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How to deal with slander and character assassination from ex-girlfriends or lovers

How to deal with slander and character assassination from ex-girlfriends or lovers

I have a problem that I want to put into discussion that is of character assassination that results from a breakup which as when such a girl develops a bad perception of you and dislikes or hates you. Start gossiping and spreading rumors about you to her friends(the female borg collective) as well as to your entire social circle to your friends and families, slandering you to them and hamstering abuse that did not actually occur in the relationship making you out to be an asshole or an abusive lover a woman beater or if children are involved as a child molester.

What should we do as men to shirtcircuit that and prevent them from character assassinating you hence turning everyone around you, your friends and family against you?

How to deal with slander and character assassination from ex-girlfriends or lovers

Yeah, I have had to deal with this several times in my life. The first few times were in High School when a few FWB relationships ended. One of the last times was years ago when I was still living in the dorms in college and had just broken up with my gf of several years. The way I found out about it?

One day I got into the elevator with a backpack full of beer to go and party with a few new friends. This is a sex-segregated dorm with men on one side and women on the other but both could visit the other side during specific hours...I think it was up till 1am or something. So, I get into the elevator to go down a number of floors and the next floor these two hotties get on. I play it a bit cool and ask them if they want to come party with me. They looked at each other, put on that repulsed "eww creep" type of face and then said, "Are you [troll king], Alexis's ex?" Me, I was a bit stunned and basically said yeah and asked if we had met before. They hit the button for the next floor and scrambled off as if they recognized me as an axe murderer or something. I was left standing there in shock. I later learned she was spreading all sorts of info about me to the girls on the other side of the dorm.

Here is how I would handle this:

High School: The best thing to do is simply ignore it. Present yourself to your friends and others as the exact opposite of whatever she is saying about you. It will blow over in a few weeks. If you are lucky like I was then you will make out better in the end. I lost a few friends for a few weeks and was shunned a bit but after awhile people realized that she was full of shit and butthurt and then they shunned her and a number of people apologized to me. Simply put yourself forward as better and it will become obvious that she is full of shit. For me it was actually good, it worked as pre-selection in a weird way in that a number of girls looked at how butthurt she was and then how I was acting and I guess, looking back on it, they decided I was worth pursuing due to how bitchy she was. I got laid by one girl and the other later became my gf.

College: I would say to do the same as before but to also just say fuck it and find a new social circle. If you are a freshman then I guarantee you, with the exception of maybe super small liberal arts colleges, that the people you hang around with and party with right now...well, you won't be talking to them this time next year. At least not most of them. If you go to a big state U, then there are plenty of people that won't ever know anything about you and making friends is easier at this time in your life than it ever will be. So, get out and meet new people.

Graduate school/Job/Specialized Program/Whatever: Ever heard the saying "You don't shit where you eat." There is a reason for that. So, if you have fucked up and fucked a girl in your program/onyourteam/inyouroffice/whatever then do what I first said and simply act in a way that will make people think she is the one making things up. Don't talk shit about her or anything like that. If you hear something or someone asks you about it then just say, "Wow. She really said that. I don't know why she would say something like obviously isn't true...I am just kinda shocked..." and leave it at that.

I would also recommend, especially if she is claiming that you harassed or harmed her, to get in front of it by going to management and simply telling them that you heard xyz rumor and that it isn't true and that you want them to know about it and that you would like to be reassigned to some area where you won't be in contact with her. DO NOT GET aggressive or demand she be punished. If she is saying you are harassing her and you claim you are not but you also want her written up or whatever then they may see that as you using the system to further harass her. I know it is fucked up, but the best thing to do is simply move on and put as much distance between yourself and that drama as possible. Again, don't shit where you eat. Losing some friends and making new ones is a lot easier than getting fired or kicked out of a graduate program and having to start over.

Now, I guess if she has notified the authorities the best thing to do is deny, deny, deny, and GET A LAWYER.

My .02$.

Women these days think they can shop for a man like they shop for a purse or a pair of shoes. Sorry ladies. It doesn't work that way.

Women are like sandwiches. All men love sandwiches. That's a given. But sandwiches are only good when they're fresh. Nobody wants a day old sandwich. The bread is all soggy and the meat is spoiled.

-Parlay44 @

How to deal with slander and character assassination from ex-girlfriends or lovers

I have been subject to this type of behavior also.

But then I realized that the only people who will believe to such slender are blue pill people who believe a woman's words and tears and demonize men.

In other words those people who already have a prejudice against you because you are a masculine no apology type of guy will believe slander against you and will show their true colors of negativity and hate towards you. Be grateful they do so sooner than later. Sadly this might be the majority of people in this age, but still you will know that they are the herd then.

People who are red pill or simply have a strong mind and opinion will take slander with grain of salt and will not be swayed. They will make their opinion about yourself themselves.

When such a situation happened to myself I quickly understood who has the potential to be a real ally in my life and who doesn't and it turned my life for the better.

If you get kicked out of job or some other community because of this - this might hurt, but remember that this only shows that they were only tolerating or using you before, you were never truly welcome.

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