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Native American girls can be fucking beautiful. I ran into a lot throughout New Mexico and was just staring. I was younger and with family so that's my excuse for not talking to them.

I'm sure a decent looking Native American could do some serious damage if they wanted to. Tall, dark brown, straight thick black hair. Also, LOTS of white girls claim they have some Native American tribe in their ancestry lol. A Native American could definetly use that to his advantage.


Quote: (02-28-2011 07:19 AM)nomadicdude Wrote:  

I figured it would be helpful if we all put our collective experiences together regarding options for Indian dudes around the world. I'm 30, born and raised in the US, and I've traveled a good amount.

I've broken down my opinions into three categories based on places to (1) hit on Indian girls; (2) hit on local girls; and (3) hit on traveling tourist chicks. Please add your opinions.


America: Indian girls born and raised in the US are generally really liberal. Places like NYC, DC, Boston Chicago, Vegas, SF, and LA are good for desi dudes and you can generally score pretty quickly if you have your shit together, including one night stands. I'd place NYC at the tops based on the pure numbers of desi chicks there, though the large amount of educated guys there does make it somewhat more challenging. I'd rate LA at the bottom of these cities just because the car culture makes pre-gaming with your friends and post-adventures with girls more difficult.

Canada: from my experiences Canada is better than the US because the desi girls there tend to be hotter, especially since Canada doesn't have the obesity problem of the US. Also there are tons of desis in Vancouver and Toronto, and fewer of them seem to be FOBS. In Vegas I've had some success targetting Canadian Indian girls - they tend to be wild.

UK: the hottest desi chicks I've seen have been in the UK, but they seem to be more stuck up and slightly more conservative. I haven't partied enough in London to figure it out but it seems you need to have a Brit accent to really get in their pants there. My dream is to bang a hot Brit Indian chick. One day I hope....

South Africa: the ugliest Indian chicks I've ever seen were in Durban but the nightlife is good and the girls are pretty liberal. Definitely a place you could score if you stayed long term, I hooked up with a couple. It helps that Desi South African dudes are dickheads like dudes in India. They're generally super overprotective and gangsta wannabes, so if you know how to behave you can impress chicks there.

Dubai: I was surprised that there are a lot of westernized desi chicks in the clubs, I think they grew up in Dubai attending Brit/American schools. Problem with Dubai is getting into the clubs in the first place if you are a dude. That alone makes it a crappy place, but I think there is scoring potential there, though it's not worth the effort. Besides, I feel disgusting being in a city with so many FOB Indian dudes who've never seen a woman before.

Australia/NZ: I've never partied down there but the desi chick travelers I've seen from down under seem pretty liberalized. This is one scene I need to check out.

Singapore/Malaysia: definitely more conservative than elsewhere but I've managed to hook up with Singapore Indian chicks before. Its just a lot more difficult to get in their pants, as they want a relationship first. There looks are all over the place, some real hotties, some real nasty ones.

India: the absolutely worst place on Earth to hit on Indian girls. I've made out with lots of FOB Indian chicks in America, but never gotten in a single ones pants. They have completely different mentalities. Sure, Mumbai is a little more liberal but even there girls typically only hook up with guys they are dating long term. The whole idea of just hitting on each other in clubs is a foriegn concept. Even in other places in Asia when I've hit on chicks from India it has been a waste. A total disaster, especially when some don't even have good hygience. I'll admit though that I've seen some mega hot chicks in Mumbai.

Other places: I didn't party in Trinidad & Tobago but I saw a couple okay desi chicks. I'm not sure if the desi party scene is that tight there and some of the desi chicks look trashy. I haven't been to Fiji or Guyuna yet, but I've hooked up with a couple cute Fijian Indian chicks in America and they seem to be less conservative than other Indian chicks as they don't have nearly as much religious/cultural baggage.

I'll write about local chicks and traveler chick places next. Gotta run. Please add anything you can think of. I'm really interested in the experiences of other desi dudes.

The chicks in New Zealand arent that great, im pretty sure Indian dudes would pull in Sweden or places close to it


im going to foward this link to my buddy./


Are there any indian guys here that went to Argentina or Spain and pulled girls?


I used to date a girl from Argentina but she looked White though, then she told me how most people there are just Europeans, what a good way to learn about the world

I found this thread kinda useful but I think these topics in general are overplayed. If you are Indian and look FOB then you are fuarked, if you are Indian but look like Roshan, the world is your oyster. Hit the gym brahs!


and omg we have indian guys asking about indian girls?

seriously, you guys have some low self esteem, work on that at first

I have been to Colombia, Texas (not a country), Canada, Holland, and Brazil. Nailed a good looking girl in Brazil, Texas, and Canada. The rest of the countries I did not go to get laid.

WOOD POST PICS OF SOME OF THOSE GIRLS BUT NOOOOOOOOOOO, there is a limit, hence why I bumped this stupid thread reeking with guys of low self esteem, so I can offer advice and post pics.


so here is my travel guide for Indian men

Indian brahs with level 99 insecurity that post threads like this and analyze girls bit by bit, hitting on girls they think they have a "chance" with and avoiding girls that are known to hate their kind or w/e:

travel back home to India and get yourself an arranged marriage

Indian guys with decent looks, good style, and good character that have confidence.

You can do good in Mississippi, Texas, Sweden, Norway, France, the world is your oyster.

I will post pics of girls I have been with and dated (only some) to prove a point. Don't matter since both are whoring their facebook pics.

[Image: 2ufzk11.jpg]
[Image: beaupv.jpg]
[Image: 2j0bnrs.jpg]

To add to the list I have nailed:

1. An Aussie Brunette that said she would usually not even do a Brown guy
2. A Southern Girl whose parents would "kill her" if she dated or got with a guy that wasn't White
3. A Black girl that only dated "Brothas"
4. A California Blonde that had only slept with White guys and had bad opinions on interracial relations

quit being such p*ssies


and btw, look up "Keiran Lee" aka Suneet Patel, that guy is Indian, has banged the most girls on

quit being such p*ssies


Quote: (04-24-2012 10:34 PM)LurkerBrah Wrote:  

I will post pics of girls I have been with and dated (only some) to prove a point. Don't matter since both are whoring their facebook pics.

One of the many places the "girl you've dated" appears online:

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter


Hell hath to fury as a woman scorned!

The point of modern propaganda isn't only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth.
- Garry Kasparov | ‏@Kasparov63


judging by the comments and article eastern europe(ukraine russia etc), and norther europe (sweden finland norway ) will work well in a desi guys favour

also really white areas where you can play the exotic appeal helps like poland and denmark or japan(my bengali friend's father almost married a girl he met in kyoto when he was studyin there)
even russell peters said if youre indian go to ireland cause youll be
exotic..making the approach alil easier.....[Image: banana.gif]

remember even white guys strike out with asian girls(happened to mark zolo aka naughtynomad with a japanese teen and some normal lookin dude on youtube) or black dudes striking out with white girls

game is everything even if you are supposed to have an edge in the local market[Image: whip.gif]

for gaming desi girls, best to keep a chastity belt on them and keep em at home[Image: catlady.gif]


Quote: (04-25-2012 06:42 AM)xmlenigma Wrote:

Hell hath to fury as a woman scorned!

This is one of the comments in an article about that case??? WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!????

"I can't bear to think of the dreadful abuse this poor woman must have endured. Battered women can only take so much; I hope she finds the strength to get through this ordeal. Shame on the police for treating a woman this way."

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling


I just registered on this forum to post about topics concerning the former Soviet Union. I'm a white American, but I lived in Moscow for several years, and I thought you should all know that I had an Indian friend (Indian national, studying in Russia) who absolutely CLEANED UP with the Russian ladies. The nationalism element is always present and I wouldn't tell any minorities (at least those who would be minorities in the USA) to go anywhere besides Moscow, as even St. Pete's has bad problems with racist violence. But my friend did incredibly well in Moscow, better than any of the rest of us in that circle of friends (we were all white). So from what I saw, it's certainly an option and the only place I've seen in the Former Soviet Union where Indian dudes had an advantage over foreign white guys. In most of Eastern Europea Indian guys are taken to be gypsies. I went with a friend to his grandparents' cabin in Slovakia, with another Indian friend, and they immediately took him for a gypsy (he was born and raised in the US).


lookin through forums and comments nordic nations and eastern europe is defiantly a place where desis can play(plus russian girls seem to be infutuated with the indian family values thanks to bollywood) in sweden an norway this latin guy got plenty of attention(dark hair eyes an skin)...remember anders brevik used to get pissed when norweigin girls rejected him over and pick a pakistani dude
the nonsensor commenter on this page confirms the girls go for dark features(his algerian friend does well)...another middle eastern dude says the same thing on returnofkings...just cant remember which post

switzerland would be interesting too(1 desi did well there) asian guys seem to do well in europe so should indians(europeans arent big on the macho thing as much as compared to the anglosphere...hence asian an desi do better in europe..gentlemen)
iceland is great too since its boring there an will get laid whenever..ull be exotic

if scoring here do the SURREY JACK thing like Bindy Johal,Randy Naiker an Dosanjh BROS
pretty commoon to see indian dudes with white women(espically during the 90s an 2000s)
like that time its was super rare to see desi girl with white guy...though lil more common now....but now seein desi guys with latin an asian for a time quite a few asian boys with white in vancouver....quite a few desi gigglos dont belive me on in surrey vancouver canada ull get some..learn to be alpha

just build your body to build confidence ...starting strength and stronglifts is a good way to start...good to get the book too(do combat sports after boxing mma etc to be more interestin an confidenat)
learn the its free
approach and read to be interesting
when goin online use this
kinda figured this stuff on my own ..but this guy nailed it[Image: heart.gif]

remember lotta bollywood stars have white mothers(their dads knew game) brandon chillar his dad is indian an mom is white
in singapore most interracial marriages is an indian groom an chinese it
east asia japan korea philipines a desi guy can do well there(not as well as white but better than venues can help) on the japantoday forums ull always see a desi dude with a japanese girl bt never the other way around[Image: catlady.gif]

in uk for every 100 desi girl with white guy theres 150 desi guys with white women(pakistani an bengali guys really pulled through on the difference..learn from them)


Quote: (03-02-2011 09:05 AM)nomadicdude Wrote:  

I agree about the comment that Indian dudes are usually one step behind even if they grow up in western countries. They likely grow up in families that are more conservative than most other families, so in high school they aren't doing the stuff others are. Then in college they might finally start to try to catch up but by that time everyone else is doing even more liberal stuff. Then after college they probably reach a good level but by that time they have pressure to marry and end up just settling into a LTR. I know a LOT of Indian guys who ended up getting married in their 20's only to end up really bitter and miserable mainly because they never messed around enough. It's sad.

long but very interesting article about East Asians, but from what you've said also about South Asians and how they're behind the curve socially. (also read the comments at the end)


in japan being a foreigner helps..obviusly white bein number 1 blacks indians middle easterners latinos have done fine(1 peruvian nerd on youtube did well there)....though this has some disagreements but...bein exotic helps


Quote: (12-13-2012 05:39 PM)unknown Wrote:  

lookin through forums and comments nordic nations and eastern europe is defiantly a place where desis can play(plus russian girls seem to be infutuated with the indian family values thanks to bollywood) in sweden an norway this latin guy got plenty of attention(dark hair eyes an skin)...remember anders brevik used to get pissed when norweigin girls rejected him over and pick a pakistani dude
the nonsensor commenter on this page confirms the girls go for dark features(his algerian friend does well)...another middle eastern dude says the same thing on returnofkings...just cant remember which post

switzerland would be interesting too(1 desi did well there) asian guys seem to do well in europe so should indians(europeans arent big on the macho thing as much as compared to the anglosphere...hence asian an desi do better in europe..gentlemen)
iceland is great too since its boring there an will get laid whenever..ull be exotic

if scoring here do the SURREY JACK thing like Bindy Johal,Randy Naiker an Dosanjh BROS
pretty commoon to see indian dudes with white women(espically during the 90s an 2000s)
like that time its was super rare to see desi girl with white guy...though lil more common now....but now seein desi guys with latin an asian for a time quite a few asian boys with white in vancouver....quite a few desi gigglos dont belive me on in surrey vancouver canada ull get some..learn to be alpha

just build your body to build confidence ...starting strength and stronglifts is a good way to start...good to get the book too(do combat sports after boxing mma etc to be more interestin an confidenat)
learn the its free
approach and read to be interesting
when goin online use this
kinda figured this stuff on my own ..but this guy nailed it[Image: heart.gif]

remember lotta bollywood stars have white mothers(their dads knew game) brandon chillar his dad is indian an mom is white
in singapore most interracial marriages is an indian groom an chinese it
east asia japan korea philipines a desi guy can do well there(not as well as white but better than venues can help) on the japantoday forums ull always see a desi dude with a japanese girl bt never the other way around[Image: catlady.gif]

in uk for every 100 desi girl with white guy theres 150 desi guys with white women(pakistani an bengali guys really pulled through on the difference..learn from them)

oh to add on the self improvement thing gotta stop fappin to internet porn heres reviiews from some guys who got the benefits(im feeling starting to feel all those benefitss too just entering my 2nd month...4 more months to go to beat interent porn and 1 more month on faping(might do an extra 30 days) doin the 90 no fap challenge(miite do an extra 30) and 6 month no porn challenge

dont be like the japanese where 40% of guys arent interested in sex..(herbivore men)..which explains the wierd porn they been desensitized to like...the low birth rate and the japanese girls excitement to meet foreign men

give this up an ull have motivation to work on your active and passive game


Quote: (12-01-2012 10:13 PM)BigDave Wrote:  

I just registered on this forum to post about topics concerning the former Soviet Union. I'm a white American, but I lived in Moscow for several years, and I thought you should all know that I had an Indian friend (Indian national, studying in Russia) who absolutely CLEANED UP with the Russian ladies. The nationalism element is always present and I wouldn't tell any minorities (at least those who would be minorities in the USA) to go anywhere besides Moscow, as even St. Pete's has bad problems with racist violence. But my friend did incredibly well in Moscow, better than any of the rest of us in that circle of friends (we were all white). So from what I saw, it's certainly an option and the only place I've seen in the Former Soviet Union where Indian dudes had an advantage over foreign white guys. In most of Eastern Europea Indian guys are taken to be gypsies. I went with a friend to his grandparents' cabin in Slovakia, with another Indian friend, and they immediately took him for a gypsy (he was born and raised in the US).

ya heard about that that you have first hand experiance to confirm long as you say youre not a gypsy youre good to go...south asian men should head there an learn so russian


Quote: (12-01-2012 06:06 PM)unknown Wrote:  

judging by the comments and article eastern europe(ukraine russia etc), and norther europe (sweden finland norway ) will work well in a desi guys favour

also really white areas where you can play the exotic appeal helps like poland and denmark or japan(my bengali friend's father almost married a girl he met in kyoto when he was studyin there)
even russell peters said if youre indian go to ireland cause youll be
exotic..making the approach alil easier.....[Image: banana.gif]

remember even white guys strike out with asian girls(happened to mark zolo aka naughtynomad with a japanese teen and some normal lookin dude on youtube) or black dudes striking out with white girls

game is everything even if you are supposed to have an edge in the local market[Image: whip.gif]

for gaming desi girls, best to keep a chastity belt on them and keep em at home[Image: catlady.gif]

sorry the links changed on naughtytrolly....its naughty then click city travel guide and look up Kiev an Stockholm naughty nomad .com its mark zolo s site ....nomad keeps changin to troll for some reason


Quote: (12-13-2012 08:41 PM)unknown Wrote:  

Quote: (12-13-2012 05:39 PM)unknown Wrote:  

lookin through forums and comments nordic nations and eastern europe is defiantly a place where desis can play(plus russian girls seem to be infutuated with the indian family values thanks to bollywood) in sweden an norway this latin guy got plenty of attention(dark hair eyes an skin)...remember anders brevik used to get pissed when norweigin girls rejected him over and pick a pakistani dude
the nonsensor commenter on this page confirms the girls go for dark features(his algerian friend does well)...another middle eastern dude says the same thing on returnofkings...just cant remember which post

switzerland would be interesting too(1 desi did well there) asian guys seem to do well in europe so should indians(europeans arent big on the macho thing as much as compared to the anglosphere...hence asian an desi do better in europe..gentlemen)
iceland is great too since its boring there an will get laid whenever..ull be exotic

if scoring here do the SURREY JACK thing like Bindy Johal,Randy Naiker an Dosanjh BROS
pretty commoon to see indian dudes with white women(espically during the 90s an 2000s)
like that time its was super rare to see desi girl with white guy...though lil more common now....but now seein desi guys with latin an asian for a time quite a few asian boys with white in vancouver....quite a few desi gigglos dont belive me on in surrey vancouver canada ull get some..learn to be alpha

just build your body to build confidence ...starting strength and stronglifts is a good way to start...good to get the book too(do combat sports after boxing mma etc to be more interestin an confidenat)
learn the its free
approach and read to be interesting
when goin online use this
kinda figured this stuff on my own ..but this guy nailed it[Image: heart.gif]

remember lotta bollywood stars have white mothers(their dads knew game) brandon chillar his dad is indian an mom is white
in singapore most interracial marriages is an indian groom an chinese it
east asia japan korea philipines a desi guy can do well there(not as well as white but better than venues can help) on the japantoday forums ull always see a desi dude with a japanese girl bt never the other way around[Image: catlady.gif]

in uk for every 100 desi girl with white guy theres 150 desi guys with white women(pakistani an bengali guys really pulled through on the difference..learn from them)

oh to add on the self improvement thing gotta stop fappin to internet porn heres reviiews from some guys who got the benefits(im feeling starting to feel all those benefitss too just entering my 2nd month...4 more months to go to beat interent porn and 1 more month on faping(might do an extra 30 days) doin the 90 no fap challenge(miite do an extra 30) and 6 month no porn challenge

dont be like the japanese where 40% of guys arent interested in sex..(herbivore men)..which explains the wierd porn they been desensitized to like...the low birth rate and the japanese girls excitement to meet foreign men

give this up an ull have motivation to work on your active and passive game

forgot to add this link too
give up porn youll get more motivation to work on your self so you can go out and flag


In the last 24 hours you have managed to resurrect all Indian race related threads, so forgive me for asking..When you stand in front of the mirror, do you see this guy?

[Image: 34xrfcj.jpg]

[Hint: It's ok to say Yes, there are no right answers]


Quote: (12-13-2012 09:56 PM)Swagger Wrote:  

In the last 24 hours you have managed to resurrect all Indian race related threads, so forgive me for asking..When you stand in front of the mirror, do you see this guy?

[Image: 34xrfcj.jpg]

[Hint: It's ok to say Yes, there are no right answers]

lol...he does look alil like me(part indian here) but hes anti pro game
i just had to post cuz i find it rather odd that this concept that desi dudes suck with women. but here in canada (surrey,vancouver in particular) an uk , they do quite well
like parveen chandra dated arianny celeste an he looks like the typical surrey jack(indian gangster)

they have a tough guy image here(all south asians particualry punjabis since they are majority) it even inspired novels and documentrys thanx to the UN GANG, Independant soliders gang,etc. has plenty of indian faces on there

Ranj Dhaliwal authour of Daaku...about indian paul cheema,bindy johal,dosanjh bros,randy naicker etc

the documentry warriors relgion(warrior boyz) is about the wannabe teenage ones 5 parter

this one is about the more serious ones (mentions indocanadian gangs) numerous parts

hit the weights play sports be willing to fight and youll have a confident aura..goto surrey youll see them they have no problem with women[Image: banana.gif] thats how it is there (here in the car theft capital of north america)
in america indians are sterotyped as nerds,..canada complete opposite lol(uk indians have simialr rep)


I'll go along with this. In the Uk we have the reputation of having our shit together. Alot of us are well educated and successful in business, at the same time we're street wise, not afraid to throw down and 'old school' (in the best way possible).

Quote: (12-14-2012 09:59 PM)unknown Wrote:  

Quote: (12-13-2012 09:56 PM)Swagger Wrote:  

In the last 24 hours you have managed to resurrect all Indian race related threads, so forgive me for asking..When you stand in front of the mirror, do you see this guy?

[Image: 34xrfcj.jpg]

[Hint: It's ok to say Yes, there are no right answers]

lol...he does look alil like me(part indian here) but hes anti pro game
i just had to post cuz i find it rather odd that this concept that desi dudes suck with women. but here in canada (surrey,vancouver in particular) an uk , they do quite well
like parveen chandra dated arianny celeste an he looks like the typical surrey jack(indian gangster)

they have a tough guy image here(all south asians particualry punjabis since they are majority) it even inspired novels and documentrys thanx to the UN GANG, Independant soliders gang,etc. has plenty of indian faces on there

Ranj Dhaliwal authour of Daaku...about indian paul cheema,bindy johal,dosanjh bros,randy naicker etc

the documentry warriors relgion(warrior boyz) is about the wannabe teenage ones 5 parter

this one is about the more serious ones (mentions indocanadian gangs) numerous parts

hit the weights play sports be willing to fight and youll have a confident aura..goto surrey youll see them they have no problem with women[Image: banana.gif] thats how it is there (here in the car theft capital of north america)
in america indians are sterotyped as nerds,..canada complete opposite lol(uk indians have simialr rep)


I'd like to share my 2 cents for the browner/darker skinned Indian guys on here.

I'm still learning game, but as a 5'5 Indian guy with a slightly disfigured face.

French girls in Australia seem to be very receptive to me, hooked up with 2.

I avoid local white women and target Vietnamese/Korean asains or tourists. I'm into latinas too, but there are rare here in Melbourne.

Swedish Tourists especially receptive to me, managed to get 1 so far, but never had bad responses from them.

Just make sure to dress the part, have well fitted clothes, wear brighter colors with black or navy jeans or grey chinos with a white shirt..just dress like a man who is well put together, don't have to be fancy, just stand out more.

But most importantly, don't believe your skin color is inferior, racist people are everywhere, I even had a few land whales give me shit about being Indian, and you just respond with something witty back.

Don't be a social retard and have the Indian accent( my accent is a mix between american/south African).

Australia is a hard place to game if you are a short brown guy, but I make it work, target the right places and right girls.

When I finish uni I'll travel to France or Sydney and see how I go.


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