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Girls and groups of girls out to meet guys, culture related

Girls and groups of girls out to meet guys, culture related

This post is an observation/small reflection of my thoughts.

When I was in Brazil last year, and did several nights out, I made some observations.

Girls and groups of girls are out to meet guys. Sure, they are there to have fun, dance, get attention/feel good as well.

However, they are receptive and encourage guys to approach them. If a guy approaches a girl in a group and they start talking, after maybe some introduction to the group (or not) the girl will peel away from the group, or the group will peel away and let the two talk. If the girl likes the guy, it's on, and he will escalate.

If she doesn't, she will go back to her group, and the guy will approach a new girl.

Of course you have to account for a different culture. Guys are players, and good or bad with girls they approach.

Girls love it, encourage it, and accept the pick up culture with open arms. They either want a cool guy that has game, or a guy that can provide. Ideally a mix of both.

Why isn't it like this in North America?

Yes, you find small groups of girls from time to time that are out like this, but it's very rare. Usually for me to succeed in a club scenario I have to pick out a girl that's strayed from her group or build enough attraction that she doesn't care about her friends when they try to cockblock (it's almost unheard of where I was out in brazil).

The music that is very popular with the young girls crowd in brazil (sertanejo universitario) actually promotes the whole pick up as well. Many songs about guys out to pick up girls for the night, make out with many, take that one cool girl home. Girls love it and go along with it.

I know I must game regardless. But it sucks sometimes when it comes down to it. I feel bad for the average guy who isn't game aware and tries to meet girls at clubs. He's working against almost impossible odds if he is average, and has never experienced a culture that promotes hooking up so much.

Also, it's not as slutty as it sounds. These girls are very smart and have game themselves and are looking for relationships. This part of the country is known for its traditional vibe as well. Basically, if you are an LTR guy or a guy that likes variety and short flings, you can find it here.

Surely the guys familiar with Roosh's writing on Brazil or who are familiar with latin culture, specifically Brazil in general know what I am talking about. If you are one of the guys that isn't, and you have some decent game and can do well in North America for night game, if you were to bypass the language barrier you would kill in brazil.

Just putting some thoughts to paper. It sucks sometimes seeing girls out only for attention whoring around here. Or running into some really cool girls on a night out but having to fight against a group barrier. I have a 'next' mentality on nights out and I don't have the energy to try and plow through a group or mother hens. If only friday nights, girls were thinking, let's go out, as a group, each of us are going to meet a cool guy tonight. I miss that.

Girls and groups of girls out to meet guys, culture related

Quote: (05-15-2014 12:52 PM)Nascimento Wrote:  

This post is an observation/small reflection of my thoughts.

When I was in Brazil last year, and did several nights out, I made some observations.

Girls and groups of girls are out to meet guys. Sure, they are there to have fun, dance, get attention/feel good as well.

However, they are receptive and encourage guys to approach them. If a guy approaches a girl in a group and they start talking, after maybe some introduction to the group (or not) the girl will peel away from the group, or the group will peel away and let the two talk. If the girl likes the guy, it's on, and he will escalate.

If she doesn't, she will go back to her group, and the guy will approach a new girl.

Of course you have to account for a different culture. Guys are players, and good or bad with girls they approach.

Girls love it, encourage it, and accept the pick up culture with open arms. They either want a cool guy that has game, or a guy that can provide. Ideally a mix of both.

Why isn't it like this in North America?

"Why isn't it like this in North America?"

Because from day one, American girls are taught men are oppressors and not inventors, abusers and not lovers, and "the enemy" not your friend. When you're raised with this mindset, you don't connect well with the opposite sex. I got into this in some detail in a thread yesterday about how feminism has poisoned American culture.

I would like to know what Brazilian girls learn in school about men and how Brazilian TV shows and commercials present men. Are the men depicted as predators? Beta bumblers? Doofus dads?

Are there tons of crime shows and medical dramas with female "heroes" and male villains? And in school, do girls learn about "male privilege" instead of male ingenuity? Are they constantly told they earn less money because men pay them less and are they hit over the heads with inflated sexual assault statistics?

Are men told to "check their privilege" there? Or that they're part of "the patriarchy" or "rape culture?"

Is there an equivalent to "ban bossy" down there? Hell, is there an equivalent to Sheryl Sandberg down there?

This all might sound like a Men's Rights Activist rant, but the closer I look at American culture, the more I think they have a point. Fanatical anti-male ideas might start with college professors and authors, but they've seeped into Disney movies and elementary schools.

The attitudes of those Brazilian girls you met at that club did not materialize that night. It took years of invisible cultural forces to make them that way. Same goes for American women.

Instead of thinking about why women are a certain way at the club, we should think about what happened in the 21 years before they set foot in the club.

(Addendum: You'll notice I've left out details about how American women are taught -- or not taught -- to present themselves in terms of dress, manners, and physical fitness compared to Brazilian women. I don't want all my American brothers jumping out of windows en masse because of the visual image that would conjure.)

Girls and groups of girls out to meet guys, culture related

I've been planning and considering my first extended international trip, and this post pushed me over the edge. Thanks for sharing. There's no reason why women wouldn't want to encourage men to approach them and have fun together. Glad to hear this is how it is in other parts of the world.

Read my work on Return of Kings here.

Girls and groups of girls out to meet guys, culture related

Having been to Brazil and witnessed some of this, I'd say it's pretty similar in Russia as well. Women there are more open to approaches and are ok with men being men and women being women (and aren't told men are rapist devils who push them down like in the US). Hell they even try to help you out most of the time by guiding you to the single girls in a large party, at least in my experience.

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

Girls and groups of girls out to meet guys, culture related

Quote: (05-15-2014 12:52 PM)Nascimento Wrote:  

It sucks sometimes seeing girls out only for attention whoring around here.

Actually, I don't even think that's it anymore. I've seriously seen girls rolling solo and just playing with their phones non-stop for 20 or 30 minutes over one drink and then leaving. Also, you have groups of 2 or 3 girls all huddled together pounding away at their phones, not even paying attention to anything that's going on around them until they eventually leave.

They couldn't even care less about not paying attention to whatever is on their phones for two minutes when they go out. I don't even understand why they bother to go out at all anymore. I guess the answer is: they think all the guys that are going to approach them are losers, creepers, stalkers, etc. so why even bother letting any of them talk to you?

Girls and groups of girls out to meet guys, culture related

Quote: (05-15-2014 10:47 PM)Vitriol Wrote:  

Quote: (05-15-2014 12:52 PM)Nascimento Wrote:  

It sucks sometimes seeing girls out only for attention whoring around here.

Actually, I don't even think that's it anymore. I've seriously seen girls rolling solo and just playing with their phones non-stop for 20 or 30 minutes over one drink and then leaving. Also, you have groups of 2 or 3 girls all huddled together pounding away at their phones, not even paying attention to anything that's going on around them until they eventually leave.

They couldn't even care less about not paying attention to whatever is on their phones for two minutes when they go out. I don't even understand why they bother to go out at all anymore. I guess the answer is: they think all the guys that are going to approach them are losers, creepers, stalkers, etc. so why even bother letting any of them talk to you?

"having a great time here with Emma & Christie" - Sent from my Iphone @ 1:30am

Girls and groups of girls out to meet guys, culture related

Quote: (05-15-2014 10:47 PM)Vitriol Wrote:  

They couldn't even care less about not paying attention to whatever is on their phones for two minutes when they go out. I don't even understand why they bother to go out at all anymore. I guess the answer is: they think all the guys that are going to approach them are losers, creepers, stalkers, etc. so why even bother letting any of them talk to you?

This is where it's different in Brazil. Girls don't use the word creep or stalker to define a guy before he approaches. Girls encourage getting approached so they can feel a guy out. If that guy raises some flags it's after approaching her, where she will move on. Girls around here often do that before being allowing themselves to be approached.

Also, consider that in brazil recently there's been a serious obsession over status. Girls there are even more shallow than the girls here when it comes to social presence. They care even more about who they are seen with, how they dress, what purse or watch they are wearing etc.

Despite all this though, when it comes to man-woman interactions, there's still that polarity.

Girls and groups of girls out to meet guys, culture related

My impressions from Brazil though might be different, as all of my observations are from a second tier city (although it's the third largest city in the country). It avoids the westernization extreme that has fallen upon Rio for instance. Despite this, girls are very, very obsessed with smartphones, instagram, Facebook and the like. Brazilian girls spend 2x the amount of time to get ready to go out, and post incessantly on instagram. They are hooked to their phones..

Although when they go out, besides the update they make online, the pictures they post of being out with their friends, they are still keen to be approached and when they do they allow themselves to engage in conversation.

Could also be because the culture in general is much more social as well. It's not uncommon to spend an entire sunday out at a cheap bar drinking beer all day shooting the shit.

Girls and groups of girls out to meet guys, culture related

I have some thoughts on whether women accept a male tourist or not. In my opinion, most women would accept a man if they are interested in him. However, there are also women or groups of women who are willing to spend time with a male tourist for other reasons. Some do so out of openness and curiosity because they want to meet new people, while others do it out of warmth and hospitality. In these cases, they might spend a few hours showing the tourist around their city, so that he doesn’t feel lonely and, ideally, has a great time.

When I take the Balkan countries as an example, I recall certain things. I’ve heard that Croatian women like to spend time with male tourists, even though some of them are married. Therefore, it’s advisable to ask beforehand if they are taken, as this is not always clear from the start. I believe their motivation often lies in openness and hospitality.

Serbian and Albanian women also seem generally open to hanging out with a male tourist, but without any sexual intentions, as the culture of one-night stands is not as widespread in these countries. However, I’m not entirely sure if openness and warmth are the only reasons for this or if interest in the man is also a prerequisite.

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