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Oslo data sheet

Oslo data sheet

Oslo is the dirtiest Nordic city I've been through. In the daytime, everyone is extremely shy, but you will catch them stealing glances when they can. As per Roosh's Eye Contact test, I noticed a lot of eye activity as I walked through the center. After dropping my things off, I laced up my sneakers and ran off into a new adventure.

Karl Johans Gate is an interesting place to daygame. On a sunny day it can be just as packed as Times Square. I exclusively went direct during my short stay and managed 3 numbers in my first afternoon. It can get a bit chaotic with the chuggers, street performers and aggressive middle eastern guys (a group of 3 I saw chase down a hipster girl with the slowest guy's shopping bags flailing wildly [Image: lol.gif]), but I managed to stop most of the girls I found attractive. Daygaming in Oslo was a joy (initially); I felt like I was a part of a little secret world that nobody could fathom. Everyone looked away as I built bubble after bubble.

Other options are the Central Station (not recommended due to chaotic logistics) and the two malls in the center. Grünerløkka is another option with its 3 parks and Brooklynesque hipster streets. If you're looking for more posh girls, head over to Frogner or Aker Brygge. Honestly I got lost all around the city and had a blast daygaming everywhere. It helped that my first two days there were gorgeous and sunny.

Day game started to wear me down by the third day as I ran into a swarth of career girls who couldn't be late for their gig, or worse, committed girls who loved the novelty of being gamed directly by an American but had no intention of coming out for adventure.

I stopped one flower power Swedish girl on the street. Everyone glanced at her as she walked by - I had to approach. She loved it from the start; the vibe was electric, we're weaving pictures as the conversation pushed 20 minutes before she dropped the BF bait. Can't idate her because she has to walk back to the apartment and make her boyfriend dinner. "You should really talk to more people, this is great!" as I side step with a "nice to meet you, ciao [Image: wink.gif] "

Oslo is actually quite diverse and I met girls from all over the Baltics, Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the UK, East Asia and Africa. One of the most attractive I saw was a Latvian girl who had such a unique vibe compared to her Scandinavian compatriots. Of course I stopped her as she was on her way to her boyfriend. Again, no idate, total attention suck.

On another evening occasion I managed to stop a girl in the train station, another hippie looking girl, massive rack spilling out of her dress. She leads me by inviting me out for a cigarette, goads me into getting a pint before she has to catch an overnight train. Manage to get her back to the apartment, on the couch, as her brother calls and says he's waiting at the train station. She's going back home and then off to see her boyfriend. Firmly committed to her itinerary, I go for broke and we have shots. Every chance I try and escalate she says "I can't do this with you! You're cool but I love my boyfriend!" After the 4th time I get the nagging suspicion that she's serious. Eventually she says she has to get to the station. An entire evening and a half vodka bottle lost.

It's so frustrating getting fantastic daygame reactions only to be the butt end of attention whoring.

Night game is godawful. Asides from the obvious expensive drinks, all the girls I saw were out in groups of 3 or more. I managed to hook into an all girl group my first night, but they wanted to cab it all the way to the western part of the city, which is more expensive and little did I know had a crew of suited Norwegian business guys waiting to shower them with bottles.

There's the hipster area, the central area and the harbor/western area for nightlife. Your best bet is floating between the hipster and central area - Grünerløkka and Youngstorget respectively. I was in the west end for one night but was so far away from the main action that I never had a chance to explore places like Horgan's or Apenbar.

The weeknights are limited in terms of bar hours and prospects. Most of the day numbers I managed to collect wanted to turn into group hangouts (since Norwegians seem to live for the weekend) or had to shift into long game due to bad timing.

Talked to one girl at a bar who had a business top and short skirt that exposed her buttcheeks. She's blabbering on about the gender pay gap and how she has to act extra manly because she's a lawyer. As she's telling me her sob story (while I glance at her butt cheeks), she proceeds to stuff her gums with 2 pieces of SNUS. I ask her what that's for and she tells me "it's so only real men will talk to me. If they can't handle my breath then they don't deserve to be around me." Looked at her funny and left because her breath smelled horrible. Stay strong, girl.

Another girl in the group asked me if I read "The Game" by Neil Strauss. She started going on about how she agrees with its tactics and that fundamentally, "that's what women want." I can tell game literature has permeated into Norway as the guys were natural at cockblocking, negging and AMOGing. Luckily I managed to get free drinks and smokes by letting them run out of alpha steam.

As I'm starting to make headway with one of the girls, the guys call a bunch of cabs and high tail it to an after party outside the city. Figured as much since there was no way to isolate thanks to the big table.

The best interactions I had were with Swedish girls working in Oslo. The issue is they work so damn much it makes it hard to schedule anything. I had to end up putting 4 Swedish girls on long game rotation. Luckily they want to visit NYC within the year.

On my second to last night I managed to hook a two set at a bar. The one girl and I are bantering, getting comfortable, building rapport as her friend leaves us alone. The group suddenly expands and now I'm at the whims of the mob. Two of the girls want to go clubbing, 2 want to eat, and I just want to extract. We get trapped at a kebab place where I watch my target's vibe flatten, as the alcohol dissipates and the groupthink takes hold. I look at the time and realize I'm on the wrong side of town with only half hour before closing. I do a last second street approach on a freckled redhead who talks my ear off but is firmly committed to catching her bus.

My last night was a real doozy. I ended up at a hipster bar and spotted a short, bubbly assed Swedish girl walking out. In classic Roosh style, "Hey! You look like you're having the most fun here!" Her: "Of course I am! Come join me for a cigarette!"

Random drunken banter, turns out she's an arrogant Swede who flaunts societal convention by thinking she's better than everyone. 5 minutes of making fun of everyone and we're making out and groping. She drags me into the bar, buys me a drink and starts grinding her ass into me as she puts my hand all over her big tits. I bite into her neck like a vampire as she grinds more furiously. White knight farts in our general direction, I spill his $14 beer on him. Her friend comes over and they want to all go out for another cigarette. As we're outside a drunken Norwegian hipster tries macking on my girl's friend. She's not having it and pushes him off as they verbally threaten each other. The third girlfriend joins us and says we should come back in. Bouncer won't let my girl in, says "she's had enough". Wtf I think to myself as we bounce to a nearby bar. Bouncer denies my girl as she starts mildly freaking out. I calm her nerves and tell her it's no problem since I have drinks at my place. As the two friends walk ahead of us, we grab each other and start making out by the fence.

Mama hen is not happy about this and comes over and literally "breaks it up" as the other friend puts her arm around my girl's shoulder. Wtf? Mama hen whips out 2 cigarettes and says I should join her for one. She wants to borrow my jacket and as we get to the third bar, the bouncer denies my girl entry. Mama hen freaks out, throws my girl in a cab and doesn't let me grab her #. My girl had this cold, frozen expression that screamed "I want you now, and I'm stuck in this taxi with my two friends on either side" as the two diabolical cockblockers sneer "nice to meet you!" while the cabbie starts driving off.

[Image: fuckthat2.gif]

For the record, the cockblockers studied in Toronto. The horror... the horror.

Norway was a letdown. I found it easy to strike up conversations, to banter, and even to get sexual. But isolating is so important and Norwegians are very much about sticking together. I saw some hooking up happening at night, mostly coming from social circles or big guys making last call caveman hail mary passes. Norwegian girls are not unattractive physically by any means, but the SNUS issue is very big there, as is a rather conservative, businesslike conformism. They will speak with you of of politeness, but unless you can isolate her, you'll only see a limited range of her personality (as is with most girls).

I'm sure there are gems to be found and I could have followed through on some leads given more time but just how much more time can a person justify? The prices are one thing, but the weather was another. For the early days of summer the weather started out gorgeous at a sunny 75F, then collapsed into wind, rain and nights reaching 45F. I could see the city's vibe flattening as the temperature dropped. Still, it would be interesting to try and game in the dead of winter; going for all the girls who haven't found someone to shack up with.

Also if you're not a Nordic looking fellow, a guy or two the girl knows may interrupt your set at night. Be firm and don't let him drag you into a drawn out conversation. The girl will get bored and leave as the white knight pats himself on the back for a useless job well done.

I would say skip night game, daygame your balls off, but don't be surprised that your good reactions may be negated by a serious relationship. If you're getting her #, make sure you're going to be meeting up one on one, not some lame group hangout. Too many unfavorable variables seem ready to sprout up and cockblock you. While day game was more fun and numerically more fruitful, I think in actuality the best bet seems to be surgical night game, just keep your eye on the prize and isolate. And if you meet any girls who studied in Toronto, do them a favor and shower them in cider and beer.

[Image: popcorn3.gif]

Oslo data sheet

That's a long post to read that you didn't get laid haha.
I was reading each story saying to myself "he's going to hit it this time"...but you didn't !
You put in the effort though I'll give you a Gold star for the trying...frustrating to get no ROI
Better luck next time!

As for the other post referencing the Multiculturalism disaster...some different cultures can ad to a city that has been very mono ...but the problem is Mass unending immigration from backward societies !I f the politicians had any care for the Norwegian society that would End it now!!

Oslo data sheet

Every data sheet I read, it seems the girls in Oslo are terrified of dark skinned guys. Pls tell me that is not true. I would be pissed. I nailed 2 norwegian blondes in London and thought them to be incredibly open and kinda wild.

Oslo data sheet

Havent seen much info on Oslo recently. Am heading there in Feb 2015. Any kind souls provide latest info re: clubs/bars/places to meet chicks.

Oslo data sheet

How did it go then?

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