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Females Deterred From Violence If Subject To Physical Retaliation

Females Deterred From Violence If Subject To Physical Retaliation

I don't go around starting fights, but I've always believed that a female should be responded to like a man the moment she initiates physical aggression. A female assailant has signed away her womanhood for that moment.

A bouncer, in a historically working class neighborhood, recently put a beating on a female patron. Bouncer requests female patron and her boyfriend leave the venue. Boyfriend wants to fight the bouncer and gets his ass beat for it.

ass whooped's gf tries to play the captain save a bro role by striking the bouncer, and he answers by giving her a beating.

Girl who got beat up by the bouncer ends up sitting outside the venue crying as the cops came. It seemed she got in trouble. Everyone sided with the bouncer.

anyways, were the female witnesses deterred from resorting to violence in the future after they saw this female assailant take a beating for it

A huge and oftentimes correct assumption female assailants make is he won't swing back at me because I'm female. This gives them the courage to strike.

There's a nightlife neighborhood in my city that's extremely liberal, known as our city's gay neighborhood, so female empowerment and 'equality' is at its highest. In this neighborhood people have been brainwashed to have extreme white knight attitudes.

I've seen bitches shove guys hard and even sock them a few times. These boys simply took it with no answer.

One time a drunk female cheap shot a friend of mines with hook that left him bleeding. His swiftly responded by throwing her ass onto the pavement mma style. Then some white knight, who witnessed her starting the physical confrontation, lets out some mess about how he can't do that to a girl.

Very few guys in this neighborhood respond with self-defense to female initiated violence. This leaves the females unchecked, and they believe it's a license to one-sided violence.

Females Deterred From Violence If Subject To Physical Retaliation

In slavic countries, 90% of girls know that they will get at least a good smack across the face if they get physical. Some of them do it anyway just to get a good manly putdown that will get them in check.

Females Deterred From Violence If Subject To Physical Retaliation

I don't really care who's trying to beat me up. If you attack me, I'm going to defend myself.

I may not win, but I'm not going to stand there while somebody beats me bloody.

If you're not fucking her, someone else is.

Females Deterred From Violence If Subject To Physical Retaliation

Some cultures poison the minds of men where they can't hit a woman back. It's called self defence. Nobody male or female has the right to touch anyone. White knights are idiots.

Females Deterred From Violence If Subject To Physical Retaliation

It's a testament to how much culture can put a check on people's behavior- no guy these days wants to be associated with the stigma of being the sort of man who hits women. Even if that means taking physical abuse without ever lifting a finger to stop it. And it's because of this that women can pretty much hit men with impunity.

I've had this happen in my own family with my mother and step-father. At least when it's in a public venue you have witnesses to attest to the fact that the female is the one who escalated things into a physically violent confrontation. When it happens in the domestic sphere men really become the villain if they strike back.

Females Deterred From Violence If Subject To Physical Retaliation

I have never had an altercation with a female that required a no shit beat down.

I have however, had to subdue women several times. In reality, I know a 110lb woman isn't going to hurt me very badly, she may connect with a punch but ill wrap her up and put her on the ground faster than she can blow off a text from her newest orbiter. There is no need to straight up a punch a chick because of her overactive emotions.

If the time comes where a behemoth of a female gets aggressive with me, I have absolutely zero qualms about laying a good right cross into her jaw. One hitter quitter. I'm not a huge guy but i doubt theres many females who cross my path that can take a good punch to the jaw. She will have to throw the first punch, because my lawyer told me so (and I have asked him about it).

I'm also positive that some females due it simply as a massive shit test against your masculinity. When a girl you have slept with throws a tantrum and throws a punch, you take the hit (or dodge, cause chances are shes going to massively telegraph), wrap her up, put her on the ground, and let her run out of energy. Some chicks get off on that shit. They are normally the crazy ones, but they are also normally the most fun.

God'll prolly have me on some real strict shit
No sleeping all day, no getting my dick licked

The Original Emotional Alpha

Females Deterred From Violence If Subject To Physical Retaliation

Guys don't hit females because they fear police reprisals.

If I were you, I'd be wary of hitting any girl in public.

Females Deterred From Violence If Subject To Physical Retaliation

I've had some girls get rough with me. Try to hit me or whatever.

I've never hit back. I just take them down to the grown and wrap them up in a judo pin and let them struggle until that start to comprehend the massive differences between the relative strength capabilities of the two sexes. At some point I might laugh at them and belittle them if their confidence in their physical abilities needs to take a further hit.

Generally, I find them once they are wrapped up, telling them to knock it off in a very stern masculine voice does a great deal of good.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Females Deterred From Violence If Subject To Physical Retaliation

The problem with wrapping a girl up on the ground is theres a good chance you will take a kick straight to the face by a white knight. The fact that you are on the ground will give them even more false confidence because they know you don't be able to retaliate quickly, and maybe not at all if the kick is a good one.

Females Deterred From Violence If Subject To Physical Retaliation

In a few generations, I suspect men won't give a shit when men get violent with women.

Females Deterred From Violence If Subject To Physical Retaliation

Quote: (07-20-2014 11:58 PM)RioNomad Wrote:  

The problem with wrapping a girl up on the ground is theres a good chance you will take a kick straight to the face by a white knight. The fact that you are on the ground will give them even more false confidence because they know you don't be able to retaliate quickly, and maybe not at all if the kick is a good one.

If a woman gets violent with you in public with witnesses, just fend off the blow and walk away.

If it's a woman you don't know, call the police and press charges. She might get off easy, but it should be fun regardless.

If it's a women you do know, never speak to her again.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Females Deterred From Violence If Subject To Physical Retaliation

The white knights are once again following feminist propaganda dating back to the 1800s. Because the obedience complex of white knights means never questioning the propaganda they're fed.

As it became apparent that the army with the most soldiers won wars, governments started to emphasize population growth, and reducing infant mortality was part of this. Pregnancy became emphasized. "Wife beating" was declared a public health problem because it increased infant mortality.

Much of the propaganda used to sell Prohibition to the US public was that the (usually pictured as Irish) lower class would spend all their money every Friday getting drunk, would come home intoxicated and beat their wife, and then their wife and children would starve with no money left. Wife Beating hysteria then was about the same as Rape hysteria is today --a narrative grossly over-amplified in occurrence rate and severity, sold with half-truths, outright lies from biased sources, and logical inconsistencies.

The magic bullet sold to the public was "Ban Alcohol and wife beating will cease!" Don't waste time researching domestic violence rates, salary and household budget, or other facts --we already have the solution!

And so only after Prohibition's failure was it was found that the lower class was making starvation wages. Eliminating a Friday drink didn't make a damn difference in putting more food on the table.

That workplace injury rates were high, and that employers had been blaming women's workplace injuries on husbands to avoid making basic safety improvements at the mills, factories, and sewing shops that lower class women worked in.

And that the infant mortality rate wasn't the result of husbands beating their wives, but from poor food and water quality, bad shelter, bad sanitation (particularly the lack of sewage), and infectious disease.

There is something off about the wife beater social movement originally intended to decrease infant mortality rates now being used to make barren, unchildbearing spinsters untouchable, particularly when out themselves getting drunk and then attacking men.

"Alpha children wear grey. They work much harder than we do, because they're so frightfully clever. I'm awfully glad I'm a Beta, because I don't work so hard. And then we are much better than the Gammas and Deltas. Gammas are stupid. They all wear green, and Delta children wear khaki. Oh no, I don't want to play with Delta children. And Epsilons are still worse. They're too stupid to be able to read or write. Besides they wear black, which is such a beastly color. I'm so glad I'm a Beta."
--Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

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