quickly as you reasonably can before that.

The biggest mistake you can do is assume you will ever see her again, even if she made a declaration that she likes you, enjoyed the conversation, and can’t wait to meet for a future date. You’ll walk out of that bar thinking you have a solid prospect on your hands and then not even thirty minutes later another guy gives serves up a decent enough game that in her mind makes her think a little bit too hard on whether you are as worthy as she initially thought. The dating market is so fluid and free, with such little lag for the time it takes girls to meet new men, that sitting on a girl’s number for more than three days has the same effect as throwing it in the garbage can.

Yeah, Roosh posted something similar to that a while ago too. Something like I mentioned in this thread:

The fact that he needs to keep hammering it on again and again it's telling. And remember, this is Roosh, a battle-hardened veteran player who have approached more girls than your 6 figures income. If HE has to deal with flakes and has no guarantee he will see a girl again, what chance do you think newbies like us have if you keep playing the number to date game?

I'm not saying this to be morbid or anything, just saying we need a change of tactic/strategy and fine tuning our first date bang/SNL strategy because that seems to be the name of the game nowadays. Actually, scratch that, I've fucked a few girls running the first date recipe to a T, woke up with passionate makeouts, then the girl still suddenly go ghost. This happened to my good looking game aware wing too, but he's too drowned in pussies to care.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

Flake aversion techniques

I was actually flaked on, or so I thought yesterday. Background on her.. she's new to the town, met on tinder, HB7-8. Here's the convo:

Me: Ok I'll let you know where tomorrow.
Her: Okay [Image: smile.gif]
Me: Let's meet at Bar xyz at 9. (1pm)

I didn't hear anything so I went out with my team.. then she responds at (10:30pm)

Her: Yeah. I got lost and came home. I don't know the area, and my data is used up. So, navi was out. Tried to follow verbal instructions, but got lost and it took me almost an hour to find my way back home. I suck. Hope you're having a good night G. And know, I didn't flake. I just simply could not find my way.

She's on her way over to my place right now [Image: ky.gif]. I wonder why she didn't text me or something to confirm or ask for directions so this text doesn't convince me she didn't flake. I've never had a girl say something like that though lol. I think the fact I didn't ask if she was going to make it, or confirm again was a flake aversion technique. When a girl asks me for a second time if I am going to join her or drinks or whatever, it's an instant needy turnoff.

Flake aversion techniques

Not to get all doom and gloom.

I had a flake matrix worked up just for this. This factor and that factor. Age as correlated with her state of mind, your opposing views on her SMV, online/offlne.... But bottom line, chick's are gonna flake, even after you bang them.

I like meaningless, fun, and casual sex as much as the next man.

But damn, can't I have something else?

Blue pill/pre-game days - All I wanted was a GF for that steady supply of sex. Turns out that other shit was actually really dope too, and the sex was just the cherry on top.

Learning the Game made me realize that I can get the cherry with some effort, and most of the time these chicks liked me enough to want to be my main.

I don't know if it's my age, if it's the times, or if it's the red pill - but it seems the only sort of pleasure I can derive from chicks nowadays is *only* sexual. There was an intimacy that was part of the deal. It's not the sort of thing you get from family, much less your boys - just something you shared with your broad.

She wanted you and needed you, and you got to be someone that was wanted and needed.

Early on I learned when you deal with chicks not on your level, your in a situation with her but you're actually by yourself. Chick can't add anything to your life. After a while her beauty has no effect on you, and you've grown bored with the sex. It's great while you're having it, epic even - but it's not much of a draw.

"Chill, I'm tryna watch Black Sails"

And these chicks don't seem to be happy.

Ennui I guess


Flake aversion techniques

Quote: (03-28-2015 11:13 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Not to get all doom and gloom.

I had a flake matrix worked up just for this. This factor and that factor. Age as correlated with her state of mind, your opposing views on her SMV, online/offlne.... But bottom line, chick's are gonna flake, even after you bang them.

I like meaningless, fun, and casual sex as much as the next man.

But damn, can't I have something else?

Blue pill/pre-game days - All I wanted was a GF for that steady supply of sex. Turns out that other shit was actually really dope too, and the sex was just the cherry on top.

Learning the Game made me realize that I can get the cherry with some effort, and most of the time these chicks liked me enough to want to be my main.

I don't know if it's my age, if it's the times, or if it's the red pill - but it seems the only sort of pleasure I can derive from chicks nowadays is *only* sexual. There was an intimacy that was part of the deal. It's not the sort of thing you get from family, much less your boys - just something you shared with your broad.

She wanted you and needed you, and you got to be someone that was wanted and needed.

Early on I learned when you deal with chicks not on your level, your in a situation with her but you're actually by yourself. Chick can't add anything to your life. After a while her beauty has no effect on you, and you've grown bored with the sex. It's great while you're having it, epic even - but it's not much of a draw.

"Chill, I'm tryna watch Black Sails"

And these chicks don't seem to be happy.

Ennui I guess


^ I know you know this WIA, but I'm just expanding on your observations.

To get a girl like that, you have to find her in a traditional more rural area of the U.S. or go abroad. Girls in the big cities are all like this in my experience so far:
* way too many of them tatted up.
* start off college majoring in psychology....then usually switch.
* like getting drunk all the time with friends on weekends.
*want to live it up and be crazy before settling down ( I actually had a date with a 20 year old I met online last night who used these exact words....she was also the psychology major....perfect prototype of big city US girl)
*have a desire to 'travel' or describe themselves as well traveled- explore strange new beds, to seek how new cocks and new boldly go where no slut has gone before....
* already have or are starting to get too many piercings ( usually starts out with extra earrings on non traditional fucked up parts of the ear)
* and of course, they've already experienced a plethora of cock. Some of them, even at the tender ( tinder ) age of 19-20. Once a girl reaches the 'breaking point' as calibrated by cock count, I think something in her heart/ soul changes and she becomes rougher, less responsive to male ( even males she is attracted to) advances. I call them 'rough sluts' to describe the toughened callous which has grown on their hearts.

I was on another date with this girl who was talking about chopping her hair short and she said "I dunno, I'm like...if someone tells me I can't do something, I'm just going to do it" (ie...'I am woman...hear me roar!" "I'm a Go Grrrrrl " ) I'm thinking to myself 'what an unattractive thing to hear coming from a young woman on a first date' Oh yeah, she had tats.

Also, some of them are 'confused' about their life direction and life goals. So they're 'exploring their options'.

I don't want to condemn all of them as some of them I've encountered have a seemingly modicum of 'sweetness' left but probably not most.

Of course this has been written about well including Tuth's articles on Return of Kings about 'signs of a slut'. It's just now that I travel to these big cities and actually see it for it really brings it home.

And yes, the flaking is off the charts. I literally triple booked dates last night. One girl flaked. Two showed. Actually that's better than I thought it was going to go.

In the end, I think it as Roosh has explained. That is, feminism and the culture and what the culture and the media is proclaiming has done this to these American women.

The only deal with these more rural girls, and I live in a more rural part of the country, is of course, they're less slutty and less open minded and much more cliquish with what society thinks of them. I'm an older guy and like banging 20 somethings. It's easier for me in the cities and tougher back home where I can get girls attracted, and sometimes bang, but long term relationship may not be there.

I'm enjoying big US city surfing for now, but I would like to settle down one day. I'm setting my sights on foreign girls later this year to see if I can find a beautiful virtuous, loving feminine woman. Damn, that almost sounds like pie in the sky as I typed those words, but isn't that what you were describing? Isn't that what most men want in the end?

- One planet orbiting a star. Billions of stars in the galaxy. Billions of galaxies in the universe. Approach.


Flake aversion techniques

Fellas if you find a Woman that is worth sticking with don't let her go easily, she may be the last decent Woman you encounter in your entire life.

I am in the process of killing any inner hope inside myself that if my (Japanese) Wife and I don't work out I can always go to Japan or Korea and get another one.

No, it is lamentable that the odds of finding a Woman this compatible with me and is not full of shit even in East Asia is slim to none. So if you get a good one enjoy the ride for as long as you can. And once the ride ends, don't have any false confidence or irrational expectations that you will get the same thing again.

Resign yourself to the fact that the odds are stacked against even the most expert macks at finding a good Main partner in crime. And focus on building other areas of your life such as fame, fortune and health.

Flake aversion techniques

Quote: (03-29-2015 10:42 AM)GlockTrigga Wrote:  

Fellas if you find a Woman that is worth sticking with don't let her go easily, she may be the last decent Woman you encounter in your entire life.

I am in the process of killing any inner hope inside myself that if my (Japanese) Wife and I don't work out I can always go to Japan or Korea and get another one.

No, it is lamentable that the odds of finding a Woman this compatible with me and is not full of shit even in East Asia is slim to none. So if you get a good one enjoy the ride for as long as you can. And once the ride ends, don't have any false confidence or irrational expectations that you will get the same thing again.

Resign yourself to the fact that the odds are stacked against even the most expert macks at finding a good Main partner in crime. And focus on building other areas of your life such as fame, fortune and health.

I strongly disagree. If you find a good woman you have to be very careful about squeezing to tight. Chicks can sense desperation from a mile away and if she feels like you're holding on to her or over valuing her she will balk. The best advice on avoiding flakes is to be aloof. Tell a girl you're going to be places then don't go. She'll text you if she shows up and you're not there. I discovered this accidentally while on a business trip. Met a girl, told her I'd go be out at a local club the next night if she wanted to hang. Emergency came up at work and I had to stay at the plant all night. Chick kept on calling and texting asking where I was. Then we finally went out a few nights later and she was all over me. As stated above - be the guy who flakes on chicks.

Flake aversion techniques

Quote: (03-29-2015 12:15 PM)Ensam Wrote:  

Quote: (03-29-2015 10:42 AM)GlockTrigga Wrote:  

Fellas if you find a Woman that is worth sticking with don't let her go easily, she may be the last decent Woman you encounter in your entire life.

I am in the process of killing any inner hope inside myself that if my (Japanese) Wife and I don't work out I can always go to Japan or Korea and get another one.

No, it is lamentable that the odds of finding a Woman this compatible with me and is not full of shit even in East Asia is slim to none. So if you get a good one enjoy the ride for as long as you can. And once the ride ends, don't have any false confidence or irrational expectations that you will get the same thing again.

Resign yourself to the fact that the odds are stacked against even the most expert macks at finding a good Main partner in crime. And focus on building other areas of your life such as fame, fortune and health.

I strongly disagree. If you find a good woman you have to be very careful about squeezing to tight. Chicks can sense desperation from a mile away and if she feels like you're holding on to her or over valuing her she will balk. The best advice on avoiding flakes is to be aloof. Tell a girl you're going to be places then don't go. She'll text you if she shows up and you're not there. I discovered this accidentally while on a business trip. Met a girl, told her I'd go be out at a local club the next night if she wanted to hang. Emergency came up at work and I had to stay at the plant all night. Chick kept on calling and texting asking where I was. Then we finally went out a few nights later and she was all over me. As stated above - be the guy who flakes on chicks.

Also have plates (other FBs) that you're servicing. It greatly reduces neediness and enhances your ability to confidently flake to keep your other girls "in line".

- One planet orbiting a star. Billions of stars in the galaxy. Billions of galaxies in the universe. Approach.


Flake aversion techniques

Guys I am not advocating for squeezing tight. Just don't have unrealistic expectations about future prospects. There are plenty of fish in the sea but what many big motivational speakers, PUAs and legends won't tell you is that most of them have toxic levels of cadmium, mercury and bullshit circulating in their veins and are therefore inedible. This obviously goes for Women as well.

Flake aversion techniques

Best thread on this subject:

Flake aversion techniques

Quote: (03-29-2015 10:27 AM)robreke Wrote:  

Quote: (03-28-2015 11:13 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Not to get all doom and gloom.

I had a flake matrix worked up just for this. This factor and that factor. Age as correlated with her state of mind, your opposing views on her SMV, online/offlne.... But bottom line, chick's are gonna flake, even after you bang them.

I like meaningless, fun, and casual sex as much as the next man.

But damn, can't I have something else?

Blue pill/pre-game days - All I wanted was a GF for that steady supply of sex. Turns out that other shit was actually really dope too, and the sex was just the cherry on top.

Learning the Game made me realize that I can get the cherry with some effort, and most of the time these chicks liked me enough to want to be my main.

I don't know if it's my age, if it's the times, or if it's the red pill - but it seems the only sort of pleasure I can derive from chicks nowadays is *only* sexual. There was an intimacy that was part of the deal. It's not the sort of thing you get from family, much less your boys - just something you shared with your broad.

She wanted you and needed you, and you got to be someone that was wanted and needed.

Early on I learned when you deal with chicks not on your level, your in a situation with her but you're actually by yourself. Chick can't add anything to your life. After a while her beauty has no effect on you, and you've grown bored with the sex. It's great while you're having it, epic even - but it's not much of a draw.

"Chill, I'm tryna watch Black Sails"

And these chicks don't seem to be happy.

Ennui I guess


^ I know you know this WIA, but I'm just expanding on your observations.

To get a girl like that, you have to find her in a traditional more rural area of the U.S. or go abroad. Girls in the big cities are all like this in my experience so far:
* way too many of them tatted up.
* start off college majoring in psychology....then usually switch.
* like getting drunk all the time with friends on weekends.
*want to live it up and be crazy before settling down ( I actually had a date with a 20 year old I met online last night who used these exact words....she was also the psychology major....perfect prototype of big city US girl)
*have a desire to 'travel' or describe themselves as well traveled- explore strange new beds, to seek how new cocks and new boldly go where no slut has gone before....
* already have or are starting to get too many piercings ( usually starts out with extra earrings on non traditional fucked up parts of the ear)
* and of course, they've already experienced a plethora of cock. Some of them, even at the tender ( tinder ) age of 19-20. Once a girl reaches the 'breaking point' as calibrated by cock count, I think something in her heart/ soul changes and she becomes rougher, less responsive to male ( even males she is attracted to) advances. I call them 'rough sluts' to describe the toughened callous which has grown on their hearts.

I was on another date with this girl who was talking about chopping her hair short and she said "I dunno, I'm like...if someone tells me I can't do something, I'm just going to do it" (ie...'I am woman...hear me roar!" "I'm a Go Grrrrrl " ) I'm thinking to myself 'what an unattractive thing to hear coming from a young woman on a first date' Oh yeah, she had tats.

Also, some of them are 'confused' about their life direction and life goals. So they're 'exploring their options'.

I don't want to condemn all of them as some of them I've encountered have a seemingly modicum of 'sweetness' left but probably not most.

Of course this has been written about well including Tuth's articles on Return of Kings about 'signs of a slut'. It's just now that I travel to these big cities and actually see it for it really brings it home.

And yes, the flaking is off the charts. I literally triple booked dates last night. One girl flaked. Two showed. Actually that's better than I thought it was going to go.

In the end, I think it as Roosh has explained. That is, feminism and the culture and what the culture and the media is proclaiming has done this to these American women.

The only deal with these more rural girls, and I live in a more rural part of the country, is of course, they're less slutty and less open minded and much more cliquish with what society thinks of them. I'm an older guy and like banging 20 somethings. It's easier for me in the cities and tougher back home where I can get girls attracted, and sometimes bang, but long term relationship may not be there.

I'm enjoying big US city surfing for now, but I would like to settle down one day. I'm setting my sights on foreign girls later this year to see if I can find a beautiful virtuous, loving feminine woman. Damn, that almost sounds like pie in the sky as I typed those words, but isn't that what you were describing? Isn't that what most men want in the end?

Hey brother I agree and that's what I want. But do you really see it getting progressively worse? And do you see this in all parts of the U.S.? And do you honestly think it is all of them or a majority? Do you see this from cold approach as well as online prospects?

I travel a lot and I am starting to set my sights on mid tier cities. Using my unique and more refined looks to attract them. Hopefully that works.

"Go get yourself some"

Flake aversion techniques

Quote: (03-29-2015 07:35 PM)redbeard Wrote:  

Best thread on this subject:

After a particularly flakalicious February, I spent quite a bit of time thinking about this and I feel the following 2 strategies could mitigate to some extent

i. a scaled down version of Distant Light's game Obviously DL has lifestyle on lock, but if you don't, inviting them to some event, or made-up 'good time' event gives them more incentive to show. That is what entire social gathering situation like bbq's, house parties, pool parties, outdoor events are built on. Just invite and combine with some sense of adventure. Or even ramp up a date to drink wine by telling her of 'this awesome XXX place that does YYY. Did you know River Pheounix OD'ed and died right outside can you believe that omg' [sorry a little over the top]

ii. either stick to decisive, logical texting focusing on escalating to a near-future date, or if you plan to have extended interactions via text, make sure to deliver some comedy/teasing and not being too logical (e.g How was your day? My meetings went great. r we still on for ZZZ OMG CANT WAIT)

One final thing I've been trying is setting a first date time/place on the first interaction when number closing to increase the barrier to flaking. It has worked zero percent of the time, but my sample size is 2 and for one I was cockblocked by St Patricks day, so I'm going to test some more

Flake aversion techniques

What do you guys think of this strategy?

I've been texting girls day-of confirmation texts to the tune of "Still on for drinks tonight?"

Some of you think it's borderline needy, and I agree. Haven't figured out anything else though.

As I live 10 minutes from campus I'm thinking this kind of confirmation might be better: "Hey, let's meet up at campus @ 8 pm. 10 min walk to my neck of the woods."

More assertive and less needy I think. Yes, flaky chicks are gonna flake and I've begun to realize it's not always me. But still, some things are in the details.

Flake aversion techniques

Quote: (04-07-2015 07:27 AM)DarianFrey Wrote:  

What do you guys think of this strategy?

I've been texting girls day-of confirmation texts to the tune of "Still on for drinks tonight?"

Some of you think it's borderline needy, and I agree. Haven't figured out anything else though.

As I live 10 minutes from campus I'm thinking this kind of confirmation might be better: "Hey, let's meet up at campus @ 8 pm. 10 min walk to my neck of the woods."

More assertive and less needy I think. Yes, flaky chicks are gonna flake and I've begun to realize it's not always me. But still, some things are in the details.

If you want a "confirmation text" then send one 30 mins before meetup saying you are gonna be 15 mins late.

Flake aversion techniques

What has always worked for me as a confirmation text is on the day of the date, usually late morning to mid day I'll send out "Hey xxx looking forward to meeting you tonight at x". To me it doesn't feel as needy as "are we still on for tonight?" and I'm assuming the date is still on. Depending on what kind of communication we've had pre date, if I can tell the woman's interest level is high and she's a reliable and quick texter, I'll send another text "leaving now" when I'm about to head out to where we're meeting. That way if she's running late I'm not left looking like a chump waiting around for her.

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